mmtntt VOL. XXIII. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1902. NO. 41. REAR ADMIRAL HIGGINGON DIRECTOR NAVAL BATTLE. Mi SCHOOL NOTES OF INTEREST Apportionment of School Fund A Word About the Insti tuteSchool are Closed. FAIR CLOSES AT ALTURAS Successful Series of RacinjThe Lake County Ball Team Octs the MoneyPoor Game. CARR LOSES HIS APPEAL federal Appellate Court Affirm Opinion of l.ower Court That I'cntcH Hunt Come Down. 'I'lii- 1'nlted Stales circuit Court f AppcnlH, sit ting In San I'ihih Ii u hi ( li tulH-r lit Ii, rendered a tltt-lslou III I III' CltHC (if III Jl'HHt 1 1. ( 'I it Lund anil l.lM'Htm k ( ' tn i ut tiy ngaiiiHt tin I'lilifil Si ii lex continuing Hi'" decree In favor iif flu' Government, which UIIH glVI'll ll.V 111!' I'lllll'll SlutCH i liiiili r.niii furilif nuirlri of Ore. yon. Tin net loll, w hlch It Ih believed will In' call'li'd iih hi mil iih PohhIIiIc llllll till' I'lllted SIllll'H Sllll'l'llll' j I mill, iih In-gnu In I he lioM-l'li-j -it t t iIhhimm-hh tin' .li-HM' t iirrj miri i n of certain hi Mir In in U In t In' t a I e if I )l'i'i;i Hi, w lilrli It Man allcg- i !, u ii- nul l u f ullv occupied li.v tin- li'd'inlii ut turpi ii it I Inn. Tin' 'inM i l In iIhiiiI' 1m it triu't if s,;t;t.'t urrt'H, and nil hough ur ey 'd mid platted an part of the public Ii ii ii a I n u iih fi'tii'i'il In I iy t lie t ' rr m'i- ic t it t lie I'XcIuhIoII nf tin Govern ment mid nil other pui'tlcH. Iii hiiIi tniire llic appellate t t'llniiiitl says: "When tin cane Wiih brought to t rial tlic t'otiiilalnitiit refused to offer any evidence In Htipport of t lit nllega iIoiih net forth In tin' t'oiiiilaltit, iint- . It lint andlng t herv wn nothing i the nt-ord which fiitltli'il tht' upjM'l lunt, (tht dense 1). Carr Laud ami LIvt'MttM'k (oiniiiny ) to a reversal or inotllllt'ittloii of tht decree aiH'iil I from. This decision Is u flap In the fate to tlx cut tie barons of tin country an Intimation that tht government it ttm ttnitett Htnt- will nut tlrt.u longer tht high-handed prot'tt'dlllgH that linvt Ixt'ii fiirrlel on for years the fencing lip of grc it bodlcn of liiinl that belong to the piililli- do main. Back In the Mi'M'iil Ii h Carr lia! pur- IiiimmI long HtrlpH offurt.vnrtv trm-l Mending for forty or llfty iiillen In one llrtftloii. Then lie would buy trips of forty or eighty acre tin 1 1 iih. iii'loning an liiiuienHt'Hiiiare of graz ing laml, to t he center of whit h he hail no title w hatever. Around the flrlpH Carr put up IiIm faiuoiiH fenee and kept it there until it wan nulled down hy the l iilted StattH .Marnhal nf I Mm Slate. The mii i I nuniiiHt l iii r wiih iiiHtliut I hy the iuvi't niiH'ii t under the authority of an net of Couktchh of I'd riuny :. t, to prevent the un lawful occupancy of ImiuIh. J'he hill of foiiiplalnl Htated that, fnrr "Iiiim no claim or color of title to the land whatever, or and iiHwrled rlnlit thereto, hy or under any claim mailt In Rood faith w -1 1 It a view to entry I hereof. " Tin hill linked for an In junction ami t he tlfxtriiftlou of tin relict. Carr made no tlefeiiHt and the prayer whh Kianted. In t Im tipiM-al, t'arr'H HttoriieyH attacked the nuth- iiticlty of tin rtvortl hook unci I hy ICt'KlHttT liiattaln of the Lakevlew Uind Otllce, In the hearing. The JtidKt'H divided, however, thntitM the hook whm made under the direction of thu CoiuiuUMloiicr of the (ieneral I -and Olllce, It m um olliclal. 1'or many yeaiM there have Ih-cii tlKlitu iiear Curr'ti feme hetwecu IiIh folio ween and outHlderH uml hlood Iiiih often Ut'ti Hpllled. NcttltTH were Iri veil off if they dared eome near I he linmeime tract that Carr claimed. IjcruI actloiiM were llrHt Im-kuii JitcaliiHt him In the toiirtM of thU StaU. hut availed little, iih Carr eon lintiediii poHHt'HHlon of the land. I Mir 1 lie hkcoikI ailmliiUt ration of Cleve Imid anpts'lal liiNpeetttr of the Land department made an Invent lat Ion of t he holdliiKH of Carr and reported I hat wide areiiH of the pulilic laudH were encloHfd. Carr went to WiihIi iiujlon In lSNHand all proceedlnnH were tlropped. Later DiHtrict Judge Iti'lllnner of Oregon ordered the fence torn down ami it wih done. The dec.lHlon of Hellingt'i' wan appealed to the Circuit Court of Oregon and from I hat Court to the Court of AppcnlH, which trllitiual handed down it m 1c cIhIoii on the dth of tliln month. t. V W r.. . -i " I V ' I ""I i The lent tif naval ninruveri planned y the navy depart mrnt, hifh con minifd thrett week of AiiKUit, a tinder the direction of Rear Admiral 1 1 iytci n xin, romniander of the north Atlantic Kjuadron. Two or three of the veMI of the atation reprenented an enemy' fleet and endeavored to wluile, a defensive luadron coinniainleil hy Uear Admiral IlitrKinaon and Ri-compllnh a landing on the New KnKlantI foat. Tiie vefaefl nrticipaliii( in thew nianenvera include the battlevtiipti Kearaarfiei Alabama, Ma.nacliuMtt. and Olrnipia, -Cmprlalnu the north Atlantic mpiaJron, aa well a the Montgomery, Kcirpion, Marhleliead, I f i r t , and other vchmcIk. Ircuit Court for Lake Adjourned Term. Henry L. Hcnion, Judii.. Oct. I 'am of T. Itailt'i-H vh. John Hull, net for tflnl OctolH-r Mtli. at ID a. in. Citfc of Anna ,1. Hohm vtt. Frank P. Komh, divorce defendant defaultt'd. Ill the cant' of AnnleC. HoukIi, et I'lo'Ht iff, h. S. A. I). Totter, ct al IciendaiitH. Motion of I'laintlffH for an order appointing a guardian ad in..,.. . ... 1. 1.. f.. i i i. i" i"i urn ,11, i uiuiii ui i iirnr l', ., . I til'lim lulu, ru fii ut,.. 1 I i t',.it,i ormii, inlnorM, granted. L. r.Conn appointed guardian and couiihcI for km ill ininorH. Oct II (tank of Iwtkeview, plaintiff, va. Stephen tiny lord et al, Hilit ill ei'iiM.v to fortt'loKe uiortgage. lie fault entered againM dcfeiidautH. William K. Harry, plaintiff vh Me Kee, Overton andtiivau, tlefendaiitM. Hiilt In eiiity eaiiHt' ordend iIIh miHHt'd and ordered that defendantH it-cover from plaintiff eoHt of action. W. II. Sherman vh. W. K. Harry cane dlHinlHHcd on motion tif plaln tlff'n attorney. State tf Oregon vh. O. E. Charlton, adininiNtrator of the entate tif Ben jamin Warner, deei-uned. Ortler math overruling demurrer of I. N. Ctniverne. Haiti I. N. Converm rv fiiHt'H to further plead. Oct. 10 Wm. W. Ilnin ii vh. W. Z. i Mohh, lu-tlon to recover money mo tion of defendant to Htrike out part of complaint, taken under udvlne ineiit. Oct. 11 IIouk et al vh. Porter et al motion tif defendantH to Htrike out aiiHwei-H of (. II. Small and Luclnda Egli, overruled. Oct. 14 ltrown vh. Mohh trial net for Tut'Hday, Oct. '22. Tin Examiner overlooked the tie- part tin of M. W. J. Harry for IiIh old home In Ireland, on Oct, ltd. Mr. Harry han lteen for Home time eon- ducting the Harry livery ImihIuchh In Lakevlew, having leaned the proMrty from IiIh father Win. K. He Iiah landed IntereHtn In the old country which he goeH hack to look after. He may not return to thin county for Home time. Everybody is yeing to the dunes ut" urdry night. ,J 1L ' v;,y progressive Whist at Home of Mrs. Sharp. One of the mimt dellglitftil affalrn given In Lakevlew for many a day wiih the progreHHive whlnt party held at the rcHldence of Mrn. Walter Sharp, hint Saturday evening. In honor tif Mr. Nharp'H birthday. The parlorM were Im'uuI IfuM.v decorat ed and all appolat inentH were perfect, i uliow ing the tact of a charming i hoHteHH. i, . , , A . , At thecoiiclUHlonoftheganie pr Zen i 1 were awarded the wlnnei-H. MIhh Lillian HurriiH received a haudHome pearl and hllver book knife an tirnt prize, lady, ami Judge Hrattaln, llrnt prize gentleman, a lumen of fragrant llavauan. The hooliv prlzeH were taken by Mrn. Will Steele and Mr. Frank Black Kvaim. At the projier time jimt when everybody wiih good mid hungry the hoHtt'HH gave thenlgnal to retire to the dining rot mi where refreHh inentH tif the inoHt tempting variety were nerved. After a Jolly time at table the gut'HtH were delightfully entertained with iuuhIc and reeitatloiiH. Mrn. Stele charmed her I Ih tenors In a recitation admirably rendered. Thone prenent were: Judge and Mrn. Hrattaln, Mr. and Mrn. Heall. Mr. ami Mrn. A. Hle Iht, Mr. and Mrn. Walter Sherlock, Mr. and Mrn. Will Steele, Mr. andlMrn. W. jV. MuHHlngill.Mr. and Mrn. Frank Light, MIhh Lillian Hurrun, Mr. Frank 11. EvatiH, and Mr. Max Whlttleney. Fivd CtdlliiH, a young man aged alMiut 17 yearn, wan a itch ted at Hly Monday by Slierlff Suminern and brought to thlH place, clmrgvd with Htealing a luirne frtmi Joe Dervln, a middle from Mike Calarncnu and a pair tif npurH from another man un known. All of the property men tioned wan ntolfii near Merrill. The young man's father liven near Talent ami wiih notified of IiIh hiiu'h unfortunate plight. The father naid he would come here at once. A pre liminary hearing will take place be fore J tint leu (J raven tomorrow. Klamath Republican. Wtkl'J 1 1 The total enrollment of puplln In our during the flrnt week wuh 141. The enrollment at the end of the third week wan 177. If thla rate of luci-faxe coat Iiiih-h the nchool m III Hiinii be filled and tin work can go tu without much interruption. We in very hoit.v that It wan found adviHable to adjourn the win ml during t he prenent week, but It Ih probably better tti do ho than to take the rink of iuociilat lug the whole hcIiooI with the gerniH of neur it-1 fever, which Hit-in to hsvt gained a foothold in our iiiidnt. We hoe the vacation of one week will If Hif llclent to prevent the further Hpread if t llU llitl'llKI'. The m'hool at Crane cnek in alno MUHienied from the name cause. They, however, have out wtrk the ntart of iih, an they had no n-hool hint week. fhere are many new teachers, bright ouch, too, in the county, nnd the coming Inxtltutc In to Ik held at a convenient time for them. The in dicatloiiH are that the Ijtke County Teacher' luntitutefor V.r will be one of t lit moHt HiicceHHful ever held In Southern Oregon. Prenident H. r . Mulkey tif the AMhland Normal will ronduct the IiiHtltute. HIh lec ture on "Alexander Hamilton" on WedncHday evening, the 221 hint, nliould 1h a Knat attraction. On the evening of the Sid Prof. Mulkey will have for a nubject "Gernin of a National Soveruty! The public Is cordially Invited. -The entertain. nient will fie excellent. The nlon will iM'gin on Wednenday, Oct. '22, and will clone on Friday night, the 24 th. Apportionment ol School Fundi For Oct. loo j, Lakt Co., Oregon Mftrlct Clvrk Htale County Total No. Ftitid Kund 1 Walter Hutler 15 41 (il $12!) 76 2 E C ThrtiHton 52 15 3 F M Duke Mi 47 4 U W Vernon 59 5! 5 J H Finher 5 :!2 Ii (i II Newell 40 51 (HI 00 72 73 4S 22 00 00 44 ia 52 15 159 20 107 M 532 03 (!4 647 64 00 07 03 71 141 32 271 4S 120 4 30 4.S 190 90 90 02 102 5S 7 MrH.MSnelling444:n 2tl.l : S J M Hammi-mly 5'J 51 55 UHAIIawkinn :W 47 27 24 10 1) W Prone 11 J ! Farra 12 Cliff Smith 17 Hert Lupham 7ti.'S9 04 0.1 147 OS 124 40 04 0.1 55 s:l 2S71 1 77 7S 59 45 43 4S 03 (HI 00 IS Mm X Clelan.l lis :51 1!) II E Heed 51 19 20 W E Barn ti tu 54 55 21 P E Taylor 77 ! Totaln firnHI 00 K5ti SO 2350 SO In DlntrictH 14, 15, nnd 1J the unex jiended balantvH exceeded their aj portlonment by $61.70, fS.20andf49. 40, reHieetivcly, and cttnntHiuently no warrant could Ims drawn for theut. J. IJ. W11.1.1TH, County Sup't. A Duel t the Death. A tluel tK-etrrred on Oct. 4th on the lillmati ranch near Modoc c-punty, Cal., In which one man lout hln life and the other In believed to have crawled away to die of hta wounds. HitHh Taylor and Hilly Itt)n(berry had quarreled the day In-fore. They both drank freely and threats were made by each. On Saturday night the hotly of Taylor wan found lying benlde a fence in a pasture. There was a rifle bullet in the forehead, nnd near the body wan found a double-barrel ed nhotguu, holding two empty shells. About fifty paces from where the body of Taylor lay was found a pool of blood and the ground gave evi dence of Home one having dragged himself along. How-berry and Tay lor had been neen going toward the spot where the tragedy occurred and Honeberry cannot now be found. It Is believed they arranged and fought a duel; that Taylor was killed and that KoncU'rry, wounded, had crawl ed off into the thick brush, perhaps to tile. Don't fail to attend the social dance at Harry hall next Saturday niht 1 best ef music. Thel I lant week The Exe miner received by wire and imblinhed the results of the racing events at Alturos up to Tuesday evening. We take from the Xew Era the later results. Wednesday The first race whs a H'M'clnl dash, purne flOO. Entries, Farewell, by Joe Iynen, "Tormento" by J. Kennedy, "Bill Xye" by C. C. Ht-mler and 'Klrkwofsl" by Mat Davis. This wasdeclared 11 "chuck" by the Judgen who declared "Tor mento" was pulled, and therefore we pur aim an is-tn were de clared off owing to crooked work. The second was n mile flash, jiurse $125. Entries "Alexander" by Bait er, and 'Minnie IJ." by Godfrey. Tills was a very pretty race and was won by "Minnie J." Third was a flash for f 150 le tween "Beta Sinfax" and "(ieneral Cook" by Godfrey. Beta was the winner. The fourth and last of the day was a five mile relay race. There were two ent rit e: the horses of Joe Ivory ami those of Ed. Clark, both of Canby. This was a very exciting race and a good one for the spectat ors. The string of horses lielonglng to Ed. Clark were the winners. Ed. Clark and Frank Partln were the riders. Thursday The first thing on the program was the ball game between the State Liners and the Alturaa team. This was a very exciting game and was about the poorest game, that ha bcea played, here for. some time. K was a game full of er rors by both teams. There was more fulling down, missing flies, etc.. than we over aaw. The catcher of the State Line team received a blow from the batter dur ing the game, which knocked him Insensible but he soon recovered and resumed his position Itehlud the bat. The wore stood 17 to 11 In favor of the State Liners. The Alturus team sold favorite in the pools during the first part of the game, but the State Liners were the fa vorites ln-fore the finish. The first race on the program in the afternoon was a dash and re pent. purse $75. Entries. "Henry M" by Mann and "Minnie G." by God frey. Tiie first heat was wen by "Henry M." The last two heats were won by Minnie G. Henry M. was the favor ite in the pools. The second race was nn Indian pony nice with five entries. The bay took first money, $7.50, and the roan took second money, $2.50. Third was a half mile dash, purse $75. Entries, Commuter by Joe l)y scn. Howdy by Godfrey, and Fare well by Jt Dysen. Farewell took the race and money. The third was the ulcest race of the day lielng a mile dush between The Wooer and YoXoSey. The hors es got a fine start and ran neck and neck the full distance. The judges declared It a dead heat and bets were declared off. This ended the day's program. Miss Mattle Dysen, the lady jockey, by her grace and skillful riding at tracted a great deal of attention. After Fifty Five Years. J. F. Becraft and daughter May were over from Barnes Valley last Friday. While here Mr. Becraft met his brother W. It. Becraft, who late ly arrived In this section. It wna the first meeting of the brothers in a Hrlod of fifty-five years, and It Is unnecessary to say that they were both happy as they grasiH-d hands anil thought of boyhood days. Both gentlemen are on the shady side of life, ami have much to talk about when each cover the reminis cences of bis life during that more than half century of parting. J. F. took W. H. with him to his pleasant home in Barnes Valley, where tlio great talk no doubt continues. The stranger brother will niieiid thu winter In Oregon.