LKG COUNTS nXAMlNnR.L.KGVlCV',ORn(10N.OCT. 2, Iv02. . i i i - ' , ' ' , . , - Jjauc (Count u 05ata uluvr Published Evarv Tbwrdy ' BEACH & AVQARREY M atonic Building i One Yer. $2.00 TERMS: -'SI Months. 1.00 (Hire Month 50 sp,i K lwk I mo m m' I vr Onr Inch 1 iV i rt A w I ' $W W To Inches I( Mm 7 im II i IK m Thro lnchi'S. . . I i W to ti I m Wi urtir lolumn ! Sim rti IS ti Ami, :ttn) Hl( t'cltimn tti nu l.'mi JS)k mi "OHO One 'oli)iiu Vnv jmv (irtWw i.vw LAktVltY, 1 1,1 tt N, OwT. a. loa. tieorr IV You iiji, x young wan of m prominent Southern Oretson family, was ; tteiiced to two jearw in tit peniten tiary by JmLe lbuitta, at (iranl lis, on Sept 25' h. Youi'it whs found guilty I o( forcerv. He attempted to puss -heck ( rpe liy hiuilf on the; National hank ( tiranls Pa. Young had foryed t he name of several men lie- ( fore hut was allowed to tio unpunished ; aoh time on account of the rcspe. tabil ity of It it parent and I lie mercy shown by his victims. His (ailier and mother re esteemed Southern Oregon pioneers. When sentenced the young man broke dow n completely and had to he mmed from the court room to his cell. He said that had he been allowed to go this time he would never forge another note. This should be a Military lesson toother poung men who are tempted to potweti ill-gotten gains. Money got'en dishon estly never doea a young man any good, t.ieorge D. Young has hroken the hearts of his parents, and placed the scarlet cross of the felon upon Ins brow because he was Ik-nt on heng dishonest. Will others heed the warning that this boy's fate presents to vie ? TUG SOLDIERS' 11)01. DEAD. Father William McKtnnon, the wi 'Idler prlent f San Francisco, clwip laln of the Flrt California Volunteer ill IiW. died of dysentery on Sept. :Mth In the tntlltar.v hospital at .Man ila. The prlcwt was the tilt il of the m il Her lioys In the Philippines. They loved him for bin bravery ami Ida tuiritv of hoiiI. He wan the most proiuliietit t'leruyinan In the ritlll-J ptiicx. He entered Manila under lire i of the Spaniard ami Intlui iuvd ; Art hibishop Ntt.aleda to modify Ida hostility. Utter he oruauUcd the; piiblif achnols ami after the war he wa appointed i chaplain In the reg ular tinny. He labored heroically tlm-inn' the cholera and ainnllpox epidemic;, visiting the hospitals ilailv. Ilehudbtvn ailinjjfor mime i moutlus Mlst. but persisted ill coll- itinuuiK hit work, which inciimcu ; ministration to cholera victims. A j military funeral wax held in the; Cathedral of Manila ai.d the remains will Ik- sent to his home ill Sail Fran- cisco by the liist transport. Our Fall Stock Arriving Tailed Sluit-s Senator Hard of l.os Anweles, t 'al , is now mi the load to re covery, alter lying at death a door for Several weeks. Alturas will have a liaseball tour uament next wtvk forfl.Vi provided three or more teams enter. If only two teams enter two sanies will In played for a purse of $7.". All teams must Im-Ioiiu: to the district comprls ln the coiinths of Klamath ami Luke in Oregon, nui! Siskiyou, Tlu mas. Sierra, l.assen ami Motloc In California. No mem Iter of any base- 4) fil DRY GOODS We have an entirely new line of the latest Staple and Novelties. CLOTHING Call ami examine and you will be surprised. We have Suits from $20.00 down to the ground. BOOTS & SM0t:5 We carry the Buck- i 1 ? ;t) (!) PANCY GOODS 0 u r s t oc k w 1 1 1 be com plete by the 10th of this month, and will then be the best as sortment ever shown in town. GLASSWARE We have the largest line of Glassware ever shown in the town. Ingham; Mecht shoes They speak for themselves. PUKNISHINU 000DS Our l:urnlshliirKKt-4 .ttock lin5 arrived and It Is all right too. i) 9 'iji Bailey & Massingill, Lakeview. Harry Allterts el St. Louis was kissed by a pretty iii'1. who just nailed ont-j him without hiscon-eH, and Hobsonized him with a merrv smie k. Alttert struck the fair kis-er and it:ive her a hlaok eye, was arrested and tilted flM. Jude Sij ever, who tried tlie ca-.e, Iteid that a woman had a right to ki-s a man if she wanted to, and the Itelter looking the woman, the more ritht she lias. The Kite wt-t't't hilt p I'tnii n "i enough. He t-ho'ild have been sent to an asylum for the weakmiude I. . . . i went to There is a inoveiiient on hmt to divide i weeks a Baker co'inty by cutli if f.ff a slice of the eastern portion including the Can handle di-trirt, win h was aunexetl to Baker county two years . says theOr egouian. H iintintoit is to be the coun ty seat of the n-w county if the scheme g'tes. A slice of Malheur county is to lie added, o as to briii.; 1 1 uutiiigtoii nearer the center of ihe proiosed new county, thus m.tki'i it the nf.ural htcatioii for the count v st-at. reason lor a-t.-l i.e II its Jt'-tnocra I s hi. Jet ry Mm Tlit-rt- i- n to li t l (io, lit son . I's Jieniociats ! o tliH waudenr is hollo- mi;. tin and tlii Pop has sei-n the error of hi- ways. How can any I'i-ino- rat he lovviiea-t'.' 'font Johnson in his blootl-red th-vil w;is;on whizze- along at I lie head of the sit-iw, .Jerry Siu:psoii on his hicyle t ri i tj;?- up li e rear. Jlurrsth for Tom ! Hut rah for .Jerry! Hurrah for T int and Jem New York Sun. AccoHlini; to the ahr-traet of votes cast for t-ix undid, in the (Oregon election June 'J, I'.'ilL', he average lh-pttlilieait vote ol the slate, excepting Oovernor, was -Jii,.")i)."). The average Jeinoi:ralii: vote u a- :' A'1'-. ieorte K. Cliamher Iain's plurality for (iovet nor was7'i; T. T. ti-'.-r, (!.; tor L'nited States Sena'or, 12,070; K. 1. I)i:t.l itr, III.) Secretary nf State, 17,l)'i'. ; ('. Moore, flij Male Trea-uter, l"i !12. Four i;.i lit a ol snow at Sunipter, Die., at wei-k. Siitniiter always did have a ru-tlinii w ay about her a desire to lake the h-ad in everything. Now the gn-al milling section leuds off and preM'iits the country with the first fall of the "heauhtui", introducing old Imary 'vin ter in the fji-t. f.utmtial month just to uet I heie liist The la'est from Mis. Waggoner who eloped (to in Cheh alls. Washington, uiih Hen Merrill, is that she is toiry that she ever t ok up with the Merrill family. She was heartbroken at "-cattle one day last week, and was crying bitterly for her little children. She will never do it uaiu. The l'osl Check come up again in Currency bill will Ihe next session of Congress and should pass. It is a plan to have TniU-d Slaleh money so printed that ihe hills ol small denominations can be converted into chcckH payable to order at miy post otlice. ball leamie will U- ieriuittcd to par ticipate lu any Kaine. Miss Thomas, a yoiinir lady of I Silver Lake, Washington. Is in Lake- view to take the place of Jack Km- body, to make all the necessary iir 1 ratnivments for the tlmls-r land par- ties that an- sent hen- to tile on tim- iHr by the hinitoily Company, .miss Thomas is from thetlistrict that was recently the scene of ureat forest tin's, where many thousands of dol lars worth of property was destroyed I ami ttijoiv lives lot. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank M.lhike who, with. Mr. and Mrs. T. L I'.ernard, I'ruitlaiid, N ashintuii, six o on a visit with relatives, returned home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard stopped at AlxTt Lake on their way home where Tom shot ducks for a day. They arrived home last evening. All hand had all ehiovable trilt. but are ulad to tret back to Lake County. Their many friends are srlad t" w .-lei u.e ; thi-m homo. I The wi-ihlillg. of A. W. Wh. lslnlie! and Miss Anna Murris was ceiebrat- , ed at t In- home of t he bride's mot her, j Mrs. Murris, la.-t Sunday.! There were few itivitetl quests out-I sideiif the relatives of the bride. I Kev. Lou Henderson of .New Tine I Creek said the words that made tin couple happy. Mr. and Mrs. Whet-j stone were t he recipients of a niim-l her of handsome and useful presents. A feast a ml a jolly time was had af ter the ceremony. The Lxnminer ex tends conrat ulat ions to the bride ami kI'ooiii. Ueyiiolds Jt Wintield have bought the planing mill buildinur and lease of the lot opposite S. !'. Ahlsirom's sad'llery, ami will use it for a ware house. Hundley it Clolulelieii up. building' a lai'Ke planing mill in South Lakeview, opposite the resi lience of C. JO. Sherlock, and w ill soon ha ve I hi ir machinery hu mining' aw ay in the now loeatioii. The plan'mir mill is 1 1 i i 1 1 a rushing business and t he enecel ie prop! ict ol's a re not los- iua minute's time la I urnlim out all kinds of planed liimlsf ami sash and blind w hi k. Messrs. ICohrabaeher and Jiuivii, Ihe two nenlleinen who have been j iloiiiir a biy business in Lake county for the Washing! on Life I nsiira nee Co., for the pas! three months, have completed I heir work for t he season. Mr. and Mrs. lb ih ra baclicr will leave Sunday for Ashland, and Mr. Duren will remain for thirty days todellver policies. The.-i' yenl lemon succeeded in doing,- a business for I heir com pany. They are reliable and coiir t 'oils, and liav: the respect of the p 'ople of l his coiinly. Th.'.v will n -turn to Lake Coiinl.v next year. Tinilll I. M) OTH K t'nltt t stairs I ami out, I.nk.-v li-vi . orcK'in s, .i. irts-r. s. Sinter l lier. f.r Klu-u ttial til i oiniillatief Ith t he r.i v I )n II el tin aet lit t ellKr. iu. i.l ttllir .1. s7. rtitllleil "All act fur the ale nt tlinticr liui'l til the Stale. m! ralifortita. oreceti, Neataatel Wa-hinKiiitt rerrilnrv." a. eltellile,! to all the I'lll.ltc l.all'l Slate ly act nl AiikuI 4. Is'rJ. M. ti.sniln I'aly of l.akevteu . euliiiiv of I. a ke stale of Oregon. I.- itos tlav llleil In this ortti .- his wnrti ate- tttelll Sn. I mi. f.r the nrchae ol thewi, ef . ijiil.M'Nu, liii lit ti n s K K tn.ti'l will effer pr.htf tit hnw that the laml H,niirtit 1 mure valiiaM.' inr tt linil r i.r tini.- than tor aura iilinral I'uri"!". ., and tin .tahlisli hi eiaitn In salU land ts lure Hie It.-Kl.t.-r and !( eetverid tin. ft i . at I ake !. (ir. iion mi Kridtiy. th- I s i -Ia ! N.i.cimU t. I'l'.'. lie ; It a in s a II lies. . tallies Harry , J a tnea A da in Kichard iatiiiiiey and i hail y. nf l.ake lew oretreti. Anvatid all i-rson. "laitii inir adersely tic atsive-d' senhed land, are ri iUI .tell to tile their t'laitll. Ill tilts oltll f lltl or In lore said .'Ist dny of Sovetnlier. I's;. Set,! la :i7 K. M. Hit A l"l AlS. Id ulsler. TltlHKK OTI'K. I'tilted -tat, . i ami i iff ii e, talrevieui, or. iron A ttir -'t. l'nrJ. S'ottieta herehy iflien thai in colli). Italic,- 1 llh the iro I-.IO I. of the act of enures of iiiti.-'t s entitled 'Ati act for the a!" of 1 1 in In i land- til the .-tut I allfortua. oreuoti. Neiala. aid u riiiinu'iim Ti-rrttiir) ." a- ext. ml d lo all tic I'M 1,1 lc I nil d -I at- lo ad of iniii-t -I Is''.1. Mfnd Jac i-oti. of si lanl. ' cim n I y ol I. it in, t of 0 1 1 1 ll ' l a ha llil -la lll'-il Hi no- ottii e to- c.i.irii oin-li.i iit o. r.Ml. ..r tie- .'ir. ha- of He-s ( ol s. .-. So. M in lnii!i,i 'in s. I; .No I', h M. ami u 111 tiff. -r .r iot to show tiin' lie- land oiiir la i ' inure aliiiii r l"r n- tinih. r or st.H.e tli in or j klTI'mJ' iii-hI i'i f mi- , and o -tat. 1 1 -Ii In I claim in -nut mm) In lor.-. I. o. Ilniiiiilir I' s i o tn tiiis-iuiii mi Iti in 'i i. ii . it' Km i i" at i rdn y , j tie--.'-iiid day of Ni -it 1 1 .-r 1 t'J. II1' .inn. a j w it tie-s' : Owen J. ! c K ie 1 rei-. 1-r-d Mrk--ii ; drc. , Archie I i r - uinl I inn llol lii'im. nil o, j t Mite, t ir-iioli. Any and h 1 1 H-roli clal in llirf ad.relv lie- aho'.'e 'l-scri Intel are re ! qiie-li-d to till-He ir cia'in-in thni illice on or I I. lor" said A'nd dio ol Sn vnil. r. I's'.' ! m pi .11-:. '. K.M lillilltis, l:.s'.,r AtliN'S MI-AVY WINTl:k . LADII-S' I XTMA ITM CHll.DKLN'S .-sCHOOI. . SIILLI'HLKOLK'S NAILTI) SHOES i ricn you see a untile on a man's face like litis fellow , just guess that he h.ts a pair of (' 5hoc5. r-rrwr-r-7tr-r-t( 'i.ViiV7 u?E.e- A V mm'. k. -k ,nt.jit-)ii.j 'fhese I 5 are all re brateJ ntak are the best he found on : market, and moderate pr mm THE RED SHOE STOf s 1 5 , f'fty'f't ff s r f r s s t ' t t f Vr r t s s ' f . It will he h Ioiijj! time before the pet pie cmiseiit to iietrny the present pros- peril y even for Ihe sake of destroying $20.00 kkWAKU. Strayed from my ranch on Misnn river il in i fs west of S il -a ii v i Ie . Cul , one bav horse. 7 yearn old, weight about H'OO lbs., leu hind fool w hile to hock ; sinall black spot on riyh t nun ; 1 citfht about 17 hands; no brands. Itaiscd ity Conley Jlrns. ttt Silver Luke and pur chased ol, Jim Coiilrv a! Ketl Jiluff. Twenty linll.iis reward for same de liveted in uood condition at Ihu Oie'on Feed Yard a! likeview , Ireyon. ', (). Wil.t.Alin, Susanvllle, Cal k s. . I 1 is ;! ! I itf The Monogram Headquarters For riemoranclum Books Composition Books Legal Cap Paper Spencerian Pens School Tablets Book Satchels Book Straps Fountain Pens Pen Holders Envelopes Penc i Is Fluid I n k Everything to be found in a First-class Stationery Store Ahlstrom Brothers. i i : ! i I ! i V I S' v v s- V V ! Si ! ft .ft .m Ihe trusts.