Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 02, 1902, Image 1

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NO. .7.).
the XL Company 5cnd a Thou
sand Itccf Cattle to Gazelle,
lirattaln Uro. Sell, and
Gtrber liuy 400.
Within the pat I w.i
weeks over
4MM hcll'l of tattle llllVC liet'll fold
hi Lake iiimI K lamat h count Icm.
V. It. Campbell riml K. W. Wllker
iii of l.uii Ihi wi re lirii' Sunday mid
went li Warner In iiMMlxt In the tier
Ut liecf drive.
Itrnttulii pros.. f I ili- KruwiTu of
I lieu n in an, arrived froiii Title Lake
I.imI miihIm., after having delivered
.im head of II 1 1 lul l til tin' llolloli
lllllill to till' 111 k ll ttl I Meat Colli
ll II V.
Till' I III Ih ( 'li rk correspondent t'l
ihcNVw Era hiivm lliat Arlliur l
III. foreman for Mapes. stop'''l
ocr at Pa Is Cn- k a couple of iIii.nm
lust ttirk w Ith SUN) head t if tint' In i f
li tin way tu marki't.
S 11 1 M-rln t ii ! ii t M.
Green start-
I tin- lli-t Imiih Ii of tin X I, Uif
i -a I tli fur GaM-lle Saturday, ami
another Imiiii'Ii followi'il Sunday.
Tin' two bauds t'oinprlHi' 10111 hi-ail
of line beef, 'i'lu'.v were sold tu Ld-
-oil Pros, of Gil4f lie.
.1. V. Iluwariluf Silver Lake Iiiih
IiIh vaipH'ruH tii tin- trail now driv
ing nut the lost bunch of 1mn head
if lluc Ih-cI cattle to Klamath Falls,
m ar which place hi' will fi-cd thi- big i
herd fur a fi'W weeks iH'forv delivery
In flu1 Western Meat Company, i
lniU (ii'i'lN-r bought 4o:l lu-al of
Uef a ttli- In Warner Valley, hint
week. ThuM' who sold were flay
Itamliii, Laic t'oiinty l.aml A. Llve
"tork Co,, .1. C. IioiImoii, liiyanl,
i 'alili-rw inn I A Son ami sciriil otli-
i m I le alnu recti vnl ii7 lirail from
Trunk l'.ii in ih :i if I hi )i rliil l he bunch
In)' a'ool. 11 ll' SI oi k I'lUIII.
Tin-Cirruit Court for Lake County
w ill i on i iif fi r l he luljoiiriii'il li-i in
inl Moinl.ty. 'I In- 1 1 1 1-1 liialtir to
lirliii.i'11 up will In' the lil'utili'lit oil
I In- mot ii ut for ii new trial in I In-
HUM' if l In Slate ih, Ni'lloii. Tlie
regular ti-rui will -1 1 on (l.t. I'liih.
Tin' uiomi Iiiiiiii'.iii null tit for tin
li l in a III lie l he en u mi of l.uki' Coun
ty ih. tin- liouilhiui'ii for A. .1. Ni'iloii.
a i i II hiiit .
Allium' the riihi'h to loine liefore
i oiiri at I he regular term will U'llic
California llivumi Laud Co. .
Laki'ii'v Water Company Miit in
1 1 i t . .
Tlie Parley IrrlKallou Hiteli Co. v.
i ii'urui' Conn and MaKle Conn-to
wllle water I'IkIiIm on Cliex aucan
lli'HMle Mi'MHiier m. .1. M. Mehhin r
Hillt for illvoive.
Win. W. Itrowii vh. W. .. Monk
Mill t for recovery of horne.
Anna. I. Komm vh. I'raiik P. It nun
Mtilt for divorce.
Red Ululf Wool Market.
Tlie wool market opened in enrncHt
In lied Itluff on TneHilay of liiHt week
ami the Kail wool went off In a i-uhIi
at. kooiI prli'eH. Altogether uliout
-INHM.ali'M were moIiI. The Hed Itluff
NewH May h that TliomaM Smith wiim
the lieiivit-Mt buyer, liut CIhiiIch
Ont'iit' Imylnij; with the Cone ami
Kimball Company, Jake Wollner ami
I'rank LcM' each ttot u goodly nhare.
TIkiho whu Hold ami the prlccM re
ceived were iim follow'H: Cone &
Wanl, l. S. Cone, The Heavy wooIm,
III Illrick, centH. L. L. McCoy,
ami JohiiHon Itrot Iicih, centH.
Wlllanl ltroLherM, llccntH. IC. W.
ami ChrlM Coat cm, 11 centM. The
Kraft wool Nohl for from 10 to 11
centH and I'. Niiiich ami othet'H of the
lellyi ferry country received from 10
to 1 IX cent h.
(in Weilni'Mday nearly nil tho re
v I
malniler of the clip wiim wild at 1(1,
to UJi ceiitw.
L. Newton and wife of (iraml
ItapIdH, Mich., I'taucM Keough and
MImm Mary Kayiuoiid of Maripiette,
Midi., were here thin week filing on
limber claims In the Ply sift Ion.
An Attempt to Set Aside a 5tate
Law by the Ucol Court Will
Call for Circuit Court De
cision In Lake.
. There
have Is-en received at the
'It-rk'M ollii c from Sept. .'I to
! 'ouiiiy
Lh.M h .ri"0 coyote scalps. At tin last.
session of t ln ( on ii I. v 'uiirt an irlT
v. iih nun It ti poii mot ion i if t In-1 'i unity
.1 mini- t hat afliT t In- 'J'M li ila.V of Sep- j
trials T, I'.HH', theCotillty Clerk should!
refuse to Issue any inure warrants
flir HlllllM. 'I III' OTlIlT wax ni I 11 mI n t 1
la Ihi' otllilal piiM-ii'illne, of the!
Court, li.v Tin- Mx't iiiitM-r. anl on thej
hit ila.V -'MHI hiu 1 1 ih Wen' turned III,
ami w arraiitH Issued for tin' sninc.
A II I tl 1 1 wr tti'll' also presented till tlil'j
.".nth nil.. Init t In- 'li-rk refused tu l-:
hiii' warrants for t Ih-iii. 1 1 Im prnli-;
' l(',,. , ,, ( . matter will In- tnki-ii
'trciiil ourl. ami man-j
; ,1.,,.,,,- i.roi ii'iilniiM bei-lin lo couiocl
the Clerk to Issue warraiitx. j
It Im Im-IIi'Vi-iI I i v many that
County Court exceeded Dm II II I 111 rl t V '
lii uiakliiu an urilrr tu nut lni' fnr-;
tliir x n liniii uinli-r tin- Iluiuityj
Act. Saiil Art Im a htnli- law ami un
til it Im ivpi-nli'il li.v tin- Stall' 1I'kIm-latnri-
it hIihII In- In full forri- ami i f-fit-t.
Tin' prupiihltluii wi iiiM rlilU-ii-
luiih for a Cuiiiity t'otirt or a County
.1 ihIki', tuat ti'inpt tiiMi't iihlili- a Stati-1
Law. Am wrll atti'iupt tu liaiiu j
tin' Colintltulluiiiif llii'l'lllti il Stati'M.
MamlaniUM prm tvdln;,' hIiuiiIiI Im
taki n iM foiv tin- ( Ireiilt Court. Tin , .nip.v st route ami My Yohe woirid take plaec on Satiirdny. "Put
in tempt ut 'l.luff on the part of , f... ul), Mj. nrrtvw ut nbtiioM AyreH on Sept. 7th. Lord Htijx' Ih nwalt
t he County Court fhould Im relinked, j UiK the event wt ffin' titMy. He w ill takf nrftH pleasure In wndinjj luly Mhould not attempt tOja l(, ,(,r ,lf t.Krat,m t the coujile and wImIiIms "Putty" more huppt
tarry out hi campaign pli'.lKi'H ,y ().MH wJ( Yohe t han IiIm l.ordMhlp ever enjoyed. They expeet toeome to
l.f. Iiik a State Law. Ivom.tiiy Im ! llkl.v,.w ,,, N.,l( t h,lr Inmevmoon. and may vlxit Paisley iM-fon- ret urn
all i-klit wh. n pi.rx.ird In prupi r ,M Parln in t heir autumoh'ile.
I lllllllil'ih. Illlt t III' "klHM klm; out of t III' . .
I lull a i y La w" ly iiiii- fell m of t lie
local court pen l" lea. liinx too far.
TIiIm Mirt of economy in pulilic af
f.iilh. Ill tlie cNpellhe of I he wool
e,i'oviT of t lie county, and to kii p
rniili' liillilel'h r 1 ' illt collectinu the
fee ful' hi'iilpM taken, ih a puny effort.
ll ii iliilll'tl'lll if tlii-i urder hiloiild
I'MrluiM' liecn made If the coyote
I win iih fond of liii f iik lie In of mut
ton. i .liihl.'it I liih t inie, the hi I Ha t ii ill is
'uliiiiil lo lie iiiahteri'd. Any ool
lirowcr, or herder, will miv that
'there are not iik many coyotes in
Lii'ie County Icy five to one today
iim I here were w Inn t IiIh lloiiuty Law
; wiih pahhcd. In am it her t wo yea cm
if.luile,e Paly, or the L'lhlal lire,
'do -H not repeal the r.oiinty Law
t ae coyote u ill lie nearly extinct, or
I lie a liim.'il.M ill lie killed off to such
im extent t lial . w It Ii a pi i iper Iioiiii-
ty placed oil their lieaiU, they can j
, never liiM oiiie kiicIi a menace tu
t he hliei pmeii of tliln county aaln.
It Ih a lulled by Home ieople that
iim t he coyott'M are killed off the nil i
IiIIh Inciv i Me In li u ii 1 1 htm. TlilhlHiiot
the fact In Lake county. On the
Wt-Ht Side, where ranclierH Miiffereil
the inoht from the rabbit peHt In t h Im
county, there Im not one rabbit now
when then weiv ten n year ago.
Of 1'ourne thlri Im not Im-chumc the coy -oti'M
have decreaMed In that time,
Init, fortunately, Im-cuuhc the rabbit
family In thin county Iiiim Im-cii Mtrlck
en with a fatal malady which killed
them off by the ImndrcdM.
A wail comcM from Klamath
county that mice, uround HipilrrclM,
inolt'H ami rabbltM have become (11m
trcHHlunly niimeroiiH hIiicc the lloun
ty Law wiim placed on the wtatute
bookM. Klamath Im undoubtedly
makliiK a "mountain out of a mole
hill." Hy all mcaiiM nlie Mhould place
a bounty on mice walpM ami ukc her
lulluence In ha vine; the llounty Law
The State lloiiuty fund Iiiih been
depleted, but the $."0.MH) paid out
Iiiih been tlie iuciuim of hiivIiik' to tht
woolnrowerH of Oregon, ami partic
ularly of the LiiHtern part, at a fair
CHtlinatc hIx tiiucHtlfty thoiiMaml tlol-
The next leniHlature of Ore-
gon slunild not only refiiMe to rt-Mul
the itoiinty Act, but It hIioiiIiI make
an Increased appropriation for the
.""'V , ' v
i .
Word I'Hiiii' from ISiumiom Ayrt'M laxt
oliMtai lcM ' foiild In-oviTi-rtiiif. It wiim
M-al.M of tlii'M- predatory aiiimalH. 'BAD START FOR A YOL'VQ HAN.
i:ery Liihtern Orenoa ii preseiita- I' appear that the fact has been
live and Senator in the next -k'- treneraily known in Lakcvicw for mcv
lature him ul. I htaml t tvAv her on t bin era 1 dayn t lia t a youn man named
iiichiiou to protet t the Kicnti'ht in-;Wil1 hildeiH had, in a moment of
iliihtry of KiiMlern Oregon. abht fact ion, when the devil tempted
P.ul'.tonvt back to the point of the' u ''" wrong, yielded to that
argument. Homebody Mhould man- j temptation to become a felon in the
lamiiM the Clerk of LakeCoiinly, w ho ! -'X-'1 of the law. and that he forged a
Ih perfectly willing to Ihsue the war-j''""' l,,'-k -" Pros, of Che-
rantM. to I-oiupel him by proper an-' w iuican forJihi and piiMsed it on
thoriiy to Imhuc the warrantM ' A lllsI Brtw. of Lakeview, pru-
for M-'alpH in' ding to the State I faring ?: in cash and merchandise
Law. and to drive it into the County ' ,,,, ''i-ck. The time-chivk was
Court that the bluff at ec my in j presented to the Pank of Lakeview,
that direction will not work, and ' "' fashier refused to cash it
thai li linri not vet lint imivlie Inter ailtil it WIIS endorsed b.V lllllCS Pl'OS.
a vested wit ii t lie right ami auth
ority to defy ami set aside
of t lie State I glslat lire.
Manila nun-:
an act Lake drain N IcIJ .
Threshing of the grain crop in
(ioose Lake valley lias been linished,
and the results are entirely satisfac
tory to the farmers. The yield is
much larger than that of last year.
The Thriiston machine threshed
out -5,-tM) bushelH of barley ami l'.l,
Sl" bushels of wheat, from the farniH
on tlie Last Hide of (ioose Lake,- be
tween Lakeview and Willow Kancli,
making a total of barley and wheat
of 4.".(M7 bushels.
The Smith Kdwards machine
threshed llt,!H)7 bushelM of wheat, 27,
70 bushels tf barley, :i,01S bushels
rye and 072 IiuhIicIm of oats, a to
tal of 45,4."i7 bushelH. The two
outfits threshed In all IHl.IVVl bushels
of grain.
Tolbert Glenn Kelt!.
The Infant hoii of Mr. and Mrs.
Tyra Keld. born March 17, li02. tiled
at New Pine Creek, Sept. 20, 11M12.
lied rii'.lleil the f lit he tent u.
l.llllo cluTiib, bright nil Imr;
limit', mid li ft this world of trouble,
l.oll ui in grief -tint dimpitlr.
A Bis nail Box.
Will Prall left Monday for Lake
(ounty.w liere, at tho PIiihIi poHtofllce,
he will receive 150 head of horses
which Ills father purcham'd hint
spring. He was accompanied bv
Pert ami Harrold Clillders and Art'w"1
Itoblnsou. The horses will be brought Godfrey, in Ills ditllcult feat, is always
to the Chllders' ranch, In Langeli 'good, ami the two little children in
Yalley, Klamath count v, where they i acrobatic feats, were greatly admlr
wlll lie wintered. Medford Mall. ed.
Friday to the effirt that if "tertalii
thotiuht that the marriage of Put-
In the meantiiiie young childcrs be
gan tu repent of his folly and confess
ed to Ahlstsoiu Pros, that the check
was a forgery, at the same time In-g-ging
them not to prosecute tlie case
and promising to make amends.
Tlie linn disired to lie merciful, but
the mat ter was called to the atten
tion of the Deputy District Attorney,
and what that otlicer will do in the
case Is still to lieseen. llusincss men
generally, who are in the habit of
cashing bank eheckH and time checks,
iK'lieve that leniency In thin case
would encourage iliHhoneHty, and
that they might become victims of
the forger at any time.
The Kxamlncr doeH not iiealre to
lie harsh in this matter. The young
man who allowed himself to lie
tempted to commit a dishonest act
apjiearrt to be Hlnoerely rejieutant,
and has promised the men he wronged
to repay them with the revenue to lie
derived from hard work at his hands.
So far iih The Kxaminer is concern
ed the matter iIohcb here unless it
iHTomesa public matter In thecourts.
The Godfrey Show.
The Godfrey whow, billed for an
entertainment in Iakevk'w hint Sat
urday night, failed to exhibit on ae
couut of the heavy wind Btorm that
threatened to sweep dow n the tent.
Prof. Godfrey took down tlie big
tent and on Sunday after the wind
died out put It up again, and showed
to "ntanding room only" on Sunday
evening. The performance as a whole
entirely satisfactory. Prof.
v. N. u
A Harney Lyre Play a Spark
ling: Tune Entitled "The Dia
mond That I Found Was
a Foney Glitter."
Harney C-ounty huw Malheur cotiru
ty on the big gold discovery ante,
and went one liet'cr, says' J. W. IL,
In tlie linker City Herald. Harney 'm
good thing consists of diamond,'
Hiippliircs, topaz and moons tones.
Tlie dlMcorcry of the precious stones
I was made two weeks ago, and tlie
spot Im on Crane Creek, four miles
east of Ii'.irns.
The lucky fH'ople who made the
"find" an It. S. Rutherford and his
two sous. lieu Itiitherford and Adri
an Puthcrford. together with Ails-rt
I Mtimford, of the C. P. & Uj. It. U.
The party were on Crane Creek pros--K-cting
for fire clay. Mr. Mmnford .
left Purns last Weilnesday for Ilea
trlce, Nebraska, where he will at
once make an effort to organize a
company with a capital of J.'i.lKKl.iHH).
for the purpose tif tleveloplng the
mine. He will at once purchase the
necessary machinery for the oiierat
lons, which is exK-ctci to arrive
within the next 30 days. The prln-
j cipal headiniarters of the new com
j puny will lie at Ontario.
Tlie formation of that part of the.
Crane Creek country is mostly de
composed porphyry. The discover
ers have In their possession one
sapphire valued at $100.
Two whole sections of land hare ,
lieen located by the original quartet
if disco verers.
It is told on the streets of Burns
that one of the specimens was sold
In New York for f'JX It is also told
here that the attention of Tiffany,
the renowned New York Jeweler had
In-cii called to test these stones, and
that lie pronounced them genuine.
The most if the stones that have
i b.-en found are small, but they are
clear and pure.
This is by no means the first dis
covery of precious stones in Kastern
It is well known that a few miles
lielow Durkce where a small creek
runs Into the river from the slopes of
Lookout Mountain, and cuts
through the bedded series of tuff,
opals have lieen found. This place
is only a few humrn-d feet from the
Gold Hill mine. The stones arc em
bedded In reddish-gray rhyolite tibf.
They art' in abundance, filling cavi
ties in the rock, but most of them
have a bluish color and tlo not pos
sess much (ire.
A pit .V) feet square and :0 feet deep
has lieen excavated, but at present
tlie oK'rations are suspended.
The following jury list was draw n
yesterday by the sheriff ami clerk: .
Lakeview William Blair, W. M.
Paxton, Uobt. McKee, E. E. Wood
cock, G. H. Lynch. G. F. Miller, S. J.
Goose Lake H. W. Vernon, J. C.
Paisley H. . Brattain, Walter
Peed, A. J. Scott.
Summer Lake M. Suit.
Silver Lake Geo. Emery.
North Warner E. E. Bond, II. 1.
Drews Valley Joe Howard, AHiert
lk'tit, Dan Chandler.
South Warner Win. Sweeney.
Crooked Creek S. 1'. Dicks, A. W.
Bryan. K. A. Hawkins, Willis Bar
nuin. Cogswell Creek O. E. Charlton, J.
1. Duke, T. B. Vernon, J. L. Cannon.
Thomas Creek James .Huff. E. P.
A license to wed was Issued Tues
day evening kby County Clerk Man
ring to Frank W. Payne jutd Miss
Florence L. Martin, both of Silver
Lake. The prospective groom Ih the
popular clerk In J. C. Conn's mercan
tile establishment. His intended
bride is the daughter of ex-Commls-sloner
J. M, Martin, It is understood
that the wedding will take place next