LAKH COUNTY RXAHINLK. LA KHVICW, OREGON, 3FP. 23, 1902. HMtlonalJlocal lli'tir.v CiimhIII rniiio tii from I In valley K 1 1 m I m . Sum I'.. I .j i n ! m r I , tlii'lininnrlnl, u r llved fnilil Tick Uldui Monday. Mr. iiii'l Mm. Chen, I'nikcr mv here from I'iiImi',v IIiIh week mi u visit. Mr, and Mr. T. O. Iliiiilliitf wore In fnnii lu-ewn Valley IiihI Sunday. .Iih I IiiitIh i if Villi rx llli iih mi ii r I'lvnl nl llnlt'l l.nkovlew IiihI Nnliir- I I i i . Tin- Wiimliiii'ii i if I'nlnley IiihI ii lilu Mil iiimI k"1"! tlini' IiihI Saturday Vl'lllllR. l. f I" I i l.;ikivnv, lnl I- r t I y . a iair nl K'tlil r nl liil tun ici lacli"i. I'lie IIimIit Mill cooler it lnvor, a wt-ll re t'clviiiK m lewaol, liy rniuming Urn rhiiii to Juliii I'. Iu kwo'rih. .'IH W. l. Woodcock and V. I.. Nuellliitr Weill fu n Lake lin mill alii IliU week tu flml IIk deer. Mull Itld.lle. ilminiiakcr lit I In home fu -lory, li ft fur Suit l-'riimlnco IiimI Tuesday Hi' irul iitf . Miiriin l.nurlt m-ii had IiU fi-et bad ly crushed, mnr I'alnley IiihI Suliir iln.v, liy ii horse fullliiK mi 111 iii. Itn.v Snafur! haa taken a small baud of sheep from Miiiiiii'I Sanders uml will i'iiK"K' In lli'' business for I I I ,-1 f . rum claim Millinery l'ut!:uMi fur .ale; good tru li t'Nialillnlii'il ; Kood ojii-niiiK (or tin ritflil parly. lor lurl lit-r panic ulum i'in'iir hi l'litf Kaainiiier oilier. l.aki-vii . Mr. nii'l Mrs. Ill. Uiii-ii of 1'nUley were visitors lii'ii Tuesday nlnlit. They returned home Wednesday umnilii. .1, M. Wllley, wliu Iiiih bicn located lll f. fur I III' pllst feW IllOtltll ui IiiihIih-hm ami fur IiU lii'iillli. Irfl for Krliu , i-Htfl'ilny lll nn i liR. Mm. W. .1. Moure ami children were visit Inn tvlatlvi'M ami friends In the Clicwalicmi valley IiihI Hick, reltirn Iiir li xttM Salnnlay veiling. Crini Noble Wliikv the old chant- liimi him! ftti'l t-1 im in ! ti of tlirlii Mil. I '....I ... ..II l..r Vrvu. i,i,mh. n ..l. when y.'m -nt R W 'l "I J I ' I III ImlliO. S7 ll. j from Vim p.laiiiini. a Iiui-hi ini.vrr ot tonwooil, t'al., anil an mM fili-ml of tin Willi r, wan Inn IllHt Wit k liinkltIK f'"' K"Oi liil H. Hort Ilailwr. iliUlnrf oin of tin1 Im hI ti n iiim In l.akf l oiint.v, iiiihIi' IiIh iiiH iiram i' In l.nki' U w lim ine tin wn k. P.rrt hallx front t In 7 T ram h. ll h iiiuIiThI I tlint Anion Wlii't- Hiuin ami Mi. AiiiiIi i Iiuhi will U inn rrli-il int Sumlny nl Ihr lion f I In- imri'iitH nf I In- lii'ly on I Ii Sl-I.-. I Ht V.iil ni-vi-r kinm wlmt I 1 i Vim wmil t-iiji'V ii niii'iKi in mi ; (III- HHI'I'l llllllllll V-ill if ii miii-lv riui'l ifi-t i-niir until Vim Ih-lmii iikIiiU tli l"0 n It. -I nil., nl II i.el Lakeview Pur. Il-I ll - Mr. and Mm. Win. Ilnrve.v allived from Sum r Lake IhW week and will occupy I heir county neat n-nl-! lei. lurinj; I he Inter, in order to, m-ltd I heir III I Ii! null lu ncllool. I'nll llollil-ook wan ill tuVMI Still-' day. Ilolliiook I'.ron. will. In n few ila.VM, take t hell- liuinl of nheep to t he ran".!' for a live .earn' life amid the wace Iii-iihIi and pluen. riie.o iitori ol i In' M kimi.i all think tli.-v liiiu. a l..-,u.,...l H.ork .. HWi-iitcrx lor limn iiiiiM'oVH, hill Hotlni'K like ll.e new Mock j.ihi icn-ived .tl The; MonuLri itm whh ever M-en tliii hi'le ol . ,, 'tu ' (hiean". - ; .;. . Pamn-llo. the eoer.'lal ' traveler, wan diniilavlii", hlnnauiplen . , ,' , ... hefore I .like view lillnlnenn men lliln week, llln miii acc pmiled him. and I hex mopped at I Intel I, ake view. 1 11 Mr-. ' Klrkpa.rlck. n.v j Ha via l lnher) of .summer l.nke. In ! , i . in ... i... : Hiild lo he ilaiiuerolinly 111 at Painley. ; The iniforiniiale yotinn uiiK it It in thought ..-III leal, . it. I, i-i- Will I 4 'Ml (Mr III' I woman In nnlil to lie Insane, t hat careful unrnliiK to health. Woodcock A Son, hluckhiiiitliH hiiiI "-'I" want ink rn, l.akevietv, am well ne- pared to do all work fn their linn on ylimt noiice. mid will kiihiuiiIi-o their work. Hhop iiiHt noiih ol llui ryV livery jtalil,.. Ul-1 in llnrdv lluuheH and funilly, old Mcttlei-s of .surprise alley, inoxe.i Mvrtle Creek In this slate a few years . . . .. .. .... . . axo, and last yeai reiiiiueu to mm - ...mI.Ii. A few iIiivm airo the l'ii'""n family started on the return trip to Mvrtle Creek to aijaiu take up tlieir n'si.lence. Mr. UiiKiies say- ti.o win - Ur III Kllflirlse are too Severe for ... him. Jaekaon SqiiarH in ono of the famous locHlltiKH of New York. Jim 'Jackmui Buuam" In Lakeview is one of the fain una nickel elirara nolo" exeluHivoly by Ahl atrom Hroa. This linn aiao haa eaelij aive ale ol the fragrant "IiiHtructora ; alao carriua the ever nou Itnluiont. 3m W. K. Itnchford mi l K. !',. Archer of Alt tiriix were nl Hotel OrcKn !- week. Mr. Ilaehforil wan tlirown from a Imrse in Modoc about n inoiil Ii Mtfu. seriously Injuri'il, iiimI Is still fur from recovered. Thla Prof, limKn y Ul BiM-iiriiiici' In tlilw. country for lliti-e yiara. 1 1 i will 1 1) k It IH tflcal Vililili'Vlll)' nIiiiw In I ;il r at'er touring- Knali-m Onicm, Then will I in holtiing Ilka II lnTi again lor yi'iim. Itnli'l iiiImr it. .1. It. Ilaminoiiil, nrromiaiili'i by 1 1 1 m hoii mul ilatiulitrr, arrlvi'il from I'nlnley Tuesday evcnliiK;. Mr. Hum in 1 1 1 1 In mi IiU way to Itoilli-, t'al., wlii'rc hi' Iiiih a IhuIIh r 1 1 1 1 ! t -l In inliilnu; fiitrirlwM. '1'ln fnmlly tuny liM'iiti' I hen-. Nil IIIHI i fVIT ll ril"l lip, IIU IIIHltiT IkiW IliU' llln milt la. III, II I" ln l'Kr hilc ntyl, iii-ltv nlitrl. i In- ImtnlMoiif rut lint' i vit 1 1 r hi 1 1 1 tu I.Hkcvii'W in llow iH'inK ti ii hi' k f. I at Alili-lioiii l(rn. I Ihti-'k m nmli mi fur tlnt! "fnaitn." 'M Tin1 l(ilNkiilirtK'i ' a r pHuii iiicl limnii'l to thilr drotlii-r ih -"-! -Iowh lant Saliirilay iiIkIiI. Tin oc ritMluii wax tin i-cli-lirat Ion of tin1 mi nlviTHiiry of t Iti'lr onli-r In Laki'vlt-w. A liln frant wiim irininil ami ainuHt I'ltjoyadli' linn lunl. KvxrylnHlv nIioiiIiI wh tlm (iiMllrcy Vmiili'Villi Miow in tlii'ir own chiivmii iijiith Iiiiiih ni'Xt SHliinlay. Tin Ix'it i'iiiiiH'i hIh.w on tlm ruwl. Kviry tlniiK m A nii'l up In il.ili. Kmih iI Nliitfi1, mii'il "I'll", I'UrtHiil aii'l oMr rlunm. Kvi-ry iiiciiiIht of llm iouini liy n VMUili'villt Hrnt. ll willlm a ili,n.urc toRrf linn Kr'Hl ti'iit hIiow. Mr. ". I., t oiivri of l-'orvMt City, South Dakota, arrlvnl at Ni w Pirn t'lti'k lant week. Tin" Ki-litlflitait wan mcoiii:imilii liy IiIh mot ln-r, Mth. I,. j ,1, ConvrrM', IiU hIhIit MIhm .. M.t oll-i-r' mnl lirotlnr K. K. 'oiivithi'. !' I'lii Hint ini'iit luin'il ami MIhh (iiii j ver" an whuul Iciu'Iiith. I Mr. sil will iki a few (iiiiiU in ! I'liH'llli.ill llllfl W 1 11 1 IT. Mil' Will ttlf.) li-Hi Ii liy fii'nl iMilluri. voire cultiiri. it ' iiri-HHion . iiTilut ion, ri-iiiliiinH from tin lie"! niiihiim. i'c. .MrH. Stt'fk' ntlilitH'l tin' t 1 1 Iff ii Srliool ol Kxprt Hinn, in I'nill mil, tin lu-l hi luxil wt'ht ol Cliii-H-I'm. .lni will al"o tfive Ii-hhiiiin in I rciich if ili-Hiri'il For lurlliiT iiifuriiiiillnii hII on Mm. Mli, rfHi'iiu- iiorlli of HrdH'i! 1 1 111" hIoio. .Mim. J. K. Mftiarii'.v n-t uriicil Mon ilny cvi'iiliitf from Palnliy, linvlnt; u.-.-.t-l.-.t in rcruMiilzIng and un lit luu tin iniiiiW-Hhl of tin' Clr- i li-ul niin-ii in ooiicraii ai linn pill'".'. Thv t.'lri.K' Mtartu uff uii'ltT ii ...u. ...... i .....i i.i.i, 1. III vura mi" iiiiHjin rn Mini " n,, . I Imhoiih mil' of tin- Ix-Ht Intln'ilUtrkt. i Si'VitnI cuiii1 of lhi S'i! lliWfcli-rn t Slock DiriTlory, in i .1 I v Sln-a l , l.ii;lilly, nlntirn o( AllnraH. luivi ln'i-n ; h(l hi ttii ollii-i for iliHiriliiilinii. It i" I . ...I.. .1 I.. 1 1. I ..i. ...t... ....I u..rll. .11 VII 1 HII I" ll""H l"l PU" MM-II I""' l lu irn i'. tl Notice for Music I'uplla. Mixt I .run I'.. Drivi-r will riifivc hi i.ilt hi ln-r li'iini' lor iiiNiuii-hiin on tin' "ik'iin. I'liui'i huh in vih in i iiiiiih .'nl n-lilH n-r Iff-uii . i i .... i i- lUtl-H :is-4 Take Notice. All I'l-mmm know int: l lu no-i-lvi" i i i i .. . , I ., r i ..t , I ,, , ..i i.,, ,.i. III (1111 III HI 1 I 'Ml I - I. I.. I .'. It ..u I ut.i t.n.. HI- llirpiiinr i'' "ii, ir, imriiij to tin nut ol lim-iiie-H ..... ! A rxhnrkiua hIumiii) "Lulelv Im-Ii'II it rail mini l.-ilmrer," wiit.- Dr. A. K.-ll.-it...t WillHi.r.1 Arli. ' Iih fiMil wiih Inullv crn-lieil, lull Ititck 1,,,'h Ari.i.-rt'iii kly i-..r.-.l 1, li'ii miimiIv woinleri d for HnriiH. II tin. ' . .ii , :.. . : I. " tl... rile, nun hi i miii eriiiin'ii". ! " " ! world'H i liuiiiiiioii healer. Cn re u'liiirHii- . .r II 1 t I I .... I I I .... . Iceil. -.)C. rnni ny i-i" imhii, iiiiik- t 1 1 M II Kit I.A Ml OTI ,,.,, s..,.,. I.h.mi oiiii-.'. Ink. . orimm, I s. .i. in. i-.n.'. N.nir" in h-n-iiy tiij'-i; Hihi -. mi l.l i h ! ttllli I In- r IhIuiih ul Hie ml nl i him' .h ih;k i-niuii-.i -An hi i f..r tt. mI f .V.'-tU:!: -'.Mr :ri,V;L:;t"rV." ai ! rXi,n,i,,i in nil nn- i-uiiih- F.i"l smi. i'V ''! n( AiiKi'kt , IH'-'. 'In- (nllimlliK M llMM' ,,, ,iy nii-.l In ihla nltlri- iln-lr mw ru hIhu-- j i'" 'n " : , ,,,, A . Min,.r, of wmrlH. emuiiy nl i lin"., m.iii' of i ..rn HiHi.'iiu-'il No. H.', Inr tin-vmn-liBKu ul , - h k k ( Ahi.tIh, .-..uniy nf ii"i.. ' -f V"11-1 nwnrii .inii iii.-iii No. Mki. inr llm mri li m NxW hlM.t, Ti;M(s. K 17 K. . Urn lun. 1 miiikIii U mnr., valualili' Inr lt tliiil..-r or Minn ! timii fiiriiKri.-'iiiiiiiii i.iir.nM'. .mi n, ,-,iki,. ' Hn-lr i-'aim K. hhI.I Ihii.I t1. II. llli- i i u I.. iiku iiimrHi k hi iih i h IhIIn I Iri- Tin-) will niTi-l nriiin in Minn iii i ! mm.. m I'rliiHV I liu Mil ilay nf I'rii-nilii-r, Itmj. Tln-j iiiiinii in wIlnrnKi'i: Jkiiii-k S HarkiT Hinl ili-nrKi' It. Nt-Wi'll, nl l.akt-vlfu-, llnunii, , ... 1 . i. .11 .. j a. ...I..... A t .1. IMIVIU Illllllllll, HI,, w K"l. . .1. ... .. rf ...- h-i- mnl J11I111 Hull kHiiin. nf Ahlnrla, Ori-nnii. Any anil nil pi-rminM i-IhIiuIiik tnlvi-rm-ly tliu Hlm't- (Ii'mitIIi.'.I IhiiiIh aru r.iiii-nli'tt l" Hl I Ii, lr 1'lnhii!. Iii IIiIh nllli-u nn or lit-lori-unlit Mil .. ' .,. i,,,,.,.111i.r, nmj. I mi'&:w K. M I1HATTA1N, Kt-arlnler. TIMKKK GOTH IC .......! U. ...... I ...... r.M .... .L, ,v llr.t ...... k,.ii "ii, uki". Noin'o u in'ri-iiy k n" 1 1 i nl , ,',,iuuir.- iiii ', l'r'i'-,,V,l'H. .''( ?rl i ..I rniurhniil Junu H. IH7H, i-ntllli'il "An act lor , t10..i.. r u,iib.r laniiniu iim sciii.'iiof itit..r - nla. Or.aon. anil Waalilnui.jii l.-rrl- Inry," an xli-inltl to an iiieininio i.auii mwi i , .rrrllliri or.Koii. iia iiiin nay Hi.t in thia ; ;;"-;'1('tll,T nw" w?., WXrii Kv. I W M. and wlllnffiir pmnf limiinw that tlm latnl l u. ..... i.i 1m p.. .'hiiimI.I.. fur ll. tiiilicr nr uliinn than Inr aarluullnral iiirio.-, ami to email' Hall hi-r i-lnlin to khI.I laml li(nr llm KcU t.r and Hi.-it-lv.-r nf llila nfTii-f a I l.akcvlow, On mm. nil Mi.mlay. I hu lm day ot 1 lei-noi I..T, HHU rXjari Vlkllllia. Oregon. Any ami nil iHirkona olalin- ing .!viruoK the abavo dtwriiwd linnti r re. quu-t.t tu hlu tli.'lj ulaluia In tliU off loo on or befnrenald l-l dayof Demiitinr, 1WI2. Ayres, VACATION DAYS Are Over Now and the School j Bell Ring rierrlly-Teachers Enrollment Notes. Tin' Iwikevlrw iiiililli nvhool okii cil IhhI hint Monday iuoruiiiK with llvi ta Ihth ami an enrollment of lil t.iii.tlu Tliln la ii fulrlv o-ooil lit. teii'lanve f.r the llrwt Uy but will Iw Kn-ntly liicnamil ilurlnj: the next few wii-kK. Si'veral fainlllex have tnoveil Into town toxeiul their ihll ilivn to Ki-hool iimlotherH will follow noon. The eiirolliuent In the differ ent ileiarliuelitK in an follown: Kiuhlh ami ninth urailen, J. ti. Wlllltn, iiiini iinl, nlxth ami nev elith K'l'ailen, Minn Jennie Samln, 1; fourth ami lifth Kiaili-n. Minn tirate Driver, -11; ilivi-ion A of neeoml, ami third urade, Minn Klin Callahan. -".I; j lirnt. ami dlvlnloii It of xceniul j;raile, ' Minn Pearl Mall, :i4; total 1U pujilU. j The im-nent mhool term openn I wit h eM-eed'mnly lirijiht jironieets fur I ad Ml neeliiell t and liro-ilfnn. The i ... .i.i . .C I...... In. fa la ll 11 I'Vl-l'lll'llt one .r. . t ............ - 'and it liehooven parents to asnint the their ehil.lren at mhool regularly 'and demanding imm'tiiality in at- j (,.,,,1,,,,,... , no that the jirenent term , ,., , , thl. Htnlld. 1 ard of pant nennonn In a.h aneeinent of nupiln, if not to nurpann any fur- 1 . . . . ...i. . l: . mer neanon III Ilia I renpeei. I lie me if the teacher is not ro-.e-hiieil and , full of Mllinhine at t he lient. It taken ntout heartnaml lndo.nital.le willn. ... . . t tlmen, to manage In the nchool- i-u, mi t here are many ajAravatin",' , ... Innlancen in the school teacher h lite. 1'tuvi.tH e.u. make the teacher' life imnv pleiusaut and aurei'iilile, and ' , . I'll II annint Ji'lv itl.V in ncllool ol a l), la.viu down certain i-oiiiiiiaiulinentn (, ht. f,,,,Wi'd liv t he pu liiln at home. A e ... drt. t ,, w ' ' - 'w h ,,u ilHi la , f , 1 ' llx( alv pi-lvlleuvil toenter thenchool 1 ,, t. 1 now. no an to avoid the trouble, , ..,..,. ...,,..1, ,,f ... ,.. new class- . ami e.t I a W U k t)f htill tlll 1U M l.lsS j),,. luiddle of the terill. . The Lake County Institute, adver tised to have taken place early In' the present mouth, will beheld Octo ber 1'llh to -.'(it h Inclusive. A number , of new teuchei-H will take part in the! Institute pruni-niii. Miss tlertrude WilllaniH of McMlnn vllle will arrive the last of this week and will Ko to Adelto take chai-iio of the m-liool at that nlace , 1 " Hl nooi ai i nil i iiiaii. , Marv McNeil, also of Me- ! , ....... ai inn vine w in arrive wi t n nnm 11- ' llan.san.l will teach lu Cnion district, : sn.i.. I mihh Helen m. Hoiton of ahIii..i. . h arrive. we have thirty Cook Stoves and will reach here next week and will go: to riush to teach. .ranges in this lot of freight. We can fur Hay For Sale. f ,,yV.nreTi.l,u"".rr: "V. ' """" c-.. .nB j Hummer Lake. Anyone) ilnwirinif hay H,ou, eimrtK Jt at once. , r i f,v.p,,u,.. NEW GOODS DRESS GOODS CLOTHING Florsheim Celebrated Shoes, N:v Flour from Choice Wheat unmixed with other crops, Choice Bacon, etc. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH Wiiitwoktii mm BEALUS DRUG STORE 'a f it, f. ft m M LEG BE ALL, Proprietor i iJxl jpjj We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded 5 m Uvri ;ivV-V.vV.V,w-ivwwivw ..v.;,V;iw PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND. OREGON The school whore thorough work is done; where the reason ii alwiys given; where confidence is developed; where bookkeeping ts t.uiht exactly as books are kept in business; where shorthand ii made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds of look keepers and stenographers have been educated for success in life; where thousands more will lie. Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B., PRINCIPAL dt . E. Bernard & DKA1.KH8IN Hardware, Stoves, And Tinware . . . . . Dear Friends: We have been so buoy the last two weeks that we havn't had time to write you, nevertheless we will try and supply your wants. We have had over 47,000 lbs of freight arrive in the last two weeks and more rim1ri3 .COmillg We expect to of our Wagons and Buggies at any time. Would invite you to call and see them when nish you Stoves ranging In price from $13.50 to yo.uu. tail and Kesp-. & AFKES il m m LAKEVIEW. OBEQON. Son 08 AOEN'CY FOR ACORN STOVES AND RANGES. . . . Over 1 00,000 In us. Farm Implements, Wagons and Vehicles. . Lakeview, Oregon, July 1U, iuif hear of the shipment see us yours , J. E. BERNARD & SON.