LAKH COUNTY EXAMINER. L.KnVlB ORUflON, SI;I 25, IP2. Quit? or.ontttu 0F.i titmv PuhlUhcil Ever TtiiirJy BEACH & M'GARREY Matonlc Building jTHE GREAT FOREST EI RES H. C. Fleming isboringfor artesian water on his much ncnr New 1'ine Creek, with exevllcnt chances of suc cess. The clay aunt gravel taken out at a depth or (Ml (cct give evidence that a hard clay body will tie found vcntually, ami If such lie the case he lielievcs he will strike a flow, tie has casing to go down inn fvt. ami It Is to lie hoped be will strike a Mow In that distance. One successful exper lineiit in Lake county means many others, ami many others will increase the wealth of farms in this county. Mr. Fleming informed The Kxaminer that he lielievetl tie would lie success ful in striking a flow. Four Shropshire hucks. very hand some epeviuiens of the slievp family, were brought to Lakeview last Sun day. Thewe bucks werv imported from England by Jolin Sparks of Reno, and were bought by S. B. Chandler f Crooked Creek. Mr. Chandler Later turned tU-tn over to Willis ILnrnmii, ami a few days ago the latter sold them to .1. M. Thomp son, the Modoc sheepman. The four bucks will weigh In tin ncighliorhood of a lialf ton. Mr. Thompson will keep them in his stud. The Republicans of Modoc in con vention assembled last week Humilia ted the following county ticket: Sii-jH-rior J udge, N. A. Cornish; sheriff, V. A. MlTt; County Clerk. I.. S. Smith; Auditor and Iteeorder, K. (i. Scanuuon: Tax Collector. Fred Rush; District Attorney, E. C. I'.onner: Treasurer. M. l'inkney; Assessor, l. E. Mulkey; Superinteiuleut of schools. Miss Eva Npnrgur; Coroner, Ir. Mere dith; .Surveyor. A. M. (ireeii. ' " " A Ttrrible t1olnou5t In N hUh 1 (One Year. $2.00 TERMS: Jsix Months 1.00 Half a Hundred People l.ort (Three Months. 50 l hdr ,Jveji up Notn SI'ACX II I. I nu :! in- mil I r Onf Im'ii.. i iv : .-m' i' K,.p,irls from th tliv-striikeu til- To lioli." li' ' TU'lltv Ih(i 1 ...... i Thr- I iiiin. .lam i' in in-itn ;.' in trlcts ni'ir K llama, aluiutoii. Qnnrtrr Column .... ! a' ihvI.1iH-Vhi.nShi 'i', ,,. Hull ii.liimn imv l.Siu .'Mv Tim COUt llllli' to grow ol se. I lie ill. II- Om Column li I.-.WHV.MV l.voo . ,,u li!W ,,f t hiriy-eluht people who pel iilie I in the great foivst liivs LAKEVIEW, OKtOON. 5I.P. tS. lDO. , . . . , . i . .. i ' have already been found, and many ( others are missing. At one plui'e I lie ! Irons of a burned wagon, the roasted j remains of a team of horses and the i dead bodies of nine people, tell a sickening tale of the unsuccessful at- ' tempt of a party of pleasure seekers . to escape from the (lames. Many : people saved their lives by Jumping j into the Ix'svis river. About sixty , IH'ople camping neartlie base of Mt. j St. I lelenii were saved by taking to j the water on a raft ofpnlesaud logs. ; About 1 1 sections of the Hucst Mm-1 U'rinCow litxcounty hits been burned i over. The properly loss Is a million! dollars. Forty f.nniliesaiv homeless i so far a learned. Rut two houses ! art" left standing 0:1 the upper Lewi river. In Oregon and Washington it Is est I ma t-d thai a million and a half dollars worth of jrocrty has lieen destroyed by forest tires In the past two weeks. It will not ! known how many iieoplc are dead until re ports from the remote districts are in. The estimate of property loss does not include tle standing timber, but covers sa w mills. In mses, barns, en ips, cord wood and farm implements. 'Thousands of acres of timber have lavn burned over, but t he dest met ion of green timber has not U-eti heavy. : Kelief is being llurrUil to those who have lost tlieir homes ami crops. The; districts where the greatest de-1 ; struct ion i iccurreil were I .cuts Spring-! water ami Rridal Veil. Oregon, and I Fifth I'laiu, I-wis River and F.I inn I in Washington. In all these places! it is est iniated ."iiNNi (tropic are out "f shelter. j The Interior Ik-part incut has tele-1 i graphed the SujM'1'interideiit of the ! Forest Reserves in Wjishillgtoli toi 'employ additional men to gu.'ird t he j forest reserves iii thai state against j the tires now raging there, loiter reports give t he lUt ' Jit ."Vv Our Fall Stock Arriving -;Js DRY (100DS We have an entirely new line of the latest Staple and Novelties. CLOTMINO Call and examine and you will be surprised. We have Suits from $20.00 down to the ground. BOOTS & 5M0I-S We carry the Buck inghamiS; Mecht shoes They speak for themselves. t 'i1 Q V PANCY (iOODS Our stock w ill be com plete by the I 0th of this mouth, and will then be the best as sortment ever shown in town. GLASSWARE We have the largest line of Glassware ever shown in the town. EURNISHING GOODS Our Purnlshinj: goods stock has arrived and it is all right too. '!;) i Bailey & Massingill, Lakeview. The chanipiiKii-liip titfbt tH-teii Young Corjett, feat lierw riulit cliaiu pion of tii? wi'lUI. and Tt-rrv McCiovem, from in 'in Cnl-it retei that honor, to liave taken place at Louisville. Ky., lai-t Monday niht was leclarel off ow ing to the threat of tiie (inventor of the Slate, who (ltclarel that the miM t-honld riot take place. The ru-xt htep that will I'c tak-n in Kentucky riil In- to pwihih it the ColnneU liiinki j: anyti.ti:t' but water. Then I here w ill he a tiht. TIHIIKK I. M NOTK K t'nll. il siaii-ii I mi'l i fli .. I.nki'i ii-w . or. K" S. j.n ii Imt, . l.tri Sutlre In hi n hy ki ii llmt In nn.iii( c lih I hi- irn liiim'l Ihi art in CiiriKri'im ol Juiir 1. 17. rniUli'il "An i t fur I hi unit" of ttinlK'r ImnU In III'1 sili- n( CkI iftirn in. Ori-tf"ii. Ni'nnl inl Vhln(ini li-rrltorif." xti'ii'liil to ll tin- 1'nMtr I mil StnU u- m-l ul Auiiunt 4, l''.', ll. iijiiilii Paly of I.Hki'vli-w, roiiiitT of t.nkr siat'-of Ori"iiii. haii lliln ilay rili-il in thin urtlri" hu wnrn malr iiu'lit No. l:ini. for tin- .iirrli. ui ihi'w', n i,iiImtVii, in in :;u s U K w iii,hiii will offi-r riHif to mIiow time tin latiil Mmiflit in mori' valnanli' fur ll tntiU r i.r iiiin- tlian for airriritititriil MirNi.. ami to mtiiMWh U i-iaiin to kaul laml b lori' no' It. iilm r aii'l Id' irin rof thin otlii'i- at laki-ili-w. Or.'Kon mi Krulay. tin- '.Mut ilay ol Nnn-inU r. lur.'. Hi nanii'nai n 1iiii'im'i; Jhiui.k Harry, Jainr A'laniN liirharil Malum'.) anil i IimiI'-h K Moon, ol Laki'Vli-w Ori'Kon. Anyatnl all i.ronn "Ulin Inic ailviTHi'ly tin''rril'l lati'l ar ri'iiui'iti'il to t'lli thi'lri'lHlin In thin oitire on or In fori' caiil Jin ilay of Niivi-iiiIht. V.n. s...i m:I7 k. M. BI(.'I'T.IS. lli-KM'r. MEN'S Ml: AW WINTFR LAI)II:S' I XTKA I IM; . CMIl.OkHVS SCM(ML . SMLHI'MI-kDLU'S N A II. HI) SHOES if dead Alon.o Tucker. a third-rate colored prize tighter, formerly of Redding. Cal., last week committed a criminal assault upon a white woman, Mrs. Ren Dennis, at Marshtield. Coos Co., last week. He was afterward shot and captured and hurriedly strung up by a mob. Tucker was conduct ing a school of physical culture at Marshtield. Mnarli Trouble 'I have I fen troubled my Htmii- ; u h f'ir the lufrt linir yeni," "His I. I.. , l-.jifli, ol ( Intel . 'nk I in in, i ireeiilield i MaM. "A lev il.ihii'i 1 v. us iinlui i ll In I i v a l . ol (. ' 1 1 it in Ih-i lain 't Mnmacli I iii ii J.urr 1 1 i ut v taken part ) of liiriu and lei-l deal heller." If: Vim have all'.' Irnulile Allli our ft'.lll.irll ' try a 1nx of I lit-r-t Tablet"', t ; ri t lie p'eased with the lio rents. For i-ale by j.'1-t. TinHKK OTI( K t'liiii-il Mali n ijtml offii . laki-view, Or.-ifoii I Am -'1. I'"-'. Noii'i-lii tun I'V iili'-n that In ' ri nil pi la IH'i' M till til' pro! lilooi, ol tin- art of , i o:iKri-i ol lull" :i. I7x. rutitli-l "An ai t tor Hi" l nalrof tillilH-r lail't-III thi ."ilali'M of laillonila. j ori'tfoii, Ni'va-la. bii'I wailiniKO'ii Ti'iritor) ." . hi i-x t'-nil' 'I to a I i III'1 I'll til lr l.all'l ""liit-'M iiv ni't I of tiiKiint I. I' M Alfn il la. knoll, i, f St Caul. ! rolility ol Kainiuy M:ili of .iIiiiiii-i.iIm, hat thin ! ilav fil'-it III thin ottiri hU NVinrn ililt'-lni'lit No. I i.'i'.i. for tin- niri'hu- ol Hi. -s K 1 , ol .t. i-. Nn. : in I iihIiiii No i s. K No i. h w M. ami i Mill o mr roof to tlmvt llml I te- lit ml hiiikM iiior s al nn on-ir 1 1 ti in i.-r or tioiii iiian i are-iiliiiral 'iirtn''4, ali-l 'o i'tiMl'll"li hi i-lai in in ".nut laml I.. I.ti-.I. o. llHinnkir I I oil i lni--l"llrr at liollntia. I iri'Kon "O ut ur.lHV III'. JJml ilay ol Novi lnl'i r l'tr.'. II.- .. inn a n Miimi.v: iiwin 1 . Mi K 'ii.lrii.. I-r. ! Mrh hen you see a Amile on a man's face like this fellow, just guess that he hp a pair of Graves' 5hoe$. i-5irt-tir'ri-r? -i'iIii i; -: ...i'M ; ' are all cele brated make; are the best to be found on the market, and arc moderate price. rif-wri r-"!rta Vim are eel- I ! r.-.-, Arelile W hiti- ami lni Itol Inuui, relllt. I I ll'e ' MI'll', ' T' 'KOll. .ll nil'! H I I piTHOIIH 1'IHI in i iik t, H . H'l vitm-i v nn- ainivi.-ii''i,''rirM'ii ihii i ar. r.-- Iil'all. III1IK nn,.,!..,! in till- thi-lr i'Ikiiiik in Him iltli i. nn ,,r li. lori' nitlil J-JikI iIhv ill Novi inl.' r. r'.'. hi'i'l. II :'. f:. M. HHATTAIN. K'K'-t. r THE RED SHOE STORE The Examiner neglected to state last week in announcing the change In the time schedule of the Southern stage, that a stop is made on Satur day nights at Alturas. Fvery other day in the week the stage runs with out a night stop over la-tween Lake view and the railroad. The Satur day night stop in Alturas includes Sunday ami Sunday night, travel be ing resumed Monday morning. Ren Swingle, who has been in tin emjiloy of Ia ve Filler, and who as- sisted in driving the Filler sheep Into j Klamath County, arrived here last I week. Mr. Swingle says that he j was not molested, neither were any of the employes of Filler, by tlio'-Rad Lands" people whoaiv guarding the range. John Rrilosnnd wife of Davis Creek were here last week. Mr. Rriles brought up a big load of the finest tomatoes ever sold In this market. tie is one oi tiie men who owns a garden spot in this far not hern country, and by his industry Is mak ing It a valuable property. The Alturas Fair has been post poned, In order to glveoutside horses a chance to be In attendance. The dates of the Lassen and Modoe dis trict fuiru coming ho clone together, It wan thought advisable to change the date of the latter. The Modoc Fair will open Oct. tli. .4 M-hl of I error. "Awful anxiety wit fell lur the uidnw of the luave (iei cral Riliiihain of .Mai'h Man, Me., when the locto t-aid t-he Mould die Iroin I'ue uiiiuiiia hefnre morn : my" writeH MrH. .s. II, Lincoln, who at- tended her that feai lul liiilht, hut i-he heifueil for I)r. Kind's .Ni-n Iiwcovery, i which had more lhan nine i-aveil her i lite, and cured her of Cniisuin (t ion. All ; er takiui:, hhe fh-pl all ninhl. Further . in-e entirely tailed her." This iiiurvell I oils meilii'ine in guaranteed to i me nil : Throat, Chcht and L'mk! Iii-ea.-es. Only I 5l)i: anil fl .00. Trial hntlien tree at Lei- lieaH'b I'm". Store. i $20.00 RtWAUl). ! Strayed from my ranch on Siihii river 9 inies weft of Mi; anvii le. Cal , one i liiiv Imrhc, 7 yeaiM old, weight aliont ll'iKI II'-., It-It hind foot w hite to hoi k ; i-niall hlark fpot on ri'lit r n t n f ; 1 eiht ' alumt 17 handH ; no brati'ln. liui-cd iiv ' Conley JlrnH. at Silver Lake and pur chased ol Jim Conley at Red Ulull. Twenty JlollaiH reward for hame de livered in gooil cniiilitioii at the Oregon Feed Yard at Lakeview , Oregon. 31-4 . Wii.i.akii, Sm-aiiville, Cal. ' rfs s's's's s 'sit 's 'j r f r ' r r '' r t f t ' s V t ' f ' ' r 'ss Jiibtice Horace Gray, for tw enty years on the United Statea mprenie court bench, is dead at Nabaut, Massachusetts. Public Notice Know all men by the-e prem;nt4, that Flleu t'. llalryniple in tiie owner ol an undivided 13 inteie-t in the Lime Kiln property and all of it inrludiii"; all toolx, lined in connection therewith, said prop perty hein known an the Loftlua and )alrytnple Lime Kiln and Lek'e I'roi erty on rK of nection 2 Tp 3H iill. that Haid partr.eri-hip laa never Is en diHsolved nor an account ing had. All peraoiiH are hereby notified that in purchaHiiitf eaid property or renlinif the name, they will purchase or leaxe Nuhject to one-third intereHt. Kllen C. Dalrymple Ry 0. II. JJalrym pie, lier attorney in fact Lakeview, Oregon Sept. 10, VMi. S w. 1 WurkiuK XlKht unit lay The biicit-Ht and mthlieBt little thin that ever waa made i Lr. King's New Life 1'illn. Theae nilla change weakneHg into strength, linlloHHiieHH into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They re wonderful in Luiiding up the health. Only 25u per box. Hold by I'e Reall, druggist. The Monogram Headquarters For He mo rand um Books Composition Books Legal Cap Paper Spencerian Pens School Tablets Book Satchels Book Straps Fountain Pens Pen Holders Envelopes Penci Is Fluid I n k Everything to be found in a First-class Stationery Store Ahlstrom Brothers.