Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 25, 1902, Image 2

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    LAKH COl'NTY BXAfllNER, LAKRVIHW, ORRdOn. SEP. 23. 1002.
Hah (ffoimlu (xa.uitt?r
Pnhllthad Every Thursday
Maonk Balldlnf
(One Year, $2.00
TERMS: 1 SU Months 1.00
(Three Months 50
d'Ai k jlk I mo in m I .vr
Ono Inch l n t in fsm ll.'OO
Two Inch." 100 M TtVIIH IH l
Three linhe. I 2u' m low ltiu.1 ."iv
SimrtiT Column j S.i Hwl.VK' .Vid1 :ion
1( t'clunin lei no l." w iiw IM' nuM
One Column :" m is no VnV iVmv, Uhm
It is only a f'v jours' sinoo !lu liict
fore's i( Oregon Mini Wnfliiiitrton ou
lonkol llMin a 'let rinient. Tlif i:ro til
na ili-nso. anil ttii'stmiii ! simply appal
linii t the iiitt'iKlin settlor. It nwi hh
nnii li to the kirouinl that, t li -nti
the cxil was tir-t cliis., few lunl either
the emuaiio nr the money tn under'ake
it. The tesult was that thoiisaipils of
acre n the very finest tiu.h'r in the
world wan iletrnyed hy lire, cays the
Portlim.! Journal.
That wan the method, the cheap
meth-id of "ttin" the uromnl in eoinli
tioli fur the plow. The "hums" v in.
Jiroiimeil a tine erup 'f maple and othei
Unilet Clow th whie'i in turn was hmneil.
and the j ih of .-leuriiii: was ir.iuiv.l in
manitiiile until it didn't break the set
tier's heart tiienntenipla'e it. It would
be iinptissihli" to inuke anthint; like an e estimate of the value of tin
The 5a n Francisco Bulletin Gives
Away Many Thousand of
Dollars to Best Uuesser..
The Sim Fnnu'lsco ltilletiii I run
ducliiiK oiuMif the must reiiuirknlile
premium over held. It lui
awiikeiii'd tin Int.ivnt hi the
eoinlnu Klivtliui In California, mid of that uiN'r nil iner the
I'mille Const iitv viniderln mid
j nueMslnn- at Imw ninny vuteM will lie
cunt for the next Governor of the
tioldell Stnte. The contest Is oeil
to every Milim-riU-r to The I'.illlet ill.
It only iviiiiivM a little thinking niid
enh iilntitii; to make ii close estliiinte
on Mich n qiirsl Ii hi. It is Interest in:;
to consider tholunulnT of votes cast
in former elections, ami with the
rapidly .urnwini: ul.i I ion of that
state in iiiiud to I'miuv out the mini
her that the total vote In NovtiuU'r
is likely to roach. The nuessiiitf con
test in itself is interesting and educa
tional aside from the thousand.-, of
dollars, worth of luvmiuius
will lie dist riliiited unions the win
ners. The r.tillet in. the nivnt new si
nil t herer of t he l'iu ilic ( oast, is to he
i coiiiin for its enterprise. It is
....We've Got 'Km....
Up-to-date Fall Goods
LADIES SILK WAISTS Don't believe their
looks, th'y lie. You'd think them $10.00---They'rc
$6 down..
GENTS NECK WEAR that will marry you off
in a week, or have you in a divorce court in ten
r-. STi"
IM TH v,,nr!i n 7
. lit. - Wl .
limner .lestroye.i, nni it .vi.iiiu run ; ,,. ,.st , he ( ' , and The
into the millions of dollars so far t hat j ,.,., ; plvlllilllll ,.,,, est is the -real
one could hardly he made to heliev
Til'1 Vi ites
Now ii 11 this is charged, and tl.-r j , ,f tli.- tl illi-ti-nt parti, s are not loin'
lest finessing contest ever
by a Western New s.ipi-r.
a wild scramble for tinilier lands, and
the more limber arid the lamer the tree
the heller. X w the land itself cms n i
tiiiure. lor it is the timber and that alone
that is tumuli t.
The Maine forests are gone, those of
Michigan and conticuons slates rapidly
coiiiat and mi the Northwest mu-t fur
nish the country, or it must yo without
Canada ha? gome food forest areas, ami
so has Alaska, hut Oregon and Wasl.ii'n
ton will Iv .lenmled lied ire these reiiioie
kections are ton. bed.
It takes the titnOor from 2";ii aere- to
ra p y 'he deman I in t lie Tinted State-
ah i lor a single day. That is in r.'iin.l :
coiisiih-red. It is only the total num
ber of iii - ii who will cast votes for
(lovcrtior that is to be estimated.
After t he elect hill, when the votes
have lieeu counted, the limiiv that
the total vote w ill be found to hae
reached will be published and the
pxTsons w hose est ima tes come near
est the correct liure w ill share in
the distribution of J."i.ihmI worth of
The jjiv.-it Sunday r.ulleli!) tells
yoti all about the contest. If ymi
are lmt a subscriber now is your
haio e. The prie li.t is headed bv a
IMdl house and lot ill the Sunset
Wefll say something else next week.
Value for your money and
Comfort for your feet.
!K UU1VV V IV 1 T jLVm vm 3 LltZ &
m 7 c
itrt- iivr
1 ieort'e and i'elit. I 'op.
(iood treatment, lake.
IS tf
The I'lilaco
ii l.i r In. c.
vie ( Itetfon.
(iel a line hot hath (porcelain tub), a
eh an chavc a i l iciv sl ile hair cut at
I rank 1. Smith's, next d.Hir to llink. if
Th k.- l.itxNtlve liruiiin tj o i ii I io- lnI'Mi All
(iruL'lli-l n f n ti'l t ! iTH.n i( il (nil- I
i . 1 1 ru i' nif uni
nri. h
rii li ti.
niin.bers four Becii..ns. A suit. a i''i' i jt l U t of S.iii I-'raie-iseo. w ilhinone
wide and four n.iies loiiir. a tow n-hip j ,,,, .k ()f ;,,, ,. (;ilU. l';trU.
every i.ine day-, arid in one year a Unci j subscriptions ia!.,. at this .Hie,-.
; The contest co.-ei o!i S 1 1 M ! 1 1 1 M-r llh.
SIX li.ties w -e iiiel i'i ti, he- lol u' I'
doe- t.ot ! ;iiiu a Very co'n; ii. :i i 1 c.i'.
cula'ioii to iix sho i int.. w n-n 1 -, .a
:e Will i ie 1 1 ' a m-iiiorv. .'nil s
1 .ti-i o- I 'ep:u t men:
a .,1 lore-' tl
r a ! I'aet i me mile I v
"'.a niimuturi' Is or. orr I l l ln f'.'ln.ilK1
Laxative lr(,rr Qtioue m
v. i
ti ii: 1 e will lie
this .lestru -tioi, 1 1
etiii atcs t . r' 1
are ! lanted liniiv
to t" , u ii roi in al
i ... p'.etiiies am!
i : i i -i . Kle.'ant bar
M tf
ot a ear. 'i'leje is.
liov.ever, some .- .lation in the i-c t
that i, u it, j to our aliinelaiit ami inn.-!.-abii.-el
rainfall, the yoinn; u'roAth slat's
at on. e, and in the . nurse of time -A ill re
plaire the lore-t which the deni in 1 ' of
civil zi'.i iii is to lay destroying.
It ajiii.-ar- now that Tlieodore l'.io-i-I
velt ii! !'e the nouiini e i.f the I.'epnh-
lican'yti succeed him-eli a- I'n-si- ,
dent in 1!:4. The -hos.-es" cannot .low n
llim ; the j.i o;d- lire with hltn. New
Yrk has vol ii o i a i il y pi-omi-ed Limit-
hl' io.-atio!i aid moie s ate.-
1 Ml II I K I IMI MU M r.
I' '!!', 1 - nt - I il 'r.J 'Hi . I tik - i , i ir .11
tin:. ! '. i- t.-T' i I v n 'leil Hi
. oil, !::. :e ' w.tli II. ..I 'il- M Iel
.1 i it i I - ' - ii ' i . 'I ,ii f.-' t..r Hi- .,il
T : in .' i i ii i : ii Ie ii . . . 1 1 1 l .i 1 t -r .i i ii , i 1 1 . i .n .
N ii in n iel i -t . -. 1 1' . ' ' n i i r 1 1. - r . ." ii -
1 1 to Mil til- 1'ii lil ic I. ll'l s', (l , . t.v II. i
i.-t I. t-'i . ni..e.uitf ii. r-n"- liMve
Ml) t,, ;i IJ til- I 1 ii i ii i - !!, I :r -. i-i-'ciiii n'-iuioi
l.i ie'..- l.i, '. nil
nf l.rt v - iiov . i ,"i ii : i,i In i.1-. -: ii i' el iir-jui
'.,,'ll n'i!, pi- n( So I J'. lor in- -nr. loi. nl Ih
1 , !,i . i 1 l a 1 , : . , - J i ' , II It I .", I
.'... I e l.
of l.'l k- i- . c.l'ini , .,1 I. si.-. .1,1'- of III, Ifnl
. ...irn .,... nl No hi-1. Ii.r Ihc I nri lei I
Ml.1,1,.,'1,.,1 n.. - '.V , - i ll - II A ',(111
1 , - 1 1 e II I: i: i .
Mini ili-v mi.i i.ff-r i.r of le-linw tl.nlili-
ivik. in i ht i ""-' "" r- oiiii" lor in. II r i.r
JOHN MULLAN, ! ;''."'?''.!"."" 'i,vr".,1"i ?.',''
j K'-fcf i-i- r M it I I l . r nl ! :i i- "tlif nf l.n W i- .
uri-u'i'M on M.Hi'Uy, I lit- In; I. i .,' i.u-ii: (,.-r,
i 1 '"'. 'I' j y tin in- m- i' - : I'Ih I'm ti .
1 hV'i tin- lirk.. ,i. . .). , U i, ha mi. .1. . tm!cr, .1,
j h uli'-r Mii-1 Ji!ii f.rtn, nil of l.tik. . v ,
j r- r i - .ny n i'l hII .thii tliihii-
u in (in- 1 1, fir t-ti i i i i i ft ' f t i on or
1 . i I I lot I Will
I' st ,V Km'- ale
Lear tin- ' i : i
and -il perh n mils.
We e.Vel ,i a c b.d iny
of our Irieml- an 1 ci-: mier- ! i try our
i; - S-iri 1 1 i v ma cij.i i s. Mmiev hack
it it-" -'nt v. Aid-troiu I'.ros.
Land Notice.
Attorney end Counselor at Law.
i3io Coriiiclicut Avenue
Waihinston, I). C.
i. i..i
I A ,1;
Manufacturer of the
s a ' t
Ucco)( o.h the llcs-t Nnipicro SaJdH
Wilson iiml l!no;'.rv lliiiiioss. Whip-i, llnlu's, IN-
Hits, Spurs:. ,uil N. Iii iid I is, l!lc. c n
llv'piiiriit'X tl" kimls. Iy cDinpi'lciil iih-m. -a-
All person w ho hai'e hrrctofore nude f IN A I
I'Hiltil in mo kinJ nt I. anil, Mineral or Tim- , I,, n.r- nl lml, ,nv nl Nov- nl r.
bcrlln'rlrn, which bus accepted by the! 1 K M 1 1 us. 't'vi-l' r
Ui'it tr ttr W t-fft v ff iif m- I I anil dlftiir. i
. ... ..!:,.. iniiiiiit i.tMi Mini I..
can have the immnce nl tlinr I . S. Puienl lor I .... i , ,m
have sliovin a detenu i i. at ion to semi iai 1 I. a. lit promptly alu-iild to by bending ' I . -view . Or. run. I in. I :. I'm.'
t',..;r il ... v..: me thrir Diirl-ntc keteisls. or Certificates nl : V"li - I- I- i i toi.n ihn! hi . to .1 . .oh
....... ... i. .,,e'il- ,o to,- . , l.'ill-
vent io
l'ed t,
veltV ii .munition on the List ballot. I
It is a sale thin to say riiiht no"- that j
Theodore Uooseveh w ill he elected i'resi-
dent of the United Mates in lU'li. lie
cotnes nearest heini the ideal chief ex
ecutive in l lie opinion ol tin; people '
llntrv, anj an atfrecire-nt to pay me $ 10 w hen
ever salJ Patent, shall Usue.
Ore(i n, California
and Nevada
.Stale A Kent
I th"
HI 11 num.
IN THK ( I I:' ' 1 1' ol If!'
Ir, .inii for I m U. ("on lit V
than any man who ever held the treat of Aniu.-i Uoukii, Mm) J . iitriii,'-,
u,.- 'it i. i i . .i .Mnrinii I'otiley. W II Hhvi-s J M
honor. Hoosevelt never Jixkn at the ii,,,,,.. ji, iUj,. ., ,. y, r ki,.
policy -i ie tl a (piustion. IIb takes the j H " Ml:' " ys l'lamtifl.
'bull liv the horns," and a., ts w ilhoilt ! H A I) I'nrnT, (i-nrx" I'uran.l. I.
,. ,,, i . ; II iK'ieiiaii.l, Morris Katun r, I. cln-
askliitf lio-S aiHIce. .l KkII, .lohn l'artiii,.lr.. '..-orne II
jSHIHll. I, I' K 1 1 . i . I - , l.lllil
. ' ll-nrj Kl'IL Munie Wnr l, Anxeliiie
(;in:i! upon a lime a man K'it mail at w-n, ury small, hi i iin-mmi.
the editor and H.opped hi paper The :;:;'j.;;;r-r,;,i,.f
next week he "Old his corn for four cents, Lulu ruru'ii Lallrn-, Isa
, , , , ., , . M l or iiii. Jewel Iii or, mi, .Ma, nl I
lielovv the market puce. I hen hl i pro) amall, Wain-r ' Knii-k, I Hull, i i.r- i
rttt u ii, -ol.l f..r luva lu. .,. 1 ... ,1 i. I , . ' 1 '""' Hoick, 1 I H'llck. K M lire.- I
. kj ....... . , v j rrmii. It I' l.'ilie, .1 .flny l.'Uie, I
read the treasurer'n Bales, ill was ar- Jnci.iiti, K K llemii -rxon, i.-et'ii-m-
. i . , al l.a'il mii'1 J in ,ro-"iii..i t lime
rested and fined fS for t'onn; huntinir on ,, p w J.m, , c K MrK , l:
Sunday, nimply because he didn't know jV"' ltlu7 'm '"Zn
it uns SiiihIhv. nml reii'l J.'tlli'l (or ii lot of an I K K M- arty. li, l. iilnlii.
. , , . , . i . In I Hall. Henry K.-li, l( 11, nek, lieoriK Ini-
forgeil iiDteH that hail been ail vertlseil rMll,i, , Hiiinunl. Morri.. Itann-r. J r Harrnw,
I wo week n mill tl.e eu ll I irinell not "id'Hilal Ij"'I ml 1 in v.-ineli I Company,
iwo wteKS anil me pimm. caiiuontu 1101 j M Hll,.r,.r AllK,.je Wem, .l-f-iniants.
to negotiate tiiein. He then paid a big I i tin: name ol the siate ol oreifim: Vmi anj
. . : hcrehv reiiuireil to appiMir hihI answer the
.llllflti'an with a foot like a forge ham-;K,,,,.IMi,., ,.,,, ..lalnt ni-.l nxaiiihl you Iii ilm
i l-l,.b 1.;... ..II .1... u u tn tlm n..u a. I ali've (j t 1 1 milt, mi or lieinrc . liiirs.iiiy, Hie
mer to kick bun all the way to the new 8- .itlliiay , ,.,H.r, v.ri, thiiiasi .lay pre
naner oflice, where lie paid four yearn in '. w riiied in the order lur i.uiilicatloii o iliia
' ' .. hii oi in. if is ; anil if yim lail no to answer, lor
advance and made the editor nign an want thereof, the iilainiiffs will apply in th
. . 1, ...w.L- 1,;,,, ,l,m ,i ami I, ' conn lor Ihe relief ifeinainleil ill Ihe . oiiiplaiiil,
agreement to knock him down and roij lo.wil . foP a ,i,.. tnt piHiitufTH imv prior
liirn if lie ever ordered bin paper Htopped , riKht ami inter.-at in ih waters of silver ctreek
again. '" Ihe extent nl l'.i"s liiehi's, ami that the line of
Ma that amount of waler of miid Htream hv Plalii-
! tlffh iw a ri-aotiHtilu iihc, ami for Much ottier ru-
It iweHli mated that the state of Oregon
lief as iii eipiity may he iiroper.
lion of bmihels of wheat. Sherman
.,, ., . .... 1. ............. thirteen mil.' h hulli IllllllB U aer Veil hy pll hi Icat loll t hcre-
will thiH year produce Borne thirteen mil- (ifjl (hl. ,.,,.,, Kxamlnar, hy order of
Hon. HiTiianl Iialy, I ouiily .Indue of l.ak
-......., ,lul..,l Al..,, 'III ..I.l.l.
county, it in eHlituated, will produce one- order reiiiin dial ihU hniiiiiiiun I,.- pi!i,in,hei
.1 "ro, ...I Vlliurnimi is .il'i'l a W eek fur il X colls I'll I i Ve week h from Ihe
Hixthoftne total amount, hherman is ,,Hy of AllllMi ,..,, lu ,lull. lhl) ,,
a little county, but when it comes to ' puhilcation i.n.scrihid.
I , A. I ll'iSWKI.l.,
IM'O'loci'orh "lie ranKB urni. .1. i;. Ill I f. i :
Attorin y. lor 1'laluliffn.
Willi III- ( I 1 1 V I - 1 1 1 1 1 S I 1 1 III- ll-l I.I ' KlliTo. nf
.1 iii- 4, ."7- -nflt.e.l "All lt-t lor Ihe He el
lin l- r In iii I - iii in sii I i i, 1 1 !i i r 1 1 1 ii , ore
linn, S- .a in, a. el W it-iilncion 1 -i riior y," a-exlelnl-il
to all Hie I'uniic I an 1 slal--l.y Ihe
ail l.i AUKIlnl I. 1-l-J. Ill- 1, 1 1 in'.. I'iU p-lh'illK have
this On) tiled iii mix i . Ih t heir rwi.rn Khitc
IJ. e 111 s, IO-1. it :
John Silliv,
nf Am, lull, I. rmililv ol Im kvll, s'nte of Ori Knll,
I s M i r II s I il lie - II I No I ll'l. lor the leir-liam.. of
ol Hie hjt K'i, -i c ill. I :i s H in K tv M.
Ilarrv S. ( lodleln r.
nf Corvallia. cnulily of It-iilou, .late of Oretfotl.
nwnrii Hlalem-lit So II '0. fi.r Ih- purchase of
liie ,NW4 -VV' ,, -W4 Ml ',, U,t :l and I See .1
I il'js It ID h W M.
I l-lla 1'eternnll,
of CnrvalllM eon li ( y ol, tate of Orevnii,
sworn Ktatem-iit No I l.'l, lor Hi- pun hami ol
Ihe .-K 4 See 4 I ill) S II ii; h W M .
iiii-tave A . Schneider,
of CorvalliM, couuly of ll-ntou, slale of Oregon,
sM.iru Maicm-ni No 11. lor the pu rchai-u f
Ihe XrJ4 sec 9 I : s l In K.
Jalil-a Ma, k-nzle,
of Corvallia, mini I y of li-iilou, si ale of Oreiton,
hworn -lalement No llitil, Inr the purchase of
Ih- N U !4 si c !i I ::li S l( li, K V M.
I.ucretia It. Cox,
of Alhauy, couuly of l.iuii, stale of (Tckoii,
sworn Hial-uienl No lll, for the purcimhi: of
the SV(, Sec 9 T : S K Hi h W M.
Jacoh 'riK-.
of CorvaMls. couuly of it-iitoii, state of Oreiion,
aworn slaieiii-nt No 1 1 '.U, Inr Ihe purchase ol
the SK! sec U I ill) M It 111 K W M.
Kiixaii-tli K. Cox,
of All. mi, f ,.f I .ttn of Or.. ,.,.
Hworn Hiaiement No liul, fnr the purchase of
ine r.,i, r,i n. ;4 ami sr.' w nee t
TiiKS It 111 h W M.
Adolpli V. I'l'lerwin,
of CnrvalllM. couuly of II, nluii, male ol (Ireiioii,
aworn hlateiiieiit No l:tU2, lor tin piirchaau of
the See 4 'I' M) H It Hi K W M.
Krwiu llhodell Alexander,
of CorvallU, couuly of It-lilnn. Hale ol Oregon,
sworn s-alemenl No l'li:t, for Ihe piiNchaHe of
the hW'i Mi'., 1itH 1 and 1, Ho: ii, and lit 4,
Sec 4 T H'J H It Iii K WM.
Thai lin y will offer proof to slnev that thn
land .DoiiKht is mure valuable for lin liuiher or
Hlone Hiaii for agricultural purpow H, and Ioch
tahlUh 1 1 1 I r elm in to raid laud heforu J. (I.
1 1 hoi a k er , (I. H. ii in m I -H j one r Hl.Korrest, (iri:
Kotii on Miiuduy the 27th day of number. Lhi'J.
They name as wltiieaHi H: John H Sllsby of
Ashland, Dri uon, Harry H Clndfelier. I lella
Peterson, oiimave A Helm. Ider, .laiin a Mai ken
xie, Jacoh Wrut-'i', Adolpli K I'eterniiu, lirw iu
I'.hod, II Alexander, ol Corvallls, Oreumi, I.u
cretia It Cox hll.ubi lli K Cox, of Albany, Ore
Knll. Any and all persona claiuiiiiK advcrnely
the ahnvi -di hi iib-i lamlk are reiiieHteil to III.)
Ih-ir i liiiiiis in thin olllci: on or heforu aald 27 III
day of in n, In r, Vtii. 11. ilKA I I AIN, ItoKlatur.
lilinds, Motiklinj!:, Window and
Door Casings, IJcehivcs and Purniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimate- on contract work & material
Hereford- Stock arivj
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Guntlng, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
I?) Registered Yearling Bulls
IOO, 125 and ISO each
Opens Wednesday, September 10th.
Full faculty, improved htiilJingH, exhatiHtivo v.ourm of Httnly, ouch
(le)artiiiiint filled )y a Hpecialitn. Latin ami (itionotnitH added for tlie
lient;fit of thoHo iirejiaring to teach in 1 1 f fli Sfhooln, but are opt iunal.
$2J0 in cuhIi prizeH for excellence in oratory and alhleticH. . ExpciiHcn
light, Bocial condilioiiH ideal. Sund for catalofrtie,
. P. MULKI-V, President,
CLin OKI) THOMAS, Secretary.