VOL. XXIII. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY', OliKGON, THURSDAY, SKIV25, 1902. NO. UIG "KICK" ROUTE OF IN KLAMATH BIG RAILROAD ! Dissatisfied With Ashland Mall , The Pa Through toe Cascades STOCK NOTES OF INTEREST Route the People Will Ask for Change Mack to Agcr. TIhTi' appears lu In- coiiMldcrahlf t Ixflir! lull Willi I III' licW 1 1 1 J i I cr Ire from Ashland. Thf fill cuiii iliiliil riitni'H from K Iiiiiiji I li county. Tin' I:iiiiiIimI- 1 1 j i m tiiil i l In-iii'it of iiii.v cniiiplulnl (nun Ih l I 1 1-1 -1 . II Is li'iirni'il I hat I In-1 ifi iili i ( KImiii. ill li ii ii I III, , a I lent II I i ill a III m .1 n I h III I lull cniinly , will make nil effort In have On' schedule -li ii uyed. It m proposed In ask lid' I lrin II llli III to have I In- mall fur tin1 West cmuc In Alter a f'iniii'i h . IiinIi-ihI ufliyAxli li 1 1 n I. I ii 'ii I In' iliani' w a ina'li' I m Ashland It InuLi-il like a urafl f..r niiiiii'IiiiiI , iiml entirely it i nil 1 1 I fur, ainl tin good reason witf ii 1 1 it 1 1 I for ion ll ii i liani'. IIiiwcvit. weilo tint hi-Ucve tin- Department will take kindly tu lln iiiiniM'i clianue hack ( Aji'T, ihiw Hint (In' route ha Ihtii fairly i-HtiililUhi'il f ii. in Ashland, and W C Oplllf tlll'IV w ill I inside rahlf hard work dune Ii y tin h ) wlni ask fur I In- ilia nyi' I iff i iii- I In' I iiiai I mi lit Im rnn 1 1 a i'i t ha t hiic h a t ha tigf In necessary. 'I'Im' iriH'r tlnu' tu hut i nun If I In- Muli I before t In Wash lugtuii olllclnls w iim when I In- pmp- miiIiiii w n llrst advanced tochnug.' frmii Akit tu Ashland. A liroroiiM protest at that llnif would ii'ulialil v llHf Ih'I'II till- ftlfltllsof klllMkillg lltlt I In- Ashland iuliit iih a west mail dis i riliuiur. 1 1 Im claimed t hut dv Aliland llif mull for I hi- WfMl Im "tw i-nty four hour Inter." How ihUran U- The Cxiimlni r iIim-m not pri-tf nd to know. Al any ralf lifi'i- Im thf proposition jorwardrd by tin- poHtiuaMtfr at Kfiio, K lama I Ii county , loilif p.isi iiuiHli r ut l.akf if m : Kl.Mi, Uivki.ii, Kept. I". l'.HIL1. To Uk' lion. p. M.( I.ukfvlfW, On. iron. I 'cur Mr: llow arf y our piiiplc mi I Ulli'd wit 1 1 thf mail Hrrx In' hIih f I lie i haiii' haM Ihi ii ma. If la AmIiI.iihI liiHlrad of A'l-'.' H'c arc not hiiI Mini a I all. Our mail Im a I unit Jl huiii'H laliT, and uhfiithf chaiif Im inadf lo winter liuif ill Im- Mill la tf r. K laia.il h Fa I In Im not nal ImIIciI. We nn laakln an effort to have thf mail direct from Auvr. I would like In lii'ar li'imi you, and to have you eo operate w it h iih to ift the mall lirii't froni the railroad Instead of iroliiir around ly Anlilmd. I'lfanf let me hear from you al y uiii eatileHl .eoiivclilfliee. .1. I.. I'aim;i:tt. J'. M., ki'im. Or. 1'imt mahler Wilcox, when Inter clewed, nal. I that tlif chaiijrf would lieu I M'lii'lli' Im I one; that there wan ureal fear that dutimr the winter IIIOIltllH the Hcrvicc would In" till' 'tt iH'Mt Lakevlew Iiiim ever had, on ac H'oiint nf the lilockadcM t hat areiiHiial on I he AnIiIhiwI iiioiintaiu. He Niild In all prolialiilil.v I here w ould In' iIu.vm and (layn at a time when no mall from the went would reach hakcvli'w. For that n-iiMon, he Ik-IIcvcm t In clianjri' hIiuiiIiI Ih made, and I lie people of La kevlew Hhoiihl co-operate with the patroiiH iiIoiik the route lie-.twet-ii here and Klaniatli 1'alU In pe titioning the Department to make ihl'lJlHIIKV. in all prolialilllty thechaiiKe wmilil never have lieeit made from Akt to AhIiIhikI wetv It not for Home Iiiih.v roiiU ajrent who wanted to hIiow the Department at WaHlilnut"" that lie whh earning hln nalary, or for Home other reiiHon poHnlhly of a pecuniary nature. tlllth Bred Canines. I.oiiIh (lerlK!r of Urookvale Stock Kami, laHt TlmiHilay forwardeil by ta to AllH-rt Dent, Dan Malloy, V. A. Kherlock, J. N. WatHon and Win. Little, each a very tine Collie pup. The pupH were Hired by Mr. (Jerber'K Imported do "HaHial," dam "Kletch,"botli by prl.o wlnnern at the hint Hi mi kennel hIiowh held In California. TIii-ho iIojtk will be a ureat iKiulxltloii to the Collie family of Lake County. i Ma licen .Selected, Hut Not Vet (liven Out to Public. Tlif OrfKuiilaii li'lU of tin' recent return to Portland nf MaJ..r I. D. Klniif.v, lilff iikIiiiht nf tlif lircut iiilial Itallriiail, friiin a t rip I u ( 'huh May. lie spent two wifks on Coo Day and at Host-burg. He aiiuoiiiic fi I lint In Iiml M.'llli'il I In' route (,f I lif I a iliuail In! iih I hum I '.ay ami t hf Suiil In-rn I'arllli that It Would prin t It-ally he I he route nf tin Coo Day, linst-Imrg Lusti-rii, forming I lif Jinii'l lun a t Host-hurir. I f Im plan l til llllilll lll III till' pI'I'Mfllt Hi f I hf I 'hum Itay. Kuwliin.' Eastern at luil Ii ends, llii'ii buy tin Spreckcl luad If It ran In had on reasonable terms; If not, to parallel that road. ThU ili lex a w ay with all iuHHililllty that thf lua. I will m l it h.v way of Drain or Lui-nc. ll U il 'lliiiw l.v settled that It will unlii Host-burir. Major Klinif.v iiln.i hroimht t Im new m t hat thf Hooth-Kt-lly Luiuln-r 'niniaiiy had takfii iii Iim option for I In- land grunt of t hf 4 n-gun ( 'ent rul Military Waumi Itoad I 'oinpaii.v, a di al Involving .'.hi,imhi. Thf lioot Il ls i-lly Company did t hi on t he nssur auif of Major Klnni-y that thf lirent l iil ra I llailroad would go and that It w ould afford adfipia lc t raiiHporta tloii facilities fur the timber on thf urn n I. Another Important niinmiucemciit wiih that Nelson r.i'iini'tl, tlif well- I known coal rarlor, w ho built several hundred iiiIIcm of t he Norl hern I'acitlc. w ill iindertake to contract the lirent Ce ut ral I'.allroad, and thf contract fur that part iM-twera CmpIre City ainl liuhfluiru w ill iM'formally aw aid ed at the Iiml lili-cliiijr of thf lioard of dii'fctoi'M to lie held III a day or to. Tluil el retell of road Im to lie ready f..r operation within ! uioiit Iih from the date nf the contract. The Work will lie dune through the iiiMtril Hli'lilallly of I he 1 '.In pile 'mint ruct ii ill Company in w hich Mr. I'.eniictt w ill limine proinlueiit ly. Several hiiIicoiiI ractn have already been let. Helir. NcliUHtackeli, nf Mailillili. will et nut the piling for four milfHof Irenile. D. W. Small, of Walla Walla. Ih already at work on a contract for Krailln t he remain In three mili'M Ik'Ihih'ii Umpire City and MarMhlleld. He Iwim a doen leaiiiM of IiIh ow n at work, and the remainder of li Ik force he will hire from amoiitf farmet-H of that locality. C. i;. Cook Iiiim taken a Hiibcontract for u radium from Myrtle 1'olnt to ward KomcI mix, where Home heavy ciiih are I o lie made. I le Iiiim 7 horwH In Lunelle that wen1 Htarted for I he new Work hint week. All who are Inleii'Hted in IheCon Ht ruct inn Company lurree not to ro too heavily into the link of coiiHtruc tion lu an Oregon Winter. The plan in to net the work well organized hIoiik t he line and proeoed cati-fully with certain portlonn during the Winter, and to have every thing ready for crowding coiiHtructioii In the Spring. 1 told yon Home time ago that we would begin active cotiHt ruct Ion work on the railroad by Keptemlier 1," Hald Major Kinney. "Well, It wiih September It when the work wan act uall.v begun. That wiih not a bail iiiImh, wan It?" Chief Lnglneer Kinney hii.vh the wharf at Lmpltv City Ih completed, anil crew'H of workmen are buny on the new towiiHlteof Imngor, anil on the licit Line Hallway, He report h a notable change In the Hentltnent of Cooh Day people toward thetlreat Central enterprlHe, who are now warmly nupportlng where they form erly were dlHtriiHtful. The chief englniHT i'xpnHHeH great regret that all the myrtle of Cooh County ban bii'ii Htturetl by San FrnnclHco people, who will take it to the Hay City for manufacture. At Myrtle Point he found men grubbing out myrtle hUiiiiph for Hhlpment to San Francisco, anil a Mr. Hall, who represent the California people, told i - V ' .' v.. m - ! r li 4mK h rr In i. i ... . iU .V.'tL.- . U-i MRS. THOMAS F. WALSH. Mm. Tbomtia F. .)'aju. wire of the inlllioiiulre mine ow ner of Denter, Id nKtunUhliiK Pnrl with tli KorKi-oiiMiifHs of her entertainments. King pold of itfluluiu r-'ontly Iih. I the WhIkIick nt IiIh uuuimer pal.nce. hiuiiflUa Ion was pa id for thai wood. Dr. Steiner arrived home hint Fri Mr. Kinney ha offered .-Ju,inh a an day. A f w wii-k ngo the Dr. made inducement to have the wood maim- a hurried trip to San Francisco to factured Into fiiriiiture on Coo Hay. which offer hn Imvii taken under con- Hlderatioii. On lii way out Major Kinney spent t w o day in Hoeburg. There lie sal.l to tiie M'ople that the dreat itarium at that place. His suffering Central Kailroad would lie built. and was intense, and during hi illness lie that Koscliurg would lie the point of lust twenty-live pounds in flesh. The Its intersection with the Southern Dr. returns home almost completely I'acitlc line. restored to health, and hi Iriend , ' ,. .... 1 and patient are rejoicing. in answer to the question. Ha the route through the Cascade range Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Whortou n btrn determined upon?" Major Kin- turned home last Friday after enjoy ney said! lug a six wtfk' visit at various Orc kit has: ami while it Is no part of non and ashington point. Dur oiir policy to show our hand at this iu their absence they visited Port- time, I can state positively that a route through the range ha been decided upon." "We are asking nothing of the ieo ple of Douglas county except their good will and in return we promise them a rail outlet from tidewater at Coose liny to Salt Lake City a soon a it I possible to construct it." "Do you care to state what rail way Interest are associated in the enterprise?" "Further than the fivct that promi nent eastern railway men are inter ested, ami that not one share of stock I for sale, 1 cannot speak of that matter," "Do your plan contemplate the use of the Spreckel road?" "If the road ran bepurchaed rea onably, ye. If not we can set our stake at Myrtle Point anil proceed Independent of the old Hue." "1 Infer from your statement that tin locating engineer are on hand ready for business?" "They an. A locating force Is now at work on the west end and the corps now with me will com mence from thl point. This force will be augmented by un additional t'orp from Portland. Seventy-live head of horse have lieen purchased at F.ugcne. ami the preliminary work will be commenced at unco upon their arrival ut Hoeburg." The Fxatnlner doe not pretend to be on the "Inside" with information regarding the (ircat Central, but It I a sate proposition to wager that it will strike Lake County in the Silver Lake section. 4 i rvv l.ymJ ''j..; .7 4 14 .., y ri i .'Pf-if 'iy; 'J V'-Wv'' '' 'v'l :i -flXit- l- T- . JL "'f ' K -: A priM iirc treatment for blood-poison-1 ing. He had a very narrow escape! (,, death. After a brii f time in a J San Francisco hospital he went to! Salem and bn nine a natient in a win-! laud, Seattle, Republic end other places and hud a thoroughly enjoy able time. M iss Habe Combs, sister of Mrs. Whorton, who lias made her home at Hepublic for the past three years, accompanied them home to remain here during the winter. A few wiH'ks ago The Examiner understood J. ii, Willits to say that his brother H. ll. Willit wasdend at Seattle. The error, a very natural one in the hurry and whirl of news pajK'r life, crept into these column. The Examiner I glad to state that 11. It Willits, who suffered a stroke of paralysis, 1 In a fair way to re cover. Judge WlllItM of Klamath Fall went to Seattle last week to remove hi brother to Klumath. Jim Part In returned Saturday evening from Summer Lake where he ha Itccu assisting hi fatherThoma Part in, and undo Jack Part In, to round up horses. The two latter started last Monday for Eugene with a baud of young broken horse. The animal are big, tine looking fellow, and will be placet) on tmleat Eugene. The Hanger Exchange, published at Bangor, Coos county, is before us, a very handsome paper, with a great write-up of the resources of Lake County. The Exchange gives Lake county this big notice because this is one of the counties through w hich the Great Central Rail road is to pans. Studley & Hurrl have purchased the furniture stink and undertaking buslues of S. H. Sublette & Co., anil w ill remove their . tock Into the brick building heretofore occupied by the Sublette Co. Fall Movement of Stock in the Local riarket Some Bi; Sales Made in Lake Courty. Dlckn DroH. of Crooked Creek hint wifk Hold l.'iO head of Inif cuttle to C. Swanxtttti nf Sacrami-nto. The cattle were delivered at the 70 ranch in DrewM Valley. Wilcox limn, of Hed Hluff. have purcliiM-d the mutton of Mrn. With-ei-H and Willhim Harvey, of Summer Lake, and Arthur I'.roH., about l.VM) in all. LiiMt week the Olfiie Livi'MtiM-k Co., purchaHed if Louin lierlM-r and A. V. f.jing II :j."iiK iieul of tine cwin and lamiiM; thin band U coiiMidered the flni'Mt wool Hhefp ever brought from I 'rook county. C. SwiiiiMton ha purchiiHei from I . IH'H MIHI Jllll ! vi.' and iiforK- T ! vlll.-. :hh h.-a.; of im I will M KlilpH'd fr. Phil Lynch and Jim Turpiu of lake- Turner of Cednr- miitton. The nheep mi Madeline to Murameiito in u few davn. The price paid were $:.: for yearling j and three dollar for t wo-yenr-old. i Heryfonl I'.ro. Mild their lieef out- Itlit till veiip tu T.j.nt.1 i:..i-lt uti.l '('. SwaiiHtou. The nale toik nlace i hint wwk. and the tirnt drive wa j iiuitie at once, delivery at Harne i Valley. The stvond drive will 1m made the latter end of Octoln-r, de livery at Drew Valley. Frank Ha uer Hold V head of fine lieef cattle hint Monday to Loui UerlMT of Lon lla. S. V. Momh Hold WW head of mutton sliei'p Monday to Imi Uerber to lje delivered (K-t. 2lth. McKlhinney, iH-nt. Malloy, Wat hoii and Xorrin delivcnI 17.S0 head of mutton nlncp, hint Satnnhvy, at Dent Creek, to Louin lierlxT of Lor ella. W. I). Duke, cattle buyer for Miller & Lux, a in town last week, and ,,ft f,,r I'nMey tointeiviewthe Htock grower of that locality. Loui tierlier ami F. M. Miller left town Monday for North Warner to look after stin k mutter. Loui (ierlM-r stnrted :d0 head of luff cattle on the 14th Inst, from Hrookvale stock farm for Montague, for shipment to Sacramento. Mr. Aitken, buyer for the Western Meat Company, Sun Francisco, ha purchased over luoo lieef cattle In Klamath County from Joe Howard, Siln Kilgore, F. Groh, t5. McDon ald and other lu Langell Valley, says the Klamath Republican. The price wa 5 for cow ami t! for steers. C. Swnnst on started -laOt'nttle from - - the Hortoti ranch in Poe Valley, last Wednesday to lie tdiipped to Sacru mento. C E. Sherlock last Monday pur chased all of J. L. Coleman' sheep, .'1700 head. The purchase wa made for I. D. Applegate of Klamath coun ty. The bunch comprises 1700 ewes, 1200 lamb and 800 wethers. The price paid was $;lfor ewe and weth er and $2 for lamb. Bought Ramboullets. O'Xell & Vanderpool, the fine sheep breeder of Crook county, who re cently brought a big bunch of premier buck to Lake County, have disposed of a goodly uumlier to ltcal sheep men who are anxious to improve the breed of their wotd producers. Some of the best of these bucks still remain unsold and any sheepmen who want some of these royal fellows should see either O'Nell or Vanderpool with out delay, liefore the baud is picked over. The following sheepmen have purchased Hainboulllet bucks from, this band: Wm. Harvey, 1. 1). Apple gate, W. A. Wllshire, W. J, Sherlock and L. C. Meyer. Miss Jessie Sands arrived lust week from Astoria nnd on Monday entered upon her duties as teacher in the sixth and seventh grade department of the Lakevlew public school. Miss Sands comes well recommended asa teacher of suierlor ability and 1 otherwise highly accomplished. i . v. i i !3 i u ,