Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 18, 1902, Image 8

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    LAKH COUNTY XAniNt:R, t.AKI;VII-V, OUKClOrt. Sl:l 18. IX2.
l.nkevlcw Jlnd l ive Ulncs" In
the Space of (fight Hour..
here is a Great Deal of Satisfaction
lOcMl IbniWIltllrtfl IToIi In IIViiVMrrmha
in fcilini; that yon arc plcasol with something
which yon have iurcluisd here. Onr aim is
to please yon just as wc have pleased others
wlio have bought their ;o(ds here from time
to time. (iooiIs to he pleasing tunst he satis
factory of hijji (iiality and inexpensive
and that's what ouroods are.
Customers ol this store well know our
jroods arc uniformly sold on an average at
One Quarter Less Than Elsewhere
mid the Vnd It liultlnir. ,-:va l'"in '
I mini.
Lant Friday w an red 1.-1 t.-r .l.iv In' , " ' Sotncrs l piielilni; hall nt
Lakcview for lire. 1 1 'h ii ..n.l.r ! ''' -
Home one, ir nil if (In- Hivn, illil in. ( Altum ha an j 1 1. Iin i ic of t 1 1 I I
u I disastrously, t ii t fortunately i ''.
nunc of ihi'tii iru'il very i-erlutis. j Tin Susaiivill' I'nlr npms next
I'iVC lIlNlllH t Nlll.'lll HlVs Wll I III' I Miiinhu .
to Im' Ik Verv l k
Sii' it I i'1'l I .riiirii t
llvnl'll fill' lIllV. l.llkfl('W lllls
Ncarccly any protect inn nunliiMt tln
ilrlimn we arc print Icullv nl the
. , I I in Ki iiiiiiii' in
ini'tvy if lnv nIioiiIiI II mine tiium us. i;,,.,, ,..
owltiy; to an I . ia !' hi 1 1 mipply if k i.-'n.
A ur
Tin' i:niulner wn mistaken a
"It'll till' lllllNfll' f ,' lllll
Minlili. in IV nt SiiililiMinl Larry Hull.
At I In- la h ii ii-ni i Ira I w a id .
chired nil.
I' ifl Alil-ln.iii an.) carl l inlia. li
lilllllliil III n I Nil till, hit fl'iilll Nlssnll.
Mis I ,ui i f A hist rmu w In i arri in 1 1 Hill
I' ll lliclll Wi lli nil In TiiM-an Sprint;
w hi ll' hIh- w III i l inn lii (, h, mi,, i a.
'I'lu' tirnt wax a rail frum I In-( irtxnii
lvi Sialili-N. Im! thf tlniui'N well
ipicnchcd before p'l ilia; I h 1 1 . 1 i nn
The mviiihI mm a Mimll lilnxf nl
llii- if.-iilifiiif nf Mr. iiinl Mr. I'ldve
Colllt'H. Ml. I. mill Weill
dark closet wllli a candle to Heart Ii
I ... I I t . . a . . . .
i'-r ,....,.. K k,.. i.v r...i . , ; ,.v , I'M"1"
l.l Ml t ..III. II.'... ,.,. ,,. , (,.,,vil)1,
i .ur I'liiiii'i h miiii tin if ii a i,, i,,. w ! ...
I n . , i i , .inline. I m',f. r ,. in',,,, ,,,, ,v
llolcl l.akc i'w. i ,
I fi"lii Hi.' h, i rail.., "Itn l l.nii.U."
'Ill-'cxl.' . III. In- Mill, nil w III llif Malinx 'I'm Kit hhrrll a r ill lit. Ii
........ i . .
, 'r, ., u I,.a t .
Im'oiwc Wall df Civ wim a l.alc
View ml I n' llils Hivli.
Int. i I l..ikr ami Klaiuatli lnlnii- l, 1 1
.M i nli ic larlim it r .
Livery and Feed Stable
n. W. J. BARKY, Proprietor.
HarMi BoardnJ by the day or month. Flrat-clats Turnouts and addl
Hor. OurSptclalty If the Quick and Safe Delivery of Pa.enger to All
Pwlats In the District.
o Proprietors ol Barry 's Opera House. Only Place in Lakev lew
r-or noiuin Public Entertainment
fill- M Mllcl llill-. ami Hiilllr llntlillii;
i-anulit lii-.'. Mir i:ac I in am!
liiirlic Kriil win, wa near l.
1 t 1 1 1 1 - iiimwi. it'll ami In. i 1 1,,
i ll.'iiiio. It us a na i ii n .,(.".
j 'I'm' t liil'.l a. a -in i!l hi , .' a I III.
ifxiiliciicc nf l'.ml'' llaii al.,. ii!
t In- l n Inuir. 1 1 w :ih titi.-kh .-ul.
1 ilu. il.
'I'lic fi iiirt Ii w.i- tin iin.-t mi..ii-ciiiilla-iatintl
nf tli,. day. It mrui'tv,!
ill t ll' fi .fell. .. ill al til.' fi i I Iit-t- ,.f
.Mr. .1. HaimT-rh . ami ..nly l, a
inirai If was ii n,,t ail. ii., . l,y a
falalily. Au.lfi'W ll.-nin i-li v ..t, , ,
.' ('"Ill Cl;.r,
I .i,i a t.,. I .1,.,
II I W it V m
is at l'aUi.. 11
i I "in Kri'ii..
"i " a. c I.- i.i
'' II. V.. I t.
Mi- I . I'. final li. i
i-l I i ;l I ilf M , ssiw .1 s.
Ti l. r I. .r, n..'i, I i. I'.lIu. h an i
Vi'il hi I . ,Kf lew Si a. , ,
Mrs r., . ,,. ,,,
la-.. il h , iiinriiiiu.
Mr-. .I.ii'ia rii-liiini j, in ii,,.
nf I In is., w In. arc cr ill 1 1,,, s,,K
Allien Mini h ami,, n. M
man in I at l l.imai Ii I .ill-.,ii 1 1,.. si ii.
S, iiln. . ,,,i,i i.. 'r,,..,..H i . i . . .
' - '' til',-, s,in ,1IH'
In- wast hf ic liu in) w as tint t,Mt
liiu liiiv. win. was ar,...,i al'y
hIh, i I .. w.i'k a ,. Is f 1 1 t,K a Ii. K
Hi" l l . .1 till i H , ,, i t, ,
I I Illkt'M HI, .V ,. , ,,',. m,
ft I., iiui k-' .Ilia Mini; I If uf tin- mortal
1 1'
U i. .i ."
1 1 .. i ii .
Wi.t ii,
' r.. .li.i. ,
ii , l
(In in !"
lii.-1 .i nt
J ,1 ill mrr '
. I . 1 1
I .fi.ri' S run , is nunc tu C.'iiiral
fnilit w line hf w ill if,j,,. f,,ra tu,,,..
k.'ni'i. -k l .iviii:,, ',,i,ul - ,i,i,,., i
Hum.' r.i.-la In a ,:iii ,,,, t., , ". (':'-" iiiM i...',,.i,..., I u
Htnvf. lirt'iniraliirv In r, nalrlii.r ,, I '"' ' "
In. at. ami thru ha. I hi unr liiisim-s ii.i
tnivil. cant i. mini: his im.llirr I... I
left lint l kfi ji lli tun Iinirli tire 'I' s. I il.i'h s rhlai;.' Inis li t 11111. .I
Mrs. Ilaincrsliy iviilfinly f,.ru,,t t ) ! ' '" 1 1 '" I'.ilsl.-t.
warning, ami lill.-il tin- hI.ivc witlij ' i'"i-c I'cnlaml an.l M. I'n-c wn',.
Winnl. She went t 11 m it lii-r pari , .1 a I'l'i ills fi-,,iu '. .1., r ,. n
the In nine, ami h (In- ,.,r ,,( .
lmn,lncr...siM r...-..l,... .r. M. i : '' " N'"'1""". -!.-
n -in . ,1 1,1 as is., 1 nr. 1,1 , , .
paircl lo t hf kil, hfii ami f.niml t hr
incltcil rnsii, mi tirt'. In the critc
liii'ht nf I In- im. in, -nt th" iiirf.l
nml' rti.i.k tu carry tin- lii.iniin stuff
imlsiilf, I, in w , n ),!,,'. 1 11, ,.
(liKir lllf W iml ,f w t hi. Hani., in l.-i
j i(.(ir 1 in- w imi .r w I lie Ila in,- in l:. f
OniUTC Regarding the Forty Second AnntialiXri'rS-,.
Statement EQUITABLE LIFE. !!::::; 'Z !'".'.
1 in
in- nl I mi I U.-i 1 I. ,r II iv.iimi,
ItlC I I III I'll . I, If I k'.il. l..r
I'm Illl -
W . I. WffUs Ull.l W ,f ,,f 1 1 j x
arrivals at llui. l ,.,' .-vif w
Sal 11 r. I.i x.
i'-ill riim iii' 1111 I I : . , in. ,1.. I :. ill, ml
liaf Ink. 11 a linn, h nf -u( Im i,, I. i 'h
naii 1 1 I In . I ur ii 1- f, ,!i 1 r, 1 i.. ,ij-i
Hiss I'.r I w fill M.ll-,1 I' I l:.ll.,l. Is
II I list I, T, -, , I i, In n , , ,, J, J l,, H .
I J.i. k . well :,... a mill pup.
ni. Il' In l.aki- I imiil 1, has Ifii.t. rcl
I Ills lira 1 1 il . .In.' w 1 1. 1 I illll in - 11 s .J. ill r II
al hi- 11 if, k Ifiii... . . t ;n
w . . I, I . 1 n li i' ,1 sa 11,1 a 1 in 111 n.-ar -.iiti
III III Is. . .
I . I. ,v l, . ,, ., I " I H, ,
1. 11 1.1,,, 1 " '.n
emu 1 '" ' i.'i .1 -,n v . . 1 1 .11, 1, ..t
i.'1't ilu' ii.-i.i iiiipiMti a,. :i,
Miss 1 m a Mull h . f I iiilrt . M imatli
c.iiiiily. was 1 lir. w 11 Irmii a Imrw
la.t wc., ai,, M.,,,-v liijarnl
1 he niiii . In l u us 1111. ,Mi-i i..u- f, ti
ll i. 11 i 1 line. 1 1,-, ,u (, 1 ,,, hU V M.
W .11 I , 01 f'
.Now oiisinoss writtiMi 111 1001 - !!". n- i.t
Oross assetts. " - ,o;jjl,7-ju.;j
irossj surplus , " . 71,7-'i;,7!);
Total paynnMits to policy hoMcrs 27,71 ,ir2l.2
lll'in' the !;!-! I.T1 1 1 , .. I . i . .,.!.. I..,.. ... l .... ,-.. ,.,
'. 'i.l ii I"." 1'ni'i "'. in ilivi.liTi,- ,
Ita j, i, h...frM. whirl, larly exr Is the amount ,.ai, in ,liu.,'r.,is hv anv ,,tl
j ii. in HprcaiiaiK.M'i'llif kilclicii,
I ne VVashington Life Insurance Co " '"' M ni
& .w ; Ill.-s c.nil.lft. ly ,t it ,,,.
Il'l-liliiil'. liar. her l ii.-- f..r I
' I
ami li'iiTi'-.l in Hi,- N,.i' J.i-t ,
thin' In ilra' i ; i-.-1 1 , I n i . i " " nut i
reach nf l In- ilaim-.
Si ...ii Mr-. W. M . Ha, '!, M,.,
I . . .......
,,j .laiKsnii ami .irs. 1 1-Ii i r.- raia.-t,
Hi.' resell,, ami aft.-!- fm in;,,- ;l ,u, ,
el .-.n.ll I . . t thf jv, w hirl
hail Hiirrail all n f r I In-1. Ii.-l,..., t...
.1 i ' l.lll I us w lis ,,nr ,,f t )' f -V will.
Hhippf.l I, Is w .ml In . Im.lan
W . .-. I.. I.l . . .
Mir-.;w,s(.,:,,swi.s., ,,,,, i.r,',-,' ir,',,,,,,,,.,,;,:.;,,
lip at II, f aifli.i im-. Ii.- iifitcil
I i flits fr. .in I he sal.-.
' I'.l.l" HMH
ri'!,l!.'. l,lr u;.,, t tl. ,.!.'.. ,,, I ...ll...
Illpln,f. at
'ill" ai Kl.iinalh I n
relit I 111
Wallao- Ta t ..r, M, i lalrmlnit ,,f
I'U ii. h ,,, ti. Hi nt
San I ram -is.-., thi, vt,, 1
hr-l p,'a,,
. (; , ,u
, "lis III li .i,
I.,'. I.,.,
, A 'i kl'l'l- '.I Hi.
f. u ma ,v -, ,
1 1 A N. I ,' u,l i!.' I
i Mrs. I in I Mnilli lift r,.,a
illlnlliill fur Slili.ti-. V',,11..,.
' ., i . 1 1
V ff H.
I I,.' .A. '.'.-!
.I'.'l l.llr
c .'I ,1 I.l- I .
,ii has I I, .-a,
-I-. It .
,!. r il,.,
X I 1 UM V,
t i-it w il Ii i. it fs f.,r a few
.,'., i, i in,, ,i nni. i ii,.,. I- i. . .. . . .
Mil I I. TT , . I I.. w .1.. J ... . . ! ' Ml-lrcs TlmliiHcl,
iM.s.rvc lnsuraiicv Uoini)amcs arc under: V , . .. '"" 1 a"'1 s- '-f'"i.nni, ,,f i.i,,, m
,tatc supcrvis,on; al arc alike responsible. The best com-j i.n.i ..... t'Ln imf;:: i:';:
ran i i Liii- i iiit- i ii;i r isviiu'v; t in mini 1 1 1 I .... I i i irv w ( in m li.i ,. n u, I. hi i.i ... , i i.
- . ... ..... in,.icii loin. iinii n;i S i .'I" i i -I i- , ,
thf tV,i.;A,..K. .-1 i.n.l Ilu- I.....M,. I n d-'si rnvcil. !., . ""A"r ..f c,,,kf,
... . w v.. , U.1U,.S, ,. ,, ItriS'K lllll fl.lll.l ..I .1... I.,
i.iiiiri iiks
laml nlllrc this week
Wnilhl haf llliiluiilitfillv iiffi-h.
ris'K am cninii ,,f 1 1...
I ....
I ...ill I. us 1 1, in, . i -in-iv.. v - .1 it hitil.
'' ' '.'I :!,
'I his t . ,k Hi' n,,' ,i'.,,., with
H' illlf Ii Mr if. ill, I. - , ,f p.. ir. nw ,
"ii ilu- ran h .,f II i . I luniim, i.,kr
Nc Tin.' i I.-. K. I ni sU.. ami llati.r
tin t w. if i-Mrll. iil ami wntil.l I..-
1 1 1 ln a I . .New Kra.
I- Tiirplii. i iniai r. Iiuiil.-r
hIicc piua a, arrivcil fmiu li.sp
Kvcr.vt hin in t hf klti Iii-ii oil I'luth
on the lliinr lal.lf. cliaii-H. ilishi-s ,i,,.l . " ."
i . , , ... last I ni-Hila
llii'. II v
wnsa l.,,,ln,'M.s visit, ,r (I,k,M,-w
l.'Ar'jf rcif n w ami ,-l, ..... .1 .. .1
rslicv h.,l.lf.rB ThVu-J l... V, I-. ,',(," M,al ""re larjr.. .livulcn, h on the llni.r lal.lf. cl,ai
puny ..11 U.iH.'ontii.ent. .' ,-.-.....,. ,W1IV(, , ,.,.... 1 1V. . '-'"l lcr" r in Tut i,-l.v ,.. ,.
.1. W. MaxWfll. ! new. try llicii,-
J ""I'lH III,
C.-A. R0.;RABACHER. Oen. travelling ..rt. p. B. Dt'KKN. Special .Kt. lor Southern Oregon
I will Pfcll nil xr,y property at Lake City, coimiHtinii of one
Full Roller Process Fljur Mill and Resilience Property
to the liuhe-t bidder. Intendi,, purcba-erH ran I1.1v both mill and residence
I Scon," TtP.Ia'dy-- T-'e iH ,"CVM, ?b,,Ut' thB -t-of a finera
II, rcsi.lfii e property L-onHii-lH of blmni .M) ni r., .f l:.,.,l i.i..i. :
T'vT.T.- AU" ,,f !'- 'r""" -H.i-t orcbani,
an i .n ', Jh ' "f tile bent
, -....,...-. VB vaney. j am (jetting fx, old to atten:) to the buni
ties', fhat is why I want to fell. The Auction ale vt. ill tak ..l,-.. .1
Cake City, Calif., on Saturday, October 11, 1902.
1 t,jr fiirtber particula-s iiupiire of N. DRY, Lake City
, . lu Hl. I'lIIMIK.
(!i&t thf f..ll.iwiii-nai..,i ul.-r Im ril.r.J ... I N,(,.,. .r,.jy ivi.n il,,,1 i, ,,1;,'.
l-if-re tl. K. n..t,.r and kcVlvJr ai ' iuiT it -V ii i5 ..i J.J ' WT1. ".' . " V1"'"'
In? inii'lii hefort-
f11;1 , Kcni.tcr a i,. I ki'c-iv.T hi aiwl thai hM ,,r,,f wi
WZl'Z n-V.. , Ii . J '- I '" K.-t.-r anil Iioc lv.-r, i:. H. Uml OlHce il
TbVK NWw u w ".. ii Si.s v l".',1'',,"'""-"11 Oclohcr 11,1112 vl: John
',7 L- . u.Tr.,.. .. ... . "'" ". r.. Diaiiniiiiii, John A. karri.
fi imAi I Ai... I ir . ... M,...s.,..u,.f-.... , .... i . .
" . -' , uiiuji, nil I'lUHl,, lri;KHD.
''t. 1- 1 r.. m lK ATTAIN .Kt-iflHtcr.
'I'lic fifth ami lat lire fnr the day
wiim the Iniriiiii ,f an nut In, use in
the rear id K'liloii U'i.imIcm U'h -('h.
ilciici', l aiiscil li.v iluiiipiii umIii'm nml
live cu.-iU wiLhin lis Miicrcl pri'cinctH.
The liiiililin was a tnlal Inn. 'I hc
Kalian t fi.rt'iiian (if The Kxiunliii-r
illii i', .Mr. l!ow inan, ipilckly ralif the
lire bell, ami hoiui half the town xnn
rilHhliiK madly to tin- hcciic of con-
llaKration. Thi- burs' company ill,
not turn out, and a bucket hrlirrnilo
njilaHhi'd water on the niili- of the
rt'Hiilciicc next to the fire, and kept
mat laiuuiiiK from IkiiHIiik. It wiih
ii w ild, mad wiciif. .Mr. Scb wi infuri h
ami othiTH did valiant work and
waved the eawt portion of the lot.
in ruiiniiiK to the fire .lonan Klnj?
kicked a cow over, ami Cobb ilenkle
Juinped over n bourse that happni-d
to ne in lilx w ay, ami S. - AhlMlrom
ran over a bicycliist, tellinif him nl
the name time for f.od'Mriake to ' t
out of the way nml nlvc Homebody
mat could travel a chance to ire I I
i 1 1 1 v tu
I'll I Irak I,-'
ieorue Maiipln and .f. W. Loffnm,
tw pronilin-nt Hi.H kiiifii of Warner
wc," visit,, t'H In l.akevlfw (lurln
I be pant week.
The Kxaiiilncr iiudei-HtamlM that
W. A. Sh. rbM-khaMHolilhlrtThoiiMaml
Spring ranch, at Hummer Lake, to
'Hum. II. Sherlock.
MImm Lara Steveim ban been III f,,r
two wiM.iM,amldiiriii; the pant week
ncrcomiiiioii has become alarming.
raralyslH Iihh net In.
Tim faiinma J.,UM way. ftll.
ohm. A II lovt-fH nf a kooiI cikar u-u them
! them at Hotel Lakcview bar. 37-1 n,
K. Jl
H Ai, rHour.
Ind Office at IjiLi'vi. w, On;., Hcpl. 1,
J. Nutlue Uhn-hy Klveii that thi; tollow
ja Damad aettlur ha (tint noiice ol h a nitiai
tiou to make Uual proof in ii.,ri of In cuim
tail that aafd croof will : hikiI.. i.f,,r,. , i,
Kivlater and Ke. eiver at'i it w, Or.-Kon, on
sf.Jl. I,,
I nit.-.l Htalc IjiihI Oltlce, Ijikevluw, Or.'Kon
Ki',t itNf'2 Nolli'c in Ikti'IjV ki vi a thai Anna
Klook. ol I'IiihIi, Ori'Kon haa lili d noli, of her
Inlrlilliin to inaki; proof on tn-r duacrt-iilaiiiiNo
it! for lh HK 4 HK y. Hue i W A hW '4 h.-c n
HtiL i,,,iiiu w i ,,f Kw ii Hi.ii fi., ::.:.:...-'i . .""''. "K"i-r
w , ... .. ,m 4 .,, ... , iv,'.:.,i vcr at la a; vl,;w. iri'ii.n i.i. HMi ,
IMa.. fin At, H K 1U K w II.. Ori'L'.ni. . . . . . . " "J
...ww":r.J . . . . ,u" "K? "' M.. r I'M. in; nanu-a Hie
v """-" " .". . provB lonownitf uiiiii'hm'k to provu llii, (.(iiiioli'ii; rri-
3,iacontiiiiiiu roaidouce uJ".n and cultivation jt-aiiun and r.-clninatiou ol naid lan'l- w II
,laaidlaiid, viz : Koh.;rl N. Iv,n Jai.i-a .: , hlnrk and A. w Manrinn of lk.-vluw, On-Koii
Orearr. A. iren anil M. knniM, y ol Laku- and w. K. hi ,,... i..i. i . r ,,. .
yluw. Or.'iiou. . Outioii.
n . .. , fv.'giijfr, ncpt. 4- .v.t
A Mi (e kin a; C it y
'Lately befell u railroad laborer."
John McDonoifii In on the Mick list
UiIh week ami lieorue Harrow has
taken his place an lnlxooKM at, (he
Hotel l.akevlew bar
.Mih. W. A. MiiMMliitflll lelurned
TucHibiy evenliiK; from Slimmer Lake
where Hhe has been vImI(Iii .Mi'm.
L W hern for t w it weekH.
A. F. MarciiH, Win. McClew, Mch
ilanifH r. Wllmotaml H. L. II rail ley,
ami .mimh Uradley, of Portland, were
KUeHtunt, Hotel Lnkevlew thin week.
, A:tei.,,t,,a,Sf,:"!::i;:,: "r Umiiy mt
"Ilia foot H'aH badlv criishil 1..,. lio.. t ' . ,l , '"''". Kra.l.i of cbhb K.MM1
WhlHKV lor Ilit'dlClnnl tttirriMUi.u at I'-..,, m.
I; ' r-.r.H a tint IX
KmjH. 1H.lf
Mhi-. William AL Stewart, wife of
K. M. Hhattain, Itc-Klalor.
,. , " . J '. ,,..n'
no h Arnica raive (pnckly cured liim."
U'a simply for Jhiriih, iJ iln,
i'ile and all hkin inn, linns ir- n...
N.eal'1,UI,,':,r.l,'.;i.UT- c!!r(?": 1 tU" IJ'"I tutiw Senator from Neva-
KiHt. ' ,,r"- " wiih killed in Han KranclHco bint
I 's'ili"nlay In an automobile accident
Household (ioods l or Sale j ,
I will H'll all inv Im.iiui' 1. .... ' ''.'"Hh II"' LfiullableLife man
niture. carnelH. L'iir.l,;n. ,Uv .. ' ""' '" ''"I 1 he WeHfSatlll'dav 111, an.
Noon hh poKHiblf, ho 1 can Icavu Lake- j -M''' 'S"H h ic.oIh a nood IiuhI
view with ,,, ylamily. i.-hh for hU comj.any at Kbin.a.h
S. K. Sublette. I point.
Cri-ck ciiinp M, im lay nlht. Willi
hU in-w uun .liiu brs brought down
Home pr.'l ty spr, liariH of th.- iiioii-
II fell nf I hf fiifrst ,,f b, te,
Cbiini S.IM1, ilu. fit .i.o.tH ,'i.ft ,mn
1 ' " rcstiiiimi.t 11, t. ,,H. j), ,w.
ard IniiMinu. I-,,,,. .H , (i(l(.r
Lvervlblnn III ll. market. tliH-n day
and nitfht. o(( l( '
Mr. ami Mis. ;,.,, ru,. Whorion are
on the way bnme f,-,,,,, , x
trip In the North K'l'Ht. Tliev will
probably arrive tomorrow .,
It Is umlfiMtood Ihaf ,f4 itjii,,.
Coialm llici Ml 1 1 ill n Ii-h tin-in.
Those who have iv nH-rui the
Kame biw of this lale may tiow Ki
out wilh their fowlii.K p,;.,.M nl t
clear coiiHi-leiice and kIiooI a few
duckH. The fkr pn.t.,!,,,, , ,,,H
fow l w ih lifted last Monday.
Cyr.ia Nob!,, Whinkv-ihe old rm.
lon and adll cbaiiipion of then, all
. ne,, i,u l.rHtcla-a place. Auk for
t-ryiiM 1 .Noble case K m.iIb tiben you want
a iron I tlinp at homo. ,-7 t(
C. SwiitiHon. the w hol.'Miile butcher
'f Sacramento., wiih here aKaln dur
ing the week looking for beef and
mm ton purchiiHCH. Swai.Hon made
ulte a clearliiK' out of ntock In Sur
liflne Valley before coming here.
.IllHtice May lev had Hflllll I. nul, ......
In bin ci, nil for Hcvernl iIiivm buit.
week. i'. I'. Lane Hiied J. O. A,1,i.,.m
on a nole ami Kot HiiilHfactory re-
tliniH for IiIhiiioiicv. Quite Jl II Jl Pl'ii v
f li'Kal talent did IiiihIhi'mh i,Iho.
old wetherH. yearling wa a, Mm(
on anv lerina. Ol.l 1 1
ciilletl out Apply l0 J. L. Coleman,
Lakcview, Ori'Kon. a7-4
.MiHHCH Mne .Miller and I.b. it,.v.i
wlarled yeHierday for Oakbind, Cn'l.,
wnere iney w ill ivhIiIh for Home time.
MImh .Miller (roeM lo perfect heixelf In
voi-nl and IiihI l umental iiiukIc, and
MImh lioyd w ill enter u I.UHlneHH i-l-