Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 18, 1902, Image 7

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    L Kti CObMY KXAniMi, I AkLviCW, CttlMON,. S!.P. IS, 1902.
kunaway oil I lie Motintuln. j
K. II. IttiniHi'.v, of MiTi'ill, Kliiinilli
iiiiiiiI.V, ii -1 i 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 ! I I IiIh mhii,
iliniulil r, Mim. ,. I'.. Mnrilii n ml
Mix. II. I), Miullli, wmh ( ' I m h i u IiiIm
AxIiIiiihI ,M'I'I'i,V, KH.VM I III- 'I'lllllIKH
nfliiMl TIiiii'hiIiiv, nviT tin AhIiIhihI
K In inn I h i-1 ii m' fun 1 1 i in I lull' way In
Purl Intnl. Ii,v ii lviili cunve.viiiiee. .
u In n llii v 1 1 1 1 1 ii mtIimim mint vn,v
mi lilrnl nml nnlTnw i'nriiif. Tlnv
we f i iiininu c ii I he Hiiinvu lull
ulivp urnilf mi tin' tini-ii Spflntc i
M hi ii I ii 1 ii (iinr inilfH i'iihI ir Winner
NirliiK. wltcii nii' nf I In- ImiH-M
oil it Int'Ki' ht Irk l.vlnu In I In',
riiiil, 1 1 1 -1 1 lli'W tip mnl xtriicU I In-1
lllllllllll lllll'llt l,V. Until lllll'KI'N lin-
IIH'illlllil.V Hliilti'il In III it ill n lilvnl,.!
link nt'f. Tin' MIITI'.V Will uvrl'-j
llll'lll'll llllll I lie Ml' 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 H tllH'l
nt. Mr. Itnnixi-y Mill I i . 1 1 1 i i u lie
IIihm. 1 1 1- Ml II I'.'l I Ii I III IlillllilnllllllU
Ii h In ii I fur ii I ii in I inn-1 1 1 1 1 1 I ! I iu'iIm '
w Inn I In- ii ii I n in Im v. i ii n w n. ii ii I in n
fur it iUxImim i' i if 1 1 i r i hni' inili'H In-,
f r I lit . ui'iv nil iin-il. Mr. Kniii
HI ' lllllllllll I I III' ll--t II lll'l' I if till'
1 1 llll' i ii rll'llili I n uf III.- , I , i i 1 1 ' mill
(mill. I tlnil Imlli lii'lii riv M'M'lvl.v
lii'iilxi il nml i nt ii. 'I In", m ii- tnK
iii In ii i hi i r I In niw mnl nf lit u nt iln
i nun' In A lili i ml mi I lir M .'ifi . .ir.
I!iiiii-i, lifter hiilillli;; tin- IimI-im,
p,in ri'i i. il ill lii iiihij: thi' miiivv In
1 1 w li In n 1 1 1 1 1 1 iln ii in im I ri null I inn
Ii ir i'i'mli . Tin' Imlli'K nf tin- iiirt.v
II Ii' lilili- 1 1 1 1- I 111'iilllnl IikImv nml
Will I I' III l-li.ll I' In ( . illl ililli' tlll'il'
niii ni'. .
Ml. i ml II ulli HIT
I'.. ll M mnl.i v, ii In jut ill I li'lirh'l H,
I i . imri' lii'ili il u ,'r.iVi' iliki,"i r. 1 1 " My IikiiIk-i witn uiy In muh
iiiiiIiiii.iI I"M' in it j niii'lii i'. I I'l r-'l-i'l-
I linn In 1 1 v l.liiiiii' l-iiii'ii-, nml In'
mum i.iti nun Ii lii'lti i, lull ('lint iniifil
tln ir iii- until In- w,i wholly rninl. I
.tin "ini' I . ii'l i ii' I '.it lii -ii i i'i Inn lili'."
1 1. ii'iui-'ly i'Xn'li liiiiliin.i, kill" ili-
K'Tiii" Mint imtlln'H tin- IiI'hmI; .i,I
liKi hliiiii, ii'iilnli' liwr. k 1. 1 in yn iiml
I i v I , rirra ii Hint I ii4t lull . il Kii'ihiii ,
iii'iviiiin iIiwiiith, ki'lncy Iriuilili'M, fi-
inn ! it n i ! ill ii t ; I'lirK pin' I lii-.illli.
Only .Vlr at l.i'i Hi'hU'h il I UK li T'.
Slate Superintendent' Report.
Sinlf hiiH'rlnfi'tnlt'til .1. II. Arki'f
ni.iii Iiim ri iinplli'il tin- t-( In ml MiiIIm
t i' nf I In-Min if fmin tin' ii'imi'tH rv-ii'lvi-il
fmin tin- wvi'i'iil miitity Mil
licrlnti'inli'tilM. Tin- nl nti nu'iil t- !
Ilmil III llll- lill'lllll.'ll lliiit, hllliWH
I hut llll' t ot til Hilmnl 1 ) ill III 1 U ll nf
I hi' hi n Ii' Ih :is, lilli, iniiii'illiiy; In tin
l.lli'Ml hi Iiiii. I ri'liHilM, nf w lili II mini
tii'f m.7."' MI'IV nil till' hcliiml 11'Im-
ii'fi ilitiinu I In- liifii Kiln ii il y i-iir.
Till' n linnl lilil'lltli'H nf till' Htllli'
.Imw ii lirnltliv pruwtli, tin' nnnilM'f
nf liiinkn pill tIiiihi'iI iIiiiIiik; till- Nl'llf
Im'Ihu I.'i.s-'I. nml tin- t it ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . r
iiiia lii tin' lilii'nrii'M in r.i'i,."i!ts. Tin
tnln.1 j i lit' ii lit nf liunir.v n nllnlilr fur
Hllinnl plll'pnM'H wiih J.I''l,
mnl tin- inn. unit i'M'tiili'i. fl.Hitlt.Mtit.
n, Irnvlnu n Inilmuv nf L.":!,''i.".."i(. i
MtouiNt'li Tiimlilf. I
"I liavi' I'l'i-n t roti I !! itli my xtoin
i -Ii fur tin- pMxt four yi-iii'H," i-hvh I I..
I!i-iit'1i, nl t'liiM-r XiMik l-'ii rm , t iri-t'iilii-lil '
Mhxh. "A tf iIhvh Mk'" I unit iiiilincil
tn Imv n 1 1- x ( t 'IiiiiiiIh-i liiiii'n Stunnii'li
nml I.ivi r'lx. I lin vt- liiki-n pitrt 1
nf llii-tn untl fi-i-l tl itriMil ili-iil lifttt-r." If
ytiu luivi- any tmnlili- m it h your xtuinm li j
trv a linx nl tlu-Hii Tal'li-iH. Yon nrin-r-,
tu i it ti Im pli'HHi-i with I lie ri-Hitlt. I'rire
,.ri 1'niitH. l'nr hiiIu hy l.i'i' Hi-all. l ru-
IMt. I
Wunil nml water nri kiiIiih to la-ii-HpoitKlliln
for two liootiiM that nre
Iti'atli'il for Oivkoii. hh Htin-I.v iim any
tlilttK la the fiitnri' ean Im. There
will lie a liooin In Sotitlii'iiMterti Ore
Kini an Moiin in that Hcctloa Ih eon
neeleil with the iititnllc world hy
rail and water applied hy nieiiim of
Irrigation eaiialn to t he arid IiiiiiIh.
There will he a Immiiii all aloiiK the
t iiiiHt line hm hooii iih rnllroatlH tin1
eotiHtrtietetl ho that iiiIIIk may lie
put In ami operated In miiwIiik up
I he liiinieiiHe foivHtn of iiiaunlllfent
limber. The Wlllainelte valley, be-
twetMl t liew t wo Hi'i tloiiH. will profit
friiiii both thene eoinliiK booniH. j
Axhlnnil TldliiK'H. i
The HmokiTH' Kininrium IWI'h, j
where only !'" I"' r'"1,'M !'f '',uar''
van lie (mind. For h line finnke every !
Imily itneH to Iteiill M. "
The sihool where thorough work is done; where the reason is
always Kivcn; where confidence is developed; where bookkecpin:.;
iTunyht exactly as hooks are kept in business; where shorthand is
inadet'asy7wherc pci"l';tshiP Js at ils bcst ! wherc lll,lulrcd;i uf
iKHikket-Pers and stenntidjers have been etlucated for success in
iiereUionsantls'iiiorewill 1. Open nil the year. Catalogue free.
5nw Cup nln Jack Huak.
Tlin trip i if i; .1. I nrlnw t fnili r
Liiki', hi.vh tin- AmIiIiiihI Iti'i'iinl, wiim
IiIm m 1'iiinl I rip tu I lint fiininiM pli'i c
nf Mri'liiT.V, tliclltxl t l ip llll vltlK iMCIIf
r il M -1 ' 1 1 1 n.;n. A itiiwiI nf Axlt-
I iit'l Armli'ln.v i l inli'iilM Itnlpli Nn.V
I'll, ('. II. WiIhiiii. .Ii'lni I. llllll, I'll I.
MiiiT, mnl I'm Iiiw Hi'i iiii'il Iln- lull'
W'l'llnil il I'.cimiIi nf Tnli lit In i Ij l
tlirm In I' I. Klninnlli In Hih'mh llic
IiiuikIiiK nf ( nplnlll .Inrx mnl I lii'
nl In r li'inli'l'M nf I In' .Mi Mini' w ill' fur
t In iiiiimkiiiti' nf tin' pi'iiri' iiiiiiiiiIh
hIiiIi. Tln-y ilriM i' iiiiiiiihI mnl tunk
n Innk nl tin iii.vhIitIiiiim Inki w h It'll
nl llint Ihni' Ii i l mil lu l u hi fn li.v
tiuiiiy pi'iiplr n ml wiih riiiiipmnt Ivi'l.v
n n It In i w n I'M'i'pl n tin hi u I In- i i-hIi Irli t m
nf Sunt In rn Oii'Kiiti. Tin' piH-tic
fniit nrt'M tnok I In- I'.vi" nf ('. II. Will
mi ill nml lin wi'i'ln nml liftiirril n
Kl'i'nt tli'ill III llll' fiillnw lute yi'lil'x lip
nil IIiIm Inimiilliri'lit ii'i'i nf Kti'lili'
In i. my . 'I lii' ii n I in it lin in li'li
Iiml it u I in I liiiiiillit nf tin- lllllllllll
nf t npl . .1 in k mnl IiIm rli li f-t mnl un M'
n Ii-I i if "n. ft x" liiliullny; 1 1 1 ! m ti.
i:nl. hi 1 4 A Ii In i M I i-iln ii il I n i m. Tin
Ih 1 1 mi irl i'i , 1 1 ii In Ii. i n hi tlilftliy
ix 1 1 1 1 1 n II wnx ii nii'iixly r-lni mi', mnl
i iilli'il t Iii-iii lilli- xiiviiui'h mnl
Ii' ii I l.i iix. Cut l In- linyx iliiln't inlml
Mlli'li l'1'liiiil'i.x III vli'W nf Wind tlll'V
II nl w it ni'xxi'il xri'iiii nlly mnl ih
i nt lt nlly .
r IIU I Iff Hi m Si lahlior'n Klml
ih' Mi l I'. I i.nit'lu'i t , utli knnwii
tl rniiulii Mi-rriT nml Mm. hit I'miiii u-h,
IV, Vu , in '-t liki-lv ... lux lilf In iln
kiii !m -x i.f ii m iullli ,r. Hi- mil ulin. .-i
luiii'li---ly iilllii'ti'il illi iliiiirliii-1 ; -auh
Hlti'lnli'.l ti V lu 1 1 1 1 V t i i -1 it 1 1 k Mini k.i vi
lli III 1 1 1 1 Ii- 1 1 iiii v i i'lni. 1 1 i ii ii- i x hi. i. r
II- II llint' uf 1,1- n-l'l IH l'.'.ilil, IllMllt-l.t
linn ll l..ii'i- uf ( IiiiiiiU'I Ihiii'i- I'tilli',
Cliuli-rii a-nt I inirrlniM I i 11 1 t-i I v , wlni'li
'iiri-i lii ill in li- 'linn t Ai'iity-f.itir
tiou r m. l'nr h iIi-l.y l.-i-r.t-.ill, ilr nVvixt .
rhl .U-nnturo In on ri-rv h nf llio frnulnr
Laxative BromfQiiininc t.iifu
ruouxlr th I rnrvt t r. Ill In on lnj
MumIc Lesson.
.Mm. Iti-rlminl llluir in imw pri'iHrcil
tn tiiki- ll ii 11 in I ht nl .i.Ih totem Ii tlifin
iiiHtriiiiii-nlal iinihii', nl In-r ri-xiili-m-i-.
i lalf liniir It'uxiitiH L'.'i i'1'iitn ; , mi liinir
ll'UXHIIH .'ill fl'lltM. i! Im
HaSf nm5 Half.
Tin tl v-.j-t-ptio may well lf rt pri'tu'titnl
I'ii'tnri.tll v hm Ik'Iiik half inn-u iiiinr untl
:a!f li-iuiiiitii-, atltl cotnliiiiiii the leant
it, ".ir i'iit- I'liataetc-rihtii'N nf litln-r m-x.
lie h.ii all lin- xt u I il kjt 11 ties-i of the inuti
with the peevish tr
nt.iliiliiy ot a tick lie's Jtot
Iile.isitit rntnji my at
mine or
1 ir. Pierce's (ioltlrn lliseovery
cures tlye'ia ami
other ilnte.iMH of the
htiimueh ami associ
ittvtl organs of iliges
lion ami nutrition.
It renews plivxiciil
health m hit-h curries
with it cheerfulness
of leiiitMT, ami makes
life a pleasure instead
of a petism e.
The " iJi.HOovery "
purifies the blood by
eliminating the cor
rupt ami poisonous
h -e mutilations from
winch disease is bred.
It increases the ac
tivity of the blood
making glands, so
increasing the supply
of pure rich hUxxl, which gives life to
every organ of the body. It gives new
life and new strength.
"Your 'liolttrn Mctltcsl Wcovery' h per
furiiirtt a wotnlrrful cure" writes Mr. M. II.
lli.iiw, tifChurlcatuii, Franklin Co., Ark. "1 hud
the wurat cum' uftlylieisia, the doctors My, that
tliryrvrr mw. Alter tryini wnn dortuis aud
everytliiug 1 could hear of; with no benetil, I
Irietl lir. 1'ieree'a Gulden Medical Discovery and
now I am cured."
Accept no substitute foi " Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing" just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
bliKxl and lungs. f
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
KxkS large pages in paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of at one-cent stamps to
ny exttense ot mailing otuv. Atiuress
Jr. R. V. Pierce, BuUalo, N. Y.
7af WhitiAmrth ',r,,1'", Toioff left
Laj If III IrVUI til far, Half l!iidt ri rtii off
r I k l t for ii win ; rt-verai- fur ethers. Tar llraii
W. Kumki", KIhIi Creek. l'liMlntlU't' address
Ijiki'vliw, (inuuu.
. I t- .. ..M..i. .. .
1 I
TIio Klml Yon Ifavn Ahva.rH IJotiJif, nml wliloli lias lccn
in umo for over ;)0 ji-.iim, lias borno tlio nl-nalnro of
- lias Imtii mal iimlcr IiIh pf r
S ""al hhimtvIhIoii kIik-o in Infancy.
iuxfvy. cacSuti Allow no oiio todi-lve joii In tliln.
All Comiti-rfVUs IniitatioiiH nml " JiiHt-aB-ood" are hut
Kxpt-rliiiontH flint trlfta with ami ciKlantci r Hie licalth of
Infant and Children Experience aaiiixt Experiment.
Caxforla Im a liiirnili-HS HiibHtltnto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drop ami Soothing NyrupH. It lx Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
KiiliMtam-e. Its iie U Hh guarantee. It detdroyH Worm
and allayn I Vvci IxIiiickh. it euren Dlarrlitea and Wind
Colie. it relieves Teethlni; Trouble", euren CoiiHtipatioa
mid Flatiileney. It HHsimllutcH the Food, reulaten the
Htoniaeh and llowels, nlvln healthy and natural (deep
The Children') I'anaeea The 3Iother'8 Friend.
Bears the
M jcr I i nt Mr j s
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Warehouse Company
Reno, Nevada.
Storage and Commission
I Coal, Lime, ('"ini-iit, Salt,
J Wool liiiifs aud -vh ep Supples.
j . . . . .
i Hnir i all l I.I iu ruiiniiur direi-t In
j muni I'lillilliiK. t.fT.-riiiK i'Xi't'ti,iiial a.'vmi-
i tBk- to lil.H'i" 1 ear lua 1.
i r.iniiiilH-liiii eliKrfc'fx mil et. er pmiinl,
1 u lili h inrhiilin fliirKUi-, liiaiiraiice and liand-
I Iiiik tine year. I( di'nlred.
olfii'i- and War--lniis'-, Knt 4ih Mr.i't.
Jui-t l.i'li.w N.l'.AO. li. H-nlii't'-.
I'. I.. Fl.iMtiAS, 1'resideiit.
Iamks IH-ss, Vice-President.
S. M. Sami-I-K, Secretary.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, M Oregon
Orilrrt Is MirWf . Grsnlte. Iroi
frsclsg and Crsersl Siosf Hork
wNasal Cfttarf h quickly yields to treat
went by Ely's Cream llaliu, which in agree,
ably aromatic. It in reoeived through th
uobtrila, oleaimea and heola th whole sur
face over which it diffuses itself. DruggisU
sell the 60c. size; Trial size by mail, 10
oeuts. Test it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal pannages for catarrhal treu
11(4, the proprtt irs prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
sprayinR tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
niaiL The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation. ,
y tysViv v'v,'
j Ib rapidly forging ahead and
& K. R." Foilett. the Merchant
is trotting along at the head
of the procession.
1 Ens already been received and more
new goods tire arriving at our store
all the time
among: other things
We have everything desirous in the
Grocery Line. A special line of dents
Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of
Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch
for our Dry Goods Display.
' - ' ' . . - S.
I I I tl I I 19 I M
Signature of
it i
5) f- TC f 1
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town ?
J. w. Maxwell
A cent fur
Ten of the Best
high grade and
standard makes
of Pianos
S240.00 and up
Organs $50 up
i :
Sure Enough liargain.
iii'i- rt'!ii"ii-e f.'rty, coritniniiig
iii'urlv an acre of ground, pixxl dwell
:nif I 5 rooiiia, n tiarri ullirieat (or
lnrii', wikkIi'Ik'iI. iiimhI ri'llur over
n.lllnl, Bll'l OtlilT OtltllOII"", IK'r tll
In-art nf tin! to' ri. Si-e na I'mIhv. It
niMV I' toin-.friiw. It is dirt ilifHp
afk (irii'e. , tf
SnliMTlU-rs to Tin Kaniiii"r do ftnoTe
linm i, i" lii'alli- to f o'hr, .-r t hattK"
ti.-ir .rtffi''i' a'l'lr n ti.tiil r'-nii-iri lp'f ti
lrn(. tlita i.riir-c a r-nrd no lli-ir Awr (tan e al
4r'vi t Ih rluhl .inii.ftlrr'.
TUIP DIDCO I" "!'' n fill' at K.f. fA KK'n
Uli rArCn A'lv.rtUliiK AirinrrM sn-t
M'Ti'lianm' Kxa-haiiic, Sari t ram lwo, eal.,
wIit.' coiitracia (or a'l vcrtilri( can Im niidt
(or U.
Hot Springs Baths
Mauk Mi'miRAVi!, Proprietor.
flatha Neatly Arrang
! anil mu'li. enren-i-nt
for pntilie pl-a-ur'.
Tlw.rouKli r.-tJ-O'.allon,
mat drena
llIK ronlns. Watr
k' i'1 at oni' tcmirf-ra-turi'.
K verythinft
ki-.t clean aii'l tidy.
Otic an 1 one-half in!! Houih of Ijilcevlew.
You Have Done It!
Given us Prosperity
Beyond all expectations.
Wo boast of otir friend and pat
rons. Not of what we have done
or will do.
Vc niost sincerely
Thank You
Plush, Oregon.
For Sale
Will be at or near
Lakeview this fall with
1000 Head
Lincoln Bucks
One and two years old,
from the flocks of the
They will be sold at
reasonable prices and
Sheepmen will do well
to see our stock before
buying elsewhere. The
stock may be seen and
particulars learned by
calling on or addres
. sing
Mrs Aviragnctc
Parlor on Main Street, just north ot J
Fiehi's Merubandise Store.
Prices Moderate and Satisfaction Guar
anteed. Dive me a call.
Northern Stage Line. .
A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Betuming, leaves I'aisley
at 6 :S0 a. in. every day but
Passengers' are j. Round trip $ g
OFFICE - KayuoMs J: W.'nsfloM' Likvvlcw.