Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 18, 1902, Image 4

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    I.AKU COUNTY HXAMiNHR, L.' Kf.Vll; ORIiflON, Sill. I. Iv02.
ftUM.' ' Ol.UttJ t'.l Mtlllt
PuMl.hi Kvrv Thura.lay
Ma.onk RulMIng
Our Fall Stock Arriving
One Year. $2.00
TEH MS: -Six Month. 1.00
(Three Months, 30
One Inch
Two Inch''
"Three Inofcc.
Quarn r Olniitn
Hall t'nlmnu
On. Column . .
' w V I mo ' m ni 1 JT
'! hi .: hi .' im f i It i
I I .s iv T i II iv: l t
.1 am hi imi t Vm'
i iti l.s hi .vhi s."m
. 1KHI l.SH' .'Ml Ml Til (V
.VI H iS HI V' H IvS Hi 1 .V HI
LAKtVnrw.CVPUON. 51 P. I , tool.
It i aid anlhoriativcly by friend of
rVnator J N. William of rrineville
that will not permit the nw of hia
mmf in cnnnrin with the pridency
of the tatenatrof the approaching
tion of th btilatnr.. nay the Portland
Journal, mator Williamson 'deeiion
ii aid to lp ilne to hi recognition of the ! p-nuini
At 7 (iVIink l.-iMt I'rldny evening.
Sept. ll'th. ttn spirit ( Mirnndiuf."
Toiinlugcn departed this earth.
1'or month past llio aged woman's
lu;illli litis lvn ihvliiiiug. mill rela
tive and friends have tenderly cured
fur her night 1 1 1 1 1 1 day, making her
1 ist Hint's! an peaceful a It weiv pos
slbh. Knrtio ronnliigscn was t ho wife f
.1. II. Tonnliin'HiMi who sun lcs Iht.
Sin- was horn In Schleswlg, Genua ny.
on Nov. Iv.'l, uttii nt tin time of
death was aged ' years, V month
ami 1 (lav.
"Grandma" wiw oiu of those dear
old souls whoso iiiInmIoii on earth
wiim to iiwke those who loved happy.
She whs, great favorite with all the
young H-ople of the town, and In j
fact with all who knew her. Nl was
of a kindly, happy disposition and
her gtvatcst delight was to have her
frlentls about her. Many were the
tears of sorrow that were
honor which liave lcen bestowed upon . shed when the cottln lid hid forever
him, in election to Congresa (rem the i that KWirt face from view. There
Central Oregon country, and the fact ; was no painful struggle at the last,
that audi w duties will necnrily j .s the calmness of the summer night
take much of his attention towards the j,lv enwrapped her. so tlie night of
clo of fl tate eii.n at leat. He J death descended. tilling her worn soul
will neefl To be in Washington to take I -Jth tienee. and she forgot then had
hif-at'rn Congress March 4. Although
he may not preside over the Senate, an
lew cimrtntaiiceti "honld bring bim re
foctantlv m a oomproniine candidate,
Mr. Williamson will hold a command
in position in the Senate, epeeiall in
nwnecfion with the United States Sena
tornhip, on account of his relations to
Senator 7fitcbell.
The Ceflarville Record says twelte
year aifo'xloc County was democratic
by about 150 majority, ami had not a
inele democratic paper in it Then
the Herald which later merged into the
Plaindealer, was started, and with that
paper advocating ilemnrwv the major-
lieen pain atul sorrow, and went to
rest In steadfast hope there would le
a bright to-morrow lor her while
her children stood with bowed heads
und aching hearts Hrouiid the death
tied. The sons, ( hrhs and Asiuus,
and daughter. Mrs. Whit worth, saw
the spark of life piout.
Iurlng all the long illness the sons
and daughter were constant In their
attention, and dev-wtlwt. The cruel
pangM of pain that racked the agil
form were offline soothed by the
hand of the devoted and loving
daughter. IWldrs the three men
tioned, anot ln r Miu. John Touulug
tH'ii, of Kan Francisco, is left to mourn
ity was whittled down to abont 50, the death f this -venerable woman.
The floral olff-rlngs were profuse.
At Up. m. Saturday the funeral took
place from the residence of 11. I
Whit worth. Hev. Smythe preiu-hetl
the funeral sermon, ami nuincroit
friend followed the reinaiiis t tlie
silent city of tin dead.
where it now stands. Now that the
democras"have two ortrans in the county
it is reasonable to suppose, taking the
past a an kidex of the future, that the
repuhiimn will soon be n the wajor
ity. sine, ia an off year, ha ene re
publican by a plurality of 57 (WD. In
former off -years 12.000 was abont the
average, republicans elected the entire
delegatitin in conere by large major
ity, elected every senator bnt one. and
lonr-fifths of the legi-lalnre. Elaine
ays to Roosevelt : "The Pine Tree
tate endorses your administration with
no eiceptions."
Another railroad strike is on ta that
will tie np all the western trains.
We have an entirely
new line of the Iate5t
Staple and Novelties.
Call and examine and
) you will be surpri5ed.
We have Suits from
$20.00 down to the
!&v5oOTS & 5H0ES
iv We carry the Buck
f) ingham& tiecht shoes
They speak for them
,UJ selves.
Our stock will be com
plete by the I 0th of
this month, and will
then be the best as
sortment ever shown
in town.
We have the largest
line of Glassware ever
shown in the town.
Our Furnishing goods
stock has arrived and
it is all right too.
Bailey & Massing.!!,
A Stint r Trrrsr.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the whlow
of the brave tirneral Kiiriiliam of Mach
us, Me., wheti the doctors said whe
would die fr PiieiHii.Hiin Is-fore morn
ing" writes Mm. S. II, Lincoln, win) at
teixie.1 her (Wl fearful night, but she
begged for iHr. King's New Itincovery,
which had more than on saved ber
life, and cu reW lier of Oonsiiiaptioii. Aft
er taking, sheelept all night. Further
use entirely ctared her." This nmrwll
ois nMwIicine is guaranteel to cure mII
in Throat, Chest and l.'ing Ii!aH. ttulv
I ".j l . a . 1 i U1 T" . .. I !...!.. i i t
organization of the larget nn most far ( .-n-,,
reaching union in the bistorv of rail
roading has ben perfected. TJie-nnion
in 'lodes the Order of Railway Conduc
tors and the fVitherhond of Railroad
Trainmen. An increase of 21 per cent
in wages ill lie asked It i thought
the climax w ill eoine at an early date.
Modoc is jnt now in the throes of a .
bot fiolitical campaign. Political
speectimaking of t'ne siie!l-tiin,1er order,
candidates' Vallii, bu tonhnlinz and
wire-wirking is the ord-r of the day.
With t-vo denKratir papersatthe hub
it i thought that thr co:inty will fall in
to the hands (. the republican next
Paul K.n.'Pr left hi- country and his
people when the bulleta fell the thick- '
ejt in the veldt and the advice of brave
leadership and gorwl generalship was
needed niot. There was reallv nothing (
heroic in 0 m Piul's life compared with
the tit'neraNof the IVr Armv,
Now We Know
Tlie Alt lira I'laindialer, always
upaud to the fore in railroad secret,
fixes the route of the Coos liny -Suit
Lake railroad through I Jike County ,
so now our MM,pe can K''t m on the
griuiud Hour and u;et locn t ions along
the line. The I'laiudealer says loi s if
r.nlroal tiuiMiug Is now going on.
but mostly on paper. One in purticu- 1 j'
lartliat is attracting tneattentloiior
our Or.-gou friends is laid down (on
.-1 1 r from (Uos I '.ay, Oregon to
Salt Iike. Thi; line, however, has
the im-rit of a Is-giiiiiing as work is
now In actual progress mi the west
'end. The projected line, if built, will
come about 40 miles north of Lake
view, probably following down the
Chewaiicau river to I'aislev.
l'nll.0 SlBlr lUl Oftlt,-, l.akrt Irw. Orrfnlt
S,-plmtr. s, ln Niilr Ii hrri-br glvm
thai In rnn, limine nli Hi.. irivl.lnui el lbs
i l in Cfinnr-u lit Junr S. ih?h, enllllrii "An
ai-l for On- ! n( Ilmtx-r In the Hlalva
nf -liffrtils. Oricnii, Nnal atnt U'A.hlnaton 1
rrrnior j ." 1 1.-ii..-1 u ll (hi fniillc ln l
Stall's tjr rt of Aiiicunl . Iw(, hVnjanilit Pair
uf tkrvli-w, i-iiiiiily ,f t jikv Htati-uf Orrtrim, !
lis. Itii.dar fl 1--1 In Ihla nltlw III. .worn ili- '
lllrllt N. MM, fur the iim-hae of Itie w', of'
4nf Hi-rNu. i IntpWSKtt K w m.n.
will nffiT proiif In uliiiw thai Ibr laml oulil '
I. iimrr aluaiili- (nr It. Ilinlirr r liMe than
fur aicrtrullural rurci'.. suit In r.tabll.h lila
i ialm to a!it land Ix liir On- k,-alsisr ami Kf I
ithitc.I Una iiitii i. al l.akia li-w. ir. iij on j
!-aniriUy. Hi il ilay uf iM-i-i-nilM-r. Ue
nam-! a. ii pni'.w-. : Jimn flarrjr, Jauia 'lama
Hit Iiaril Mahuii' T ami I liail.a K MiMirv. nl ,
Ijiki-vlrw Ori'Knu. Any ami all Mrana rlalin
iiik ailvrrai-ljr 1hi alMivi-it-.rilM'i laiet. ari
ri-iii-nti-it In nli-thfir rlalnta in llila nrtii'v ou
ur Is-fiiri "aid th ! nf I--.-ni l-r . Psri.
Hr, is XT K. M. HKA1TAIN, K. l.t.-r.
t'nltril rtiati t litml ortii'i-, i-ak-U.-w, On-ann
Au il. IWl. Nolli'i-U lnTi'lif Klvi'H Oial In
cinillaiii'r wllli lie' .rnnnii.i nf the act of
i MMKrrM if Jiin , lTti. 1'iitliU'il "A n ai l fur the
ali-uf llmtx-r lamia In tin state of i allfnrnia.
ori-tem, Nia'la. and wahliiKlnn Ti-rritnry."
an i'Xti'inl"i Ui all I hi- t'utiltr utml niati-a br ail
of A UK ii si 4. svj. Alfr.-d ul s I'alll,
niiitiTy nf Kaiu.ay Htat nf Muini-aiita, ha. (hi.
day lll.'d III tljia nltli'i' hi. iMnrn tati-lli.ll .Vi.
is'n, fnr tin-imri'lias-nl thr s K ' nl sr. .
.is in 1'iwtisiiii Nil in s. K No K w M . end
u ill nit- r irMif tnstiMM Piat thi laud .might 1.
nmri' aiunnle fur Us tnnlM-r nr .tnin (hail fnr
art'Militiral i.tirMts. . and -n .-.taMish his
rial in to sant Ian. I Ix-inri- J. o. Ilamaki-r I' S
rniiiinissmiii-r at lUiimtixa. orrmi isaturday, ,
tin" 22nd day nl Nnv. Tnl r l ai.'. II" .un-a as
uitni ss' s: i m.'ii T. Mi K. ii'lr. .. I- r- t M. K-n '
. I r,..-. An hi.' N lilt'' and l.ill- Hnl Ill-nil. all nf
oli'ii-, or-tiin. Any Mint ail iM-rsnn rlalimiia ;
adi-ri-lv ihi- also .'-d'-siTlii'-d Inn-Is art r'-iiiii-sti'd
tn nl-thrir rlaiiiis in ihla ittiri mi ur i
I., lur- .aid s.'iiddav nf Novi'ti r. I '.'.'.
yhen you see
a amile on
a man's face
like this fellow,
Just guess that
he ha. a pair of
Graves' 5 hoes.
Mpf j
are all cele
brated make;
are the best to
be found on the
market, and are
moderate price.
i sn lacwr'wr '
h--.t. II
k. M HKA IT US. ll' K'st'-r
There is probably no truth in the re
port that the Government is going to
eto'k Salt Lake with rna kerel kits.
Should it do so. wouldn't the kits rai-e
cat fish? I'ortlaiid Journal. i
The Han Francii-co Kxaminer "Imlt-i
ed" the deinoi r cy of California liecaii"e ,
it could not dictate the nomination for
governor. That is not the greatest feat '
of the Examiner.
$20.00 REWARD.
Strayed from my ranch on Mi-nn river
!) ini es west of Su-soni,le. Cal , one
bav, 7 yearn old, weight about
I'M) lbs., lett hind foct white to hoi k;
small black spot on rit'ht rump; 1 eight
alHiut 17 hand; no brandx. Kaist-il nv
Con ley liros. at Silver Lake and pur
chased of Jim Conlev at ki d I ; 1 i ff .
Twenty ilollarM reward for name de
livered in giMxl condition at the Oregon
l eed Yard at Iakeview , On-gon.
:il-4 O. Wn.l.AHii, Sii-anville, Cal.
Maybe you won't believe it, but there
ii a man in Salem so baldheaded that he
ties a string around his head w hen he
washes his face, so an to ehow w here his
face ends.
Let Helen Stone go hack to the Turks
or to the Devil, if fhe wants to. l.'i -cl
Sam saved her gixiee once, and that
is quite tullicient
Itoh Evans is now commander of the
Asiatic fleet, and if anybody wants a
fight I 'ob can be found on deck.
Governor (ieer has iifaiu been in
vited to stump the state of Ohio during
the present campaign.
Did the Muir peach have its origin
J)uns-tnuir? Dunsmuir News.
Aye. Likewise the Dun horse.
"Like Eating Peaches and Cream"
W'e w isli to remark the Lake fount.v
Exaiiiilier is a wide-awake little pa
per, and presents the local news in a
way that makes them go like eating
peaches and cream with your best
I a
j Public Notice
Know all men by ibee presents, that
r.llcn I .. I'alrymple H tlie ow ner ol an I
; undivided ! interest in I be Lime Kiln
; property and all of it inrlmliiig all tool.
, ilhiil in connection therewith, said prop
i perty U-ing know n as the Lofflus and
Dalrvmple Lime Kiln and I'iL'e 1'mp.
erty on J4 of section 2H 'J'p 'M 'M,
that (-aid partneri-hip has never been
dissolved nor an aciuxitiliug had.
All persons are hereby notified that
in purchasing said property or renting
the same, they will piirchusu or li itue
subject to one-third interest.
Ellen (J. Dalrymple
ity C. II. Dalrymple,
her attorney in fact
Lakeview, Oregon Sept. ltl, liKC.
mm M
m- iii l'-i!."v sW-
r ' t s s r y s f v j s ' fek
The Crusader
Sold Everywhere For
WORTH $4.50
We have them in
. 1