Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 18, 1902, Image 3

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tttWticmnl local
W. I'. Huff n ! (In null U r iiimI I'ln-li-.v
llnffiuiil wife, nrrlvfil fimii oi.
Iiik' Urovt1 tn Ht week on ii vImII nf
(en (li,v. Mr, II iiff mm.vm In- Ilki'M tin1
Cnllimi' I J rove Ki'ttlun, lull "H.V
OmmIi!" tluTi''M II illftrri'lirc III tin- mmi
il III fnvnr of Luke Ciiiint.v." lie
Mr. Mini M.-. (i. w. vu..,ri'iHi,;iM,Kl":1 ""v - 1
ii I In t Inn wilil pluniM Im nil i h rum
iih .
Wi'lC l.nki-lli W X IhIIi.ik IiimI uecl,.
l.iiwK'iiic Iturri'lt Ciiiiir ix llic Talk f
tin' 'l ow ii W'liciriuii Sinilli.
Pilar I'lllllll'l- Mini I'. l.llllHlk, llm-
Iht iiii ii frinii IHy, were lien- lnl
Mr. Mini M i'H. .lin k M I mii l I of
I'uIhIi'.v tin v untie In .M nit ii mt i
IHik mil l'ir tl I ' 1 1 1 i it " Ciunr for
null' lit I'nat iV Kih(.
I'. A. Siimli'lH iiinlOttu K llrlrw-n, nf
Itrlln, well' Mt I Intel l.ilki'Vli'W hint
.1. It. VuIii-ii Jr., in iiit i'i'lu I trav
eler, Illll'I'Vll'WCll lllir IiIImIiII'HM llll'll
IiimI 'riiurMiliiy.
I n vkii minikf? if mi, try it l.nwri-iire
Hermit, mini' Ih-Hit. Imrtnii iV SmiiiIi.
tied. W. KIiik, i'iiiiilMi'1'rlal man of
Siicrn ini iil it, wiih a t llnlcl l.aki'vlcw
ImkI 'I luiiMila.v.
Mi'". SmiiIm-i-, nf K Id ti in I Ii 1'alln.
Mini Mr. C. ,. ( lark nf Itiilti-iiiiiii,
wi-ri-KHi ftH at llnti-l l,ali'i-v law!
We lime IhiIi H.riitili'i I i -t r ilm ti n
fur tin- I' iiilniil II "I'Im nv CliMto.
.MiUtfnin Ulna.
Mr-. .1. i:. Mriiarn v li ft fi.r I'nlsli-y
I 'iM.n i.n inihiu Hi W" hiii ii nf Winnl-
rraf I i i k ,li.v ni ilrr nf ( I ra ml ;i i r I - i
Ian ii ii I i-.lall.
Winliiii 1 1 iikIicm a here fli nil Sur.
il'Ui- Ynlli-y lact Hifk with a Inail nf
that Ii in-In iin', . Mr. IIiikIich inaki'H
an a n una I I rip In I ,n k- li-w .
i lillil. Iln Ik ranrliiliK Ml I Im I'dtfi1 f
t'nl tunc Urnvc.
! Wc cxlcml ii CMflial iiiviliilinn tn all
' nf our liifinN iiml riiMiuirr ti try nnr
It'wi-hci rv IIhvkiiii rlifiir. Minify liai-lc
I if lint MMtixfiti'tMry. AliUtruiii I'nm.
The (ll.v Mint Mm I kit, tiinlcr the
iiiilli l nhl nf IwmcAt Wcmlell, Im
the Ih-hI iiiinliii'teil markel ,akevew
Iiiim ever hml. The liH-iit kepi In
rnlil Nlnraue ami halnlleil hy Mr,
Wi liili ll, w hit Ik Mliexpi i leiii eil Inili h
it, are HMcct ami Julrv ami tnaile
teinler li.V nice. I'lnler IiIk cnlil M'nr
II Kc H.vntelii the Ineil t m m re k llleil t Wn
wcekn III Milvaiicc, ntnl cnine nut nf
the Htnrnue J 1 1 m t like lee. They have
I now nil Ii ii I n I l.'i I m 'j 1 1 1 nf '2 year-nliU,
piirrliawil frinii 1 'hIiiiiiIhim l.nffliiK.
Kuril nf t Iickc lieeveM lire im fat iik a
hill ter liall.
A line iimi'ity nf w hinky in like it line
1 1 ii 1 1 1 y i ant llnntf ele. Il mala a
little unite, dill lntliilit in imi fur
tlx Amei ii-Hiia, I HH'1 mi hiivititf ' .Ichhi
Mi kii." Wlnnky. Ak .liiiiiinerilixl
(hieilay ImhI wrcli, m hlle nil I Inn n
new Ii ii if nil lieiirni- .laliiinil I Ii.iI'k
I'exlileliee, a cleat lil'nUe ami let Jim
llaiiillcy, ( lint I Jnelia rner ami Jnhn
'nynlnirii. the w iiiktliell, hllile ilnwii
thei'iinf, llalnlley Naveil hlniHelf at
the very cave with the hcli nf a
filemlly if(iject Inn nail, l.lni lmrncr
I ami 'nunlnil'ii l' I Ii - I nff mi theniile
I ami furl nnately cannlil ) thenraf-
fnlillnn. After taklnn an Inventory
! ami tlmllnn im nl her ilainan1' tlian it
fellow w i in hi feel ft) II I k I nail Mililitel'M
ciiterlnn IiIk nnatniny, they hml a
...C. U. SNIDER...
Is selling Shirt Waists, first-class quality at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c
Misses and Childrens' Hats for - 25c and 50c
Ladies Trimmed Hats - J. 00
Ladies Untrimmed Hats - 50c
Mens Linen Hats - 40c
Ladies Wrappers from : : 50c to 2.00
Call early and get first choice.
alt It... ti id. r -t.. fet ,. I i.rie... ft.. i
tl... : l,.r ...I.. ,',.,H' Ht the M ,,;,! 1 Hiell le.a Ite.l ti.TI.e II.
The 1'rlnevllle Itev lew U iniw turn-
t real ami Im .U one,
e. nut In Hh reailelK liv a ryllm! -r
pri'i-H, Kltnllar In tin- mie In The ICx
nintner nlllie. That Im en I i-' nli-e,
Mr. Ilnliler.
M i'k. Clara Strllillim. t lie nriUt
fmni New I'lne 'reek, wan in l.ake-
vlcw hihl ThniMilay. M tk. si ill. linn It." Hint livery men have ha-1 tn
I'm. l Ki'iik liavt- j :t lei-eiv.-J it l.ijj
utirk nl evervMiini; firl i'Imhh hi the line
of '! kiI." 'I heir celiiir in etoreil
full nf tht) IichI HtiM'k to he hail on the
ii.ilnt. -'Otf
"The weather Iiiik lieell ho lint III
t IiIk eniint ry, "wailK a M1kkiih-I m-
Ik n-e.arlnn tu iln mi cxteiiKlve iln
Innraphlnn htiKltieHM,
New ilrutfM, new nml ilelitrhtfnl ht
liinif", vvel ylhintf fur the toilet colli
t.leto iriim Htix k fn-hh ami pure at
IIchU'm driiK Htorc, i tf
Mm. James VfM,n. nf I'ltUley Hietlt
It few ila.VM III l.akevlew ln-t week,
vlHltlnn her hlKter Mik. 1". I. Smltli.
Mtk. Smith returned tn I'aUley with
her hUter tu remain I wo weekK.
I,. I'. Wlnkleniall nf TheOrennll Iiiik
jllHt received a licw inn lllllli ill t II hotel
ratine. Mr. Wlnklemaii Ik thlnklnn
nf IMIttinn up a M rnnlll inlilll imi tu
Htaml their Imrwii in witter an Imiir
each day tu keep their hIuk'h fmni
cuinliin nff ami wanuiiH n alnnn
with their tunnueM liannlnn '"it.
The catflKh kli kK up hiicIi a dilKt III
the lied uf tin.' yttHcunu'lv river that
It Iiiim to 1k Hprlnkled U-foiv you can
no tlMhlnn- A Hpark from mi ennlne
xet the lin rallruad mml on fire and
liiirned up n wanun load uf bull frunn.
The nrniuul Ik ho hard and dry that
thecrawllHh IiuIch In the low pliccH
are iM'lun pulled up and Hhlpc! off
fur n'H lilH.
(icori'e ami Fent nf the Tulaee liavt
the lincMt uradeK ol li(iior, I'liifi'
IiIk hnlcl.i.KhehaKHcarcely ruumtuj1((i)irHi(ielMiiuli(r )ritnihl , vx
accuinuiuilale IiIk I radi
1". ir il hlllnllH (ttl:li'k hike t'hilllllier
htinV Mniiiiich Hint l.iver litiiletHiunl a
i 11 it-It cure i cerlitin. Kor Mile hy
Itciill, ilriU'iiiKt.
HeNiileH thev have ill t heir readiliU riieili
all the latent tiew(iiiiperM ntnl periodical!',
and in their club room excellent, niunic
and the latent Kaleidtwopn liinvinji pic
ture. 1 imp into the I'alacn uhen you
iiu in ti.u.t von uill bu enter-
Mr. ami Mim. Talbot, uf New York, i tuiiicd. Is tl
were arrlvalK at Hotel l.akeview j
h.M 'I hiiiK.liiv. Mlloril" wiik! oiUIii Uhi utiil la-
Hhi.wilin Trede'n line h.ltH tu the
t rade for Kcvcral ilavw, mid told the
In i h Hume ArkmiKiiw hlorli'H.
I'nxton llruH., Koy and tiny, an
preparinn In nnlntnthe nln'p IiIIkI- ! Only per IkiX
iickh and have leiiKcd about I1.1NI head ! ilm'iKl
! The bunieHt ami nin:htieit little thinit
; that ever win made in lr. Kinn'a New
Lift) I'iIIh. TIichh jiilln chantte weakin-Mi
into Httenjjth, liHtleBHiit'HH into energy,
briiin fau intii ineiital power. They re
wonilerfid in biiildiiitr up thu health.
N1I1I hy Heull,
Tinilt'.H VftTI.'K
I'nlii il Htnd'. I.mi't Ortlr.', I.Hki'vli'W, (m-iron,
J 111 V it, liU. Not (- l lnTi.l.y it veil Unit III
rolii,llHlir' Willi Ihi' ir.o i.lnim til tltif (if
Jiin ;i, Ik7l i-ntiil.-.t ",tu m t for Iln' lf nf
llmt. r Un.U 111 ().' Kimi'i of 1 alilnrnlB, Or
ynn, Ni'iNilii, mi'l I'.Trl I'.rr," mi
. ' ll'l.'O In all III)' l lllillr hll.- l.y ai:t
nl A iif'n. I, IK'rP, tin f'lllou Ii.k iHTirm liiive
thin iliijr llh it III tlila iiIIk v He ir Kwuru mi.'
iiii iil, in II :
Jnmi'ii c Khiii',
of Vntiruiivi'r. i-ounly of Clnrk utnti nf Wah.,
MHnrn inl,'t.ii.i! n. Ion, inr lhi iiiiri'tinni nf
iiir . wt NK'i Ml'1, W, KKi . . s.-e
'I ii .Pi H, H l.i K.
I'mrl. k M. Kiin.-.
nf Im ('I'Mti-r. i-oimi nf i Urk, tntir nf ah
nwnrn MtHli-mi'iit n. lull, tnr t In; iiircliiiiH.' nf
lie- S I-.', hi-r U. I',, a. 1; l.'i K
I Iml III, w III nff, r iMif i lio mt ihf
Iniiil iMiuk'lit N irinr,-VMlimliii' fur tin tluit-r nr
ii.tiii tlian Inr Mif rictiltiiritl itrnmi-m, atiil in
-riihllli ihi'ir i-lMitn in uni't IhimI iH.fnr. J. O.
HitiiiHki-r. I'. H. t ntiiiuiinri.'r. at Fnr'-.l, Uri--(mi,
mi , atiirilay, Iln- .'i nf III IiiIh t, 1!2,
I lii-y naiii" a iti.i-n-,'.: uwi-n T. Mi-niii
ilri-i', nf uifli', uri'ifi.11, (' K. (numii-r, nf Kiatn
at I. Kalln ( invnn, I'airlrk M . K am , nf f .a ('re
t,-r, W nhhliiifinii, ittiil 'ali'tiilin J. Kiku atel
Jailtiat'. Katlt. (.1 anrni. v rr, awlii nirtnn.
Auv anil ail i-rwifi! claliiitiiir aitvi-rnWy ttiH
aM.i-il'ttrrllM.f lamt ar ri-iitii'Mfil to flli
I loir ilm ma in tlil. ortliv nil or U-tnrn nal'l iMIi
lay nl Urt'itn-r, lia.
aiiK.'l .a K. M. lmTrf(, CcKi-'cr.
F. H. MILLER & CO., Prop'rs, F. P. LIGHT. Man'gr
timhi:k i,am) xoth .
rml.-it Hialen jan1 orfli-e,
taki-vii'M, On leili. Julie n. Vntl.
Notli-o ! tun-by Klv. n tliat In coniilinii
wltti ttie jirnv lli.n. nf tin act nf (-niigri-nt (it
Jinif .1. Hi i-l, (llli-il "An art fnr tlit- aali- nf
llmin-r lamia In tin- Hian-a nf California, orv
K'ni. Ni'vaila, ami IVanhliiifion lirrllnry," ai
i-xli-mli'il to all On' fill. Hi- I. mul hiaica ty act
nf AiikhiI IxrJ, 111 Inllnwl Uf M'riw,nii have
llila itay til 'I In tlila nllUe their awnrn alale
im nt, ton II :
Pamui'l K Owen,
of Iml.'iii'mli'iici., iuait) of I'm k ntati-nf Onv.,
aworu .laUinriil No for the purcliaac of the
Nt: Soc Tp JlUKII K.
Jnhn K Kirklaml.
of lmleM't) k'tict1, rnuiity of I'olk, mate nf Orir,.
worn kiali'ini'Ut No H7n. for the purchaneof the
N l, flee U. T(. H K K M K.
Turin l ( aniiili. II,
ot Initi'iiendi'tiri'. rnuiity of I'olk, alate nf Orv.,
aworn aiateint'..! No h7l, for the purchase of the
nU 8ec 25, Tj W 8 K 14 K.
Tliomat .'"ryef.
of Indi'iM-nili'iici', l ounly nl I'olk, alatunf urrir.,
unrii latenii't.t No H.', for the im rebate of the
r-Kl4 Ki'l A'', Ti mt S R 14 K.
That they uill offer proof to ahow that the
land aniiKht la more raluahle for lla tiinber
or atone than for aitrlriillural itirei. ami tn
clalilUh their claim tn nnl lanl he In re Jul
II liriacoll, con nty clerk at Klamath Kail, Ore.
t-on on Tuemlay the mil tlav of Heiieiiil-r, tiHrJ.
They liHinc an ltin'M.i': William M. Mefarty,
Samuel K nen. lohn K. kirklaml, Turin I)
aiiiilH-ll, Thoniai) J Fryer, all of llileieii
ilem e, Ori'iron.
Any ami all iiermiia clalmlnir nlverm-ly the
alKive-iteacrlheil lalKln are reqtleateil to file
their rUlum In thia oRice on or he In re aaiilVlh
day of K it., 1.V-.
il 1 iC E. M. Bbattain, Reginter.
uf yuiiiin cmch mid I Iihi head uf dry
lieep ffolll I'ele l-"niilt'Kl. I'avluli
ItruK. are imw mi I he way tn the
The Itetit Is None 1oo(iooJ For You
ami we cit ii furiiinh yon wilh the HchI
fur no more than von initint Kiy for Hie
WiiiHl, thi-rcfute limit throw aiay cood
n.oiiev for noor Hervi -e. hut if yon are
We have "ecured the Atfencv for l.itke- i niiiK Da-I, or have frit'inlH coiiiiii Wei-t
view (or the I .arw cni'e Hitrrett Citfar; ,t tih tell you w lull we cini nlfer on I'hi
they tire a HWeet, pleantint finoke. ,.j,,,, Wafiiiiaitiin, New York, ItoHton,
Whiirtini Si Smith. I St. l,ouiM, MeniphiH, New tlrleaiiH, and
The mbla Snullieru Ik riiKhitin :I !'" j intermediate ,.ointH l.ur raiU are
. , 1 hud in fourteen dilterent htalen of tlie
the Hlli vey uf the extellsiuli from . -
Shnnlko to r.end. Already ,"it iniles , ( oininunii atti with iih ' Tt'Kar.liiiK
of the cuiilKe Iiiik I n none over and freight and pn-wiii-ei Iiiihiih-hh; It'a a
laid out. ami a lame crew of are I ir:n "ZW Ut yM,vvr.r h.,1.
i . I... j.iii, i,-i , . ,"-'.,
at work riiMhliin' the Kiirvey alonn' iik
fllKt IIK pOMHlllle.
(il-eat foreKl llreK in the niountaiiiH
Hiirroiiiuliiin uk HIIk tiooKe Lake val
ley with a thick Ninoke. In the even
Inn ciin Kincll lliebuniliinllniber.
T. At I . A. Coiiiiiicn ml Agent.
HJ Thud St.,
1'ortlaiid, DrcKmi.
There in niore Catarrh in this section
of ihc country than all oilier dineaxeii
put tojiether, unit until thrf hint few
...... it a kllik-tou,,,! fit In, ini'iiniblii
They nay it k healthy, bill at t"e, i,l)r k.r,.at nmny yearn diKtois have
Hinne lime IIioiikiiiiiIk of aercK of line j pronounced it a local dini'iimi, and pre-
ilmhi i' are belnn bur I over. The : hciiI.ciI IouH leineiticH, nun ny coiiHiaiu
ilamane can Hcnrcely be cKtlnmlcd.
When von come to tow n drop in at
I 'hi-I
hear I hi
ami Mipcrh oihIn.
ly failing to cine with local treitlinent,
pionoiiiiceil it incuiaiile. M'lenco iiiik
in'nvcn ciitaiih to bo a fount it ut ioiial
KiiiK'Niiml nee the jiictuteH and dn-ciihe, and therefore reipiircH foiiHtitu
he heiiiitiful ni'lHic. Kigali! bar tioiuil treatinent. I lullV ralari h 'ure,
in iniiiaciureii tiy r. i.vih-iicy i o.,
Toledo. Ohio, in the only conxtitulional
Thin howl a bout nheep injiirlnn I he ! euro on I ho inai ket. U is taken inter
urnInn landK Ik all nonsense, hii.vh ' nally in dimeH from 10 drops to a a-a-
, ' . .,1 .1 ...... i ,.r vvi ..i,ili I Hiiomiful. U nets directly nil Hut blood
(lovernor Mchaid of W.vominn. 1 Hlld .,, Kurfaces of .he eystoni.
run both hheep and cattle lanneH 'j.v ,,ter one hundred dollars for any
which have n't'ned nheep hIiico Ism' rano it fails to cure. Semi for circulars
and w hich now have nm them
nlnely per cent better t hint those ex
clusively devoted tocn (tie. I am past-iirlnn-
soul hern cat tie on lliese ninn'eH
and (hey Meem to be thrlvlnn belter
(hat on (heir uw u rannen. It In nil
Hiiesdoii f ovoriTowiliii"; the raiin;-
ttlld It'Ht illlOllilllH.
V. J. t'ltKSKV it Co., Toludo, O.
Sold by 1 Ironists, 75c
Hall's Family l'ills aro the host.
Stops the Cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Hromo-Uultilne Tablets cure a cold In
ono day. Kooure no pay. I'rlce 25 cents. 44
t' siatca ' and Ortli-e. Ijikevlew, Oreson,
July t-t, Nnllce in here l.y trlven that In
enmi'lianee with the ,rnvii,iiina of the act of
June 3, liTH, entitled "An ai t lor the aale nf
lliuoer InmU in the Stalea nf California, Dre
Koii, Nevada, ami WaihiinMon Terriiory." aa
c xic luted to all I'ul'lie Land stalca hy act of
AiiUKt 4, I UK.', 'he followniK iHTMilia have I Ii la
day filed in llila ottlee Iheir Minru alalvuienu.
to wit:
havld K. W, Uiter,
ot Vancouver, couniv ot Clark, mate of Wash.,
morn matemeiil No. lttt-. Inr the purchase of
the 81- hWi4 NK' i4Ml!H SK' Sec is,
Tn if, It hi K.
William 1.,
nf VHiicouver. eouiilv nf Clark, atate of Wash.,
auorn maleineiii u. ira. mr tue iiurcnaae 01
the W, of W'-Sec .'tl. 1 1 K Hi t.
KaNloii lliirnliaiii.
of AkIiIbiiiI. eoiimy nf Jrtcknii, mate of Orexon,
worn Htateiiieiit No. lo:i7, lor the tmrchkM of
. .. t.-, ..I ll'l u.... ,', 1'.. 1- C O ,,t L
tllU r.-g Ol -ar-.-e o-, i ' ... . iv .
Jtuiica Sm aiiHi-u,
,,f Vaneoiiver. eountv of Clark. tate of Wash
xrtorn hlHteliient No. li'HH, for the purchaae of
I III II ' j III r- -j "it! , , I p .v o, i in r..
That they will O'fer priKit In ahow tha' the
laud aoiixlil l more valuable lor ila timber nr
Moiic limn for Hiirlcultiiral iur)Hsea, and to
fatatillxh their claim lo Knid Uml tiefore J. O.
Ilaiuaker. I . S CommiKioner, at roreat, ore
Hon. on Friday, the ;ird day of Ociober, l!Mr3.
Thev name as lluei-e: KuUlnii Hiiriihain
Auiilai.,1. Oreiioii. ami Klbert S. Hilsecker
William L. Moore. Juineti Suauseu, and David
W WeliKler of Vrtlicouver. WaNllillfflnll.
Any and all pcrsou elaimiiiK adversely the
nliovi"ilehOrll'il UiiiIk are r.ouedled lo lile
their elHima in thik ollice on or helore nul l Urd
dav of October W2
E. M . Bkattain, Re gist
m Put vour ad in The Fxaminsr. it brims 8
B 53
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
illiAI: Snider Bui ding on Water St. j
The Oregon has been thor
oughly renovated and re
furnished. Table ser
vice is neat, clean and
the best the market af
fords. Moderate charge
g 2- - L. F. WINKELMAN
t'liiled State I.Htid Otli.v at Ijikevlew, Ore
July 17, Uki'2. Not lee Ik herehy (ilvfii lhat in
eniii. Iiiim c with the irnilnua of the act of
Jiine :t, 1n7h, f ntilled "An act for the sale of
timber landa in Ihc siatca of California, Ore
(inn, Nevada, and WashniRlou Territory," aa
cxlemleil In all the I'ublie l and Siati a ly act
of Aiiimim 4, law. I lie folloHiiii! iei-oim have
thia day tiled ill una olliee tiicir aworu ataie-1
men 1 8 to-w il :
Isabel Sedl!vlck,
of Vancouver, enmity nf Clark, HibIk of WukIi
iiiKton, aworn Kiateiiient No. HKUl, lor the uir
f haaf nl the NK Sec il Tii :ia s, It lii K.
tlusisie K. r link,
of Vancouver, eouiily ol Cli rK, atalo of Wash
iutiloii, urn alateiiieiii No. lulu, for l he Uir
e liaae of I he N V 1 , Sec h. I'. S, It K K.
ValciillueJ Kike,
of Vancouver, eouiily of Clark, atate of Waali
liiulnn. awnrn slati uient, No lull, lor the iur
c IniKC of the NW'j SWI , W1, NV i'Sce l and
KW i, SV i4 See 7. Ti W . K 1 r'.
Thill lhe will offer lironf to show that the
bind aoiitiht is mole valuable for il timber or
hi 1 1 11 ' 1 1 1 tl for axricultural tuirioses, and to
eiitabllnh Iheir claim lo aid bind hefore J.
1). Ilaiuaker, I'. S, t omiiilssioiier at Koreat,
On'Kon. on Hatunlay, the 2.Mh day of tictober
l'.kl-i. They name aa wilneasea:
Dwell T. McKeudree, of tllele , Ore iton, ('. V.
tlesaner, of K liimal h r'alls, dretton. and Isabel
Sndawlck, Valentine J. Kike, and liusaiu K.
Funk, all of Vancouver, Washington.
Any ami all Hraoiia flalmlnn adversely tha
above dcserlheil lands are requested to tile,
their claims in this olliee on or before said 'J.'ilh
day ot October, l'.M2.
aim'1 HH E. M. IIhattain, Kenlster.
litv Meat Market ffT"
!Lp- l Door North of Hotel Lakeview -P l
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
LANE & WENDELL, Proprietors.
73sNssn i9 jii r rva rr rsi rsiFivniiTF'ra
cool sonnEi mwn
Alonx the fhorca ol the
OXCTI f 'JC Xaa,13a:X2S
To New York and New England Points
C, S. CRANE, G. P. Agt. ROSS CLINE, P. C. P. A. t
St. Louis, Mo. 25 Los Angeles, C&L