Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 11, 1902, Image 8

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Vlic.ti you buy here you arc
always assured of the
Host for vour Money.
Wc arc Showing
Advance Pall Styles
Our prices arc within reach.
We vant to help you to get
Walstlngs and
Dress Patterns,
New and Attractive
Goods in All Lines.
the greatest value
what you sjend.
Ladies and Childrcns
Our wav in doing business!
insures satisfaction in !
buying. Let us give you 1
an estimate on your lu
ture wants. ,
Mens and Boys Fancy
And Plain Sweaters
Every Article a Money
Testimonial Concert. 1
liven In nvnunltlnn nf the valued
wort Iivn of MIhm Mae Miller, who han
Imhmi ever ready and xx IIIIiik In iimmImI
at any public nr private cntcrtnln-
tt.tiit i-ltli,inf fttittiitlit A n.,t,i it ti.trii .
tlnu. MIhh .Miller will Hh.-rtlv leave
fur Oakland, 'al.. In cnilete her
musical education, and the public
will lie Kind In shnxv ll npprcrla I li hi
nf her lienetU'leiil and charitable ht
Niiiialll.v, I'.v Ilia-rally putmnUlue;
thin text linntilnl. Follnxx Ini; Im the
Orchestra, Overture "ThcOxcrlalid"
Mixed Quartet te. Mr. and Mrs. Wll
lit aad Mr. and Mr. Sim the.
Vocal S.iln Miss Miller
I'lano S.iln Mih. nialr 1 ir"v'' M"idav.
Orchestra "eiida Wa It xe" ! C. M.l'all nfsilxi
I.ailleH ijuartct. Mrs. Iver. Mrs. Ulalr arrival Monday.
local Tbappcnlnfla Soto In lpnmorapl?o
M. Cascbivr wan nver frnin Illy Fri
day. K. II. Ballard wiim la from Crooked
t'rei'k Friday.
A.xrcs Schlam'l received a new
safe yesterday.
I ,N liuiiin k ha even thiiiK - ho j li
about Unit.
.1:1. Illaltdcll xx at lu iv fi i mi Knuud
I .a key lew Friday.
W lllia in I Ian ey came dnxvu friiia
I'alHley .Saturday.
lr. the opi iiiitii
II txe xour i'Vi lenled.
tn I lib .
Livery and Feed Stable
H. W. J. BARRY, Proprietor.
Horses Boarded by the day or month. First-class Turnouts and 5addl
Horses. Our Specialty Is the Quick and Sale Delivery of Passengers to All
Points In the District.
Proprietors of Barry's Opera Mouse. Only Place in Lakeview
For HolUin Public Entertainments.
nnjilTO Regarding the Forty Second Annual
Now business written in 1901: - $21.".012,nS7.0O
Oross assotts, " - 331,0S!,7-J0.3 1
(iross surplus " - 71,72f5,7tl7.0(
Total payments to policy holders 27,711, -
Durirn: the past ti'ii veara, tin- Iviuitahle ban paid ll'i'i.O.'iii..Sl .'Ml in 1 vidi-ndH ot
it4,.-ri', liiih laru't-lv fxi't-t (Is the amount paid in divider.. Ih by any oth- j , j (J1 1 M it hat bun chunucil t
tt V.tiip.i 11 ouritiu 1 1 it: Piiuit" ("-iiimi.
Miss Miller and Miss Snldrr.
Claim ltict, -Mlnm-H Miller mid Snider
Scltvt Leading Mw. Steele
Vnral Stiln Mr. Nickcrsnii
I tvhestra "Fillibutter"
Vocal St it Mix lixer
( In iniM. fl lit xnlccs "Italia"
llvt-n Ixitlv Inxltcd In attt'iiil; at
Harry 'h I lull. Sat tirda v iiIkIiI. Sep-tctiils-r
bit li.
A Miorkluft aUuill) j
"Lately livfi-ll h railrniid liilinrt-r," j
wriiti. lr, A. Kyllelt,nl Willil.-r.l. Aik.,
"lllH f'Mit H! ll.llliV t tll-lltnl, tlllt Itllt'k !
linV Ariiita .""alve .iu kly iiire.l linn."
lt'.i Mtnply lur rurii. I
I'lif- mill ml fkin 1 11 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 -. 1 1 "h the
111 M'h t liain ji. mi lit'.tlt'i . 1 '.1 1 e Kiiaraii- ;
teed. I'.V. ..l.l l.v le titall . .Iiiu-
Xl-l. ' 1
Ancient Itone-i and Relics.
la i-vn .1 1 lnc near t lie lu n k k !lu fi ir I
lu'ii k dirt. 11 1. 1 11 a 1 n ieli t I ndiati In men
and li lii ha e liet'll illiea I t In d I Ihh
rt it uliir l. 11 e ji 1 . 11 jir 1 1 1 h i i-1 "i 11
an I adian Ihii. in - riuiinl, Im 1 In in
the Kiilid (uriiialiiiti nf the tlirt ninl (
thetlelith lii 1 1 ! 1 1 1 Ihi'M' thiliM jtl'e
ft.iind. it must h.ive Ut ii nwiu I ( .,,,.,, .Jlt1,. 11X1.,.
illedK t.f eai am. u hell I lie V W ere ; f ,.. Sni.,.., , , , ,.,,
put there. I'erfert iiinrtnrn a. id
I h-m I Ii'k ha ve U-eu (nuinl and in "he
plaee tell feet lielieath theMirfaee t he
fniit and leu ( a prehintnrie liuiw nr
row, nr Mime 11 11 k ii 1 11 aniinal, wax
ft ill ti 1 1 . 'l'he men wliu lire diuKinu ; K'il'1. Meliek and wife arrived here
are expect inu: tn run aenwH a inaMn- (irnville, '11 1 . . la-t l-'ridu.v.
dun at any time. j H. ate-t mil U--t ,-l,.r I I.iv.huki
t 1 li r ate yiiiih.iine I l.ti 1 - Lii
- .tle ill Im'iiII'h. L"l
I'hll I .. Inh dmppeil In from li Im
eamp 'I'neHtla.w
'. I. Ileeraft nf Itarni'M Valley wa
la after Hiipplleit yehlerilav.
.lark Hurt a w 11 II l ei In l.akelew
'lieitilay, frnin Summer Lake.
Mr. liiilitu tint n.ti Ian ja enlniii).
'Ihe wl-e hiII wait I n Imn. IL't
.1 II. MIIIh. the Malnath I'iiIIm
11 1 1 1 illlt'V . lit it tin j ti I ihm I by I,. ,.
Lake wax an Hi w ne, ai here lnil l'rldiy.
.MeMnr Hlalr W -lit In Silver l.iikr
M. 'I', t alklim nf Silver Lake w a III S i t iinlav and n tur I yeleida.y
Henry .Newell wan In frnin Iiivwm
alley laxt Tli 11 ixi l.i .
Ir. .1. S. Iewey ainl wife will leine
f ir A It lira 1 1 1 1 r ivk .
II. T. l)uiiieNt eame In (mm hu
t-li.t p ea in p t' ten la .
I 'ir a Hi inline kimh mimki'. try a I'oitu
K.e.i t ifcitr. (nr nilt' only lit 1 '.!! Ilele
kle'rt. 'J''
"l HI" Hudl uiilir in me tli iw 11 fi 1 m
I 'i i!e hit Tliui Bil.i .
Win. Mulkev w at In fit mi I he Haw
k lilt ta lllp li l" I nf the e. I.
IM' .1. li Hie M ' If. .1 .
el. in arrlx etl here la-l xx
Mi-. 111. I. .11 U..n...tik ha
pilte sii k ft ir I lie p. 1 - I tx et-k.
1'iiu Keenly .1 tfiil t'uil". ";l.iv
' Kl " 111, ill' 111 1 III I .1 ll-I I'll It .tit. 1 I
Let ll. Atffllt.
j w llh hit daughter Hnxle Hlalr.
Mr and Mrt. S uiMlller,.lnliu llatn
, timiid ami Jim Harper in me ilnxvu
f ft 'in I'al-lex Mini. lax tin laml IiiimI
, liett.
We have jit milled 11 new 1 1 11" nf
UMil. ml, l.i 1 1 -1 . , miiil.iM Kin, .I.H.f
ele l aki vifM Meriaiil tin t 'ti.
The riitiiitt, t'ttiirt expel lei the
liiiiikt nf 1 he sheriff, 1 lerk and Treiv-
liter, ami fniltid thetil In le In pel fei t
II St limit k xx III n.i tn llei kt Ix .1 al
ft ire let uruliu Imiiie, ami Mr.
net nmpuny hlui tun k
I "I't' l. ik. x lew Mi
1 I '.en Unix and .Inliii A.laiut were In
frnin 1 aiua.t 1 ret k Sat unlay.
! Win .1. Sheilm k eame dim 11 frma
1 Suiiim.-r Lake hit t Sa t unl.i x .
Household doods l or Sale.
I will Hell all my Inn. a I. old .xmIm, lur
liilnie, tar.el, guiili ii, hay, etc., a
Soon ti.i ftiiaaihle, .-.1 I tan IimX'u J..lke
x ie xx 1 1 h tux family.
o ' SI!. Suhlelte.
Si IiiiiIiii k XX II
l.i I .a kex lexx .
.Inhll I'elilalnl. n I ci In r I'litn, ac
eiiinpaliieil liy hltiiiulu. Lax Hath
axx.ix nf Slultla rnlllltX. XXel-f In
tela X
l.iiVlt'it l m k i.( tin.' I it I ilitilv liar,
mil Ihe lilk(i.-l t' ., 1 L..M'.I
l-kx I if ll.t ill. III. il i t m nl I'i'.l .xi.
K in;-. is i
..nil W h i t xx . . r 1 li hit 1 11 'en ct in M u't I
tn hi In . at lint. I Lakex lexx fnr Ihe
pa .1 xx 1 i-l, I lin a ten. 1 1 xx M h pueii 1111 ni
la. Im I It in ixx I mprnx fat;
. s. ainl L I. I', iicll' l the I'alHley
nil XX III ill men Xx 1 !' ' . 1 . 1 XX II I 1 1 t he I l III II -
I t x feat T'liurtil.ix T he hit li-r pi nvetl
iipna a piece nf t Iml.. - laml.
1 Mr I' I-;. I la rrit in c iiupa iiieil her
i mnt her .Mri. S. T. i't ilx in tn Slimmer
j Lake hit! Sa 1 11 rdax , xx here (li.-x yn
, mi a x It It ami lii p ii k xx 1 M pi 1 1 in
We Ulil n. ill It" ready l.i lni vmi
. u , n ex t-i x 1. "11 1, a 1 'ii x in, 11 ae it i ii
v I he p iti.illirt' hail Im '. I.tkt vu w
Mi'ltalitl.e t'.i.
Quit klikin' aliiiiit the xxainM
Ml III ii In xvi-pnpt iHMt-iu lulu' XX ea I li.-r, it xxill lieeiild biiiiii eunuch. 1
playlim hall xilli pnliliet lately.; . ., ., , . . ';
... . ...."''""iii'ti'i.-iiiuiti-ii-i
I xvn xxet kt an t he .Nexx Lra came , . , ... .... ,
,, , ! lu re fr.ixv 1-t lUdxyell latt T hurt. lax . '
Hit U H ue hllie ilelimi ra I le paper, I ' ;
ami the la.-1 i.-siie nf the lla im lea ler j
Cillltailieil t he fnllnXX ilie,:
1 Mirinu t he alii-eliee nf t he e, 1 1 1 1 il' 1 ,f
The Washington Life Insurance Co.
All Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies n.'c under
State supervision; all are alike responsible. The best com
pany is the onethat issues the most liberal policy and pu'ys
the largest dividends.
I.arye reerxeHai,tl ,-h..i, (. ri-k are fhe factors that im-ure larfc dividend
tojxiliev 111I.I.TH. The Wa-hinei.iM Li'e in verf partieiilar in it rhoiep of rinkd
mid has the Urije-t reerve to the amount of inenraiice it haH in forte, of any torn
iilny mi thin enntirient.
C.A. RO..ABACHtR, He. travelling a(ft. P. B. OVHKN, Special mgt. lor Southero Ortjfoii
Ihe first Seme-ter. Seinn l!)?-3, opens Wednesday. Seoteraber 17th.
fjlloxving Schoolsand CnlleKeHare comprised in the University: Graduate School,
CTlIege of Literature, Science and Arts, College of Kcien e and Engineering,
irversity Academy, rM-hool of Medicine, fcchool of Law. Tuition Free, except
ing in fc'' ho'iU of Laxv, Medicine and Music. (Incidental Fee $10.00, Student
if'xrdy tar k--50 Pr year). Com nf living from flOO.09 to $200.00 per year.
For Mt""itue, Address, Registrar of the University, Eugene, Oregon
lnx id W'ni'l hiii-lnii I'fjjUtrivd at
-Mack" Ucpulilicali paper, alt hniml. ) """-"" ir naxi.t . r.vK Miliir-
it imi't lint ieealile. The I'eiltnn nf lit
change, hi ixvex er, it frnin the fact,
that the xx riler ami all the emplnyeH
are Km 11 1 LepulilieaiiK. ( HI. Tlmmp
Hiill. the eilitnr it expected In, lue tn.
'I'hel'eT lie snlucthiliK lining xvhi 11
' Lditnr ThninpHi in retiiriiK.
4 -ular ineetinii nf Oi ientnl('hailer
No C,'o S- ''""'"day, Sec-
I .' 1 ' ,' t at the h hi r nf X o'clock I'.
temher iii)l, . . 1 . 1
i .' reiiuelei to attend.
l . .Mi'inlicr hTt 1
i'.y order i.f the V. .
A. M . Smit h 1 f Nexv I 'ine ( reek xx at
lining liiitluett In luxx ii Sal nr. lax .
I rank Marthal ami Arthur I'rlee l.ui'c auel p.ile nr the l.t-al telt
c 1 la.' in Mrexxt Valley Saturday, j ,..,,,. ..ichanue hxi.i, Br.. I..-,.,.. I.11I..I
il. 'Ill the I I jt tl I in Lh.llt'hlltt'M a-
iniil. Snine til tin- phone htixe nlri'iuly
a 1 ix t'.l.
Mr. .In. 1 1 xx 11 1 . 1 an 1 iupa ineil liy
her tnii I Hlie ami ilauuhter I'ln came
Ml kind n( the he-t paint, ml luu -h-; in frniu I Hexxt a Ilex Mum I a x . Mtm.
! Ilnxx ai d xx Ml remain in lux 11 fiiixune
iine limler a phx -Irlall't care.
.Inhu L. Lnki-r and .1. W. Ailaiut.
I xv ere here frnin All unit latt T'hurH
day. Mr. Laker xxnt lu re hinklii
1 nfli-r Mime leal inal lei t. Mr. AiIuiiim
i It tt mix im; laxv under Mr. Laker.
xx nulutt, tl. tir , ct
v I'VX .Merciini lie ( u'.
at tin
Mil I'u.
hach hecy.
Don't Guess
At It
hat if you are ifoing east write us for our
rates and let us tef J you about the Hervice and accommodations
offered by the
Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars
via the
Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and
flon't fnil to write iim about your trip as we are in a position to
irivu you siane valuable 1 ni'01 mation and assistance. 5.'J1!) miles
of tra'k over which 1- perated somo of the finest trains in tho
world. '
Fur particulars reur liiiif freight or passenger rates call on or
address :
T. F. & I'. A. Com 'J Agt.
112 'lliiid Htn et, I'oltlauJ, Ore.
Lake eiiiiiity'M delimpienl inx
this year will lie er.v umall. T hen"
lire only a few- xxhn have paid m
taxen at all, and only a du.cti or hm
that paid half nf their taxen latt
HprliiK. I'ndertlie pruvlHiiiii (if the
new law, Iry paying half or the tix-H
when due, Ihe taxpayer could xave a
Vi kt cent jM-nalty. All taxeH that
are not paid on or la-fore IheflrHt
Monday in October Ihi-oiuc delln
iiient immediately after that date
and t he Hheriff Ih re Hired to adver
ting and hiII the projs'rty at ome.
Sheriff Dunlup Meiit nut noticen thlH
wii-k and he thiulcH there will lie Ii-hm
I haii half a dozen, if any, w hen Ihe
time expircn to pay laxen.
Optician Coming.
I)r. J. i (ioble the Medford optician,
will he in Lakeview the latter part of
this week. lie is prepared to fit
scientifically all caes of defective vision
that glasses will remedy, (ilasses
ground to order forall complicated cat-en.
II you have trouble with your eves don't
fail to consult him at Hotel Lakeview.
Lollirt liel'l'!". XXa-l here fl'itlll llnl'te
Fly Innkin after tn me tin, k latt
xx ii'k.
fa llli'H Itei. I 1 if I '1 HUT 'i . eic, iU-
J10, xxat a Kiit-Hl at. the Orenii latt
Arthur I'nllett ami wife xvere
Vititlu Lakex lexx flnm I Mill' I'l'eek
"Spoilers" are in Town they ate all
ritfht something new, try them only to
he had at t.'ohh llenkle's. i'.l
Win. la inoa, the Nexv I'lne Cni-k
laerchant wan a Lakeview vltitor
t unlax .
. .
Ihtn u. ' -y " "'' " N" 1 rii "it
hiMt wet-k Wr a nl'ort Htay In San
,Sniu Mufu and .. H. Clark of Ft.
Klainatli, w'V reentered at Ihe Ore
gon Friday.
Chu'. UehartlH lnix"? '''H reHldenci
I'.xery hotly hut read "Toiu I'avi.e,"
but mile you Hinnke the " I'oiu I'ayne"
ciiiir at the Ibetxery sal. miii vmi cannot
liel the rilil 1 1 1 -1 1 1 it 1 1 i 1 . L'l Kin
Thnt. Lea 1 1 hat 1 11 appnlnlcil
deputy cniiuty clerk, and xx ill act In
that capacity hereafter. .IiimI, try
Tom on a marriage lii ente ami kcc If
hetliiu't liiiiertaud hit biitlueHH.
Ceo. S.NickerHoii liat jutl cninpletcd
a map of I mica I: i n n hi ml In ( 'hewtm
cau valley, which Ik located In town
HhlpH :i:i and .'SlHoiith, rau;i 1!cmhL
'They have Ik'i.OUO acren In that valley.
A11K111H the ilruiiimei'H that were
here thin week were J.Ntelner, K. Ilen
drickH mid J. ('. Cerf, San I'mnclsco.
V. F.. Devan, .1. i. DutIhoii, J. A.
Oynlliau ami ll, Shlukle, Macrameiito.
"The nweetest slnry ever told" was
I 1 . 1 1 im awttriunv unity I'trt loei wae
jron-rt.v lii town reiniH.'i,,l ami an rt)aU, w.liu, ,,der tl.e pleasant Influ
iwldltloii put on. ence of u Las lias Niicio ies clur. Lee
iieall has them exclusive. yaa a lead-
For a ileljalitlu! drink, and hfc'Mhfnl,
try liisit lir, bottled in quarlJ" lor
family line at the Lakeview hJa
Work's. V
County Clerk .MaiirliiK left Sunday
(.'onsultation Free.
Win. Liirke a familiar character,
xx ho hat been herdiny Hlieeii for a
number of yearn, but who liat been
a county l imine for the putt I xvo
inoiitlm, xxiih brought befme .Itnluc
Daly hiht Thursday, 011 a chniyf of
iiiHiuill.v. After an cxnminnllon he
xvaH declared to be insuiie ami xxat
ordered to be wnt to the asylum at
Salem. .Lie Fuller ami II. Si-I,mli.,..
left Saluiday iiioriiiu wilh the In-
Huua lujin.
Wni, Drauillui'd an old resident xf
(N-darvlliV'. died Au. -'!l, at Ihe nnl
(ie'iice of hln .loiidndaw .1.11. Iluw-
for Warner whef heKi.H (o look afti r ,llh. wih bom In Ohio, Nov. i!0,
hit Mlock intxTCMf''
lOiiKene will have, a Hlreet fair and
Carnival Sept. L'lt h ti ' -"I h. $l,.0"in
preinliuiiM will iie nlviV-
MIhhch Laura Suellii.'K' am Lulu
tiarrett departed Wednnwlay for Ihe
M011111011I h NormalHchooL
tirandiua Tonnliie;Men co;jl,liiuen in
very feeble hen I Ih, anil I here Im very
lit I le hope of her recovery.
"Oh yes, you can
"What?" Why I l,o-i.
Havana " lieliiionts"
find ttiem.'"
ever fragrant
al tlamaicr-
L'l ;im
'. F. Sheperd (he AhLIm in) iiiHlru
incut man, aecompaiiied by hit wife
wiih in Lakavlexv Saturday.
AllurMMand Adlu bate ball i;i,ycrn
played a aine a t, t.he at U v phice
AukiimI, :ih(, result ln In a wore of H
to I in favor of Alturan,
IslTi, aed Juim lived In NurjulHe Valley
Harry HaMon and Flmer Kmei'
Honcoinineiicedlhecmlloii of Frank
St. .IoIiii'h n-Hldiiiiii iimt Alonday.
ThlH will be 11 vci' IniliilHiiiiie and
coiuinodioiiH dxxelllne when nun
pleied. Nexv Mm,
I. A. Anthony the '(. ( If,l(i
li'ii hui Iiuh had the p,,eH up un it wn
xvllVH Hlrelehed from the Mate 'I ne
loxvn to Lakeview and no doubt .
willhliorlly have hltplant In workln,;
order a I Cine Creek. II,. expectH Ir,
oinpele will, the (own In xuppl vlnn'
i.aKeview will. Iluhl. He already
Iiuh a franchlHe.
Cliitni Sain, the f,H cliel, iaM
ojimied a neat restaurunt in the .oe How
artl hiiildmu. Kino meiiln (,, order.
Lveryil,inK j he warkul. Open dar
and ni.dit. ' o(j.t, 1