Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 11, 1902, Image 3

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I). A. 'm tit I'limli wmlicri' TliurM
iliiy. .1 mm Mrllck wuovi'rfroiu I.oiik Vul
Ifjr liutt. week,
U. W. Kliitfof llH'k ('rtfk, win In
town TliurMiliiy.
lMik mil fur Ilia "i'utiia" ( Unr for
nIii ill 1'imt St Klntf.
Mr. ami Mr. IIImiIcii of 1'niMlry lire
iirrt fur a few ilayn.
Mi-m. J. ', lioyul, of KpokiiiH', n-KlH
W'tvil al tli On-Koii TliurMiliiy.
Ijr'iic IUrrclU:iKr I tlm Talk of
tliu To n. Wliurtoii St Smith.
Jim k Mrlroiiulil ami wife, i if I'ilIh-
liy, will miiiiii (li'tnii l fur Montana.
Another liirjri' lannl linn Inh-ii
.turtttl on tlm XX raw li In ( licwnu
can. Do yon itnokc? if . try I.t riii'tj
Hrrrt'tt, mum Utur. V burton A Smith.
J.J.MonrtM', tin' Ailrt tnon limit,
wim (IciIiik IiiimIih'hh Iii Iwtki'Vh'W
Horn In I'alHlry, St'pt. 1!. to tin
wife of Win. Klttrlni'.ofSllviT Lukf,
a ilatiKhti-r.
Vi Imvn txrn a-ilnlt'tl Iitrilu tr
for tint KaniouR HoMiU-rry Ciyiira.
Alilntroin I'.roit.
iliirfnlo Hill, with IiIm Wll.l Went
Show. tin Jiit tourvtl Oivkoii, from
I'orllaixl Hinitli.
Itoin In I'nlMlcy, Si-pt. I. to the
wlff of t'lmi'l'' Mrkpntrlcli, of Sum.
liter l.nkf, a (luiiKlitcr.
).h. ln iry C'ikfHm nru wurlil iM'Hli-m ;
tln'V yivti von llmt I'X'iillnlU' lit'liii(.
Ahf Hlruiii llriix., Aiii'iilx
W. .. MllKN llltM It'llMt'll .1. It. Illllll-
moml'H nlknll at nek nun li neitr 1'itln
ley fur a term f yearn.
The MlMHt-Miii-orKii'Trlliiinaml Nora
t'arr wi'iit t. I'ortlaml with X. A.
KIiik for a abort ntay any tin' I'unt.
We httvtt tlio l-tird Itoe I rry ('ijrnr In
all l lie HiiulHr ixi-. hM"lnl price by
tho Imx ; lor miltt only hi tliu Mono); rum.
Tin' fulluwlni; Wiuier Luke M'tile
ivuUtfrril at tin' Oii kuii 'I'liurHiliiy
Oiireiiee Dixon, M. (iIIIhuii ami U. I'
Mr. A. S. Crtiue, of Ft. Klamith,
ami MImm Maiiili' Max In, of Anlilaiid,
were iiiarrli'd at .lackHunvlllt on Auk
ImI IKllli.
Tor more tliun fitly yearn the famous
joxNt MiMirtt KliiHkt'y Iiiin Mtii tiit iau
ilitnl IhhikI til lint wortil. lieo. Jiiiiiintr
thai, itulu Hiit-ut.
Tbe AHhlaml Hi hi n I of Trwle Coin
uilttee havt let a tuntract fur tin'
print Iiik "f I't.'KHt pauiplilclM illHi rip
live of AHhlaml ami Itouue Klver
"We may live without put-try.
intiNlr ami art; we may live wllhuut
cunHt'ii'Ut't' ami live witlniut Jieitrt;
we may live wlthuut frli-mlH ami 1 1 v
wllhuut failn; lint IiuhIih'mm In-tlny
tau t lUf wllhuut nl." Ail vert Ui'
in Tht' Kx.iiiilncr.
Whi'ii you count to town tlrop in ill
I'ofl & Kinu' hikI Ht'o Ihu i ijcl 11 r anil
ht'Hr tint lii'Mtitifiil lii'iMic. Kli'tiant lar
ami i 1 1 c r li u.mhIh. IS tf
Do ytni know thf Htory tif tin two
froKH? Tilt" out' who thought hi' wan
ilrow nliiK. tlrowiit'il In a ran of milk.
while thf one who IiiihIIi'iI 111 tin
MIIIIII' I'llll Hllllll follllll llllllMl If Mil I'll
on a t'ukt' of liuttcr. lliiMtlf! SN-ak
well of l.akrvU'w, ami atlvt-rilHt' your
w-antMiiml IiumIiii'hm InThi' ICxiiiiiIiiit.
We liuvt) Mit'iiri'tl thtt Attt'iiry for l.aku-vit-w
lor llio l.arwfiit'tt llurrt-tt C'U'itr;
tht'y urti a nwt't't, plt'UNHiil amokt)
Wlioriiin & Smith. 1W
Tin' I'arrow Hall l In'Iii rt'iiovat
fil ami mailt' rcmly fur any fintTKt'n-
cy. W. Y. Miller Intt inlM IhiIIiIIiik an
adilll Ion on thf t'liMt t'lnl fur ruM-
truiiiM ami rt'iuuilt-lluK thf cntliv lu-
tfrlur; thfii I'nlHlry will havf a Hint
laMM hall tir opt-ra hoiiMf. t'hi'wnu-
i'an I'trnt.
New tlniKH, new ami ileli'htful er
fiimt'N, nvt'iythinK for tliu toilet coin
tilele niriiK Htot k frt'ith ami pure at
lloall'H ilrutf Bloro. 1H tf
At a t hurch hoiIuI In tliu i-aHt a
Hinnll piu kiiKf wan auctluut'il off to
thf hlKht'Ht lilihliT. It wan lalM'leil
"LhiI.v'h Hklrt ralMcr" ami oet aMluncil
live MiMliitf. It finally went to an
Innoeeiit ytninK tlmlf for
When ht'opent'il hlnpun haHt' hefouml
t wo Hinall niltf, but they w't-if nafely
houHcil In a trap.
Fur n liilioua Bttiu k taktt Chnmlu'r
lain'n Stoiniicli ami Liver Tiililt'ln Hinl a
quick cure in certain. l''or hiiIu by Ltu
Ileall, ilruyiiiHt.
Juliiiiile hail a HI tltt mule, Hh hoofn
won' hanl km ruck, lie lined to hitch
tint donkey up ami drive aroiiml the
lihK'k. One day the little mule lie
atoppixl ami wouldn't move a hIhm,
ho Johnnie took IiIm pocket knife ami
Htrnck him Junta few. Now when
that donkey felt tho knlfo h inovetl
hlinwlf you let, ami Johnnie well
lift alHi) moved; ami they haven't
found hi in yet. Kx.
Thtt Imttlenhlp Maine al httr n'mI
trial hiriIh an avrraiia of 17.0 knot per
hour. Ili'caiiHH itliri tlidn't mak 18 knot
per hour, hr huilihtr Ioimj 'o,01K).
Tho itr tenth (if a knot t hour
aa ipilte valuahln. The veonel com
plete eoal .'),770,(KX).
Tho Klokerlt, Kinixiriura Ik'all'ii,
whitrn only tint liext Kraden of cIkhoi
can lift found, ror a flue emokn every
IxMly Koea In J!enli'n. IS if
W. Arant, of Klaiuath county,
who had Imi-ii rei'ommendeil for the
poMli loti by Heiiat or Mlt hell and ;on
Kri'MMinau Tongue, wan on Saturday
appointed Superintendent of Crater
Lake National Dark by t he Secret it ry
of the Interior. The poMltlun carrlfH
with It a Halary of f!MM) m r aniiiim
The Niipcrlntcndciit will In reiiilreil
to furulMh ami kifp IiIh own horse.
"Jenita MiMirit" Whiaky han lienn the
Keiilurky ittamlaril wild wliicu all otliein
havn been comiiareil rince IKol. It it
Ihu U'l. Jamuivrlhal keep it.
A Hemtlblf mother of n certain col
leuc town In Oregon, wliow ilaiiKhti r
came Imine after the Kraduation
exen'lw-H, linpreHwil upon the joiiiik
lady very forcibly the correct way to
look upon a new duty. ThednunlitiT
aald: "Mother, I've Kratluateil; but
now I wIhIi to take up pMycoloK.v,
phllouy, blbll ," "JiiHt wait a min
ute; I've arraiiKcil toryou a tlioroiiKh
courw In roaMtolojfy, hollojry.Htltch
ohiRy. darnuluny, pat IiuIuk.v, ami
Ki'neral tloineMtlctiloK.V. Xowput on
that apron ami pick that chicken."
She picked.
Wo extend a Cordial invitation to all
f our f riemU ami cuHtumum to try our
Hom-bcrry IUvhiiu ciifarH. Money hack
if not KHtlKlaeUiry. Ahlntroin it rod.
rirt'on the I.. I j. McCoy hheep ranch,
about tell mllcH eat of Ked I'.luff,
burned llercely fur a day and a night
and about lono ucrVH of tine feetl
waa di'Mtruyed, mii.vm the Xewa. The
burned tract covei-H about a mile
one way by a mile and a half tho
other. It commenced near the Mi-ck-er
cabin ami burned eastward to
Salt creek. A. M. McCoy inula force
of men commenced fighting the fire
early TucMilay morning and by even
ing they had It all out. The tire did
not reach the Wlllard Urothern' range
but burned up to U lH'lng checked at
Salt creek, the dividing line.
Tout & Kintc have, junl received a big
ntiik ol eve rylliinx lirtl clanH in tliu line
of "wet K'Mxl'"." Their cellar lit mored
full til llio ImBl ("lock to bo had on the
coaiil. 30-tf
A bachelor In a bachelor, either
iMvailHC he Iiiih once lat'il tllHappolat- j
ed In love, Im too huxhful to mix up
with the company of the oppoHlto
Hex. or 1m valine he thlnka he can
'paddle IiIh ow n caniK'" U-tter alone,
Whichever It may lie, there'a Home
thing wrong with him, ami he U tin
cauHf of many a pretty girl going
through a big part of her life in a
Htale of nlnglf hlcHMfdncHK. Hut, ntill,
It tlocH not keep the bachelor from
Having menu thing. Out the other
lav In Lnkeview Hahl that It "taken
an awful lot of faith to U-lleve a wo
man 1m built like her clotht'H make
her Meeiu to lie." The fellow ban no
hi ml. docHii't believe In art, ami
ought to be murdered. There Isn't
a woman in Lnkeview but what
wen cm ilrt'HHt'H that are junt moulded
to her form. No there, now!
(icortCL' ami Kent of tho I'alaco have
the lineKl itrudea of liipior", IntJl cinch
Iwer and the popuhtr tirantlii ol clears.
IteHiden they havo in their readiiiK room
uli Hie lalfHl iiewhpHperH mid iierimlicalH,
and in their chili room excellent iuuhic
anil the Intern Kale itleHcoH moving pic
tureB. Drop into tho 1'alitce when you
mo in town and you will ho enter
tained. , 18-tf
...C. U. SNIDER...
Is selling Shirt Waists, first-class quality at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c
Misses and Childrens' Hats for - 25c and'50c
Ladies Trimmed Hats
Ladies Untrimmed Hats
Mens Linen Hats
Ladies Wrappers from
40 c
50c to 2.00
Call early and get first choice.
I'tillnl Ktt.- int OBtre, IaIo'vL-w, OrcRon,
July K4, lixri. Nutlre la hi rcl.r e ven tlit In
in .l ! to- with thn provlaloii. of I lie ail of
iiiiir i, IH7M, eniiin-q "An vi Mr (he aalc of
llmtHT lalela In thn Hlair ol allfortilB, Ori--oii,
SVva'la. ale) Waaiiliivmn Trrrliory."
tt.-inli-d lo all tlit) I'll Mir Land Clali-a lir a t
of Ana' iat 4. ar?, Hi.. ImIIiiwIiik K-raiin iiave
una nay mm iu una timet) incir aworn atat
luriila, (ii-w It :
Jami-a I'. Kan.
nl VaniiiUTi r, county of Clark, ataln of Waah.,
aworn aiat.-tr.-ni So. lull. Kir the tuirrliaav of
Dip hK'i .NWli NEJi hWU W! HK'.. H.-c 1.1.
Tii an H, It li fc.
I'aiH. M. Knn.
itl Ij fVnti-r. rouiiiv of l lark, atale of Hub..
awnrn atali-uirnt No. the iurcbaa of
tie1 r.'i H-f a, I pK, k i. t.
Thai Ihry will offi-r rHif to ahow that the
lainl aoiitrlit la nmrr valualilt) for Ita tlmlx-r or
atoiiH than lor aKrlrnltiiral puriiiu-a, and to
i-aianiiiiii tnrir claim to aani lainl iM-inre J. o,
Hamaki r. I'. H. t iiiniiilailoiK-r. at Kon-ai, Or
(in. on natunlay, thn lay of Oriotx-r, Vf't.
I ney nanit an witiica-.-a: owen I. McKcn-
dri-.-, of Oli'lr, Ori'Kon, I'. K. Im uiiit, of Kiain
al li Kalla, Or.-kon, I'atrlck M . Kane, of I .a t'.li-
l. r. w aahliiKUiii. and Valciilliie J. Kike and
Jainca t. Katu. of Vanruiivcr, WanhliiKUin.
An and all iwraona claliiiliiir adv r ly the
alH 'drarrllM'il landa arw n-uneatcd to flit
thi'lr claltua In thla oflltc un or Lcfurc laid ZOIli
day of tl t.iUT, li"'J.
aii7i a e. M. BiiTTin, Rcglntcr.
4 7171 TTTin "wmrr
That t'otiM Day Im forging aheatl Ih
emphyHlwd from the fact that a new
paper In the new town ( ltnngor,
half way la-t ween MjirHhlleld and Um
pire, linn lat'n laiiiu hed with anwiirn
circulation of I.IHHI euplen the tirHt
Immuc. The Dangor ICxihangx' Is
printed on heavy book paier, ami Im
very neat and attractive, it will be
circulated throughout the eilMt.
There in more Catarrh in thin section
of the country than all other diHeanei
put toKt'lliur, ami until tlirf laft lew
veitra wan iiuiiHiNed to he incurahlo.
Vor a tcreiit many yeara doctors have
nronounceit It a local (liHeane, antt pre-
Hci ihed tot al reinetlie, anil by constant
ly f H i 1 1 ii vc to cure w ith hnal treatment,
prtinouiicett It uicuraulo. science lias
proven catarrh to he a coiiHtitutitinal
ii n-eiine, and therefore requires count i t o-
ttunal treiitment. llall H t atarrli (.Hire,
mniiufiicturoil by F. J. Cheney & Co ,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only comditutionai
euro on tho market. It is taken inter
nally in dunes from 10 drops to a ea-
Hpoonful. It acU directly on the blood
and mucous surfaced of the ytem.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
cane it fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials.
F. J. Chknby A Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by DruirgiNta, 75o
Hall's Family 1'ilU are the bent.
5tops the Cough
anil works off the Cold.
Laxative Brumo-Quiiilne Tablcla cure a cold In
one day. No curt) uu pay. frlce 26 oeuta, U
I' nited Htattia Ijind Offlnr,
Ijikcvii'K, Ori-Knti, Juno m, I'M.
Notice la hcrrby given that In coini.liancr
with the tirovtalona ol the act of CoiiKn-aa of
June 3, lafh cnllll-d "All act fur the aale of
tlmtx-r landa In the Mali a .if California, Ore
mm. Nevada, and W aaliliiKiiin Territory." aa
extended to all the I'lilillr Ijuid Hiatea by act
of Auiiiat 4, 1hh2. the f.illowhif p-rina have
una nay ni -a iu tuia unite uuir tworn alalo
ue Ul, tu-wlt:
Parallel E Owen,
of lnileM-ndeiice, county of folk at ate of Ori'if ,
aworn atateinent No Hull, fur the purchaae of the
N K' 4 Hec Hi. Tp : 8 It 14 K.
John K Klrkland,
of Indeix-n lenre, comity of polk, alate of Ore-,,
aworn atatcmeut No tiTu, for the iurcbaaeof the
N ', liec 'ib, Tp Ita H It 14 K.
Turin I) I ami.lwll,
ot Indept'iidem-e, county of I'olk.atateof Orcr.,
aworn auieuie.a No "71, for the tiurchaaeof the
!, rWi- SA, Tj H W K 14 K.
Tboiuaa 1 Krrer.
of lndetMndenee, county of I'olk.atateof Orer-,
aworn alalenient No HT1, for the Liurt'haae of tile
ny.'t K.- T at H K 14 K.
That they will offer proof to allow that the
land aoiixlit la more valuable fur tta tint tx-r
or atone than for agricultural tiroaea. and to
ralaltllah their claim to aaid Ian I bfore Jaa
11 liriacoll, county clerk at K laiuain Fall, Or
coii on TucMlay Ihevthday of K'iiemler, Iff.'.
They name aa wltiM-KMa: William M. Met'arty,
Samuel K ttwen. John K. Klrkland, Turin I)
t aiiitcll. 1 honiaa J Fryer, all of Indepen
dence, tiret-on.
Any and all pcraom clalmlnK adversely the
alHive-deacrlb-I landa an replicated to file
their cUlma In thla ultlcc on or before aaldVlb
day of Sept., VM.
o I iii K. M. Rkattain, HeiilMir.
F. H. MILLER & CO., PropVs, F. P. LIGHT, Man'gr
Put your ad in The Examiner, it brings $ I
I'nlti-d Htatea ' and Office. Ijlkevlew, Orenon,
July 1, lftrJ. Nollce la hereby Kiveli that iu
compliance with the provlaiona of the act of
June S, li7H, entitled "An act for the aale of
timber lamia Iu the Htalea ot California. Ore
Kon, Nevada, and WaidiiiiKion Territory," aa
exleuded to all Public l.ud Malca by act ol
AuKt 4, iH'.r.'. ..he followtiiK perrona have thlt
ilay tiled Iu thia otliee their aworn aiatemema,
Pavid K. WetMter.
of Vancouver, cnuiiiT of t lurk, state of With.,
awnrn atateinent No. Iti'tA, for the purchaae of
ihe K', MVt. - NKt 8W!4 4c 8Wt. bb!4 Bee s,
Tp as if. K 1 K.
William 1- Moore,
of Vancouver, county of dark, atate of Waah.,
aworn atatniicnt No. HWi for the imrchaae ol
Ihe N of v Sec !t-l, Tp : S, It 16 t.
ItaUton lliiriihaiii.
of Aahland, cotnny of JaekMin, atate of Oregon,
aworn alalenient No. lu)7. for the purcbaae of
the K' , of W, See .. Tp .Hit S, K 16 t.
Jamca r-wanaeii,
of Vancouver, couiily of Clark, alate of Waah.,
aworn atatcmeut No. HUH, for the purchaae of
the W, of E' i H.-C HI, Tp A s, It lii K.
That tliey w ill o.Ter proof to ahow tha' the
laud aoiiKlit la more valuable for ii tinilx'r or
.tone than for aKricnltural purpoHca, and to
establish their claim to anid laud ticforc J. O.
llauiaker, l1. 8. t'omiiiiaKloiier, at F'oreat, Ore
gon, oil Friday, the.Hrdday ol October, ldtii.
They name aa ilnee: HaUlou Hurnbam,
of AanlHin'. OrcKoti, and Klln rt 8. Beiaecker.
William h. Moore. Jamea 8w auven, and lavid
K. VVebatcr, af Vancouver, Waahlnvton,
Any and all M'roua claiiuiiiK adversely the
ahovc-dcMcrtlicd landa aro requeated to Hie
their claiina iu thia othce on or before aal l 3rd
day ot October
E. M. Bkattain, Kegiater
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
Snider Bui ding on Water St.
The Oregon has been thor
oughly renovated and re
furnished. Tablo ser
vice is neat, clean and
tho best the market af
fords. Moderate charge
ity Meat Market
Door North of Hotel Lakeview
i iiiieii Miatea i.ann onico at ijlkevlew, ore.
July 17, ltkrj. Notice la hereby given that ml
eouipllanee w ith the provlaioua of the act of I
.tune , iit!t, entitit"! "An act lor me aaie ol
timber lauda In the HIatel of t'alifornia, Ore-I
von, pievaua, ami waKiiiiiKUiu jtrritory," aa l . . , ,
of AiiKllat 4, lnfj. the follow I UK perMina'have tSeef, Fork, Mutton, abausage, btc.
thla day tiled in I Ii la onice their aworu atate-1
me ii I a town: I
r....l...l u.. . i..t.
innuei pt'iiiivi i-k.
of Vancouver, county of t lark. Hlate of Waah'
liiRtoii, aworn atateuicut No. unr. lor the pur
1 &l
LANE & WENDELL, Proprietors.
chaae ot tha NK N'O ft To H 8, K 111 E.
iiiiBKio r.. r link,
of Vancouver, county ot t'li rk, atate of Waah-
Iniitou, aworn alalenient No. Hiltl, for the nur-
vhaau of tho NW ' 8ee 8, Tp .HH 8, K 16 K.
vaieiuiue j. r itti,
of Vancouver, county of Clark, alate of Waah
liiKton, aworn alalenient, No loll, for the pur
chaae of tlm NW1, HW'j - W'k N W 4 8co Uand
8W i 8W Vi 8eo 7. Tu ,H8 8. It III K.
That they will offer proof to ahow that the I
land aoiiiiht la more valuable for lla timber or .
alone than for auricultural purpoaca, and to
eatabliali their claim to aald laud before J.
(. llauiaker, I'. 8. t'ouiniiaalouur at Korea I,
Or"Kon. on Katurday, tha 26th day of October
mux. l n ey name aa witneaaea:
Owen T. MeKeudree. of Olete. Orevon. C. F.
Heaaner, of Klamath Kalla, Orenoii, and laabel
KmlKwick, Valentlua J. Kike, and liuaaie K.
Mink, an ol vanoouver, anliiugioii
Any and all iwraona claiming advrracly the
above deaurlbed land are requeated to file
their claiuia In thla otlloe ou or before aaid 26 lb
day of October, Wi.
audi-M G, ii. 0B1TTAIH, Kegiaier.
53 5s n (& ir n rsi rfsiv ritqe'ra
Along tha shores ol tho
To New York and New England Points
C, S. CRANE, O. P. Agt. ROSS CLINE, P. C. P. A.
St. Louts, Mo. as Los Angeles, C&L