Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 11, 1902, Image 1

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NO. SO..
One of l-akevlew'g Citizens Called
tluritethief, and Another a
5kunk by a N. Y. Hdltor.
W. i. Woodcock litnl' tn an Ex
aminer reporter a Hipping from I to.
creation, wilt to him by the editor of
that publication. Tho unwarranted
llttiM'k IImi t lie l,akcvicw gentlemen
Ih uncalled fur. Following iHthc art
icle In full:
1 llMllll yi'U herewith M dipping fnilll
l.nka'VK'W, (Wh., MMr liy whnh you ht
( have HI llll' HWIIIO III Oll-ttlill. The
go-id work ill Recrcatl'in i Ul rliillifinu
till' M'lltllllt'lll III lllf tM'ilple, lint lilTC
are Nome motel Mull tltierM hniinhiig
A. V. Oliver, 1.4 Grande, Oie."
" ' A camping party rimiHtiiiu n Mr.
ml Mr. W. 1 1, ixmIc.m k, their ami,
.lurk, ami datiKhtc m, Maihl Mini J.ime,
r ivil Alilitrutii iiml Aiulii'M y
returned from limey ! f m 'iril.iy.
'l in y n-iMirl having- had h i 1 -t i I i I time.
Hit' lui'ii dunned In Iimvii liii).'i;i'il 3 ill rr
anil IH unlt-lopc. Mr oiMieock made
tin- kill, having II deer Hint K mil-cli'h-
in Inn rri-ilil, lull- rri-il Alilpirimi
in! Jin k Woodcock tint inn' Hirt'loiHi
i Iluinmt-Ilf v K Sn Inr
llilx liiiH Ih'CIi iimrt -m i'ti-f ii I camming
I'm i y M'l in tin' Hy til liaing Maine
Mill lll-ll."
"1 wrote Woo li-ork and llmniiii-r-tley
lor their vcrmoii of I Ihi atory, uml the
lntiir huh it an fulloMii:
Vuiir li'tli-r nl the 7tli impming a to
my having killed H anlel.ipe ih at hand.
1 itnlicipate you hate a rnunt in mure
lr mi", lull la-nig liko Urn I.itln'r of lint
country 1 miml plead nuilly. When
mi' ha hceii liuiikji up in h eti ire fur n
car Mini get nut Inr a weck'N Imiil' gia-a
.V) lit I If n nut mi tin; ilt'M'rl, drink. aUull
water, rtc, Ik- wanta In tiling enough
game III to treat hit fricndi. Aiilclope
were li'iilifiil out there, itml 1 could iiut
"-Itl the ttiiniiMlliii of killing a few to
bring to tow n, knowing it would dt n
year or moic ht'lore I would get another
I llBIHC. i Inlllllll'I'M M lll'll vou rt'itil Unit
ynu h ill say II in loi lunate l hut men like
iiiu ilnii'l gel out olteu. 1 have read
Ket'iriitioii many tiiiii'H ami have alwaya
thought vou r etforlH to Hop the whole.
unit- Hlmigiilcr i game went litinUhlc, lull
I um, 1 lour, h intlit liktt tint part-ma
who always think other people's chill
ren are had.
Nun lie charitable with me unil mid tin
not give it to intt too hard.
A. II. Jlutniin'rhly, Liikcvicw Oie.
"'Vou in in hi with I lm pamo propriety
fiiy : "1 Mm foinl of homo Kleiilini:,
hut 1 1 ii vi- Inm'U in jml u yeur piii-t mid
Iimvu hud no I'liHiicu to iiiilulttu in my
luvoiile nii.tline. I-unl ueek 1 K"t ut.
i went on tin) pluiiiH Hiid found a H
herd of horMi'H. I hud to nleep on the
Krouinl Mud drink ulkuli wutcr. He
HtdoH, I knew 1 tilmuld mil K't niiollier
ihaiue to fteu' a Imrwi (or at It-nut a
your, Hint an theco were not branded I
ran off fiioiili for all my iuiIm. I hope
the BhenlT wont gel me, or that if hu
iIoch the judjjB will m lenient witii me."
Would you not con filler that a mighty
IlimpNy pltm for a man lopnt up? Well,
it would ns jutit hn rvaaonalile and fut
ms manly an yourH. In my judgment a
real, avowed horHO thief in a gentleman
a compared with you.
"Woodcock Iibh not replied to my in
ijuiry am ao 1 infer he in guilty, an
k la led in the clipping. It bo, ho ia din
gracinu one of our noblest game birda by
mtiiig ita name. He should change bin
cognomen to Skunk. Euitoh.
"I hand you liervwlth a clipping"
xuyn tho IUH rt'ittlon. Well, t hat 'h all
right. Jiut tin ikiho of the IMItor of
a "bo good to anlmalH" paper will
K't pulled If tin don't treat our local
Mlcutlm for (Iht with more tlm'ttcy.
in tho flrHt phur Ktrrcation Im a vlll
IUr when ho, mIic, or It Hiiyn that W.
1. Woodcock or Andy HamorHloy
would take unduo advantaKo of any
living animal (otitHidoofant'lcphaut)
that walUn tho pralrloH or dowort, or
any old placo. Woodcock prldi-Hhlnt-wlf
on KotMiitf iiuwt thiiiRK ho hmh
afUr oHpoclally IiiicKh. TIiIh Kocivn
tlun Kdllor iiilRht have lot Woodcock
down oartlor. Of cotirHo HamorHloy
iloHorvoH to bo rouHtoda llttloforpay
Innany atlontlnnto tho Kocivatlou
Tho KxaiulnorilooMiHrt bollovoln tho
wanton Hlauhtor of tsnuw, nor dooH
any other civilised pornon. but pooplo
tin' nut euro to bo taken to lawk by an
caHleru chap-headed galoot," who
would probably do tho name tiling
if i i IhliI mi iiniioi ttiiilty. There lua
lw t P'-.d-H, ..oe iihil U a.. v ......
k vlo atH 11 ho Hlioutu no propen.v ai-,
tended to, without being Hlandered. I
The Last Census I Mace Lake the
Second in largest Area liti
gated in State of Oregon.
Tin IHni'tor of the ('oumiim hiiMcall
ed our attention to the Irrigation
HlitUtlcM of Ori'Kull, coiiiillei for tho
twelfth ceiiMUMln I'.HNI. Am likecotin
ty coini'M In Ht-coiid la the number of
mreM Irrigated In theMtate, aH.vnop
mIm of t he report will He of eoiiMider
able liiti'M'Kt to Kxauilncr readerM.
In LakeCounty lrrlated.d.!Kt."
aercM nunliiMt '7,,XM aereH In hn.
The com! of cimihI rilct llitf t he illtcheM
ttiw fl-'fi, s7. The m ii ii Imt t f Irrltfa-
tor however ilecreaMeil from .'LVi In
WVI tu :72 III S!K. while the iiiiihImt
of acrt-M Irrigated liii-t'eaHed.
The total value of all eropH Irrigat
ed In hake t'oiiuty U L'U'.I.M. The
value of hoy Irrluatloii alone umotiu
ted to Isr.-IX'. while thecerealn
aiiiounlt'tl to$10,lol. 'I'he t-Kftabli'H
well' t'M limited at $.t,.M I, orchard
fnillM at $l,'.'.l. uml Htuall fruit at
.'ij."t Mneo t he reliMUM wiim taken ill
IIHhi a very lartfe IncrciiMcil In theiiuin-Iw-r
of irrlatuiM and the number of
acreM Irrlati-il.
The report mu.VM that t wo Meet loim.
Into which On'Koli U tllvldeil by the
CiiHcade raiiK' of uiuuiitaiiiM, are
llHf linllar In climate, topography,
and null. In the woHtcru Hectlou the
w Intern are not uiarkeil by proloutc
od iM-rlodM of ciild. tu ir the MuniuierH
by loiitf heated teniiH. Tlieiv Im a
very heavy rainfall ainl Irrigation Im
not iiMi'd for uoiiernl crom, but water
Im applletl In Hummer with truck
faruiH, ami a few i-umcm of Irrluatlon
of hay IuiiiIm ( ithiiIi inu In anextra
cutting) are reportetl from theHotith
em part of t bin Hectlou. The ureal
er part of t he eiiHteni mi l Inn Im arid
or Hcmi-arid, but the null, oh a rule,
Ih very proilucllve w hen there Ih nlif
llt'letit moiHtiiri'. There are nuiiier
ouh rivcrn of coiiniih'i'ahlti hIzo, and
the available water ntipply of the
hii I lun iih a w hole Ih larue. In tho
count Ion bonlctinu on tho Columbia
Hiver, Irrluutioii Ih not uoncrnily
practlcetl, and, except In uci-mmIoiuiI
yeai-H of Hinall rainfall, it Ih uuntreH-
nary for iiiohI cropH. A urentor part
of the territory Mouth and went of
thi'Ho cotintleH Ih UHeful, without Irrl
Uatlon, for uraxlnu purponoH only.
In tho Kouuo Klver Valley In .lack
hoii and .loHcphiuo countleH, hay Ih
the only crop UHitally Irrluated, but
a ii ii in I M'l- of H.VHteinH have liecii ntar-
ted or projtTlotl for tho purptiHo of
htipplyluu orchard landH with water.
The total number of Irrluatot'H in
Oregon In 1!NH wiim Tho total
area Irrluated wan .'tS,:ilO airen, of
which :tSN,lll acroH were Irrluated
from HtreaiiiM anil IDil acn'M woro Irrl
uated from welln by tho uho of pump
Inu plantM. Tho Irriuation h.vhU'Iiim
of tho Htate areuenerally lnoxMMiHlve
and are (iM-rated moHtly by Individ
ual faniierH for their own uho. Tho
low average font of couMtruc
tlon kt ticro Irrlgatod for tho Htate
Ih largely duo to tho Mlmplo incthodH
oinployod to Irrigate largo aroaH
tiHod for piiHturage. There ban Inon
very little attempt to Htore winter i
water for Htunnier uho. Tho rtporUt
on Irrigation Hecured by the Elev
enth (ViiHtiH contain data for only the
principal irrigating count Iom, which
are an follown: llaker, Crook,
lira nt, IJIlllain, Harney, JimUhou
tloHOphlno, Klamath, Lake, Mal
heur, Mt rrow, Sherman, Uma
tilla, I'lilon, Wallowa, Wuhco,
and Wheeler. Wheeler wan formed
from I 'rook, tilUlatn, and tlrant,
hIuco tho eleventh cettHUH wan taken.
Of tho total area Irrigated in 1K!M,
MMl.LTttl acroH woiv In cropn and DM,054
ucroH were lined for pantum only.
Tho Irrigated pant tiro wan all it
ported from tho 17 countleH men
tioned above, the irrluated land in
other coiiticM, amounting to l.'.'lo
acroH, lK'lng devtded excluHtvely to
Lake County coiuoh next to Harney
In havlnu' the HiualleHt iuhhIh-i' of
iiarnev han tho laruoHt
-. y
iitiiulior of ncron IrrlgaU'd. Tho
Special to The Hxainincr.
PORTLAND, OH., Sept. IHlr.-J. I). Hcryford was sued
today by Bessie MeCarty for $70,000 for breach of prom
ise. Minn Mi Carty rami) to Iil 'view tw o yearn ao Irmn Miiiiii-miia ami tnnglit Hchtv.l
one term at Thouian Creek tlintrict lant yt-ar on a ermit, nn-l fuiling to panit the
Teacher' he left aoiue liiue
her home in .M i lint-Hutu .
Mr. Ileryford who in at-ll and favorably
County olileHt and wi'Hltlne.t cittle men. 1- probably lb vict'iii of a black mail
ing scheme, originated by poiiio ambitiouH attorney w ho ban advi-ed the young
lady to take thin Htep in the hoptD of gi-tting a larue Ire.
? pn '.'I iiiii'iiiiiii milium m g.iv n in win u imiii
Mk : A
-t- .. . .i , ... ,t- - . .-. , Ir tl , , J
What la prohably the moHt retnnrkable wedding on record took place In
Cincinnati a few dnya ago when four young Kentucky farmers of Owenton
plighted their trotha with four buxom young women living on neighboring
farms all within a three mile rndlus. Whnt made the occasion still more lu
tercHtlng wan the fact that two of the bridegrooms were twins, as were also
two of the brldea. The twin brothers had no Intention of getting married
when they left home to aland up with their friends. The sight of so much
bllns was too much for them, however, and when the minister got through four
newly wedded couples sat down to a merry feast One of the twin tlrla
married one of the twin brothers.
twelfth census given Lttke .S'.i7 farms !
containing 'J-M.lNX acn'M td which SO.- j
an improved. Tho value of this'
farm property Ih$ 1,:UU,M0, buildings
ifl.illil, Implements ami machinery
Value of
. ..m I
$!rM0, livestock tl.7tMI.1M
products not fed to live stoc
tOO, tho cost of labor tl-iXStO.
Thotv Is room for downs of largo
lirlgatlng projects in Lake County,
and it will not lie many years until
theliest part of the County is under
Stable Changes Hands.
Yesterday a deal was made where
by S. J. Vernon Hold all bin uttn-k and
vehicles; and leased his livery stable
to Tent Smith and Larry Hall.
These two gentlemen are well
known and understand the business
thoroughly, and will no doubt do a
good business. Mr. Vernon and fam
ily will remove to California and
seek another climate for a change.
The directors of the Lakevlew
school mdeved a telegram Tuesday
from Miss Jessie Sands of Aatorla
saying that she would accept a po
sition in tho Lakevlew school. The
teachers aw all engaged now, and
tho order in which they will teach is
as follows: Principal, J. q. AVlllits,
Misses Sands, Driver, Callahan and
Hall. School will begin Sept. Si.
At tho last session of the County
Court an order was made that "it
Is the Intention of t his court to m
ognUo no claim or charge against
tho county, except cn'atod by law,
unless tho same has la-en first auth
orized by the court. ItotnilsitlouH
for supplies shall lie submitted to the
court and put-chases made only upon
tho authority and under tho direc
tion of tho Court." A show of econ
omy, a chance for a side graft and a
knockout blow tit tho printer can
easily be read between (be linen. ''I
have tho power and I nm going to
uno It," someone said.
laxt Summer, and probaMv returned to
known in I hi- country, ami one of Lake
A "Quiet" Wedding.
A party of tour urrived from Alturas
Monday evening anil stopjM.'d at
Hotel Iwikeview. They were S. W.
'''i'l'ortline and Miss Edna Jones of
Alturas, M. T. Moore of Fnriningtou.
I ll. Cl 11, .! inr, i.iuiv 111 infill III 4wOi Jl-
!out. The object of their visit was
i not made known until a marriage
license wusnooun'd from lVputy Clerk
Heall. llefore a small compaay in
the hotel parlor. Town Recorder
, I'mbach made Mr. S. W. IVpfienline
and Minn Etta C. Cart right lutui anil
I wife. The wedding wan a very
"tpak-t" affair and was a surprise to
frk-nds of the interested ptirtles heres
Mr. IVpiterdino In maiiiger of tlx
Grand Central Hotel at Alturatv
whore tlie newly married couple will
make their home. .
The Examiner acJtnowledgw a
plejisant call from tlw party Tuesday
morning, and extenda congcatuja
tlona to the happy couple.
nrs. Wm. ISaU Shoots Herself.
In a tit of despondency or tempor
ary insanity, Mrs. Wm. Nail shot her
self with suicidal Intent,, at her home
in Klamath Falls, Monday evening.
Geo. llatchelder received a telegram
Monday saying that Mm. Frances
Nail had shot herself and was dying,
and to come immediately, Mr. and
Mrs. llatchcldcr left Tuesday morn
ing for Klamath Falls, but do not
expect to find Mrs. Nail alive. Mrs.
Nail ban lieen sick tor ho vera 1 months,
and her sister Mrs. llatchebler wan
over to wait upon her a few weeks
ago, ami returned thinking she was
much Improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Nail removed from
Lakevlew to Klamath Falls loss
than a year ago. They made quite
a number of warm friends during
their year's residence heiv, ami wiil
feel gtvatly grieved at the news of
Mrs. Nail's sad end.
At a Dance at the McCulley Place
Bert Mulkey Almcst Fatally
' 5hoots James-Guy. .
Jim Guy waa the victim of annccb
dent Saturday night that may prove
fatal. He wan allot In the Moinach
wlth a revolver at clone range at the
J lunula of IJort Mulkey, who waaaln
the act of handing the weapon to
j Guy when It wan din'-harged, taking
effect in a vital npot.
A dance waa given at McCulley 'k,
who live mi the ohl Tierce Comlm'
place, Saturday night. . Dancing
wax Indulged in till nearly 2 o'clock,,
when HtipiN-r wan aimourwed. All
repaired to the din'og room but four
young men, who stood in tlie middle
I of the dance room talking. The day
j prevIotiH one of the McCulley boy
IoiiihI an old pistol that . one
load In It, which I had Hiiapfied aev
oral tinioH withtmt diHclmrging It.
liert Mulkey had thin gun iiihinpiM-k-
jet while the group were talking, and-
told the othci-M that he had picked it
up from the flo r. Jim Guy . nnked
him to let him nee it, and In taking
it from bin pocket to batnl it to Guy
it iM-caine ck-1.1, and when in a hor
izontal poHiti'u it went off, ami the
result waa that Jim Guy-wan fatally
I)r. Smith waa cal'ed and done
what he eouJd, but pronounced the
caxe very hi rioua. Sunday morning
another phyHician an-dnted Dr. Smith
and the bt;lK-t wan looked for, but
without diwovering the wherwilMutH
of tho dt ath-tlealin & leaden niw.-ten-ger.
SutMlay evening, however, the
bullet w ax found it wim little
exfMH-te'L The b-JJi entered in tlie
left iddtf jtint jiImvvo the uavt-1 and
rangtsl npward. fiasHing through the
stoiiuuh, up thr-ugh the right lung,
and ux found just la'tieath the nkin
under the right arm. TUa bullet had
not liit a bone in itn traait and wan
jH-rfi't in nhapi when fotind.
I'p to the t'ine of goiug to press it
is aot known, whether the. accident
wjl prove fatal or not..
A MwJeronsvVssault..
Henry Eckert, a drunken sheep
herder male a murtlerouHaHHuJt with
a cane oa the unsuspecting head of
Dr. Git Vou Palmer, a one legged
chiropodist w ha has Ireen here for a
week. Theassultcame without warn
ing ami without cause. Tlie Dr'n.
soalpi wan laid ien and several
stitches had to be taken In it.
A warrant wan sworn out for Eck-.
er' arrest. Justice Bayley fined
him $:W and he went to jail rather
than pay the fine. One night was suf
ficient and next morning he wan
ready to. do "what over's right".
Towu Recorder Umbach thought
the cast within bin Jurisdiction, so a
warrant wan sworn out from the re.
cordei'Bcourt. Parties who witness
ed tho asnuLt thought the cane was a
criminal one and should come before
Depty.Dlst. Atty. Moore, so another
warrant was issued, but before either
of, them could be served he got "next",
and was not to be found when the
Sheriff audi Marshal came upon the
scene. Nothing short of a term in the
peultentlary will be given hlmsnould
he ever show up lu Iakevlew again.
Fire at Summer Lake.
Word reached Lakevlew by phone
Saturday morning that Fred Foster's
house in Summer Lake was com.
pletely destroyed by fire on Friday
eveniug. Mm. Foster was alone at
the time, and wheushediscoveivd the
fire the kitchen was all ablaze, and
there wan very little time left to save
very many things from the building.
Fred Fisher, who wan near by ran
to Mrs. Foster's assistance and they
succeeded in saving tho organ, sewing
machine ami a few other things. We
did not learn whether there was any
Insurance or not.
Mr. Foster's home wun a loautiful
place surrounded by trees and shrub
bery, ami tho loss In almost InvpaN
It W
B at 5 5 3
1 s-1 I"!