Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 04, 1902, Image 3

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0 UL
Xocal ibnppcntnoo ToIt in jparnornpbo
OiMtrifi' A Hniltli f Miiiiiimt Laki
wit iln arrival lit tin Oivr"" Tlitim
lay. Mix. Nniltli iiml MImm of
Yulniix wrri iiitIvilIh nt tin Ori'Kon
TliurtMtii v.
INik nut fur ttit 'I'iiiiiii" ( litar for
Ik hi I .V KliiR.
L, H. (InNMilitw, I h t iitilMt on until
from It. im, will nt Hukl l.llki'Vli'W
litxl Tlitiri'lit'".
Uoliiml JiwoIim wiim mi urrlvitl lit
Until Lukrvli-wfront Sun I'mm lwn,
I ut Thiirxilii.v.
I.m.n'ni UnrrHt Ciniir la tlm Talk of
tlie Tn ii Wliotlim A Smith.
Mi'n. Jim- t'olcniiin urrlvi-'l from
I ok AiikcIi-h liiHt Tliurnilii.v llltfjlt to
Join IllT tllinllllli Iiiti.
Tin' new n-ulMtt-r at die Orvtfon Im
illlliiu up raplill.v. Tin1 Wlnklfiiiau'M
ttviit tlii lr rii-mIh v-ll. MciiIh tlrnt
!.( i.u mnokf? if . try a I.riMire
llrrrrit, laMti'r. Wiiorimi Smith.
W. I'. Uml Htartt il 'riiniHila.v for
I ln K laiiiiii h nlm p rnimi'. He Ih o
Iiiic to look afiiT hU liiti-n-HlM In t In
"Uii'l I.uihIm."
.lolniiilc t'ninplM II, w ho U looking
itftir IiIh fallur'M iitirttM In tin
hoix-IhimIihhm al l;xk tin-k, rami
III from Wiirnrr moinitaliiK lnt
Vi- him Ih-cii .i iinliil I'i-lrilmtuia
fur iln l iiiiou Uii'lM rty t'i(ur.
Ahlaliolli 1'iok.
Coinn llinaii 1'oi.t Ih making hoiiii
linprovi'inriitM at IiIm rrnlili-liri'. II
U ciilaiKlii IiIh holm-. ('. I'. I.liu.
liarKi'r ami .Ian. llnii'lliy atvtlif
11 li-rn.
Han Mallo.v Htartvtl for tin "1UI
Ijiii'Im" lat 'I'liMrx'lay. Wi i-xnit
tolit-arof "Momct lilux iIhIiik" whrti
Mallo.v ln-aU lilt four IImmihuihI
liiincli for tlit Klamath I'miic.
!tH-lH-rry 1'itinra htc irll IwHtcm ;
tlit-v Kivt yon llmt fxiiiiinitt Ifflin.
Alifflruiii Hrcio., Atti'iiln
MrH. John WimmI. I and faiullv r
lunii'il 'I'liurMila.v night from a vUlt
with fiii'iuU nt IniiiMiiuilr. Tln-y
movt'il Into thi'lr nrvv home, tin"
Kofi tux iTMlilfiiciMiii Main xtrift, lnMt
Mr. ami Mm, John Ar.ncr arrlvt'il
from I he iMoiiiitaln Khi'i'p rntiKi hint
l- rl'la.v ami III taki up their tem
porary ivolilcnro In l,al.'vli-v. Miv.
Arznrl ha Ix-eli t'lijt ,v lug camp life
all kiiiiiiiii'I',
Fur ti I it 1 i iif4 Httnrk luki t'liiiiiilu-r-
luill'- M'll. Iill M IK I I.IV'T I'alili-lH lllill n
tjuii k ruri' i-t ivrimii. Fur t 1 ly
I'i'iill, ilriU'kiiNt.
Tin' ref.ilemc plaro iti iiI l.v pur
iIiiim'iI li.v MoiiU Wllillrhl till
South Dewey Hlivt-t im fant Ih'Iiiix
ivim nli'li'il Into a 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' I - 1 1 1 1 ' home.
Stevens To 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 U I nit' the nrrhl
tectH ami Imililel'K.
Charlie l.ohreiiel ami .lohun.v
Mori l were In town from the rural
ilUtilet 'Ihurt-ilay. Mr. Morris hax
rerovereil from t he effect m of IiIh re
rent rlli lii'i'iikiiiK eu ilil imi ami Ih
nuain rl'li'iu wild inline lirom how.
The SiiMker.' Finp"iiimi Iteiill'H,
whcie imly tin' Itt (rmli-H f riitm
run lie found. For n line unoke every
hoily eot H to Urnll'H. IS tf'
Ituvel'H of lierf eat t le In the Uonue
river valley May Ihatheef will lie a
Hhade higher t IiIh MeaMou than last.!
Milehel llroM. of Anhlaml huve ron-1
t I'm ted for Mevcral ImnrheM nt Mi :
per hundred pounds himikh for top;
Mttt'l'H. I
OureHteemed contemporu ry down'
the hi rot Iiiih chaiiKi'd IIm name and!
In now the l.akevlew Herald. MehMiM.
Moore iV I'lti h arepulllHhin- a nood !
jiuper one well worthy of patron-1
L,re. SueeeMHtothe old nhlp umler
t he new name, !
When yon iMini to tow n drop in nt
1mU iV Kinii'i' uml neo the piclureH uml
hear die lieiiut ilul ui'iHio, Fleiint Imr ;
uiid wit perh piodn. IH tf
Will Steele arrived home ThuiMduy '
from Ahhland, where he went to meet
Mrs. Sti-ele, who li j i i-t been visiting
her mother and frlemlM in I'ortlaml. j
M I'M. Steele enjoyed herself Immense- j
l.v. They will move to t lie Tonality- J
sen residence, oppositi' I'.eall'M ilrtlK;
When the farmer wants wukoiis,
liUK'K'les or ImplementM of any kind,
he should liny of a home llrm. The
home llrm spends Its money nt home,
sells on JumI us easy terms, and han
dles superior piods. I termini & Son
ofl.nkeview will treat you Hnht.
Wo luivti tho Lord JtoBeln rry Ciunra in
all thi' populiir n'xivn. Spt'iiid prices by
llio box ; for ualo only t the MynoKraui.
Itolit. McKeeand Hon Ted returned
from Sun I'Vnnrlseo last Thiirsdii.v.
The siirneuns a t Lane's hospital In
the city performed an oerntloii on
tin1 liny, uml ri'iuoved ft K""Wlli of
some kind from his m-ck. Ted Is feel-
Inur "ne and will probably not Is
troubled atfaln. '
Wu liavti tuiiirm I lie Atti'nry for l-k(-view
for th l.nrni'iiCH llHrrelt Ciinr;
hey arn a hmch), di'ttn nl imoke.
Wliyr'on & t-inith. SW
Senator John II. Mitchell of Ore
Kon sailed on t he "Korea." front Mnn
I'ram ls o, hist Saturday, 'nrout to
Honolulu. Senator Mitchell Is chair
man of the senate mib-roiuiiilt Ui on
I'aeltlc Islands and I'orto Itlco. He
ami tin other meinls-r of t he com
mit tee W III in ventilate the conditions
Niw ilrtiK", new and delight ful per
(niiie, mt-iy tlnnK lor tin toilet vjttu
ilel Hirinn mIim k lrt'h and pure at
liexil'i drilit Hlote. IK tl
N. V. Ahlstrom continues to turn
out the finest work of everything
known to the trade In Iwtstern Ore
gon. Ills stock of harness, rols'S,
etc., cannot 1m siirpaswd ICast of the
Cascades, lie Is continually filling
orders for the famous likevlew
Saddles. None (-.cun'iiu bill A 1 1 1 -st
Wt rxlend a ronlial invitation to all
of oar liiend and ciiKt'iimTii to try our
liox. lu rry Hmvhiui i i'r. Money buck
if not MUilHctory. Alilst rom Uron.
Tin wool market was very firm In
Itostoii last wi-ek. I'rh-es wen-urad-ually
Improving. tJooil sales In ter
ritory wool were made im follows:
Fine staple, ,r.Vi.'.(i; Strictly line, Mil
.V.; line and line medium, MiU'i; med
ium, VilH l-"l. Flue llei-i' wool an
higher but offerings an- small. Aus
tralian wool is In htnall supply, with
the market very llrm.
A fine qua'it v of hiky i like a fine
ipiuliiy ol mi) lliin elm. Il roctn a lit
thniore, but l o'hiiij: in too u'kmI for ns
A inericuiiK. Iii-IhI tut httviiii "Jenne
Moore." Whinky, See Juininertliul.
The Kxamlner takes pleasuiv In
cullini; attention tothe card of Cajit.
John Mullan, of Washington, I). ('.,
upM'arliio; In this paper. Wt can
recommend ('apt. Mullan im n reli
able attorney ami iwiit of war vet
erans who tuny need his assistance
nt thi' Nntiouul Capital. Itusluess
intrusted to him will be faithfully
attended to.
I'ot Kiut; I rive j :l received a bit;
Hlick of everythimr tirst cIhmii in tin line
of "lAet uihmm." Their eellnr is Mtored
full of the Is'Ni htock to be had on the
count. 1'Otf
Some Important changes have
been made in tlie spi-ed iro" raiume,
by the Fair diifctors, says the Al
turas.N'ew ICra. Several purses ha ve
been made larger, which will be ap
preciated by t he hor.-e owners. Two
ball names have also leen nrranjied
to be played by teams to Is named
by t he diifctors, tho purses to Is- 7."i
each. The counties included in the
district this year are: Lake and
Klamath counties, Oivjj.nti, ami
Modoc, Lassen, I'luuias and Sierra
counties. California.
An old lii-hioiied toddy either hot or
cold is ii krreitl drink if minle of Jesse
M.xire Whinky A little stigtir, n little
wilier, then thu pure stuff "Jesse
Moore" Whisky. Call on J.iiiiinertliiil.
The "t Iregonlan's" Washington
correspondent of the Mill lust, snys:
"Word has been received here of the
uuuouncf incut in Lucerne, Switzer
land, of t he engagement of Miss Sera
11. tillfry, of I'ortlaml, elder daugh
ter of Henry II. tillfry, legislative
clerk of the I'nlted States Senate, to
II. Armor Ward, of New York. Miss
tillfry inndi' her debut In Wnshlng
toii t wo w inters ngo, and with her
mother and sister has beeji truvellng
In Luroe the past year. The wed
ding will take place In London In the
autumn, when Mr. tillfry will be
w ith his family. Miss (iill'ry is the
niece of senator Clark, .of Montana."
Miss tillfry Is also a niece of (ieorge
L. (iill'ry, ex-Commissioner of Lake
county, who now resides in Lane
t ieornu and Fent of the IVIace have
the linest tirades of liquors, class
beer and t he popular lnnn'U of cigars.
lSt'tiidcti they have in their rrudint: room
till the latest uewspapeiH and periodicals,
and in their club room excellent music
anil the latest Kaleidescope nioint pic
tures. Ihop into the l'nluce when you
Hie in town uml you will he enter
tuinod. ' IH tf
Jt now appears that lite Call and
Chronicle would find tlovernor tinge
Kttllty if crooked work tit San (Juen
t In after the people had repudiated
him as (iovernor of tin Stnte if
California. Thlsistoo inucli. tfngv
Ism Is dead.
Is selling Shirt Waists, j first-class quality at
Misses and Childrens'
Ladies Trimmed Hats
Ladies Untrirhmed Hats - -
Mens Linen Hats - 40c
Ladies Wrappers from : : 50c to 2.00
Call early and get first choice.
t'nliol Mit- luin'l Oltlcr, l.krvt-w, Or fon,
July 'I. Nom e I" lii r- lijf veil that In
iiinrlln' wllh tin- provl-lciiin of Ilm act of
JuiK! , 1m;. rntltl.d "An art for Ih Hals of
llmls-r lanlt In llif Siai- of I allfornla, Ore
Kun, Ni-rala, anil Wialilnilim Territory,"
i nt. leli il lo all Uif I'ulillc Can't Stalea liy act
f AiiK'iaM, ls', I In- foliowlnc s'ritia have
llila ilay filed In thin office llivlr awuru itate
tueril a, lo-v II :
Jnmc" " Kane,
of Vam oiiTcr, remnty of ( lark utate of Wah.,
Mrorn tnl- itn'nl No. loll, for th imri hav of
lhi SK', NA't-NK'i pW; SK't, Sec 13,
1 1. ;0i H, It l t.
I'airh k M. Kanr,
of (a IVftl'-r, roumy ol rlark, atate of Waiih.,
ttorn lleini iit No. 1U44. fur Ibc iiirchaae of
lie- N K'j Sec T. as M, K 14 K.
Thai llii-y will offer oroof lo uliow that the
laml uiuht la mor- valuaMe for lu llinls-r or
lone than lor agricultural piirsv, and lo
fataOMah ihflr rlaiin lo aaid land tx.fore J. O.
Ilainaki-r. I', s. roiniiilaal(nrr. at Koreal. Ore
goii. on eaturday, the day of IHiols r, 1.
1 hey iiane-aa wltiieaM-a: Owen T. Mekfii
dree. i,l olele, DriKnii, I' K. loaaiier. of Klam
ath ''alia, Or.K.iii, I'atrK k M. Kane, of jh ( en
ter, W and Valentine J Pike and
jaineal'. Kane, of Vaneouver, Waahlnirion.
Any and all xraoua claiming- adversely the
atMivr-deac rttied landa are reuiirated to file
I lii-1 r rlaliua In lhl cfllce ou r Is. lor t tali litli
diiy of Ortots-r,
auK'il rat K. M. PiiArrty, fteRia'rr.
('tilted Hiatra I.and Offlee,
Ijikevlt-w, Or'Kn, June
Notli'e la hereby given that In compliance
with the iirovlaloua of the act of Coiigreaaof
J ii ne 3, IsTs entitled "Ad act for the aale of
timber landa In the Stalea of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
extended lo all the I'ul.lle lnd Sialea by aci
of Augual 4, Iw.ri, the billowing peraona have
I Ii la day ttl -d In llila oftli'e their aworn Hate
lueula, tu-wlt:
Samuel E Owen,
of Independence, county of I'olk atate of Oreg.,
aunrii atatemenl So for the purchaae of the
N t't Sec lb, Tp !t H K 14 K.
John K Klrkland,
of Itidcpcn lence. county of I'olk, atau of Or.'g,.
aworn alatenieul No s7o, for the purcliaav ol the
KH4 Sec r.,Tp S It 14 K.
Turin l I'amiibi'll,
ol Independence, county of I'olk, atateof Orey.,
aworn alateine.,i No S71. for the purchaaeof the
S !4 Sec Tp HS S K 14 K.
Tliomaa J Fryer,
of lndeicnlclice, comity of I'olk, atate of Orei.(
aworn alaietiietit No sTJ. (or the purchase ol liic
SK'4 S.-. i'.. Tp S II 14 K.
l ual tin y v ill off. r proof to show that the
land anoifht la niore valuable for Ita tlmts-r
or atone than for agricultural puriiaea. and to
cotalilii-h ibelr claim lo aaid lan-t b-fore Jna
II liriacoll, county clerk at Klaiuatn Fall. "re.
ijiiii in 1'iei-tny the 'Hh .lav of s ptemlH'r,
1 In y liaine aa ' lttie : William M. Met'any.
Saiiiuel K Owen, lull" K. Kirklnnd. Turin l
ratupliell. Thoinaa J Fryer, all of ltidccn
deliee, Orew'oll.
Any anil all pcroiia claiming adveraely the
alMive-deacrlbeil Intida are reUeaed to hie
llieir cUlma In thia office oil or bclore aaidtllh
day of Sept., p.ajv.
o K. M. IIhattis. Itcglater.
fulled Stalea ' ami Ornce. I-akcvlew, Oregon,
Jnly j:t, '1. Notice la hereby given that In
eoitiplianee with the proviaiona of the act of
June . !7N, entitled "An aci for the aale of
umber laiiila in t lie statca of California, Ore-
g N.'v rein, and Wnlitii;lin Termor)," a
extend, d to all I'ublic I. and Stalea by act ol
A iigiixt 4. 1 ' b" follow nig pi r-ona have thia
day tiled in tliiaotlirc their aunrii atatctucnta.
lo w Ii:
lKVid K. W. bat.-r,
of Vaneoiiver. count v of Clark, stall' of Wash.,
aworn kiaiemeiit No lio'i. lor the piirchav of
t lie s'. W, - Nh1, SW4 A SV4 iK'4 Sec 25,
Tp X, It Hi K.
William I.. Misire.
of 'aeeouver. ciuiniy of C'ark, atale of Waah..
aworn taii iiient No. in: ttl for the purchaae of
the W ol W'.S'i' XI, 'I'll :ts S, 1! 1 K.
ItnMoit IturiiiiHin,
of Aalilaiid, coutiiy of ,1m knon, aiatc of Oregon,
auorn atatemenl No. In:l7, for the purchaxc of
the K1 j of W'jSec SI. To It S, K Hi K
JameH Sw atlaotl,
of Vancouver, county of Clark, atate of Wash,
aworn atMteinetil No. ln:ts, for the purchase, of
tlie W, of K1, s,-c !!, Tp :W s, pi K.
That i bey will o.'fer priHif to ahow tba' the
laud aoiiglil ia more valuable for ita timber or
stone than lor agricultural puriHisea, and to
caiahlixh their claim to aaid laud before J. O.
Ilamaker, t . S. Conimiasioner. at Forest. Ore
gon, on Friday, the:tnl ilay of October, ldni
Tliev name aa wltueaaea; Kalatoti Hurubam,
of Aalilaiii. Origon. and Klla-rt S. Hetaeeker.
William I.. Moore. Jamea Sw atiaen, and luold
K. W cbalcr. f Vancouver, Waahitigton.
Any and all persona claiinlUK adversely the
ahow'-dcacrilicd lamU are requested to Hie
their clulma in this office on or bclore aaid 3rd
day id October l'Mi.
K. M. Hkattain, TteglKtcr
TlUlirr It I.AI TI K
f lilted Statea l.atid Office at Ijlkuview, Ore.
July 17, r.Ki'.'. Notice la hereby given that in
compliance with the prov isions of the act of
June II, IK7H. entitled "All act for the aale of
limber lamia In tlie Stalea of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the I'ublic I and Statea l y act
of August 4, IM.' the following persona have
this day tiled in tills ntllce their aworu atate
ineiila lo-w il :
Isabel Sedgwick,
of Vancouver, county of dark. Statu of Wash
ington, aworn statement So. lui'-f lor the pur
chaw ol the SK 4 sec Ti M s, K Iti K.
t.ussiii K. Funk,
of Vancouver, county ol Clt rx, state of Wash
ington, aworn atalimcnt No. 1U10, for the pur
chase oi the N W '4 Sec ii, Tp :is S, U 16 K.
VHlentineJ Fike,
of Vancouver, county oft lark, atate of Wash
ington, aworn sialeuu nt, No bill, fur the pur
chase ol I In- NW'4SW, W' NW 4 Sec laud
W ., SW 4 Sec 7, Tp KSS, Ii fii K.
Tliat they will offer proof to ahow that the
land aoiiglit is more valiiiible lor its limber or
alone than for agricultural purposea, and to
establish their claim lo aaid land before J.
o. Ilamaker, I', s. Commissioner at Forest,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 'Jot h day of October
l'.Hii. They name as witnesses:
OwenT. McKendrec, of Olete, Oregon, 0. K.
(ic-suer, ol K latiiat h Falls, Oregon, and Isabel
Sedgwick, Valentine J. Kike, and liusaie K.
Funk, all of Vancouver, Waslilngton.
Any and all peraona claiming adversely the
above described landa are requested to tile
thair claims lu tills office ou or before aaid 2Alh
day of October, l'A'J.
augl .sa E. M, BaiTTAIN, Hek'luter.
Hats for .
- -
lOTll, L,AKETIEW . .
itiKOUunoui rr-T;
For mmpvciAi. K- V -
F. H. MILLER & CO., Prop'rs, F. P. LIGHT, Man'gr
I Put your ad in The
Full and complete stock of
Everything In the line of
juseSllgt Snider Binding on Water St.
The Oregon has been thor
oughly renovated and re
furnished. Table ser
vice is neat, clean and
tho best the market af
fords. Moderate chargo
ity Meat
Z.,.A Door North of
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.
LANE & WENDELL. Proprietors.
cool synnii ioiste
Along the ahorcs of the
Tn Mnul Vnrlr nnri K'nui rnnllnrl Dn!rir
iu ii cm iuir aim
C, S. CRANE, G. P. Agt.
f St. Louis, Mo.
25c, 35c, 50c and 75c
25c and 50c
- J.OO
- 50c
Examiner, it brings $
Hotel Lakeview -2
ncn Liigiauu ruiuii
ROSS CL1NE, . C. P. A.
25 Los Anceles, Cal.
i i nr i f i rn i i : l-w -.'