Lake county cxaiiner, lakeview, oreqon, august as 1902. ...C. U. SNIDER... Is selling Shirt Waists, first-class quality at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c Misses and Childrens' Hats for - 25c and 50c Xocal Dappcninoo GolD U parnornpbs V, J. FriMlcnlHirw:. of .Mi'ilforil. wiia mi nirlvnl ill Hm' ()rccKni 1 1 1 m t 1'rl tla.v. J. V. Wliunl wlfVof PIiimIi wit.-KUi-Mlmtt lloti'l LiiltcvlfW lit Tiii-M- Im.v niul I'rlility. llwirKi'T. Mntitln, I In- Nontli Wiir hit wul;ruvcr, wiw n IhihIiu mh vIm Hor In liiki-vlcw liiHt wwk. When vim k for Ji' Mmim Wlila ky li Niirit you t it. puii't li't niiy on loll yi.u llny liavo oiiicthiiin Jnnt M K'mmI. ItniiN At On-goti "H.v, Op'roii, AiiRtiNt ft, 11HC. to tln wlfi- nf W. K. MrCuriuiirk, of Wllliiliirr Luke, ll ilmmlitrr. Ml'M. J.O. Waller nf HukiT City, In vlhltlntf at tin-holm- of luT pari-utM Mr. ami Mtm. Jim. KohIit, at Siini- IIHT l.llki'. W. 1 t uf .1rl w im JiiTi'TliiirK ml Htart'i liltf ti-aiiM to oM Ft. Wiiriur I'llilny to load IiIh wool fur t ln rallroa'l. Wo Iuivm KiM-iiroil lli Aiiimii'v fur Ijtkiv vli-w lor llm l.arawiiro lliirrt'tt l'inr; they mo a awi'ft, iouiinl Kiuoki. Wlinrioii A HiiiiUi. - K. A. KoIht, ivjirvwiitiii"; lllllu rt r.roM., li.iior, anil Put-Uiir Count HKiiitM fur tin' A. II. C. Imit, wim Ih-iv lat TliurKilay. V. Conn, tin- I'alHlry iin-n-liaiit, nr rlvnl TlinrMilay vi-nlnu, ami afirr H'ii'llii a ilny Ihtv rorii'ili'i to San (''ranrlwo on ImihIiii'hm. A. II. Illinium, woolu'rowir. wim n-KlMii-n-il nt Tin Ori-noii IuhI wirk from tin Hinl IjhkIh. Al hiivm tin linyn owr tliriv look iIrcMTat4 Tho Smoker' Kmp n iuui IIouII'h, ulifio mily tlio lf"t yruiltH of i:ninm can I hi foil ml. Kor llni' imioki' I'Vrry- ImmI.V g'X'H t) Itl'ttll'i. IS if W. M. Si-wanl, of rortlmiil. ami I'. Cnkiin mul ... II. Ivikan of Nautili' wrn-at llotrl liki-vli-w liMt I'rlila.v. Tin' Kmt U'liicii won: Ih-iv on In ml lllllllrHH. ICi inrtM from Klamat li i-oiuity un to tlit fffi'ct I lint a lii-avy rain hIoiiii ir'nllt'il In Hint county at Inti-rvaU for t Im-i'ilnyH la"t wii-k. At Mcilfuril for tin' wivk Im-lii'M of rain Ml. C.J. Illxliy, rfpri'Hi'iil lax tin to tiai'roainl rlnr In him' of I In- Wi'llman, 1'ii-k Co., San FrnnrlHi-o, mmli' IiIh Initial trip to l.ttki-vicw IhmI wwk. Id' like tin' town ini'l will t'omi' iiHiilu. Kvvry)Mly linn nml "Tom I'nyi.o' l)iil iiiiIVkn yon Hinoko tlm "loin I'iiviiu" tiuiir hi llm Hri'i-ry falmin you nimiot Ki t tlm rihl iti-pirn ti'.ti. "i Ilia illvi-r Wcmli'll Holmi'K Iiim li n llllllll'll IM till' HIll'I'I'HSIir of JiMtlcc (i ray on tin. I'iiIUmI StntcM Hiiri im' roiirt Im iu Ii. Ii.v l'ri'Hlili'iit IlooKiAilt. .1 mini' liray ii'kIk'"''! on ai'i'oiint o llllll'NM. Tom Amli-rHuii of Wnrni-r n-tiirnril Tliurrtilav vi'iilnir from San l-'rnii- i Imcii wlii'l lu'r In- went torm-orl MIkm I'wIk, wlio wim vIkIHiih ln-r hIhIit Mi-h. ' lay llamlio. In Wanu r, lnt IIKIIlt li. Mm, Unlit. '.. 1 1 ii it In arrlvi'il from Siiiniiiir l-aki' TliurKilay i-vi-iiIiih;. Mrn. I larlln Iiim Imi-ii at tlu 1'yntor Imhiii' fur hoiiii' 1 1 1 1 if In atlt'liilnnri' upon Iut inoiliiT, wlio wim ilaiirr ..iikI.v III. Taki no ollii'r, Iihvh no other, iii no other hihky limn "JeHHH Muore." It' lietter limn any other, and you can have it for the unking, hut Ki't it. Jaini-H Harry, the poet and HonHter of the ili-Hert, iiIko prominent nheep man of the county, wim a liuslneHri vlnllor In Lakevlew liMt week. Mr. llrtrr.v nlwnyM Iiim Hornet hlnj;' Rood to tell. Attorney li. V. Conn returned liMt ThurHihiy from I'orl land ami way NtatloiiH. He aiTompanled Mi'H. Ciiiiii to Monmoutli, where hIio will vInII wllli her pnreutrt ami frleiidri for t wo im nit Im. Marshall I'lnher left for Summer Lake l.'int week to lnit with IiIm lirolhet', A. II. I'MHher. MarHliull Iiim not lieen in Rood health for He vera I weekn. While lalmrlnu' in the Held iluriiiK; the hot tent npell, he wiih overeoliie li.V the heat. 1'onI tfi Kinx have jiiHt reeeiveil n g Htu k of evei ylhint.' f i rst -cIhhh in tlie line of "wet kooiIh." Their rid tar in utoieil full of tlui lu'Mt Htix k to tin hud on tint count.. L'O t( Mr. mill Mix. WIIIIm Si'iinimou n I' ll veil from 1'IuhIi hint Tlmi-mlny and stopped for a few ilayH at Hotel Lnkevlew. Mr. Seamnion Iiim JiiHt ret iirni'il from IiIh ranch In 1 Ian icy county, where he went to hoi about IiIh cropH. lie report h a I il rain In North Warner. LiMt Mat unlay Win. McCormiu k, and Alfred, t he younxoMt mm of Mr. and Mrn. Alvln Mohh, Htnrted for Port In ml where they will mt'k iiied- . leal treatment, Mr. MeCormui k for i a recent illueHM that came upon him ami the Mohh Imy forrupture. John It. McCormiM-k will lu'compnny them to Portland. Pont ' Next . Knt unlay evening the Wood men of the World of PaUley will hold a pulillc riH-eptloii. Kev. C. M. Kmytlie of Lukevlew will deliver u ii iidilrcMH on the Mtalilllly, beauty and delight of Woodcraft or, In other woi'dH, IiIh Miilijiit Willi Fra ternal ami IJrotlieily Love". It U the Intention of the Palxly rump to Kat lu r In nil the avntlalile tlmlx r In that illHtrlct and lliduie them to chop wood. The affair will clone with a nerving of refreMhmeiitM, nml heart to heart IiiUh. I-t then Im n Mtf nt teudanci'. Woodernft In worthy of thelM-Ht, ami there Im nothing '' ter. When you come In town drop in at I 'on I A Kiiix'n and thu pii'ttuea and henr Ihe heHiitilul in'lxii;. Kliaiit Imr Hint xilperh ((mmIn. 1H tf Tlie lelmnon Advance editor Im alioiit im uiiRnlluut a fellow an ever iimciI a 1 1 1 1 1 1 to nay menu thiiiRH nlioiit the jjIi-Ih. Hi-'m either an old ilrled-llp liacheior, a illMaiipoluted lover, or a man who Iwn't afraid of IiIh wife. He Hiiyn that a woman Iiim tried the hump In xevcrnl plnccM; llrnt thelniMtle liiniip, then the M flei xe liinnp on the tdioiihlcr; then the liiimp moved from the Hhoiilder to tlie cult ami now hear him: the RlrlMiind a whole lot of other feiulii Inen "a iv wearing; a hhlrt-walnt that luiikH im If a mh k of iippleM had Imvu iluiuped Into the front." An editor w ho would nay xucii a tiling Ih no lady. Mrn. (iliul.vM Knchford and MIhh Huliy Plnkneyleft hen-liMt Wedni'H dny moruitiR- for San Fram-lnco, Hiiyn the New Kra. MImh Ituliy will atteml the IiIrIi wliool at Ili'rkeley tlitn winter, while Mrn. Knchford roch down on a vIhU to her mother Mrn. J. M. ThoiiiHon, w ho Iiim Imvii In San FranclNeo for a year or mon and her HlMter.MlHM Violet KeHer, who iHHtudyliiR art ami iiiuhIc at that place. Mr. J. M. ThompHon and ChrlM Knchford are on the rond with a I m ml of mutton hheep which are U-Iiir taken to the Sun 1'ruiulMco market. Chrln will return to Altur- an noon and will ntart another bund to market. You never know what Preaiiilun-i in you Mont enjoy a unoko at all; y ni mirely cuii'l (id the aw eel aroma of a i inur until V"ii la'din iiKinu the foiimiiH luliuoiitH, at Hotel Iakfview Hnr. 'ii-Xi ( iccaHlonnlly the elirtrlc llRhtuplay funny prniikn. At KeHWIck, Cal.,one nliilil hint wii k. Kev. It. F. Anderson wim pivacliliiR a warm Hcnnon ton IiIr audience, when the IlnhtH went out. Tlie preacher kept rljiht on with IiIh hci'iiiou, and when he HiiIhIi ed he iliHiuiHHed the coiiRlVRiit loll with tlie Kenedlction. The pivss Hiihl he held the auillencc'M clone nt telition to theend, but thiHHtateinent Ih only ruckm work. There havebivn t iiiieH when yoliliR lovern JiiHt dellRht ed In Kii-iiiR t lie IIrIiIh ro out even in church. I Chii afe Htatement to innke that none but the very eldent in the uudieiice could iviufiulicr a h!iir1i' t hiiiR t he irencher nald after the llRlitH went out. " F.I Conian liinte 1" Who Ih it whut ia it? Iivith ol a k'imI unoke will never uik tluit ipiextioii, for they know. "F.I Couiundiiiite" in the pure weed Unit Iiuh uiHile I'oHt A KIuk'h lijfiir ileimrtinent fuiuoiiH. Ahk once for an Coiiihij ilmitu" and yuu will call foritalwavK. (in hhIu only at Pout & Kiu'a, Piiko view. -1 lui "A farmer took Home butter into IiIh own town, and after tryhiRcvery grocery hIoiv In tlie town wim com pelled to take bin butter back home uiiHold. It HeeuiH that thin farmer hcihIh to MoiilRonicry Ward, Chica ro, for every thltiR he buyn, ami Hie Rrocern ha ve ileclded to penult him to well MoiitRomery Ward hin butter. And thnt remlmlH an that w hen the KaptlHt lailli'H of the town held their ba.aar, they wrote to both Mont Romery Ward and South Koebuck & ('o.,fora contiibutloii. Theli' last letter remained iinniiHwerod, but the lli-Ht elicited a reply from MontRoiu ery Ward. He nald lie Rave a Rivat deal to charity, but confined IiIh rIv Iiir to IiIh own town. Why not allow him to make IiIh money from IiIh own townV" KxcluuiRo. Ladies Trimmed Hats Ladies Untrimmed Hat$ Mens Linen Hats Ladies Wrappers from 1.00 50c 40c 50c to 2.00 Call early and get first choice. TIMBKH MITKK rnlli Hl,. lnl lim, Ijikfrlcw, Oregon, I July 24, llrj. Nolle It, li. r. l.jf ( n Uil In roini'llNiirr Willi itii .rorlnlnn nl llm vl ol J n in- 8. 17. Tiiiin-i "n vi lur iii oi IIiiiImt l.mla In llir Mim i.( I llirnl, Ore Kim, N .!. nl W.nlilnjtKin Ifrrliory," , li1. l lo .11 llii' I'ul.H'-ljinI Hlali'H l.jr art ol Ang'i.l 4. lRW, tin; Illnwlli( (rrmlil hve thin (Hi d Id lhl ofllce llu-lr iWoru lata Mienla, Ki-ll: Jurnfi C. Kanx. til VnwiiiiT'T, romiljr ol CUrk . atate of W h., worn utaK'nii'til No. lul l, lr thn imri-haav of I lip f.'i NVSU . KK'4 kWA W.'i HK4. (wc 13. 1 1. : H, K U fc. I'alrlck M. Kann. of l a C-nliT, roiini) ol Clark, malf nf Waah., aworn aUli'iiiciil No. MHi. for lh (juri'liaao ol llin KK'i VI. T to H. K l.'i V.. Tliai iin-jr will iir-r iiroof l' nlmw that the laiel aoii'lil l Dior,- valuaMe for I la ilnilp-r or atom- Ihan lor ai(rirultiiral purpoMMi, anil U llK-lr claim to aail laiel Iwlore 1. O. Uaiuaki-r. I'. H. I iMiiinlaoiom-r. at Kon ai. Or. gun, on f.alurlajf, Hi tl rtajr nf Oi;iolM-r, l. 1 lirjf name aa wltni-ax-a: owrn T. Mi kcn-ilri-f, ol oii'O'. ori-Koii, v. V. ;-aaii-r, of Klam alii Kalla. Orrvon. I'alrli'k M.Kaun.of I ( t-n- 1,-r. W aahlnirlot:. nml Valintlrif j. Flke audi Jani'-al . Kane, of Vanooiivpr, W aalilngKm. A ny ami all raoiia clahtiliig alvra.'ly the alHive-il.wrllH'd lamia am ri uralcd to file tlii'lr clalina In llila otlicc ou ur Ulora tM 3llh dajr nf October, IWU. anna .IS E. M. Hrattaiw. Reglaicr. ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOfinODATlONS SAflPLE ROOn For COnnERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT IF. H. MILLER & CO., PropVs, F. P. LIGHT. Man'gr Tl nilKR I.AM JOTK K. I'nitfl Hiata land Olfirp, Iki'Vlc . OrraoD, Junv -M. Itai2. Not Ire a hi-rrby glvi-n tliat In compliance lib I tic jirovlalona of tlie ait uf 'ongrcaa of June 3. 1K7H rntlllfd "An a.t for the aaln of llm lur lamia In the Htatt-i of California, Ore gon, NVraila. and Waalilnginn li rrliort." aa riti-iidcd to all the I'ul.llr 1-aml Htalea bjr act of Augual 4, IWi, the following prraon have Ihla day III d In thi oRice their aworn alaie im uta, lo-wlt: Pamii. l E Owen, of Iiidi'pendi'iKc, con ni y of I'oik late of Orcg.. aworn l. nu nl No Kt!9. for the urchaae of the S K!4 hw ti, Tli s H K 14 K. John K Klrkland, of Indepn lence, roiinly of I'olk, itate of Orcg,. aworn alatctncul No 87i, for the iurchacol llac NM'i, sVc 26, T. H8 K K 14 K. Turin I) Campbell, ol IndciM-ndcnce, counly ol I'olk, atateof Orcg., aworn NoK7l.fnr the purcbaaeof the hV 4 rVc ii, Tp 38 8 K 14 t. Thomaa J Fryer, of Independence, rim lit y ol I'olk, alate of Oreg., aworn alalcmeiil No h?J, lor the purcliaix; of the hK'i Set 'i'l. Tp m H K 14 K. That lli-y will offer proof lo ahow that Ihe lanil aotight I more valuahle for lia limber or alone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to olnl'llsh ihclr claim to aid lati l before Jaa II liriaciill, rounly clerk al K lamain Fall, On iroli on Tuvaday the 'Jill day of Si pleinU-r. iwrj. Thrjr iianieaa ttltiiraara: William M. Mei'arlr, Knii.uel K Owen. John K. Kirkland, Turin ll I ampin;;;, lln.imaa ) Krjrrr, all ol llidcpcu.. d no, Oregon. Any and all pernn claiming adveraely tne alHive-deacribeii InliM- ar' requi-afd I" n'1' their cUima In thia otliee on or bclore aalIVlii dav ol Sept., l'.v.', o'l M E. M. IIRATTAIN, Keglster. TimtKIt l.Al OTIt K- t'nlle.1 Klaic. ' and Office. Lakcvicw, Oregon. Inlv'':i i'.ar Notice la hereliv iilvcn that In coiiipliance Willi the provimona if Ihe act ol June a. IsTH, entitled An act for Ihe aale ol timber lamia in Ihe htalea ol ( nltiornia, lire- g Nevaila. ami Wahliigton Terruory," aa emended In all I'liblic l.ami hlalea by act ol AugtiM 4, lvi.. -he following piTMina have this day II led III Ihla ollli e their aworu atalvmcuta. lo w It : havld K. V. oater, ol Vancouver, couniv oM'lark, afate of Waah., auoru atHtetiiclit No. lifts, lor the ol ilie h', fVi, -Nt' hV'4A!iVi4 fchi, HcciS, Tp .ti S, K Hi K. William I.. Mixire, of VBiicoiiver, pnunljr of I'lark. alale of Waah., awcirti kiaieiurnl No. liwrt lor ihe purvhafce ol Ihe V, ol Vi, Sec l, Tp :i S, It 16 t. lWlMol lluriihain. nl Aahland, coumy of Jai'kaou, a'ate of Oregon, aworn alHiemenl No. Iit7. lor the puri'liaae of the K' of W, Sec ai, T(. S S, R Id E. Jainea Sw auan, . , IM...L r VnuK III all Oil, T, t lill 111 J HI Lini,,,BIC VI ..HU., kwnrn aiHteinenl Ko. luiK, lor the jmrchaae of Ihe j Ol E. ec ri, I p -v n in r.. Thai ii, ev w ill o.'fer pn o lo ahow that the Iniid anugiit la more valui b v for Ha limber or tone than for agricultural purpoaca, and lo ratalillali their cliilm lo aaiil land before J. O. Ilauiakcr, l'. H. 1 oiniiiiNsioner, at Koreat. Ore gon, ou Friday, IheSrd day ol October, llkii. Tliey name aa w lineaaea: Kalalon Biirnham, of AHhlani. Oregon, and Klliert H. Hclsecker, William U Moore. Jiimea Mw aiiaeii, and David K. WcbHlcr, f Vancouver, Waahlnglon. Any and all persona rlaimtlig adversely Ihe aliove-deaerlbed Unda are nnueated lo file their clHlma ill thia ofllce ou or before aui'l 3rd duy of OcloU'r Vn. E. M. Brattais, Kegiator 9 ii i Put your ad in The Examiner, it brings 8 i WMIIIMtllllMBI lllllil!lll!lll!!lll!ll'll!!lllBlllP M S. J. STUDLEY F.E.HARRIS W STUDLEY & HARRIS LAKEVIEW FURNITURE CO, Full and complete stock of Everything In the line of FURNITURE Snider Bui ding on Water St. JUST OPENED. OOODS AR RIVING. ALL THE TIME. ...LAKEVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES m THE OREGON P li The Oregon has been thor oughly renovated and re furnished. Table ser vice is neat, clean and the best the market af fords. Moderate chargo P L. F. WINKELMAN TI.'ltll'.K L.UII MITII K I' n 11 ed Slatea Land Ofllw at' I.Hkux lew, Ore. Julv 17. lttni. Notice ia hcreliy iiiven that 111 compliance with the pruviaiona of the act of June ;l, ihiK, eiititlcl "An act lor the aale oi limlii r IhihU In the Stales of ( Hlifornla, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Land Htalea by act ol Annual i, W2. thu following icrsoiia have tins day Hied ill Ihla ollico Ihclr aworu alate- meii I a tn-w il : Isabel Hcdgwlck, of Vancouver, county uf rliirk. Slate of Waah Ington, aworn alateiiienl No. Ham. lor the pur- I chase ol the S K 1 1 Sec ll To : s, K lli K. I (iiiKstc K. Funk, I of Vancouver, county ol I'll ik, hIhIu of Waah iiiKtoii, Kworii Hialcinetit No. lulu, lor the pur chase ot i lie N W i , Sec h, Tp :n S, II 16 K. V Icnllin- . Kike, ol Vim. ouvcr, coiiniy oll'lark, atnto of Waah liii i..! i., i ii -.iiiti nient. No lull, for the pur- cIiiim in 111- NW'j SWi . tt'ij N W it See Uaud hWi,s i, .-ir 7,TpaS, K lli K. Tl.ui ih v willoffcr proof lo show that the I Intel s on:, '.i i more valuable for Its limber or j atone 1 1. mi mr agricultural purpoaca, and l" j csiBhlUn I Ii. ir claim lo aald laud before J. , o. lUiiinker, I'. H. I'oiuiiiiKaioiier at Koreat, Oregon, ou Saturday, the inh day of IK'tobor They name aa wltneasca: Owen T. McKendree, of Oleie, Oregon, C. F. (ieaNiier, of Klamaih Kalla, Oregon, and laabel Sedgwick, Valentine J. Kike, and Uuaaiu K. Kunk, all ol Vancouver, N asliliigion. Any and all wraoiia rlaimiug adveracly tha above dckrribcd lamia are requealed to tile llielrclaiiiiaiu ihla ollice ouor before aid 2ith day ol October, lwi. ug21-i)3 E. M. Brattain, Keglater. Door North of Hotel Lakeview Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc. LANE & WENDELL, Proprietors. IS I ELECTRIC LIQHT5 ELECTRIC FN5 I WABASH NIAGARA FAILS o SHORT LINE t J Along the ahorea ol the i To New York and New England Points C, S. CRANE, O. P. Agt. ROSS CLINE, P. C. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. as Los Angeles, Ol.