Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 07, 1902, Image 5

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... ,1v .MM" r V
J. N. WmImchi i-hiiii'Iii fmiiiHjiriiguo
river TiuNilft,v.
Mm. IVrry Hliuilcy I vlnltltiK I ho
family "f O. Ktitnli-y, tlown tin'
Mm. '. A. Knox went out to hT
Went Hlili" hotiK'MliWKl till wt'ckloilo
n llttlo (uriiiliitf.
Attorney lnlr,viiili' ret nrticil . Mon
day from 11 profi-HMlotutl vImII In the
Silver l.nke Mellon.
II. V. HiiiiKli r. Mtockiiiitit of Loiik
valley, wiw hen till U'rek uml went
to OooIiimI t riN'k to Imy lie-,
Tom Utile, who recently Niiffereil
M Mtrokl' of HirillHlM, Wit llllll to Im
liliotlt town 0110 ilny till week.
Freil Fletcher nrrlvoil from Knr
I rlMt vnlli'y HiIm wi-ek to dike -huri(e
of the l.iki'vli'W-l'liiMh Miw lino for
W. A. HlirrliHk left for Klnnmtli
Fitll hint TiII'miImV m meet Mm. NIliT-
link iiiiiI Mm. ItiirriiM, who iiro re
furnliiK from 1111 estemleil visit In
Wo nro liiformoil Hint l)ivo l-Mler
of Luke county Iiiih bought Hcverul
rnitrhcM MonthfiiHt of Itunnma nnil
will Muck t hem with :mi,(kh) Mhee.
KlniiKith lU'inlllcnn.
Kivcrl Copied (if tliH NiirtlimcatiTII
Sl'xk llireclory, i'iiiiliiil by Hlo.t
I. iKlitly, rintMri) if Alliiit. Imve Ihmmi
loft ul tlila oIIIch for iliatritilltlon. It in
vulunliltt IxHik tor nt'M'k'iH'ti Mini worth
tho prico, tl
H. Is, Mdrtln iiikI wlf.'iiiKl Mr. 11,
II. ItnniHliy of Merrill wen- In town
Hiitiinlny iiikI loft Motnlny morning
In -otiiinny with Cnn-y Uniiixliy iuhI
wlfo fur 11 ton ilny uutluu at SjirliiK
t 'rovk . K laiiin t h I x pres.
MIhh Frmikle I Smith mine tip from
A It iiraM lust Kniiilay evenlm; on 11
lirlof vllt with hor I. ml her, lent
Smith. She rotunioil to AltiiraH
TuoMilay inornlnif. MIhh Smith Iiih
ImN-II tellrlllll w lUMll In I.OH AllJO'loH
for wovornl yearn.
i). W. Joiiom, SnH-rlntoniont of tho
Stato Am.vIiiiii for the IHlml, will
inako 1111 ottlolal visit to l,akovlow
within 11 few week. Mr. Joiiom him
rltteii to friends In Lakovlow of his
Intontlon, anl oxni t to rvmh here
Ix-foro .Keptetiilier IhI.
VANTF.I ft Ytll'Nti MF.X Irom IkH
County at onro to prepare for I'lwltlon
in the tiuvoriuiioiit Service linilway
Mail I'lerka, l-otter Carrier-. I'lMtom
llun nl mnartmontl CUtrka, etc.
Api'ljf to Inior-Matu C'tirrts. Innt., ('!
ar ICu.iln. la. '1 mo.
Tho Annual Toiiolirrn' liiMtltuto for
I.ako County will Im lwll In I aVo
vlow on thi'M.:i.l ami It li of Soptom
Imt. I'loxlilont H. I'. Mnlkoy, of tho
Soiithorn ttrojjoii Stato Normal, AhIi
liml. 111 lo lion' to oomliu t tho pn-
OOt-lllllUM of I ho IiihI It 11 1
All hut 0110 of tho torn InTH for tho
next toiin of tho Lakovlow puMio
Hi hool havo Immi Molootoil. .1. H. WW
IHm w 111 do pi lurlpal ami MIhm I'oarl
Mall w ill tou h tho primary. MIhh
iirai-o lirlvor ami MIhm i:ila Callahan
will oaili hao a depart inont , rtlnl I lit
ot hor toaohor w III noon U- M'lootoil.
It Ih n poitoil that coiiNt ruction of
tho propoMoil railroail from Coom Hay
will Im-hIii SoptomlMr I. Work on
torniluiil Kroiiuilx noar MiiimIiIIcIiI
Iihm ali-i ioly 1'iiiniiii'iii'i'il. Iot It Ih
roiuomlioi-oil that HiIm now lino, on
ion to to Salt Lako City, will piihn
through Klamath county. Klam
ath Kcpulillcuu.
JiickHon Siiimro in mui of tho fiiinoiiN
liK!HlilioH ni New York. 1'ho "jHckmni
Sijiliuo" in Ijiki'vio ih ono of I ho fuin
mm nickel ciisurN cold fXcliiNivoly by A li 1
Ntrom llroH. 'Ill i h linn ulfo Iiiih t-xrlu-niv
huIo ol tho Iriitirmil "liihtrnctoni ;"
mIho cnrrioH tin) over l.imoui) Holmont. .'tin
Mih. .lohu Doteii loft AltuniN hint
wook for Klamalh 1'nlU ami Yrcka
to hoi'UI'o ovlilonco In hor claluiH
iiyalnHt tho novornmont for ilopro
ilatloim cominlttoil y tho ImliaiiH
ilurlnntho Mm loo war. Tho Iohhoh
oflioton, Kalrchlhl ami DorrlH Hron.
woro very heavy, tholr honln afford
ing tho ImliaiiH food for hIx tuontliH.
Their I'hilmx arc JiiHt and Hhould Ik
paid. I'lalmlealer.
(Juh Schrmlor nrrlvoil from Silver
Lako laHt ThuiMdny and ntoppod
over hero a few da.VM to vUlt hU
frlonilH, hoforo Htartliitf tur I'hionlx,
Arizona. Ium k'h 1,1 ArUona to
remain a few montlm for tho bouollt
of bin hoallh, which Iihm Ihvii fallhiK
for hoiiio tlmo. 111k many frlonilH In
Iwiko county hopo to hoo him return
fully roHlored to tho bout nlft of Na
ture robiiMt health.
Tho I'lilaco ((iorn A Font's place) i U
bocoiiiinn the HinokeiN' eiiipiiriiim. I he
excellent hrnnilH of ciifiira curried there
re the "11011110111," tho "Hubert Man
tel', " ami a new ciiir made for the ex
chiHivo trade ol the I'alace, the "Key
Went tiuartett." Thin i " e'r'l"
arliolo. 2-3uj
TholatoHt: Mr. Tracy l IioikIIiik
for liiiko county, Tho very intent:
He Ih iloinl,
J. M. Wllloy and J. L. (lark ami
family returned from Doi-p i'wk
TucMilny evening.
I j. (I. TliomaM, JonaM Noiln, Olo
Kuimtroin ami I'oto I'.mpilnt, a quiir
tot of woolKrowern, woro la from
oatnp t'iMt wei'k mi a few ilayM vlnlt.
On another pane Tho Kxainlner
itatoN that tho Modm- ami Hiimiiii
vllle falrM ommi t lilt month. It
Mhotihl nay, Himanvllle Hopt. , ami
A It urn Kept. 1.1.
Verne AdkliiM nml MImn loorlo
CuiiimlniCM won married In Altura
laMt Saturday evenlnj. The hrlilo Ih
a daiiKhtor of John W. CuminliiKx,
the popular IiiimIiiomm man of AlturiiM.
Hilly HIiimIoh, who worked on the ZX
ranch ami rocoiitly on thn Myera place
near I'aliiloy, wont to MtiKrave'a hot
atirinit renort in rarrlaico on July 2rtb.
lie roiild not walk. iM-lnu aorely allliclwl
with rlieiiinatlni, which he fiat been
truiibiod with lor ton yeara. He took
the tub Mini atoam hatha for eitiht daya
and then walked away well man.
Thlii, Mr, Hhodoa will certify to. 31-2t
Han llii'dor loft today for tjulnoy,
IIIIiioIm, on a vlxlt with n-latlvoM.
Ho will vlxlt Chicago, St. I.011U ami
other clt Ion, ami upon IiIm return to
J.akevlew will oim-ii a hwoII n-Htai-rant.
A bunch of 7H head of ZX Im-f cat
tle wen- driven through the valley
IiimI Saturday onronto to tho rail
road. Tho Ht4M-k will Ih taken to
one of tho company'M ram hex In tho
Sacramento valley.
O. A. Hauling, li-aaoe of the John IUr
rinilton uardoii and orchard, growa the
lxt of votiotablea and frulla. Mr.
HanliiiK coiiioi to Lakoview three tiiuea
a wei-k, and you can place your onlera
aheail ami they will receive prompt at
tention. The fruit aoaHuii ia now tipeliili(.
Ilantimr will furiiinh you with the II lien t
of orchard product, and alwaya carnea
in hia waK'ai a lull a"pp!y 01
table. 31-31.
L. II. Whorlon Hiiffon-d a Unlit
Ntroke of paralyxU one day laxt
wwk, but nvovon-d MUlllclently to
lx atti'iidliiK to IiuhIiioxh TuoMilay.
Tho part affittod wiih the loft lo
from tho knee down.
I. F. and L. F. Cantle who havo
Ih-oii on an oxtoiided trip through
FiiHtoru Ori'Kiiii, artivoil from Crook
county Monday. The gentlemen arc
big buyerM of cattle and are hero for
thnt purpoxe. They art looking at
lloryford llron. Imi-I thin week.
Keiiifintier, J. E. IW-rnard A Son have
the lario-nt and liioel comiilele lx k ol
Stovea and ltmitfea ever brought to
Lakoview. Why t ot rail and aee their
KtiN'k Ix-lore buvimt '( foreign agnia.
Thev will (.el I you a atove or anyilniig
they have in mock, and take your grain
at market price. They can give you m
gixxl and aa eay terina and a K'tter
value for your money than traveling
agent can. 'M 2
F. K. Walker, the new proprietor
of tho 1'liixh iiierchamllrte xtore. wax
a buxlnohM vlxltor In l.akevlew thlx
wi-k. Walker In a ruxtlor from
Kuxtlervillo, ami Ih building up a
good trade lie doMorvoM It, too. Ix
caiiHO he'n a good fellow.
i:. T. Horuard and Frank I dike re
turned from Madeline Tuexday with
a Hiring of twenty four Studebnkcr
wagoiiH and bugglon. Tho voIiIcIoh
are iim II n iih were over turned out
of a manufactory, and nro Mold on
enxy toriiiM. TIiohi In need of wug
oiih or buggloH w ill nave money by
culling on J. E. Ilernard & Son.
Mra. Mollie Allen, of South Fork, Ky.,
anyB fhe Iimh prevented attack of chol
era morbiiN by taking ChamlM'rlaiu'a
Stomach ami Liver Tablet when alio
folt an l lin k coining on. Such attack
Mre iiNiially canned by iiuligcMlion and
tbeio Tablet are junt what if noedod to
cleaiine tbu btoinach and ward off the
approaching attuck. Attack of biliou
colic may be prevented in the fame, way.
For HHle by lleall, druggist.
Mr. and Mih. W. F. tjroli and Mr.
nml Mih. lioorge Whoilon ami chil
dren, left Tui'Mday inorning for AhIi
Im ml by private conveyance. Mr.
(iroli will remaliiln JiukHon county
vlnltlng IiIh paivntn for a few wookM,
and M I'M. (! rob will also vlnlt thoio
for a time, and thou go to Southern
California to live for a year, for
tho benefit of her health. Mr. and
Mrn. Whorton will vlxlt relatlvoM and
frlonilH at Eugene and other polntH,
thence to 1'ortland, and from there
to Hepublic, WiiMhlngton to vlxlt
Mm. Wlmrton'H MlMtorn, tho MIhhoh
Coinlm. They will bo nbHont two
Uoy Cured of Colic After Physician's
Treatment Had Failed.
My boy when four yeara old was taken
wsth colic and cramp in hi stomach.
I sunt for the doctor and he injected
morphine, but the child kept getting
woiho. 1 then gave him half a teaspoon
fill of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami
liari hoea Huuiedy, ami in half an hour
ho w as -looping ami soon recovered. F.
L. WiLKiNH, Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wil
kin is book-keeper for the Shell l.ake
Lumber Co. For Bale by Lee lleall,
Irvln Ayrek.
Cure the Scab
Dip your Sheep with the famous
Recommended by the Government
Tlnbcr Land Nolle.
t'nltrd fltr Ijind Offlra, likevlrw, OrHgon,
July . Ifn. Nolli'c li hrr. liy flvrn lliat In
l I wlih the provlaluoa of the a:t of
June . 1H7H. entlilfd "An art lor the u. ol
lliulx r landa In Ibe Hlli-a of ( allliirnla. Ore
gon, Nvvaila, and WaahlDvion Territory," aa
t-atrndt'd lo all the Kuhllc lnd Hlatra bjr ai't
ol AuKuat . IH'H. the following- prraona have
t h ) day flli-d lu tti la office their aworn alale
roenu, lu-wll :
Jamrt Imran,
nf Vancouvi-r. roomy ol Clark, atate of Wub.,
aworn lairnicol No. IMu for the purtbaae of
'.hi- N K!-4. bt-c. i:i. Tp aa H, R 14 iC.
hamllrl J. Miller,
of Vancouvrr. roiinlTof ( lark, alata of Waah.,
worn alatrmciK No. Ifil, for the purchaae of
the hV Hrc. 13, Tp HI, Kll K.
Julia R. McMaaier,
of Vanrotirer. county nf Clark, alate of Waah.,
aworn aiatriiipnt No. W2, for the purcbaae of
the Ha !, S..-G IX. Tp S H, R 14 E.
Klwood f. Carn-r,
of Vanrniirer, county of Clark, atate of Waib.,
worn alalpniitnl So. 'a, fur the purchaae of
the a U of H c II. Tp n a, it 14 t.
Alba, Urachl,
nf Vanrourer. roiinijr Clark, atate of Waan.,
aworn alalpmelit No. KM. for the purchaap of
the S ' K W ' KW ' NW Hec. 14, and KK 4
NE Hue 13, JP SH. K 14 E.
Mllra K. Hinlth,
of VanroiiYcr. county nf Clark, italo of Waab.,
worn ataK'iuvul, No. VA, lor the purrhaieof
llir K ' NK4 N'4 NK. 4 Sec 14. aud BE !4 bE
4 tk-c l,TiH, K IS E.
Elbvri B. Blewi'kfr.
of Vancouver, county of Clark, tal of Wah.,
wiirn utati'im nt No. MM. for the IturchaM- of
Ih.- NK 4 NW !4 11 and K Bf !4 .N' !4
pE '4rK-c ll.Ti. .O.H. K IS E
Vcrdinand Kerrt'll,
of VancoiiTcr, romitjrof Clark, atale of Wah..
worn atalriui-iil No. K'i7. for the purcbaav ol
II... V I, of W Src In, Tp iU rl, R li K.
l liHttlii')' will offer priKif lo allow that the
land anuvlit ! more valuable- for Ita timber or
lone thau for agricultural purpoaea. and to
eaiabllah thetr -laim lo aaid land before J. U.
llainaker, l'.. Commlar-lniif r al Keno. Oreiron,
on Paturdny, Hie mull day of September, lwrj.
They name aa w IlneBnoa: Owen T. Mi-Ken-ilree,
of ulete, Or.von. and i'Ktrii'k Hough,
William K. Huil III, Samuel J. Miller, I.ydla A.
Keit a wick. C. F. (ieaner, Klamath Kalla, Ureu.,
ami Ml lea R. Hmllli. EIwcmkI F. Carter of Van
couver, Wuh., and Jeae r. Tender aud John
I'euder of llauah I'rairle. Waab.
Any and all peraona ctaluiina adveraely the
above deacribed land are requested lo tile
their elaiina In Ihla ofllce on or before aaid 20th
day of September, Wt.
7-17-28 E. M. BaaTTAlN, Regiater.
Timber Land Notice.
t'nited HlatcaLand Oftice, l.akevlew . Oregon,
July k, IH02. Notice la hereby Kiven that in
compliance w ith Hie proviaiona of Ibe act of
Junes. IH7 entitled "All act for Ibe aale of
timber laiida tu the Hialei ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada, aud tVaahinitlon Territory." aa
eteniled lo all Hie I'ublie fjind State! by act
ol AukohI 4, In'.'.', tbu lollowlnir peraona have
tliia day tiled In tbla ottlve their auoru atate
in, 111a lo wit:
I.ydia A. Settgwlck,
of Vancouver, county of Clark, Hale of Vanh.,
aworti statement No. P.'ifi, ftir the purchaae ot
the MV i4 Sec 1 Tp SO H, R IS K.
Carrie K. Smith,
... , ..I . M lt-l.
Ol ancnuvf r, t uiiiiiv 01 v iai a, Biaiu 01 , aso.,
aworn atateiueiit No. H't!l, for the purcbaae of
the S 1, SWi4 Sec lit and W !, NW Sec '.'4 Tp Hh
S, R 15 E. j
Edward F. Hlxon,
of Vancouver, county of Clark, atate of VVaah..
aworn matemeiit No. wo, lor tiitt purciiase 01
the NW i.4 See l!9. Tp : S, R 15 K.
Kanuie E. llraelit,
of Vancouver, county of Clark, State of Waitu.,
worn at lenient No. WH, for the purcbaae of
tile bVV !4 Sec ail, Tp S8 H. R 15 K.
lieoriie W. Miller,
of Vancouver, iMinmy of Clark, atate of Wash.,
auoru atalc incut No. W2, for I ho purcbaae of
Hie SW i4 Sec :), Tp SH S, R IS K.
William K. Smith,
of Vaueouver, county of Clark, alate of Wash.,
aworn rlatemcnl No. tt'vS, for the purcbaae of
the NW !4 Sec 81, Tp SH S, R 15 E.
Patrick lloiixh,
of Vancouver, county of Clark, atate, of Waili..
aworn alHlement No. Wi4, fur the purcbaae of
the W NW'i,4 Sec ,ti audU NE i4 See 31, Tp
to 8, RISK.
John W Tender,
of Ilruah Prairie, county of Clark, atate of
Waah., aworn atatement. No. S, for the pur
cbaae of the SE 4 Sec 14, Tp 8 S, R 15 E.
Jcaae K. I'euder,
of Bruah Tralrie. countv of Clark, atale of
Wah.. aworn Btaiement No. 9tlA, lor the pur
cbaae of lilt) NK i4 Sec 23, Tp 3 8, R IS E.
That tin y will offer proof to allow that the
laud aoiiKht ia more valuable for ita timber or
atone than for atricultural purpoaea, and to
cMabllsh their claim lo aald land before J. O.
llniuakcr, I). 8. Cnmmianlouer at Keno. Ortvon,
on Saturday, the Until day of September, luii'J.
Thry name aa w iliieaaua: Owen T. McKen
dree. of Olele, Drt'iton, Alba Bracht, Elberl S.
Hleaecker. and Milea R. Hmilb, William K.
Sinllh and Carrie E. Smith, all of Vancoi.vur,
W axliliiKtoii, and John W. t'emlttr, and Jcaae
F. render, of Ilruah I'rairle, WaahiiiKlon.
Any and all peraoua claiiuliiK adveraely the
above-tleacribed landa are requeatud to rile
Iheir clttlma lu Ihla oltice on or before laid Jlb
day of September, IWS.
7-17-28 E. M. 1)K attain, Keglbter.
M. C. Whltworth.
Manufactured by
LEE BEALL, Proprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
4- Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Now located
In the
j8 J, H Bernard &
Hardware, Stoves,
And Tinware
Lakeview, Oregon, July 10, 1902
Dear Friends.
We have been so busy the last
two weeks that we havn't had time to write you,
nevertheless we will try and supply your
wants. We have had over 47,000 lbs of
freight arrive in the last two weeks and more
coming. We expect to hear of the shipment
of our Wagons and Buggies at any time.
Would invite you to call and see them when
they arrive. we have thirty Cook Stoves and
ranges in this lot of freight. We can fur
nish you Stoves ranging in price from 813.50
to $75.00. Call and see us.
Resp. yours,
Oeo. H. Ay re.
South of the
Daly Bldg.
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
m olum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
Son j aornystovcs
Over 100,000 In as.
Farm Implements,
Wagons and Vehicles. .