Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 17, 1902, Image 6

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R. IOC rartlal Cwmpetrlewae.
IFhonatlc and otherwise.)
L A WMrrr.
X To permit.
1. To pier.
4. A bereratr.
t. A email insect.
C Fullnraa.
T. To irrtnd.
a. A loud noise.
A mrtwi.
A kind of dor.
A lien of grlt
A blnhop'a rap
A atialner.
A wtniced Insect.
A rneaL
Kef tm Paaaler.
No. 85. Rhomboid: Across 1. Magic.
2. Macaw. 3. Robin. 4. Natuil.
Legal. Down 1. M. 2. Am. 3 liar.
4. Icon. ft. Cabal. . Wise. 7 N'utf.
& La. 9. L.
No. fWl-A Well Known Saying: It'
an 111 wind that blow nobody good.
No. 87. Number Puttie: By the pro
poar-d plan the laudlord would loa all
teen bushels.
No. 88. Mlaaing Rhymes; Shake
bake, aUke. rake, flake, brake lake,
No. K. - Double Dlneonn! Hard
work. Crossword 1. Ha.k. 2. Carp
. Core. 4. Ward.
No. !M.-nini'-nd fondant: Curve
Trinket. Diamond 1. Nnb. 2. Ran. X
Nib. 4. Bin.
No 11. I 'oses: Transpose. Iiuiiomi-
It Dazzles The World.
No Discovery in medicine lias ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that has been raut-ed by Dr. Kind's
New Discovery for Consumption, Il'aj
severest tett have lieen on hopeless vie- i
time of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hem-!
orrhase, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thou
andg of whom it has restored to perfect 1
health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, J
Croup. Hay Fever. Hoarsenesft and i
Whooping Cough it is the quickest.!
surest cure in the world. It is sold by!
Lee Beall, Druggist, who guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Large
bottles 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottles free. '
Sure Enough Bargain. j
A Dice residence property, containing j
nearly an acre of ground, good dwell
ings of 5 rooms, a barn sufficient for 4 (
horses, woodched, good cellar over
ground, and other outhouse', near the
heart of the torn. See us today. It
may he sold tomorrow. It is dirt cheap
ask for price. tf
Key lo the Pastier.
Ko. 45. Bebeadmenta: 1. C-one. 2.
P-row. 3. T-rlfle.
No. 4a Syllable Building: 1. Gar,
far-net. 2. Gar-fleld. 3. Gar-pike. 4.
Car-den. 5. Gar-land. 6. Gar-rick.
No. 47. Concealed Word Square: L
Erase. 2. Raven. 3. Avert 4. Serve,
5. Enter.
No. 48. A Well Known Author:
No. 41). Three Hollow Diamonds:
AO I . O 0 1
N N It
No. 50. Picture Puzzle: Pennsylva
nia. Erie.
No. 51. Doatily Beheaded Acrostic:
Pumpkins. 1. Ira peach. 2. Pt-urge-on.
8. Re-miss. 4. lui-pure. 5. Ta-ken. 6.
Br ink. 7. Kl-ne. 8. Re-strain.
No. 52. Three Imps: 1. Imp-ollte. 2
Imp-olitlc. 3. Imp-ortance.
She Didn't WearA hask.
But her beauty Has completely hidden
by sore", blotches and pimples till she'
Ufed Biicklen's Arnica Salve. Then
they vanihlied as will all Krnpl ioiiH,
Fever Sorea, Boiis, L'lcers. Carbuncles
ami Felons from its use. Infallible for
Cuts, Corns, Hums, calds ami Piles
Cure guaranteed.
25c at Lee Beall's,
The Best Liniment for Strains,
Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer
Park. Long Inland, N. Y., says: I al
ways recommend Chamberlain's, Pain
Balm as the best liniment for strains.
1 used it Iant winter for a severe lame.-rie-H
in tl.e side, resulting from a strain,
and was greatly pleased witli the quick
relief and cure it ofiected.'' For sale by
Beall's Drug Kore.
The Difference.
What's the difference between a biped
and a quadruped?
About two feet.
Key to the Fouler.
No. CJ. Number Puzzle: Ninety-nine
and nine-ninths.
No. 70. Money: 1. Eagle. 2. Cent.
8. Guinea. 4. Pound. 5. Quarter. 0.
No. 71. Riddle: Fawn. faun.
No. 72.-Phonetlc Additions: 1. Rir
ten. certain. 2. Cur-ten. curtain. 3.
6 bore-ten. shorten. 4. Fry -ten, frighten.
6. Mole-ten. molten. 0. Lie-ten. lighten.
7. Tie-ten, tighten. 8. Hie ten, heighten.
No. 73. Diamond: 1. P. 2. Map. X
Tons. 4. Portray. 0. Mortified. 0.
r.'-rticuluni. 7. Perfumery. 8. Sailers.
b V arn. 10. Dry. 11. 8.
No. 74.-Word Building: 1. A. 2. At
E. Rat. 4. Wart. 5. Water. C. Watery.
No. 73. BeheadrnwiU: It -owed. R-an.
A Poor flilllonalre.
Lately starved in London because
he could not digest bis food. Karly use
of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have
saved him. They strengthen the stom
ach, aid digestion, promote assimilation,
improve appetite. Price 25c. Money
back if not satisfied. Bold by Lee Beall
Mrs. Mack Sample Dead,
Mm. Minnie Jo-rlla Saniplo, wife of
Mmk Sample, of the Klnuljrun Wtinv
hoiiH Company diet, at Reno, on
Monday, July 7th. The timet tetm.VH:
Mf. Sample hna len nick for the
pant two year with rom-utittption
She wan twenty-ulne eur. t ,ae,
ami wiih born In I'klah, ChI, She
Icavca a hualmnd and two children,
a boy anil girl, to mourn her Iomm
Her parenta, Uev. J. N. lturrotiv;h
and wife of Hanfonl, Cal. were at her
IhmInIiIo at the time of her tlt'inlne.
Mr. Sample wan tine of the Kwwt
tut of women. Although ahvaya
tdckly anil m-ldoni kihmuIIiik h day
that win not of pain, ahewaflal way
bright and cheerful, ami took Ktvnt
pleasure In making othcrtt mv the
bright Hide of life.
She wan married at Kivendde, Cnl.,
July S,1MW, ami ihe wa laid to nut
on the aniilveyaary day of her wed-
Mow's Thla?
We offer One Hufidred IVillar Reward
for ai'V caseof Catarrh thai cannot be
cured by Hall's Cattarrh Core.
r . J. CHK.NKY A Co., Props.,Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F.
J. Chenev for the iant 15 vearo, and In-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
htixiiiefs tranautiona. .and , financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
Wkst A Tkcax, Whole-ale Druggiat,
Toledo. O. Waldimi, Kinnan A Mak
vis, WlMilesale Druggi!. Toledo, O.
Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taaeri internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
miK-oiis Miifaces of the svstein. Price.
ir bottle. Sold bv all driiita-tal.
Testimoniala free.
Hall's Family Pills are the .tt. 2H-5
X. T4 Wrd BwlldlBK.
1. A vowel; also a part of speech.
2. A prepositton; one of Its uses la to
show locality.
3. A small, destructive quadruped.
4. A hard eacrescence found chiefly
on the bands.
5. The most useful of all liquids.
C Partaking of the nature of the
No. T9 'BekeaaaaeaitB.
Behead the past of a verb signifying
to move through the water and leave
was ludebted to.
Behead the past of the verb to move
quickly and leave an article.
Behead almost Imperceptible and
leave a corruption of are.
Riddle Ammirrrrd.
Although cold by nature. ,
I'm favored by all.
And there's scarcely a dinner,
A luncheon or ball
At which r m not present.
And I am happy to say
There's no bouse In town
Where I've not the entreo.
Ice cream.
Music Lessons.
Mrs. Bertram! Blair is now prepared
to take a number of pupils to teach them
instrumental music, at her residence.
Half hour K-s.-ioiis 5 cents ; one hour
lessons oO rents. lii-lm
Stops the Cough
and works off the Cold.
I.axaHr- llronii. (julnlnf Tabl,-t run- a cold Ir.
urn- day. Mo cure no iay. I'rier !" eeiim. 41
ALL 170 M EH
Wine of Cardui is the guardian
of a woman's health and happi
ness from youth to old ngo. It
helps her safely into womanhood.
It sustains her during the trials
of pregnancy, childbirth and
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing; flooding and mis
carriage. It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
; known as the change of life.
cures leucorrham, falling of the
womb, and menstrual irregularity
in every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman's
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, acts directly on the geni-
tal organs and is the finest tonio
for women known. Ask your
druggist for a $1.00 bottle of
Wine of Cardui.
... ill f 1 , 1 iA
lam nnlnif Win of Cardui and Thed-
ford a lilack-Draug-ht and I feel like a
different woman already. Several la
dies here keep tbe medioinea in their
home all the time. 1 have three girla
and they are unirig It with me.
Mrs. Mlli iJttU w uia.
For 4rl and literature, a4lm, rWlnf
ymi.tomt, "Ilia lMU' Annmny liirt.
mt-iit ", I lie OiUtaouoga atatucuie Cuuifaiiy,
Chattanooga, lanu.
Zac Whitworth
Brands with Crop off left
ear, Halt Undcrcrop off
rlKt (or ewes; reverse for wethers. Tar Bran
W. Kauge, Kih Creek, foatoffice addreii
Lakeview, Oregon.
The above portrait is that of
Countess Mogclstud, of Chica
go, 111., whose gratitude for the
benefit received from the use of
Dr. Miles' Nervine prompted
her to make this statement:
"It affords me great pleasure to tM
ror testimony to the very eittli. I
nu ritscf Dr. Milea' Nervine. ALhrnih
1 - pat Ho veari cl I Ii.t! it
aooliirt the tired hiam. qu the ir-t-IsSfd
nervrt and i!inrr r .iulilrep.
1 never trrl rnrlentcd with ..' a !c!lie
ot 11 in I te Iii-uji ." t,:al'!u''v youts,
CtiklrtAS Maria.
Cuuatea MocUtuJ
mu!v Nervine
nerve tonic and strength-
1 a
bui.drr trat starts ncht tn
storinu health immediately.
Sold by all Drutgteta.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Ely's Cream Balm
Gives Relief at enca.
1 It clean, enothe and I,
I UieilirsM,a nirin
j brane. ltcumi.'atnrrh
' and drlvre away a (.old
In the Head qui klv. It
ie atiaorlied. and Pmterta the atrmhran.
: Kntorra the Heimea of 'I aate and Hnirll. Kud aue
ww. . 1 ,11,1 1 i,.n 1 . .. w, I rrii)(i;ipi I'y mail.
KI.T BKO'l lll.l;8. M Warren Hlnwt, New York.
kjk44 SO YEARS'
lii, . .irO Dcion
An rone wmllne a akatrh and deerrlixinn may
qnlrkir aiH-eriMin our (itniin free whether an
invnniKiii it ininiDir uuciuaciiv. nimuiiH-i
tlmitlrictlTC,nOll",tl. IlanxliNioli fn l'tit.'t
I'fatiiti tkn thruutrh Wunn & (o, rcelTfl
tptruu mxka, without cnnry. In th
Scientific American.
A hftn'lawmlf 11lnntriKl wrhlr.
I Jirtrmt rtr
1 frtita. 1 ft
niltin of ftny ncttMitiBc lutiriiftl.
ynr: four niritii, 9L boiUUyaii tiwmiitir.
MUNN & Co.38,Br-d-' New York
Branch om.-o. CJ& K HU WadniJalmi, 1. C.
Tl UII'r lt MM) OTII
I nil. ! I.mihI 1 tTI ---.
lakvn-w, "ir.K i i. May .'I. I''.'.
Ni.ll.- i 1 -r-li' K'wn lliHl in ioliiilHlir.
Willi 'Im- .r'Hi.nii! .1 !!. n.t of inrr - i'l
Jilln-.). I-7t '"illtii'.l In Hit d.r "Ik- !
tlml'i-r Inii'lt in I In- i-tnti'M of CHlifi'miH, On
1111, i iuIk hihI v Mitiiiik'iiin 'I 1 r . t r ' an
IXIfllili II In nil llll' til III Kr I MM' I Mtli'K I.V Hi I
it Ailiint . Wiliixm M.n.-r nf kalnina.
rii'ilil) nf iiiiiiil. Mh(- nf W hhIiIiiiIiiii. iiaM
III IK liny r 1 1 I ill llll 1. Iliir 1.1- Muril t:tl"
in f 1 1 No r. Inr flu .iiri-liKn of lli M-.' nf
.-iTlimi Nn .Mi In '1'i.u iif.l.ti No. ::ii Hh 1 in
Sd. lii K., W, M.. mi'l v ill i.ff.T irnnt in nlmw
tlmt ihi land ifiiiihi in mnrH i'aliinili- fur H
imtHr iir nnin iIimii fur aifrinri m .nr
lllIKi, Hll'l ln'ialil inii til 1 I h i in In -m 1 I IhiiiI
ij. fi.n tin ll' Klti r hiiiI li ri u. r ii itiln nrtu i
at jkvi-w . T- if m. mi Krlilay. I In li ilny nf
AllKut-l, I'.HC ilir nn ii-i hn m it in m-i m : Jnlin
1. I'nMai-k nf iitii-'ln. iir' imi. I-'I an'-li-'i r,
William a ni r ami '. . KimImkIv nf Illy,
(iri-irnn.. Any ami all i-rin rlnliiiinir hi tin ai-ni i-ii.iri'i'i I a nil an riiinmii
tofili lln-ir rlalluHlli thin ntllii mi nr liffiir'
until lnt ilay ill AtiK'lHl. K. M. IlKA I I AIN,
inayWKi Hi Kl"t' r-
I'nlO'd HtHO'x I and tiltli u at l.akrvli H, Or
einii. April w. I'atf. Noiii-e l Inn liy Kivi'ii
that In i-nmi'llajii'i Willi tin imv Ir-lnln nf Mi.
art nt l iinirri ca nf June .', i iiliil"d "An
a t fnr tllf aale nf lilllli-r land III tin' nlati'mil
ralifnrnia, Onvnn, Ni'Vada ami WaMliiiiirlnu
TiTritnry," a i-xii'ii'li'd tn all tin I'litillr l.ainl
ta.e liy art (if AllUUi-t ), I'r2. .Ilu' lill W. Kill
Kry, o( l.akiviiw, niiiny nf l.aki, Hlali nf Or
t-K'ili, liaa 1I1U day llli'd in lhl nlllci li In
Hwnrn atati'iiii'iit No. :t:i7, fnr tin iiiirrtiaM of
IlieXWnl Vfc1 j nf rti rtlnll i ill Tow until i
No. :vj H.. Itaiiiii So. Ji K., ami will nft' r pmul
toHlinw that tin! laml anuiirlit la inortf valnalili
fnr im tiinln-r nr aioni tlian for airriciiltnral
fiiiriiiH''h, ami lo I'daliliuli IiIh claim to Haiti
am) bi forn tin lli'itimi-r mill Ki i i'lvi r of lliln
nltiire at I.aki'vli'W, Ori'Kon, on Halunliiy, thu
)Hlli ilay nf July, 'ri. Il iihiiii-k an w IIiii'Hki'h
the followitiK: Cliarli'H ToiiiiIiikm ii, CliHrii a
Mniiri. V. I.. Hm-lllng and llol.t-rl .MrKrull ol
Lakeview, Op'Koli.
A ny anil all (trrMitiH claiiulna ailvrrHrly tlie
aljove-ilriuTilieil lanilH arr rntirHtril in llle
Ihrlr rlaliim 111 tlila nlluiu on or In lnru aaiil llllh
ilay of July, wi
K. M. H It A TT A I N ,
Timber I. unit Kotlre.
I'nitril HIhIi h l.aml (iflire, l.akrview, Orrgon
May!!(l, IW. Nnllrrla lirrrliy glvrn lliat ill
compllaiirv with Hie prm IhIoiim of the art of
laiiinrruiif J 1 1 ii- H, 1H7N, ru tit IimI "A 11 art for Hut
air of liinlrr IhiiiIm in tin Hlatea of rallfoniia,
Ori'Kon, Nevailn, ami WHHliiiiKtnu I'errltnry,"
aa enteiidril lo all tliu I'liiille l.aml Mtatm liv art
of AiikilH, IhiftJ, Konrrt rl. Oliver, of I'orllaml,
enmity of M iiltmiinali, Ktato of Oreiron, haw
thlailay fllnl III llilMoffliiu Ilia aworn HlHtrineiit
No.47, for tin; iiirrliBH of the hlj Nw', hw'-4'
KKli V.'4 of Mertlnn No. 17 In Tnwiialifp
Nn. 36 a., KaiiKe Nn. Ill K w. M., anil will offrr
prniil to allow tiial the laml aoiiKlit i more val
uahlu for ita tiinlirr nr atnnu than for axri
rulliiral nirioai a, ami to ratalillah ill' nlaliii
to auhl land brforn Ihn KeKlater ami Iterrivrr
of thia offlre at l.akrview, Ori'Koii, oil Krlilav,
the hth ilay of Aughxt, l'Jfj. If u namea aa
wittiraaea: wllliain Hemiett of Vancouver,
WaahiliKtoili John J. cuaack of Toledo, Ore
gon, ( yrua T01I1I of I'ortlaml, orcKou, M yra K.
Toilil of I'orllaml, orcKou, Any ami all
Hraona clulinliiK adveraely the almve-iln-arrilxid
lamia are rei)iiralrd to llle their claima
ill tlila office 011 or hi lore aaid Hth day of Ail-
guat, 1MTJ. K. M. HKA iTAIN, Keglaler.
i Ml
llaakrr Matlew.
I'lilted Mate Itiid OITic, Ikeylew,
OreKnii. May Ltl, lIHnt, Noltcti la hereby
it i ven that lii compliance atth thu pro
vinI'iii ol lht m'liil Couiireas of Julia 3,
1H7H, entitled "An a-t lor tht aalnol tint
Iht lauds III tha Ktatea of t alllornia,
Dreynn, Nevada, and Waahinition l'er-
ritiiiv," aa extended to all the I'uhliu
Ijiiiii Male by ail o( Aunyat 4, WfJ.
John A. Walden, ol lorlUnd, county ol
Multnoinah hlale (or Territory) ol Orex
i;iii, haathiaday tiled tu this olttcii hi
worn ntti-uf nt No. 4K, lur tlm pur
rhaaiMd th SW't. HW 4 I'fc. Ift N.S
M NWii S K.ii ol Nx tion No. 22, 111
Tow.itliti 110 :iiiS., Uanati No. 1(1 K., W
M., and will ollor orool to ahow that tlm
land aoiiKiil i morn valuable lor It tlm-
ht-ror Mtonti than lor aurtciiitural tuiriH
c, and lo t'Klabliih hla "laim lo aaid laud
U-iort thn KfpiaU-r and lUtolvfr ol tin
other at Lakeview, Oretf'Hi, on Friday,
tbe Hth day ol Au(Ual, lie iminea
a wiliiMet: lvld 1'. Iledell ol Cianir
d'Alene, Idaho, l'an II. Mi Ionia ol
WertiHirl. Dieiton. John J. t ttaack ol
Toledo. Orevon. C. W. KinUxly ol
1'ortUi.d. Oieifon. Any and all otriii
t'laiiiunil adveraely the alaiv-uacrlliMl
laud arc repealed to tll their claim
in tin ottlct on or tM'lorn itl run oy 01
Antrim!, 11HJ2. K. M. llHATTAIM, KeKli-
ler. ti(,?2
Tlaaber La ad Nellce.
t'liiletl Mate Ijind Onicw, lakeview,
Oi.goii. May 24. IM?. Notice I heieby
piveii thai incompliance? with the pro
viainn ol the act ol Colore ol June 3,
IN7M, entitled "An act lor lh al ol uiu
ler land in the Mate ol ( alllornia,
Oregon, Nevada, and WaaluiiKton Ter
ritory," a eitended lo all the I'ul.lic
IauiI Male by ail ol Annuel 4. H!
rredrlrk II. Wehlje, ol I'oriland, county
ol .Multnomah Male (or Territory) ul
Oregon, ha Ihia day nlrd in Ihl olllie
hi aworn ataleineiil No. 47'!, lur tlm
purchaaa of the K NK4-N4 K,4
K'4 NW4 ol Section No. -.0 tu Town
aliio No. :io S., Hauiie No. Ill K., W. M.,
and will offer proof to show Dial the
and nought is more valuablu (or It. tim
ber or iti. ne than for aitricultural pur
oe, and to eMabli-h tiia claim lo eaul
land U'(ui the HeKlater and Keveiver ol
Hi ik at lakeeiew , OriKon, on Fri
day, the Kth lay tl Auguat, WHTJ. He
liailie a wltneenea : Jiad N. l'eatt y ol
Hly. lri-oii. Mary F.. Wehtje ol IVrt
land, Oreiton. C. W. KmUaly ol I'ori
land, Oregon. John J. I'uaack d Tol
elo. Oregon. Any and all eraiiia
claiming adversely the alnive deiK TiU-d
land" are rejiientcd to lilu tlieir claim
in ihiaolhce on or liefore ail Kth day ol
Augui.1, 1W1'. K. M. 1Skttai, llegia
ter" ' -X
limber Mnil Notice.
Tnited State U1.1l Ollae, Lakeview,
Oregon, May 2, IWC. Nolito 1 hereby
given that 111 compliant- wiin tne pro
vimoiib ill the act 1 1 Cmigreaa ol June .1,
I.H7H, entitled "An act lur the aaleof tun
bcr laud in the Mate ol l aliloniia,
Oregon, Nevada, and Waahingtoii Ter
ntory," a exlentled to ail tho 1'ilblii
Ijind Mate by ail ol August -I, IMC,
lavid T. IW dell, ol Co-ur d'Alene, cnuii-
ly ol KiHitnal Mate tor lerruurj 01
Idaho, ha Ihia day tiled in tin ollice
I, im aworn aiatemeiit No. 477, lor the
pir. haae of the !.. NK'4 Sec. I'l S'v
N W '4 ol Sec. 'SI in Towiialup No. W S ,
Kange No. llilv, W. ,M., and will offer
piool tu allow thai the laud eoiighl i
more valuu'ole for iia limber or atone
than lur agricultural iiri.cea, nlul tu
eel.tbliah hla claim tu eiud land Indole
the Kegieler and Keceiver nl-thia ullue
at Lakeview, Oregon, ui Friday, the Mill
lay ol AugUHt, 111-. He namea a w it-neeM-a
: John A. W11I1I.11 ol I'oriland,
Oregon, '. W. LmlKidy ul I'm lliind, Ore
goli.JobliJ t llHilikol Toledo Ong.,11,
Arthur l. Sbelilon of t'aalle Kink,
Wa-biiigtoti. Any and nil ja-rwina
clnlliillig adveraely the above ict-rtlled
lilliilN aie reipieated lo llle thi ll claim
III I hla ollire on or beiore mini Mill day ol
AiiguHt. I'M)-. I'm M I'liiAriAiN, Keiiia-
ll-.'l ,".'
Timber ltnii Notice.
I'lilted Stali-a Laud Oltue, Lakeview,
Oregon, May 'J!, l'-K!. Nutn e ih hereby
given that in compliance) wild tho pro-
laiuiia ol act of C'uiigreai. nf June IJ, IM7M,
entitled "An act fur the Mile ul timber
IbihIh in the Sliileaof t.'iililorniil, Oregon,
Ai, niid Wa-hiiigtoti Territory," aa
extended to all the I'ublii: Land Matea
by ai t ol AuguaH, IM'.l-j, Sarah A. Shel
don, ol I'jntlu, county ol Cowlitz
Mute (ur Territury ) ul imhiiigtun, Iiiih
llii-ilny tiled 111 thin olbi'H her awuru
Nlateiiieiil No. 47.), for the pnrchiom of
tho W) of W'of Suction No. -1) in
T iw iiabip No. :i S., Kangt) Nu. Hi I'm,
W. M , and will offer pi mil to hbuw that
the land Muiighl i uiu.e valuablu lur ll
timber or alotiH than lur agricultural
puriMiMe. and lo eidabliali her chiim tu
naid land before the Kegiater and Keceiv
er of Ihi ollice at Lakeview, Oregon, on
Friday, the H1I1 day of AuguM, 1!M)'..
Shu name aa w itiicaarii : William II.
Shelduii of CaHtlu ldnk, WaHhington,
Arthur I). Sheldon of Canlle. Kuck.
Wahhingtun, Itavid T. Iledell of Cueur
d'Alene, Idaho, Juhn A. Walden of Port
land, Oregon. Any and all perHon
claiming advemtily tho alxivu doHcrihed
laiidnare requeued to lilo their claim
in thia ollice on or lielore aaid Hi h day of
Augiial, 1U02. K. M. Kkattain, Hegia
terf 2
Timber l-and Notice.
IJ rilled Htatea band Ollire, Ijikrvlnw. Oregon
May Zil, liarj. Nutluo la hereby given thai In
romiiliaiicu with tlm pmvlalona of thu eel
of t'lingrraa i f June H, IH7M. ciiLitled "An act
for Ihn aale of tlintier lamia III thu Hlatea ol
Oregon, California, Nevada, and WaabltiKlnii
Territory," aa extended to ail Ihu i'liiille Htatea by act ofAugual 4. IHUj, Arthur
li. Hheldnii, of Caaile Knok. county uf iiiw lit..
Mlatuof Waahlngtoii, haa thia day filed In
thla office ilia aworn atHteinent No. 474, for
Hie iiiirrliaae ol theM'i Hw'-i Hw'i HKi Meu.:
T3BH, K 111 K, w M and NwU NK'4 of Hec
Hun No 6 In Townahi No 117 H, Kangu No 111
K, w M, and will offer iiroof to ahuw that tliu
laud aoiiglit 1 mure valuahle for Ita timhiTor
alone than for agrlciiltulal iiirMiara, and tu
ratabllah Ilia claim to aaid land before tlm
Kegiater and Kecelver nf thla 'iff Ire at hake
view, Oregon, 011 Friday, the Hth day of An
gnat, 11X12. lie namea aa willienaea: Jnlin A
WMldeu nf I'lirtlaud, Oregon, Hubert H
Oliver of Portland, Oregon, c w Kuihodyol
I'ortlHiid. orcgon, Kavitl T Hudell if couer
d' Aleue, Idaho. Any and all uraoiia claim
ing adveraely the alinvu deacriln'il lamia e
rci'ticated to file their ulalma In Hi la off I e
011 or before raid 8th day of AiiKual, Harj.
ft-b-'J K. M, bllAITAl.N, Kuglalur.
fbyalelaai mm4 M-arajraa.
lilteTle, Or.
(rrif'R-Keall'e Imif Uu. tlat aaawarv
pnaai4ly v ae alhl.
rNralelaa a. Mwrce.a
lakeview. Or,
orril'K Uketlaw UragtVa at-ra.
Ijikevleta, Ortf
ornt K- paly nuiidiiig.
II M HUWI.11-, It M I "" "
lakrtlpw, 9rrgm
omi'K Hotel Uvl-w
1.. r. w!j
Atlwraey al liw
lkrllia tmm
orriCK-Haly nulkllna.
'. ii. iMi.nvnri,K
Or rtl'IC Italy Hmkllne.
orril'K-Paly BtilMlnf.
I. lV VKa.TOK "
lnat Maltrra Mprrlallr
'r'r" H 'fawel Mulldliig.
'aiuii No. t-m
Meta on Hie 'l ami 411, U'.l....l.. ...
- j awiiur nail, at a
I m. f
id. r. I
'T aiil 1 ouiiiiau
w. .-. ngriaa, 1 irrk.
"- - 'ft l.M Akl'MKST. No la. V
Nn I a.
S I. O. O. r. nnrU tbe I.I and -.1 Tl,,
s .1.. . :: ,
. . ,,- p.,., rai n Uln4tlll III tr,.. 1,
S l"W" Hall. Ukeilrw. . H hl Ata. S
v.r.. w . j, MiMtaa, tM-rltH. Qi
s V
5 ...Knights ut Vvthms... 5-
tloimir I t l-e iniu.,' w V?
v -.. ...nB. ,...,"ir. r,,i. .in. rurria
y every Tu.lav rv.iilii. n,. K.-,l.i V
li I I . u 11. I'l. L . . ..
, : - - - 1-1..11M i nia uia
..ii.,in,,j inviini.
. t. iiiiiiik, i haninlliir rmimianiler. JY
Aai.rHM.K. K ol It ami n
""J v, t, , f, , , .s s. sr,s. J
tall .:r Hit tim
lamOC Ram Hrmla with Hwallow rork In
JdlllBi Ddlljf rlK, ,..r fo, ,wr.;,rver,
forwrlhera. Hniuarwra l-.ilarr 'rni ami Hilt.
In rlnht ear. Tar llratid 111. Kaiie, I ran
Lake. l'ol"ltli u addri aa, lakri Ir . lt. un.
To lake effect. Tuesday, r. Lllail'.
No. I Sn, I
iai a. in. I.v Item. . r .. in
V 17 a. in. I -.11., i. .11 Ar I i i i. in.
I:"i a. in. I.v r ar Ar 4 1 p. m
lu:i.'i a. 111. I.v tramla . . Ar 4 i. tit.
II ni a. in. I.v purity. ..Ar a-f. i. in.
II !t a. In. I v i'liilriia r : 'i' i. In.
I. ' ul i. in. I v I bat Ar t . ui.
IJ lo j. in. I.v . i aiiii rnii Ai '.' i p. in.
I.'l'i. m Ii ll..ll;.Mk M I ..: i. in.
I'J:4 . in. I.v . I 'mi .! a ul la Ar I . m.
I iii'i n. in. I.v .. I'lol.. , .Ar I . ji. ui.
I hi . in. I.v I Iiumii Ar li tn a. in.
'.' nf. I . III. I.V Allll'lr" . t l.':li.'lr i III.
J:l.', I i .in. I.v A hi.. li- r II ui(,in.
:i In . ui. I.v Mm C.rliiK..Ar ll:liii. in. i. in. I.t Muriay 1 r !: . in.
i. III. I.v .. k tin 1 1 . ,t III .11 i. III.
.'i-.'u i. l.i. .v . Ilorse l.akr. . A r V 411 n. III.
' li ji. in. l i Hatrrly .Ar V .'u ji, in.
fi Ui ji. in. I.v . I.'ruiii Ar "!'' I', in.
:i a. in. Ar .. Mailrliur In 7 In a, in.
miiwva vai.i.i:v wv .in
fi.lfi iiii
ii ui i III
7 0 iin
III H.'iain.l.v., I'l ii in aa. A i .4 Mi nn ll.:ui a lit
II an a in I .v .. VI n Inn Arl.l.lf, .ai'am'iaiii l.v.llei'kw Hh.Ar l :iui 7 'lAain
IJ Viain l.v.i lain illeAr l.oiii.7 Ul am
Termn, fnr Lakrvlrw, I'alaley and l-lllali, Ore.
and Kl, llhlwrll. l ake
t eilnivllle, A'llll,
Alturaa and illrbrr. t'allf.
Ilnl Hurliix". 'or Hiainllhli and Hiiaanvllle.
Hi If.
liny. u- fnr MlHord, fanravlllr and lliintlli
villi', t'allf.
Vlnliili - for U.valloli, liuw iiirvllle and t'amd
brll'a Hot h.riiiK, I alll.
ilrckwiih,- for Oriieare, I a v lor v 1 1 Ie andtirerii
vlllr.rallf. (Tnlrvllle,- Mohaw k ami (fiiiuey, Calif.
Keuo,-roiiiirrlluii w llh r-o. Car. n. for all
tioliita Kaat ik neat: V, ik T. It. I.,, lor all niliil