Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 17, 1902, Image 2

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JJuitj: Count aeamincr
Published Bvry ThurnUy
MmohIc RulMIng
One Vcnr,
. .1.00
- Mx Months. .
( Fltrec (Months,
1 ,. 1 ire : in- ii ,ti- I
J ; " f : im t 'V f- It I' -'
i , . .. x' ; in I '. i' l1-
Ono li :.
Two I
Tti iv.' I
Juart r
Half I
On.- ...
.1 ,v 1 ,
'II It '
LAk;:VI!.' , OKI UON. Jl'l. 17- OJ-
UKS'.iATION .:S-'kM:l.
; . r; ;mm.i t i c : -h i ; i . "
Next ."-iii iuu it it- iiiuiniiiii'i'tl frtitn
Vjslli'li;nill. t Ill' n i;irv lit tin' Iti-
u-riuf. ilinnmli tin- tirtiliiiinl Mir
vi'V. will I . i ii liir ci'iisini' ti'iii "f
tiu nr. i in untiim s. Mem utnlrr tin-
lll'W 1,1 V. I ; i lf lH ll-I'll t
H lit tir-i. i':ili' U'-t tlli
l;ii S 1 1 l Y -
eueiil ol
oxprrii'iu r frniii iii't uin'ratii'iis.
!.iit tin- inuiH'ii.-rlv imnirt.iiit timm
i,s irriu.i t i' mi Hi' thr iiriil l.-nuls of
tlli' Wi'st. lii'tf found ir;u-tic;ilili',
ins U-'U .t'iiiiti'il n ;i N.uioiial 1 1 i -l"'.
n .il wiii I ! en rt u'd on.
Tlli.- will ii i millions fif people.
tiii;i!;. In mi' where now i no hu
ll. ;m habitation. It will veritaM.v
make '"t lie iler-ert ,o lilnsom as the
rose.' It w ill inhl. iltiriuu. wi.v even
the tir-t iialf a een;ur . while soineof
1H lie. allilost hiraleulal'ly to the
't'alih of the eountry more than
lMU'v urea' li'uhl niiues.
It is it h warm appreeia t ion anil
silieerit.V that tliel o)ile of the arid
op s.'iH'-iiriil Wi.-t eonrai niate their
.V'Hati'fs au.i le I'ler-euta lives inCoti-uri's-
w in i I i.i ve enaiteil t his law ami
p:,l'' .!, :, .. . : hi pi.liey. All'l ill tlo
insu tne ili Iml turret these eap-
alile, aeiive. insistent men hail a
friend ami helper in President Tlien
(ture Ui ii i.evelt ; ei ept for hi power
f'll aid they would have tailed.
We of Western Ureirnll. Iieeailse We
iit'd in i irrigation soinetiiues. as
now , hae water to spar ne'd not
h i ppi ' that then iore we hav
l-it'tvst ill this mat ler. Portland as .
oily, all 1 1 1 Inisine.. peopie. nave a
ilirei t ami i:reat interest in the
jjrttion of Western arid lands, e
i illy thii.-e of Kastern Ort uon.
Thre" tlifferetit euiiipnnie fnnii tin-e-vst
h.-tve rei'eittly repreM-nta-tives
in tin- Wilhunet te valiey bink
i i' fur a hieaiiun fur u ii nidi n.'d
inilk fu'-tury. Aft-r mii'-li investi
KUtioli a. id 'i-eiila t ii in the haeilis
i uveivd ii wmiid be iiiiiu..-iiile
1 ' n; i '. . ,-i mr. ni tie- en i i-rpri.-o.
'I he iiiiv t iia t i; wuuiu e.i lh
llllji'i: fur extra l Ve IIIM'dlilP'f.V
to ext raet the niu-.s frum the milk
inpi'i The pi'upi'' are inn .-liiw
ilnwn there tu eaieh a ei imleiisei
luilk f.'ii-i i n--. A ei'iel. !i.ed tan..- l.i'--Tur
Iliiill du well.
Tile l..i:iiull Si jle!;
i. snrjinse
tmit "a Ui i i'-iu. i a i if iii i Ki M.i.-e ve f ', )
pOMtii'.i and with hi. fu I u r. sliuiild
tiiink it Wi-e ti d. bv'i' a senuii
wtirniii", t . piiwer; :! tnii." a he
ltd hi 1 ' iiirt ii J:;l .-pei-eii al.
IVt '. lnir. The l..indw!i Siandard
vi.e-.iilv .i ). im; 'ihti'.v Mr. Ittiu.-.'-
V-'il. lie due. l(l' ail,; ii,Hil III.
H'tiieliii;: ur his lira'.' when lie ha
wi iiiiay; tu -ay. i ; pi.
il.lll .a. v, ii.
"1 hav,- a hiii
iilive," i.aid t In-,
it. Well, fur
uf bein
U'ulli", Si i in
iuli. Saiie,
wh v
tl n't yiii
1 veri ..e
plied hi.
Almiit half n niilliuii pi, or uf f,uli-
l ill Were fed Ollt; ,):l,V lilrtt Week lit
tii Kiiiii'. exjHMire I'nibably the
lifit Hiillili'" meal i:.i.t of them evt;r
U'iieti yoti v;et t ;int it tak'H ureut,
1 1'' illiile.- lo tro i de you ami little
l l- of thinn'-i to iti.ik- you happy,
tluMi 'iii are on tfie viht road.
Very U'emaik ible Cure of Diarrhoea.
'About fix yf.trs ail Ir tin- ti rwt time
. iii v lite 1 hid a -i.,!ii.-ii ami ci'Vere
l', "i lbMrrh..eii." iuv -Mi .Vine
MdTer.ol m".'"' T-i--'- ':J f"
,H,rarv relief. I.ut It f "
a-i.l al'itin, anil ior n.C l-uu yearn I have
Hulieted mine mi-efv and ajnny t'1'"'
,mii tell. It V..I-. win- leatn. .ly
ba.-baiid -pel, i humli- ( illarM lor
i,' iroM.'rip'i'ae- and treatment
without avail, l iimliy we moved f-lio-ipie
eoiiiiiy, our ntewent home, and
one dav 1 happened to ,..-: an ad vertn,.
ineiit o"( Ch.imberldin'- (.'"lie, Cholera
and Ihairhoea limited v with a terUui.iii
:.i u mini who bad been t.-ured by It.
a. -j . . ----
to in v own that
The cae wan mm
i hided to trv the remedy The re-
null was wonderful. I could hardly
realize that 1 wa well attain , nr believe
it could be no after having Hiillered so
lonir, but that onie bottle of Me.litine.
roHtliiL' but a few .ent, cured me.
For sale y Beall's Iru',? btore.
Day and nifht, iumhine and riwdow
are not more different from each other
than a healthful from a mckly woman.
The healthful woman carries linht and
unshnte with her wherever ahe goes.
The woman
who suffers :
from ill-health !
casts a shallow ;
on her own hap
piness and the
happiness of
ot hers. Slv
Ciinnot help it.
Those who suf
f r cannot,
smile and siu'.
v ,
rt to V
Ill-health in vviinan is generally trace
a')!e to di'ae of the dclu-ate womanly
otx-mism. Manv women have been re
stored to happiness hv the use of Dr.
Pirtee's r.ivoMte 1'iescriptioii. It i-stah-li'.ies
ri';ui.inty, dries weakening ilr.iins.
heals tutl.immaiton ami uloet.nion ami
ouies female weeklies. It makes weak
women strong, sick women well.
"I frrt it mv itiity to hilorm vim thut I hml
Ivrn a utTrrrr tor tnHnv yr from iiervmn
ii" with at! it vnptom anil evmflu uti.'iis "
write Mr o N hislier ol ivi l.rMiiton Ave,
f oik. NY. "I w.1 contMntlv ouitf td
' .1 eh k-oii or putch.inu tnciiirmr toi thi
or tlee 'nifKiint a mv troul'le licvainf tin-l-.-.iiii
''liv In the i'rtii; ol i-.)- mv hu-tmml
in l u f.l mr to tr lr Pirrvr s Kavotiti- rrr
vi ivt'oii. After tutting our Nittlr unit tollnw
ir, ur aitrice 1 wi"ii(inimi;ik't'l that 1 took
riv m.'ie K'ltles ot " Knvorile 1'rchCiiTtioii ' am!
tl't ti I iiul not take anv more lor rver:il week
a 1 felt o much lcHrr hill itill I was not vm-
' i .urr.i 1 coininnnTil taking it a nam
W t:nii I w.m initiromt tatei than at Ii i -t I
am not now cro unil irritable, anil I have a
tr. i o!oi in mv t ut ; haw a'.o .tmeil alxmt
ten t-'im l- in weight anil imr thuMttJ of ' com
fi'fi. ior I am a new woman once more "
The dealer who offers a sittstitnte for
" Vjvonte Prescription " does so to gain
the little more proiit paid on 'te s.ile of
less meritorious medicines. Ins profit is
your loss, therefore accept no substitute.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to ay exjense of mailing tv. Send 21
one-cent stamps for the paper-covered
btv)W, or u stamps for the cloth IhuhiiI.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Ihiffalo, N. Y.
NN'hite Man Turned Nellow.
treat coiisiernation vva fell by the
friend of. M. A. lb marly of LexniL'toii,
Ky., when they sa he a tumiim el
low . His skin -low Iv changed enlor, al.-o
his eyes, ami he -nfton d terribly. Ill
malady wa- Yeloi. .laninlue. lie wa
trealed by the be-t doctor, but without
benetit. Then he wa advi-ed to trv
Kleetrie Hitters, tho wninleriul Stoinaeii
aid I.iver remedy, mid he writ":
'"Alter t.ikint: two bottles I was wjmlly
cured" A tri;'.l prove- its inati hie-
merit for all Momach, I.ier and Kidnev
trotiliies. Onlv .c. f-old bv I.'e lleali
l'nii 1 .;!- :.H'i.l Dili..',"vi.'W. (ir--.on.
May J... l'.e.'.- i li.-r. liy cwn
Mm' i;i I'onii'lirttir.' i mi Hi.- pro i i-;.m-ot th"
m l ol I'orur ol J'oi.- :i. I7, .-ntiti.-.l "An
H"t lor t h' -al -o: t :mi.vr iau l- in tie- t.i-r- of
eaiiforti.a. r- if . ti . ami un-hinxton
! rril.r ." n-t'ii'l'. to ni'. Hi" I'nljin' lan.l
-lad--I.; k of 'ii!'i' 1 l-'J. .i.-l.a h. niiv.-r.
"i 1'iriUi. ! . :!!. ..I M ili, i.iii, ah un- of
Hi's;. ni. tin-i,,i- .liv ti,.-.i ni tm- off;,-, ii. r
""' -t'"' i i-n! ior ti,,' .iir.-iia-.' of
ti,.- K'.ot -i . ,, .,'.,., .,, , -. ,,,.,
N'.f... lei...'- N.. In I... u. M.. ami uili "ff.r
i rooito-liMU in, u He ih',1 -o iL'in i- in.,r- vi,.
' ' i ..... , .. - ., , ,i i nK I 11 it I ,
V-ilHi,h-i!"i,i,''r rho'n'n.
; 'ji-i- : ,in.i l!. o. u.-r of
..r.ii ,nr,'0- htiiI i
- -I lie. . it.. I
! ii , 1 . fT i . - m ; -. . i r".',,n , .,n tri iay. Hi
v 'l,iy,.' V ..-'. i'.-ij - h i, rt in - h - . i ii
:: 1 1 ni r, n ,
; - .'M ..: I
"I I' i. i ii
' it- kuii A i, .
v r- lv II: :
to Ii;.- ii, -ir
, .1 1; , . 1 V" r w rt- ', I II if ion .
'i,in,l. nr-,-. im Myr.i V. 'lo.l.l
')( - - ' ll-rt' K of 'I .Jo,
h.i.i it ; i ..-r-oi- iUihiim: ,
, '. .- -1 1 r 1 1 ... I im ,,.- nr. - r.. u.-mi.-iI
,o!i- i 'i iii:-- ..if on ,,r U'tore
VH.' ,-t.l'e.
h. U. HI; ATT A l N , ic-ui-lt-r.
-II ! 1-1 .In
', ."-!''
Tirnlicr l.ind Nticc.
- , . : 1 , 'ff : i.-i i-' , or-'i.'"ii.
1- ii-r I . nv , lien in
u i 'i" i'ii I-..,', - oi 1 1- art ,,f
:i -?-. -nut; ) 'ah H.-t i..r tli-
' ill tl,- t ..-, ..f ir-?oii.
- .' i .iml n ,i-.'i m..ii,'i '1 -rn-
' ' I- -I I" ll!i tin- I'li'.Ilr ,..,-(
' . . : I 1 ''. Iirti, II. Mr.
- , " ,'. ti ,,: , .ii ., ,( -r t.- nf
' -. . -i-iv I In Ui l- "fl Ii i-
". I' ,': U, " .'l r-liH-- ol
: N '" , - ' '..', 1 1 -. ,1 loll
- 1 1 No. -. Kti.if.- No. n; l..
-r i-r -. :-, iii.ii ii,,-
. -r '. ji i 1 1 i . to' r - tinil, -r
. i - .. i irx I- -ri o- h-i.
: ' '. I., -',- I ,i . I .', l-'l- til"
,. !.',',,: I II . - . .'f .',' H , l.i,e
., . ' T.'. .1 '. . I ', -1 ', .1,1 V ...' A .-
i 1 1 i"- rt- '.s I ' ; I ' . iv I. in
I . "I -'oil . :o.i ii A l' rt t l 'ti of
-'''.' i . i,ii',,'t -1:' -r of Ari-j. uh-Ii-1
, i ;, ni I .1... I if. gi,u.
! nil. ! -i
!-t 1
. ..iii.ii,iii'
.. !r----. .
-,i 1" "f 1 1
' :if tiioi .
lory a-
. 1, 1'. . or '. ,.,
I - I , 1 'J 'J .1
ijo i of l'..r' i
Cortl,ili, 1 .-.
ne.'ton. to :
An) ii I i, 1 .
lliOVr . -() ',
"in - ,'iiii i ii 'i u' rt-r. -r-' I ' I li-imi,l-
nr- r -'jii' -i-.l to lii-
Ii ir . ; ii-,,.- in tj, offic
,ii or b-for- hitiil
Ml, .rtV o! A i,' ii:. l'l-'
b i t: I. M HI4A'n V
, -
limber Land Notice.
I'liil ,1 it-- I. mi, I offi , i.rtk-vi-w, or-KOii
I i y ji. i NoU
l oiiMilimiii' will, tl
li-r--l,v wu -ii tliHt i n
nnivi-i.iii-of Ilie Mi l of
ciirn ol .im - :i -iilitl I "An m-t tor tli
hrtl-ol tllill, -r lrtll'li III 1 1 klrtl-s of . rtliforniM
or.-K.jti. S'va.ln him! w-liiiiifl,,n 'I-rriiorv "
ii l.-i.l", i.uill tie- I'-iiiln- i.Hiel -im-B l,v art Anitn-t -I, l-r.'. Ilrri Omit, of lll, eoiinly ul
of A 'iKiikl 1, li'.', Jo-l N. I'rttr.iy, of uly, county KIhiiihIIi, hIi- ( Or-Koti, Iihh tins ,y III. il in
of K I a nml Ii. - tat-of or-zoti, Im -1 In.i liny fil.-.t in I In oilier lie. "iworn ' I hi. -in. -nt No. .11.', for tin-lliuoffn-'
hiii ..rii klrti-ln.-lll Nu 471, for tin- urli-- of tin- J-.'j HK'j hec. if, hWl, SW1,,
burvlia of tie- ),.; -I-.1 , Mlf. , h', rt-i;. nml I h-i'. N K' , NK'j of ntfi'tiun No. -Vi in 1'wwii
N K'J N K1, J of ---tioii No. in To ii"iii, N.,h. ' lii No. ;tl Khuko No. 14 K. WM, Hud will
ItmiK' No. li, K., w. M., Mini will off-r pr.Mif to ' ""'-' proof to tlmt lie- Inn, I hoiikIi! i
thow tlntt the Imi'l mniKlit Ih morr vhI niil,l; or I uion: vrI iihMi-ior Hh timlxT or nlone tlitn for
iu tun li-r or nlonr tlinn for aKriciiliurnl ur- , tmrii-iillurHl inirnob"., ami l emalili.-li Iiih
IMikKH, diet 1. 1 stl,Iili liix elmin to khi.I imi.1 ! elulm lo hi.1 linnl before Hie Ki'Kini.-r i nl Ke-
1,-forr tie- K.-Ki-trr ami Hn-.-iv.-r of tins office Her of llii-oll at l.ak.-vi.-H , Or null, on
al l.Hkvi.-w, or-yon, on Kri.Uy, tin- titlt ilrty I-mlay, tin- Isli ilny of July. I!. II- nanmH
of A UKu-t , l'H-'. IL- iihiiii's a nnii--, h: jolm j a- wIiiicsmh: Ainlr.-w li. loiilirim, William
J.e,jhr( of l ol.'.lo, or.-Kon. .'. v, . KinUxly of II. awui-i-r, Aijiln.-H ljikle-n nml hiiniNoi
I'urliauil. oii-koii, K. II. w-lilj -of I'nrtlainl, I A. I'l-l.-moii all of Illy, Ort-Kon. Any ami all
oreisnti, Mary K. w-litj- ol I'orllaml. or- ifon. : ''-roiih elaiiiiiiiK lverwly tin- Utvt-ilt--Any
ami ail .rron- cliinin ail v.-rM-ly u,,-1 M-ril,.-l lainls an-r.'iiuet-il lo lilt- tlu-ir claiuiK
alrtivi-.l-'-i nlrt"! lamli arr rn) u-m-M lo tile ' m till-ollii-e on or before aaiil IHth .lay ol
llieir eiaiMik in Una offin- on or l-for.- anl I Jnly. K. M. lilt ATI A I.N ,
ili ilavof A uijat, Imtf. Y. M IIA I I A I N, M ay IVI'.IIIH UruiKlti.
6 ifti K-Ki,T. ! . .
Timber Land Notice.
Hull") -latr-l.ainl O.'lli-e, I.ak.-vi.-u'. Or. koii.
May 21. ! .;. .Nonce i ln;rm kiv-ii Ilia' in
( oni,llrt.,i - tie- pro v i.,, ,io of II,
art of (on ;
Kroof ;,,n- I, l-7, rlilllie.i
An ai-t lor tin-
hali-of tniil.i r lan.l- in lln- .Stal.- of I iililoinia, ,
Oriiunii, Nrvaoa, ami W anhiiiiioii i errilory" ah
t-l.i-iil.',l to ali tin- I'nlilie Ijiii.1 !rtat.-H by ail ol I erriiory, a" -i-ii.i-ii loan im- i-iihin;
A nit mil I Irt'j Mary K w.liljr, ol I'orll.inil, l.aml aiat.-ii by a..-l ol AiikuhI I, WM, John II.
roiinty of Mnliiiomali, ,-iat- (or 'iVriiiory) ol i liolnrn r, nf ol raml.-r, eoiinly of cowliiz,
Ori-Kon li llii "lay lil-.l in the. ofln e li-r Niau- ol Waliiii)jtoii, iiai thin nay lilril in tliir,
Koni kiau iii. nt No. 471. lor Ui.-,ijr.-liaitrol tin-I oftu-i-liiwirtorn hiim-mi-ni Nn.mii, lor the ,nr
Pv'X'lK'l an. I K' .'w'i ol .wtion No, in 'I own- ! i liaw- ol the N ol mtiioii No W ill Town,
(.fill. No M, ,S, l;an4e No. Hi. Y.. H. M ., ami rtllll bi No.:r.H., KaliK" No 17 K.,w. M.,aml Hill
offi'r ,r,il lo "bow ll,al Hi-lain! coiiKlit i-more ' off.-r proof lo i-liow that tin- lami hoiikIiI ih
valuabli l.,r ll-.liiiil,.-r or Mom- than for aiui ! more vuliiable b,r im innkr or none than for
rnllurHl ii'iri-.k'-h, ami to eiahlih In-r claim 1 aKrie'iltnral iiur,i,k. k, lo i-Htal,linli IiIh eiaim
lokrt.,1 iaiel b-lor-Urn h-i-t-r aiui Iteii-iver ' lo aaiil lan.l before tie- Kimtr ami Kec-i-iver
..f ,i.,u...f... i.u.1,.11' or. v., n. on friilrtv. ol 1 1, im offic- al I aki-vie , or.'Koii, on hatnr-
n.Kili,irt'ol Anuiiki. l'.mi. hie- iminr an it-
11- U-j.
Jo-l N. I'l-arey. of Hly. Oregon, hi'e.lri. k
H u,,.ii ir. of i'ortlaml. Ori-iton. . . Kmboilv
i, Or-K'in
ol rorliaml, OrKOH, John J of'iol-lo,
(r,-iin Any ami all iierwiiiKclaimuiir anv.-re
1 II. i. u l.i.u., -11 .'lu rl lll-ll Mil Ih M re ri-o ai.-Mi '. lo
ff I.i thoir ciainih in lliia otlme ou or beforu Haul i
nth iay.)f AuKUUt,!'.
K M Bk n vl.N, Hi-glut-1"
tM j 1
ILakeview Mercantile Co. If
Hoys Clothing
Kvi'ry tfnrm.'tit we luw I
inn.1i' In tie' l.sti'H Styles (ruin
l inr l-'alini -tiy KnpiTI Tallori
I'. rd ri iii ('orn'nii tiiui ami n
il.'.i ;ti" I tt to l.'inl tirni " ami
Iti-autv to Hi.- l-'U'iiri'.
Dress Goods
In rn li Hie In t i
vo'iin'i. th" l.e ii'iillti- ami
no -kuni'lni; in tin- tn.'anri'.
1 . our tiran.l N
Ih. .lav o( lir.'S- IioimIk.
i Lakeview Mercantile Co.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, Oregon
OtiWn In Mdnle. Orarltr. Iron
f racing t4 Of rrjl Ssoor work fcT7"
Nasul (Jatarrh ijuiekly yield to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Halm, which ii unreli
ably aromatic. It in received through the
uostriln, cleansen and lienla the whole sur
face over which it dnTun'8 iUolf. lruniitH
Bell the 5)c. size; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it aud you ure uro to coutiuue
u treatment.
To accomuiodnt.) those who aro nartiul
to the ue of ittot.ii.ers in appiyii.K h.pu.u .
into the oaul n-.aes fur eutirrml trtiu-
I'iri, the prupr n pr-pure (.'reaiu balm m
lirptid form, vw.. it ivill I Known ns I.'v'h
Lupiid Cre.iiu Halm. J'nce iiii'luil.ii!' tho
prayinej tul o i.-i 7-"u ent.. l'ni,';;inl.-. ur by
liiiiil. 'l i." I. iiiil form tiibudii's the in.iil
lClUal JjropHrtJeH uf the J r pliriiliKlj.
mi in ii nrit r .
t nil". I i,i'.-- I. ,in, I urti, .
I.rt.!' i, ui- .-"it I im Jl. I'-'j
Noli i- li-r- i, u i ..-n li. ,ii in , 1 1 1 1 -I i ,t ii I-.-
V. Hi, III- .l.,l l-ioll- "I til- rt.'l ot I Ollifr- of
J it :, ;. I-?-. -in 1 1 - ,1 An - tor II,- -nl- of
ti'ji.,,"' Inn I- iii lie- -irti"- ,,f i nlii riii.t Ur
toii. N- oln, iili-l W rt -, 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 l-rillory." ,i
rxl"ll. '1 tort'l lie- !'!. Il- l.illrl .-Irtl-- l, tirl
of i-i I. l-'-lix l . i.r-'-n, i.i l.-i i- .
r. -i :: I . ol K-. -I rt I f U r-i-'o ! I . Iirt- till- ,,i
f i ,-' I 1 , , t 1. 1 -, ' .III - - 1 1 1 - -Weill - 1 ,1 1 -1, 1 -1:1 No l.t,,
I.,, in- , ,r-l of I li,' U ' N i , SHi,
U , o! ..i V... II I'l 'I OAll-ll I - N ,. II .
loiiii.'" No I7I-. V . M mi l will off -r ,r,, .1 lo
no , I ' I ' 111" 1,1 ,1-1 -, - I J "I I 1 - II, oT" ,1 , 1 1 I ,1 lol
II - 1 1 in 1,-r ,,r -ion- I ii.iu for iiu-ri- ,i! mi ,ii pi,
n- 0 1. 1 - s'. n.n-i. In- ,'j, III, I 1,1 -II-1 l, i
i,"f,,r I,,-Il ''i-i-r air! i; r-i.-r ,, i:,i- ,,iti.r
ni I.iik,:Vi.-v . Or ioii. on I II 'i r 1 ,i ' , I,,- l- , ,y
ol Mlt"i-i. !'. li' IIMIII-- ,1- vltn--..,
J, i in-- 1 1 1 in in" A ' I-1 1 ,,i i r i ,i , . 1 1. Mil-.. I
line, rtirl I'. M . ,irr . it!) of l..ik- i-- i i. -l'oii.
An;.iii,.l rtU ,,-r-oii- ' oi i ',i I nu' rt'l-i--'i li,-i
hi,o- 1 1 1 l,i 1 Im-'I- nr- rrj,,r-t-! I., li,. ;
He ir . Irtiin- in Mo-offi--on or l.-i,, i -,ii, I l-t
i.l o! .un-ll r.mj. I.. M. IIKAl l .!N
It, 'i...-r.
Tl II 111-: It l-A. l Mrl l :
l'inlr.1 Slrtlm I il!, i
l.iik-vi. , Ori-Koii M,i IJ. imr.'
r 1 1 1 -- li-r-iiy k i !! Unit in roiiii.iirtiii-r
w il li 1 li" i-riivi-ion-ol tie- h.-i of I iiiiur.i of
J in-.',, ii, -iiiim-'i - An M'-i ior in- mil- ol
tinner Ihii Ii in Hi-IhI.- of ',ilifonii,i. Or.
Ken, N.'VH'la ami WhiIiiiikioii Irrrilorv." ms
ex l-li'l-'l lo h I i tie- I'nljlie I.Hinl Sui.-h liy rtrl
Timber Land Notice.
I iiitnl l-lal'-i. I. aii'l Otfli-c. i.aki-vii'M, nre
Kon. .iiimi i. r.iij. Noiii-i- ii h.-r.-bv iiiv.-ii
tnai in toiii,iiitii' - nn ue ,rovmi.,mi oi tin,
ai l ol t'oiiuniMH ol .nine .., t,i. cntilir.l "All
art lor tin-aaie ot timni-r laiiui in lie-HUli-k
"f alifornia, or.-Kon, .N.-vaila ami Ma-hiiiKioii
'lay, lln-lli ila of Aiiiit, inn-.', lie uaim-nan
il,-my A, lin k, K iik-ii- li. mover
ami Tlioiiiii- I.. Il.m- all of o-irainl-r, tvale
liiKton ami John J t'i-ack ol loir. I.,, Oregon,
miy ami all roim eiaiinliiK ailv.-ri-ly the
above UcwriiH ii lamia are renin nleil to fllu
Ihelr elalniK in llil- ofliee on or l,.-fnri aaiil Kth
Uy ol aukuI. IW'-i. M. Uhattain,
lrt-' Keglnler.
V re
s .
5peaks l:or Itself
It Needs No Prxiise
S have Tmiii I'ur I'.vi'fJ I"!! i
nntl .vim are lnvlleil to rnll nml
inalte a thnt'oujili I iii"i'lton.
X Know We uii lleuMi' Inn
have nu linn I tin- l.nraeMt
nml nMf inn pli'lr HIim'L of
f General Merchandise
K.ver 0M-iifil I i In Tlilx
iniir .
......aa..;, a ...,
S. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Recojfnized oh the
& c
Va.'on and l'ur.'v Harness. Wliips, I.oIioh, Keatas, J
Hits, Spurs, Quirts. Uo.settt-s, Ktc. -o- a- -o-
g Repairing of all kinds, lv
5AA66 A6c 666 666
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and F:urniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
C H. DUNLAP vtt , iH j: iv:
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
All the lateit Books Ice Cream Parlor
Hereford Stock W arm
rm k;4
: ' it ''
Hinples at i'liii' nil price
Unit KoiIiii-k IIvIiik KxiM'iu..,
l.nwi'M TiTiim.
A liaillltiK knli'lilimi'iipt' ill
Katirv Ht y l-n
Shirt Waists
Tin- Very l.l.'l. Adnilri'il fur
Kit Mini Klin lVvlnr.
Unlit tiiFll tin' K.'i't. yet rum
lln!iiK Htyle with llllttfif nl (,.
Wash Goods
Thr i oll. i tioii nf waihalih' K
lirP-x nff.T Irnni our new
mink, KelipM' nfir iTevlnm
I'.ft.irtii that iiii'Miin they an
till' Hi nt In 1 OH II.
Heat Vnuucro Saddle fi
competent men. -a- -o- 1
Drews Valley. Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
15 Registered Yearling Bulls
IOO, 25 and I DO each
LAIDOR AUMO bead of herd'H
1'lW f"
rhlrty'W' '
i..ut W'0
Tin- '
,,1,1 Mt
Lilt H' "