Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 10, 1902, Image 5

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yc . liOiiilM-wr wrm mi arrival
' h WariMT TiH'Hday.
tn tin
i (j lccbc John WcIhIi were
,1)Wiifn' I'nM'y 'Ih
j MniirM', tin1 Add iiicrrhmit,
Hill' I" M("""l-V miniMi-nn IHII.
Hiiiv !r- H1 H tiling by
i i ilitrlnir riif'ji u'tx.L-
,. lllWII.VH tfllVC Wli-iii it iiiiirur.
,,oi Hiinik" try " ' thN r
i iick cigars Ht the I'ostoIicn. They to IIMlHl lf till! 10 CCIlt Cigar" in
I r itcrnanl & Hon arc In It when
, ciiiiH'H l farinliiK linilriiiontH,
))(.rHi mill raii'H. Nit them,
hoy r- reliable
Tiiin Sherlock of Siiniiner Lake ami
,,k tfluTluck of I'lilnlcy, both wool- of Lulu- county, Were biml-
vlHllorn here during the week.
0h vhh, you '" '"id them!"'lmlV " "7 Hi""" i-viir irnKTHin
"Itl'llllOllts" Ht
24 Ilia
tlo, Harrow came down from
u'Alfk'v Tueduy and will take Viva
Lifax to AltnniM. where It Ih ex
CvtHil that a Hale will Im made of
jhinflnc '"iir''-
I Mrs. (leorjre Whorton and two
llillilivn Wi'n' VtXHriiZi'r Mon-
......... t.. Hi,,.,...
wjHV H MOIIWierii nui,r mi niiiiuin.
hey (f 11 1 " mn in
iielr nlil ho""'-
Kleiiunt Htin k of wines fur fiimily iiHe,
ui tlm highest gr"d" "'HHe iimk1m
lnky (or medicinal purposes at l'ont A
iiir.: lK-t'
"Tm' Wimt" mad' a remarkalilere
J.ipH a race borne on the I.nkcvlew
Inuk, hut there are other HprlnterN
iiit iin not to Im overlooked. I,o-
,llHrillllTH. too.
I i)!i' SuiiHtroiu Hold IiIh hand of Jt.l'iH)
g:nvi, thiH week, to M. A. I'hIioh &.
',). uf Iteno. The jrlee wiih probnb
, In ttiT than t'2 for yearllnM and $:!
i,r tin- mixed lioyn.
"Tlif Hwcctest story ever told" un
j?iM wlnlf under the pIciiHant inllu
iiiv i( h Luh I 'oh Naciones cigur. Lee
Jnll Im' them uxclUNivc.y uh m lead
er. "(nl. I'.ud" Currier, who hhiiI the
S.vk In Laki-view, returned to I'ai-
) Tuesday. Tin Colonel uIwii.vm
JliitIh a t ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 h r of frlendH here, and
' lianl 1 lear away.
I Mikh MaMe Prior, HiHter of Mrn.
Suiiili, retiirneil to her home at
.M,irvillr Ian! Monday. Minn Prior
1j..iK until v ailmirei-H in l.akeview
Tlni w ihIi (or her ret urn.
China S.iin, the fuiiioiiH cliff, haw
inl a neat rcHttiuraht lit the .Iih- I hw
-r'l ImiMiii. l ine iiichIh to onirr.
S.V'.TVlliinc in ilie liuti kel. JK-Ii luy
tr.: . I .111 I
i.. itcriier niaiie a lew Mhii-p ur-
f ii.imh III I Ihh wet li HI lahl week. lie
V ' ' ' """ herH from ,Mt IJIIiimieN and
Pin. mi li .in Maloy ami luu lr
'Aiit, i!(ur ( ii'tiilierdelivery.
I It. M.C Ililderliramlt of Cednrville.
-uii Mi l.ulli.. lliiirhkiHN of Lake
I' Minlor urn t , Cal. were mar
l'iliil I lie 1 1 of the lirlde'N Mihter
'!;. r.iMin-ii, on .In in- it,, l :!..
J. Iicwry, Ili-iitiNt, ih here to retuiiiii
"i mdi liiiiti-'tiiiM-. (Mlii'e Hotel Lake-
''H, Kiliiln I1' iiiiluirM All unl-L
V'l'i'illy tlnar, hitiiHiHciion nuarantet'il,
li'"1'-' rt-u a i, It-. . t(
I I In- Klaiiia h Lake railroad rom
i';iy wauiH :uu men to lalior on
ifi'li' work on it h road. There are
tii-ady ;m i,. ,lt work, and Inilhl
i"K "ii thai line in K'iii "ii rajiidly.
f J.uiii-M rtmter, the "old relial.le."
viw ilowu from his Summer Lake
jiiiae Sntitlii.v. He ivporiH the run
I"1"'"! of , i Wif,. Hrt Homewhat 1 1 1 -3l,r,'il,
hut H. h miui very weak.
1 WimilotMik A Sou, lilaekHihilhH unci
ai!"miiak..iH, l.akeview, are well pre-
',7 lo ,l" "II work fa their hint on
! "J,l . will Kiiarautee their
Li" 7 j11"1 "J'il "i liiii ry'w livmy
fibW- lti-lm
1 Mw- W. A. IniKley and Hon Fred
rm''l"wii from I'aUley thin week
P latoliieHH. F,vd returned a few
I'hko from Corvalli. where he
'!u !! atleiidluK colli'K"' tor the
2 l!' ,Jriiiiiaii, the old Hheep ralner of
I "k''c,,'"'l.V, wiih a vlnltr here thin
Swill Utmi'y hllH l,t', troiihled
( I '"tlierhiMuiiatlcH for two yearn,
I j' (" Ui.,1 Httlo relief In lhln cll-
iuii frH" "'lle f ChmuU'rhdu'H
Jl'flW K.' l'ivr TatilftH Ht lkrull'H
fWnt ,luHU"t i' effect ihuu J.ill.
tuiiBtii.... . '"
Ju " HH olUin th i:hhi) with pill.
nul1" uxo, S&c, ,,Mr box.
I "'"I Miain. Audi. ....i .. ....
M "! k!U,,j l,y U,e earn at l'okeK-
...II J,y l-t TJu, Mam. (H(,ory
Vu,."11.1" 1m' t'll about liini yearn
iun.i , VUM 11 bivakinau, ami wiih
A. Hohrii.bacher, reprcHentlnK
the WaMhl,,Ron Llf). inHaraneeconi
pan.V .f New York, Ih doinK 1,hIi.hh
In Lakevlew.
Mr. ami M th. VlrKllflnnnnml tlauRh
tern Vera and Velma, and tho M1hh..h
I raneen and Anna Joiioh, relumed
t' I heir homeH at PaHey Sunday
"fter havliiK Hpent the' week In
The h,.Ht 5 rent ciKr in Lkeviw in
t" Hoek, to Ik. found at Wilcox'B Va
riety Storo. 27
L L. Smith, the rentable Life man,
ImH Ween d,,ln: a r-oo, ImihIiichh in
Lakevlew during the jmnt wei-k.
The town wiih full of liiHiiranee men,
but Smith and hi company do the
riuht tiling.
Have Killer, prominent nheepman,
came in too late for the racen. Hut,
lave don't rare he mcaHiircH IiIh
llK-ona; ,v IhjhIicIh, and Iwih found
that, clone attention to btiHincHH 1a
the proper tlilm.
, When vou wake up with a had tante
in your raouih, k t onco to liaall'H
IriiK Htorn and j;et a fruo sample of
Chain Iwrlain 'h Stoma.:h and Liver Tab
lets. One or two (lom;n will make you
wull. They a I ho cure hilioumieHH, bick
headache and conntipalion.
I'IhIiIdk hciihoii Ih now on and the
HportHinen arc whipping the ntrcaniH
of Lake county, in an effort to entice
the HM-ckled trout to feed upon the
pretty fly. In the next nix w'kn the
Hport will 1m good.
State land Ih advanced In price.
Ten da.VH ago the State Land Hoard
Mold LM) acren of tlmlM-r land, Hit uated
went of KoHfliurg, DoiiglaH county,
at ?7.70 jer iwre. The price prevail
ing heretofore wiih $1.2.1 per acre.
Jackaon Square itt one of the famouH
lM:alitit'H of New York. The "JackMon
Square" in Iikeview in one of the fam
uim nickel una mild exclunively by Aid
mroiii HroH. TImh rirm also Iiuh exclu
Hive Hale of the IraKraat "ItiHtructora ;"
alno carrit-H the ever fumoiiH iinlmont. 3m
Win. Harvey, preHldent of t he Lake
County Telephone and Telegraph.
Company, wiih here thiH week ar
ranging thenervlee on the local line.
Nearly every btiHincHH hotine, and a
numlier of reHiilencen will havcphoncri
put in.
McNatighton'M Ktage liorHen jianned
through here during the week, en-
1 route to .Modoc county, w here they
I will go into Mcrvicc on the McXnugh
' ton Mtar route contract from Hid well
to Madeleiie. The stock and wagon
are II rnt -cIiihh.
The I'alace (( ieoriie & Felit'n place) ih
iK'ttoiiiing the Mianki-rH' emKirium. The
excelloal tnaiulM ol ciyurH rui ned there
are the " iielmmit," the "Uoberl Mau
! lei'," and a new i:it'ar unule (or the ex-
cIiihivi- trade of the Palace, the '"Key
Went IJuurielt." Tiiin ih an extra tine
' article. - I :in
l-h and Will llollu-ook, two en
tei'iriHiug young men of Lake coun
ty, will take charge of a band of
nheep iit-Nt October. Thi-Hc Imi.vk
tlewrx e hiicci'mh, and The Kxaininer
! predicts Ih.'il they will hooii beproin-
i IK-Ii t woolgrowern.
,1. Mitchell llllies. director of the
Lake County Agricultural Associa
tion, spent I lie Week of sport ill the
judges stand. Mr. I lines has not lost
any of his popularity as an honest
and Miiiare man in racing events.
Jim Is always right and lie wouldn't
lie ol herw ise.
deoiue and Pent of the Palace have
the liiu-Ht utadt-H ol litpioin, li igh claws
beer and the popular bruiulH ot ciuaiw.
llt-Hiilt-H they have in their read inn roem
all the lutcHt lie wspapoi'H and per unheals,
and in their club room excellent mimic
and the latent KaleideHi-ope moving pic
tureH. lirop into the Piilact- when you
me in town and you will be enter
tamed. ' ltill
You can cure the pains in your feet
and not cause a pain in your purse
by buying your shoes at the Ked
Shoe Store. Charlie tiravcH still
owns the exclusive shoe house in
Lakevlew, and IiIh prices are right
right and no more. That's all lie
wautn. Wait for his new stock.
.lesMi' D. Spray, a pioneer citizen of
Modoc county, ami a man well
known and much respected in Lake
view, died at Allurim last week, af
Uir an operation for bladder trouble.
Many are the old frlendH who will
remember .lesne Spray as one of the
best men In the country.
Presiding Klder 1. T. Sumniervllle
arrived here Wednesday accom
panied by Miss Hose Fielder of Metl
ford, on their way l Paisley, where
Lev. Suinmerville will hold quarterly
conference. Miss IVI ier will visit
during the Huuinier w,ih the family
of JL C. I'lemlng at N. w PineCrei-k.
Heall Will Kuy It Hack.
v ..o. m, risk uhtai VOU bllV
Uhamlieihiia'H Colic, Cholera Hud Diar
i , ,,.i- li... nil iti refund vour
Hie nut uimiiiu.i -.... -
money if you are not aatiHlied after uh ng
it. It ih every w nere auiinnc" ...
u....., ltd v in UHti lor bowel
1 1 Hint PHWinntui j
coinplaints and th only one that never
.. . . .... ...f.. ...,.l
Irvln Ayres.
Recommend edby the Government
Manufactured by
Ayreb, Wiitworth
Ilev. JeHHe Kirk, the official repre
sentative of the Klamath IndianH, on
the reservation, has returned to hlH
dutlen after a nlx-monthH absence in
WHshirigton, -where he talked much
with the great pale-face (the presi
dent ) about the rights and privileges
of bin charge.
Pent Smith, the "old stage driver,"
and a whip that few have the best
of, drove the nouthbound stage out
to Alturas last Monday. Fent wan
worked In because drivers were
scarce. About thirty -wven girls
wanted to go to Alturan that morn
ing, but the stage would only accom
modate sixteen. Kent retured safely
Tuesday evening.
The Washington Life is noted for
Btrenghth and earning capacity, econo
my and ability of ninnagement. lion.
Levi P. Morton, Lx. Vice President, is
at the head of its able drectorate.
policy of the Wahinton Life IB liberal
and accommodating.
We neglected last week to mention
the beautiful window display by
Ahlstroiu Bros, of the Monogram,
but we presume no visitor overlooked
it, as it was the "admired of all ad
mirers." It still holds good and all
of our townspeople who are interest
ed in art should not fail to see the't
Monogram window.
.1 i in Handley ran across a bear the
ot her evening in the Masonic wood
shed. Jim started after his gun, but
before he got back to the scene he
discovered that bruin belonged to the
circus next door. Explanations be
tween Jim and the bear werecordial,
and just because the animal growled
a bit, Jim changed his clothes and
went to the circus.
Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea.
"About nix years ago for the first time
in my life 1 had a midden and severe
attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice
Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "1 not tem
porary relief, but it came back again,
and auaiu, and for six Ioiik years 1 have
suffered more misery and agony than 1
can tell. It was worse thau death. My
husband spent hundreds of dollars for
physicians' prescriptions and treatment
without avail. Finally we moved to
Jiohipie county, our present home, and
one day 1 happened to see an advertise
ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy w it h a testimon
ial of a man who had been cured by it.
The case was so simMar to my own that
I concluded to try the remedy. The re
sult was wonderful. 1 could hardly
realize that I was well again, or believe
it could be so after having suffered so
long, but that one bottle of Medicine,
costing but a few cents, cured me."
For sale by Bead's Drug Store.
Notice to Sheepmen.
The Stock meu of the south side of
Sprague river, Horse Fly valley, Dry
Prarie and Langclls valley, have formed
a Slock Committee, and w ill not allow
auv sheep from the county line on the
south side of Sprague river to the reser
vation. We, the stock men of Klamath
Co., have in vested all we have in stock
and laud and without the range we can
not, live.
W want no trouble, but it has come
to the point where we must protect our
range or starve.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
By order stockmen,
lily, Klamath Co., Ore.
H. C. Whltworth.
Cure the Scab
your Sheep with the famous
LI:E BEALL, Proprietor
We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Fancy
Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
1 r
Now located
in the
J. E. Bernard &
x -V. BIG XiIZuZj OF
Hardware, Stoves,
And Tinware
Lakevlew, Oregon, July 10, 1902
Dear Friends:
We have been so busy the last
two weeks that we havn't had time to wr i te. you ,
nevertheless we will try and supply your
wants. We have had over 47,000 lbs of
freight arrive in the last two weeks and more
coming. We expect to hear of the shipment
of our Wagons and Buggies at any time.
Would invite you to call and see them when
they arrive. we have thirty Cook Stoves end
ranges in this lot of freight. We can fur
nish you Stoves ranging in price from $13.50
to $75.00. Call and see us.
Keep, yours,
Geo. H. Ayre.
& Ayees
South of the
Daly Bldg.
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
Mnealum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
AND RANjQES. . . .
Over 1 00,000 In use.
Farm Implements,
Wagons and Vehicles. .
failM. Jt in 'ieaani, omc