Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 12, 1902, Image 7

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Mm, Hhlrk In linto (rum f U-im a via
it with lirr liualiatitl W. It. Kliirg, I In.
lmicl Hlfl'lll.
M. Iuiiraii i Cnnliy, Mo.Iim'. mini
, ty, lias i'iriliHKC(l MO lit'Hcl of Hun in a r en
(rum Wlnrliwili'r Mini Wncll, TuU' I.rikii.
Fur l'iliiiiiiie ukm CIihimIhiImIii'h
Stiitmirli A Liver Tnl'li'lH. 'I licy clcansr
I lit iiiiiiiirli Kti'l rigulHto I In liver nnil
IxiwcU. I'IIitI iii" a ijutrk hihI x r iiiKiiciil
'iiri I it ealii ly !, Ii-gll, ilrtlKglal.
(ii-nrm- II. lUvli v. tin- l h k in h li Mini
Imrat'linycr til l.ikrl), in arranging to
Im'uIii work on lil iinlliiiflifl ri'iTvolr
near Miuli'linc, m li ii'ti , mlicn ruiiiili'ti(l,
III water many tlioiifNiiilN of acrra of
Iii IiIk ranrli. It ill Imi I lie largest rua
rrvolr in California, covering mi ara of
over 1H,(KHI gercs.
Mrt. Mnry H, Truiiilxi ilii'd on llist &1
lint, lit lirr ftoniH in Alturaa, Cal. IV
uaaexl was agwl iU) yrarg ami had ln
an invaliil for a long timet. Mi had
arrived fron, Houllicrii California only a
fuw day lliir ln-r ili-alli. Mm. Trutn
Ihi aa a Illicitly ratifim! woman, and
many warm friend are in derp aorruw
over lirr Klin wan llm mot her of
'liar Hr Truth bo, of llm ZX ranch.
Take .aiatlv Hromo liuliilne Tablcta All
i.riigglat return! tlir nimn) II n falla in i n
w . (trove's algliettiie la on each lx. V
. K.
Seven Veara In Bed.
"Will woioli-m vwr n-nae?" iiinuirn
d llu' frii-nd of Mr. I.. IVaep, of Ijiw
ri'lii'i', Kan. l in y if alio liptl lawn
unalilu to leave lirr U-d in arven year
on aiTiiiinl ol k il !- ami Iivit trundle,
nervous iroi-iiMlioii and general
lulily ; lull, "Tliri'i Ixitllce of Kicctnc
Hitlers rnaliltnl tux li walk." elm
writm, "ami in three iiinnllia I felt like
a in' iM-rmiti." W iiiiiiMi "tillering from
lli'Hilio In', Ititikiii'lio, Nervousness
Mfi'ili'nrH. Mi-lniii'lnilv, Kmi.litig and
inr.xv rprim mil umi n a pm-cli'M
lileeaiiig. Trv it. Satisfaction in guar
nntiH'.l. Only Utr.
Horn Hy
Township laut
III (!
(ravel Huada.
I'rol.nlily Itny townatilp, In Macomb
count) , Mlrli., Iina the Im-hi gravel
rom I of any tow iimIiI In Hint atale.
any II. H. Knrle In IommI Itoinla Mhhh
slmv Tlila U tin ri-aull of tin i-ITorla
of till It. .mi-Joy, Ini la miicIi a atronu
iilvociiir of kimkI ronda Hint he wouliln'l
t cnnti'iiiiMl until the liluliwuya were
, lint I liey aliould Ih'.
Mr livejny ire ulleil llKin llie Uinrd
In Ini) li irrilM'l pit; tlii'li lie lirKfd ev-i-ry
fiirtner to luuil a liuul of snivel
Inline every lllne lie iiKei Hie pit mill
'it It on the ion 1 1 III front of hla own
line I'l'tflin. llie furilierM Ml W WllHl
III In '., enient snivel Ih over llie III!
mini f-i 1 .1 1 i- I In i li. noi'iiolll I'll rlli. The
I" 'ii I I li en I'Ul, lutM'il tun Inore lta In
I . I i i i I pnils ,,f die 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 i i nnil. lit
Hie Mu'i.'oMlnii of Mr. l.neJo)'. ofTered
(I II i!.iv In r.iriiiili. with 1 1 ji M ih to till III
j.-1'ivi'i In the winter mid flint' It on
one ile of Hie I'iukI one winter mid on
Hie iii lu l nlile the next.
The Dim winter die fiiriiiera turned
out hii-iitik'. nnd llie town Inul to ui)
for 2.iiH daya' work, which wua a ln
Kin-li yeiir fur aevernl yenra the town
ahlp Iiiih iiuide mi iipirnpriiitloii of from
fl.tHNi i, JI.sihi, mid today prnetleully
all of the ruiiila of the lownwlilp are
ThU In n chenp hut n auro wny to get
lietter lilKhii)M. not. of counte, -jual
to lliose Ncleiitlllcally liullt liy the ua
of mini mni'lilnea, lint n lil Improve
ment ovit acrnpliiK llie diiHt and mud
from the dltcuca Into the roadway ev
ery year.
Read It In Hi Newspaper.
UenrK Kchaiib, a well known German
citixeu of New lhanon, Ohio, ia a con
atant reader of the Dayton Volkaieitung.
lie know that thin paper aima toadver
tiae only the html in Sta column, and
when tie Haw Chamberlain's Tain Balm
ftdvertliKHi therein lor lame back, he did
not herniate in buying a bottle of it (or
hit wife, who (or eight weeks had suffer
ed with the moat terrible paina in her
back and could K"t no relief. He eavat
"After tiling the Pain Balm (or a lew
days my wile said to me. 'I (eel aa
though bora snew,' and before using the
entire contents ol the Ixittle the unlear
able pains had entirely vanished and she
could again lake up her household du
ties." He is very thankful and hopes
that all suffering likewise will hear of
her wonderful recovery. This valuable
liniment is (or sale by Leo lieall, Drug
Timber Ijiiid Noilr
(Inlttid HlaU IjiiiiI Oflli'i. l.akevlrw, Ori'Kil
May "irt, IVO'i- Nulhiu la hrri'liy glvt'U that In
)'miiiliaiii'tt with tliii i.ruvlaliiiia nf Out ai'l
nf I uiiKri'Hanf Julia ;, 1N7, i-iiIIUkiI "An art fur
tint lulu of lllnlii r laniUlii lint Htiili'auf ( allliir
lila, Ori'Knn, Nt'viula uml WaHhliiKinn Tt'rrl
lury," aa rU'li.ltnl In all thn I'lihllit Ijnt.t
HIatfaliy ant of Aiinnat i, lWfJ, Myra K. Tmlil.
ul I'urllaml, Cull nly nf Mulluuiiiah, Htatit (nr
'li'rrlluryi ol tiri Kun, Iiaa thla ilny ftlnil In llila
nllli'i- Inr aw.trn alali'itn-til Nn. 4mi, lur tin' pur
rliaa.'iil llm hh1, ul Him iIiui No, 111 In Tom n
ahli Nu IHiH, HaiiKi' Nn. hi 11 W M.aiul will offnr
tcii if lualiuw lliat llm liilnl auiiKhl la inurtf val
uahln fur lla tliuhi-r nr alniiti than aifrlrul
tmal iniruimiia, anil lu .ai ahllali lu r tilaiin tu
aalil IhiiiI linfuru llm Ht lptt. r ami Km'lvur nf
tlila iiftii'o al I.Hki'vli'W, liri,nii,on Krlilay, thn
Hlli day of A uifuat, iwrj' Hhe iihiiiim aa Umii
lit: William II. Hlii'liluli, nf Caalln Knck, wrhIi
liiKton, wllllaiu Hinini'll, of Vani'ouvur, wash
Inaron, Kohurt II. tlllvar, ul I'urllaml Ori'ijnn,
Hti.lla a Oliver, of fortlaud, OrK". Any and all
H'rauiia (ilalinlas tlvtwi.,v41t-aliove dlacrlboil
lamia arareuuxali d to Mlu tlivlr vlalina In tills
o.7i,,v4iOf 1cfuivaaiiihlU ilay oi A usual, lavs.
X. M. BKATTAIN, Kf latur 1
ANt'CcuilJc IVepnrAlionror As
slmil.Hinfi lite l-otxl niitllJcffuIa -ling
(lie Sloinnctts oiklLkmis of
nisuu'i IVsl.CoiU.tins ncillrr
()iitimi.Moiptiini norMiitrral.
Not Naucotic.
SU .(..-IH
t.f, iJn -
Jit m " irV (gft
' '.
(It. ' 1liV
Ap".fcfl iii'r.ii'ilv for (rn'",lipi
Unit, SotiC Munu'uJt.Pi.'iifiim'ii
bri;w,l t uu. ums.lowrisli
ni'sa (mi! I.uas of Sl.KKr.
FacSini'tc Snjn'turf of
t' ii It-'l Miau-a I jnl I imrc.
Ijikrrlrw, Or. i(,in. Mi; VI. V'l.
N'litiro U herclijr glvt-n that In roitiiltaiicf
with tin priivialiina til Hi art nl TmiKri-aa of '
Ju iif S. 17 i-iiilil. il "An set (nr Ihp aaln of
1 1 m In-r lamia Hi llm Hlm.'a ol rallfnriila, Orw '
Sim, Nraila ami WanliliiKtnn Tt-rrllor jr." aa
i ll.'li.l, 1 lu all llm I'lilil'o IjiiiiI Mati'a ,y I hi'
ai l nf AuKiial 4, IMU, Amlrrw H. ionlieliii, of
Hlr. oniinijr nl Klatnalh. Hialx of Ori'xmi. Iiaa
llilailay Itliil In llilanrtli'i' hlaaworn alati'iiii'iK
No. sai. Inr the puri-haa., nf Ihe K' HK',. N W 1 4
HK1.. hK'. N K'4 nl hrrlluti Nil Villi Tnwnahli
No. in h, Rangr No. II K M M. ami i.ff.-r ;
pr.Mil l.i ahnw that llir laiel aiiiiKlit la mnru ;
valualili' Inr lla tltiilM-r or alnne than fur aitrl-.
rtiliural mrrwia'. anil In eaialillali hlai'lalm In
alii laml lirlnrr Ih" K' Klan r ami Kji'i lv- r ol
till- ..n'ri' at I jiki-viio . iiri'iriiii, on Krnlay. th?
Iilh ilav nl July. I'lrj. Hi nalili-a aa wtllii'MM-a:
William II. I aaetii-r. 't"l ra ii. liar
rl iiiiiii ami Aii'ln w (.. akki'ii all of lll',
wri-iO'ii. Any ami all iHTMina t-laltiiinK ailvi-r-a.-ly
t It.- ilmw ili'm ritM-'l laml aro reiim.!,',! In
llli iln lr i In i mo In llil nlllri' on nr l (urc '
aal,l lull itny ul Jul)', I
Mi) I i Im K. M. UK VITAIN. Ri !ll. r
I'iill.', .--inn a I.niiiI nitli-i.
I.ak.-n. rt, iiri'iimi. May In, l'ij
Null. la I,' r. ,v luli dial In i-iiiii I lnni'
rt It Ii I In- .fin l.lntia nl llu arl of t'liltr'i. lif
Jiltli' .1. IhTH, ,1,1111, . I "All art Inr the aale ul
lliet'i r lamta III ih,- stall', ul rallfnrniH, ore
Kim. Ni' nin. ami VVa-tiltitttun Ti'rrliury," aa
cxii'iiil' il l,i all llu' I'nliiie I. mi l ritaii'iliy the
arli. I Allk'llal 4. I-'J, I lion. an H. Ilamlli y, 1,1
l.akcvli'vv, i-niiiily nl ltke. Mali' nf
tiri-Kiin, Iiaa Una ilay lllril In llila eltiii' ti la
Muiirn aiaii'iiii'iit Nn. :ill. Inr lh inirchaae of
the W i-K'.. HW SK',. hK4 N', nl Hit
Hun Nn. '' In Tim hp. It 1 1 No. : S. Kanxe Nn. IH
KWkl.aml Kill ufl. r prmif In aluiw that llm.
lam! aouxlil la imiro valuahln fnr lla tlmlii-r or .
aUiiie than Inr aurli'iiltural iiurniat'a ami tu i a :
lahllah Ina i laliii In aal.l lam In fnru Ihe K.'Kia- I
ter ami K.'.-ivit of una nftVo at Lakeview,
ir, nun, unl in ailav. the full day of Annus!, .
1 'rJ. lie iiaiuea aa wttm-aaca: William A.i
llalilre, William iMi'iiili in'ii, Julin K. hnl l. r
ami Maniii l J. Har., all nf Ijikevlew, tin
(nil. Any ami all iii-ranna elalinms ailverwly
the alMive-ili'MiTllii'tl lamia are riiiit-at'il tu tile
lli.'ir . laliiia In Una otlHM' on ur hufuru aald .'nil
ilav nf AiiKiml, l'ii. ... K. M. IIKATTAIN, hVglater.
Unlttiil Htali'a Uml (im.'.i
I-akr. low, Ori'itan May U, r
Notice la Iuti Iiv vlvan that In cuiiiiillani-e
Willi Ilia iiruvlalnna of lh act of t'onarraa of
Jinn-, la?a, i.niltlid "An aut fur the aalr of
timber lamia In t tin aHatti of California, Ore
Kim. Nevada atlil Waatilnirton Territory." aa
vitpniled tu all the I'uhllo lnd Htau by the
art of Ausuat 4, Imiu. Andrew U. Lakkt n.ol Hl.
county of Klamath, 8taie of Ore-
sou, naa tnia (lay mud in thla nmce bla iwnrn
lau'tnent No . Ill, for the purotiaee of the 8WW
H1,, I, W4 NWIieVaj. Hand BK'NKti of
MtH'tlnn No. II In Towntblp No. 8,1 S., hanne No.
14 K WM, and will offer proof to how that the
land aouaht ll more valuable for lla timber or
atone than for agricultural purpoica, and to ea
tabllab bis claim to laid land before the Ki- la
tor and Hwalver of thla oOlue at Ikevlew, Ore-
ob, oa TrWay, tba Imk day ol July, IW3. . He
tiainra at wltueaaea: Andrew B. Tlialielm.
Haaiaoa A. Ftdnraen, William H.Caaebeer and
ilarrltOmil all of Hly, OreaoQ. Any and all
peraoai olalmi ns ad verael y the abovavdeecrl bed
lands are requested to Die their claims In this
oBloe on or belore aafd ltb day of July 1902.
May U-IS-1M JC. M. UKATTAIN, Regiater.
tlvtlv tvty
Is rapidly forging ahead and
E. B. Follett, the Merchant
is trotting along at the head
of the procession.
Has already been received and more
new goods are arriving at our store
nil tho time
among: other things
v We have everything desirous in the
drocery Line. A special line of dents
Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of
Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch
for our Dry (loods Display.
i, i
fa9 gglV tVaVkVLVIlV
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
(111 II u
Hi) till
tmc frTun eennvt. wtw voma citv.
I leer sold Wholesale- Retail
Delivered any place in Town
J. IV. Maxwell
A trill for
Ton of tho Best
high grade and
standard makes
of Pianos
S240.00 and up
Organs SSO up
Horseshoeing A Specialty
of On anil, for tin- oimly of l.akif.
, II K H I Al K Of OIIKIiON, I'lallitlffl
va. (Htl'KK
. TO
0. V.. f, aa Adinlnlatratnr of I AI'I KA K
ll.c KaiaU' of Hriijani III arin-r. In- f A Ml
1'i-a.i-d. I. N. (iiiv. ra.-. and all n-r- HIIOW
anna rlaluiliiK In li- the Hi-lrs of I Al K
H. -nJaiiilii Marm r, ln-raa-d, I
IM-Ii'ii'laiitn. I
i In- ataii' of Kr.'Kiiti. a I'lalnurf, l,v A. K.
Kiam- a, Mairii't Atiornev for lln- Kirat Ju
dn inl IM'trli I ol iir. Mim, and I. K. onn. aa
a'lal I oulia, I for lln" HtaKf of Oregon, by
,'nv-and iili. r tin illri-t llnii of Hon. T. 'I.
lKKK,aa (,'iM-rnor of aald alal.', did, on the
nth day ol May, A U. I'Mt, :niy II,. an I -FOHMATION
iu-iiIiik Inrth In auhalann-;
Thai nn- HKNJAMIN WAkNKK, In Lake
utility, Ori'Knn, on onobur ath, fasi, dii-d In
t.atalr wlihoiil h aving any widow, hi-lra or
ni I nl kin, and leaving real and personal
irun-rly tin rein of the apirahw-d and aiigre
gala value of IU.Z44 7A; that thereafter am It
rrnceediiiga were rrgularlly bad In the runny
nurt of anld ke l oonly, Orrgon. that the
aiioe-iiaiiied . K. harltfin waa apmlut-d
and every almte has been and now lathe duly
quail fled and acting Administrator Jnf the Ka
late of aaid HenjamTu Warner, deceased; that
Ihe above-named I. H. ooverae lain Mtaaeaa
Ino ol ro arres of Ih really herelnalter e'e
Sfribed, and Is claiming to bold the same un
der an alleged h-ae claimed to bave been
made by aaid Mcnjamta Warner during his
lifetime that tbe aald O K. Charlton, aa such
Administrator, la In the poaaeaa.oa of all tbe
personal prnperly belonging to aaid fcateu--that
the aald personal property lelt by aald
Hca)amlo Warner, dweaaed, at tbe time of bis
death, and wnk'h has Dot been applied upon
the debts n il by said decedent, or upon the
expiuaesnf administration of bla eatate, tbe
rame now being In Ihe possession of said O. K.
i bariion, aa such AdmltilatraUir. Is aa follows,
Icewli: One io.ik stove. I eartbeo Jar, 1
atlmaon aell-rompuilng tv-ales, 7 nrom-
1. aury notes agan'gaiing the sum of tnM.lS
principal, Uigeiher wlu accroMl Interest, and
l ash in Ihe hands of saii Administrator, In
the auin of tfMit 4; that at the lime of bis
il -aih said hviijsmiu Warner waa tue owner of
Ihe following d. M-rlotd real property, situ
ated lu l-Ke t on nly, Oregon, Uewil: om
nieiiclns Wt feel K. and ISO le.1 N.ol th B. V .
corner of lt 4. In H 19, T. 41. H. R. JI K. of
W . M.. and running thence 71 feet N.; thence
Vt feel Inches fc. ; theme 71 feet H.; thence
IV2 I. i t and Inches W. tu p ace of b glnnllig:
the aald realty tx-lng of the value ol frxi.iO ami
now In the pnaaeaaion of said O. K. I.liarltim as Ailntiiilairauir; alao the North half nl Ihe
K. h. ' nl N-c. 1.1. T, 4t, H. R.'A) .. ol W. M.,
conaiatingof SO acres, valued al VMXt. and
being how In the almi of the dclen. taut
I. S.i iiitvcr" as herdnbeiore alleged ; that on
May ytli. l'Jl. tji,n Ihe a, ui A. t.
I'.i ann a, the ''l.tri.-l Atiurney of tin- First Ju
dlcialliiatncl nl oregoli, T. T. liEKK, Ihen
i.iivi rnnr nl said Kt ale, directed the aaid ld
irn t Atinrn. y to rtl- an INFORMATION on ;
hall ul the .Mull' ul i r, gun, and in llu' ,i.-ii.i'
id said aiale In the circuit court of Lake
county, Op-gun, for tbe recovery of all of said
prnperly heri'lnljelore menlioned; that mi or
all- ul said time the said Governor of said
Mate a.Kiint'd I.. K. Conn aa apt-cial counsel
for the atate ol Or, eon to appear In aaid cauae;
I bat by rt-amn ol the foregoing fact all of the
prierty on-minned herein has encneated to
ihe Mate ul iiregun, and la tbe properly of tbe
plaintiff, and plaintiff la entitled to a Judg
ment therefor, and tbe state ol Oregon has Ibe
right by law to auch estate; that the sum of
one thousand dollar, ia a reaannable sum to be
allowed such i clal counsel lor his services as
additional counsel fat-rein, to be paid out of
ihe procveda arising from this proceeding:
and demanding that a summons Issue to said
ll. K Charllnn, as such AdininUtrator. and to
I. N.Cunverite, the defendants hi r. ln. and lo
each of them, r. quirlng them to appear and
answer the aaid I.Nr'OKM ATlO.V within ten
days from the dste of service of aaid summoiia
iiimiu them if served within Lake otiiuy. (ire
gun, and within 'Ju days If served within any
other I'ouiit) of the Mate of Oregon, and re
quiring all persons claiming u be the heirs
ul said Henjaiiiln W arner, deceased, or claim
ing any interest in anv of said proierty, to no
a.M-ar and ai.aucr asid INFORMATION
u it li Ui said tititv; and that the t ourt
make an ord.T s. ning fnrlh brieflly the eou
t.'iilaoi the -ni. I N Koll M ATlt N, and 'her.-iu
ri-.iiirliig all i-i raona inleri-Hted in said esiale
lo appear ami Mum e hum: If any Un-r may
I have, iUiiii mii li time as the I ourt mar tlx,
I hy the ttlle to all nf said property slinuld
I inn mi iii tu,; Mate nl .rcK'on, and r.-niiiriiig
aaj.l or i. r I.. 1" l.iilnlsli. d tlx "oinw-cutivc
v..-. a iri.-u ll.' o'ii.' Uu-r.'oi in such neivspi
1'i-r ti.i ii! ii-ii, .1 uiMiiii r-Mi.l oiitiiv. as mar I
dc. IK tiai. d by aald i nurt, and that plaintiff
iiave,'iii.'iii Hiiitiuat llie defemlauis and
rat h ui th. nn ami ni:H,iiai all othera claiming
any inter. 'al in any of the proH-rty describetl
herein. In the effect thai the plaintiff ia the
owner ul all the proia-rty hcrelu descrilR-d. am)
that the Mate of Oregon is aeiied of the hnle
thereof, and that plaintiff have such olher and
further relief aa may be deemed just aud
cuuitahle in the iiremiites:
And the Court having fully considered the
fureguiug and being fully advised lu the prem
ise" ;
IT is THKKEmaa orhkritd that all persons
inieresieu ui tue r-atate ol saia Benjamin war
ner, deceased, eitlie.' as Heirs or otherwise, be,
aud they each are hereby required to appear
herein and allow cause, if any they bave, on
or belore tbe U'h day of July, 19o2, w hy the
title to all of the property hereinbefore des
cribed should not vest in tbe Statu of Oregon;
and il ia further ordered that this Order be
published fur six consecutive weeka from tbe
date hereof and mil less than one lime each of
said necks ill Ihe I-AKE t'ot'NTT LXAMINKH,
which the Court hereby Buds to be a newspaper
of geueral circulation, published weekfy al
l.akc view, in l.akc I ounty. Oregon ana thai Ihe
first publication hereof be made iu the Issue of
said newspaper of Maylftth, 1WU and the last In
the issue of July 10th, 1902, thereof. And If you
fail so to appear or ahow cause, plaintiff will
take judgement against you and each of you for
u ioi
the reiiei uenianue.i in saia inioruiation
ed this Wth day of May. ltt.
Done In open Court lo Lakevlew. Lake Coun
ty, Oregon, Ibis mh day of May,
Haaar L. Bauson,
Judge of tbe Circuit Court ot Oregon, for the
County of Lake. 4 2 21 7 t
United States I.and Office at Lakevlew, Ore
May 6 1901. Notice ia herebv given tbat tbe
following named aettler has Bled notice of big
Intention to make final proof la aupport of his
tlaim, and tbat said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at Lakevlew, Oregon
on June U, 112, vis: James C. Huff, H. K., No.
JU6S for the HWU, NEU HWW. NW-i SEW
Hee. 28. T. U, S. K 20 B., W. M. He names tbe
following witnesses to prove hi continuous
residence upon and cultivation of aaid laud,
via: A. N. Stanley, Samuel J. Prose, Daniel
W. Prose and James w. Harvey ail oi Lake
view. Oregon.
ma-ii a. m. BKAH ti.i, Register.
nAL, rsoor.
Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon, I
May 1, 1MH. (
Notice la herebv given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of hia lntamlon
to make final proof in aupport of his claim,
aud that said proof w ill be made before O.
H. Wardwell, V. 8. Commissioner at Silver
Ike, Oregon, on June 27, lvuri, vis: Thomas 0. K No. aul, for the SK KWW,
Ixits 2, 3 and 4. See. It), T. SO 8. K. 17 E., WM.
llu names the following witnesses tu prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: Jack I'artiu, Cliff Smith, Har
ry Ahlrldge, &vd U. Harris, all of Summer Lake,
K. M. Biattain, Keglster.
tix.41. moor.
t'nited States Land Oltloe at Ukevlew, Ore
gon, aprll 'Jw, luo-J. Notice la hereby given
thai Ihe fulluwlng-iiamed settler has filed no
tice of hla intention tu make final proof lit
aupport of bis claim, and thai said proof will be
made uviure tue rtcgister anu neceiver at
Lakevlew, Oregon, on May 31, 1H02, via:
Oliver W. Jacobs II. K. No. I vt, for tbe BW;
NWti. N4 SWi;, SK'. SV41 Hee. 4, T. So, 8. K.
2n K, V. M. llu nsniea the following witnesses
to prove bis coiiitiiaoiu residence upon and
oiilllvatlou of said laud, vis: William Dal
gleish, of Adel, Oregon, D. L. Koskett. ol War
ner Lake, Orugju, A. L. PrL J.u.
Clarkaoii of Lakevlew, Oregon.
17-ot A. H. OKATTAJN, Keciater.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor.
leaves littkevicvT nt t a. in.
fv-ry day but Sunday.
iVtumiiiK, Ji-five I'Hifley
at 6 :;0 a. m every dny but
PasMngrrs' arc I j. Round trip
Off ICE-Reynolds k Wlngfleld's, Lakevlr-w.
roe any one killing or ftsal-
Ing sloes belonging to tils
South Eastern Oregon
Stock Association
Will lie given fnr the arrest sad eonvkitloa of any par
son or parsons stealing any stock be lording
to BMtnbsrs of this Association.
J, H. INNES, President.
Mrs Aviragncteti-
Parlor on Main Jtreet, Juat north of
Fleld'g Merchandise Store.
Prices Mode-rate and Satisfaction Guar
anteed. Give me a call.
General Merchandise,
First-Class Hotel,
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon
visit DR. JORDAN'S cntarl
kuseum of mmn
f Imim alsik aa4 BanaikJ
Tha Uryrat Aaalamloal Vrsvsass
(fnan awraiiWaai n IS CUy. A
aaSamn, eraayeoatraet.
ed dlsraaa.MalilToly esirea by I
tbe elda
ism Bpaeuuisi uo we ri
JEatabaaaad M yaara.
Tbb aaesi aad sbI)Is) 1
ga mm mm wSa are suffrla ,
fruny ttia aotaeta ml yoatblal radsa- I
rettaaa a iicam In asarsr
' ysara. ITsrvuoa aad pkvalaai OoMIISy, l.
, p9tmj, g.sS Maakaag laall lueoaaa
I liana; Sacraaalairbaa. Wrmmtmim
raa,asaarraaa, icl, rrsa
Isflirlsailag, sia, My a aassalili
tta ml i
reniKlMss, great earattes yeier, (bsDe
hu aa armagad kta iraatastrit tbat fT will
aaly atsrd ToaaMdlaMi nlirl. mat aersaai
aal ,
ant I
i aura. The Daatvr doea mm alalia la aortenB
ssrawaa. vas IB "W strnwa e a lav aa
suae rayaierat
a aad sWrgaan. ara-aaalaaait
I La bla sMolalty Bit Iharaaaglllr rdltsl traa
tka ayasaa wuaaul Ue uaa af Mairear.
Trwiass liasd mf aa Kivarl KaalMssI 1
re tar HsipSair. A. a ale aad rallitif ,
mfwllss, riaaar and rltalaa, b I
Ja. jiraaai aaatas gaaiiaaa awa.
TUT aely4aaawiu
aar Siaal isl ilmal hlseaniaialnt,
M aMtt laaausl a tsMhTrrrW C
0aauiiatlai jjtltjt M eartetly git'aaa.
T 1 asiaaaally m mf letiar.
AgtaalAsSaX. af aiua f aaaa, iAT
CaUa wstta
M. tt0AU M.. 111 MavMti.t.s
United Statea Land Office.
Lakevlew, Oregon, May 1. 1802.
Notice la tinrrtbv alTan . that In comDllanea
with the crovlaKina of the act of Consrresa of
JuneS, 1878. entitled "An act for the gale ol
timper lands In the states of L'alllornla, Ore
gon. Nevada, aud Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public Land States by tbe
act of August 4, 1892. Samaoa A. Pederaen, ot
Biy, county oi aiauiatn, mate oi Oregon, naa
this day filed in this office bia sworn statement
No. S45, fer the purchase of the KW N WW See.
No. 6 in Township no. 86 8.. Range No. 14 It.
WM: NK!4. NK4 NWti of Section No. 1 in
Township No. S88. Range No. 14 K. WM and
wilt oner prooi to snow luai toe tana sougni is
more valuable for ita timber fr stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim to aaid laud before the Regis'.er and Ke
ceiver of Ihis oltloe at l-akeview, Oregon, oa
Friday, the 18th day of July, 1WU. He namea
as witnesses: William 11. t'aaebeer, Andrew
B. Toiineim. Harris Omit. Andrew CI. Lakken.
all of HIv, Oregon. Auv and all peraona
claiming adversely the above-described lam's
are requested to Hie their claims in I Ills ottiea
on or before said 18th day of July, liHti
May la-ia ioi k. m. dka itain,
Kill A I. rKOr
Laud Ottlce at Lakevlew, Ore.
May Hi, lwri.
Notice is hereby given that the follou iug-
naiiicd settler lias tiled notice of bis iti"iilluu
to make final proof iu support of bisclaim, and
that said proof will be made before the Kegls
ter and Kicelver, U. S. Land ottuv at Lake
view, Oregon, on July 'i, lr, vis: Frank
Howard, if. K. No. for the N'-4 Sli'a Sue. 84
T. 87 S. K. 16 K-i W. M. Ile nanrt a the- follow,
lug w itnesses lo prove hla eoutinuouikresldeuca
uooti and cultivation of said land, v is:
James Taylor, James Owens, K. Case beer, aad
Cicwl aiuxweudive, auui siiy, Oregou.
a. si. uaATTajH,
tanfU-m Register.