Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 12, 1902, Image 6

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DMcrt Kane bet Look Well.
"Lone Pine," writing from Silver , Jul i with our little. pen."Civ" mull
Lake to thr Burn Time Herald, aaya the t-r1it. Vi couM not win th fight
that litre ranchra narr bvrti taken tip in Luke county for Ohiimbrrfain and the
on thr deeert with very flattering proa- j balanc of the Statr ticket, couldn't
pet. Kvcrything planted on them laral MUir for AwMor, hut wr elected
thit Praton i looking well There if the. county court, anil Judge for con
fin caltlr raner to these ranches', j viable. For (iod'a aak givr u money,
When i' i pocitively known that the enbscribrra, for we are "over $UK le
Kureka ami Weieer railroad In a thinit , bind and need money hail" or good,
of life thoiieamU of acre will l ! ! "C me to our reacne." We mum have
blf up by Ihe Arid Company, ami nnnev to "enable u to ay up what
the man mho i rntitled to a home drbta we have f olraitett during the
tail, under the desert land act, ill ,
get left. I am rationed that arteaian
water can lw found by borinu for it.
Well water may le obtaineil in many
place at no ureal depth, and by
rectinii windmills a supply nwaaary
for all ordinary pnrpoeea may be had.
Don't Marrv For Money.
The Boet..n man. who latelv married ,
a aickty rich young woman, ia happy
now. for he ipu Or. King' New Life
Pilla, whi-h restored her to tierfect
health. Infallible for Jaundice. Mil
iooneaa, Malatia, Fever and Anne and
all Liver and Stomach trouble, Hen
tie but effe-tive. Only 25c at Lee
Beair drtu store.
Reduced Rates To The East.
Thosr contemplating an eatern trip
will W interented to know that there
will shortly be on ante greatly reduced
rate ticket in connection "with the Kn
tirnnde SvMein, the famous "Scenic Line
of T!ie World."
Thin line offers it paaenger a moat
delightful ami comfortable journey toall
eaaiern point.
It ia the onlv tram-continental line
passing directly through quaint an 1 pic
turefque Sail Ijike City '-The City of
TheSaints", iM-antiful tllenwa! Springs
Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Spring,
(where a aiile trip may ! made to the
Garden of the Und and ihe autntuit ol
Pike Peak over the cog wheel railroad), j
and iVuver, the queen city of the inter- !
mountain region. Stop over are allow. J
ed on all clame" of ti'-let. j
Three daily express train make close
connection vith all trains cat and west i
and afford a choice of five distinct route !
of travel. The equipment of these train I
is the beat, including free reclining :
chair cars, standard and tourist sleepers, I
a perfect dining car service, and also per- i
sonally conducted excursion cars, each i
in charge of a competent guide, whoe'
business ig to look after the comfort of
bis guesta. No more pleasant and inex- j
pensive mean of croa-ing the Continent ;
can te found than ia provided by these
For additional details, address.
J. I). Mansfield, Gen'l. Ag't.,
Kio Grande Lines.
124 Third St., Portland, Oregon, tf
A Terrible Explosion.
"Of a gasoline stove burned a lady
here frightfully," write N. K. Palmer,
of Kirkman, Ia. "The lieet doctors
couldn't heal the running sore that fol
lowed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve en
tirely cured her." Infallible for Cuts,
Corns, Sores, boil. Bruises, Skin Dis
eases and Piles. 25c at Lee Beall's.
The Famous Running Stall Ion Will flake the
Under the rianagement of M. H. QUILLIAflS
ir:!2: : - .. ." . , : U V , ,
SILVKK BULLION is by Hey del
Joe Hooker, grand dam Marion; Miss Courtney is by Norfork, out of Ballinette;
Joe Hooker ia by Monday, out of Mayflower; Marion by Malcom out of Maggie
Mitchell; Norfolk by Lexington out of
erena. Silver Bullion is 6 years old, a
hands high and weighs 1245 A. s. As a
longs to )4 miles, and was remarkably
flat. He has the best strains in the world coursing through his veins. Silver
Bullion mill be taken East next season to ra e against the best horses in the land.
Complete pedigree and statement of Silver Bullion's splendid work can be seen by
calling on the manuger. He will stand the present season at the stable, opposite
Race Track, Lakevlew, Oregon, and arrangements may be made to stand a.
Paisley. (Watch "Lake County Examinkk" for dates.)
With usual return privileges.
1)0" I m ill not be responsible for any accidents to mares. Good pasture for
u.ares near standing stable at f 1.50 per month.
H. li. GUILLIAMS, Manager.
Rtaud all, Wld
campaign." II it hadn't liern for tin
'everything would have gone to h I
' We mui have reward for the "cam
paign me have waged." "We have
been receiving many compliment,"
, but they don't pay our bills. Save u,
. or we tien-h 1 Rustier.
If vou knew that
"Jesse Moore"
and purest on
Whiskey wan the beet
earth you'd have no other. It ia the
leat, but me cannot prove it except you
try it. Try it
Fred Ahlsttom, the old reliable har
ness and saitdle maker, continues to turn
out the finest of everything in hi line.
He ha a stea k that few towns of .VHM
inhabitants can loat of. When you
get it at Ahlstrom's von can let It's
Wino of Cardui ia the puardian
of a woman's health and happi
ness from youth to old ae. It
helps her safely into womanhood.
It sustains her during; tho trial
of pregnancy, childbirth aod
motherhood, making labor easy
and preventing flooding and mis
carriage. It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
known as the change of life.
cores leucorrhcca, falling of the
womb, and menstrual Irregularity
In every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman's
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, acts directly on the geni
tal organs and Is the finest tonic
for women known. Ask your
druggist for a $1.00 bottle of
Wine of Cardui.
Batesvllle. Ala., July 11, 1900.
I am using Win of Cardui and Thud
ford Black-Draught and 1 feel like a
different woman already. Several la
dies here keep the medicine In their
home all the time. I have three girla
and they are using it with in.
Par srlee and Uuntan, e44rss. firing
symptoms, "The I-xll Adrlr Iwiart-
nu-nl '
Sierraa, out of Miss Courtney; grand sire
Novice; Ballinette by Monday out of Hal
chestnut of fine proportions, standing Hi. 2
2-year old he raced at all distances, 5'., fur
successful. He has shown a mile In 1:40
kills, not necessarily suddenly,
but SCR ELY. It preys upon the
intellectual powers more than
we realize. It consumes the
vitality faster than nature can
replenish it, anil we cannot tell
just what moment a temporary
or complete aberration of the
mind will result. Headache and
pain should be promptly re
moved but properly. Many
pain cures arc more harm'. I
than the pain. ltcware. Ii
you would be safe, take
Mile' a UU1 a it
"A a rriull of nruraMa I l't the
of r-iv nl.t eve, aiul tl eiM::, I
liave u!nvrl is i:ii't;i ti- . n. .. h , I c
in-; iMi';rl tn laLe i .i!r im,i I n
t ua!l . A tririui i'4c m ; one ol 1 'r.
Nl les' Pain Tills aii'l it mi-:I re
lieve,! me. I then pun hci U rd
now mv troub e n K"tie. I tiev liave
also cured my il.itii'lurr ol nervum
headache, and I hrartdv J
llirm to ithen." V. J. Cukl.IY. bie.
niMiiJ, Ttii.
Sold by l)rm;gitv 1$ Die, aSc.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
In all lu tU4t.
o'a ur,j
Ely's Cream Balm
cleaners, aoothee and heala
Uie dienwed membrane.
It cures catarrh and drive
way a cola in in nesa
Cream Halm I. placed Into the nostrils, apreeue
over tlis membrane ana Is alieiirlied. Kelisf 1. Inv
meiliate and a cure follows. It U not drylnf d"ee
not produce neealiiK. Urge Hlxe, 60 COOU at Drug
gists or by mall; Trial Hiss, 10 cents.
KLT BKOT11KR.S, M Warren Street, New Tor
a.a44 BO YEARS'
Tradc Marks
CoevRioHTa Ae.
An Ton senitlne a sketeh and description aisy
qol.'Hf aacertain onr opinion free whether an
Invention l. probably rtiitML omninnlra
thina.trlctlyconadentlai. Ilandtxiok on l'alm.:a
sent tree. Oldest sjrefiry for aoeuniic palenta.
Fatents taken through Mum 4 Co. reoslve
syertot aottes, wltbootcbame. Intbe
Scientific American.
A banaeomely lllnstrated weekly.
Ireest elr.
I'ernj.. 1.1 a
en auon or an aeienu
foar montbs, $L
4 by all neesdealera.
36 1 Broadway,
New York
uatuo, I. C
Branch Omos. 106 W Bt, WashUiatuo, I.
t'nllfil states Ijimt liffire,
tjtkovlew, Or.'K.m. May 21, IMrJ.
Nolle Is hereby siven that in coiniillaiirH
with the iiroviloii of the art of I oliKr "
June S. IH7. etiliile'l "An ai l for '.lie ale ol
timber lanil. In tlie mate, ol raillornia, ore
Kim. Neve'la. anil Wa.liliiKtou Territory." a.
elli-li'l.Ml to all the I'nliile l .lwi Mutt's by ai t
uf Aiitfimti. Willism Mayer of Kalsina.
cou my of loK lltz, htal- ol W snliiiiKtoti, liaa
tills Hay fili'il In nil- onn e m .worn man-.
inent No MA. for the nuri basf of the NK't ol
pil lion No it In Townslilp No. M., HaiKe
No. IK.. W. M.. and will ..ff-r iriMil to show
that the land soiiKht in inure raliiabli' lor It.
timber or stone than lor surn iiliiiral iur
Nj.., and to 1'ntnbl inh IiIb elaliii to k I I land
Iwfore the ltelil'-r Slid K' 'i V r of thin ottlre
at Laki'vlfw. iiri'Koti. on Friday. Ihe li day ol
A uk'i ! . 1'arj. lie tia ii as w John
I. I'llialrk of Toli'ilo. Or-rotl. Kil i eai-lM-rr.
W illiam ( asi bei r and . W. KiiiIk.iIv ol Illy,
llriycin,. Any ami all ticpii clnlintiiK ad
vi-rvly thi' aiion-d'u rlli. d IhihIk af ri'iH' iiii i
10 111.- itiilr I n i una I ii thin olflce on or bi'lori'
sahl !m day ol AiiK'int. R. M. IIHVITMN,
jnaJlU Hi-(flter.
T I till Kit I.AI OTII K
I'll Hid t-T nti-s I ,h ml (i III i ii at Lakivliw, Or-
m A.rll CI. l'.srj. Noil.i- in li. r.d.y kIvi-ii In i oiiillaiii' with the proi luions ol the
ait of t'oiiKri'is ol J ii :, I-7m, i null.. I "Mi
art h.r tlir mile ol limner lands In Ihe Mmim nl
I alifornia, Ori lion, Nevaila and W aiiiiiKton
Territory." an ei tended to all the I'lililie I. ami
Hta.en by art of AiiKiiat 4, lM'i. Ji.He.h n. Kin
Kry. of l.akrvlrw, rounty M lke, Htate ol Or
PKUI, ban thin day tiled In thin oilier hla
hmirti stati'iiient No. .'t;s7. lor the itiireham' ol
ihe.NWiiil NK'i ol Heriion l In Townahl .
No. : H., ItaiiK" No. & K , and III offer .n.ol
tOHhow that the land nought In inorr valuable
for iis timber or stone ihan for aKririiltural
niirpones, and to rntabli.h hm rlaiiu to Raid
Inn. I b. lore the KeKiHti r and Cei rlvir ol thin
oilier at Ijikevifw. irron, on Kaliirdnjr, the
Mh day of July, I'loi. Ijr nameN sn wtltifi.e
the loll. iwIiik : ' 'harlrs roiinliiKxen. liHrlm
Moore, V. I.. HnelMiiK and Kobert Mi.Kcr all ol
l.akevlew, Oregon.
Any and all ihthoiih I'lalmintf silverm-ly the
abovr-ieM-tihel lanita are reilienlei i, hie
llielr el aim. in this oltlm; on or he fori- said luth
day of July, Wr.
K. M. H It ATT A IV.
17-mayl-lo lU-Kistrr.
Timlirr l.ainl !nllea.
tlnltrd Htales i.and Officii, l.akevlew, Oreuoii
Maywi, Wli. Notice ia brreby Klven Unit In
roniliaiirr with the irovinlo:ia of the art of
rotiirhol June ,'i, 1h7h, cut 1 1 led "A n act for the
Huh of liuilicr liuida In the -line, of i nllfornia,
llri'kon, Nevada, and WHhinifton 1'erritory,"
11 h ex tended lo all the I'uhlic laud Matca hv ml
ol AiiKUKt4, 'U. Itonert M. Oliver, of Cortland.
county ol Multnomah, Hliilo ol Orevon, has
thlnilay tiled ill lhin office IiIh aworu nlMt.'lnelit
N.47M, lor the iiircliHKe ol the i .j N'w'.awi;
SKI; Nw .' hh'., ol necttou No. 17 In Towiiahln
N'o. :lil ., ItaiiKe No. Ill K w. M., mid will offer
proof lo allow thai the land HoiiKhl iH luoro val
tiablu (or Ita liuibrr or atone than (or agri
cultural piiriosea, and lo i-Htahlinli hie claim
to aald laud beforn thu Hi lHler and Itecelvrr
nl liiia offlc! at hakevicw, Oregon, on Krlilav,
the Nth day of AtiKiiKt. l'.nrJ. Ho namca aa
v. an. .: William ol Vaueoiivrr,
WHhhlliKloll, John J. ciiaack of Toledo, ore
Kim, cyriia Todd of I'orllaud, orrKon, M yra K,
Todd ol Cortland, oreiion. Any ami all
prrxona claiinliiK advrrarly the above ile
scribed lamia arc-reqiiuatcd to Hie thrlr claims
III thla office on or before said 8th day ol All
gust, IWi. K. M. BKATTAIN, heylsler. t trll
r I Mail
llsakwr laa NCII.
I'nittitl Nat l4kio( tHIicv, Ikrvlew,
Or-Kn. May Mi, lUttt, vttc) la hvrvby
Uivi ii that tn ctimiilianca lllt the pro
visinii ol tlitt ttctol Doniimaa of Julia 3,
IHTH. "HlitlHl"Anact lor th alol tlm
Iht lamU In tlm Htatr-a ol t:aliloriila,
ti'uii, Nt'Vaila, ami aliliiiii'ii IVr
iliuiy," a c1-ii(IihI to all tint I'll I die
Uml Mate tv act ol Aiiifoni 4,
Joint A. allien, ol lorllaml. county ol
Multiioiiiah Stat (or Trrltiry) ol Or
Kui, Iih ilil day tllcil In llil tilllct) lui
sworn atalctiiciit No. 4HI, lor tlm pur
chaMtol thf KVt4 8.4 . cc. 15 N '
N VV4 N W i N M "I Ni tion No. 'ii, in
Ttiaiialup mi 3IW., Hant( No. Id K., V
M., ami will oiler primt to kIhiw that thu
ImihI siuiKiit i iiinin valualilu lor Ita tlm
ta.rur aloiio than lor aKticmtural piirpiie
i s, ami to catalilmti liia:laim loeaid lantl
Ih Iiii) loo Kt'Kiotcr ami Kcccivcr tlm
oilier at Laarvlrw, Otciti'li, on Friday,
thr (Oh day ol Annual, Wi. IU names
a ltticne( : Ilaviit 1'. IW-dell (if I'.H'iir
il'Alrnr, Idaho. Iau II. Mcliinia ol
VYrMtMitl, tliegon. John J. I (laark ol
Toledo, Or. -mm. I'. W. Kuilxaly nl
I'oilland. t)ir(n. Any and all pcientis
(laituiiiK advereely thr alaivr-dracrlluHl
lamia ate isiictf.l to lllr their claima
In this oilier on ( brlom aaid Mill day ol
Alla-llst, 1!KC. K. M. HKATT4IX, IteKle
trr. &-22
Timber Laae Nelkce.
United Malea I-aml tllller, lj(kcview,
Okoii, May St. Wi, Not ten la hrirhy
Kivrn thai incompliancr llh thu pro
viaiona ot thr act ol ConMrraa ol June 3,
17, rntitled "An act lor thr ealr ol lnu
U-r IninU in the Matra ol t'aliloi ma.
tircKon, Nevada, and Waaton.toti Trr
ntorj," an rsteiidel to all thr I'uhlic
limi Maiee hy act of AuKiml 4, lN''-.
r irdrick II. Wehtje, ol rortlalid, count)
ol Multnomah Malr (or Territory) ol
Oregon, liaa thla day tiled in tins oilier
hla a(rii alatrincnl No. 47'J, (or thr
pur. ha-r ol thr S1, NK-NVS K,4
fK's' N'i4ol Section No. "JO lu Town
shin No. :io S., Kannr No. Ill K., W. M.,
am! will ofter proo! l allow lhal the
ami koiikIiI I mure valtiahlr lor Its tun
U r or sl.uir than for attrii iiltural pur
poet-a, and torr-tatiloh hla claim to aaul
land U-lore thr Keglatrr and KwrlVer ol
thir ( al l-akwiew. on Kn
day, the Nth lay ol Auuual, P.aC lie
liamea an Itneerra : Joel N. I'earcy ol
Itlv, Oreumi. Mary Wehlje ol I'otl
laud. OreK'in. I'. W. KmUaly ol I'orl
laud, Oregon. Julill J. I'uaack ol Tol
edo. Oregon. Any and all rr.ins
claimiiig a.lvrrr-cly ihr alaivr deM-rilr
lamia air reueaUHl to Itlu their claima
in thiaotliir on or liefore naid Kth day of
Augum, I'.kJ. K. M. llHATTAIS, I-gia-ter.
! W
Tlssber Land Notke.
I'litlcd Slate" I-and Oltnr, Ijtkrview,
Oregon, May Itt, PC. Nolicr ia hereby
given that in compliant- with ihe pro
Vlatonaoi thr act 1 1 Coligrraa ol Junr ,
IrtTH, rntitled "An acl (or Ihr sale ol tun
tr landa in the Mate ol l.'alilornia,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
rilnry," a" exlendnl to all thr I'uldit
Un.l Mates by acl ol Auguat -t, 1W
lavid T. llrdrll, of I'lM-ur il'Alrnr, coun
ty ol k.iotuai Stair (or Territory) ol
Idaho, ha thl day tiled lu jhia ollii-r
Ins aworn ataleuirnl No. 477, (or tlie
p.iri haar of thr NKl4'
N W4 of Nh in Towiihliip No. W H ,
KangrN'o. lo K , W. M.. and will oiler
priail to show thai the land sought ia
mure valuable (or il timber or atone
11, an fur Hirru-ultural ., and lo
caUhlirth hi claim lo aaid land U-lore
Ihr Kegintrr and Kcceivcr of Una oilier
al Itkeview, Oregon, on Friday, thr 8th
day of AuifUHt, W02. II" nme a wil
neaaea: John A. Wald.-n ol Portland,
Oregon, C W. KinlxMly ol Portland, Ore
gon, John J C'uaack of Toledo Oregon,
Arthur 1). Khcldon of Caallr Kiak,
Waehington. Any ami all tieraoiia
claiming advrrtwly the alxivr dcacrilmd
lamia are requralrd to lile their claima
in thia otlice on or liefore said Mill day of
AugllHt, Wi. K. M. IlKATTAIN, Hegia-
ter. h&--'-.
Timber Land Notice.
United Stalea IjiihI Oilier, Lukuvirw,
Oregon, May 20, W. Notice ia hereby
given that in compliance, with ihe pro
viMioiia of act of Congreaaof Junr 3, Irl7,
entitled "An act lor the fide ol timU-r
IkihIh in the Stales ol California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the Public I.and Males
by m l of AngtiHt4, IHIfJ, Surah A. Shel
don, of t'aMlle Kock, county ol Cow lit
Mate (or Territory) ol Wtodiingtoii, Iiiih
Ihinlay tiled in thin oilier her mwoiii
ntHlement No. 475, lor the purcliiian of
Ihr W,i of WJa of Section No. M in
T iw iiBlnp No. 30 S., Kaiigu No. Il K.,
W. M ., and will offer prool to ahow that
the land aouglit in moir valuublo for ll or Htuiie tban for agricultural
iurni8CN, and lo atabliah her cliiim to
nan! luud la-fore the Kegintrr anil Keceiv
er of thin ollice at I.Hkeview, Oregon, on
Friday, the 8th day of Augum, PKC.
She iIhiiich aa witm-nne": William II.
Mieldoli of CiiHtlr IbM-k, WaHhingloii,
Arthur I). Sheldon of CuhiIh Kock,
Washington, David T. K.-dell of Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho, John A. Walden of Port
land, Oregon. Any and all prrHons
claiming advrrBely the alaivo duHcribiul
IhihIh are reipiuetud to lilu their cIiiiiiih
in thiH ollii-ei on or before eitid Kth day of
AllgUHt, liKJl.'. K. M. JiKATTAIN, Uegia-
tcr7 ..,,r-"-
Timber l-and Notice,
('lilted Htalca l.ainl 1 Ullce, LakrviuW. Oregon
May W. VMrl. Not lot la lirrehy Klven Ihat ill
comnllancu with Ilia provialoiia of the act
of CollKriBH (I June , IH7K. eiilllleil "An act
(or thu sale o( limber lauds lu the Htatea ol
iireeon. ( alilornla, Nevada, and WaahliiKlou
Territory," aa exleinleil 'to all tlm Cubllc
I. nli'' Malea by art of AiiKiiat 4. 1'-'. Arthur
II. Khi-lilnu, ol Caailn Hock, county ol row liu.
Male ol V aahliiKlon, haa Una day lllril In
tills office Ills aworu alalemriil Nn. 474. (or
tlm punhaae. ol ItirH), hw'i h'j HK'4 Hee.iii
TWIM. It III K, W M and Nw' NK'4 ol Hel
lion No 6 III Townahlp No 1)7 H, Kiuofe No 111
K, w .M, and will offer l.rool lo allow Ihat I lie
laud boiikIiI ia mure valuable lor Ita Umber or
nloue than lor airlciilluiul purposca, and lo
i-Htabllali Ins claim lo aaid land hrdiri) the
Hi-iilalrr and Ki-c.-lvcr id thin office al l.aku
view, lireKon, on Krblay, Urn H'i day of Au
KUnt, I'M. lie liainrs aa wltiirrara: John A
Walden of Cortland, OrrKon, Hubert H
lillver of I'orllaud, Oregon, r w Klnbody ol
Cortland, (irrifoll, Imvld T llrdrll ol ourr
d'Alcne, Idaho. Any and nil persons claim
ing advrrarly thu kbove-d.-acrlbcd lands are
requealcd to lllu thrlr claims in tiilHorflct
011 or before raid Hth day ol Annual, llkrj.
ft-fr-W K. M. BKATI'AIN, Hf.lalur.
M. K. I..MTriRN, M. I.
fhyalrtasi aae) laarajroa.
- Ihrvtew, m,
orrtOK. lUalf. ini( more. fsUs aaewera
pmwHty day er nlgHi,
rh)elelaa aasl ssaraeasi
lkevle. Or.
ori'll'K Uks.lew ifii IVt rll-rs
l.akevlew, Oresjesk
ori'lt'K Paly HulMliig.
I. r "
Atlerwry liv
likevtev, Uregess
orrii'R-Psly llullilina
'. II It tl.MVni'l.K
atlrr -at-lv
lkevlew, r
oirit'K laly liuil,lli
A Iterar) -at-1 ji w .
Ijiket le w , Or
orrirr. neiy n.iiidn.
tj4 Mallrra Merrlallr
orrit'K Ci.siw.ll Hulldliia.
sYnnniri nr. rut mnmn iakrirw
n 111 am nr inr n n 1 1 ...... v.. 1
j Meet, on the M and 4th W i-dnrMlay o( i
) earll lli illlh In Maaolll. Hall, si R p. in.
) UiRim Hall ST. 1 miaul 1 mil mati .d r.
K. N. Iigl l"il,( lert
-'-- r - t f , itt, ,
S I.O. tl. K. meet, ihe .t ami .id t Ii nr a-
day r, rarh uionlli lu Odd lei y
. low.' Hall. Iketlrw. t . H III Ala ,
S. '. Y , W , J MimiNk. Hcrll-.
V la ti- t .1 ... V ,
is. nrriiM.
f S-S.t ;. f.j r.f-.i
V. f, s.. f. f, f. .y. ;. .
s y
,S ...Ktwjhts ol I'vthi.'ts... Jy
C OiioxK I.AKK I.OIm.K No V.. meeia S
Q every Tursdst ev.lilns. Ill.l fellow. S'
v Hall, lase.iew. Ore. laiiln, k nlKhla
C rordially Invlled. N'
Q M W iioaToa, t hanrllor I'oiiiinsndrr.
I', ll..A..i.. k ol H. ami N. S
f r..S..,.. t.f ,,.y.irt f
nttVAY.V NH ,
James Barry
llruda with Hwsllow fork In
riabl esr lor ewe. ; reverse
for wethers. Home ewes K.iare Crop and Mil
lu right ear. lar llrand III. Kali.i-, Crane
l-ake. I'lMtoltire addn-sa, lake, lew , (irrsoti.
Zac Wfiitworth Tu:;b;jZ"
tl left
top uir
r 1 k kt t for ewe. : rrverae lor weth.-ra. 1 ar llran
W. Kaiife, Kl.h t'n-rk. I'oatoftlre address
lAkevlew, Or.-tfoti.
To take effwt, Tuesday, Apr. I, 11XI2.
l.v Reno At :'.'.' p. in
l.v .. Hiimuilt.. . Ar 4-4'. p. tn.
l.v ( e. ar Ar M p. ni
l.v Krauris Ar 4 itt p. in.
I.v....l'urdy. . . .Ar X:2. p. re.
l.v Chin. a. Ar i iA p. m.
l.v Chat Ar ill p. m.
l.v . ( auirroti . Ai i "I p. m.
l.v . . Knl Him k ..Ar I M p. in.
l.v .. ( oliatantla .Ar I p. m.
l.v . Imvle Ar I -lift p. m.
l.v l lexaii ...Ar Ii 4u a. m.
l.v Ameilee, .. Ar liu'iipm.
I.V Ameilee Ar ll:.lpBI.
l.v Hot l.rliiK . Ar ll lu p. 111.
l.v Murray . . . . Ar l I p. in.
l.v . Ksrlo .. Ar in .11 p. 111.
l.v. . llore Lake. . A r V Hi p. m.
l.v Wa.i-rly . W t' in p. 111.
l.v . . lermo (r k i'i p. in.
Ar . Mailclluc l.v 7 I'i a. 111.
9 no a
47 a
ln:oA a
lu Vi a
II M a
11 (si a
Ii III ti. in
W ill p. III.
u .vi p. in.
U 4S p. III.
I o"i 11. m.
1 .Hi a. ni.
V K. I p III.
'i:4'i I p.m.
H:l p m
S .'ai p. 111.
4 .M p. 111.
frill p. in.
fi:4-'i i, in.
HI p. m.
k iai a. 111
MltUUA vai.i.i:v v
In X'lam.l.v. CI 11 111 aa A pin ( :l am
II in a 111 'l.v .. VI 11 Ion Ar I.I. I'. -hi k lu'ain
1 , .,'.....! I II....L it I. , r I Li, 1 IJ ,n
VIO pin
ft 4.'i pin
A .'ill pin
7 ' pm
Ii V.sni l.v.i 'lair v 1 1 le A r i 1 4".in 7 ai am
Ten lor lek.-v lew , Cat.le) and I liodi, ire, ,
and Kt. Hldwell. I ake I lly, 1 edin villi-, Adlu,
Altliraa and III. I. el. I'alll.
Hot Mi.rliiKa, lor Man. II. h and Hu.niivllle,
Ml if.
liny - (or Mlllord, laiiravllle and lluullii
villi-, ( alii.
Vinton - for liyaltoti, how ulevllle aiidl'anid
bell'a Mot HpritiKa. I all'.
Herk w lib. lor i.i nrKcc, l a) lor. Die and iirecn-villi-.
I lalrvilir, Mohan k and ijuliicy, ( h 1 1 1 .
Keno, roiineriiiis lib i. I'm'. o. lor all
IHilnla Kast .V W eat : V. V T II. Ii., lor all points
Ho 11 1 Ii .
lasaa"assssssssessa.l II. ill sen, iai 11 ijii sill