LAKE C UNTY EXAMINER : LAKEVIEW, OREGON, JUNE. i2, 1902. gaht Count w tBxamttic Pabllsheal Brery Taaraday BEACH & AVGARREY Fourth -Of - July CELEBRATION Maaaatc Baltdlag A BUSY SEASON n AT (One Year, $2.60 TERMS: i SI Month 1 .00 (Three Months, SO New Pine Creek Oae Inch.. Two lni'hea Three luchea. auartcr Column, alt Ci.l u mn One Column . . . , i b 1 n.i . ma A mal 1 vr II wi fa on . i ' I'l I i A liv 7 l 1 1 (0 tM t W IS -JO TO, " ' . : " ... l :. j m ill ui.-n lai w wa 'v w so cu aM .s (x w I x iw moo ,vs 00 LAKEVIEW, OREGON, Jl'NE, laloa. THE LAST TRIUMPH OF THE BOER Tlte South African war is ovt-r, and the Brltieli in thfir Irt-niy ol bave no tituf to think that the IVht, even iti their hour ol defeat, have aon another victory. Never hefore lia a beaten enemy wainex! ut b tunnnicuou terms from the Urilieii Empire. The flag of the Saxon conqueror, though blood-Rtained and tattortnl, wave tri amphantly ovr the ruins of two little republic, yet Patch tubiornit?e, com bined with courage that might have come from old bparta, has, even in the act of this grim tragedy, Riven the world a leeon. Their country made a waste, their families scattered, the graves of former comrades thick on every billcide, and themselves lacing death or its dread alternative, capture and exile, the Boers did not creep trembling to the feet of the conqueror. With the pride of the race whom) ships once set Loudon quaking as their guns boomed oil the Thames, they argaed the settlement clause by clause, as though the war had been indecisive. They yielded some points, disputed other, and in the end gained oiore than they had hoped for, ays the Bulletin. Th.-ugh the caune of democracy, a represented by republics, has suetained a defeat, the British tiovernmeiit hat pledged ittelf that in the end it will grant the conquered territory a repre sentative government. The Boers are to go back to their desolated farms, but the King's gold will start them again just where they left off when they took dow n the ritle and set themselves to the task of repelling the invader. Of course, all subjects of the late governments of the Republic of the Transvaal and the Orange Free rjtale must acknowledge Edward VI I as their lawful sovereign. This is to be expected. Oom I'aul Kruger, wh has been safe in Holland for many months, may decline to take the oath and remain an exile, bt.t grief at his plight w ill not be widespread even among the millions who have steadfastly maintained that the Boers were right. It is not Kruger who is the heroic figure of that great war. Mankind loves the man who stays on the firing line. For this reason, people prefer to think of brave Cronje, ringed by fire in the death trap of a river bed; of Jaubert, dying before the land he loved had passed into England's keeping ; of Delarey and De Wet, who like Marion and Sumter of the American Revolution, harried the enemy at every turn and eluded him at the very last. One of the IxtBt of the terms granted the Boers is tnat which guarantees that no sjiecial tax will be imposed on the land to defray the expenses of the war. There were other desirable concessions, not to important as this one, and in only one thing did the Boers fail to gain pro teclion for those who have just given the British Empire the fight of its life. The Cape rebels must pay a penalty for treason. Rank and file shall be disfran chised for life, and officials shall stand trial. Still, even the latter have a promise of nier:y. Whatever is doi.e to them, their lives are to be spared. The men of Cape Colony who rose to tielp their kindred risked all and lost If they had triumphed they would have been patriots. Now they are rebels, defeated and disgraced. To the Boers of the two republics go the glory of forcing one of the great na tionsof the earth to pour out its money in a wondrous flood, to Bend forth more iinen than it had ever before sent to bat tle, even when the mighty Napoleon threatened its supremacy. The Briton has triumphed, but when he sobers up after his spree of joy be may think of . the bitterness of it all, and wonder if it was worth while. Ktill it does not mat ter what he thinks. The Boers will be to the modern world what the Spartans were to the ancient. OFFICERS. Preeldeat al tee Pay Wrt. LEMON 1-Ur.h.l .1 th. Day Wfl. CANNON. PARADE TO BEGIN AT 10 A. IT Oeddeee ol Liberty, Mlee Ea Olbblna Antl of Peace MIm Odeeaa Arnica Habit el Henar niseea EttK Nettle Vineyard AT TUB (WOUNDS 11 A. ft. Follr-wln It th nrotramuie: Invocation by Kr. Hmtth. Mnalc by the Hand. Kef lleliou by . '. Raster. Mil U- by Ihr Hand. 8..I0. bv MIM Mac Miller. vi. Drill liv ill in. little atria. Readme. lWlarattoQ ol ludcpeapenpe, MIm m auie r ut ten. Mimic b th.- Hand. Oration by Ke. Hmythe. Hmi( by th.-t hrlr. Noun, I'u-nlc Pinner. ONE P. M. Kool Kare-I'urer entrance fee centa. to be added to lbs ura. Sack Kace, Irre (or all. Pur, ft. Three Imrvd Race, free lor all, puree II. rUre; Kace, lor Imle ulna under 14. ur.e II. l'oiato Kaee lor bnye under ! Purs to von lat ol entrance fee. whk ta la 10 reuta ru h. Bicycle Race Irr lrla. alt w rare. U0 yila. l. Hlvycle Kara. Irr lor all. pura- II. Kool Raw lor boil umtrr U. purai- It Horar Karr, low raca. tM vla urav1. ! M Haar Hall ronlrai. )prn lo aujr tram, purliV Kniranrr !. I. 10 bs a.Mrrt to the purae. 10 10 (u U arruml Iram II ihrrc traina rnti-r. C. O. RtTXOIJa. Chairman ol t'ommHieo on Amuwmrnli Titr Work at nlht to be followrd by a I.HANII BALL uiulrr tba miniiirnriil of ll!r1 Wade. No pallia will br aparrl to makr tin Hail a apt-rial Icaturr and a m1 time la auur rd to all. Thr I'ominlltre on Pnnrram will prawnt th drama. "Hn-auaa 1 Uve Von", III l tie aarly earning a EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED Grand Ball and Supper On tha Evaalng ol July Fourth, I902 BARRY HALL Lakeview, Oregon I'nder the L'uaplcca of tha LAKE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION Fine Music, Fine Supper Tickets, Ball & Supper $3 Timber Cultura Final Proof. t'pitrd Statr I-and . Ikrvlew, fir'-n, June . 19lri. Not Ire la brreby aiven that Nelie. nilah fine ha Alert noilie of Inl-ntlon to make final pnxil l iore Kevtter and Receiver at I'.S Ijind offier In Ijikenew. iT'Hi. on Thur'ly the 17th day of Julv. on timber culture iM..licltmi No .'f, for lita 1-2-3 ami 4 of . No. M. In Tnwnahlp So 3.'i H., Ranife No. K. W. M. Henameaaa witn.-owa: barren ('. rd, t'lav Hamlxi, David Jonea. of I'l uh . Oreirnn. and William Z. Mom. of lkvlew. lire. .',36 t K. M. IlKATTAlN. It-if later. Let Kastern Oregon forever hold her peace. (She had an opportunity to elect a Kastern Oregon man to the Govern orship, and threw the chance away. Let her now juit "bellyaching" about not having proper recognition and rep resentation. Lake county did her part, but there are other counties this side the Cascades that ought to go away back of the crowd and hide. is what we have ben preparing for and we have a Larger Variety and More Goods than eer before. OUR BUSINESS HAS INCREASED many fold, and much of it results from the reputation orated in the past and the promises made by TRANSACTIONS v THAT v HAVE v PLEASED. Bailey & Massingill, Lakeview. Timber Land Notlca foiled Statea l-ari'i otfiue. Lakelew, Ore., May 2y. 1'. Notice i herebv given that in coiiijini a aith the proviniona ol the act of ConKrcaa ol June 7, ntitlel "An at lor the aale of tim'ier Unda In the ute of California. Oreifon. Aetaila ami W'aali invton Territor," an etendrd U all the Pulihc Land tte by act of Auifuat 4. lKt. Kr.-il M Kenl ree of lily. coon'. of aUinarh. Htate of Or-vKi, haa tk.i ilav riled in Uiia oitlii hi iw.rn aUtein- nt No !Ai: lor the pun:haaa ol the MK jr. ol or. and NK or ol IK ir. of ace. !b in tp. 'Hi S, R IS K. and will offer proof V nhow that the land aonifht im nvtre valuable lor iu timlier or atne than lor agricultural uiirie. and to evtahlih hi claim Ui aaid land before the KtjjiaUr and Rriver of thia urHc at Lakevi ve. Orci;"". on VTeOneeilay, the i7th day "I Auirntt, Ht 'le name aa a itnenaea: Owen T. M- Ken.lree. Die Hundatroin, of Okie llreif"n, Oilliert Lapham, of Viatillia, Ore., Jamea II. Owen, of Mi, Oregon any and all peraona clainiinir adveraely the alxvel-acrilivd landa are rijeaU-d to Hie their claima in thia o.. on or liefore raid 7lh dav of auifuai, 'Ml. K. M. BRATTtIS, (.uiaUr. Timber Land Notlca. tnited Hutea Lnd Ottl, I akeview, Orison May, 29, 1mi2. Notice ia hereby xivrn that in compliance with the proviaiona of the a-t of Conifrera of June 3, 1B78, entitled "An ict for Ihe aale of timber Unda in the H'atea of californ'a, oreeon, Nevala and VYah Intfin Territory," aa eiteni'ed Vt all the Public Land Hutteaby Act of Auiruat 4'h, lMr, Owen T. McKen diee, of Olete. county of Klamath, Htate ol Oregon, hM thia day filed in thia office hia aworn atatemeul No. MS, lor toe piircheae of the aa qr. of NW or, and NK qr. of WW qr. of Hoc 23 in tp 38 8., H. 16 E. and will offer proof to ahow that the land aauht la mora valuable lor ita timlier or atone than lor avneultural purpoaea. and ic eatabliah hia claim to aaid land before the Rett later and Receiver of thia oltlc at Lakeview, Oreiron, on Wedneaday, Ihe 27th day of Auvuat, 1110. lie name aa aitneaaea. Kred McKendree, Jamea II. Owen of lily, Ore., Oilliert lpliain, of Viatiilia, Ore., Ole Munatroin, of Olete, Oreiron. Any and all peraone claiming- ulveraely the almve di rlll landa are reqiieeted to file their claima In thia ornce on or before aalu V da) of Au uat 1U01. E. M. Brattain, Aeiter. SHERIFF'S BALE IN FORECLOSURE. Under and by virtue of an eieeution In fore closure duly iaaued out ol Ihe Circuit Court of the Htate of Oreeon for the County of Lake on the 11th day of June, luutl, In a certain ault wherein J M Wllley aa plaintiff, recovered judgment and a decree of foreclosure and order or aale analnat W J McKee, J H Branch and Mary Hrancb, on the ltd day of June, tri, for the an in of 0444.70 with lnlcrcal thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from laid 3d day of June, f'JOt, ton-elder with ' attorney'! feea and f IS coata In which elocution and decree 1 waa ordered to anil the following deacribed real property belonginc to the defeiidanta J. H. lirani h and Mary Hranch In Ijike counly Ore eon and described aa followa: West balf of North West quarter, Houth Kaat quarter of North Wi at quarter and rioutli West quarter of North Kaat quarter of Section 1A, Township m, K R to h W M. Noiioe la herebv irlven that on Saturday the 12th day of July Vvl at the hour of lo o'clock A M of aaldday on the front and Kast side ol the County Court house, of Lake County Oregon In l.akcvlew I will aid 1 all the rlirht title and lutere. of the said lefendanta J. B. Hranch and Mary Hrancb of, In and to the above mentioned and described premises at Lubllc auction for cash lo the blglicat and beat idder to satisfy asld Judgement, Attorney's fees coata and the costs of and uinin thia writ. Itated June 11th Wt. 11. R. Imini.ap 13-4t Hherill of I ake County, Oregon. The Oregon Feed Yard A. P. STUBBLEPIELI), LESSEE. horses Boarded by Day, Week or Month HAY 25 CIS. GRAIN 2SCTS. Buy and sell Morses. Breaking Corrals and Tralnjr ing quarters for young horses. Experienced Trainer in charge. Second hand Wagons, Buggies, Harness and Saddles for sale. The Oregon Feed Yard MEN'S HEAVY WINTER w i-s LADIES' EXTUA FINE 1 jg 1 d Cllll. OWEN'S SCHOOL 7 P I 1 f I 7 SHEEHHEkDLK'S NAILED M. M V- af a, ,& Jli.H, .Ha. ,. ,J hen you see a smile on a man's face like this fellow, Just guess that he has a pair of Graves' 5 hoes. iiiiii mmm 'T'hese 5 hoes are all cele brated makes; are the best to be found on the market, andarc moderate price. Ill THE RED SHOE STORE The Two Latest Novelties In SUflMER WEAR The Floradora Golf Shirt rtsCS) CD CD vA Tiie Shield Teck Combination Tie ( t No Trouble To Show Them To You. We Are Here For That Purpose MONOGRAM" AHLSTROM BROTHERS THE I 1 I I