Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 12, 1902, Image 2

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    LAKE colmy exaiiiner LAKEVIEW, CKEGON, .JUNE. 11. IW2.
J4he fo.nttkt tfstimttitr
PtfMi.WeJ Er) TkarsJaT
Vasaatv PlalWiaa;
1 Lakeview Mercantile Co.
i'VmYi, $2.00
- ik Mo uh. 1 .00
I Three: Months. 50
f pf
1n Inch..
Twa Inchi-.
Throe Inrhvs
Quartor t'olw i
Half Inoni
va Column
1 k 1 mo ri n- I r
i . f; . f. m n I i
I , .. . ; n 11 ! (V
.to A iv It' i tti it 'k isi
,at ) ,. .v rtl
:si'ii .i't'o i
V' iV n' ,' wl V l I .V s
The powder puff may help to hide the
ravt s of time but it avails little to hide
the ravAgea of diarax. When the face
is disfigured by eruption, the treatment
. . must eo below trie surface to the blood.
R005E F.LT AT ARLIMJTOV which is and impure,
rreeident K.-evelt delivered a sreat l1t ren-e s t.oUlen Medical Discovery
1 ., .,. . xi cure dtanxuring eruptions which are
-TrtatA.!.,,!tonlemetery on Mem- cauaed or LpuA blood. It cure, acro-
mal Pay. I if mad the old irgima fulous sore, erysipelas, boils, pimples.
hQlsecBO wi'.ti aord of truth and jvat- ecretna, salt-rheum and other erupt! re
roUjta. He defended, in thrilling tone. imfUre WooJ bred mad
Ut aoldier b-.ya who f.Hliht 00 the t m tmbM artth ecaeaaa from tit rtvwa
ialawda and a ho are accused of crueltv. rf B;kliuMino( BTtM.mnMn
. . ,. , . . , ' '' Kill Osnrk. of Cass Cy. twarola Co,. Mirk.
lm rebelir. iault-nnder the FrrldeDl CtsalJ ao aralk at Han mot wr Wt ahora.
. . Thought there was mo acta tor ase at Iraat the
. dortc said thee waa momt I srrol to are
The ruiitv are to be pcoiahed : but in Cin ua and tbm hear of
... ' the rood that rtm-a Catkin aledtcwl Pi
f3&ltOiOf tlieni, let thoee who Sit at enrrr M aju far tkm. t4 au atrard M
Vn. 1 .'w J 1; .1 j tr it at osm For fcw that I tais- ht Mini it
ft bome, bo wa.k delicately and mj Mnd ara to the TilUrr ..3 pM T7 butttr
tire in the oft place of the earth, re- ? " pcoaawe thai I wowlj takt il 1
, ' ' had heea pr,nl wtiraf all the tim I took
BNllfr a!so to do them common jilt- thre hcttln of the Golitra Medtcal Waro-
tlna 11 n..i il .ff .il .. err and tea nal of rr Pwrcr PVraaaat th
l0e. Lt Dot the eSKrtle and the UP- a. .ml aard Ail Heahnc .Xalw - which laaoe
tempted rail Wrrn.uch at rtrvr t meo eomtJete cwre Rntv Miwr I waa
... e takin the aseiiciae abnrt na-M montha.
WOO W1U1 bkK'd Slid jurat fa.e Tears of woald at to all b. read this try Pr
toil and day and nifhu ol ag.-i,. and 'itilr1'
t need Uv oa n tlieir live in reoiote The sole motive for substitution is to
tropic to brinu the !i.;ht of t"!1 th dealer to make the little more
.1 1 . profit paid bv the sale of less meritorious
IixaUon into the world . dark Pv. wediDea. He in, . TOU lose There.
Tb warfare that bis extei.ded the tore accept no sutwtitute for "Golden
toandarie ! nvi'.iiatioii at the expense Medical Dtscoverr."
A barbariMji aud MVa:erv lwn for r,rce' PdieU cleanse the closed
-,,- , ... .' , arvem from accumulatevl impurities,
-untune ii.r v! the mt x!rnt factors r
a the prc't-. k4 Lomanity. Yet from 5ave Two From Death.
Urery Daltr-it f.aiy. ar.d even- -Our little daughter had an a!m.t
here been hatie to dark atuse. fatal attark if whapinc conh ati.l !
It bebotv.- u t.. keen a vigilant 'ronchiti," writija Mr. W. K. liavi !
Hoy Clothing
Et-rr rtn-nt ho la
ha-lrininr Iatfl Mtylca from
Kmc Fahrir tr Ktfxri Tailors
rrfrt In ronatrurtion and an
deKnfd aa to lend Uraa aod
BrautT 10 the 'Itur.
Dre55 Goods
In rii h prful.a - thr latrsl
wrSvra. tb t-t quailllra and
Do kim(Un( la thr measure.
Ilits. sit our Grand Ni-w
tis!ar o( 'rrss itKl.
v .j r n i 1 1
Speaks for Itself :
Hiaplfs at rlix rat fr!rra
that K-diri 1 1 1 1 aT li lo
ttarst Trfflis.
A hauling
FantT Hi) lM
g : It Needs No Praise
J ks- ka4
We kave awada fa Keerte4y
w4)w are IwtHeatSw ewll mm4
sake a tharwwah lawyeet iww.
We kits We taw rtraw Vww
ate lrarw
t General Merchandise
V RtrrOsrsH Ib 1st Tfclw
. ( wwatr) .
i S..SJJ j t j ,
5hirt Waists
Tha Vr tairtt. Ualml Uti
Fit and ! Tniuta.
Unlit to Fit lha faat. cl ran
tlnini Htyta with Ullaiful twn-
Wash Ooods
The rolln-tlon ot waahabla fa
trt wr off-r from our aw
slews. rlisas our Frrslou
ftffiris tlisl atsBi the ara
lh H'st in Toa a.
land, of Armir.k, N. Y. "i)t. when all
keep a vigilant
w T tthT reme.l:es failr-i. we ave.i her
panith Un- who them; but if Ijfe nith Ir. Kib s New Ii-oovery.
'ecaae of tteai we flinch irotn fuih- Our meet, a ho had Consumption in an
itkf the U?-k on ahich we have entered 'anoed ataie. alo ued this wonder-
-eshow our-ive. cravens and weak- '"ril' D'!
well lWerate thnutt and I'W.f dis-
inss. oBwwrthy i.f tl.e urea fr-m eae vield to 1. Kir-if" New IhMverv
do loin ue st rar.g. There were a to no other medicine on earth.
fallible for Coughs ant Cold.
and 1.0O l"Ott!e iruaranteel bv Ie
al tntt!e fre-.
i Lakeview Mercantile Co.
bse and to ?are in the Civil War.
Your false , rd, then called Grant a Tri
DoU her, ai.d f-ke u( yon who are
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, Oregon
Tl BKl iiTK K
I'mtH St:.- oft: y, re-
ra. Mr N.kiir : h r hy rn
That in otmt ! :!- i; a th- i Mwi.-ii.tii th-
'"t of I'MlliT- V .' J'iRe X. .i.:,li,-,t ' I;
-t for ihr titn'-rr in th- .f
rn'iifora r.-c o. Nr-t.l an i ai . nT.-n
T'-rrn. rv . a , .;-t;.J-l .t tv P-is.: ::j t
b -t of i '.rur 4 t . 4 . i . - r .
' i W l,
o F'cr-.aT. i . .. ; i,t
rtrttTi h?t, 1-r
S .. V - . .. N.. -i
- .. ,-, .1 : . ,t ih
.1 lar-.
stenir;it t cei- n.ervecar;e. a$ '"Lin-
oln't Lire! i 1 o-n f.e as
a the -n ; fi--d by the Confed-
raw Conrr- in Ik-tuber, aixu-ed
-ou. at grvst ;ei ;th a:.d with ruucli rar
ncularity. o! coi.Seu.;-tui'U di-revatd
f tK usut of citi. ! war;' i f ub--Ctini:
wtn .-a ai.-t t l.i.' irt-ri t.i li.ifi.-
uer.:, in i n e t:t at-d drath ;" of, ;
1-n.ei ." ' s
: .
--,-.f-.: :
. ;ri'..jl:! a .-- - :
tCk Kx'3': !
-rocily." .
lUi f.'UOi r
fir uj .1,
rtnie in i - I t
res on 11 : i, I'.mis f
Mi'y tl. it tie Ut- tie ;:td
! the gr .: ik ii ht :r-ri n.
lat ta .. Jy le-t. avtxo j!..:.r-J."
I& ffsraa.r oj tf-e fcturs- '. :lr
"'The t'. ; Or:,'.: kt
t trli-f li.rl'-. il : .'.r
.oj.'.e tit- .:: 't-?-r w.
bor cf t 1 '..tic u: 1 it
.rafd it r . !i n 1 ... j -r (,j i
tuergiti u. i oi'j- i : j f.
ir ance :.. r,a :.. .l t:.r
ins yt-ar le.-.-rc l.i-uy cai-:. r
J'Kt!! it OlZ, rr.i'T tewt tie
;-OBleof e 1 f.ii.trirs- ilir.i t, ..r'r V : U avrusv !';
sWatrri b Hirtar. &.asitr. Iras
fcwcs sa Grarral Staw Wars
5. F. Ahlstrom
.1st. l1
1 u-
1 i
v u i.hve tt t ir
1 o ! rviiiir 1 11 r
ipir?. l i' r. tt eir
t M m:. TV ; fc.
TinsScr L nd Notice.
1 n ! ... . 1 . a .
' s '
. 4 -
V a
ki '
f '
1st. t
: tt,-
1 -s.f '-.' r : r-.- s. a . 1
-. .s-.-i t.t T- f,
:. . - a: '.s--
: - t 'Sas : t '
r a I tfl-
.i A n;va .;
J'' T KT:-l a s?j-
'L Lti C 7-.. T'l T-.'n.
Alt ksl a-. 1 r riaicrf attra-!r it-tnt--vr.-3
,a&lft are r- U'-st-! fii
ttir '-S. a- in th:s r- oa .-r t-k'fr
1 , v
I ti-
; t
tt to er but to to n.ake t .si c-e
f their fti t a. ni. ar.d aitt. tfir r. a.
kBCrK.-.e treir grt wth in k-.'t.-ov. Wsy.t. li .v-s-s-u t-r.r -ur ir,ai in
Law4 Vat tea.
Kxriericnce Com lm-".
TroT iuvalna by iiiT.t:n; 10 rent in . f K Creaai 1'aJru. I't'., .ta
sui j lv it and we n il it, I ulls:xc :. ic-uts,
Kl S., M Vumi r-U, Nt" "rk.
Clifton, An. rx Jin. 1
tesr. hit l;:o.: l'l"ksct..l 1 m.'-O
et-ct lottle cf CTt-ain I I. 1 Jn-.r
r-u.-iiy It q':icVf.t and m rt j vi.aui ut
r :r f"r ct'.nrTh at. J oil in the !. i. l.
L, i t. M !.-iTi,ti-n.M.'r An i- 'A M C.y
. .r. lO.T :-ILm be".. :". J c .tTh f -T t aetity yar- It it n e
a. .it I t'. i';l t I L;d c nstili ; ti' n. I
t; it c:.e t"t t f Kir's C rfJkin I'-aim it. 1 in
f.r-? d.iv tl.e d.- l.arpe t.i. It ;s tLt
l..t r..-i': ci- I L ne! f-r eattrrh.
IW-trri. Cat Fiijk: t Kuimi .
l i: ;l I --S-. n.f !
fjisttii a t tr.-f, a Mat .'1 1 "V
..-t. r t'-r-t-r fvi-i in nm, tni r 1
.. - t... -....... ' T ! -, t I ... Jr. ..f
.- . n- r,.. kt. al-' f..r lif .a l I
.an I. iti t:.- -ts- i.t ::( rtus. nr.-
Si Is. ati't t s.'iii.if in Ti-friti.r " s :
. urn ! .1 : s ! t fi I hi n- I i I Ma'tsl.y k '
hi K f i.l Y-; M iirin.ul Ijik-ii. w '
r ..-. 1 j. '' ...I'ltiiti, t.sft U !sv i
r,."l ri r.:o . L' titit ti Vi
; . - f.r. t .s .( ir.. ..f N,
- A . .,; '1 S ! in T nnt .. 11 j
Kst i - Nil IT r . M an I a : i . 9. r i-r.x.f r I
. :. . i a! 1 1.- ti I net 1 i. i iii. fur 1
:t. l:r . r ' ..-i. tfisti f.if sr.i i.ilt.rsl i :T '
s-' r-- s's'-i'.li lil. r;a;!n In
t. j.-r :r.- K. - ..t.-r tii-l t. rtiu-r nf i! rT..-f (
it UkiTii-s nfi-ciii. "O Tti'ir-liT, !!. ti ilsj j
su'i-1. II. niii'i- a aitrt... j
.Is lil- a ft, A it-1 I I f (.stri s . . I' M u.f I- I ati'1 f M urri . s.l i.f las l . i't-f"n. i
Ant ar.-l a'! t-rrs iatrotr.r alT.rft--:T irif j
st-it ia- 1 ar- r-'itl in fl.f
fj :r :aift in this .ff irr nn ir l-fi-ir- anl lt i
Hi; u( Asfutl lu.'. t . M. B K. A IT 1 1 N
ftf istrr.
TlafMRK Uwi mK
rmtrsl HUM land fBi
lkrlrw.Ur-tra. Mar U
Nuiuvla btr (tvea that tc mmplnacs
Manufacturer of th
&&&&&&& &&S&&&&Ci&&C.&&Ci AC.
WecognUed as the Vaqucro Saddl
Varon atitl Utiir'v Hariu'ss. Whips. I.oU-, Uoatas.
I5it. Sjmri. ,iiirts, Hixct r.-. I!tr. o- -o- -o
I'li jiiiiriiiL' 1 all kiii'ls. by fomj-fti-nt hhmi. -o o
Sash, Blinds, Mouldin Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
anient keep ,u-ady pe.
wlseOtbe't loie thus fehown t-ir rs, : aai u-titavrlatdt
... . orroa. Trt
.avciiy for frtixn by their power ' utiutti'd
-fawjf-goti rnoiftrt, tten, and
Isr.Xt.. ,V Vh. . WT. rati t lew -a art lor the aal 1st
l u,f :Tu2:'fI1lr?.lIr! i lklakaih.i.iaif troo. baatt.ulaT filrd In
J ' U i li.ufisis.s asbssml Mo n tar lat ! '"IT 7 -
umu7 i -------- - - -- - -- ; m. tkmm. ol aasrtlaa Jo. a
rjT A," ".:.1-ft md . M ? . Raotv .to. 14 K. WM.
1 ..S'. SL'l V BTWUS. V - 11 I .ft w jW. I t. a M asva mui osT-r seaol u
t&ost that thr IsaKl aoarkvi is aaore Taiuaeue for
Its tiro W-r m ana lata lar asjrtetiuaral par
tKwea. aa4 u eaiabiiaa has ra. xs to aaid saB4
wi:. it be possible to
ahether ti ey are to exiat independet.tly
JM lr tt toil to u by tie of common
eot2tii. and inlereft. When that
T lUl'lt:r lilt DOt ID human W 1- ) U-l.trr la- tLrtr.xrr SJi-l V-ii-r nt !:, .t:
tn now", foretell. All that we can
-y wi;hc -'iaiut is that it would I (. k. Tir1 J" kc: w-JLZ tT
' . ' ... 1 Portia ad reve. r. H. w-bly of rartiai4.
wti uct si. inirrieatraDie cibtanr it ; rra. Mart a. w-hi;- r.i;sns. ora
e elioolc ' -t-id to the cttonae's i un
art. tor tha
to tow a
aad will
S-r saviof to ahos that the lawtl aouglat la
aware valoaMalor Ita tlana-r or aioaa than Tor
artrwltarl purptsars. and to eataMisk his
Cisia U ssviil land karfcarr tb KrfUvrt i fca
eelrerof ibisorBr at Uitii's. Ontua. on
rnda. the Uth a of J ilT. L M aasiaa
snly ak r res and torn le the!
-acdw', l. t-ft oor vU'tkTi -uf fia-s
jtcVier i-1-rt-oltinp cruelty our be-;
rayed fri. r.d ehel the bli1 f
most Tuir.e. the niort fluttered .
ie tnoet -.-.i.riiil. tl.e wii-r-l ar.d tie
.-atoftl ' !! l.-i:.'idr f'T thrr- are
t darv - io have a! ready irirr.rd t-
& . . . j . r r Ut, IBT X9m UmT J 1 1 T .
1.'ZZZT 11 -il-s: ADdrrar B. Tooheias. Wuliaas
A. Pesteraoa all ol Ma. (irrcoa. Ad; aad ail
persona rtaitaing atlvrrsei the aboe-ds-srribed
lahvt ara rrwot-sted to lie thnr rlaiasa
la this otoev oa r brt'trr said IMS dj al
ol. la'i t. M. UKATT alX.
Msjli-ISlOt lUfkstrt.
Any and ajl irsuot riaiacicc aierarlj the
aisire-drs nbrd latkda are rc- u-sk-d la klc rlsmt ib this STice oa or U forr swid
:c-1ai.f tu(iul. IK KM BATTAIN.
i-S k--cl.t-r.
oe t Jt
Tiasber Law4 Hotsca.
I rkat- land ' latrrtra. frt-fiB.
M .1. U.'i Vii.e:a btr-"1.) lko trial lo
ti'i-p.iaO' f tfi' pro istons ill trif ari if ''t.u
Cnilt-d iAod firftco.
Lakrsx-a . Orvf oa. Marx h J. I'J.
Ntttiot is hfr--bt riTra that m cxtailiaDe
wttntne prrn infi-as ol Iht art ol t.ncr-ss of
Great Reduction in
Fine Line of Latest
Billiard and " Pool Room
tie is Cominf.
l-i s:n.a I F ,
rr-..l jjDi- . i-.v tain -i mri i..r inr Jim, S ' A B i1 lor l tit- sair ot
! t a. i-r Is-i4. in 1-- lt a. if. rti:a. .rntr iaii-1s 1:1 tur t-iai.s of 4 aaf.nta. i rv-
ir- s' ii. Nos'Ii an 1 w s..Mii'ioii Tt-rr.tort " a g.-u. N-aia. auJ t auiiif ton Ttrriiors ," as
. !! L-l -1 u aii ! :ji-Put Ir fat .1 -istt- t j a t ol tun l 'l :! iti- l ui iir fnd Mar hj ai I
k .f..t 1 !" Mart k. t.t... .) Inrtiabd of Ai. usi I 1.' Ia-bs K. Ilaakiusol Ult(ls. of M li'tniTi.ab. J"lalf ( r T.-rr;or ) of ro.jj.ty o- lfc-- '.1-ol Or-i;oo. ll:tslsy
i 'r- .. t.s !.: jftt r..- I i:i lb: o..v 1.1 f 6 -1 i u t u'. i-Tt.f r lirr a i n t st no ri t S . i.V
. -. ra st r-. ni kj 4 lot ti.r K,r !.av oi iu- rivi.M,i- .1 'tit ', Mi. M.
-,-r.', s: K1.-'. ol t . ..ti So. X' IB I oa to of r- v 1 1 jl 1 4 ill So 5
...i. S.i . I.iti.f Si. I-. K a. M and siill N.. J I. . . V su 1 i.loi .r.. f
-r! r : r to ft'ins '.rial Ho-iaiid wt.if t.i it mortr .:.a; tt.- Isiiii s-.t.t.! it r'ft va.i.tir fof n
liiBt-.-i .fiit.i..!.r or turit- tnati for arri u:t. t- r r t-.t itsu f- awri. d.i -rn n.rti-.
u.i ..rsl t i.r; t. sti I to -tatha t-r risiu mn i t-is.-.i-n h-r i .a. in u said lain! tn-!or
t"t...t i'id u 1 rv itjr k. jriftit-r and Kr-t-i-.rr iw- atl Ktffiftr of ibis offcrv at
f it.. ..f tr al i sii.k : a . ur.fno.iik ridsy. k. . irr..u u fr.Jsj . thr ttth dar of
II. t'K il.i itf li.r-.kl 1 At? hht liaukrs a a 1 1- trnir. lS'J btmr. as a llnrtM s I: im.-r s:
r: J. 1 S. I'tar I. of H'.j orva-on, Krrtlruk , Kint-hart t e Loirirss. J. f. phrU-
r A ' i. . l, ... al, ! H.arhijr.of Orrfnn. t . w. tntoli, kamotri. rJ. . In it all o Lakrtiea. Hereon.
al mMsiiiiifik fajii I t'taer i . M t-uriimi. urr-rn. Jvm i t Ha&rk of Toili.. Any and a.l prrsoas riaJmluc adrrt-ly the
Ant and all t-Tson r!aiac adtrrse- ' ahatre-shrscritard lands ai taaurateil La Bis
i sUiir'ita'riM Us4 tn imussu4 u ; lbs.! ckiBi la tbu btM an or Uks aakaith
i t.r Ihnr c.aJBa IB l hi otVw a of ttcsor ssud 1 asy ol Jane. HO.'.
I th das of lutui. lwa ! f. y. Ftm!.
wa II kATTaijk.hrfuier uaaa-it kVakVar.
Hereford Stock S'arm
'Kj&aKXL Drews Valley, Oregon.
' '. F. O. Bunting, Owner
d. v. ;
. Jl I it.
hlv r
'rk rit'
.:-. ti:e bih cla-f art::.
!.:.-V!f He rtll.r.
.l.w.el.drl Al.d Wl.I do i.l
:.: at h .in.e tli ;sr.iity
t, ainlir ?. Mrpia . J-
- rk dotie ib .hcaro. but have it done
TLotA. the artsrt. at home.
ait Li ci iii'r.;.
Ili work i all w-ar-
thjr OB
lr th a1
aL J Li-avi. T lilUT
largest herd of registered
' Kerefords in Oregon
5 Registered .earUng Bolls
IOOf 120 and ICOeach
lAltJOa ALAMO tuAI Iserl