LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER : LAKEVIEV, OREGON, JUNE. 5, 1002. 5h 5hamcl Klin The folio in story i n-w going the ro'tnds. A married couple arrived at a ball, ami in entering lite bowse the hus band slipp-d on the stairs and tore the knee of ins trousers. Already lute, he wasairhaslal the disaster. Hi wif". however, came lo hi ri-cne and said. "Never mind ; it is late and no one ill le in the women' dressing room. Come there iih mean I I will mend them f-r you." When the dressing room a- reached hi ife said . "well yon know I can't mend them while yon have then, on," ami the troubled husband took them off and handed them over for re pair. Put this domestic scene wn in terrupted hv other he ated guests, who. out! lit to divest themselves of ')". "(iood gracious." paid the h.usland, "what shall 1 do now 1" "Get into this closet," and she whisked him through the door and lammed it aiier him. Then she rushed to the dressing room door ai d a she opened it she was startled by a pound ing on the other do"r aid the mploiing voice of her husband, "For heaven' sake, let me back ; you have chut nie in the ball room !" The ladies alio were now in the open door of the dressing room, ook the hint and retired jtit a she opened the door for her frantic husband. The Indian Wa V "n have been recounis-d at la-t th.iu i the especial effort and hard oik 01 lion. Thomas II. Tongue, the brilliant Congressman from tin district. The House Commit tee on pen-ion, on May 2lt, ordered a favorable report on the long pending In dian War Veteran bill winch paused the stnale on i-einusry IHi li . The provis ions of the net provide lor the pension ing of the Motiving ollh-ers and enlisted men who reived in I he Oregon ami Washington Indian nai fiom 1S.M to 1S;M and to suiviving ami iiiiinan widows of 1 he olliccrs and men. l.epie sentiiuvc Tongue is now endeavoring t induce SHaker lleiiderwn to set a day for the consnh of the bill and feel confident .f in passage. Nevvr bvtore lu this bill been in su 11 a favorable h-t-itlott, and stood such a gol show of pa-sing. Ha.l it gone 1 hroiigh ai report ed a year into, 'u would have afforded little benctit b the OiegnU VetelAnS. As iiow tc(orted, it is all that ha Iwn asked Cie-idenl U seveli i anxious to have the hill parsed and ha had a pot. Icr. tiee with .-peaker Henderson on the snl j.rt. All extra lor Mct'ormack mowers and rke Pan alv he found at S. h.i.inek's. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy : he scn of smell and completely der.intrf the whole system a hen entering it thr-iuh the niticntn surfaces. Such article should never be used e xeept nu per-v-rip tions from rvpntahie physicians, as the damage they will do 1 ten fo!d to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O , contains no merctirv, and is taken internally. act ng directly apm the bloiMi ami uiucoti , surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure lie sure you g-t the genu- I ine. It is taken internally, and made in 1 Toledo, Ohij, by K. J. Cheney A C. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the Ix-st. 2S 4t IVOKMNlS RELIEF! He Is Coming. D. W. Thomas, the high class artist, . will he in Lakeview soon. He comes ' highly recommended and will do his work right here at home His specialty is crayon work, paintings, sepia's, pas-' tals and midallions. IWi't order your, work done io Chicago, hut have it done by Thomas, the artist, ai home.. Await his couvng. His work is all war ranted. 22-3 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All ruggint refund the money 11 11 fails to cure. t. drove signature it on eat-n box. sac. Hiy CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tfcs Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Bears the Signature of A really healthy roman has Ht- rUe pain or dLxcumfort at Ine menstrual period. No woman needs to have any, AVlno of Cardui will quickly relievo those smarting menstrual pains and the dragging head, back ami side aches caused by falling of the womb and Irregular menses. 17IUE"CARDUI has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It make the men strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision made by Na ture to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. Ouhvmi, La Oc. 14, rsoo. I AST Km MTV aiak for BoraM tirci I wm tkn with a win pain la my tide and coo Id not ret bt relief uaW. I 1 Irted a bottleof Wise of Ckrdoi. Ue- fore I bkd t&ken eJl e4 U I u mIImxI I feel It bt dntr to thai yon ke a ' wonderful mortiotao. Mae. M. A.. Tocirr. w i-l -Tin11lltn litliiM ! ilin mm I tome. -The laAif dnxj linimni,' Tiie rhitenrm MertlelneCeL.CTietiennn.TeM. The Famous Running 5tailion WlllJJlake the SEASON of 1902 in LAKE COUNTY, Under the flanagement of H. H. QUILLIAflS ... ' ..'"' '. : --. I'fUJ' tMl'. . '1 - .- .,.... ; .'4 Jb -'iFg--,.SrPV-:.-'l.-'. (J SILVER BULLION it by Rey del Sierras, out of Miss Courtney; grand sire Joe Hooker, grand dam Marion; Mies Courtney is by Norfork, out of liallinette; Joe Hooker is by Monday, out of Mayflower; Marion by Malcom out of Magitie Mitchell; Norfolk by Lexington out of Novice; Ballinette by Monday out of Bal erena. Silver Bullion is 6 years old, a chestnut of fine proportions, standing 1ft. 2 hands high and weighs 1245 lbs. As a 2-year old he raced at all distances, 6,' fur longs to l'l miles, and was remarkably successful. lie has shown a mile in 1:40 flat. lie has the best strains in the world coursing through his veins. Silver Bullion will be taken East next season to ra -e against the best horses in the land. Complete pedigree and statement of Silver Bullion's splendid work can be. seen by calling on the manager. He will stand the present season at the stable, opposite Race Track, Lakeview, Oregon, and arrangements may be made to stand at Paisley. (Watch "Lakb County Eiamineh" for dates.) TERMS FOR SEASON 82G.OO. With usual return privileges. J will not be responsible for any accidents to marea. Good pasture for U.aitjs near standing stable at ft. 50 per month. ii. II. GUILLIAMS, Manager. km MA A Good Hearlcd Man, or in ot!.rr worJt, men with K00J smmd hearts, arc not very ntimerotit. The irnreajing tuimhcr .f suJdrn dc;tthi from hc-irt disr.tse d.tily tliron icl'd hy the prr-M, I proof of the aljrni nl preva lence of this ((.inRfrous com pi a !tit, tit I as no one can foretell imt when x Uu collapse J. A. Kfsawtr. v '.'l occur, the lang'T of nejj lectirijj treAtmrnt is certainly a very ri!;y m.ttter, If yml iie shirt of heath, I'.UVe pain it lft siJe, smothering spells, pl pita'.ivin, u.uole to lie on siJe, vpeci;.l!y the left, you thuuld b ':n taking , Mues Heart Cure. J. A. Kr'tunrrof Arkan.tCitr, Kn ta t: "M h :t l-l it wus int- rovvMe i rm t ) I Uown.snd I rouM ucithr sli cn ur rr t. Mv rtctline was rii l, anil 1 reahicj I mut pet hrln .vn. I was a.iviscJ to trv lr. M'' Mrirt Cure, whirli I i'i I, nj cauiiiJly twheve it taveJ my" Dr. Miles' rVemedlee irs sold bf all druts'l on uarerttee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. ATARRH THK iNII 1IKAL1NGI CCKK FOB CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Ear and pleaeanl to aak Cunta:ue no m jorMine drug. It l qulrkljr etienrhed. IVM KMllMr Ml ODlft. II Oprns ai.d t lrne . . . n llrale and Pniterw the Menhrana. hretoree thS ttrnaea ol Taite ana Mnrll. IJktg' i-ia-, v prnirriatanr I.t mall; Trial Rtae, lOfrnti h mall. KLY BUOlWHa.SS Warren blrert, New 1 Imber la Mailer. I'niliMl States l.aml Ofllee, lakeview, Oregon. May W, IINC'. Nut lie Is hereby givi-ti that In compliance with the pro vist'tti of the act of t'ongress of June ,1, 1S7H, elitilUM "An act lor the salt id tim ber hind ill the Stste nl I iililornls, (Hivn, Ni vNilii, hihI nHlilngioti iVr riloiv," as extended to all Ihe I'lil'lie l.nnii Mutes by a. t ol Auguat 4. IH.l'J, J.ihti A. N allien, of loilUud, coitnlv ol Miiltiioiiiiih Stale (or Territory) ol Ore gon, han this day tiled Hi this cilice bis tt in Htitteiui-iil No. -IS l , lut tlie ur i lui- ol tlie St4 n 4 .:. 1ft N N 4 N W 4 N b4 of N i lion No. I'J. in Tom lihbip tin illlN., Uhukii N. Ill K., W M., uint h ill oiler ptiHil to alniM I but the himl souglit Is iiioik vsluuble tor li liui lirror stone tdan fur sgiii iiitiirsl purHia I'S, and tn eMsl'liMi bin -lslin to amd Is ml helilolhi lieglati-r and Kii elver ol tht ollice at Lakeview , Oregon, on Friday, Ihe Klh iln.V ol AugU'l, I 'HI.', lie mime ns Piivid l". Ili-ih-ll of I'.H'iir d'Alene, Msho. lnu II. Mi'lntis ol Wi'stpi.'ll, Oiejjon, J0(m j, uanrg tit Tvll'ij i, Oregon. ('. W. KinlHMly id rottUnd. Oiegmi. Any and all piUons ilslllllliy ailVrlielV t!.e alxiVo-ileai'llUol Iniith are rupiealed to IHe their claims in thin ollice 011 01 before eittd Hi Ii il.iy ol August, HKi'2. M. ItMAl-TUN, Hegi. ler. i '.;.' ilaaber Land Nelke. United Mates lnd Offiee, Lakeview, Oregon, May SM. I'HC'. Notice la lierehy given tbal lucoinpliance with the pro vihIiiiis 1. 1 Ihe act ol tKingreaa of June 3, 178, entitled "All art lor the sale ol lliu Ivl luii. Ik in the Mulea ol I alllornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington ler nu.r," as eateinled to ad the I'ublic IjiiuI State by act of August 4, I MVS, rieilin a II. ehtje, of l'oriland, county of Multnomah Mate (or Territory) ol Oregon, lias this day tiled lii this ollice bis sworn statement No. 47'i, for the punhasr ol tlie S. NKVSW Ft, ."F'4 NW'ol Sillon No. It) in Toa u aliii. No. ;m S., Kange No. lit K.. W. M., Mini will offer prool to sliow that the .and sought is more valuable for U tim lier or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to estubli-h his claim to said Innd liefore the Register and Receiver of tins ollice at Ijikeview. Orciton, on Fri day, the Hlh nay ol August, He namea as witnesses: Joel N. I'earcy ol lily, Oregon. .Mary K. Wehtje ol l'ori land, Oregon. t W. Kuilnaly ol I'ort laud, Oregon. John J. t'usark of Tol edo, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above deacnlied lands are requested to rile their claims in thisotlice on or liefore said Hlh day of August, llsJS. F:. M. Rhattaim, R-gis-ter. l 5 'ii PR)l?n5SI()NAI It. K. I.. sTr l:lt, l , l . I.akevlew, Sir. urill'lt MI'i irn Store. (Vila anaeere rn'il.v ilay vr nlalil. .. II. NtllTH II II lhalrlae and Hnrl'-on. I.aketirw . Or. ort li'K Ukrilre I'iiik I u'a Si.-r Ml u r' lir.linlll a,T Heiillal l.akrilrn, Oitiik OKI'lt K Italy i . r " "' " Atlnrney l.a l.akrvirw, flregoti Oi l U K- Italy lllill.littK ii mi nt i'i i: A tlrnr mt Law f-akrrw. ln 'rrirK luly liuil.tmr J MIMINK Attorr).a.l4iM . Iikrvlrw , Sir orricK laly lnlMI. i.n vnunn Ijiitrl Nallrra HM-rlally orrii r- r,,.rii nuiidnig. YEARS' EXPERIENCE iHI aaaaa aTMi MS All JT . tfO Dcaiasis Anyone sen d1nff aakeSrb and deaerlMloti anay enlckif aerertain our opinioo free whether an Invention ta pnibably patentable. Coiemunlra. tUinaainctlyocinSdeiitlaL llaudlMinkua l'alet.:i aenl free. (llileM aireiKy for aervrina italenu. Fatenta taken ibrouaS Munn a t o. reoelrs pertal awtka, a M hoot ciiaree. la tbe scienttnc Americans A aandaaraely llraatrabsd weekly. tjtrraet Mr 1 erana. U a .i l.ii, nf ftiir uiutiiuoo VturnaJ, u. lmriuintlu.IL Hold bl all newalealera. MUNNJCOaWjNewtork Mraoea OrBee. K F ft, Waataluatou. U. (- TIMIIXR 1.4 X It MITII H t'lillfil ftat-a jttil OITlre, Uk-riar. Or. May 21. Irt. Nolloe la lit re by ylvt-ii lliat In itiiilianr. wllh the priivialitin til Ihe ai t til I oiiKr of Junes, lKTn. rnliilfd "An act for the sale ol timber lamla III the Htat.-a til ( alllornia, Ore Kim, Ntfva'la. and nnl.liiKlon Tsrritory." aa til 1.1 to all Ihe Pnlillt: l and hlaira bv a t ol August 4. "Vi. William Mayt-r ol Kalama. i-nuniy ol t'ou lilt. Htati- ol WaatihiKton, haa thladay flN'd III lhl (.ITtcr lil taiirii nute mrnt No 4i:l. lor the piiri liajM-of the NK'4 of H-i'llon No -Jfi in Tuwnahl No. H6 H., Kai r No. 1 K., VY.'M., and will offi-r proof to ahoai that the land Bought la more Talnahlu fur lla 1 1 in Ik-r or alone iban for agricultural pur-tMim-a, and to i-atabllah bla t'lalin to aaid land before the Hi-Klati-r and lot-i-ivcr of tbla oOli-r at lakuvl'-w. tri K"". on Krhlay, Ihe lut day of Auxuat, U. Il! naijra aa witinax-a: John J. t'naack of 'rntto. On-iron, Kd fast-beer, W illiam ( aaeheer and :. W. Kuibody ol lily. Oreiioii.. Auy and all peraona rlaimlns ad veraely the above-tlearrilivd lamla are re.jiii-lli-d to Die their t-laimaln tbla oflli-e on or before aid 1st day ol August. K-M. BKA1TAIN, mayW-lu hl''l!.'.r: TIMHKK LA Sill SIITII R t'nllcd MaK-a land Ofttre at lakrvlew, Or etron. April W. Notice la hereby kIvi ii that III compliance with the provlaloiia of the act of foiiR-rcas of June X, li?H. enmli-d "An act for the sale of timber landa In the Hiatt-a ol California. OreKon, .Nevada and Waxtiiiiiloii Territory." as eitcirded lo all the Hublii: l and Hta;ea by act of Auxuat 4, Joseph W. Kin tj. of l.akevlew, county of l-ake. State of Or eiion, has this day filed In this office hla worn stalement No. 17, for the piirtthaae ol theNWot NK.t; of Mecllon It in Tiiwnalilp No, 3H., KanRH No. 'M tC., and will offer proof toabow that ihe land anurht Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for aKrlcultural puriKiaea, and to eatabliah his claim to aaid Innd before the Kt-Uler and Kci t-lvt-r of this ollice at lkevlt-w, Orrxoii, on Haturdsy, the Itfth day of July, IM0. lie names aa witueanes the following: Charles loiniliiKmn, fiiarlca Moore, V. L. Hiii'lllng and Kobert McKeeall of lakeview, OrcKon. - Any and all ternona claiming adveratMy the above-deturibed landa are rciiiealed to file their claims in tbla ofllee ou or before said Mill day of July, WW. E. M. BIUTTAIM, l7-meyl-10 Keirlaler. TIMHKK I. AMI nOTM K UnlleU rttatea Land Oflice, l.akevlew, Oreon, M.-h II, IWi. Notice Is hereby alven that In couiillance with the provision!! of the act of f ongrcaa of June S, 17M, entitled "An ai l for the anlc of timber lauds III the States of sllfortila, Ore von, Nevada and VV'aahliiKK.Ii leirilory," an ex tended to ail Ihe I'll l. He Land Matt-a by eel of AUiiust 4. IMi, Oeorxc (nun, of I 'h I b I . y , coulily ol Lake, Hlale of Drcgull, haa nils diiy filed In this ollice hla sworn Hiali iiienl No. for the purchase ol llie hi.; Nl-.ii Sec. in anil ' j NWIhec. Hill Tp No. :t4 H, KallKf No 17 I., and Hill offer proof to alum Unit the IhiiiI wiiiKlit la Hioru valuable for Hit timber or lone than for airricultural purooaca, and to establish hla claim lo aaid land before tliu Kt-Klan r and Hi celvcrof tliisoltlceat l.akevlew, iirigun, on, Tueaday, I lie ailli day ol May, pm'J. lie iininea aa w i t lift-sea : Allmit A. KHrrnw, H. W. Karrnw. Hlcliard l,.iilierlock, lolin W. Il.-m ll.-l allof I'uu ley, Or. Any ami all piTMiua claiiniiiK advert ly the altove deaerllted landa are reiieMieif ,.) file their claiuia In ihla olliuu on or before nald 20lli dav of May, I'.tM, K. M. IIm itin, luarl.t-lu Kugiir. Tlaaber Land Notice. I'ltited Stalea Ijtnd Oltlie, Lakeview, Oregon, May 2, ItHI'J. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Ihe pro visions of the act 1 1 Congress of June 3, 1H7H, t imtletl "An act lor the sale ol liui Ur lands in the Mates of t'aliloinla. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory," as extended lo all the I'ulilli Ijtnd Mates Ity act ol Atigual 4, mn.. David T. IWdell. of L'o-ur d'.Mene, coun ty ol Kooliiak Male (or Territory) ol Idaho, has tills day II led in this ollice ins saorn statement .to. n, n.ircliase of the Kt NK'a Sec. i'l St. N W t4 of pc. 22 in loansliip No. W 8 , Range No. 1H K., W. M.. and was a 1 1 ofler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its Umber or sloiie tlian for agricultural piiriataes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at Lakeview, Oregon, on rruluy, llie mn dav of Auifiist. l'JU2. He names as wit nesses: John A. Waldcn ol Cortland, Oregon, C. W. Fmlxaly of Cortland, Ore noil. John J I'usHck of Toledo Oreguli, Arthur 1). Hheliton of Castle idttk, Washingion. Any and all tM-rsons claiminii adversely the altove dcscritied lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or IH-Iore sain nwi nay oi August, RHJ2. K. M. liMArrAis, Register. Tlaaber Land Nolle. United Males Land Office, I-ukevicw, Oregon, May 2tJ, 11MJ2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the pro visions of act of Congress of June 3, 1H7H, entitled "An act for the sale of tuulter lauds in the Mates of California. Oregon Nevada, and Washington territory, as extended to all the l'tililit: 1-and Mates l,v act of August 4. 1HU2. r-arah A. Miel don, of Castle Rock, county of Coalitx Mate (or Territory) ol ashingUn, lias this day filed In this otlico her sworn stalement Ao. 40, lor ine purcnase oi the W of WVof Section No. 20 in T-twnsiiip No. HO Range No. Hi K., W. M., and a ill offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor it' timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land uelorellte Kegisieranu itcceiv er of this ottioa at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday, the Hlh day of August, im2 Hhe names as witnesses: William II. Mieldon of Castle Rock, Washington, Arthur I). Mieldon of Castle Rock, Washington, David T. Hedell of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, John A. VV allien ol t ori land, Oregon. Any and all tersons claiming adversely the alsive described lands are requested to file their claims in this ofHce on or ln-lore said Hth day of August, 1UU2. K. M. JlShattaix, Regia ter. 0 6 22 T I a bar Land Nolle. I' tilled Htates Laud OUIce, Ijtkevlew, Oregon May M. XWi. Notice la hereliy alvrn that In c(iinillaD4-e with the provisions of the act of foiiarnaa t.f June S. IH7S. entitled "All act for Ihe sale of timber lauds In the Htates of Ori-aim. I ullfnriiiM. Nevada, and aalilusloii Territory," a- eateuded lo ail I lie Public Lam! i-latca k rl ofAUKiint 4, IHtfi, Arthur l. hhi-lnoii, ol i'hhiIc Ki.i-k, county of eowliir.. nlniunl W b ali I tiu t !! . Ima this iluv filed in Una nit lee hla aMnrit Mnleiniuit Nu. 474. lor the pun haae of IlieKi, Kw1, h1: HY.'l f .., . ,. .., Is ...... ... I y t: trl ' ..t u.... I .Ml n, iv lit r., w .! Bllil iw-j l-r. ii, mv lion No !i In Towiinlili No 7 n, Kange No IS i-., u M, ami Mill nfii-r iirool to altow that the ... I i, i. in it. inure vitlimlilc lor ita timber or Mmic I nun Inr ngi Iciillulul puriiiaca, ami to caiubllali ma riiuin to sum ihihi in-lure ine Kckialer and Itecelver ol til la office at l-ake view. Oregon, on Krlilav. I lie hlh day ol Au gust, lurj. He iiaun-a aa wltnetaea: lolin A walileu of l'oriland. Oregon. Hubert H- Oliver ol I'orllauil, Oregon, c w Kinbody nl I'urllniid. Oregon, Kavlil I Heilell ol loner il' Alene, liiaho. Any and all persona claim lug ailveraoly the alrijve-dcacrlbril landa are reiiieateil to nie llieir claiuia III tins unici on or beloruralil sin aay ol Aiiguai, ti. K. M. IIHA I I AlN, Hi'Vlalcr )' Meets on Ihe M and 4ih Wednextay of each mmlli In M.n.nlc Mall, at s p. ia. Uisra Hall rv. I onatil f oiiiluaii.l. r. K. N. IaviI l-ll. I lerk. aaexwva ,Sjs---- rf 'rf f r r t f r y '. l I.AKKVIKW P.N'f A MI'MKNT, No Is. S V l.O, o. t. Itneia the U and 31 Thnrs S day evrlllllg ol each It In Odd I'el 0 lima' Hall, Ukevlrw. W V. P., W. ). MooS. Krrll-e. M Hiaia. Is-;:f-yr:cy...1y.:Av;A'iji' ..lntxiits oi rvinuis. lioiiNK I.Ak'K oMiK rvery itia.iay rvauitta N K i . S. . t, , -A ' i Sn S ateela Old fellows Vlltlli( knlghta Hall, lakeview, Ore. Minliallv Invltr.l M. hiistiis. fhancollor I'ommandrr. f. Him AsitsaMiN. a. ol l(. and M. MIIKf l HHWIIM lamac Rorrtl Hrnda with Swallow Pork Is J 9 ITIcS DallJ net,! ear lor rej reverse lor wrlhrra. Homeewra Stiare Crop and Sill In rlghl ear. Tar Hrand III. Ilangr. ( ran Ijtke. I'oalnfnce addreaa, lakrvlew, tirrfun. Zac Whitworth Uramla wlih Crop oft Ir It ear. Hall I'nderrrop oil rlghl for ewra; reverse for weihrrs. Tar llran W. Kange, Klah Creek. address (Akerlew. Oregon, To take efftt t, Tuesday, Apr. 1,1002. in. in. in. m. in. No. 1 9 no a. m. t 47 a. in. o:oo a. lit. 10 Vi a 11 M a II Ao a Ii HI p W li p l'J:.V p, in 1 2:41 p. m. I :ltr n. in. 1 :WJ p. ni. v-nr. i p. in. 2 A! I p.m. S:IH p in. 8:Ml p. in. t . fii p. in. S:M p. m. fi 4' p. III. :M p. in. S:i") a. in. I.T Lv Lv Lv Lv . . Lv Lv Lv. lv. Lv. Lv. I v Lv Lv lv I v l.v. I.v. Lv . l.v. Ar. Renn . huitnnlt... if ar Krancli , . . .I'nrdy.. .. I'I ii mas . Chat . I anteron Hi d hi k. roiistaulla . Iiovln gan . . . . Amedee ... A medee .. . lint Hprluga..Ar M urray A r Karlo Ar .llorae ljku..Ar Waverly .. .Ar .Ternio . . Ar .Madeline . l.v . Ar Ar Ar Ar . Ar Ar .Ar Ai .Ar .Ar .Ar .Ar . Ar Ar ft 2. 4 l.'t 13 4 lift n It, '2 I H t U4 14 I Jt I tin 17 40 IJgtl II :it II III 111:46 lii: V:4H 9-vn B ;us MA No. ' p. m p. m. p. tn p. m . p. lu. p. m. p. in. p. iia. p. in. p. in. p. in. a. m. i p.m. i p an. p. rn. p. ra. p. in. p. m. p. m . p. m. SILKKA VALI LY HV ft.uopm V4A pill S HU put 1:ju pm III iVVain.l.v.. I'I ii mas. A i II wain I.T. Allium Ar l.'.trtam'l.v.Hei k wllh.Ar UA'tami l.v.f lalrvlllrAr i4.Ul pin 9. SO era H. l.-i pai s airaro J.SUpn-l7.Mani I. 4iiiin 7 U0 atu CONNKCTION WITH HTAOK AT: Termii,-fnr lakeview, I'alaley and I'litnh, Ore., and Kl. indwell, lake ( Ity, I rdaivlllu, Adlli, Alliirasand Hleber, Calif. Hoi Hurlnga, lor Hlandlsh and Huaaiivllle, t'alll. Ixiyi - for Ml I lord, Janeavllle and Ituntln vllfe, Calif. Vinton for Utyalton, Pownlrvllle and Caind hell's Hot Hpriugs, I allf Heckwllli.-lor l.eneare, Taylorvllle and (Irecn ville. Calif. flalrvllle,- Mohawk and Qiilnrv, Calif. Keno.coiiiicclliig with So. I'sc. l it. for all iMilnts Kaat ik Meat: V. A T. K. It., for all KilnH Houlh. - - ' tt ' r ' "ill i Mi iiafUMa nil nwii