Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 05, 1902, Image 2

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Written Just radon Oiha was tonus! onr lo
or ntilv bjf Ihi" Anirni an t.iitriiim-nt
Wlifii on Tuwuliiy iifxt llio I'muiI
State lurns 1 In- IsUiul nf Cut' liai-k to
t(i rule of iiit own hk1o, Attlulr.iii
it ow u povertMisnty ; furling tlx ting of
the great rejmblic ami giving with it
retiring gun, a yolemn (-! 11 1 to tin'
!tag of wliat if to I a new rvnnllu nil
civilized nation nil! be thrilled, nay
'Tu!ge (..noil in in .valt Lake Weekly.
No other eiK'li uiAgnirlitint fHrtni'le
Ita ever been witueftMnl through all the
rolling age of the past, to other aurh
stately history has ever Iteen written;
in no other instance have the effects of
ci the working of free rovernment up
on a nation been so manifested to a
wondering world.
When years of cruelty on the part of
old Spain culminated io the destruction
of a friendly warship of the great repul
' lie, and her devoted crew in the harbor of
Havana a destruction which had all
the sinister features of a monstrous a
(Mdbination ; and when a public opinion,
which co-Id not be restrained, de
manded the avenging of that tragedy in
a manner which should be forever a no-j
lice to the nations of the earth that the
American flag and American citizen-1
ship ere .thing)
which the world,
in remotest oounu, mut respect; even
wtule from every folate and Territory
'was tieard 'he onmioua, measured
read of the volunteers pressing forward
lo a common center, eager to take part
. m liiiuii v v-1 rial i - u 1 1 1 in . 1 1 via i n bii i .u i
"majesty of the flag and the barbarous
-murder of American sailors; the Senate
- o the United States spread upon its
Toords a notice to mankind, that no
rlut of conquest was behind the tre
mendous movement, ana coupled itb
it was a promise that, w hen redeemed,
.fSlttA nhnllM tt (Mvn hark tt hav rkwn
At this the minions of kings sneered;
the world's diplomats doubted ; a hoe
tile press scoffed ; through all the lands
of Latin America there were tremb--hngs,
lest indee the Great Republic
vas about entering upon a career of ab
sorption, w hich under or another
wscuse woum never cease until trie con
ttoent should be subdued.
That was but four years ago. A short
lut deciive war succeeiled, in which
the arm of imin was lirukeu on lanil,
while on the sua her fleets disappeared
in flump flnl utm.-It an.t rha fluff A tl.u
republic tiok on a glory indescribable.
The war over, millions of wretches
ere found ftarving, the republic fed
(.hem, thousands were found sii k, the
-republic built hospitals and supplied
iitjijj iiuihtd, jm jsiuiuiih ami lueuiciiien.
Jvvery city wan a breeding place f.r the
iestilence; the republic compelled their
'sanitation and forced the pestilence to
. iw . .. auu 1 1 y away.
Tens of thousands of children were
growing up in ignorance; fcr then
noiioolhounes were built and teachers
eut to them.
Tle rule of violence and disorder was
:mshed and an example of the bless
nga which follow when juxt laws are
kindly but firmly enforced was given
:he people.
Tliis has cost manr a glorious life
and millions, and tens of millions of
treasure, but the work being com
Itieted the republic fuloTs Its promise
aod withdraws. Already along the
:iue lines of the soldiers, the songs of
home are being sung ; within sound of
where the Maine awl her heroes sleep
m the ooze, the seamen on the ship of
tie republic are Kinging Sweet Home.
Whatever may succeed in the years to
come, this hip lory will be finished on
Tuesday next.
It is worth all that it has cost. It is a
txige of completed history and the
1... ..1 .... .11 .1 .. ...
4mw'ivi im iih iau -crrr an ..lit? ii-ai
-4i'hiev"inenU of all other nations nince
Att beginning of the world to r-eeni
-7llP.An Miiil luuir lit pimnurimiri
It gives to the great republic new
urace and majesty ; it gives to the .Mon
roe doctrine a new meaning and dig
u.Irlr. it .. .1... I f .1... - I. II..
-ivj , it. j(itr. i- me ling i vu-j lt?JUi'lli;
a splendor which dims all the cables
and of Koine, even uhen
ituine in aiinifiiineus linen lie
Don't Marry For Money.
The iioblon man, who lately married
niik'y rich young woman, is happy
iiow, lor he got lr. King's New l,iie
J'ills, wliicJi rentored her to pel (eel
health. Infallililu (or Jaiimiii:e, I'.il
iouHiieHs, Malaiia, Fever and Ague ami
all Liver and Stomach tioiililes. (ien
tle but effective. Only 25c at Ia-u
Jteall's drug ctore.
For biliousness uae Cliatnlterlitiu'M
Stomach A Liver Tablets. They cleanse
the ftomach and regulate the liver and
4owr!s, effecti n" a rjuick and permanent
cure. For sale by Ix-e Ileal!, druggist.
it must come.
As inevitable aa the chancing arasona
the year ia the change which conies to
every woman. And jiutt aa one anticl
pale the changra of other seaanns it
wise to anticipate
tins cnange of aea
sou and prepare for
It. In this way the
(li-coinforts a n
disasters suffered
hv manv women at
the period o
change can be
avoided or over
Ir. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prrncriotion
a medicine for
every season cf
woman's life, will
entirely meet the
needs of women at
this period of
change. It cure
the physical ill
and relieve the
mental anxiety and
depression isuallv
associated with thia critical period.
tranquilizea the nerve, encourage the
appetite and induce refreshing sleep.
I , CartUlc. . of Minchratpr. Ciiffr Cn
Trnn.. wrllra: "I hm bnn ustnf tout mrMi
dnca fur Ih laat mmlrca or nnhlrra war ia
mv rKr housr. I am MprHtitrnitriii of the
OKir coualr roor-nouar anJ Atrium cummnnl
VtMir Paronl PmrHiaioo.' (ioldrn Mriltcal
rharorary' aad Plraaant Prllrla art Ih oral
iwrlwaoa lor thr duraaea for which thry arc
moranrmifo, inai i evar uaru. I nry uved
my wife a life at the time of 'chan-re or life.' I
hare bcrn recommrudioa your medicine to
m4tiv (flirted women and hare alan truaranteed
in.ii ii u ina not cure I would pay Wit the
money anent for it. I have told our druratet
mm II me people came back aad (aid lioctuc
rim-' a metiit-inpa aid not (ire aalistactton
fir Hum hk'a tknr m.mrr aaa tkargr ,1 lo t
I have nut once ben called upon to refund 1
have never lound anything lo equal the ' Favorite
rteacnutton lor diaraaea of women."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent fret on receipt of stamps
to pay expense 01 mailing oniy. rx-na
one-cent stamp for the paper covered
book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound.
AiUlress Dr. K. V. fierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
Saves Two From Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
bronchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. ifavi
land, of Armonk, N. Y. "but, when all
other remedies failed, we a veil her
life with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Our niece, who had Consumption in an
advanced stage, also used this wonder
ful medicine and today she is perfectly
well." Desperate throat and lung dis
eases yield lo Dr. King's New Discovery
as to no other medicine on earth. In
fallible for Coughs and Colds. Mc
and 1.00 bottles guaranteed by Lee
Beall, drnmti't. Trial bottle free.
United Hla'.HS Land Oflice, Lak-ylw, Ore.
znn, May M. I'Xri. Nutici- ii hereby viven
that In compliance wlia the provialoini ul the
act of ConKr. n lit Jiint) , 1H7H, entitled "An
art for the tain of limber landa In tin-Stales ol
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
rerritory." aa extended lo all tho Public laud
tate hy act of A ileum 4, mvi, Stella H. Oliver,
of Portland, county of Multn.nnali, state ul
Oregon, haathia day Died In thia office her
sworn statement No. ViJ. for the purchaae of
the K', ol w1, of Section No 30 in Townnliln
So. Itaugi! Nil 10 K., w. M., and will offer
prMt to how that the laud sought ia mom val
uable for ila tliulxr or aloii" than for agricult
ural lMireoai a. and lo eaiabllaii her claim to
aid laud la-lore the Mgiter and Kcedvi r of
tni office at Lakevievr. Oregon, 011 Friday, Hie
th day of Allium, l'.aij. she nam- an m Itio -a
William Hi naett ot Van iver. wanlitngtoii
cyrim Todd of I'oriiand, iregoii. Mjra K. Todd
if Portland, ur-goii, John J cu-aca of Toledo,
"rcgon. Ant and all p raonx claiiiiing ad
v. r I) the ailnve d cnU-. laud are reuc-ied
rn li i- tlo ir claim in thia office on or before
aid day of Auguri . I'.arj.
K. M. BRtTr.tlX, KegUter.
Timber Land Notice.
Cnitcd date land office, i.akevlew, Oregon,
Mavli?, rjj SoslcB la hereby given thai in
omiiianc" with the rnvliona of the act of
cougrca.of June :i. laTK.entllled 'An act forth"
c of tlinln-r lauda In the atalea of Oregon,
California, Nevada and waaliiua-loii Terri
tory. " a extended to all the Public Land
-taiei, by act of August I. 1HW. I'au II . Me
Inni... of etKirt, county of laiaoi, mate of
orcjoii, baa thin day fileil In Una office bin
.worn statement So. 47H, (or the pun-hate of
the Sw"4 SK4 SK'4 SW-i s', Nwi of si-etion
So. In Township So. M n. Itange So. lii h,
w M. and will offer proof to show that tin
land sought la more valuable for its timber
or alone than for agricultural purisiaea, and
01 blsclaim to said laud before the
Register and Receiver of this office at lake
view . or -gon, on Friday, the Sill day of An
il 11st. llfi'.' He names as witnesaea; o m Km
liody of Portland, oregon, John A walden of
Portland, Oregon, Oliver alifcr of Ariel, Wash
ington. John 1 cuaack of Toledo, Oregon.
Any and all persons elaiinliig adversely the
sbov-dcM:rilied lands are requested lo file
their claims in thia office on or before said
th day of August, pari
6-VM K M BRATTAIN, Register.
Timber Land Nolle.
United states land office, ijiki-vlcw, Oregon,
May JI, llsrt. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 1, 1K7S, eutilled "An act lor the
sale of umber laDdsiti the stales of California,
oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
asextended to all the Public- laud stale by act
of August 4, hmtI H. Pearcy, of aly, county
of Klamath, slate of Oregon, baa thia day fll'.-d In
thia office hlsaworn statement No. 471, for the
purchase of the m sK'4 sK'. aK(J a. c. lit and
NK'i N E'i ul section No. :u I n Tow lish I p No. M a.
Range No. 16 K w. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable fur
ila timber or atoue than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bis claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at l.akeview, Oregon, oil Friday, the Hln day
of August, ISM. He names aa witnesses: John
J. nisack of Toledo, Oregon, v.. w. Km body of
Portland, Oregon, F. If. wclitjn of Partland,
Oregon, Mary K. wehtje of Portland. Oregon.
Any and alf peraotia claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In thia office oil or before said
lib dayof August, Wri. K M HATTAIN,
A..'-" keilati.v
Timber lnd Notic.
I'ni t.-d Hlalcs IJind Office, l.akeview, Oregon,
.May Jl I ana. Notice is hereby given thai In
compliance the provisions of the act of t'nu
riof June , IsTS, enlllleii "An act for the
.aleol timber lauds in tlm Hlalcs of 1 Hliforula,
Oregon, Sevuda.aiid Washington I cr ritorv" as
extended lo all Hie Public I.Mi.d ,-lsl. s by act ol
August I, 1 h'., ilary K. wi litje, of I'oriiand,
ii'iinty ul Multnomah, Stale (or ''Vrrilory) of
Ori-i'i.ii, baa tins day tiled In this oilii-e her
swot 11 .lalcm.-ni So. 47.'t, for t be pure base ol the
f'j-K1, and Kljsw' olSci'lioti No, M in Ton 11
s iip.Vii .n, s, :anc So. ID. K. h. M., ami Mill
otf-rproofto show ilial the laud sought 1-more
vai.oible for its umber or alone than for agri
1 uliotnl uirHia s, and lo e-lnlili-li lo-r clalui
tosHul laud bcfori-Ibe licgi-ier and Receiver
of tbisnftice at l.akeview, Ongon, on Friday,
lb Kill day of A ug ust, I'.sri. She names us v, 1 1
uesea: Joel N, Pearcy, of Hly. Oregon, Fredrick
II. wehtje, of Portland, Oregon, t, . F.Jiihod.t,
ol I'oi tlaud, Oregon, John J I usack of Toledo,
Oregon Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly llie alMivc-dcacribcd lands arw requested to
tile their claims iu this oftlce on or beiore said
mh da ol August, I'.tU.
1 i- ti JC it BKXTTalN.aeBlsUr
I Lakeview Mercantile Co.
a A
Hoys. Clothing
Kvery garimnt we show
made In Hie IjsIcsI Slyles from
Fine Fabrics by Kipcrl Tailors
Perfect In I'onsirurtion and o
designed aa toLJetid Ursaie nd
Beauty lo the Figure.
Dress Goods
In rich profusion the latest
weaves, the beat qualities and
no skimping lit the measure.
ladles, see our Orand Sew
Maplay of lrrsa (ioods.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
? s4
Mais It
Dttltrt IMrMc. CrtnlK. Ira
fracas sa 0era Suae Vrl
Drylnjf preparations lmply devel
op dry caUrrh ; they dtj up the cretioua.
wiucb adhere to the memuraue and uoeoiu-
po, oausiog a fur more) serious truubla tbao
the ordiuury form of catnrrh. Avoid all dry.
ing innaiauu, fumes, imutei ami iijuu
and uae tbut which cleauaca, aoothe aud
heal. Ely's Cream Halm ia such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in tha head
eamly and pleasantly. A trial iz will be
mailed for 10 cent. All driiuiHta sail tlie
60c. u:e. Ely Brothers, 6 Warrrfn Kt., N.V.
The Hal 1 11 cures without puin, dov not
irriUttA or canae sneezing, it nprcaai itaelf
oyer an irritated and anry surfare, relicv
ing immediately the painful inflamuiution.
With Ely I ream JSaltn yoa are armed
gainst Kaaul Catarrh and Hay Eever.
Tinilr'.K l.l XITII F.,
t'lilte.l Htales Ijtnd Oflice.
1-akrvlctt, On-Koii, Mar -'I. l''J
Nolle Is heri by Klvcu lliat In compliance
ith the provisions of the act of t'onirress ot
June , IsTM. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the Hlntea of California. Ore.
iron, Nevada, and asinnvon lerrllory," as
extended lo all the public Ijtud Htales hy act
of AiikusI 4. lsir, Felix M. i.n-en, of Lakeview,
ouniy of like, hlate of Oregon, has Ihla ilay
filed in this office his swot 11 statement No. 4JI.
ir the purchase of the W - of SW: N'.
W. of H.-c,,n No. 14 in Township No. 41 H,
Kaiixe No, 17 F.. W. M . aud will offer proof lo
show that the land souk hi Is more valuable for
its tiinla-r or stone than for agricultural pur-
aises, aeil to establish his etaim lo said land
fore the Register and lb-reiver of thia office
LkryleWi Orca-011, ou Thursday, the 1st day
f AiiKual, VJM. He names as witnesses.
James Williams. Ale Fl'rpalrlck, t.'. it. Muss. I
man and P. M. Curry, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons elalmlli adversely the
alaive-ilescrlljed lands are requested to file
Ihelr claims In this office on or before said 1st
day of August. IWi. K. M. UHATTAIN
United Htales land Office,
Lakeview. Orenn. May li. 19U2
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the art of oils res of
Junes, 1H,H, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber lands in th Htales of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
steuded 10 all toe public ijind mates hy ai t
August 4. lkM, Harris Omit, of Hly. county of
Klamath, Htata ef Oregon, has thia day filed lo
this ofnoa his sworn statement No. HJ. for the
purchase of the T.'i K4 Hen. M HWi hW!
Aen.ifA, NE'iNK'oiHectron No. Z5 In Town
ship No. S4S., Range No. 14 K. WM, and will
offer proof to show that th land sought Is
more valuable lor its limner or lon man lor
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register rnd Re
ceiver of Ibis office at Lakeview, Oregon, on
Friday, the lath day of July. lie names
aa witnesses: Andrew ft. Touhelm, William
t asetmer, Andrew (i. Ikken and Hamsnn
Federaon all of Bly, Oregon. Any aud all
persons claiming adversely th alaiiede
si rllted lands are requested to file their claims
in this office on or before said lath day ol
ly, I'JOi. K. af. BKATTAIN,
Hay lo-l 101 Register.
jya a inapiay or I'ress noons. s
i Lakeview Mercantile Co. I
dinted Htatea Ind Office,
LakCflew, Oregon, March iU,
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a, 1H7. entitled "All act for the sale of
limber lauds iu the Hlatek of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and W ashlngloh lerrllory," as
extended to all the Public Laud Htales by act
of A tigiisl 4, Hri, Lena K, Haw kins of lakeview,
county ol Lake, slate ol Oregon, has this day
filed in this nllii e her swum statement No. 'Mt,
for the purchase of the Htt ij NK1, NW'. HFJ4
of! No. 14 in Townsliiji No ;7 H., Rniige
No 'Jit K.. W. M., and will offer proof to show
thai the land sought is morn valuable for lis
lluiberur stone than for agricultural purimsra,
anil to establish her claim to said laud beforo
the Register and Receiver of this ofllcii at
Lakevl'-w, Oregon on Friday, the tiih day of
June, lisrj, hue names as witnesses: F. liner K.
Kin. hart, Charles H. 1j.h-I. sm, . J. .('. Hlicll
liauimer, H. I', iilcks all of Lakeview, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo file
their claims lu this olbcu ou or before saidtth
day of June, I'jot,
K. H. UasTTAiN,
13ap3-U Register.
- V.NSii
t t t r .
Speaks l-or Itself : J
It Needs No Praise r
We ! far Kvrrt !
saake a Ihareuah lajaaierlleu.
We Hmw We 'aa llraaw Vea
We have aa hss4, the larra
and Mwat ('ansplrle Hiaek af
General Merchandise
F.vrrOprara I'p
('aatry .
la Thia
S. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
& Recognized a tha Ut Vaqucro SadtlU
J Wagon ami Huggy IlaruoKs. Whip, Robes, Heatas,
Hits, Srnirs, (Jtiirts,
Repairing of all kinds, by
Sash. Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Great Reduction
Fine Line of Latest
Billiard and Pool Room
H ...
Hlaples af alose
that Reduce living
Ixtweal Ii rms.
rul prlcis
Kipriisei to
A I'aslllng
Fane? HI) lea
KadnacH of
Shirt Waists
The Very Ijstest. Adailred for
Fll and Flue Tettura.
H11IU loFll lh Fel. fe com
bluing Mr ! with Itllaaful IXon-
Wash Ooods
The collection of washable Fa
brba we offer from imr new
Bli, F.cllpaisi our Previous
Ffforts - thai uieatis Ibry are
I lie Hesl Iu Town.
Hositts, Ktc.
roniprtcnt men
Stock arm
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Kerefords in Oregon
15 Registered Yearling Bulls
JL.IOO. 120 and I SO each
lALDOB rUAMO bead of Wi