xnmtntt VOL. XXIII. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OltKGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1902. NO. 21. f ' h r I CITIZEN BACKS UP MIS FIGURES Jly (lie same method tl.o Daly organ ba carried on the present Ik:m1 cam palgn nliii'v the ilny l conventions de ceit anil wilful tiiireprcsentalioii that paper attempted lut week to weld It 'tiitnbtaritUtid () hycrilical state ment lliHt the I ' v campaign tniiaie, 'lk county in growing dccr and leper In debt," ia Inn. It. 1 1 y (for In It the Kuallcr) attempt to make litrtit tf t lit ntn til nf a rilir.cn puli- I'shed in The Examiner ol May 15, ami vail I tot "thi wonderful citirmi," tliinkiiiK the public might conclude that tlii cltw.en ol Lake (dimity who liy peronnl I li rt iiH t ioti found that the iihlir debt m ih-crcaaed under the, adininlatrati mi ol lh preacnt county court in the 34 year from July I, I HUH to April I. HHr-.', in I hp nm ol f j8 6J3. A4, la myth conceived in thi imagina (ion of a campaign liar, Iitly, in hi irn picture of thi "Wonderful Citlxen." 1id not Iwlleve that the cilien who in vestigated tin record to saliafy himself mi thi xilnt In ij motion would aliow tip to he one of the moat reliable, cniiaclen t oiiN ami able men in Lake county, lie did not know that Ihi citizen only lie came interested In tin mooted question ol I,aki county' financial standing for the weal of the people of the county ami losatiafy Itimaell on a ("'lot that ha hui (j Ix'fii in iloiiht in Inn own mind. He did not know that thia cilir.eit would turn out to he DANIEL ItOONE, a man respected for hla honesty and conaelen tiouane liy all w ho h ve tr.iial ac quaintance with him a man won, Biter investigating the matter, know WHAT lit ta TAt.KINO Allot t! Tlii ci'iaen founil in the county rec ord the following : "I flnil that there km l"iiel during the periial of three ami three quarter CI1) year from July 1. 1.'H to A.ril 1, PM12. in warrant, I7o.4H7.I7. Thi film represent the TOTAL IT KKEST EXPENSES OF THE Col'STY FoK ITIAT PEKJoD oF T.I M E. There can he Ito charge against Ijike Comity for thia period 1 1 t iiiclihleil 111 the wiirrmita. There waa paid out hv the Treasurer (.r redemption ol u 111 runt and interest thereon during the same iirriod, foj,. V75.3H, and on April :i, l'.H2. for the eanie purpose, there was paid out hy the Tretianrer the further Mini of $15. -MH.SJ, making a total of fl09.l2.L81 paid out for the three and three quar ter ( D1, ) year in the l tHrliarjfo of old debt mill intereat. I deduct from thin aunt the total current exiene for that jieriod of lime and I have $IOo, II) 81 lea 170,487.17, leaving $j8, 6jS. 64, which mm i the amount of ACTUAL KEDCCTloS OK COl'NTY 1NDEI1TEDNESS for the period in )ueation. Lake County owed on April 3, 1902, 38,6j3.64 leaa than it did on July 1, 18(18. Thia la highly gratifying. The total cunont expenses for that period of three and three quarters C34) years ia $70,487.17. The auui divided liy S4' (tivea I18.976.00 a the ANNUAL C UK KENT EXEN8E8 OF LAKE COUNTY. Thia ia the aura that Ijike County haa eipended an nually fur that period." To prove to the people of lake County that h haa the courage of hit convict iona and doea not care to hide behind the name of "a citizen," Mr. limine conies manfully to the front with the following atateinent: "Pt.rait, Oregon, M av 2:1, 1002. I'.DiTOK F.xaminkh: Not for political jmrporoa, hut for my ow n Kiiidance, I went to the records of Lake County to 1lml out the Titrni reuardint; Lake County finance.. I thought there could he no wrong in handiit" you the result of :hut examination, which waa nothing more thau any peraon may, tiny lay, find to be. true by referring to the, record which are ever open to the pub lic. Home one. wnntHto know the au thor of the atateinent, a, it appealed in your iHNtie of May 15. 1 avow the ail thorahip of that atateinent, and re affirm the absolute truth of every Item In It. DANIEL UOONE. NOTES FROM PLUSH. Ptuab, Oregon, May IW, lW2-(To the F.ditor:) I'luah ia dull at preaent, but there will I exciting time on the 2d of June. The aocial given on Friday waa a grand aucce. We were greeted with the atniliitg face of a lU-puhlican candidate. Moat of the ladiea not knowing until the day after that he waa married man, re gretted very much that Woman' Huff- rage ia not in vogue. (Thia mut have leen Johtiaon, the next County Treaaur er. Ei.) Mra. Tito. FliMik returned from lake view on Friday and ia 'pending a few day with friend here U-(ore returning to her home on Kock Creek. Mia Fleming left f-unday for her home at New I ine Creek, after teaching a Hiicceaaful term of w hoot here. Her many friend regretted to aee her go. K. F.. Kond panned through I'luah Sun day en route to New Fine Creek where he rxMHl to buv a farm. Ho aay lame Humor, at leaat. Steve Young of Kock Creek waa a vUiior in I'luah Friday, and attended the grand aocial. An Omukkvkk. The legal mind of the Ialy organ ha had time to pailae and conaider the matter of what law in exiatence author lie the county court to "pay back to the taxpayer the fl, 115. 1(1 wrongfully collected on account of the old acalp bounty law," The next eeeaiuii of the Oregon l-gilature may make eome proviaion for that, hut until then, the court 111 11 t not order it paid back. THE SITUATION IS QUITE APPALLINOI II. Ialy haa reealedly during thia campaign kept In-fore the people in hi organ an article headed "Defining Dulie of County Court," giving the unprea oioii that if he i electexl County Judge he will M-ronally attend to the expert ingofthe Uxikaof the county oflicera, and aave the t'onnty the expeuae. Un der the Mtalute mentiotiel the practice I of having hook of county ollicera t-x-I H-rted by expert iicciiiiiitaiil in recog mr.ed and uplu-ld in every county in Ihi "tate. The Member of the county l inn I" arc not HipHiHfil to IfexTt ac coiinlaitla, and probably no one w ill ac ciiw II. lIy of being me. The H-ople can ace lhily tuiw Hiiiring over the InMik of the oil nly oliicer and lait tiering lii liraui w ith etuha, icceipl, journal ami w lial not for day et a time. Yea, they fee him in a dream doing thin to aave the Hior taxpayer a paltry aunt, lie could lind a much better way of aa aialing in decreaaiug the county debt and aaviug money to the taxpayers by paying a juat proNrtiou of taxea on hia peraonal property. That row of brick and atone buililing in 1-akeview w hich he value at fl,H(H) and from which he receive! an aiinual income in renlala of f -I.HiW atand a a monument to hi greatneaa ai a taxpayer and a county debt reducer. I-et us aee what the tax payera iiAve loat by thia exporting of the county booka by experta: May, 11KK), exerting booka Hatch elder, clerk, Neilon Sheriff... 4o5K) Mote experting by McCalleo and Kieber ......15.00 Oct., 10O1, term Circuit Court, experting Nellon case 500.00 1001, experting booka sheriff, clerk, treasurer ...330.00 1001, more experting Nellon case I..... 50.15 Total i:i,15 The following amounts were turned into the county trcaaury by ofllcials on account of cle rical errors as per Mate ment of expert : April 11, MH) 250.00 April 21, IU00 343.00 May 2, l'.MMi 6,(X) May 10, MM) 414.77 June 30, 11HMI , 57 00 Jan. 2, HH.I2 ' 81.25 Total fll51.02 More than three-iiuartera of tltia amount f)r exporting was paid out as extenatt Incurrect by circuit court cases, and all but 1218.13 for expert hire. Joe Moore, editor of the Daly organ, who howls so luatly about "grafts" was paid 106 of the amount for bis work as an expert. The actual cost of experting the affairs of JLake county, 1218.13, is simply appalling I FURNISH HAS CLAinS ON ALL OF US W. J. Furniah i the Kaatern Oregon candidate for (jovernor. It i not the cuaUnri to honor Kaatern Oregon with audi an important nomination, and now ia the.t'me for Eastern Oregon to accept the optxirf unitv to elect a man from our own diatinct lerritnry. Katrn Oregon has talay a proiiiiiiiMMe he never bad U-fore. Let the people of this section hold that prominence by voting for and electing the Onvernor of Oregon from among her citixen. W. J. Furnish ia the man to make all eyes turn toward Eastern Oregon. The Kepuhlicans and a lar e numlair of Ivmocrata in Uke county are in hearty accord and arm pathy with the wiae administratis of l'r evident Kaeevelt. The Kepuhlicans here are in favor of the retention of the Philippine. When they cast their bal lots next Monday let them ahow that Judge they w iU regret it exceedingly they believe in the expansion and prog-1 nt b,.fre the four years of his term ex reus of the United Slates, and that they , lirM- e haa the Town of Ukeview desire the beiieflta the retention of the faat in hi grip, and his ambition is to 1'hilippines will bring to the people of g,-t Uke County in the other band. He Oregon. 11 them shw their desire to ha. U-en held up aa a great taxpayer protect the American Flag wherever it but look at his record as a tax dodger in is raited. They will do this by voting , this iue. With all his wealth be pays for W. J . Furniah and against the De-1 only Itfa'i.KiJ into the treasury of Lake mocratic nominee whose policy and principle is that the Flag should le hauled down in the 1'hilippines. Sea mi nek at Hla Old Home. The Adin ArgUHof laat week has the following reference to I.skeview citizen : II. Kchtnink, a hardware dealer of Ijtkevtaw, accompanied by his wife, paaaed through Adin the first of the week en route to the lower country. Mr, Khininck at one time conducted a hardware biiaiiiea in Adin, but this ia his first viait here in many years. The gentleman slated that while the place had a familiar look generally, yet be noted many change, and remarked particularly the fact that the residence ! properties had Ihh-ii much improved. 1 It waa alaiut Neveiiteeu years ago since . ie waa a buaiueaa man of our tow n, vet ! he him) hi ife found several old time . it impossible of denial before tho day of friend who weie glad to meet them, j election. I.ct them consider the mat Alter remaining in Adin over night, the 1 ter fairly and vote according to the die- guest of Mr. and Mr. K. It. Clark, they on fHtnnlnv morning continued on their journey." Letter From Tonopah. (ieorge Wingfield has written a letter lo O. ti rimes in which the following information is given regarding Tonopah : Daly wages from $4 to $(. Freighter get 1 cent for hauling in 00 miles and $10 tier ton for hauling out ore. Chicken are worth $1 each. Vegetables hard to gel ; Water $1 50 per barrel. (iood business opportunities are open. Water, electric and reduction works are soon to be built. The ore in sight in Tonopah mining district is worth $V) ,000 ,000. The camp will be permanent. Tonopah stock is soiling at $7, former ly $1 ; It will probably reach $20 toon. Watch for. Dentals. As today w ill be the last issue of tbe Daly organ prior to the election tbe publio will be assured of ' several de nials, and probably renewed ruoMisxa by H. Daly. In last week's Examiner we challenged Daly to deny certain statements. He may accept the chal lenge and deny them. He is "tricky," but his political tricks are so old that everybody is "on to" them. If you have not read the great speech of Hon. Thos. II. Tongue in the House of KopreHiUatived, April 24th, on Good Hoads, you have missed a good thing. The Daly organ has been bowling like a coyote about the "graft" The Examin-, er hits on county printing. The records of the county show that from May 1, 1001 to Mar 1, P02, the total cost of all printing and publishing done by Tbe Examiner for every office from Couuty Judge to Koail Overseer of the various precincts for the entire year, amounted to the turn of $377, Wv This it indeed "(rightful fttrttfl0 With public fund." Juat think of the great print- ,Trjl TT I 1 ing "graft" that the I)aly organ has. g EJ 1 fl made such a Itia alout all these year. I'ooti 1 It would acarcely par f'r the P iter, tind atationery stock The Examin er ii.es in one year. For all printing for lake County for one year 1377.95!. Lake county will certainly go into bank ruptcy if it keee up this awful expen diture! Iet those who are intereted in finding out the truth about thia great "printing graft" go to the records and aee for themselves. . . .... . .... 1 It is to las hoped that the people of Like County will weigh the two men in the balance next Monday, and elect Charles Tonningaen County Jude and' rebuke the candidacy of 11. Paly, the banker ami landlord, w hose only object in i.eairing the n ition is to farther bis l,,iri. ami inUraaii of mn in hia i fi,liui(.j C.-H. Will the voters ot Lake jC(,0nty whom B. Daly looks upon as the i "common people" bend the ne and , Ikiw the head to Mammon? We do not 1 think so. One tlung is certain, if by , chance the people of I.ake cou ty ahoii'd elect Italy to the position of County county. THE COLONEL AND DOCTOR AS EDITORS It is underatood that the i-tsue of the Hustler today will lie sent out to it readers filled with campaign editorial matter written and inspired by B. Daly and hia partner in business- Cha. A. Cogawell. It is alx understood that a moat bitter and vituperative attack, will be made in that organ on the County Court the laat shot before the day of election which diaplaya a spirit of un fairne and a deaire to indulge in dirty politic that would ahame a pro feaaional w ard heeler. The people of Lake ountv w ill uiideratand that thei-e attack are made at this time, to make tation of their own consciences and in accord with their own good judgment,, without prejudice. In this campaign The Examiner has been compelled to charge the Democratic nominee for County Judge w ith many things that it would rather have left unsaid, but in no accusation made are we willing to "cave down the bank" and' admit that we are wrong. The Examine can prove eveiy assertion it has made. If we were not prepared to do tbieh we could not rest easily for fear that we would be brought before the courts up on a charge of lilieluig B. IVly, the rich banker and landlord, whose money would lie his ower to prosecute us to the end. Charges have beva made by The Examiner in this campaign that are either I.iBnui.or Tut. Tbttu. We stand or fall upon these- charges. If our accusations are untrue we challenge B. DeTr to brin k suit against ws for libel. t. Daly is personally responsible for tbe bitterness of this cam paigu. A Corradlosu Tbe Examiner regrets very much to be compelled (o make correction of a matter that seems so ridiculous as to need noexplanatioa. Hut we must ap ologize for a most silly and seemingly inexcusable error iu a small item in our laat issue. Iu mentioning tbe fact that Mr. and Mrs. Frank llironymous of Cedarville had removed to Warner, and to remind our readers that Mrs. lli ronymous was formerly Mi?s Ilattie Peuland, a highly respected and estima ble young woman who, is well known in Lakeview, The Examiner intended to say (nee Ilutlie Penland). The types and the "intelligent" compositor made us say "one" instead ol "uc. itie error was overlooked in the final proof- reading, and we hope that all intelligent persons w ill consider the matter only at au erroi, though an extremely silly one. Those who understand tbe difficulties under which a country newspaper ia conducted cau easily appreciate tbe manner in which tuch errors socqr, 15 MIGHTY AND JIUST PREVAIL To tike- Citlzena of Lake County: Th clwra of the fakeview Huatler tfiat 2U5,(X;i)tl is the aggregate itnautt "received and dwhuraed" by Lake County official from Jnly 1, 80tt to Aprit lt 19(92. is anialeadirig. The to tals received by both Treasurere make that sum. Bat, ia tke middle of that Mime period, Mr. Bell received $7,508.11 from Mr. Ablet mm. This sum is twice charged in the fcaatler'a total. To get trietriie-amount.liJiOB.il must be de- ' 1.. l. ........ r.i.,1 ... II97.5oL.85i There was paid out : For atate ta4-.. $.17,929.76 For school fund 35.943.t4 For scalps, school districts, and institutes. 4,470.5 - In payment ol old county in- debt dnee.... 10!,122.81 I-ft on hand after payment of April 3 IO.O0.4 15 Total paid out v97,560.95 A. sum so nearly the total received as to be practiwlly exact. 4 the great and startling lestioA so often asked, "What ha become ef all taat money?" is clearly answered. 1 have given much stuiky to thia n otter, and can find, no delect in Mr. (feather's show ing. KlemnfcylouiUyr aadi repeatedly, it has been aeked,. "What ha leen done with aJL this mcaeyr or "What have we to shww for all this aaecey ?" as if to indicate there was no answer to be given, though a plain and inevasive answer has always bev easily obtained from tae records, anil kuts been printed by Mr. (aunt her tor moie tlian a month. Again, that tt c ull be believed by that very, capable aealkDer, that, to subtract frow, the asswaaed aggregate re ceipts, the asrfttnieil "net reduction of oli debts"' would fbow the current ex penses of the county, seems incredible. Ytt, that ie w hat be iid, and haslieen crying every since tke lt of May that the official board of the county has ex pended t180t43ti 42. in the last 334' years, or, annually $l,nr..22. The records show $lttlv122.tii to be the sum spent in payment of old Uvbls. If be had. used this saju insUani of f24,C32 bis as sumed "net reduction" he would have shown a little more regard for bis seputatkia &a a correct and re liable ma.1ipe.W0r of figures. But,, there m no relation w batever be tween the current expenses of Lake County wad tb "net reduction of iiMLebledwese fur that petiod. of time; because state taxes and ecalp taxes, aud suck other taxes as tbe official board ka no option about but to levy. collect and pay out, are in the nature of fixed charges that tbe board could not make saaalfor or larger H tbey would. Every dollar of Lake county current expeasea as included aa tne warrants is sued by order of tbe board for eer ricee rendered, er supplies furnished, lor indigent poo,, for road improve sweat, bridges, ele. The cost of all these things for tbe period of tin under con sideration was 487.15. Thia is tbe sum of Lake County 'a current ex pensea for th time ka question. Sub tract this sun from 1100,122.81 and we Lave $38(65.66 which it the amount Lake County has paid of old debts for the period of 3 years, in excess of the total current expenses for that time; and Laxx Countv's bkbt has bkkn bi- ODCKn TH4T MUCH. Divide $70,487.15 by 34' and your quotient is $18, 796.15. Thia is the euiu of Lake County's annual expenses for tbe time we are considering. ' As clear as this proof is, of a pros perous condition of Lake County's finances, there are those who deny the people the pleasure of contemplating it with that confidence which the facts warrant, by shouting with terror stricken countenances, ''What has been done with all that money?" What have we to show for It?" The answer ia simple: An indebtedness actually reduced in the sum of $38,635.00, and our promises to pay or war ra nts selling at par1. DANIEL BOONB. I