Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 22, 1902, Image 8

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Mr. Hint Mr. Frank 11 irony minis (out'
llnttif IVnUnil) of Surprint Yallvy hav
I.Hnte.l iu Warner Valley fur tlio itim
mer. H. 15., a nporou ranolu-r of
(inw ImV.v in the- Willow Kaiu'li too
tion, Inn-ines visitor in I-ke-
Homtiftil fpriiitl, where art Hum?
frarrvii Lainl wan over trout riiish Fri
Jml Harrington lists rotiirnel to ( view thin week.
AllHrm"- i HnitinH'k! For the summer day
K. Kaiulom was down from risley m-sta at llie MonoKram.
Monday. W. P. West, ontifl li iiiial man at tlie
W. Johnson of Warner at The Ore- ,, lias none to Shaniko to esoort Mrs.
jon last week. j Wailaee Taylor and her sister to the
Look out for sneak thieves. They are j raneh in t'hewauean.
said to U uIkhH. I Kev. W. II. Vinyard of New Fine
I'lia. T.iur-ion was up from Willow Creek is spen.iing a few days in l ake
KatuU Ust week, j view this week visiting his dauxhter
Winter h ii. eo.n luded to remain with ' Mrs- F,,K,n Wooden.
4c a while longer. Thete's a tirl in I.akeview who will
l-i i.: ... ,s i i ......i. ;,, t.rohuhlv U' arietel sooner or later on
I, liner kitn'ii.trt ot I t. reek is , . .
ii'i m- hi',. the chaise of kidnapping -jii.liiii: fiom
me fctu pur is i niui.
The store of Reynolds A WiniMiol.l
now presents a lianilsmne appearance
. I. . i i.i.i. i
, alter lu'irs paiuini i y Jonn, mm
' tlie doors grained hy Calhoun,
i ieo. C'liustain and family havetetuiu
', fl to Kistinatli from lUlli.i-,
Iiti en l .Iiiiv
.1 1 . -
tat.', in '1:.
.1 M .. .
1. , -
Htf i tj'.e !' '.
Mr-. I'.-r.l I
i! I it i r i !
T!..t I.
ve a kiselull tourn-.
ill .in 1 ":h. i
..ft . t , Oregon Feed '
.. l t xj.iy.
ii 1 i V.? hmt tw.
-.. i - ,.w '. v.
Follow in-t is the doeket for the Cir
cuit Court session which opened Mon
day Henson, Jitl-je:
State of Orem a vs. Fred Venator In
dictment for Uuvny of a steer.
State of Ore on vs. Samuel Conths
and Frank Wi sou- Indictment for lar
ceny of a stis r.
Slate of Orett-n vs. Win. Iluin
,,r,.y Indi, Intent for larceny of a
State of Oreiton vs. Win. Ford
Hound ovi r from Justice Cnuit, indict
ment, ah till I with dangerous weapon.
State of Oregon vs. John loe-Indictment
for larceny.
State . Ot.on v. .f.'ltn l In Met
mi nl ( r lanvny.
Staloof t tii'k'on vs rtard I aril
forma ion l.r lauvny.
Ma e i f l 'i i k ii v-. A. J. Nei'oli
fo HI it i II I I I ill 'l. V .
.f.-e II.
I 1
.v pra.-ticiiu' pick- lTlit.rt. ,u.y Wk.t reall," in the fall t.
si'-' - .K-ate. They rs k'lad to get l ack.
I '. . s I r i v u .
-ii.. i.; v-. Un cr I .
,-' -n. ill .
-. i; l
1.1. and da'ik'hter KsssV ,,,,, ,i. - i ti."-n.t of l'.u-Icy In-
i-e e n!y month. are in l.ak.view doin.J jury d Uy tin
ri'ic ciiiiil.ue for Juif'c ' hi. k a io Win. M, t'ormacV. .ei.r;;o M.
iias iuoert-d tliat his drt-aui is true. joiie-,J. I.. Ilauiplon and Johu l'-en-
IVtter huy your Toih-f Soap- atjeliel.
Beall's while the slavik'hter sale is on. 2j Tiiere are two things that will make
A. F. St'.il'hielie! 1, of the Orcn Feed ' you happy for life tl you will follow fur
Yard lettirned last week from Ashland, advice. One is to many for love and tl
F. -M. Caikn.s, . ilicial court reporter, ; ,'-,,'r l a"' ' f'T The Kxani
irmevl from Ashland Monday mornini:. I llll'r-
J. M. and (.enrk-e Small of Silver! A very tine selection of Summer Cloth
Ike are here this week oil court hui- , " at Mononram. IU 'J
oss. j Mr. and Mrs. K. ii. A lams of Ft. liid-
timr I r,i,t..,.,.t.. . t tr.,u- k I . well ha ve moved to New Fine Creek.
ill. Falls, arrived Sunday on court husi- j Mr- -,'a,"!' has Uen employed as man-j
at.Sj- ajier hv John Keid in his blacksmith!
Mi v i -i i I Sh"P.
lirace Nickersoti, the elocution- r
ist. will spend the summer at Klamath eortfe Co .ley arrived from the 7.K
-a;;, j at Chewaiican lal Saturday and went
.... . , . i , ,, l out to Tule Lake alter M head ( work-
n hy not nmoke a iiVal clear Havana 1 , . ... , . .
riKarV The Karelia, eold hy UkHX ;elv ; horws tor the t.hewaucan Land vV Cal-
alers. " If tf j tie Cuiiipnnv.
I ! .
I . I ' '1 ;. (
-. .1. .-.
i.l nr.. I M.
Frank Paxton has returned from War
mer where he liai hi-en handling a bunch
i sheep.
John Meier and Alice Allen, both of
Keno, Klamath Couutv, were married i k -ukI
J.h.- Stickel arrived last week frmii
(uiano Vallfjr where he is eiik'ajjed in
buildiim tor Iave hirk. Ji has just
completed a tine large stone stable on
lat week.
Yuu'r next for a quick shave, clean,
comfortable and sanitary at Frank
mitirs. 18 tf
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Benefiel were in
Jrm Warner last Thursday, and stop-
jH-d at The Irenon.
Take a lo .k at the Kra'i l display in
the windows of the Hig Store Avr.-s.
Wiiit worth & Ay res.
The Palace. eork'eand Fent. Pop
ular place, (ioo.l treatment. Lake
titw On -i'lii. IS tf
J. J. Hviin sold S'. wethers at Il.-d
?.lufT ltt we. k Ht f2 75 per head, says
5ue lied lllntf New".
Khun a'h Fulls ha" a new dynamo for
.1,1 le-riir litfht plant. The dynamo
l eihs li.o.j ) pounds.
K. V'.. Fiteh, mine ho at (11 1 Illy, was
M business vi-itor in I.akeview for a few
Vays ilurinii the pa-t week.
Call for The K-i re!!a c!k' ir and vr.u get
i yoi.,1 . , !ear Havana Lakeview
rf. alers have them on sale. l'J-;f
John Lei-, the v- ti-riin w. buver, ar
lived Il'i. m K -1 I'.Iiiff Ft -1 week. Mr.
i ff i- on the t;r und early.
T. J. Lal'.ne and W. C. llukk, promi
nent sloektiieii of Silver I-ake, were visi
tors at tlie county utral for a few days
during tl. week. They stalled lor houie
' Monday m ruin.
i New dock of Ladies' and Children
1 Walking Hats ut Ahlrtroiu l', the
- Monogram. I'J Z
1 Le-li HolbriHjk, Hishop Pros, ami
lick Simpson are ienciinf their
cleads do., ii at the head of the lake,
this week. The boys have g.,od places
a !j uiiinj one ano;lier.
."s. F. Aiilstroin continues to build
those ( leora'.ed Lakt-v ie a saddles that
base iiiioie i i i i ii famous. He has a'-o
'received a iar'e Hpiin.' and snunner
st.Htk of everylhina I n bis line. Circle No. UT I, Women of Wood
call ot LakevieA-, field initiatory cei
monies last eveniuu, and the affair o.n
eluded with an el 1 1 er Minnie lit, a leal lire
id winch was a Ii ht Innclieou.
I'.ieyele carrier", Jills, i.nd in fuel
ai. i ii: i k' in I he bi. vele t upjily line, at
, tin: l.iti-ui'.i .i..iia Work. -'J
Oliver Char lion came up from N-w
I'ii e ( reek Monday in company with
A M. Moil!., who is on iurv duty
Z..c l.itw oi ti. ainved Mil, day fnin I liarlion -ays it t.khe two of them to
f li creek. He -.i - thei. 's a hlrf run In .d S in 11 ii 's tl vilijj grays on the t l i p u p
..i "mii k. rs" in : at uream. ; y p.-ai h and F. P. Kvans reliirne-l
W ''. U'ooiin:': i ii:i.e d uri from the li-i Tnui -dav from their tix weeks trip
X rain Ii mm i.e- . Con.-y to in to the t l.iil leston KxjMi-ilinii, Hoi
ti.e iior-i. drive l.o ;i. 'l'uie I. like. ' .-pr ink!-, a -l.intoii, I . C, and other
iia'uied now , in. d l-ii-t-. J I i y report an enjoyable tnji.
lie i .'let a.. I ' '
ii. ep vo ,i la a ;i :: .
U: '.111 h il in.. v a., t i
I ml you k now ii .
r e oi 1 ..ii. t - ., -v.
e. k . '1'i.e ci'-. I.- j
Hives' McC
1 .i k He n oi .-I
loA il.
A i
,i i.u-i'.i--.e-
:n iii.' l :.i '
i nil I)'
I ii l: .
Tle-le's a siillit.htel
- at la-ad's for two
- -o I h-l e. l'.l -
net Win. Kittrid'.'e,
I .ike, w el e here tills
lore t he c. .ml.
aims ih it there will
tie- ij I (talions oil
l i i e l -lien l ilio.
-r.,i- ii'iilliu.' iroiit
iipp.-araiiee since
I I e hi :i-!i over it.
M.oket pronrietors
ri- and -1 n-. j , stall
. 1 1 . 1 Miiiiiner trade.
Il.eie i- a no .v.-inen t on foot to have
the next -. -.-.on o tnc (Jreyon Leisla i
tuie plot 1 il a Speeial election to vole ,
unoli I he i einoval . the couutv seal nl
1 -
.Iaik-u (loin Jacksonville to
Ne.v -m. simples. Kleuant Sum-.
luei fal.i i s. Have your measure taken
for :t. ! ii. I- i u .it ! Mono
gram. I')-'
T. 11. Wi-1 .in, li.e yelitieliiaii who
some 1 oi,.- a.' . a- .l.iI.U'eloilsly ill with I
smain.os ii I..I... V1.-A , iind who ia grille-j
i ll ol ti.e atN-l.' i.e re l ived frollll
our pi was In fiom (.'looked Creek I I We.-K. !
Mrs. Lulu ii.iiti.ei arrived home
from I'onl.u. I last '1 hui -day, a.ler an
be il :
M.eeji .
ill . 1st J : a i k .;i -
The City Mot
have kinds ..I .a
ltd, lor the so in j
C. Jiei.t .,: Warin-r iuts taken ubsen I s.-v.-ia! montlis. Mrs. (iun-
kui: I i tieit in Lak-.-view ioi a few days ther lias aim .-t ei.tin.-ly reenvcrt-d from
H i- ' k. Mi . i.-iit is on jury duty. the operation s:,e underwent h,i appwn-
i;rin' I ''" "' I I'i' vcle and have dici'.is, in a I'o. tiand hospital.
Hud.-pe'.li A' 'i'"'.'i put on a new coal eniy l.eannian bus inoted his fam-
ot enamel. make 'em look new. jy (i)' , it.: M.w i,,,,,,, tbe John
In-'.iii t Alt iinf')' l.eaines and Attor- o'Neil place recently pun based by Mr.
buv Hauiiiioiid ai lived Saturday to at- , Leahman, on lteliey creek, near the
tend the semi-annual session of the Cir- j jslaU. Line. Leahiuaii has made cou
cuit Court. They tell of hair-breadth -ij,.lai,e imp, uvemt nt in the place,
tsacupes and wili files over tbe iiioun-, j M ba- erected a ku'u" barn, repaired
uh on the trip out, and thaiA fortune ; ioiices and sl.-.'do auJ ;uiplxVi;a Hlo ixtHr
.,v- ii
IlllllH I
llie.' have lived to tell it.
1 1
.-t on n
.... II.
K. -,.y. n i : 'in. -I..
I I.e C.M.I .
-Act r.
.1. I. M. w .. .1. . I ii i
T. V. a'ti-l - - Ac! , 1 lo.ilil I: lev .
M l rs l MY.
Floreti. e V. Itotd vs. John C. Apple
k'Ht. To iletci in n. e inlt i re i 'aims to
real . roper t v.
lliink i f I nketicw vs. Stepl ell Cay
lord, et al to foreclose mortkak''.
Frank I. P.iuers s. J. O. Itnll-In-
ljtviiw May Wallace vs. James Minor
Wttllact dissolution Isilnl
Win. K. Purr? vs. James McKee, W.
P. I Wei ton and .f. V. iivan Iinui.ction.
Annie C. HoiiIi r. S. A. I. Porter
J. M. Willey vs. W. J. McKee, J. S.
loani'li and May l'.ranch To fottchc
Benson, Jude.
The follow iinj ca-es came up before
the circuit court at the adjourned term
May 15 lo P.l, mid follow nl by cases at
the regular May term, hikinnini; hint
Iloiiith . Porter Time for new par
ties to the suit to plead extended to the
tirsl day of the next re iilur term in Oc
toiler. Anna C. Ibnikdi vs S. A. I. I'mter
Water suit ; moti u of piainlilf's counsel
to withdraw the amended i mn plaint
tiled April 15, rC, and to Mihstituie an
amendeil c uipiaint, allowed.
Frai.k 1' I'.aiiei- ts, John Pull
suit vn eipiity; I ii i.-n.Iant allowed to
w ithdiaw ileiiiurrtr a:.d tp lile answer
to com phii n t .
Mn It- of ( in-k'on s. A. J. N. iioii
I'a-e set for tnal Tuc-day, Mv ID. I'M.'.
J. C. M .rrow vs. J. S." Field ;ind M.
T. Waller- Matter bein.' fuliy -ettled,
cau-e d.-miK-. d at pliiin! ,f:'s c. !.
(iood Horses iu Tiaininu.
lAIt'iru- Nv Kr
There now a lot of k'ood hoises,
Ik.iIi ifalloiiers and harne-s hoi-.-i, in
training on ihe track. The
lior-eineli ol this section have tin d hai l
lo pull t ! f a fe't day- (acin hen- some
time iu .bnie, and then all V" to Ihe
liki-Mew races lor the ll Ii of Jul., bill .
wen: ii: iil le to do mi. They will now
I rain ioi I he I-iket it-w races, after w hidi
they wid I. turn mid keep in tiain
hhj for the Fair. There were s v. r.d .
hull: men from the nor ih, who desired
lo come to Alturas ami train and slay,
mild alter tbe June races, should then: ,
In- any, and then tak: their horses to j
Lakeview. t
The follow iii(,' are the horti and,
trainers, now at work on the Alturiis
truck . "It ta Siniitt" and "Henry M.'J
oa ne. I ov Mossinaii c Mann, and maii-
hiiid by ieo. Uu ker ; "lialerii:" owned
by 1 rank Cain, and liuiiuied by (ieo.
.'loop; "Lena C.'' ow ned and inann,eil
by ieo. Sharp; "Leli Connor" owned
hy N ixou of (.'edarvilli: and iiianaued by
TisJ banister; ' Sinfax'' who holds the
woil l'- recoid for two-year-olds, inan
aL'ed by Henry time. " M innie ( i ." and
"Jim Foil ins' and ol her horses will l
h ie in a few days to no into training.
( ieorite and I'fut of the Palace have
the lines! grades ' liipiors, bili class
beer and the popular brands of cigars,
la-sides they have in their reading room
all the Intest newspaperH and periodicals,
and iu their clu b room excellent music
and tbe latest Kaleidoscope moving pic
tures. Hrop into t he Palace w hen you
aie in town mid you will be enter
tained. IH tf
Mrs. (ifore Wiiikleinan, who has
la-en visiting Mr. and Mrs. W iiikleinan
at The Oregon, returned to Summer
Lake Tuesday uioinijig.
has liprn mado this srasou lo put foitn tlio pxulst
v think you niI1 most want. Wo ask yon, iu
so far as jiossiMo, to 'tni pa r our goods with
those of othrrs.
Von will J 1 1 1 1 1 it (liTi,l..! y to your ;i.v.ititd:;'
to luiy Iti'it' wo oio uu iciiiii In u n trl :.i! .1
L'oot Is ,iu I w c.i ii s,i fl ,i t t 1 i r I ! i i 1 1 v - "i
;j I'tiy lu re will l.o saii.-i'.n-ini'v in o:i in
jl it ii-1 diro.
ity Meat Market
Door North of Hole! lakeview 3
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, I:tc.
LANE & WENDELL, Proprietor.
Lakeview Livery
n. w.
J. HARRY, Proprietor.
in Connection
Feet! stable
Horses hoarded ly the day or month
First class turnouts and saddle horses.
Our specialty is the quick and sale de
livery of iaveii;ers to all points in
the district.
for Sale. ;
May ami drain
prprietors Harry's Opera House
Onl) plate In l,kr lew lr
holding I'uHk cnlcf liititicnt
nniMTQ Regarding the Forty Second Annual 1 0 Statement f. EQUITABLE LIFE.
New I. tisin.'ss written in I'.miI: - ?-J.V.MJ.os7.o
Cross ass.'tls, " WW .(Ci'.l.Tlid.:; I
( i ross surplus " 7 1 .7"'i'.7'.i7.(ii
Total payments to policy holders J7.7I I .('.' I. U
Iiininu' Uu' nst ti-ii vt-uiti, tin- V, imtiili'i. Inm nii $';.."". 1 . n-i I .. iii .liviiliii'lH ut
it . .lii Iml.l. is, l.ii li larkri l v i-r-i 1I1 tin" iiriiiiiint .,n. m iliv iili-mln l,y imy otli
vr ('niiiiiiiiiv iliir iiitf tin- sitini. ii'
Hot Spring Baths
M auk Mi M.iiAYi:, l'n..riftir.
IWiMim N ri I '. ) ArriiiiK
! n itl iiiii'l i n i-n-
h II! -ill. Mi- id''.-
UK-. 1 lii'Kiuklt r- n
n tiiiun. n ill 'in mi
iua r-'in. Wul'T
V. j I hi ttiic f i-in m-r it
I'ii'-. I v t r y l )i I j u
ki 'l t ! mi ninl (My,
f (J HANI) t
Base Ball Tournament
lit ICINi. IIIK - -
I IRS T WUK l JtlY, 1902.
i I'u-t Minu-y to Winning Ti'imi fi.H0.
-ITI.IllI .MdII.'V, IM'Vl ln nt tl-1
Healthful - - Pleasant-- Cleanly
j I .111' HI l-l I'll.' 1 1 II It 111 I Us .- III,. Il Ul 1 II 1,1 t . ,1 .
$6 for Artillery llnrscs.
I '1 lii'ii-u ill l.f mi 1 1 1 - j .i i 1 1. ,ii nl Ailil-
li-iy lioi'st-rt ut my .l.i- l.iki-ly,
j Muilix: rniiiity, t'al., uu May liLI. I
will I'll)' f'MI fill II iul till l..ffil'i liulsl'-.
I No c priisiMiii lamli; till culms; l,.l.i n
j i-xri-pt iruyH. ( ifliliiijis -I tu s ;. fain nlil,
I Hl'l'l tl IL'IKI U.S., .i'4 In HI 1. Ill, ils lliull,
l.iukfii tu i t 1 . in.. I iliivi- with I'lilii-hni'si-.
Will nisi, imy I"" c-iirh (mi 'I'liliiis,
iiml man's ii..t in tnal, "oiiinl, hinki-n
tu wi.i k, uiiiIit lU yiMis i, hi, ui :;i)il
ami 1 1 1 . Oi.'.. II. I'.am.i.v,
.MainK't-r. I'l-J
Tlie Smokers.' I-'u j n iuui l'.-nll 'h,
whuii- only tin; hi'st kiuiIi-h nf tiaaiH
nm In' foil ik 1 . I'or u llni' Hiimki) i-vi'iy-hoily
gm'H to llmllV. lS-tf
Ni. I us. I. nil Ilhih In Uu- niinl)- I..' luir un-l n il i - 1 1 1 ' I t ' 1 I..1111111
in. ut 1 - 11 s.-1 1 1 1 -1 1 . miisi In mail., uiili
rli'tltl , nil nl l,.-.,.- .Illlil- J ill 1 1 . Inn. Ill
llill'.-i- .-.-, .. . I I-- lit .-I (.nl-.-, iiiiikI Ii. 1 ill. I i.(
tin I ii!n- ill 1 nt 1 . Ihui 111 iiii.ii- iuui i-si
ll' 111 li-llllls llll.Nt I'lltlT.
A s s.-nll US Hll I'lltl'll. uri lllll.l.' till' lull .ii
'iiiin will lit' ttiiiiuii iiri-il hii'I Uu; iiuiiiiiij.
tiii ut 1.1 1 hi' 1 1 iffi-n nl ti-iuiiH w ill In nil is.-il as
Inline lll. I ttlii'll l 111' (I'M Ills Mill rullli'Sl lur
Lee licall, I'rciiJ.ut.
Joe S. Lane, Secretary.
Ulils I or N ood.
.-I alril hiitrt will hi) ri ri'lVi'il hy the
Comity Court of l.nki' County, Onon,
11 1 to tho next in.'cliiu.' of nii'l Com I,
the liisl wi't k iu July, Iihh', h. fiiinish
lull ( Oh Is: of lli-illl ll oi nl HII'I It'll fill 'Is;
ill ' loot ttoiiil, llrliVl-lt'll Ht tliU Colli t
llmipi', iii l.iikev ii-w, 1 .11 kit County, Oiu-
gull J1.1t l.'li'i' I hull St'l'tlllilitT 15, IW2.
1'hf Court H-si-Mi- the riht to reject
HIiV ttll'l nil I'I'Im. Will. (llJNTIIUI.
( lei k of I.iiku County, Oregon.
I'lilnl, l-iikcview, Orenon, Mnv l",