LAKB COUNTY CXAHINHR: LAKCVIEW ORCOON MAV.8, 1902. ! LACONICS. lltid lUrvuy In able to liohbta about on crutch thin wiwk. I lam mix-h at tlio Monogram. 18-2 Ahlatrotn I Iron, have rwnlvwl a lull line of cull lory ol fvrjr ilomrlptlon. 1H-2 Hprlnu imchm up In I.nko county taut Saturday , Watch lor Hailry A MaMiinciU'a LIk al. neat wmtk. Tlio uutirn Itub1ican ticket look like a iu re winner In I.nko rounty. HfO the new lilay in tlio Monogram window Hi In wck. A.J. Notion in riortl anriotialy ill tlila wik with al"CK ol the brnKl. . (')i(K'oUtn Cream KihU at Iluilnimlh A Cloud'a Alrikca tint right ot. 1H-1 T. A. Crump ol South Warner wan a buMncaa visitor in takovicw thin week. 8w I'liency for hargitlni in everything in tlm Naililln anl liarnuaa line. 18 Horn At Ft. IHdwcll. Cat., April 24, 11KJ2, to the wil ol Herman Fcliadler, a on. CO. William ol Moloe aold MO yearling wether lnt wok to L. A'l aim, at 1 1 t bcal. IllMi;t that flue flailing tai klo at the Monogram. 18 2 On April 2Hlh Olinro, a small town In TVxait, wa practically wcpt out ol exUtt'iire liy a tornado. The Smoker' Kinxiriuni Ilall', where only the Ileal gradea ol ciuara run tx (uiiiiil. Knr a fine Mnoke i-vcry. body kh to llcalTa. lHil J. J. ('nun k ( iMigciie, and W. A. l.ihli.n ol Naliitn were gui'i-t ut Hotel Lakeview 1 1 1 in Hi' k. Kli'tiant xtiM-k ol Mini- fur family tine, and the liij.'1'eht gradi of i-iimi good whiitky fur medii'iniil j .11 r i at font A. KingH. 1H ll "Crandmii" K-lilaucl in rcortcd aer jointly ill thin week. Hie ia threatened with pmniiiiiiniii. When ytui t'lime to town drop In at I'ohI A. Kiiig'iuid ain tint ii'tuit'H u nd heiir the bciiutiliil in'iMC lli'nt hnr nnd uhtIi g'M.M. IS ll (i. ThiniiHuii, editor the I'laio dealer, linn hi 111 appointed rity re rirdrrhylhe Ih.ii nl of triiMciH nf Al luriii. The honor wan hriiMt upmi thin editor. I.udioy, rail nnd nee, that wonder! u I "() K" lloliiry Witfhrr Hi Iternard it Suii'h. ll will nh-uhilidy euvo coichulf the lati'ir in uuidiinrf, I --i'l'M doing pi i h i -1 w 01 k . 17 John ('. Miller, ti (miner ii-ed 71 Veil ii. I 11 i-iiig fiom hi" liolni' at Koine! Monti uin , fifty lull.'- north of Kid linn. A ieoioi aciirili him been liiiidi' for him, hut without avail. New ilniK, new and delightful per- (lllneH, I'M-tj thing for the toilet emu- plete H.i nig htiH k (rc-li and pure, at Ileal I'm drug Mom IS tf W. '.. Iievau, represent ing the Califor nia Winery, in a gucM at Hotel Lake- view 1 1 1 i m week. Col. Cox, of the X 1. firm, him large inteieMN in the Califor nia Winery. Gun Sehlagel Htarted for the railroml ut Madeline neveral day a ago to meet Ilia wife and little daughter, who have heen ahnent in the V.twl for the past year. They are ex period home today. J.M. Willey, our former tow unman, arrived here from Keuo to pureliae alioiil -III head of good liorNi-H to weigh l.rilK) IIih. or over; drop him a line if yni have any for mile. He alno him Home I'm hum IIiiIIh fur mile. It in exlimated that tliiw year'n clip ol wool in l ake county will he 2,000,000 poundx. Willi gocd prieea, hh now Hei-iiiH prohable, the iudimtry will hring in an innneiiHo itinotint of nion. y (or that rounty. Salem StiiteHinaii The Steele Swamp ran-h propi'rty in Modoc hiiH heen incorporated W. IS. Whittemoio and A. V. Sicer an the pliiiciinl Hlockhohlern. The rapitul atock in $75,000. Included in tlio cor poration ia the J. 1!. IMrn ranch and the A. V. Spieur ranch, on l!atllemiak,o. Tlio H'heine (or tapping F.aglu Luko ia again hcing agitated in Luhhoii county." C K. I'eai Hall him died a claim lor 25,000 ininer'n iuchea ol water to ho diverted from Eagle Luko hy muuna of a tunnel. Thin Hcheino when consummated will double the productive rapucity of Honey Lake valley. Plaiudoaler. Mn. If. Hchmlnnk and the little dan ghter of Mr. and Mr. Cha. Uinhach will leave next week for an extended vlnlt at Chlco, Cel. The little girl la in poor health and gooa to California to aee If the climate will not be Ixumflclal. Wm. Ilradford, who liaa lxen abtant (or nearly a year In Fan Franclco, en gaginl In literary work, expert to leave for I.akeview on the 15th lnt. Mr. Bradford hat apnnt a very ploaaant and profitable eaon In the Califonida me tropolis John K. Itaker, the bright young attorney from Alluraa, ltre thi week on legal buniue. Mr. Itaker made a I'aciflc Coaxt reputation lur lilinelf in the defeime of the partle accused of the Ikout lynching. The accuaed were releaned in the face of a prejudiced court. OeorgeW. King and Mr. Mary Ru ill, two well known people of Ikeview, were married yi-Meiday, May 7th, at the rmldence of Mr. and Mr. F.lxie ituill. He v. Ilolloinan ol the Haptint Church ulliciatod. Mr. and Mr. King have gone to Klamath County on a honey moon trip. The F.xaminer congratulate the happy couple. Altiert Miller and Guy How man, two flue munician who came here with the Harlow aliow, quit the company here and will remain lor some time. Mr. Miller i a fluiahed mimic ian, and will endeavor to reorganize the I.akeview bran hand lor the coming July carnival. Mr. Jlowmaii i" temporarily installed in The r.xainini-r joh department; he ia a firnt-ehm printer. The Ladie ol the M. K. Church in tend giving an entertainment during Circuit Court week, entitled "A night in Ireland." The program will con Hint ol Irinh RongN, ieerhe, recitations and a lecture by Hev. C. M. Smythe on "Ireland and it I'oonle." They have not yet decided on w hat night the con cert will le given but will after they have niHile further arrangement. Mr. and Mr. M. T. Walter and daughter Mr. A Men left J-akeview yes terday by private conveyance, enroutoto Medford, where Mr. Walter will reet lor a while and then proceed to the home ol her daughter at Tacoma. It in to lie hoped that the pioneer woman may find relief (rum heart trouble in the lower altitude, and the many fiiendn of Mart are in that he nlo w ill le rentored Irvln Ayres. M. C. Wbltworth. Geo. H. Ayre. YOU WANT Of Course Something" SWELL AND STYLISH ! See the NEW GOODS At the Big Store Ayres, Wiiitwoktii & Axiuss (ieorgeand Kent ol the Palace havel p the tineMt grade ol liquor, high claas 1 ilC JCiCT 01 rlOWCTS Ixi'r ami the Hipulnr brand ol cigar reide they have in their reading room all the latent new spaper and periodical, and in their club room excellent muic and the latent Ka1eidecope moving pic ture. Irop into the Palace when you aie in town and you' will be enter tained. 18-tf OPRSALU 1600 SHEEP Free c.f ecab and in fine condition, with a year' fleece on their back. Composed ol 8ot) ewe with lamb to choice Deluine buck. Will commence laiuhing aliout May lit. Price fl per head. Almi, SOO yearling wether with a year' lleece, price 1,25. Apply to Tlio. H. SlIKIIUM-K. II '.' Summer Iikc, Oregon. V4X TAKE NOTICE. Thin I to certify that during my That is what a perfume should be true to Nature, delicate, lasting. We have just received a fresh lot from the place where the flowers grow. These are among the most delicate extracts made; they con vey an air of refinement. If you have never used any of our per fumes, come in and sample them, A large variety to select from. J Beall's Drug Store. ah-! to health, (iood wi.Miih go with them : .-iice w h ii h willprohably cover 30 to (r .vei vliody in I.nkcview. j " day. Mr. L. I". Conn will have j - charge of the hilsine.-s of the California Dr. Aadcll doing North. A Oregon Land Company in Lakeview, Dr. N I 'can .Udell, who i associated ! '' Parties deiiring to rent or buy . I 1 1. . .i 1. 1 tlr (). V. Iletiioic.M ol LakeV eW. '"'". ir.inii. v nj imn-i ""'iin' will be in Silver Luke, May .', for a oMwootoo two weeks' May. On hit. return tri to Lakeview the Doctor will atop three lav in Sunimer Lake, and two or three week in Paiwley. Dr. Andcll ia prepared to do nil kindn of lirM chm deiiliatry. Tlione wishing dental woik done Rhould reinemher the date that Dr. N. I Van Anlell will he neareM. their hcnieH, due notice of w hich w ill he given iiitheprcH. Dr. Andell guarantee hi work. lS2t Music Lessons. Mr. Itertrand ltlair in now prepared to take a number of pupil to teach them iiiNtrumenlal mimic, ut her rcNidenri'. Half hour Icoiih 25 cent ; one hour Ichhoiih .M) cent. 10-1 m with the company, can do n by calling 011 Mr. Conn. W. ILSiiikk 1.V2 Agent C A O. Land Co. Lakeview, Oregon, April l.r, 11KI2. Hot i Spring Baths Makk Mchohavk, Proprietor. (iK AND Base Ball Tournament TKIilv I-OK ALL LAKEVIUW, ORE., Ill KlNU TIIK riRST WttK IN JULY, 1902. $800 3M pIlKSlCS Firt Money to Winning Team Second Money, next bet team $000. $200. No Iihui'I.hII temn In tlio county will be burriMl. A Inlr Hint well i"hi.IuiU.m touriiH ini'iil Ih KHUuri-il. Knlrl.n mum t inmln W illi Sucri'tHry, on nr before June loth, ltfo2. Kn Iruiieu (.'(', ft ior cunt of piimv, uinm be .all al tlm tlino of entry. Tliruo or Wort) nou risi- (Iclil toni in ii Ht Kilter. A noon an all entrlen are iii1 the lull tiro- gram will be auuouucud ami the manage ment of (he different team will be advlaed an to bow and when the tuaum will cuulual for jiuravn. Lee Beall, President. Joe S. Lane, Secretary. Utttlu Neatly Arrmix ikI and maili! coiiyoii ient for publlo pleas ure. Thorough ren ovation, neut dre.a lug room,. Water kept at one tempera ture. KwrylhliiK ke)t cli an and tidy. S.R.SUBLETT&CO. ? Now located in the South of the Daly BiuK. NEW BRICK Carpets, Mattings, Portieres Linealiim, Carpet Covers. Undertaking in every branch .a. ma Haiiru or rxritwriTXJixis Healthful--Pleasant--Cleanly One and one-lialf mile South of I.akeview. IIAL I'KOOP rolled staiea Land Oltlee at Lakeview, Ore., May 6 Km!. .V.tlee Ih hereby niwn Dial the follow Ilia nauii'd aeiller hai. Ilk it uotieeof lna Intention to make fl iikI proof In aopport of Ilia claim, and that aiiid proof will be made before I ne K.'KiMer and lieeeiver at Lakeview, Oregon on June 1J, via: JaineaC. 11 uff . II . K No. MX for the 'i. SH' ., NK'. KW',, NW 'j HK't See. J, T. HH. H. K., A) K W. M. ' llo iiamua the fidlowiiiK witueahea to prove bia eouiiuiioiia rexldeuce upon and I'llltivatlon of aid laud, vlr: A.N. titauiey, tiaimiel J. l'rose, Haniel V. i'rono ami Jainea w. Harvey all of Lake view, oreKon. inu la K. f. HIIATTAIN, KeKiMer. fr'IVl. I'UOOI'. Land Oltlee at lkevlew, Orexon,( May A, iwi. I Nnlli'O Ik hereby nlvell that the followliiK liamed aeiller baa Hied Uotiee of bia Intention to make final proof in aupport of bia claim, anil thill aaid proof will be imide before Ilia Ki'Kiater and Keeelver, I', 8. Laud Oftiee al Lakeview, Oregon, on June 9, l'.HU, via: John It. Hammond, 11. K., No.20M for the hK'. SK1. Hec. 1. NE1. NK'4, Sec. Vi, T. 0. 8. H. IKK. w. M.,Li.t 7, sec. A and Ixita 1 and! Hee. 7. T. 80 8. K. M K., w. M. He liaiuea the followiiiK w il nexaea to iro e hla eontlnuoua reaiib uee upon and cultivation of aald land, vlr: J allien Jolin aon.O. K. l ampbell, W. V. Miller and A. A. Karrow, all of I'alaley, Oreaon. uiB-IM K. M. bKirrIN. Keglater. PANE'S ?L RESTAURAN1 m MealM at all lionr of the A GOOD MEAL T SMALL PRICE Fine Sunday Dinners REZ m&pUtV!? NEW PINE CREEK Is rapidly forging ahead and E. B. Follett, the Merchant is trotting along at the head of the procession. A FINE NEW STOCK lias already heen received and more new goods tire arriving at our Btore all the time AMONG OTHER THINGS We have everything de&irous iu t v Grocery Line. A a ocial lino o"' -i Fancy Shirts. A i i leii it li u 1 Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. W u u for our Dry Goods Display. E. B. FOL LETT I