Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 08, 1902, Image 2

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A w ill U seen in snoll'cr column of
The Fxnininer today, f lo ptiMi.' land
li'ii-iiit' lull lino levit helved fo I ho
time Uiii:. Hut th. viitiii ill noi
lo allowed totlieout, ami a renewed and
determined effort will I'O made at the
C 'HI'
next session of Congress by tln cattle
ns nmi mini iiionoioiista m r"
the measure. oters ot tin" rirei v on-
a-iest-iona! district rliould rvuieml'er
that the people Ism o a st:iiiu li anl j
a We friend in Tin. 11. Torque, wlioj
has, and ill continue to use, evciy ef-
fort to defeat the land leafing I'ill.j
Such a man is needed in CoiiKress to j
tight thin robbing hlifuif. Let the j
people of the First lMs-t rLt tliow the
country they are in earnest in this mat j
ter iv reeiecmiK .ir. tongue
overwhelming majority and at the
Mine tiuie- sshow Mr. Tongue that the
coinuiuii people of this district appreci
ate his effoits in their behalf. Every
poor man and small stoi kinan in I-ake
county, regardless of party ties, should
cast his (.ballot for '1 liouias 11. Tongue
j on the 2nd of June. And eight tdmuld
not be lost of the fail that a United
Mtatea Senator will If elected by the;
legislature of this Mate, and the men
elected Representative from this dis
trict will assi.-t in electing that Sen
ator. Emmitt, Burgess and Wii aldon,
Republican uoruinees for Representa
tives in this district, are against land
leasing, and if elected to the Legisla- j
ture will oppose any candidate lor the ,
Uuited states Senate who is net unal
terably opposed to the measure. To
subserve their own interests every
nnall stockman and homesteader, ami ,
every laborer, should vote on June 2nd '
' i
for Tongue for Congress, and Emmitt,
i. i ii-i ii . i - ! .. .... 1
Burgess and heaMoii for l.epreseiita-
fc ' :
lives. i
And getting down to local afiairs,
it should 1 reineuiliered that a staunch '
friend of the leasing measure is the
lemocratic nominee fur County Judge.
Of courts no one blames him for being
friendly to the measure for he is at the
head of a big corporation established in j
Ike county for the purpose of buying j
lauds and raising ami selling cattle. It;
is but serving his own personal inter- erally run-dow.i system? Use Electric
ests and the interest- of his corporation :lt! "' Batteries. For men and
. . , . , . . . .i.i i women. Electric Insoles keep the feet
fr. ends and neallliv stockmen that he ,
waimaud prevent catching cold. For
would catura'ly favor the lpnd leasing , b,, aj drcua( addres,,
r'diliery, which is destined to kill oft ( Electric Appliance Co.,
tho very indu-trv that makes Lake! lOtf. Medford, Oregon.
county a rich and proi-perous section
the business of the small stockman, j "Shut your my, mpmn ymtir mouth
. .. . . ! what luok will bring you."
The Examiner mistakes the disiuoi. ' The n,other nMn Rt the chi)(ljsh
ui the people of Lake county if they
rast their votes on June 2nd to place in
power, even locally, a man who is fa-l
becoming a monopoli-t, and who will,
if the land leasing bill passes, take ad
vantage of the privilege offered him to
lase at two cents an acre in the neigh
borhood of Fifty Th'ij-and Acres oi gov
ernment land in Lake county, to cairy
on a big stock rai-ing ehterpi;e.
The jealousy cau.-eci by the nonnnfl-i
tiniiofW.J. Furi.i-h for tjovernor in
place of Judge Lowell has not
I wen subdued, and ardent friend
ot the defeated candidate seem de- j
ter mined to assist in the defeat of the j
.nan at the hea '. of the Republican j
tt ket in this -tate. We wonder if j
ttiese people wi!! continue to call then.
selyes Republicans? And the people
are wondering if Judge Lowell docs not
feel like a renegade alter declaring his
intention to vote ior Mr. ( hamlx-rlain.
W.J. Furnish wi'.! I mi elected despite
the jealous enmity of these men, and
then they will feci like a Jt of fooU.
Chas. Nickel), i .Jacksonville, wanted
lo be nominee for mate printer , on the
ltfftfceratM" -ticket UUil ,"'''"K' '''
i.i..i not it. broke the slate. The
convention was wise in not nominating
Mr. Nickell. It ii doubtful if he could
Rver be e'cted I i uiiy olHce. lie is in
the habit of woikihg off peculiar tricks
once in aw Idle thai people do not like
and d i not forget, lie is not hardly of
Ihe cu!dr for a sifl'e ollicer anyway.
East Hide Herald.
fJubscrie for Tl.e Kxau.iner i a year.
A Faithful Official
The Secretary of State of Oregon, Mr.
F. I. Pt.nhar, has proved liinisotT to be
an exceptionally competent, faithful and
valuable otlieer. lie he reformed and re
ytcuialicd the inetlnxl of bookkeeping
in I. is olhoe; his lat biennial report w a
the most complete and instructive ever
issued j he has been watchful, vigilant
and phenomenally firm and eonscien-
j tiousin auditing claims auainst the state,
I allow n g nothing to be paid out except
! clearly nuthoiued by law ; and in every
i reflect he has performed his duties with
j scrupulous and remarkable ability, teal
am! li'Vlity. Mr. Punbar haa certainly
tilled the bill more perfectly than it was
ever tilled Wfore, ami well deserves the
sult; compliment and commend
atioti not only of the renomination he
has already received, but of the re elec
! lion that it is pretty certain he will re
ceive on the tirst Monday in June. Port-
land Evening Telegram.
"That Pryan Democrat" whom Ir.
Daly so ruthlessly, unmercifully flayed in
the Rustler may prove a thorn in the
side of the gold-silver any thing candi
date for County Judge In-fore the day of
election. The Examiner s columns are
open to any man in the discussion of
public questions, and even "Bryan
IVmocrals" are given a fair chance to
state their views. "Rryan Democrats"
should not be cuffed and kicked for hav
ing political principles and believing in
them. The Democratic candidate for
jyj may need their assistance in this
campaign. Evidently, Joeeph of the
Rustler and Daly of the Rank have "rnn
up against something."
Fought For Ills Life.
"M? '"her and sister U.ih died of
( inisiimption, writes J. T. Weather-
wax. ,,f Wynnilotte, Mich., "and 1 was
saved from' the same frightful fate onlv
, ... , . . . .. , -
by lr. King a New Discovery. An at-
tack f I'm unninia left an olwtinale
nigh and verv severe lung trouble,
win h an ex. -client diK'tor could not
In-; p. but a few mouths' use of this won
-i!iil medicine made me as well as
eer and 1 gained much in weight." In
fallible for Coughs, Cold and all Throat
and Long trouble. Trial lx'tle tree,
tiu.iranteed tiottleH .VK: and $1.00 at Bead's, Druggist.
Aie ii MiP.eiiisg from Rheumatism
Weak back. Nervous trouble, or (ien-
game, and doesn't realize that it is a
game she as a woman has perhaps
played for a great many years.
Many a woman is weak and sick,
nervous and discouraged. She sufTers
from headache, backache and other ills.
She wants to be well, but all she does is
to shut her eyes
and open her
mouth for medi
HJ cine and trust to
j lucic ior results.
--C t-W sli-i "doctors"
V t V. WDionth after
SvN v V month, often
VVAu rt after 't'ar'
SjVo-re blind, hap-hazard
fashion, and re
ceives no perma
nent benefit.
Women take
Dr. I'ierce's Fa
vorite Inscrip
tion with their
eves open to the
fact that it cures womanly Ills. Jt cures
irregularity. It dries debilitating drains. '
It heals inflammation and ulceration and
nru ffiiiule weakness. There is no
trusting to luck by tuose
" Favorite Prescription."
-My dinsa- w diitt'Hrement and ulceration
oft'lie nlt riiN uuil I w;ih in a U-rrille comlitiou
with mill mid we.kiieie. and had (riven no all !
i. ' r I..)..,, .. -ii .min .tiin Mm. i
H irrv A llrovtn of oroiio I'cnobscol Co . Me.
Iladdo.iore.1 with four different dortnrs with-
in four inoinli-. and in-lead of KftiiiiK littler
was KrowhiK weaker alt ihe time 1 ilet ile.l In
try your Fnvnnu- I'rrw riilloii.' r.ol.lell Mnl-
iiiil HiMoveiy ' ami ' I'le.iwiit I'elli-ls." us I hal
hrar.l oi nie many i-nren ...r..
iiht. I ImiiKht live nottlei ami lelt w iiiiie i 1st-
ter nfler t.ikiiK them that I kept on until t am
an well a- evr in my 1 1 f- an. I to Ir I'li rer all
I the p,i. i- .III". I LMflllot sav elioniih 111 favor
I of his .... .ii. ,... , llelore 1 Ik-ki .... I..LI..K
n.e.luine. I only wrn-lml on- I '
twenty (aiiin.l. I now we.h o.,r I .1, .1 ...I a. !
Mity , I K.;,...e.l forly i..i in x
, nonius. 'V,- , I in w
; l.lors -","' llVS'u .l.r i'Veree
, in pt-rfeet he.i'.Ui Us l.r litre r
Ir. Pierce's Plcnsanl Peileta clear the
tumlily comjilexioti.
Old Soldier's Experience.
. . . . . . . . . . . . t
M. M. Ail-tin. ; civil ai etei,in,
'J- . .
Wiiii'liclcr In. I . v;ie: "My vtifn was eiiM-rol this .nn at l.ak.vieH, Oi-.k.iii, on
Hick a longtime in flute of jfoml iloe- i-aiunUy. I he -i, I, ilav of Jl, , Vn. lie natnei
u ion- unit in r, i Hi( nil,,,.,,,.,. V . A. i nrrier, Janu s An .shane,
toi'w tienlment, I. lit Wll" Wholly enred j ,. m,.1h,, jhn Kelley, all of I'aUley,
liv lr KilUi'H New Life Pill", which oickoii. Any ami all persona i-Ihi m I dk ail
u"orU..,l uoii.lera for her henltll." Tliev 1 ver.ely ihe l,ove-.le.ei ll..;l r.
hIwhvh 1o. Try tlit iu. Only .10 at
. .. .
I Ueall's lru( store
& ..The Lake view Mercantile Company.. 6
r It Miller, rrraMrat
A Reaart. V P
V I. Barillas. Mr A Trraa
1 Lakeview Mercantile Co. f
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, Oregon .
OfJlrrt a Mjrtlf. Grtnltr. Iroa
rn wi imKi sum stn Vjf
CtMdtRT W0BH Or All KISOS iSali
'"'Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
tneut by Ely's Crowin KtUu, which is agree
ably aromatie. It ia received through tha
nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face orer which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell tha Cue. aiza; Trial sue by mail, 10
cents. Teat it and you are sure to continue
the treatment.
To accommodate thoae who are partial
to the uae of atomipra in applying liquids
into the canal passages for cnlarrhnl trou
ble, tha propri. rs prcpar Cream Balm iu
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Bulm. I'rica including the
sprmyiag tul is 75centa. Druggist or by
maiL 'i bo liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
r ivl. fiiooK.
t'llfled Htati-4 Ijiii.I Offlr ., ljtkt-vlew, Ori-Koll,
Msreh l.Kisi. Nni ii f 1. Is. r.-I.y kiv ii Him
i'iliiinliifi (' l'lYtii.ul likev li'W, (ir-irfu li.n
Hte'l llfilU'i' fif llilelilirdl l' IllMke riif i.n tltn
rti-iw rl l.iiil cIhmii N.. :'.:, lor iln i.1, sW'i4
H. -c. Mh'fNK.i, Sni.NK S..-I-. .lnl Ntt',
Sl,hcaT.K. I(.'.'2 K. before the Ki'H
iler ali'l H'vi ivit Ht I.Hk-i 'H, On koii, nn
Friday. I Me ''Ii ! ol June, !'..
lie liHliien the fnllouiliK KltlieMD to pre
Die eoiijlile IrrikTHOoii ami re Uirmtlou of
KKl'l IhikI : W. .. Mum of l.nk.-flew. Irein,
nnil I. ' . In.. I-.. ii. Jul. ii l.i. from, h F. l'oii r,
nil ui Al. l. r. noli.
Viz: .1. c. of ruer Ijike, ir'ioii.
hH fi l.-ll HOIK of llilelvi loll lo (.r.M.f f.ll
ln ij.-n-ri In. el . Iiin Jf... i- .. for I he N'K1,
S', si;'4 ! ' , sh'4 j.'. T. W - K. -u V...
V M. lM-lore tins Cnrinter it ml k.-eetver .1
I. Hkeview. Or.''in. on Fruiuy, the Mb il of
.1 une. Ilr. He iiHine he folr.wtor wltlieHW.
to .no .- t In eoini'lele irrtv.iu.u hu4 reislmtut
lion of nkI'I Ihi'.I: W. . Mom niol I', f liff
tlln of l.ake l w, Ur.'Kell n. Juhn Luffluii u.l
H. F. ronH-r ol A.lel. Oregon.
Viz: K.liili K. Ix.ffru-of lakeview. Oregon,
hns tileft tinoee'of iiii..iiioii lo i.r.H.f mi
her ilewrl-lancl eluiiu . :. lor I lie w ' ,N ,
S tti.-H ' , w. :t sK ,VK', N'a.SFJ,
h'4-iVVi,.ter. 14 T. :. i i'.V.. W. M . iM-h.rv
lllf Itegi-ler MIDI Use. iver Hi I kel lew,
i-koii, on Fri'lsv tlie Kill lHy f .limr. l:ri. She
ii m no it the foilnuil.lf wltltew-it to l.roM' Ihe
i.iiiiiil.'le irriKHtioit hii.I r Initiation of Mild
Unij. . m.ik-, of OreKon. .1 .
a.ttHti of Wnruer (jtke, OrmnH. Johu l.fftu-
snd H. F . oo.. r ot A 'el. innim.
VI: H illiani Z. Mini of l.nkt-vUo
llSH lil.'U liotlee ol III mall' Kmil on
rot4 on
i NK' ,-W, NLM, fK'SK'' . :s. T. "A. It.
.. """ M.-aiMi-r .i fr
1 l.nkevlew . i ir. khii, oh t ri.Uy Hie bill .lay of
June. twi.'. He iiniiien Hie folf..wlnK u ilnewx
lo i.rove i he eowi i.l. le trriKaiinit ami rtt laiiia-
i I ion f said land : J . '. iol-oi. ol W arner I jtkr.
( On-aoii. r. ( . I;ffn of ikevlew. Oregon,
i John l-offlin. nnd II. F. oo-i of Aili I. on Hon.
I Hap. In K. M. llmnilN, KegiMer.
. . . ...
Tl tlliKH .TH
. . . . , k .. Oreiron
''" '"', ' "k ' Van ll 17 l'il'
; , u b , , , ,.,
i( lle ,,roWloi. of the ml of (.micn-ia of
J ' e U) , ,,,:,,
; ,a,ef alllornla, Oreron,
, ami Wa.hi.ikloi, T.-rnlory," an exten.l-
e.l to all tin I'lll.Ue l.all.l hlalea l,y aet of All-'
I . , William Harvey of. patalev.
eoniny of Lake. Slate of On-xmi, liaa lhi ilay
tllell III tills olllee hlH sunril slal.'lll. 'lit .No. :U4,
lor the nnrehase of the I:'., S K1 ,. ' . N K1 '
SF'-, SF.i, of Section No. 7. 'I p. :i:i s. II. 17 K., ,
Htel u ill ofl. I'prool tos'sou llial the laml soiikIiI '
i more vul lor its liinhi-r ot .lone than j
; ( Ihmii nn.ui.1 Inn.l Hi.- Ki-kihi. t ami U.-
ior nan' "ii"'ni .o p. . aim oi esi am inn ma j
. to n e ineir cia i h in
to tile their clanim In tins nltiee un or la foru
, M vt,M iiy ( mh. v.
i mar.utt. fc. a.
HK ATTAIN, Uffclktet..
Mi ?
5uccc5sors to II. C. ROTH I; &
...S 1 OCK...
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
S. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Mecognletl ss the
Wuon nnl Hii'y Hanu-HH. WhiH, Kobt'H, lloatas, 41
Hits, Spurs, Quirts. RohrttoH, Ktc. -4- -i- o-
Ilcpairinj; of all kiiuls, by com pelt-nt men. -o- Q
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Great Reduction in
Fine Line of Latest
Billiard and
' -it
t fi J . yr.
Capital I
V M Mlllrr. ' A Mraart
V LMarlllas. Meaa MrMrf
M r MrrffrO. tf M Urrm
Urnit H Maaalaa
Ileal VsajMro 5adlls
V -
" Pool Room
Stock arm
w ' awMMtllll aT WW IIVI
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
n Registered Yearling' Bulls
1H.IOO, 120 and I DO each
LALDOR AUMO bead of berd