Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 01, 1902, Image 5

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V I1BT '
..... Ti.v r.irnic Iim ben POUt-
,wTi make Mijr floweri in
-il mmm in lOWII Uflt Wwk
lur VI (IllWl'l v.. -
Lnft hmxl" wilh boBt of tr't9nA'
!iMnwtat Hotel Lakeview FrliUy.
lithe Arthnr. the heepman, wan
firnin camp "i wto, ..-n
Spenranre of one wlio wintered well.
rMr. and Mra. Him Arthor arrived
, the X L ranch at Abert Lake ant
fonday on a few daya' iit whb rela-
ieml cnmca from the north that the
cinity of I'aiiley waa ehocked cor.-
derahly Sunday and Monday dt earth-
An adjoarned tr of the Circuit
3Court of Uke conoty will beftin on May
jilb. The rngolar term will open on
Kay lMh.
Lad in, call and aee that wonderful
0 K" Koury Washer at Bernard A
gon'i. It wi" ahanlately Bare one-half
the laxr in waahing, beede doing
prfm:t work. 17-2
A lijjht (all of anow came on Tneaday
night and yeetrrday continued at inter
Ib. Tli fall a'ieari to le heavy in
tbe mountain. It had the appearance
of a genuine winter atorm.
J. T. Hook arrived from Rock Cr--k
last Mondoy. Mrs. Klook, who haa
mr. undr the care of her iliymt:ian,
Dr. Htfincr, fur wveral wet-kit, will re
main hen-for aoine time longer, a Khe
Iiik not entirely recovered from the
effects of a dtuitferouii illnee.
J. Mitchell I tine arrived from Sun
FrancMHco Utt Thurmlay and went to the
Iniii-H ratieli in i'hewaucaii on Sutnrilay.
Mr. Jnin'H Hjx'iit tin; winter in the Cal
itoriiiu nietropulia. 1 1 :h friendn nay
lie in twenty year younger looLinc.
Charlie llnrvey went to Alturu lact
Suii'l.iy uik! returned Tu-nduy evening
aitl. hin futher, Hud llurvey, who had
Ins leg Iirokeii near AlturnM lust week.
The injured luiin waa brought home
on u heil, and t renting as easily an
ciiuld le expe.'led.
l-rui.k lliiekinay wuh up from New
1'iiie ( reek Hiim week. Frank Iiiih been
very r.!, k ith ItiKrippe and lookM badly.
Hik litil- Hen l'.url wan brought home
f'oin M'xi'ic I'omitv uud in now improv-iiu-
ntpi.lly from the effort ol u 'limber-mi-
uitii' k of fever.
Another party of ruilroud (?)men, five
in rummer; all mounted on milieu
u 1 1 1 1 i i : i v i ! i ' two milieu UH pack homes.
M..;.jM.,i i,, t, wn lut Friday nijiht on
li. u. y in .rlli. We ure itielineil to think
tin v ate sl.eeti r I, carers piing ' I-"''1'
eui.nt , ( r. 1'iieber iu.ette.
Win. ll.nt.lei. ile of I'aifleV Ulid Mif1
.Iii-ie .hi I key, u rliiirmiiit yotint' holy of
Kiwm Ciet k, were married at the home
of lite In uli- nt thai plil'-e l-Ht Week
'1'l.e n.-wly inai'lleil peuple Will refide at
I 'a i l.y. TI.e bnd U Mild tu he hand
t"'i,e and attraetive, mid very popular
liiii'HiH her ac iiuaiiitnlii e-.
I.'.-t-In l.nk-view, Miiehiy, April
L'-iili, two note-, eael. railing f"i V
an I a receipt for imteH cined hy
!ii. M.-( '.llcv and receipt by V. K.
I'HiiV, 'I 'l iloeuiucut.s are of no value
to but the hinern, and the
lilnlci ii- npeclfully leijlie-ted to leave
the Hum: at The I'.xa in iner office.
Our I'hlecmed contemporary down the
sheet iced not feel ulurtnetl. It will
learn on election day that there me
other rtndidntea behhh-H lr. laly who
ran for.illiiu in 1-ake county, (i'nte a
iiunih"on their ticket will d.ulil U"-" he
in tM "hIho ran" cl.i v.itb the
Am.iih Totininiri-en I ml a ! !'!. .a
J.erienci' the other ditV thai t v
him t li'it a man not nm d to the Middle in
"v... ::eth"ii a dam) hool" to try to ride
a buckL'i! broncho. Ahiiiuh went l'.:!i'
a di.-lai'e heavi-nvMir I, hut returned to
in i! Ih i , : . i ! i in d ic eoui-M- of tunc,
jilite aire after hi" h"'!-' j ",;
Irvln Ayres.
See the
T. K. liernard of the well known firm
of J. K. Kernard A Ron expect aoon to
make a trip throughout the county,
aolicitinn buainean for hia firm. Their
atandard line of implement and wag
on, a well a their reputation for aqtiare
dealing will douhtlea ancure a large
hare of buaineat for them.
John R. Wair, Republican candidate
for re-election to the office of County
Aaaeaor, arrived from the north laat
week. Mr. lilair intend doing hi duty
without fear or favor, and will inaiat
on the men who hare large intereat
paying their Jnat proportion of Uxee,
even though they combine to defeat him
for re-election.
E. Lake haa an attractive bicycle eign
a genuine bicycle painted in gaudy
color. Paaaers-by cannot fail to notice
it Ruapended above the door. The aign
mean that Mr. Lake i prepared to do
II bicycle repairing in a thorough man
ner, and as this i the aeaaon when your
wheel should have a thorough over
hauling for the nummer run you should
Uke it to Lake's "stable" and have it
returned to you in proper shape. Lake is
an expert on wheel repairing.
John McCulley, one of the old guard
of I Ake County, was in Lakeview last
Monday on buaineaa, John only comes
in occasionally, but when he doea he
graap many a friendiy hand. While
here he purchaaed from W. K. Barry
the Pierce Com ba place on Thomas Creek,
conaiating of 10 acres and improve
ments. He now owns one of the beBt
small ranches in the county, and the
place is eaaily worth $1,500. Mr.
Harry only recently purchaaed the
place from Mr. Conilis.
Supreme Court Reverse Itself.
County Clerk fiunther has received
notification from Iiatrict Attorney
Iteamea to the effect that the Supreme
Court han reversed its former decision
regarding the payment of a dintrict at
torney fee of f 10 in divorce ca'-ea, and
the fee ia no longer required. The dis
trict Attorney udviwea the County
Court to make an order to pay back the
1 10 fee collected ujxui each divorce cane
aince the paaaage of the District At
torney net in IH'.t'.t. The Court will not
lie compelled to pay it hack, however,
until application ia made in the form of
b claim. The amount of money to be
paid back in Luke County will not ex-
,,,,(,,J w- m TAKE NOTICE.
A Natural Curiosity , This is to certify that during my ab-
A 'iciuitic specimen of the jienua hw-1 t-ence whiih w ill probably cover 30 to
mo wiih on Tuendiiv'e aouth bound over
H. C. Whitworth.
Geo. H. Ayre.
Of Course
At the
Big Store
Ayres Whitworth & Ayres
Fred Lehnners and Bruce Stevenson,
two jolly "knights of the grip," were
smiling on Lakeview for a few days
during the week.
Music Lessons.
Mra. Iiertrand Blair is now prepared
to take a number of pupils to teach them
instrumental music, at her residence.
Half-hour lessons 25 cents ; one hour
leasons 50 cents. lG-lm
Free of scab and in fine condition,
with a year's fleece on their backs.
Composed of 8o0 ewes with lamb to
choice Delaine bucks. Will commence
lambing about May 1st. Price $4 per
head. Alao, 800 yearling wethers with
a war's fleece, price $3,25. Apply to
Tnofl. II. Sherlock.
14 2 Summer Lake, Oregon.
land, and w bile the train waited here
the you Hi! man wuh an object of mm h in
tercut to u crow d of men and boy a. He
50 days, Mr. L. r. Conn will nave
charge of the business of the California
A Oregon Land Company in Lakeview,
and any parties desiring to rent or buy
lands, or transact any other business
The Oder of Flowers
That is what a perfume should be
true to Nature, delicate, lasting.
We have just received a fresh lot
from the place where the flowers
grow. These are among the most
delicate extracts made; they con
vey an air of refinement. If you
have never used any of our per
fumes, come in and sample them .
A large variety to select from
BealTs Drug Store
Now located
in the
South of the
Daly Bids.
filled u seat und part of the aide in the , with the company, can do so tjy caning
on Mr. Conn. W. !1hikk
aiuokiug car. He was seven feet and ten
inches in height, weighed WO pounds,
and is 21 years of age. He is said to have
been a wood chopper in I'.ritbh ("oUim
bia, but hiis been beguilid to Yankee
land f ir the tin ney there is in him as a
dune museum attraction.
There Is now Kufl'.cient Funds in the
T" n Treasury
pay all otilManding
waiiants whiih weie protested on or ! aH f,(ioW s :
15-2 Ageut C !t O. Land Co.
Lakeview, Oregon. April 15, 1IW2.
The Lake County Agricultural Asso-1
ciation will give four days racing on j
their truck in Lakeview, commencing. 1 and ending July 5, 102. The sum .
of i, llOlt will be distributed in purses,.
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
.V. r
Linealum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
b. due iept. 12, li'liti. Interest on same
have ceased. A. I'-ii ukf,
Tow n Tieasiirer.
Order of Citation.
In I In- i - i: 1 1 1 -inurt of t tie Si ut- of Ori'Hiui
III! I,;. . i 1 i
In II,,. Mniii r nl toe ,
..,i, of . s.'r.!;-r..f imtum,
ll.iv.l. Ki'Jiil A. Hn.l . to oliow i ""!e.
mi.'l l:.i iiiotot linjilj
.M iimr.i
Tl,m r.-r nii: " t l"' l"''ir'1
., ,.( A,i-I PH--J. .,,..111 ii ivniin.i milv M r
..; Mi- I. -I WiiM.crllie 'lul.v it ) H" i in . ii
Sii -IT II Ic in. N K, -M 1- M. lieiollKlllji In
tnioi.'i,..l il -.Misl.M-t-.ry I'1- h i mik in
'i... . .,.,.1 il, hi hi, Ii lUi'ii ' proper imW in
i,. I. ..! . .1. .I.-,
i l lrst Hue, 5-8 riile diihh $15o.oo
I ( rhrc-rur olds;
; 5econd Rate, 3-8 Mile Meat 1 50.00
1 Third Race, dun Yard dush, (LaV.e Co.
I fcudule i.urneil 75-oo
I l lfst Race. 5.8 nile dah 1 25.00
I .eond Race. 1 tile da-h . 17S -uo
I'iriit Race, 1-2 Mile heat iSo.oo
Second 3-4 ftile dash 1 35.00
First Race. 1 1-8 "tile dash 300.00
Second Race Distance to be named at
Wace track on alternoon, July 3d
Meulaull hoiM-nor !hc 1 onfin fJCnl AT CMI DDIPC
Fine 5undav Dinners
Tultle HiiiIio) with every
llilntf the iiiarkel ollordA
,"'1 1 , , ,',il 1 loi 1 1 he ii'M of Kill ol each "'! There will he a Consolation Purse, distance
. .. .,.1 .. I hi .,-r t.i'i "o
.! . ill. ti 'loumil' lire l..'l.'1'.l .llreel.Hl lo :
',,,, indue Hits i orl ...1 Hie :tilii .! o
June ii ", hi Hi- "Hi.'e ""' ",. "d
! 1 ot.rl. I.ill.el ottrt house in the low 11 ol Lake
view l.lllir ci.llllly. Oretfoll. l the hour of I
. ' . . . ... ...... ... .In,..' I'M Ilk,' U 111' H
I... Ii f. III. Ol MO, '- -' ,
1,0,11,1 not or Kin""" -
Mu ll enlille.
hi, lie 111 o,.'U
1 011 11 tliis. 'MUli day of April
17 Ii
J ililKe,
inti. 1 11001
. , . 1 ,. nt 1 'I':.-. 1,; !.;
!.;.:. ;.'. !
... I .-'I Is In'''' '" I'lU'H
' . , ' ' ... , ,i ' 1 1. r In,- 1:1 1 ii'i-
' " ' 1 . . ; , ' . 1 .... I I ' ' I . I 1 ; i I ' I , , " I 'II
,n 01 Lis' 1 num. mi'' prooi will U- tlie Keiii.ler aiel K.eeiver at
k view, OrKili, M.v 8. y,f:
M.Ver wVjiieo.!; II. K.N.o. 1M, lor the HW'i
S i . N'.. MV' hi; HW'4, hee. 4. 1 . 8H. H. K.
i. K V M llv linin. s the follow ink w llli. SM S
T , ',,,.' his eolitHiuons resul.-nee itioii Hiul
,.u l,v..ilo ot s.u.1 liuet, '.: William l..l
....ish,of A. lei. ..,. .11, l oskeii of Wiir-
t.ei I uke, orem.ii, A. L. I'rieu and Jame
( iio'kson o! l.iikt view , ir -m i.
17 lit r.
Al. UK ATTAIN, RejiUler.
aitJ amount named the last day.
All of the above races are free for all, except '
sunille race, w hich ii lor Iake comity horses.
Tour lo enter and three o start, but the Asso
ciation r.hiTves the rmht to hold a less iniiiibsr (our to HU liy r. ilueiiiK the purse in pro- j
p., i noil n the ii ii iii Iter of horses entered.
I- mries to close the evening before the race. ,
The I'ai itle ("oast Blood Horse Association rules
to Koveru a'l running races. Entrance fee tell
(in) p T cent of purse. Money to be divided as ,
loll.'ws: 70 per cent to the first horse and SO i
ti.-r eeni to si ;'iud horsi. I
l i, isso. iiitioii resen t s the right to change ;
, ,,, o iive ritces, in ihe event of not rill-1
, , ' , t '..eiiaino' 1 1 1 o dale of the !ie- day'
,., i io il.e lolioH ing iIhv, ill esse any other
uiiiiiseiaeiit is aunounied for that date Mo j
money UHiti without a contest.
Kntries for saddle race to be made before a1
eoiiiiuillee composed of ,F. N. ciivan, Harry,
Kolieris, Huh Sehroder, Jeff J'arish, Jiui Oroeu ;
uud l liiu lie Trilinho. ..I liiieelors:-John, h. 1 .
Light. W. A. Wilshire, K. M. Miller, J. M. limes,
V. L siiflling, and b. lialy.
V. L. SNULLINO. ftecy. B. ALV. Prest,
jV Is rapidly forging ahead and
ST K. D. Follett, the Merchant P
4 i is trotting along at the head . &
of the procession. Jfo
& lias already been received and more
0 new goods fire arriving at our etore
nil the time
We have everything desirous in the
Orocery Line. A special line of Gents
a Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of
r Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch
for our Dry Goods Display.