Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 24, 1902, Image 1

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NO. in.
IT Nit!"
The Mnn of Orcnl Heart Who
l.oveth Muchly t he lior find
Downtrodden People.
Tim litii'liiii in my shepanl. 1
tthall not w nut for any yood limit: dur
ing tin- t-itinpiugn w lillo I In1 good lkM'lur
runneth for tin high Judgeship. He
liutli plenty nl "dough" which liHtli
Imen cliH'l in -iiiihiiiii Irnin llie 1 1 i K
IpiiiiIn, hiiiI this in tin M'Ahoii l the
ycur w hen he lludt'lli much plranuie ii
I'iri iiluhoii nl liii lllttiy Inert), lie hath
nlil me in honey words lliMl lie in rnv
U'hhI friend. He hath offered lo buy llie
baud ol woolly bleaters. Two years ago
ml thin time lie ofJerelh inu the Same
Jay-out niter In) gettelh t lie seal in Con
K,res Iroin Tun wIkj halh held it lo
these many years and tjuite long
noiigh. hut lie changelli lii iiiiml
nil iIhI not (o to llie big house where
they try to passelh laws Id lease t lit
lauds which hrlongfUi Ui t'ncle Saimir
and lie t'liniik'i'tli tin mind also about
my liitml ul bleaters wen after 1 pickcth
thrill 0111. I gclcth them nit! Hut I
thinkith thin time lie keciieth liin
iroiiii'H with Ihu multitude fur lie Imtli
grenl piles til gold and in anious to ilo
otiicthiiig for the poor people who hatli
vutfil for him I hone in my years. When
lie winneth the judgeship ul the big
county lie will give many jmojilu em
ployiiifiit in biiililni tlit hi academy
(or I lie poor man's children. Verily, 1
tell ve mi'li whohittli H Vote tliHl he i
the great hihinthriiiiit. l or lo tlies.
til it ii v yi'iirH the si-tih-rs itcrox the
inoiiiitniuii in Warner valley hall
fought tor their homes ugsliiHl M big
I'orporntioii who t'oveteth their hinds
and lie hit i'oiiiu to realize now how
much they have suffcreth, and straight
way he sendeth a petition to the big
moil in Washington ami the bi chief in
the White House asking litem to con
veraetlt with the great father of lamia to
iecide the inane. He doeth this for the
ioor settlers because lie hath ureal in
fluence with the chiefs at Washington
and he in very anxio'is at thia time for
the interests tf the tioor settlers who
may loNe their IiiihIh. He knowelh
thitt Te.liiv, w ho sometimes getclh hull
heiided. will go straightway to Chief
Hitch it 1 1 I tell hint lo decide the cam
In-fore he relirelh to private life. Ii
may muketh Cluulio in 1'ortland wax
wroth and gcteth mud liketh the scor
pion, but the Pur tor rareth naught, for
ho hath a holy and friendly feeling in
liis heart (or the poor net tiers. He
iiiaketh thu heart ol the tippler Kind for
thia ii the HtMiHou of the treat jubilee,
and beer runneth like water and cigar
smnketh like unto a great volcano. He
cannot prepareth the ballot in the pres
core of the judgment heeiuihe some
fools mitkflh a law Australian, but lie
telleth the good man whom ho loveth
how to vote huriiii-t) when he warmoth
the judt(e'a chair great change, will
cometh about and the poor mnn will
veaau to puyelh nil the taxea and the
rich man will payeth for him.
Ilo Iniyeth Iiiik' bodies ol land and
great berdn of cattle utid when the wine
men in I'oiiuivbh puHseth Ihtt law to
learn' the greiit domain hu will u his
intluence so that the man w in) hath
small IihihIh, itnd the bomeittead the
great Uncle ham civeth to him, can get
eth the first whack where the waters
doth run Hiid he will taketh the lands
where the waters are never seen and
will live happily alongside of bis poor
uuighbor ever afterward, aud receive the
hltvMiiiK of hi children and bis cliil
ilteim children. Yen, verily, hath we a
w"m iii iI a pliilitni hropist ainoiig u!
Now, men, do honor to the grt-sl .!
bova w ho livelh amniiKKt us, and who
hiveth Ms, and w ho bath watched over
our dentin it- llu-no many years. 1 1 in
money hitlli houuhl us bit-ad when we
were hard up and our children were
full of huntlcr. Via, ihouyh we walk
through the mud and rain to vole fur
him, and sltotit ouri-clvc hoarse when
he is fleeted, and straightway be for
Ketelh us, and all the good thiiiKS be
hath pri'iiuned u, let us iu liketh unto
the Chrislisn and iiifll the hot anger
that rirt'th tip from our hearts. When
we meet him in his ofllce and h know
eth us not let us kee h-iIi our leiner
and thiuketh not evil. When all these
promisvs, made when the political
toiiKiie doth wag, are fountl lo Ihj the
gold bricks let ua not in our humility
believe that the wool has been pulled
over our eyes all the dayt of our life.
K-arcely any one who know Billy
llameraley ever dreamed that the mat
rimonial bee was Lulling in his Uinnet,
and that he intended breaking the
ranks of ItachelorlusKl lo join the army
of Hemslicts, and become staid man ol
family and a lover ol home comlorla,
but such a step has he taken. The Iihc
py event look place yesterday, April
' i, at .'I p. in. at thu residence ol bis
mother, Mrs. M. J. llameraley, when
County Judge Chas. Tomiingson Bxike
the oleum word that joined in matri
monial bonds tbtt hearts and bands ol
William K. HamerslfV and Mrs. Mar
garet M. 1 till. Duly a few very mti
mate friends, and relatives of the groom,
were prehent to witness the nuptials
The affair was one of those "quiet wed
dings" one reads aoout so often, but the
siualluess of the crowd ol witnesses did
not detract from the happiness ami
pleasure of bride aud groom aud in
vited guests. After the ceremony and
hearty congratulations had been ex
tended to the newly wedded couple, all
present were invited to partake of an
excellent wedding feast, prepared by
the generous hostess, "Grandma" Hani-
The groom is probably one of the best
known men in Lake county and has a
large number of friends who will wish
him good fortune and happiness in his
married lifu. The bride is a resident of
Vistillis and is highly esteemed hv thoce J
who know her well. Mie is jut-t the
woman to make huine a comfort and
husband happy.
ine i-x a miner joins with manv
friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ham
ersley all the joy, bliss and happiness of
wedded life.
The Jumbled, Conglomerated Mass of Unreliable
Stuff Fixed up by the 'Rustler" Lightning Cal
culator Disproved by the Records of Lake
County and a Pleasing Campaign Story
is Properly Nipped in the Hud!
Owing to the fact that there are many conflicting re
ports in cireulatiou in relation to the financial condition
of Lake County, and particularly covering a period of
time from July, 1808, to April, 1902, I make the following
statement taken from the Records in my office and in my
custody, which shows the amount of money received and
on what account the same has been disbursed:
The amount of money received and expended by S. F.
Ahlstrom during his term of office as County Treasurer:
S. F. Aiilstom. Ri-xkivei). Paid Oct.
Total ree'd from all sources $94-,589.09
For redemption Co. Warrants and interest" :: $46,907.82
For State Taxes ::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
For School Purposes
Road Fund
School District No. 6;;;;;::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::
School District No. 7."::::::::::::::".":.'::::::::::""""
School District Xo. 11
School District Xo. 1G
School District Xo. 21::-
Institute Fund :::::::
Bv cash turned over to Leo Iieall :::::: :::::::::::::
Uriel mention was made in The Kx
aminer last week of the nuptials of Mr.
Morris Winglield and Miss Nadie Kus
sie, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. It.
Reynolds on the evening of the 16th.
The ceremony w as performed by Kev.
C. W. Ilolloman of the Bap tint Church
in the presence of the parents of the
brido, and Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Harris,
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fitzgerald and Mr.
and Mrs. 1$. Reynolds. A splendid wed
ding supper was served, and the occa
sion w Hi a thoroughly happy one. The
groom is junior member of the mer
chandise linn of Reynolds it Winglield
of I.ukeview, and is a wideawake and
prosperous business man. The bride
is an excellent young womun, deserving
iu every way of a happy future. The
Kxniu ner extends to Mr. and Mrs.
Winglield its best wishes for a blissful
married lite.
The amount of money received and expended by Coun
ty Treasurer Lee Beall from the commencement of his term
to April 1, 1902:
Lee Beall. Received. Paid Out.
Total Rec'd from all sources $110,479.97
For redemption Co. Warrants and interest:::::.:$47,0G7.46
For State Taxes::::::::::;:::""-::.-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 20,203.90
For State Scalp Bounty Tax:: .:: ::::::. : 1,077.10
I-or redemption ol School warrants;:: : :.:.: : :: 15,772.09
For Int. on bonds, School Dist. Xo. 7 : : :::::: ::::::: 525.00
For Int. on bonds, School Dist. Xo. 11 :::.:::.... :.:::: 180.00
For School Dist. No. 3, (Clerk):
it it tt 11 Q tt
11 It It It 1 It
" Institute, (to Supt.)
:::::::::::::::::::::::: 285.33
:::::::::::::::::::: 30.05
"::::::::::::::::;.: 1G.7G
:::::::::::::::""": 79.00
Balance on hand in all tunds April 1st, 1902::::;:25,242.G8
The former statement shows that
f4ti,U07 82 was paid out for the redemp
tion of County warrants and interest,;
$110,479.97 $110,479.97
over and alwve the amount of warrants
issued during aaid time.
Then the estimated accrued interest
aniline latter 4,,uo,.-in making a total j oll 8tti,i $:o,4S7.17 would be fVKXUH:
of fti3,97o.S8. The lust mentioned state-(taking illt0 consideration that several
uieut shows a balance on hand April 1,
V.KY1, of i",LM2.oS of w hich amount 15,
HS.Mis applicable to the payment of
County warrants, and that amount was
called in by the Treasurer on the Srd
day of April, l!t)2, making a grand to
tal paid for redemption of County war-
thousand dollars of the warrants in
cluded in aaid $70,-187.17 have been re
deemed, in fact all warrants ixMted,
that have beeu protested by the County
Treasurer up to and including the 14th
day of November 1850, have been re
deemed, this $5000.00 deducted from
Rushing the season Building-1 boats
for Salt River.
rants and Interest from July 18U8 to ' $-l,ti:5.ti4 would leave a balance of 2i,
Aprils, W2 of IHW.122.Sl. mM, the net reductio i of Lake
The records show that during the i County's indebtedness during said time
1 47..13 reducing said indebtedness to
Now , about etifiiatiiiir what the in
dehtf-diiews of Lake County would be
on April 1, lm'J: The average yearly
running expenses of Lake County are
W.OOU.OO; however, 1 will make my
estimate on my last report, iMivering the
time from Octolier 1, 1901, to April 1,
1102. !hH report shows that f l,0S4..93
have been iiwued in County Warrants,
H,l8.3 for County purpose t7,14i.OO
iu sralp bounty warrants. This would
make f ir the ensuing year $17,877.80
for County purioses aud $14,212.00 for
scalp bounty, making a total of $32,100
8l;of thia amount $14,292.00 for scalp
Ixiunty purfNtses the btate would reim
burse Lake County in the sum of $9,528.
00. w hich is applicable to the payment
of County Warrants. Then on the let
day of April 1902 there was remaining
unpaid taxes on the Assessment Roll
for the year 1901 which is applicable to
the payment of County Warrants, the
sum of $3,740.00. And tke amount of
money received for fe-i and otbec
source which is turned into the General
Fund and ia applicable to the payment
of County Warrants averages $2000.00
yearly, making a total of $15,268 appli
cable to the payment of County War
rants. The total indebtedness April 3,
1902, was $45,004.02, estimated amount
of warrants iaeued for preceeding year
$32,169.83, aud estimated interest se
cured on sum total $3,300.00 making a
grand total of $81,074.78. Now deducting
the amount applicable to the payment
of County Warrants $15,2U8,.00, would
leave the indebtedness on April 1, 1903,
$65,800.76. Then, in January 1903 the
Sheriff would receive the Assessment
Hull for the year 190?, and the amount
on said Roll applicable to the payment
of County Warrants, taking in cousider-
ation the Roll for the year 1901, would
be $22,000.00, thus again reducing the
indebtedness to $43,800.78 at a date be
tween April 1st aud loth. 1903.
The foregoing statement ia made on
the very highest rating I could give,
and in my opinion Cdtlld not reach the
figures given, for the following reasons:
1st. I do not think there will be as
many scalps of w ild animals presented
in the coming year as were presented
the past year.
2nd. Heretofore warrants were issued
on the General Fund for the building
and repairing of County roads; now
there is a road fund with $2,603.53
therein, which is mi ample amount to
put the roads in condition for the com
ing year.
3rd. The small pox epidemic w as an
unavoidable expense of $1,130.82, which
we trust is stamped out.
William Uiwthkr,
County Clerk..
Where the Shoe Finches.
The County Judge is the only ollicer
whose election would interfere with The
Examiner's graft. Funny, isn't it!
If legitimate work at legitimate prices
is a "graft" then The Examiner pleads
guilty, l'.ut, great Scott 1 Wouldn't our
friend dow n the street like to have the
chance to "graft!" That's where the
shoe pinches, and is what l .ts made the
Hustler yell for year pact the desire
for public patronage. Tli the con
tempcrary exacts it' lr. Daly is
elected. See?
period of the time from July 1S98 to
April 1; 1902, County warran
were issued amounting to $70,487.17;
that w6uld leave a difference of $29,6:i5.'
from July 1898 to April 8, 1902. The
total indebtedness of Lake County on
the 1st day of April, 190-2, wss $60,752.45,
and on April 3rd 1902, County Treasurer
64 iUd out for redemption of' warrants 10 Itctelt called in and has paid $15,
Leuus Klippel and Jaiue.1 1'onter of
Summer Itke spent a lew days in
I.akeview this week. Mr. Funter re
cently sold to Mr. Leonard of Davit
Creek, his two running auimuU, "Lulu
F" aud "Jim Foster."
Purveyor 1. M. Currey has returned
from Silver Lake where he has been
doing civil engineering for two months.