Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 17, 1902, Image 6

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Warned the Authorities."
"Piiln't 1 toll you ?" ran!
help Myiim tliio. Tli Poat wurneil the
ullioritiea nf Ijkoviw that "In. linns
re lmnler to control titan the white
niin," ami tle"lnli.n nut l wntolnvl
that he don't (five the anthorit the
dtxigp anl leave for other eania or n
tnont! white folk, etc." And an they
did. Several Iinlian escaped from the
quarantined Indian ramp near Lake
view and left for parta unknown;
whether or not the fugitive were rup
tured, there is no telling w'ere they
niijiht have arattered aiiiallpx (term
liefore they were returned to the quar
antined camp. Of courae we don't
know who is to hlanie for this, and it
might le sni.1 that we have no kirk
coming, as the Indians did not come
this wsy. hut we express our confi
ilenee in the authorities and lielieveil
that no Indian would he allowed to
leave the infected camp, hut since
thev did, we ran only hope that they
were hroucht hack and no serious dam
age has Wen done. Post.
Midway Telephone Line.
The Ashland l'eeor.1 says that a car
load ot' telephone wire and huiiditi);
tools are stored near the freight depot
in Ashland Wlorninir to the Midway
Telephone and Telecra h Co. O. B j
tiates. sujx'rinteiident of construction. '
has Wen in town for a week waiting or
ders from the company to proceed from
Ashland to Lakeview and make con
tracts for the delivery of cedar poles
alone the route. The present plans are
to huild from Ashland to Lakeview, con
struction work to tsryin May 1st and
completed in the fall. By Christmas
the line will he built from Lakeview to i
Alturas. Exrhanee will be put in at I
both Klamath Falls and Lakeview.
The carload of wire here will build the!
line as far as Ely. The second carload
of wire will he shipped to Bly by
freight teams via Ager.
Property for Lease.
To whom it May Concern: This is to
eertifiy that James Stillman and family
are moving from Lakeview to the Che
waucan Hanch where they will lab"r
through the summer. I authorize Mr.
J. W. Maxwell to be my agent during
my absence, pnd to lease my propei.y.
A Raging, Roaring Flo0d.
Washed dow n a telegraph line which !
Chas. C Ellis, of LisWn, la., had to i
, . . , n I t i , 1 j , , ti i I . 1 . . r. in iit- I
water," he w rites, "gave me a terrible
cold and cough. It grew worse dailv.
Finally the best doctors in Oakland.
Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said 1 had
Consumption aiid could hot live. Then
I Waan using Ir. King's Xew Discov
ery ami was wholly cured by six bot
tle." Positively guaranteed for Coughs,
Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles
by Lee. Beall. Price 50c and (1 00
There is a petition Wing circulated
here to have a daily mail between here
and Warner Valley, instead of three
trips per week as it has been in the
past. We hope this change may be
niade, as it will be a great convenience
to the people of Warner as well as those !
of this valley. Bidwell corresjtonilent,
in New K.ra.
Are you ul'ierii.j' from Hheuiiiatiem
Weak hack. Nervous trouble, or ien
erally run-dovv.i systein? I'se Electric
Belts and i'atteiies. For men and
women. Electric Insoles keep the feet
warm and prevent catching cold, tor
booklets and circulars, address,
Electric Appliance Co.,
lOtf. Medford, Oregon.
We suggest curing a pain in
the face by taking Scott's
Emulsion into the stomach.
Usual way of treating neural
gia is to rub liniment on the
outside. That's only a make
shift. Scott's Emulsion is nerve
food. Scott's Emulsion feeds
and strengthens nerves.
For an obstinate neuralgia,
for nervousness, for nerve
weakness take Scott's Emul
sion. It's nerve food and nerve
VtVIl send you a little to try, if you l.le.
SCOTT & liUWNt, 409 J'earl lrl, Near York.
An OutalJe Opinion.
The Indian woman atllieled with
smrllpox near lakeview, died last week.
Dr. Itlondin ha also received In form
lion that Mr. Withers, a merchant
died at Paisley on March of the
aine dread lisease. A a consequence,
the doctor has re established quarantine
stations at the State line. It appear
to us that the t.ake county authorities
have Wen too negligent in dealing with
this dread plague. Timely action
would have iaitiHd the disease out
month ago. But the fear of injuring
business has resulted in disaster. It Is
from no wih or desire on our part that
these things are mentioned but for out
own seeurit. Alturas Plaiiulealer.
TUe Lake County authorities were not
negligent in this matter, but on '.he
contrary the County Court has used
every means at its command to stamp
out this disease. The County C.mrt has
no jurisdiction within the corjsirate
limits of the town of Lakeview. It i
not the fault of the county authorities
that the disease has not been entire!
We wonder what the Pluimlealcr
would think of a smallpox campaign
story wherein the present Count
Judge is Wing censured for attempting
to keep the disease from spreading, by
using a few dollars of the count v funds?
And the man w ho is seeking the posi
tion now held by theC nnty Judge is 11
physician of long standing in lake
view, who reH';tedly denied that
sniallHix existed in this county.
State I ommliiloirr deeded.
What la needed by our people In the
matter of public roads are education
and agitation, with a view to accuring
the appointment by the next legislature
of a commissioner of public roails. way
the C.oldsboro (X. 0.) Argus. Such a
tiK'ii must be a competent man. lie
must not only know a good road when
he sees it. but he must le able to bull. I
a goo.l road. He must also be a man
who can talk to the people, who can
tell county commissioners how to place
Wnds an educator. In fact. lie must
visit every county in the state at least
twice a year. In order to Heeiire a
competent man he must be paid a liv
ing salary say $2.ri0 a year, or ulioiit
SI'S a county. And auch a man will W
well worth to any county many times
that sum c-acb uud every year.
What Rood Roada Will BrlDK.
We need good school lu our country
districts, but we cannot have them
without noul ronda; we need better
church privilege In the country, hut
we cannot have them without go id
roads; we need W'tter mail facilities In
the country, but we cannot have them
without good roada; we need better no
dal ad vuntafe'ea In the country, tint we
.t,iw.t liui-a tlimu u-IHw.ur itmitl mulls' I
we need more accesaible markets for
country produce, but we cannot have
them without good roada. General Boy
CoBnerlteot'a Highway Commission.
Connecticut has a highway coiumia I
sion which co-operates with the towns ,
and counties In the construction of fine ,
roads. This comiulHHioii lias spent mi
nually over $400,000 since 18H5 lu the
building and maintaining of new ronds.
The funds for eonatruetliiK the public
roails are furnished by the state, county
ami town, the first supplying one-half
now. although formerly It was respon
sible for only a third.
frilled States '.and Office at liln l"W, fin
if'iii. Keiiruary ii, l'.ari. Noiii-f is h.-n-l.y clvi-n
tliiil tliti foliou illir-imliH-d He ItW-r loo. lil.-d lm
tut' ol Ins intention to make Muni proof in
support of his I'laiiii, and thai Mnid prooi w ili ht
inailf l)"-lor.- tin; kt-iitir aiel H.-itivi-r at
I.Hk.-ii.vt. or.Koii, on April Jl. I '.'-'. vi:
Mii liHi-l Murpliv, II. K. 2H-' for tie- lls 1. 1. :i
V I, t-f. Jl, T. 4l'.S.. It. h.. W. SI. He names
tin- follow i 11 ic witin-s-t s to prove his foiitinii
mis ri-si'li-iiff upon ami f nil ivalion of said
land, viz : A I. Adams, Thomas ssutt, harl' s
H'sIki-s aiid Al. Ia-u i, ail of Me In-molt, Neva
da. fcK'Ts. K. . HKAT'I AIN, K.-Kister.
I'nilfd Hiates Ijind dltlfe.
Iikevitw, On-Koti. Man-h 2'.i. 'Mf.
Notii-ti is hi-retiy Kiven tiiat in eniiipliniii.-e
with the provisions ot the ai-t of CoiiKress of
June :i, DiTH -11 1 1 1 1'-tl "All aft for Ihe sale ol
timle-r lands In the Htatt-s ol CnlifurniH. Ore.
Kon. Nevada, an'l WaMliiiiKion T-rritory," as
extf ndi-d to all the I'uldie Land htales hy aet
of A iiitust 4, 112, i-iia K. Hawkins of lakeview,
l oiiiiiy o' Lake, atale of Ori'KOii, has this day
filed in tliis othee her sworn aiau-im-iit No. .i tfi,
for the piin hase of the KVV'4 NK'. NW'i
of S.-, ii.,11 No. Hiii Township No 7)7 H., It
No 'il k., W. M., and w ill offer proof to show
that the land souk III la more valiuhle for its
tinils ror alona than for auric ultural piiristsfi,
ami In estahlisb her flaiin to said land In-fore
Ihe Kt-Kiater ami Keeeiver of this olfic a'.
Ijiki vl.-n, Oregon on Friday, t lie 61I1 (1 iy of
June, 'ri. nhe names as Kliner K.
Kineharl, I harles H. Iiveh-ss, J. '. riliell
liKiium r, H. Y. Dir. k all of Lakeview , On-iton.
Any and all persnis ciaiuiiiiK adversely Hie
ahove-ih-hcrihfd lall'l" are reilleslei to file
tlu.-ir v litiins in lliiu ofli'-e on or h-fore siii-ililii
day of June, l'.MJV.
K. H. Hkattaiw,
l.'laplMO KeKister,
Vl : IMtlMH-'.
Land Otlic e at Lakeview, Ori-xon, April 2,
I'-Stt. Noi'ee is hert-hy K'v(i' that Neheiniah
l-iiif ha filed noliice of lulenlloii to inake.
final proof h-fore t lie Ki-ifister and Iteueiver al
their mine in Lakeview, Oregon, oil Kriday,
Hie li.ll, day of Miy, I '. -t f J . on llmlier eiillure
anplli al ion No list, for lots 1 -Z-.1I of si elioii
No. in Township No :t.i roiilh, llaiiKl! No.
S!il-M-. He nanifs a. Hil. ii.sis: Warrei, C.
I Hil'l. ' Iin iuimiIiii. f'n id Juliet., Mil of I'lliih.
On-.'i.ll II li-l Ullilulll Mi. -si, 1 l.ukevit-tv.
l.l-Ct Ji, M. IIUATI AIN, iCi K latt-r.
Tla Haay To Peel (iooJ.
Counties tlionnd h ive found a
Musing to the hotly In Ir. King' New
Life Pill, w hich positively cure Con
-u m pt ion, Sick Headache, liriness,
Uiimlpe, Malaria, lever and Ague am
ill Liver and Stomach troubles. Pur
ly vegetable; never gripe or weaken.
)nly !' c at 1 (call's drug stole.
Moore's Conitncilian arrived from
Klamath Palls last Thursday. They
ire Fred Moore, Pearl Kthler Moore anil
'ittte son Albie, Maurice Hyde, Carlos
Kicardo, II. P. tialanieau, Henrietta
Ualarmau, and little son Harrv, and
Miss Birdie Iiaiuoud.
Henry Miis-elinitii, well known edit
ator of Lake county, has completed bis
'ernt of school at Beittleld, Klamath
county, anil opened a summer school a!
Ft. Klamath last Monday. Mr. Mussel
11111 say lie will return tostteml Fourth
of July in lakeview , and remarks Joy
fully tuat the Itcpiiblican ticket in Lake
county is strong, and will surely win.
A. X. Laphain arrived from Barnes
Valley his week to have his eye"
treated. Mr. I.Hpliam says the n m is
fast di:ipie.'tring in bis section and the
eras is grow ing ni 'ely. He hsiks for t i .
tiay crop. this sexson.
rk." laxative Hrumo l,iillilne tablets All
iiriiftn' refund Hi.- tii. .- II II fa IN to t-iirtv
"V . ItfttVf 'H Hlk-llHttllf U "til fMl-tt ImIX. '.'. 4) II V
" II" I-" 4JP
; t.j t ."i -
-"Fi. ... t. I 1 " '
Too much housework w recks wo
men's nerve. And the constant
care of children, day and night, 1
often too trin for even a stronj;
woman. A hazard face tell the
story of the overworked liouew ife
and mother. IhTtuij'cd hh-iis.
leueoi i Im a ami falling of the
womb result from overwork.
Kvery housewife need a remedy
to regulate her and to
keep her sensitive female organ
in jierfcet condition. '
is titling this for thousand of
American wwnA to-day. It cured
Mr. Jones ami that is why .she.
writes this frank letter:
CitrndfianF, Ky., Ki-b. 10, 1'juJ.
I am so Kl'l tht your Win of l antul
U hrlpilllt nit". I fm-liliK Itrtlfr than
I have trlt t"r yrr. I am lining niv
own work without any hrlp, and I
washed last ww k ami not ono bit
tirvd. That allows that the Wine !
doing me gsd. I am getting flt-ahit-r
than 1 ovrr was before, and ererp tfood
and eat hearty. Ilefore I bexnn talcing
Wine of Cnnlui, I used to have to lay
down five or six tinieH every dtiy, hut
now I do not thin a or lyinir down tlimuirh
S the day.
Mm. Hii'Iiahu Jo.vks.
1.00 AT lKI I..lH.
For dlr ind Ulvrattirv. t1
I batUDwuat Mcl4kti U ,11
iriiiiri.I . I :, 1 rbll
Adruliilatrnlor'i. Nolle".
In Ihe inalt"-r of tin-e.tale ol Alfred Mi-Dow-
eil. tiei-ea-e.l.
NoT 1 1 K is herel.y y ive 11. 1 hat the innl.-r-iKii
ed has h I,y an i.rd r ol 1 1 1 I'o'iniy I'oiirt
of Lake I 'mini v. Hi null, in ad- and entered on
the l-i h iiav of l-'i -l.ruarv . dull apis-! nl ed as
A.lmiiil-iraior of t In- t late of Alfred MeDowt II.
All M-rHin Indt'iiie I :o aid fiMi" ar- liere-
ttv rt't"i'ft'- I it" t ttit- !! ii itii.-i,ii-iio ui'ii
Hie Adiolliislriilt r al onee, ami 11 Iiavliitf
eUllliH ai-'iiin-l -H'il -(at.' w i'l iin si-lit ' lie Mini",
duly verilied. the proper voin le r, to Hit- 1111-d.-rii'iriied,
111 In r re.ideni-e, m-tir I', I ske
I'oiiiitv, Oregon, w 11I1I11 MX iiioiitlis f rt tin the,
dale of 'In lir-i 1 11 1 1 .1 1 1 nt it "ii of 1I1N until e.
Dated Man Ii 1 1, I'S'J M
I.AVIV A Melio Kl.l.,
A'l 11 1 1 11 ' 1.1 rn It ir of the estate nf Alfred M liow
ell, defeased.
U l. I' II (!
t'rnifd HiMies Land Oltiee, l.aki it-w. On -iron,
Man Ii :il. I'.si'J. Nolln-is herel.y Kivi ll llml
1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 f Ixfftnsiil l.ake i'-w , on iron list
filed mil lee of intention I - make proof 011 ins
desert-land elaiui No. :7, for the swi; SIM,
Hee. UK'NK', S',NI-'4 Kir. '.'.'and S,
N W I, Si e. j:i T. Ml h. H. 'l K. In-fore the Hi-k-i-ier
and Iti-eeiver at l.akel'W-, Ori-ou, on
Kriday. the 1.1I1 day of June. l'rj.
He naliiev Hie follow illlt w lllleSM.'S til prove
the fouipleif irrigation aiel r-f laiuat ion of
said land: W. '.. Moss of f.aki-vifW. ort-Kon,
anil I. I . Doiisou. John Ijifftm. II. K. I ouper,
all of Adel, Oregon.
Viz: J. ('. liodson of Warner Lake, OreKon,
has liled noiiff of iuti nilon lo luakf proof on
liis d' se rt laiid e In 1 111 No. ts'i, lor lint K'. Sh'
SKK', sl,.K',' Her. z.j T. (W H. K. !M fc..
W M. before the Hi-ulster ami K. reiver t
Lake lew, Ori-tfnn, on Friday, Hie liih tla of
June, l'.itr. He names Ihe followliiK wilneiisea
to prove the roiupleie irrigation and reelauia.
lion of said land : W, '.. Moss and ('. : liff
Ins of lakeview, Ori-Kon and John Dofftu and
H. K. I ooper of Adel, Orei(on.
Viz: Kilith K. Ixifftns of Ijikevlew, OreKon,
has filed notiee of iutefilion to makii proof 1111
her den rl-laiul claim No. :iss, mr 1 lie w 'N w
HKi.iwi. Her. UT.:i'.lV K.Vj fc , M. Is lore timber land, ill tt Hlate, nl I a Ifiiriila, Ore
the Iti Klitrr and Herelver at I akevl-w, Or- ,v'l1 "J Vi'! " "" uLV."'y " ?
Kuii. 0.1 Friday the fill, day of June, linrj. Hhe . t'Hi.lert U. all tha I- ibllii Un I H ate. hv art ol
nam. , the. fo lowlnic witness. , to prove, the- ; AiK'i.t l"W. .'''K nu of fal.ley,
eoinplele IrrlKallon and re. lanmtloii of .aid S'"P ?! "Vi " '. J? .
Ian.: W. .. Moss, of Lakeview, On K0.1, J. !'. "'' tbi.i.ftlca hi. .worn staumenl No. Ill,
Dodslui of Warner Lake. Ore.,',,, .,, A,niu ''." " ""'iVtZT T N. H' ?1VL"I"I '
and II. K l oopi rnf A 'el.Or. Kon. ! N V ,V' I " p T' )? " K;
.. ... 1 and will offer proof to .how that tliu land
Vii: William ..Mos. of Lakeview, Orajron, W(llKhl Is more valuable for It. timber or stone
has filed liolire nf Inleiitioii to luaku proof 011 ,, ,r ,gr(.ullural purpiiHi ., aud lo e.tabll.h
L,.L',rV'"!,!1!,:!,l.,li,Lt28 m" ".!.' l u ia ( llm to.ald laud before Ihe Keirlsier and
N-S .. ?h h.K o fc "- - - K- Keeeiver of this oftlre at Lakeview. Oregon, on
it K., Vt . M b i f'tre the H.-Kister Hiid Keeeiver Tuesday, Ihe 'Juth day of May, l'Jirj. He name,
at Lakeview. Ori-Kon, on l-riday the nth day of hh w i I uesse. : Albert A.Karrnw, H. W. Karrow.
J one, 1112. Ho name, tliu In IohIiik wllnesse. juehard, John W. Heiiffiel all of I'hIs
lo prove theri.iii.leti" rriiralion ami reelauia- ,.y ()r, Auy and all persons elalinlilK advers.
lion if .aid land: J.f. Dodsoti, of Warner Lake, v the alsive desrrlbed land. are. r.iiie.tei! .1
On iron, i, I., l-offlus of Lakeview. Or.-Kon, f( Hielr rlalm. In this oHlf..- on or l.i fori. said
John Luff lu. and II. K. Conner of Adel, Or.Kon. .Mtl ,)Ky , Mlty VMi, ,, M. a,t4,Ni
Hup. 1U K.M. IIKATTAIN, lliglsur; I uiaria-lu ltil-tir.
Siik headache, nervoui herni
al he, tired headache, neuralgic
headache', rataithal headache,
lic.ul.uhe from excitement, in
f.i. t. hcailaihrt of kinJa are
quickly and nurely cured with
Pain Pills.
A!ci nil pains such a hai kache,
nrur:i!,:i;i, sciatica, rheumatic
pain-, monthly pains, etc.
"Dr.' V ;: I'ilt nrr worth tlirlf
r ill ( I.I. ' f IV Ml. W. D. Kiev
inn, of Arkanna Cnv. Kan. "Iln
lUrrU tnv wilt- of litrtiiitc lictl".li4
lie II Untiling I'C Wnultl."
"Dr. M lf' I'li'n IV'ln drive awny
pain it I v niiigic. I " in vrr wale
ei t a u:-lv, mi l tlonk rvrrvolie
ulioul.t Lt-rp I h iii lian lv. iif or l'i
jil!. t.ikt n i-n u'(m'.u h tt !iei(iiUte
wul l i t it rir'i t.inf."
Ji JoiiNmin, Chicago, PL
Thrmij-h t!i tr i:e tliou.mnli f
j-.t-cplc have hern enahlcil to at
tend social and religion func
tions, travel, enjoy atnuscmrnts,
etc., with comfort. Anaprcvcnt
ative, when taken on the ap
proach of a k currinjj attack,
they are excellent.
Sold by alt Druialala.
2S Da, 2S cant.
Dr. MiK) Medical Co., Elkhart, nd.
marl Saleamaa.
Jeweler (to new loyi-Dld you aell
anything while I una out. Johnny?
"Yes. sir. I sold six plain gold rlnga."
"Hood, my boy." said the Jeweler,
hlthly pleased. "We'll make a first
class Hiilesuian of you one nf these
days. You got the regular price, of
"Oh, yea. air. The price was mnrkrd
on the Inslile, Se., nnit the centletuatl
tiMik all that was left, sir." Life.
A t n n n I'eaalmlef.
"(Iraelons;" exelnlinetl Mr. 1'hamll
man to Ills mhuic. "We've had so
lunch rain lately. I do Iiom" we won't
have any more fur aome time!"
"I'll tell you how you can make
sure of It. pa." said Die liriuht little
hoy. "Just k'liniue a tUarter to save
up for a rainy day. ami I'll het there
won't he our for a year." Philadel
phia I'resa.
Professional Irsisra,
Weary -Tniika. boss! I knew you
wouldn't refuse n "r feller a dime.
ow did you know It iM-forchand?"
"Why. us professional learna exact
ly when a dead easy mark cornea
erloiiK-" New York Journal.
Ely's Cream Balm
Cite Relief at one.
It rli-auM-, a'Miiliew and
ht'ftla Hie tl!n.-iii-l nit lil-
tirniie. iituit-m rihiiii a . . . . atiailian
and drives any a old II AV VFR
ill the. in, , Ulv. ! JI I I Uf lall
le almorlsd. II. and IT. .!"' tnn alenihrane
Iteaiotes the Hi :..t-i. uf u!ii mni S:ni'!l Kud
bue 'i risl r i' : id'k' .'a or iy niaii.
LI.Y Dltoilli.l.h, 60 Waricu Mrw.1, .New York.
kVMM4 60 YEAR8'
Trade Marks
'rf'tfl Copy RIGHTS Ac.
An.nns aonrtlna a sketeh and desrrltitlon may
qtili-kly aseurtuui our opliilon f rtm wlinthnr an
liivniiiion is prtihalily psotntalile. I'oniniunlra
lloiisstrirllreoutldiiiiilal. HaiidlMsikon I'alsnla
aeut Irtta. oldest luntliey for atH-urlnil patent.
I'MlMiita tnken llirouvh flluull A Co. rl
Iprruu tuitUe, aril hout cliame, lu tha
Scientific American.
A handaomaly lllnalralad araaklr. laraant rtr
r illation of any aeiantiac lournal. Tarma. :t a
year; four tuontha, IL Hold by all newsdealers.
MUNN Co-e'Newtork
Uraucn ornoa. Oat W Ht. Waahlnaiuo, D. C
United sialea land lifflrs,
Lakeview, OreaoD. Mrb II, IWrJ.
Nolle la hen hv Kiven that in roinpllani e
with the provlsloiia of the art uf I'oiiKrt-Mof
tttro, I B a, ft
H . K , I . . MT I . It . H II .
I'hialrlaH BMit ataraeM.
I.akrlrw, r.
ot'Klt'K - nt-all'i lru Nlora C'slN nwrt.
pruitiplly its) er nlKlit.
K. II. sv Til M l
rhj alrlan anil Hara'aaa
l ukri Ir w . Or.
Ol't ll'K I 'f iltf I 'uV Hlt-re.
nit o ir.ioni:nT
llenl 1st
I a kr lew , lrr(a
nKHi K lly Hull. II, i.
i r '
Atlnrtir) law
l.aketlew. Irrgaii
OKI ll K l'H lliiii.linn
v. it oti lit ytvt r.
. Iloi lit ) -al- Law .
lakeview , Or
ot ttrK lh,lr li.iil.linj
. Ilnrne .al -1 a w .
I.akrtlra , Or
oHli'K tmii
llnriej .al-l aw
I a oil f allrra atprrlall jr
nH i t I ifim II lliili.ln.f
biAftnuf U af nr ii,nni v
t. -11
M. ,-1. mi Um- v,i and lilt H . .In
t) of
fSfll tllOlllll 111 ."ii Hill). ( S i
i s n hi i r i , . nan i i in in it . i r
K. V J ki l -ti . ( lira
fff fff'f f f r r ' r r r t r,
...Knights tl lythi.ts... .
C liiiosK I.AKC l.olM.k No v. it....i s
every 1i..ilt evriilnt, li.l.l !.,!.... V
y 11.11. I i-l It w. Ore. l.lllli K 1. 1 1. 1 ,
ttiflislly Invll.-.l V
M w H..S1..S. i I, mi. , Hi. r I' r
v r Hiesi Asnra.s K ol It. ami V
i f,f f.i s.j.JS.s .f.-s r t t S
iit.f rlU r tn the IkKiiiliiir ntn r n.ovr
In. in mi.- I.nslny t.i mioiii.-r. i f t lisimt
their Miii.mi-t eli1rt-r h.tulii r in, mwr lit
drop Oils i.aire a i-sril so I In Ir psf r ten hr a!
tlri'SM ll to Ihe rluhl iHialuRIt f.
TUIC DkVtQ ' "" "' K ''''s
inio rAicn a. i. rn.HiK .. ii. i.i i,.it-
M" r. Iisiu.' riiliaiiK"- smi rtsmlx.., I al ,
where rontrsi is lor adM-rilsiiig t an In- n.d
lor it.
aunt' miiim
James Barry
llrn.U Hlih Sxallow rork la
rlijht i-ar Inf i-s.i, riirin
lor t t-i li.-rs. hoiim t-u . Siiiare Crop a inl sin
In riKliI tar. lar Uratnl 111. KsiiKf. ratio
I. ski- I'omi.nii e adlri', I akev li-w . ir Kim.
zac whitworth !::r;:::;z
rlitlil for rm-i; revt-rsi- lor wetlii-r. lar liran
W. ItaliKt". Klsh I Ink. I'ottoltli'f a.niiess.
late vlt-M . On-iron.
To take effect, Ti lay. Apr. l.psi'J.
No. I
01 a
l.v .
l.v . .
l.v ,
I .v
I .v
I -V
Sllllillill . .
e. ar
fraiifls ..
. I'ordy.
I I. si
I aiiit liill
lie. I II.,. k .
I iiu.lalilla
I llll f sun
A lie .lee .
A r
A r
V 47 a. 111.
lu im a. 111.
in :' a. 111.
II :.ti a. m.
II .'si a. in.
IJ o p. ni.
VI lu p. 111.
IJ X. p. in.
I'J I p. in.
r. p
4 -M p
4 o'. p
It i'i p
C, p
I ! p
J 1-4 p.
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I.' to a 111
I-" n'. 1 p m
II 'i'i p in
II lo p 111.
lo I p. m.
III .11 p. In
m y in
ft .'11 p. m
s ... p. in.
M.S. 111.
I I 0.1 it. III.
I I si p III.
:t Is p ni.
: si p. m.
4 J"' p. III.
.' p. m.
I I ' p. 111
ii::'.o p 111.
M :no a. 111
Ilol print."".. r
Mutiny ..Ar
K ai lo , . A r
lo.r.e l.ske .Ar
Waveriy r
. I '-r mo r
. Ms.lflllif l.v
511 MU A VAI I i:V WV
Vim .ni, lu ::.' mil Lv . I'l 11 111 as A ,1 111 pm ' a in
.1 I . p 11 1 1 .11 a m l.v . V lu ion A r I.I 1 -ln s IiTi 111
ii :ui piiiIJ.'i'am L .11 i k w 11 h. A ri.' :m pu 7 '.'.ain
7 .U I nil i I.' '..a 111 l.v 1 lain ill"-A r' I. lupin 7 i alu
rum, lor Lakeview, I'sUlt-y and l luh, ore .
ami I 1. III. I will. I ski- Illy, tedaiMlle, Adln.
A ll urn. and Hleher, t 'alll.
Hot surliiKs. - for hlamllsh and HiissiimIIi ,
I my e for Milford, lanesville and lluiiliu
ville, Calif.
Vinton for Uiyallon, Dow nlevllle and Csnnl
bf H's Hot HprliiKs, Calif
ll.ik llh,-- lor ttelleseii, Ta lorv I lie and Lrein
Ville. Hi If.
lair ville, Mohaw k and tulney, Calif.
Itf no. - en 11 n t 1 1 uu w llh so. I'sr. Co. for all
iioluis hast .k i ll : V. V T. K. IC, for all point.
k....'.'. .... . . .rr. :