Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 17, 1902, Image 5

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1 iXA iJkA .UJt. AAA t A. t it. i t .ULi. j
lleail Puliler'a new Nil. In till, lamp.
I .not Hunduy a a ili'lig,lilful day in
lakeview Mini everybody wai out to en
joy It.
When you wnnt new harm- of any
kind litkit M liMik Hi Cheney's (lock. 15 2
(,'liarlea Hramli ami Umily liavn lieen
viltihK In I.wkovlow (or a low day Dili
Pee tlmm litle ulyle in g-eiila hat at
Alilxlrom 1 1 rrni.
mit (ierlier, tlm Klamalh tM'kinatl,
with lii llo anl litllu mm arn vlaitinu.
In Harraineiito.
You I'lij'ty a ickhI aninkti, don't you?
Try nn "f.l Vvini'lioiiin" at l.ej Iteall'i
IMiglilfnl I rnigranl! Vi 'l
T. it. Wakefield anil John Mauiin
wore viKitom from A il lat Tlnmday
ami Friday.
Tin attention of lioreiueii in railed to
the lion linn nl saddle at t'lietiey'a.
Tliev ar o line (Intuit and gnrgi'titm
It. M. ltunnill, foritmrly of Lakeview,
now of Madeline, ha Imh'u adjmlirati'il
a lmnkrtiit.
aaddleN at
I '.irk
I'lieney'a liuriie
IV 2
Tin I'uU'-o ('lull Hooin window are
now ornamented with liandxoino win
dow uliade.
Kee tlm Ix-auliful lioaiery fur ladie
ami tfi'iiln latest style '. tlm Mono
gram. M rn. ( oxir'n Wiiikh'mitn of Hummer
take arrived at Tin Urem ltil Monday
for n brief viit.
For anything In tlifl Hii yi ln Supply
line i nil on liidlh A Cloud.
J. V. ISa-ey and Jarm-n Jlandly have
gone to iragiie river to whip that
stream for se kled leaiilie.
Latent style summer shirt, and nek
wear at tint Muiiotfraui .
Si'imr Hicardo, of tlm Moore company,
naiix lieauliful ito I ob at thu M. K. Church
lam Sunday inorninK and evening.
flol one of lliow V'2 ,i",,!W" '
lltidnpi'lh A ClwUdi J."l arrived,
J. N. Vaton nttemlej tiiimii at
Vaislejr Unt Sunday and listened to the
funeral sermon preached hy Kcv. Stark
in ineuiory of the late John Wither.
Mr. Kleiner wait called yesterday at
noon to attend tho little hahy of Mr.
an J Mm. Marion Conley, of l'aisley.
The little one U rerleddaiineroiiHly ill.
HuiUpcth X Cloud have hicyche lo
Mr. C. C. Prntt ia retorted seriously
ill at the Trait homo south of Lakeview.
The arl lady ia threatened with pneu
monia, aud to add to her illness, nhe had
tltu misfortune on Tuemlay lo (all down
a llitflit of stair.
Just arrived at tho lakeview Soda
Workc, an acHoitineiit of Hicyclo Klip
plies, Sundries, ele..
Muurico Winnlleld and Miss. Nadie
HiiMHio were married at tho home of Mr.
and Mm. 15. Reynolds in l.akeview hint
evening. Kcv. ('. W. llollouian of the
Hnptit church tiH the nuptial knot.
You never misK it w hen you call for
the himoiiH Kentuckv Invonle whiskey
Btl'octA Kin'n. they can hoant of
other hrandf, luil the Kentucky Favorite
IH never luriied annle after having once
lieeu lined. 1 1 ihiinI he jjoikI when phy
HicmiiH recommend it I r their patient.
Found only al 1'oat & Kina-'a. I ft tf
Jim iuv. who him had a long aud
hard fieuo with typhoid fever and later
with ltuiK trouhle, Ih once more uhlo to
heout. Jim was laid up fornix montliH,
and wan budfant over three niontha.
MeHHra. I'lielps and HolmeH, who ao
journod in Lakeview for three weeki
pant, left for Klamath Falls last Monday.
They ore worthy and deserving young
men, and made many warm friends
liere during their stay.
Farmers in lake county are jubilant
over the projects for a bountiful crop
of everything grown on the farm. The
ground is thoroughly soaked for the
first tluie in years owing to a lack of the
usual freezing weather during the past
few months. Snow is packed heavily
In the mountains Insuring a good sup
.ply of water until late In tho bummer.
It should be a prosperous year in every
line of business in Lake county.
I'lill 1'rlce, a young cigar maker from
Cortland, and a cUver young man. has
accepted a Mnition In Sharp's lake
view factory.
K. A. Cheiipy and family have moved
from I he residence recently purchaiied
hy J. K. Iternard from J. H, Fie d, and
have taken tip quarters at the reaidencn
of Minn Hni'lllng.
Homo of our people may not have uu
dcrMtood the announcement in theiie
columns Unt week of the marriage of
MIm Milrhell and Mr. McMillan at
Klamath Falls. MUs Kdna MlUhell,
the hridn, is the charming young la ly
who renidel in Lakeview about a year
John Jiii 'k worth returned Uat Sunday
from a vlnit al hia old home In Arkan
Has. lie returns well pleated with hi
trip and certainly liMiks a if the jour
ney did him much good. Mr. Muck
worth ha purchsHed the city exprcim
hii nine" in l.akeview and will conduct
it hilllKflf.
Dr. Kleiner, by prompt reouM to a
call, aved the life of Mrs. Anliley Follett
yelerday at noon. The unfortunate
woman dclrcd to end her li'e's iiiincry
and in a lit of deipoiideucy took a Urge
quantity of carhoiic acid. Al I nit
reMirt Khe was renting easily. The
community sympathize deeply with
Mr. Follett.
K. Lake, the bicycle repairer, has our
hank for a copy of the Atlantic. Re
view, publihel al Atlantic City, New
Jerey, and which contains a detailed
account of the great fire at that place on
April 4th. Nine hotels were dt-at roved.
It was the greatest fire that city ever
experienced. Flook.of H.h k Crvek,
who accompanied her hiiHhand to Ijike
vicw IhcI week, in Klill a gout at the
Hotel Lakeview, and w ill remain here
for some time under the care of ir.
Kleiner. Mrs. F!ook recently passed '
throiitjh a dantfcruu'i illness from fever,
and has not completely recovered.
Mr. Walter Kharp and little son re
turned from Portland lat Wednesday
night via Heno. The ndy wjihstixnl
succenfully a Very delicate ojxrallon
for apeiidicitis in an hoxpilal at Fort
land, and returns fully restored to
health. Mrs. Kharp's friends in I-uke-vltlw
are rejoicing at her safe return.
Silas Kelley, who lives a few miles
went of Altura is the owner of a calf lha
weighed IH pounda when only two
days old. Tho New F.ra says that the
animal 4s a tialf breed 1 1 cry ford and
Durham, rfce latter strain coming from
the herd of K. Latter and is the largest
calf for its age on record.
Tehama is said to lie the largest wool
county in California, and a great deal of
talk is Uung nipdo about the great out
put of wool from that county. Tehama
claims 1,(UH,?50 Hiunds production
annually. Lake county will go Tehama
aUiut -tOU,(NM) pound better this season.
It is fairly entiinuted that Lake will
produce l IciihI 2,IHKI,(HH pounds this
MUs Ijiiira Knelling has lieen per
mitted to teach in Lake county, and
will open a summer school in Irews
Vallev next Monday. It is Minn Knell-
Ilia's llrnl experience. Khe is one ,o(
Lake County's native daughters and a
bright young woman. Khe is probably
the youngest teacher in the county, and
her friends hope she may make a com
plete succtiHs in her profeMsion.
Ki Mulkey, miner and race horse man,
who has relatives in (loose Lake valley,
and is well known throughout Southern
Oregon, recently returned to Jackson
county from Homo. Mulkey la "0 years
of age, but still on8csbcs much of the
vigor and strength of his Bunny days,
lie came back from the north fairly well
to do, and has (itttd out a pack mule
train to search the mountains in the
Grants Tubs section for their hidden
Ladle Aid Meeting
The Ladies Aid of the M, K. Church
will meet next Wednesday, April 23,
and full attendance of member is
respectfully requested, a important
work and business will eonie before the
Irvln Ay res. M. C. Whltworth. Qeo. M. Ay re.
The Recent Earthquake Shocks
Pelt over In Asia Minor were certainly the direct result of the
Drop in Prices
At the
Big Store
And were not due to the explosion of accumulated Sewer Gas In Town
Ayres, Wiiitworth & Aykes
Free of scab and in fine condition,
with a year's fleece on their backs.
Couioac! of KM) ewes with lamb to
choice Melaine bucks. Will commence
hunbiiig alnjiit May lt. Trice f 4 er
head. Also, 8M) yearling wethers with
a year' fleece, price ft, 25. Apply to
Tlios. II. Kiikkuk-k.
H-2 Summer Lake, Oregon.
This is to certify that during my ab-M-nce
which will probably cover 30 to
50 days, Mr. L. F. Conn will have
charge oi the busing ol ike California
A Oregon Land Company in Lakeview,
and any parlies desiring to rent or buy
lands, or trancaet any other buineH
with the company, can do so by calling
on Mr. Conn. W. II.Kiukk
15 2 Agent C & C). Land Co.
Lakeview, Oregon, April 15, 11W2.
marshal's notice.
The citizens ol Lakeview are hereby
reHpectfully requested to clean up their
premises, including back yards and
stables, between this date and May 1,
PH)2. If any citizen neglect to do so,
the work will I done at the expense of
that cilixen. This means business.
W. M.llAtivav,
Town Marshal.
Lakeview, Oregon, April 17, l'.K32.
The Oder of Flowers
That Is what a perfume should be
true to Nature, delicate, lasting.
We have just received a fresh lot
from the place where the flower
grow. These are among the most
delicate extracts made; they con
vey an air of refinement. If you
have never used any of our per
fumes, come In and sample them.
A large variety to select from.
Beall's Drug Store
The Lake County Agricultural A-Aao-
riation will give lour ciaya racing on
their track in Lakeview, commencing
Jnlv 1 and enilinu Julv 6,l!2. Tl'a sum
of f l,:ilM) will be distributed in -purses,
as follows :
Vint Kac. g- rill dah $l5o.oo
(Thrcs-ycar oldat
.Second Kacc, 3-8 Mile Heal 1 30.00
Third Kace, 600 Yard daiih, (t akc Co.
adtlla t.ortea) 7S-"
Flrat Race. 8- nil 'h li oo
5econd kacc, I Hlle dash 173. 00
I lr.t Race, 1-2 Mlle heaU 1S0.00
Second 3-4 nils daih 1 35.00
FlrttRace, I 1-8 nile dah joo.oo
Second Race Dlnanceto be named at
Kac Track on alternoon, July 3d iffo.oo
There will be a Coneolatlon Pur.e, distance
and amount named the ta.t day.
All of the above racea ar tree tor all, eicept
KUitlv race, hlch ! lor Ijike colour lior .
Kour lo vulf r and llirre io .lart, but (lie Aku
clallnn rrnervee tliu risbt to hold a uuuibcr
lliaii (our to till by reducing the purao lu pro
ixirdoil to tho niiinlH'r of liurnca eutvred.
Knirlci to eloB Hie I'veiihiK before the race.
The I'aclllc Coaat Hlnod llor.n AMK'latlm rule!
to govt-rii a'l ruuuiug racra. Kutranee lee ten
(Hi) iht ceul ol puree. Moiiev lo be divided a
liillowi: 70 per cent to the Aral hor.o and 30
per vent to eeoond horae.
The AawH'latlou reaervea the right to change
any ol the above rai-ea, In the event ol not till
ing, nr to change the data of the Unt any 'a
event to Ih following day, In case any other la announced for that date No
money paid without a conteat.
Kntrlea lor aaddle raoe to be mad before a
roiauitllee composed of J. N. Ulvan, Harry
Koberta, (iua Behroder, Jeff Parian, J tin Ureen
and Charlie Trurabo.
Board ol Director: John McKlhlnuey, F. P.
Light, W. A. Wllahlra, V. M. Miller, J. M. luuea,
V. L. fuelling, and . Daly.
V. L. 8NBLLIN0, Scy. B, DALY, Prt,
Now located
In the
South of the
Daly Bldg;.
Carpets, Mattings.Portieres
vn"-.'-y--. i
Linealum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
v. mo- xx3-x3 or rxxraiu'xarcrxfcxs
ooaoeo at o t ota ocaoaaca0aooot
if Mrnu.t.ii hour, or the i rnfM MCI T CMMI DPIPP
Fine Sunday Dinners
Table supplied with fvfT-
Is rapidly forging ahead and
E. B. Follett, the Merchant ?
is trotting along at the head
of the procession.
lias already been received and more
new goods nre arriving at our store
all the time
We have everything desirous in the
Grocery Line. A special line of Gents
Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of
Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch
for our Dry Goods Display.