Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 17, 1902, Image 4

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Mr, O. P.. Gatts, of llillsboro, son of
II. V. Gates, who is to build the Ash
land I.akeview telephone system, as a
representative of the company aid
Lakeview a visit this wk. Mr. Gates
lias been over the line from Ashland t
l.akeview, and has let the contract for
poles along the route Wtween the for
mer city and Klamath Fall, and also
as far east as Drews (.Jap He is secur
ing bids on th polos from that point to
Ijikeview, but will not accept any bids
on this end until he retives advice from
II. V. Gates. The promoter of the
Ashland-Lakeview company are some
- what disappointed at th movement of
the I.ake County Telephone Company,
in its decision to put in local service
in Lakeview , and Mr. Gaies says that
li;t my t-anw the company he repre
sents to materially alter its plans.
It is the intention of th company to
have repair stations located every six or
seven miles along the rxwite through the
mountains nhere men will be placed
during the winter nioiitlw to keep the
line in repair. This will entail a con
siderable expense ainl the eonipany had
figured on the local system in Lake
view to assist in paving that expense.
Until the present conditions are duly
considered tlie company will not form
any definite plans regarding Lakevicw,
and may conclude not to build its line
to this jJace.
-The IVmix rats in State Convention at
Portland on the 10th inst. nominated a
full ticket with George E. Clmniberland
of Cortland at the bead for Governor.
The ticket is a follows:
For Congress, first district J. K.
Weatherford id Linn county.
Second District V. T. Putchci, if
Govcnor George V.. ChamU'rlnin of
Supreme Judge It. F. Ronham of
Secretary of State D. W. Sears of
State Treasurer Henry lilackman of
Attorney General J. H. Rnley of
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Stale Printer James It. Godfrey of
Joint Senator, Marion ami Linn
J. A. Jeffrey.
Joint Representatives, Wasio, Crook,
Klamath and Lake L. E. Morse, C. D.
Doak, Earl Sanders.
Regarding the proceedings of the
convention the Oregonian says:
"la convention all wassweet pcaceand
harmony, and even the rumors of the
mighty warfare that was Ifing wai-cd in
I the platform committee bet ween the scut-
lers and the auti-seuttlers hardly rallied
the surface of the patient throng that
win waiting for a platform for its candi
dates to stand upon In'fore it thrust any
of them forth. Mr. Chamberlain was
nominated amid cheers, war-whoops and
waving of hats, and every reference to
his nme was greeted by a tumult like
unto the noise of many waters. Hut it
w as for Chanilierlain alone they cheered.
He w as the only candidate named, it is
Last Monday the property know n as I lru(. lor lne eq-auo.e over ine oiauorm
the Grimes Hot Springs, situated nilel 9 "ot till the middle of the
and a half south of Lakevicw, vat sold
by G. Grimes to Mark Musgrave. The
place includes 210 acres of fine .and and
is known to local faaie for its boiling
hot springs, whose waters contain med
icinal qualities of great merit, miner
and winter the people of Lakeview., an
evening, but the customary shouts which
have made the welkin riluj in Democratic
conventions when the magic words " Wil
liam J. liryan were voiced were hot
heard. From 11 o'clock in the morning
till 10 o'clock at night the men w ho have
j stood shoulder to shoulder w ith the boy
well as visitors to our town, visit the :) orator of the Plat. e lalmred in eonven-
springs to batlie. The new proprietor tion, and yet there was not one in all
will, as fast as possible, make improve
ments in the bathing houses and will
the throng to speak his praise or his
name. Even the platform, which side-
convert the grounds into a pleasant re-j stepped around almost everything w ith
sort. The price paid for the property i an adroitness which would do tred't toa
was $4750, and the purchaser found a
bargain in the property at that figure.
A few years aeo Mr. Grimes refused
f'JOUO for the property. Many years
ago the hot springs property was lo
cated by Dr. Greenman, who realized
that the waters contained medicinal
qualities of rare merit. The Dr. fin
ally passed away and the pla'.e was
sold at sheriff's sale eighteen years ago,
Mr. Grimes being the purchaser at
$1(100. At that time there was nothing
there but the springs and the haie
land. There were several parties in
J.akeview who coveted the place, and
Dick J. Wil .ox came within f2"0 of the
selling price in bidding.
Our Stock
Of Spring and Summer Goods is on the
road and will soon arrive.
We will have the latest in Wash Dress
Goods and a full line of Trimmings and
Ladies Furnishing Goods.
15 Cent Wool.
Red Iiluff Sentinel.
I. Harris, a iiw word-buyer in the Red
Blui'f market, arrived from Han Fran
cisco Sunday and found only one clip of
wool in the wart-houses, thtit belonging
to C. J. Good
j greyhound, had not one word about "our
gallaut and invincible leader from Ne
braska," nor y t-t so much as a passing al
lusion to the free and unlimited coinage
of silver at the ratio of to 1 without
the aid or consent of any nation on
earth. iJuce or tw ice a speaker, starting
with Thomas Jefferson, brought the party
up to Andrew Jackson, and the dele
gates held their breath for fear the trail
would turn Nebraska ward, but the fears
were ill-grounded, for the speakers had
been doing some industrious forgetting
in the last two yeaie, and they knew
when to Stop." j
The State Convention doubtless heard !
iiuiu j .a n , nut. ,17 mi; j'l iui;i,iaia laucu
to make a single reference to Mr. liryan,
l'i to 1, or the Kansas City I')atform--in
fact st'.od upon no platform whatever.
It was a downright mean card to hand
out to the Silver I!ran men.
Whereas, I have settled on a tract of
unsurveyed land and marked my cor
ners, intending lo take the same as my j
homestead, as near as the said marked
cornets will conform to the legal sulxli
visions, when surveyed, said !and lying
adjoining to surveyed land, and de
wrdnil as the southeast id the south
east J-4, and the northeast of the
northeast ,'4', township Xt south of
range 25 east, in section .".0. The cor
ners have I wen placed, ami the laud is
tiotirided on the wft by the Slough.
This land was settled upon and a house
built thereon by the undersigned two
years ago; the house was destroyed by
a swamp fire. I settled tion said land
in good faith, and at the time of settle
ment there was no other improve
ments thereon, or any jn-rson there,
and I hereby warn all persons not to
trespass upon said land, or to place any
improvements iihiii the same without
my consent. Nriikmiaii Fink.
Plush, Oregon, April 15, l(s)i.
The M. K. Church of Lakevicw was
crowded last Sunday morning and
evening. Rev. Smythe preached an
excellent sermon.
u see
a smile on
a man's face
like this fellow,
just guess that
he fins a pair of
Oraves Shoes.
'T'hese Shoes
are all cele
brated makes;
are the best to
be found on the
market, andare
moderate price.
The Attractions In the
j Windows Speak For Themselves
Thl WeeL U
About a year alter Itr. Daly holds the
That diil not prevent ' Judgeship (?) sufficient money will be
Mr. Harris from buying, however, as he
secured a clip of about forty bags from
the Herbert Kraft Company, "unsight
and unseen," as the fleeces are still on
the backs of the sheep.
We understand that the price paid
by Mr. Harris was 15 cents or better people will he erected right alter elec-
saved the county (?) and things will he
running along so nii-ely that we can af
ford a handsome new court house. 1
, cl
J'aly is a house tmilder from J'.uililer-1
villi:. However, the high school build
ing which the Dr. will donate to the
and that many of the sheep men hope to
get 10 cents. Mr. Harris also secured one
other clip. He will go to San Francisco
tonight, and expects to return when the
wool reaches the warehouse!.
John Lee, the veteran wool-buyer,
is also here looking over the ground, and
there will no doubt be several other
buyers here when the market opens.
Joe Morrow was in from Warner yes
terday. He has leased his ranchei over
in the "swamp land" section where
they irrigate one of them to W. Z.
Moss and Jag. Dodson.
tion. Of course there is a proviso in the
matter. And also a string on the
building. It was unkind of a gentle
man who knows the Doctor well to re
mark before a crowd on tlie street the
other day that "if Daly ever built a
high school house it would be for rent."
The public knows what the political
promises of the Doctor are worth.
The Democratic State Convention
coni4etely ignored Bryan and the Silver
men. Ho did the Lake County Demo
cratic Convention. "This is base in
gratitude I"