Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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fr U W
NO. i:.
thirteen Hundred Dollar Will re
(iivcii In I'ursc and n New
(iriind 5tnntl to fe iHiill.
I it ittiotlicr i uluiiin of I In- I x.iiiiinei j
I I . Mill I"' ( Mill I tin' rtiiiioiini Incut i(' iiiiintt in l.itkcvn-w dmlng
tin lir-l wet k ill July the . imon n( KM;.', j
11 ii hii I will In- i iiiiiltiricil under tin'
,ii'ic i-ii iif tin? I..tkc County Agricul-
turul . n in I ion . iiml nil wlm wiil nil)
In 1 1 1 1 1 I tin- lacing event til l'.HI under'
I lie minr nuii'i'K wid remember that
I .like County lull) tin' U-nl ami clciiiicnl
porl mi llml ii cumoii lluit w a rvcr iviii
in Lantern Oregon. There were many
ImriM'ii Iiitu (rum imtnidu districts and
i he racing wan. exceptionally giaal fmni
n KJint ( shuttered tiiiin and litirni'KH.
In l'.'l Eleven 1 1 iiiiilii'il Dollurx in purnes
were given for conientn. Tin1 acuxou til
I'MVJ prominrn even belter than ttml.
J lii' liberality of tlit buninera turn of
L'lkcvicw lull liuiilii It ponniblt' (ur lliit
A -him aid. hi to nffiT Thirteen Hundred
Dollura in purses tins year 'ilUt'li aul
scribing one bull thai iiinount and the
A MKH-iitlioii Ihe 1 1 1 r I m 1 1 . Tlit' in
tlicalinua are that there w ill 1 1" u large
liiimU-r n( fait humi-n here Una ncu-oii
ami it willje i.tri- nport.
Besides that tin Association prominca
comfort u well tm ('luimiirt'. Arrange
ments nru now licuig Inilde to elect u
new grand slund (or tin' ladies ami
gl'llllt'lllt'll who tlfoirt tO uillil'HM lilt
vent. A i uml aland in surely needed
Mini ihould have been limit long ago,
lull tint AriniM iuluiii ilnl not care to invent
more iiioui'y until it was Irt't' (rum debt.
Tint truck Mill Iw placed in tint' con-
lition, uml it in probable tlnit u baseball
ground will lit' made in tint Held jiiHt
tiixiHilt the liriiiiil Htuntl. A iitiiiiln-r of
liorm'N w ill urrivo lit-rt' iiliniit Juiit ll,
to o into trm nii lur tlit- July con tccln.
TTit' jiiircftJ art- IiImthI hihI i-lioulil Ht
trart tin- lifxl n( liorHi'intMi. To hiiiii it
nil up tlit' riii'inn i.vnilHul l'.HiL' in Luke
vii'W bIiouM lit vrrv hiiiTit-kIhI.
Some l:lnc Horses to Itreakaway on
the Klamath TrackA I Jike lew
Colt That Look. (Jood.
May L'H and "?. will he the open
ing of the Kpiinu racing ut lUuiaiir.a.
'J'he firut day w ill include a ?B iluali for
ill! two yeiir-oltlN purae M 'v milu
free for all Ihree yettr-o'ila oU. The
Me.'onddiiy will include mile tluah
free lor all pur ho fAX) ; 4' daalt free for
allpure 5U; (IunIi free for all Hud
dle home purae f 10.
Waller I'arker will enter the noted
Alexander, which lie recently pur
chased from L. (ierher. lie also Iihh
the (Illy FaHhion, hy Shirty, ami other
good lookers.
llob Unlier liaH arrived at Houanxa
with Iria A, Sleepy Pick, llotwtuff
Jteaaio and a couple of dark onea.
Koy Oiloert haa the cheatmit stallion
President HooHoveH, owned by l.eroy
Nail, who in hh'kI to step some, A
tjtiarter in 2-1 in told about him.
Ooss has a fine looking, chestnut roll
hy Shirly, ami he is I icing watched by
the "wise iru.nbiiH."
Alex Zeveley has 70, owned by
Hurry ICoherta nnd Louie (ierher, uml
he looks like Ihe "reul McCoy." This
yomiK liorne is ( liiiined by Lake county,
and liU M'rfirniiiiii'i will I mi watched
W'itll interest. III (iHltllt In (In I'llfillC-HI
with tilt) U'Nt ones, for liu has tie
(loon suits i in i; ion
The AlluraH I'lalnJ.-itlcr Uccall Sid i
.Story of Yrnr Hone lly and
Scored I. (KB I AuthnrltlcH. I
Tin itt'N of l.ttkit t'oiiniy huI tin'
I'liuiiili ulrr Ht Ailniiii lut wt-t'k pull i
lichfl lhi (Mt.l n f . M. Milli-r n(j
Unti l l.ukt'vifw , r.-k'nduiK' ll.c Kimillpox
rimi'it hIIi'(!iI lo Imv x i 1 i nt t tint j
lioftt-lry. Tln I'lit iiiilt-it li-r in tin only j
pitH-r tlnit iiui'li! I'ouiini'tit mi Mr. i
Millfr't Ktutt'iiit'iit. The rittiutlfiilt r j
rim: I
"It in imli-fil utidirt utmte, lth (or j uml I.itkti county, llml rmlicul j
iiifiiMiirt'N wt-rt- not mloplfil t tlit) guIki-1 '
to ftainp out tint (liKt-HM', which, in tiiiU
form or Another, Iiun found lotl(t'in'rit I
tliiTt- lor the the punt nix inonllix. I'-ut :
the Illume inuxt rent with th- phyi-ii iunit j
ml county millioi itu-n. lU-tter would it
have het'ii hml every hilMinuf Iioiiki- in
Lake county hft-u t'loned for month,
tliMii Ihitl prt'Mcnl conilitionn ulioulil
Iihvi; prevHilfd.
Here in Motlot- a few yeura ai;o we hud
almoft an cpiileinitr of iinallHis, and
only for I'm. Koher and ttilmon, the re
anil Iniiflit have heen appalling. The
Drat cuc wmm that of youiix Sullivan at
'.filttrvillt'. lr. tiilmon at oii'-e pro-.,
lioiint'ed it email pox, hut wax iniTcilcxM
ly hm. nultt-d hv ll.e hii-int-api interenta t,f ,
tliHt plice. Time vintlicaled Ir.tJihu.
At nearly the aauie time, youiu I,in
ville eonl racted the tlixeuM at Willow
liiiiiih. Ir. Duly of Lakeview was cull
ed. I ,i n v 1 1 It- dietl, hia cane Iveing of the
luoHt virulent type. Several you uiell
who hud waited on him were aHHiired by
Ir. I nl v that it wax merely the chicken
hix. All of I hone youiikj men, Kuhe
I'lninmer, Ir. rieanunt's sou and olhera
were permitted to o home and apreud
the dica-e. The remilt wuh fourteen
ciihcm with one more death, and huxineat
was piacticully suspended for nix weeks.
The diieune, however, was stumped out.
We mention thene facta to nliow how
lieceaHury it ia that caution, conihined
with knowledge and skill, shtmld he ex
ercined in dealin with this dread iIIh-
It wiih hard to ronvinee Ir. I'ulv that
the diHeuMe known to be smullpox in
Lake county during the pHNt winter was
not "merely the chicken x." The
County Court of Lake did everything in
its power toentahlish a strict tpuaruntine
in the infected districts and to stamp out
the dixeune. It is thought now that
there is not a cuno of smull pox in Lake
county, outside of the Indian camp lie
low town, and that place it supposed to
be under strict quarantine. It is safe to
say that no new cases will appear and
that the disease is practically stamped
In referring to the Semi-Annual Re
port of the ollicers of Lake county last
week The Examiner miniated the fact
slightly w hea it said that "on the first
day of April, the actual indebted
ness of Lake county was $45,004.02."
The Examiner should have stated that
on the 3rd day of April the indebted
ness was i educed to $45,004.02. There
is also due from the State $1)4(1.3:1 and
other resources applicable to the pay
ment of county warrants in the amount
of $2,710. We make this correction in
advance in uider to save our vigiUint
contemporary the trouble of calling our
attention to it.
. iXji. . .
i mm & fr2 Wj i
C. M. tUBn-taijc A it. w. arui.MAU4.t-.
'ciiii.liTnl.l i-thilif'iiuuii ittl.-v-hf lo the K-etitit! triitit to this roontry of M-tnini. Wwt-M-lii
and Wiiriinr-irt. tlit- itoMr rvhvi. Thi'V oiiih oit-n-iihly for trit- tiirt-i-iH of nmkini; ar
riii; iiifiifa fr tlit jurliniotia and t-t-otinrtiicij Hiitnbiiiiun tf th l'"ir tiuitl t'onrhbiit'-'l bf
-i-f ni in ibf l iiio-il MiiImi, but it u aaid tluit thpjr rt-ail-r blit!. Luc 1 iMtin may intt-rfuro
tu aittp ili war lu Njuth Africa.
A KcddiuK ilifputch to the San Fran
clco t'hronicle under date of April 7,
haa the following ncuouiit of a youn
couple who are nok . own here, ao faraa
The Examiner can Wttn : - -
Waller Cane and wife of Ijtkcview,
, ire. on. arnve.1 In Keddintf ihin morning.
Tfiev wre : . ,-... .,, ,..nil,ilt
------- n
l)HttUi.l on to Hun Franc.H-co to c-H(ape
the wrath of the angry father of Mrs.
Cane, who is speeding south on the
timt faat train with a pistol in his pocket
and blood in hia eye, lient on overtaking
the two and taking his daughter back to
his own fireside.
Mr. and Mrs. Cane eloped. Cane is a
proHeroUH young cattleman owning an
extensive place about K) miles north
of I.akdview. During the Christmas
holidays, w hile seeing the sights in town,
he met Maud King. It was a rase of
love at first sight on both sides. The
girl's father objected and was emphatic
in his denial of the suit of the young
In March Cane went to Portland and
a week later Misa King gained her
father's permission to go to Alturai,
Modoc county, for a short visit. She
started, but wound up at Portland,
w here on Friday the two were married.
Cane said to-night that if the old man
did not capture them before the morn
ing train they would slip him for good.
Cane and bis wife go to San Francisco
to-night. They will return in two weeks
and hope by that time King will have
cooled down sufficiently to receive them
with open arms.
More Trouble With Cupid.
The Redding Searchlight of last week
has the following regarding a couple
supposed to be from this county:
There was a disapointed couple lefore
County Clerk Ulodgett on Thursday.
They wanted a marriage license and
could not get one. Jesse D. Sluder ami
Miss Maud V Wilson constituted the
grieving couple. They applied for a
license, but the clerk found that the girl,
who is from Oregon, is but 16 years of
sue. He whs comvelIed to refuse them
the license. The couple consoled them
selves w ith the thought that the f.ither
of the girl will arrive here soon from
Lake County and there will then be
nothing in the way of their carrying
out their plans.
W. D. Woodcock A Son, the black
smiths and WHKonmakers, were not idle
during the dull winter season. An
Examiner representative dropped into
their establishment last week and was
shown the result of their toil. Four
wagons of as many descriptions were
found there completed, spit; and span.
and all ready to be turned out upon the
road. Each vehicle was made for its
own esecial purpose, and every, part
in hand made. One of these elegant
wagons was made to the order of M. W.
J. Harry, the lojal liveryman. It is
what is called a "drummer wagon,"
and will be used expressly for carrying
commercial travelers and their wares
through the country. Another is what
Is known as a vegetable wagon, built
expressly for O. A. Hastings, the gard
ener and peddler of New Pine Creek.
A third is a buckht.ard built for sheep
camp work, and purchased ty '. A.
Kehart the minute he laid eyes on it.
It is a perfect built vehicle fit to carry
very heavy loads. The 'at is a linht
spring wagon, which Mr. Woodcock
calls a "butter wagon," and built ex
pressly for currying light (arm produce
to market.
Each of the vehicles are supplied w ith
high "easy back" cushioned seats, and
are models of excellent workiuanahip.
Such wagons as are turned out from the
Woodcock manufactory, all hand made,
will last longer than two ordinary wag
ons. Much work and time was given to
these wagons to make them perfect.
The Davis Creek correspondent to the
New Era says : Yesterday two Piute
Indian boys passed through Davis Creek.
They told some men they were running
away from the smallpox at Lakeview.
Steps were at once taken to notify the
Health Officer of Alturas, but the tele
phone line was down, and word could
not get down to intercept them. They
are apt to scatter the dread disease over
the county, and it looks like the people
should be protected." The correspon
dent is evidently mistaken. We under
stand that all the Indians who have
been in the infected camp are under
quarantine. The three who slipped
away to Warner were captured and tak
en back to the ramp.
Moore's Comedians will give a fine
performance at New Pine Creek tonight.
Air. Fred Moore and Mis Com
pany Lntertain lakeview I'eo
pie for an Cntir. Wetk.
Ev-rybody is a-akih a good word
for Mixirc'a Comedian. The frXcellent
com) any brought here by Fred Moure
lime highly entertained the public dur
ing the entire week, and was greeted
wilh l.irje and appreciative audiences.
Mr. and. Mrs. Moore are old favorites
here and have ma:.y Warm personal
friends among our eojle ' The com
pany has a repertoire tiiat attracts
marked attention from the 'first to the
la-l night. Mr. Moore opened his
week's engagement here with "The
Black F'lag," which was well given.
The second erformance was the five
act comedy drama," "The Lightning
Kod Agent," which created much mer
riment and was highly pleasing. "A
Woman's Bitter Atonement," the great
society drama, was a grand productiou
on Saturday evening in which Mr. and
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Galarneau and Mr.
Hyde had strong parts, and did most
excelleul work.
On Monday evening, however, the
star performance was given. Dumas'
startling romance, "Alonte Cristo,"
was the attraction and brought ont a
large audieuce. Each pa,rt was well
rendered. Especially was the talent of
Mr. Moore as the Count. Do Monte
Cristo and Edmund Dantes, and Mrs.
Moore as Mercedes brought out forcibly.
The scenery and costumes were gor
geous. The ocean scene was true to life
and the scene where Edmund Dantes
proclaims "the world is mine!" was
spectacular and dramatic in theextreme.
This alone w as worth the price of admis
On Tuesday evening the "Gold King"
was presented, and last evening the
week's engagement closed with the
very pretty drama in two acts entitled
'Sweethearts." Besides, several mem
bers of the company gave, specialties.
and as a whole the entertainment was
full of merit.
Senor Ricardo is a thorough musician,
and also does some excellent dramatic
Each member of the company does
fairly clever work in their especial lines,
and The Examiner can truthfully say to
the people of the various towns where
the company is billed to perform that
the Moore Company is in every way
worthy of the patronage of those who
love art and a good, lively, clean per
formance. Mr., and Mrs. Moore ex
pect to return here in h few months -
with a stronger company and a new re
port oi re. They leave with the
very kindest wishes of many friends
and admirers ia Lakeview.
Another Indian "bit the dust" and
went to the "happy hunting grounds"
in Modoc last Thursday. It happened
at Likely, and the liTdian named Fox
was shot to death by another of bis tribe
while the shooter was un.ter a strain of
delirium from illness. The man who
was shot had gone in search of a doctor
to attend the sick man, and when he
returned to camp with the medicine
man the insane Indian opened fire with
fatal results.
Ot course there are matters brought
up in a political campaign that some
jieople would much rather have left un
said. Pointed remarks about some
fellow s act on them like pricklyheat.