Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 10, 1902, Image 8

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Local & Personal
Coming & Going
Ilonrv Horn of Klamath Full is at
vlu Oregon. alfalfa seed HI tlio I-ii'-vi-w ! j,a tlioolluT Jay.
Mercantile (.'o s H! i
Thcie mo said to U om hundred men
.r 'Viiy i 'i i'.C Toii.'i'.ih.
I i rape mh in treat Humilities at tho
l.akeio Mi'U'lit'uililo r'. n ;
Fred and l'oar Elhicr Miiore tonilil.
William K. Reeves suicided at Ash-
Fr.iiiV !'.. 11
,: v, . it. ti
ll, l'.r
V.,! .H-..1 T. i:
-sale at J.
H -mar I
n.'tliv s.
uV.' 1
j Mine's Comedians at tho opera
; house t nuight.
! Mi-s Maty Wliitton of Davis Creek is
i vitv ill with pneumonia.
Tlio Kl.imatii pipers speak highly of
M o. o'.- I 'inn huh! ;ans.
It is nut u'.tl It- tin' lazy man is a'
wais a jjixhI checker player.
! a.-.'n t ret m ned
- visit to KLi'ii.-iiii ,
r.'.H-k i; v
d at tlu' Lakeview Mor
1 II'
! liT So 1-- '11 hole. iot
l i't 1 1 i it all kili'l- i'.'
. ii'i'Ii r !i ln-t'ii seriously
. k, hut is nil the streets
. .ii ii nil
-i:i-in v. i .
i . c 1 1 1 e i nv eiovi i u'li v.
a rli.i: ui,
Kelliolil' el , tl.O l-li.l M.iiili' Ct'lllpHIIV
will open ti'ii ii'it at loo opera house .r
The Oregnnlan nays that a most
equitable distribution of legislative
representatives lias lnwn made in tho
Senatorial ami Representative district.
Wasco county la in two joint Represen
tative districts, and participated In tlx
nomination of six Representatives.
District No. 21 is composed of WnNoO,
Crook, Klamath and Lake counties. In
tho eviction of Representatives in di
triclXo. 21 it was agreed that Klamath
and Lake tdiotild name one and Wasco
two. Klamath and Lake agiocd on R.
A. Eminett, w bile Wasco was a unit in
favor of N. WhoaUlon and J. N. I'-ut-K'sn.
All tin' delegates concurred in tho
selections made, ami tlicio as no cm
test. Ac tlie iinittcr ik'nv, i vol
mllliU in llie.-e Uv dl-iliels, illl iht
exception i.t, ha- a ir-i'i.-nl K.-"
iVM'iilaihe in tin' l.i i.1 i.ilini , .m l
i.n ke I'niiii t V il k ,. r i wen- u.i.i al li'
tii l I.t- i-fli-i li 'ii ui Mi. I ' in n i -1 ii.-iii
K .ll.lMUl.
Have you seen
the New Goods
recently received
Our Spring I ry CukmI miv
lure. Tito Ncvit f nil
Goods protliu'nl lor t Ik
Masons wi'.-tr
norm- iujildino
one nci'li,
l-'te-li Alf.iliH eri
Mou haul lie
l .i t
,! t!e
l!" i
at tin- l.ak
e lew
1- Saiu; ler?, A. H. I'artutiu and
-hi-eiuen, eie in from
-Ion a Xi-ri :
f.l.f de-k-rt th.s week.
F. M. lliy.' it of Saerametito an 1 ti
V. Uieki !N of F.ielier, (.'al., wore,at the
Oregon Hotel last Mmid.iv.
W. 1'. Dykeinan, foreman of 70 raneh
r n I'rew s Valley, was a business visitor
;t-re several davs this week.
Charlie Morrison, Walt Butler and A.
M. (Jallaiiher, a trio of sturdy voting
rnon from the State Line town, were in
f.aieview this week.
A full line of men's and children's
iirinitand summer clothing jus-t ret eived
-t Bailey & MaSMruill's. Their suitings
re latest cut and handsome patterns.
I . i'.hj l.lll r,::l r .1 K
rill ii 111 I .. In' Cl llll t V.
..!lii-i.i ai.'l and.iy n. :n iiili.i'e
I f.K't III l.ake .. . I'l.i I e Uie Ii
' . eiidli line the 1 M-lol'd ImuhI in
' ni'-ne mw le are p.ii:m-iy
kii.iiui tn li.iu- ii.'t t ! . r. n up a ipiar-(
teronll.e of !..iK"iew l"r eum
pa.-1. lloever, the "liy" are having A 1
klnou time, iiikI aie loekeil upon ii" .mi
i !
'l'eUoWn"liv the eleineii I ho have hi"
! eome tliii "ty ioii eai s of waitii Bl
, .. ,, i ! foi iili-l mu h an eselil. The Im (ir .8,
J. ;. Uerrianl Jt Nn are l'ayinn the I
hiiilie."t ia."h pi ;ce fur dry hides, l.'.lm overliHikiliK nothing at this writing.
lie is a gi od feliuw himsell, alrta .
hut parueuUtiy soon lertaiii iH-i-asiuni, j
F. nil At I'avis Creek, ("al., March ST.
Uhii', tu the wife of I.utiier Clark, a ami
-11'... lbs.
C. I.. Ileerait of Vistil.iif and 11. Cas"
heer of lily, were busiiie-.s Tiitors in
Lakeview la."l week.
Our Ladies
Will arrive to-niorrow
Also mi IvU.tnt Assort-
imtit of hosiery. You are
;is weleoiue to look as you
are to buy. ...
'on irel C roc l-;crv
man v l;i nl tli i 's.-i. i s.
1 -i cniiuni
pojis with
25 cent
Co it
Bllimik'S STORE
Only about one-half of the votort of
J-ake county have rejji3tered thus far.
Tlio date for closing the registration
Hokfc is but a little over a month
Eldon Woodiwk and C. M. Smythe
u n ted lare game on the lake last Mon
lay, anJ Mr . mythe brought down a
J ue swan that weighed 25 oundb
idfi-t.-eil. ' 'ast Saturday.
J-' II. Hums, who now resides with
his family near Flush, was in Lakeview
last week on business.
K. Judell, with Judell Co. cigars,
San, and Ed Baker, the Star
Tobacco man, were al Hotel Lakeview
this week.
New perfumer and toilet articles at
Bead's. Everything pure and fresh.
ity Meat Market
It Ikim heeii stutiil that the ilay lie re-
I ceived that "forced" compliment from
the IViiHK-ratic coiiven'ion whieli l no
ftrongly objected to by "A Bryan IVm
ocrat" in this issue of The Examiner,
he made many heart glad, and re
lieved himself of more lilthy lucre over
the bars alsjul tow n aJler the electric
lights were turned on tbn all th other
candidates combined. Itolxuly blames
him, however, for his Ixind money
comes easy (for him) and the people
are glad Im see it circulated once mure.
v.. , ,
U is learned that Sam Cressler, mer
chant of Lake City, Cal., has sold his
business to Kistler Bros, and Geo. I la
bel of Cedarville.
The boys are bringing in largo strings
of fine lake trout these davs. Dick j
Brown caught a string of beauties in I The white dove of political
uie utile creek just above the slash road t.ttctt ;H hovl.rj,,g hai.i.ily over the d. a-
tiny of the local Democracy al this
time, but what u wailing ai-d lamenting
there will be when the eagle swoops
Mrs. Joe Howard of Howard Station, 1 1,r- A- J- niith, United States Stock
JVews Valley, madea flying trip to Lake- j Inspector, arrive. i here last week and
v;iew Monday and returned Tui-sday. wl" remaui in i.nke couuty for somejtlown and curries oil Ike pcarclul
-Mrr. Howard was at the opera house lo time inspecting the various herds. He j dove on the second of June. I'r. Italy
nee "Capt Racket". at the Oregon. w ill be the eagle w ho will" devour the
JuiV Lionel R. Wt-bster, well know Thos. Devine of Edgewoo,l, Siskiyou IVmocratic dove. He will swallow it
n....nlnr in Ii.u .,,.v i. , . i con n t v. to set tie a grudge of 30 vears I talons and all. He, at least, must be
fived and accepted the nomination for ' ftanding, went to Oakland, Cal., last sure of victory !
County Ju ).'; of .1 i!tn :n.ib uoiintv, on
l.e Republiian tickrt.
U. C. Messenger, wiio kelled J. I'.
'O.tton recentlv at a saw mill near Ash-
'.nd, was oiin-1 guilty of luaiislaughtei, man from the Wagontire country, was
.-!:d ser.teni:i:d to fifteen years in the
r'-ni'eiitiary. Meseii'er's uw n evidence
divided him.
U'erry Mclianiele arrived from Giants t
I'.iss last Monday. He spent the win-
1tt the balance of the
week and killed John J. O'Connor. ; ticket go down to defeat as a sa :r lice to
Devine says he isn't sorry that O'Con- j master. Some Democrat have not
nor wrecked his home. j yet forgotten the political butchery of
Reece Haw kins and others at the elec
tion two years ago, when 1. Daly was
, business v sitor in Lakeview several ! lriu toH nitrea..
days during the week. Mr. I lut ton
says the Wagontire district is "looking j
up." He was here on land business.
Thomas Hutton, a rustling young
tr in Los Angeles and accompanied by
'i i i . . . i, . ... .1..
iowe rea:i.ei uranis j ass ten uaya
o. yilre. McDaniele will join her hus
haud iiertiboul June 1st.
In the ReWblr.uan Congrewional Con-
'vcu'tiot ol tie First district Hiram F.
Mardock w- again cboen ae Congree
n'Jaial Committtemarj -from Klamath,
-ik10.-'E. M ''.iarrey from Lake. I. Y .
'.Harris of Eugehe was rejected Chair
man bfrfce C irnmitU.
Ll'. 11. WilUts.'CViuivty Huirintendent
4 fx&ools, arried from Silver Lake
1swt Friday to be present at the local in
sUtute held at Crane Creek last Saturday.
Mr. W'illitssayi political talk is becom
ing animated in the north, and much
interest is being taken in the coming
Dr. 0. f. I'emorest writes The Ex-
udner from Winnipeg, Canada, where
Le and sou Herbert are stopping tern
iorarily vuh Ihe Dr's brother, H.
Demorest. He visited the Dakota be-
S. V. Rehart has bought and shipped
the iron pipe for the Lakenev Water
Company's new sys'em. Th Company
will complete the pip line from the
spring at the head of Deadman t Lake
view before fall. Mr. Rebart arriveJ
from Si. n Francisco Tuesday.
Several families of Davis creek are
preparing to take tbeir departure, aa
soon as the roads get dry. It w reported
that Emmett Klin, and Jesse Ilykea!
"R. I ng" conliuues to edify the read
er of the Rustler with his pleasing
piattle. He apara to be wrapd up
ia a single issue which became a thing
ei the past after the Republican couuty
convention adjourned, and has lost
aight l alt other political issues. Come,
" R. Ing," get uext to a live wire.
The Republicans of Lake county were
ot responsible for any alleged "defalca
tion of public money." that the Demo
crats ia convention "resolved" - bo
stn-ngly against. No Republican office
with their families wilt sooo leav ior I LUr bt thl" co"nlr bM bn eharipid
Yakima, Waah.and CharUw Bruce and
family w ill leava for the lower country.
A. G. Baker andD. J. Bugiiugbam ol
San Francisco, and E. McDowell ol
Eureka, Cal., have been in Lakeview
for several days. It is supposed that
they are in some capacity representing
the men connected with the Eureka &
Eastern Railway, but they deny it.
U . A. Massingill and K. M. Brattain,
delegates to the Republican State Con
vention, left Portland for San Franciaco
after the adjournment of the convention.
. 1 I M- I.,, .ill I..., I r..m.ii..l If 1. 1 ill Tllt-H.
fore going to Canada aim reports u-i , .-n. u.u.v..,.. -
cold weatUr and a great bli.zard in J day evening, and will be home in a few
v -.i. n,i.i. fir. Demorest will re-! days. Mr. Brattain will return a fe
x ; I 111 unftv.. - - I
. ..liniH this month. days later.
with any such crime. What is all this
"Resolving" about, any way T
The fellow out always wants to get in.
That is the reason the Rustler hints at
"grafts." It also finds sweet music in
the word "independent." Just the
same it will swing into line for Dr. Daly,
who lias always used it whenever he
needed it.
Ilnnr Nnrih nf Hntp.l lakpvip.w
S i S f "
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Itc.
Lakeview Livery
. v .
WM. K. BARRY & H. W. J. BARRY, Props.
in Connection
Feed stable
Horses hoarded hy the day or month
First elass turnouts and saddle horses.
Our speeialty is the tjuiek and safe de
livery of passengers to all points in
the district.
and Grain for
Prprlctors Barry's Opera House
Sale. K
Only plac la lkavl.w lor
holding sblk nUrtalnmt nU
m Put your ail in The Examiner, it brings 8 m
DfllHTC Regarding the Forty Second Annual
I UllllUSrarrm
New business written in 1901: - $245,912,087.00
Gross assets, " - 331,039,720.34
Gross surplus " 71,726,707.00
Total payments to policy hohlers 27,714,621.42
During the past ten years, the Equitable has paid $26,06,$$ t. 99 in dividends ot
its policyholders, which largely exceeds the amount paii i dividends by any oth-
erjCompany durinu the same period.
Congressman Williamson looks good
to us. Mr, Tongue will have an able
colleague to fight for Oregon's interests
in the lower house.
E. V. Carter was nominated for State
Senator by the Jacksonville Republicans.
Don't Guess
At It
but if you are going east write as for or
rates and let us tell you about the service and acooiasnodatioaa
offered by the
Illinois Cent ml Railroad. Through tourist cars
via the
Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and
Don't fail to write us about your trip aa we are in position to
give you some valuable information and assistance, MID miles
of track over which is opera tod some of the finest trains in the
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call oo or
T. F. A I'. A. Cm" I Agt.
142 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
- 1.U . II 'IVI V O' "