Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 10, 1902, Image 5

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f Semi-Annual Report.
W. K. Moor of Klamath Falls arrl-ed
Rm Nailer A Maaalnglll'a Una of wash
foods mid ladles' furnlahlnge, Just rm
I veil.
Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota
people are taking limber rapidly In
Josephine county.
A r 11 ahowere maka May flowera.
Wa ahould have quit bunch of flownn
In Ika county.
You enjoy a good amoka, don't jron?
Try an "Kl Hymfihonle" at Ie IteaH'e
Delightful! Fragrant! .12-2
I. D. Ilammeraley haa returned to
New I'ine ('reek from Colorado, lie
wa in lakeview tit i week.
Mr. Creed McKendreo of lily la in
lakeview for a aliort time. Her little
on i under the care of Ir. Meiner.
John Ware, Harney alockman, I
tald to havn lost 110 head ol xef cattle.
It ia thought the stork were stolen and
driven aay.
W. F. tirob ('TetsT'i arrived from the
desert near Juniper last Saturday. The
Uroh A llatrhelder sheep will lie started
toward the lainhifiK grounda today.
Keinemlwr, you get the famoua Buck
ingham A Ilecht boota and ehoea at
ii A M a.
The boy a are getting ready to take oft
a mounter clip of wool from the backs of
a few hundred thouaand lake county
C. H. Levy, Joe flchloea. It. De Ora
Meudleaon and J. M. Hodgere, commer
cial men. were at Hotel Lakavlew Thurs
day and Friday.
White Kye aeed at Lakeview Mt-r-rhantile
Vu a.
Presiding KMer Summerville, who
)Hnt aeveral daya In Lakeview, laat
week, went to Faialey on Thureday to
tee hi flock. Mr. Hummervllle will go
from Lake county to Modoc.
Mra. Sallie Mulker of Davis Creek,
baa gone to Altnraa to place Iteraelf
under the care of a phyaican. Hhe liaa
been in bad health all winter.
A. F. McMillan, leader of the Klam
ath Fall band and orchvatra, and Miaa
Kdua Mitchell, dauichterof Mra. I. K.
Mitchell of Klamath Falla, were mar
rinl at that place March 30, 1002.
Sheep ahearing will begin in a few
daya. Von need good aheara. Oetthem
at N-hminks. He carriea only the beat.
. Now, in thia political mlaup there la a
great deHl of talk of what ought to be
done, and all that. Honeatey now, if
you were in the other fellow's shoes,
could you do any betterT Reason with
It took the Convention in the First
CongrcHkioiial diHlri t at Koacburg just
one niimito to nominate Mr. Tongue for
CongreHM. The Convention alao paused
resolutions urging Congress to hnb a
pension bill in behalf of Indlmi War
vetttriuiH at onto, and against the lean
ing of the public rangea.
Will Went, one of the bright young
men of the Silver I-ake auction, whs a
vinitor in Lakeview thia week. Mr.
Wetd i juHt looking over the field, and
may manage one of the political Hghta
now on in Lake county. Went "saws
wood," and lielievea more in quiet action
than too iniiiih talk.
11. M. Miller, who with hla wife re
cently left Lakeview to locate at Bly,
writea to have The Examiner forwarded
to him at that place. Mr. and Mra.
Miller are in the employ of a sawmill
company near My, and Bay the mil'
haa been running ateadily aince March ;
lat. The ownera ot the mill property
re well known clticenaof Hprague River
valley, Messrs John Wells, Alltert
Walker, Jess Farker and W. Smith.
There haa been practically "nothing
doing" in the wool market during the
punt fortnight. The laat Imdon sulos
cloHod at 5 to 7V' per cent higher than
previous sules. The outlook in moHt
ButiNfiictory, and local wool growers will
get a mntcrial advance over hint aenaon'a
priivx. WimiI can How be contracted ill
Lakeview HI I" r. nl :n,d wo under
Bland 111 it. "he ti"er iiI'uimI to en
tr.. L lia 110-' clip at U'a. 1
ftesil annual Report ef tha County Clark nf
lata County, atala ol Oregon, showing lb
amount and mmlirr ol claims allowed by the
County Court ol aald ouUbly, for what allowed,
amniint of warrant! drawa, and amount ol
warrant, outstanding and unpaid, from ths lat
day ol Ormher, lnol.lotbs Hit day of March,
Iwut, both Inclusive,
ON tatf afvweirf ' I ao. or I (it'T
Ai.Lian IcLalaal laK
Bharlg Aim M
( lra WSI
JihIks 1 WM
iiirlntolut ......I IMiM)
Traeaur-f I WW
A unaif f t (
Commlaalonar .1 IT uft
l'h,li lan . , I l M
KiiH'k In.fM-rlor .
Kad Ma.u-r I MM
AMlaianra In ( lork, Offlrai 2 17AIM
Kiix-nn il I 'mill I r Koada I tMW
( ounl fauprra ID V
Kimrllna 2 '"""
( ounijr Mrrubaiidlan ...II IhxM
Htalloiiarraiidiimi'aMiiniilIra .11
I rai hora Hoard ol Kt 1 I
Hmallpni gnarantlna V 1I K1V
1'iihll.hliia and I'rlmltiar 4 raM
l uronrra ln'iicata 14 IM4A
Circuit Court Jnrora m wi on
Wltnrawa Ii
KT-.rir I I7UU
Halllff I M iki
IIMalnlnc alijr. Ira I lujuo
Hoard ol Hrlaonara I ' H)
Work. Hiitldlna ant Hi-oalri .. V a7 W
Ju.llr. Court 4 !
Mlx'Pllaiiniiil 4 40 In
xalp Honnt 414 7l4(l(i
Toial.. . . T IAnn4WS
(iniaiaiidlna nnoald County W arranta on tha
l.t day of March 1UOJ IViaM t
K.tlnialid Intfrral ai-curcd tharmn .. bramu
Tmal .1111111111 of utioald Warranta and
imcrr.t mma i
CoenTf or I. a a I
f, William (iuntliar. Caunly Clerk of the
County ol 1-ak. Niata of Orrfun, do hrrrby
rrrilly that tha lorroln la a trua and rorrrol
aiatpiiirnt ol tha nuinlxir and amount ol rlalma
allimrd by tha County Court ol aald County lor
the al liiolll In endlna on tbnal.t day of March,
luoi, on what acoounl Iba aatna wrra allowed,
and the amount of warranta drawn, and tha
amount ol warranta oolalaudlna and onpald aa
the ainn aiear upon the rerorda of my office
and in my omrlal ruatody.
W lluraa my band and the aeal of the County
Court ol aald Couuty I It la lat day of April, A. l.
County Clark.
Heml-annual Huinmary utinnlo' tba nnan
rial rondlilou of the ( onnty of IJike. In the
Kiaia ul orrgon, uu tha lial day ol March, A. 1.
To warranta drawn on the Count yTreaa-
iirrr, and oui.ianillu and unHtld. . . .V4A4 U
To i-.tlniaud aniuuiii ul intrrcat accured
thrrron W OS
Tolal enw 44
By fundi In hand, of county Treamirer
aoplu ahla to the payoivut ol county
warranta T. I1.147 M
II y eillmaled unpaid current taira
appllrahle to the payment ol county
warrama a?40t
Amount dua from Ml ate.. .. (KIM
Total Krourea 1KA1 m
H. inl annual eiaieiueui m the nunty Treaa
jrer uf Ijike County, oreniin, lor the ill moiithi
rndliiK on the illai day of March. A. Ii. lutM, ol
mouey received and paid out, from whom re
ceived and fmm what aource, aud on wbat ac
count paid out.
. !. T'Ho(lL
in aivru rexo
To amount uu baud Irom Uat
report . tiaorniiMctai
On hand la.l report rta runo. wu M
Hihh!'I acb'l rnd (Wl Ta
lu. lllute I" "d .. I Wlio
Amount! ree. laiea, Hbrrifl .. 3243 22 :Li ja
mail lund ... IU IA
(II Kl
Himn'II ach'l rd
Library fund "
a 40
th .in
Sin UU
'AO tu
76 l
'. a.v K; 71
IS 00
10 00
SO 10
a xn
l.'WJU 37
Bupt. Inut fund.
" Clrrk lera
' ' Bcalp fund..
' ' Kal. J. Iieiiarmo..
' hrdpt. ol Ijin.l ..
" Currier I li.
" Itavtiuiii M'li. ". .
Kound on dead lMly, Coroner..
An't re. Irom 1.. A. Moaa Kiuea
" " Hol t aale ol t Mi..
Total 71
By amount l out on warranta. 2tl a&
Hilpla' '
By hal. (ieneral fund on hand.l.'iU? M
' Hehool ' ...
Am't ald Miale Treai
Ppecial School fund
" lu.tnuU' lund
Halanre on hand
Hpii lal Schmil lund
" Koail fund
" Library lund
Cocktv or Lake i
I. l-ce lii all. do hereby cerlllr that Ihc lore-
Rolnit la a trua and correct atalement ol the
amount rereweii. iall out anil remaining on
hand. In the County Trca.ury ol mud county
for t lie all iiinnlha ending on the 3lt day ol
March, A. I. H'.'.
W llncaa my hand thia lat (lay ol April, A. I.
I.KK IIKAI.', County Treaaurer.
Ki'inl annnal Stnleineiit ul the amount ol
money and Marmot, received lor !, and
iiioiiev u.ld to the Coiimv 1'rca.urcr bv the
Hhenfi of Lake County, (IrcKiiii, for the 1
moiilh. cliiltUK on the ;t I t l ol March, A. l.
To amount, r Ived lor I lit) ninnthiof:
Oct. lu coin aud currency
' in nl v H arrant.
Nov. In coin ami currency
" lu county warrama
I lie In coin and curreiuy
" I n county warranla. . . .
.tan. In colli and currency..
" In coiiiny warrant. . .
Kcby. lu coin and currency.
" in inn my wi rratita
March In ' oin and currency
" In county warranta....
(traiul Total
It T amount pah' duriiiK the nioiilha of:
Oct. To County Treasurer
uv. "
Dec. "
Jan. " rtA S4
Kcby. " " Oft.17 -1
March " 7a7 Kl
Oramt Total Mfooitt
Cockty or Liaa ( '
I. II. K. Iniiilap. HharllT of anid county, do
hereby ccrnly that the foregoing lateinent la
correct and truo.
W ltueaa my hand thil lat day of April, A. I),
H. R. IU'NI.AP, Hharin of Uke County.
: t
hl:il 7fi
ltk.t.S ft.H
ft.H.M W
. $:n:o -Ht
Six caaea of aiualloz are reported at
Heno, but the people there do not kick
at the public ex pen tie of endeavoring to
quarantine and keep the diHeaae from
threading. Washoe county haa used
several hundred dollara of public fund
In the effort.
J. K. lternard haa purchased the reai
deuce of J. S. Field on Dewey street,
now occupied by E. H. Cheney and
family. The latter haa rented tbe houae
of Minn lieliu Snelling, who will Boon re
move to Monmouth where Miaa Madel
Knelling will attend school.
II. tiore, veterinary dentiet, will beat
Vernon' livery Btablo for two weeks,
old horses made voting. All work done
in tliHt-clasa style. Also have a Una
ineiit guaranteed to readily heal up the
woibt cuts on your hureo from barb wire.
Irvln Ayres.
Ii. C. Whltworth.
050. H. Ay re.
The Recent Earthquake Shocks
Felt oycr In Asia Minor were certainly the direct result of the
Drop in Prices
At the
Big Store
And were not due to the explosion of accumulated Sewer Gas in Town
Aykes, WnrawoRTii & Attkes
Free of acab and in fine condition,
with a year'a fleece on their backa.
Compoaed of 800 ewea with lamb to
choice Delaine bncka. Will commence
lambing about May lat. Price per
head. Alao, 800 yearling wethera with
a year'a fleece, price 13,25. Apply to
Thob. II. Phebuh-b.
H 2 Summer Lake, Oregon.
Ralph day and Sheriff Dunlap over
took the runaway Indiana mentioned in
our laat iaaue, who escaped from the
amallpox quarantine atalion at Head
man, and returned w ith them last Friday
evening. They were found seven miles
from Adel. The Indiana are now guard
ed by J. C. Basey at-Deadman. Indian
Johnny, whoee mahala died recently
from the diaeaae, haa contracted email- j
pox, which ia aaid to be in a light form.
It ia well to cloaely guard tneae people in
quarantine, bo that the germs may not
be spread broadcast over the county. ,
The Oder of Flowers
That Is what a perfume should be
true to Nature, delicate, lasting
We have just received a fresh lot.
from the place where the flowers
grow. These are among the most
delicate extracts made; they con
vey an air of refinement. If you
have never used any of our per
fumes, come in and sample them
A large variety to select from.
Beall's Drug Store
John 1'artin, Jr., the wideawake
atock man from Summer Lake, arrived
in Lakeview on a business trip last Sun
day. Mr. Partin occasionally picks up
a few head of atock in hia travels, and
on his way down last Saturday bought
twelve head of mixed cattle from J.
Prader. Ten daye ago he turned on his
summer range In Thompson valley 3.50
hi ad. All the cattlemen in the north
are sending their herds to the summer
ratine. He informs us that the grpss
has a good start up north.
Norn located
In the
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
Lineolum, Carpet Covers.
Hj Undertaking in every branch i
jx. ma Xixza-xs or rxritJXTXJitiE3
Bob Richardson, Al. Htoll and Jack
Moinyhan, three of the gay knights of i
the grip, who entertained our business .
men several days last week, left for Mo-!
doc Saturday. Thia is a trio that it!
takes a fu'l hand to beat. j
I'lllti'd Htatea I .ami Office,
Lakeview, Oregon, March -Jt, iwtt.
Notice la hereby glveu that In compliance
Willi the iirovlaluna ol the act ol t'uuureuol
Junes, lH7i. entitled "An act fur the aale ol
timber land! In the Htatea ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
extended to all the fulillc Laud Htatea by act
ol Augiial 4.1MU, lna K. Ilavtkiutol Lakeview.
I'Olllllv til mkmw vi viciiih, mw i.,,. ,
Ml. ..4 1.. Ku . .I.luin..,ll Ki iiS
lor the nurchaac of the 8Wi,i NK SW'-i eE'i
ol riecllon No. 14 In Township No 37 Range
No M K., W. M., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought la mora valuable for lu
tiinbt ror stona than for agricultural HirKnes,
and to emabllsh her claim to aald land before
luo kexUter and Kereiver of this ofticu at
Lakeview, Oregon on Friday, tha Sth day of
June, a, Hhe names aa wltneaaea: Klmer K.
Hlueiiart, Charles al. loveless, J. C. bhell
hammer. 8. P.DIokS all of Lakavlew, On-gou.
Any and all parsons claiming adversely the
above-dcaerlfced landa at requeated to file
their claims In this oBoe on or before saidtlh
dayol Juoa, lvttt.
I. at . aiTria,
ISapJlO Hagister.
Mewl a) at all henra of the
Fine Sunday Dinners WZvSl
Table awpplled with rvrry..
aanriirt errorua.
I.hihI Office at Lakavlew. Oregon. Aprils,
I'M.!. Notice is hereby glveu that Kehemiah
Kiue hat filed notiloe of Intaotlon to make
Hiiul proof bafora tha Kegisler and Receiver at
Ihulr ottlue In Lakavlew, Oregon, on Friday,
the Itiih day of May, 1WJ3, on timber culture
application No. VS. for lots l-t-a-4 of section
No. Hi. in Township No. S& South. Kange No.
115 Kant. He name as witnesses: Warreu ('.
I.alnl. ('lav K a in bo, Darlil Jones, all ol l'luh.
Oreitou ana William t. Mossol lakeview.
U ot g. M, tiaaTTAiN, Kegutvr.
av yHIviv y
Is rapidly forging ahead and
E. B. Follett, the Merchant
is trotting along at the head
of the procession.
Has already been received and more
new goods nre arriving at our etore
Ml the time
We have everything - ' 'in the
Grocery Lino. A -v" 1 !'"e uf O. n ',.
Fancy Shirtn. A( imuf
Cnndies, Cigars and Tooaccoa, Wati
for our Dry Goods Display.