Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 10, 1902, Image 2

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f ah Counttf iramtner
Pa.llsh. Bitty Taaradaji
MitHk BiilMtaf
(One Year,
J Sl Months
(Three Months
. .. . - .... I
ne tm-h
Two Inchon
hire lnehea. . . .
nartcr Column
II waiwt-MWNfl'i tw
l w'i mo s ms n i '
2 53 SSMSiiiH n
S 0l Ml . ii JO W S4 W
Half Column l)'IJm(llW !U
Colun,n JJooo.asoo .sMw,tw
East Side Herald of Portland
"the land leasing bill now before the
country was drawn for the purpose of
giving a few the advantage of all other
lasses In the struggle for existence. It
was dra-vn adroitly to be made to ap-
rear to te in the interest ot tne Home
steader while at the same tune giving
that feature of the west a killing blow,
ffo man except he be a large owner of
live stock can afford to favor the bill."
It ia hoped by all the big stockmen that
each a bill may become a law, but they
are doowed to disappointment this ses
sion ot Congress. They will never quit
working on the proposition, however,
antil they get some such law as is pro
posed, and then good-bye to the home
steader with his few bead of stock, and
the small stockman who now winters
on the desert and goes to the mountains
with his flock in the summer, in Lake
eoonty. That tbe wealthy men be
lieve fully in the success of the scheme
to lease the public lands at no distant
day is shown in tbe movement iow be
ing made even here in Lake county to
aay nothing of a like movement through
out the Western states to capitalize
and iiicorjsirate into big companies to
control the ranges and stock business of
the country. Only a few weeks ago a
corporation w9 formed in Lake county,
with B. Daly at the head of it, to buy up
a big tract of land for this purpose, and
il is an open secret that the syndicate
ill later ou include the Warner Valley
tock Company, of which Charles Cogs
well is the leading spirit, and the
French-Glenn Company with F. C.
Lusk, the father of the land leasing
scheme, at the head of it, thus making
one gigantic segregation of capital to
sweep away the email stockmen of
Southeastern Oregon. The people of
Lake county may well look with alarm
at this great movement that will ulti
mately result in the ruination of a great
- industry and kill off a business that is
the mainstay of this county the busi
se of the small slock raiser. Id order
to sbeist them in their scheme this big
corporation is turning heaven and earth
to Lave B. Daly elected to the Judge
flip in this county. Verily, tl.e time
fcss come when the people must be on
their guard !
H jtwithetanding Modoc county is badly
cripoled financially as a result of the j
recent lyching cases, still the authorities j
tbtre are vigilant and are sparing no ex- j
Itunse to quarantine against the small- j
pox, and to keep the ditieaee from get
ting a foothold in that county. Modoc
'.a a quarantine against Lake county,
Uie fumigating station being located at
Uie htate line. The County Court of
take county is receiving considerable
cloture in a political way for doing its
doty in attempting to keep the disease
Worn spreading and to stamp it out in
tuts county. Had Judge Tonniugsen
taken jio action in the matter in this
tuAyi and the parties who are doing
the n?t talking about the smallpox
quarantine extravagance had taken the
disease, what an ungodly howl would
have been made againbt that ollicial for
not doing hi duty. Consistency is a
jtfwel rare. The idle public babbling
that the smallpox in Lake county was
"no mild," and "so harmless," that it
was not necessary to resort to extreme
Measures to guard against it, is knocked
mi the head since the horrible death of a
well kuowu citizen of Pauley from the
disease. It must have been an extremely
mild case that caused the death of the
poor old mahala at Deadman a few day
ago. Oh yes; this smallpox is a very;
plnnMt dde-ar to have. It U"do miM"
nil "liarmlen I" lh whr, Mniibl
people of Like county ill conidder that
Juic Tonningwo did Ida full duty in
the prvminet when he ordered the quar
antine, lied tlioee In authority In
l.aaevirw aciru aa aim-ir, iiunya niiiu
, . 1 !.! .t I l.
j not have happened that have. The laly
: cohort are aaaiduoua in their work id
i ti . : .i
niaainn a uiin awry nut oi wi
malli quarantine einae, but it will
wwumhmib,. ...........a
. CBn UnJ on ,la in ,,. mtu,r
before Hie people without an aKloK)'.
It ia aaiil thai the ininlnK and oil men
of California are uniting to urge l'reni
; dont KiMwevelt to Kct Hinr llvrmiin.
Commissioner 0f tie Uenvral Land
, ortice M ie .accessor l0 Secretary of
the in,erior it.-hcock. Secretary
j Hitchcock has shown himself antaon
j igtic to ,he minill( oU interests
The of Mr. Herman would be a
good one aa he ia familiar with the du
ties of the Secretary and ia probably
better poeted on land matters than any
man in the couutry.
The death of Cecil Khodea at Cape
town on tbe 2btu ult. removes a great
character from active life. He was
famous for his great wealth, and was
the main factor in the instigation of
tbe British-Boer war. Ilia wealth is es
timated at 40.000.000 pounds.
Dr. Paly says he has not yet ac
cepted the Democratic nomination for
Judge of Lake County, but everybody
knoms what that means. He will
make the race just the same and he's
going to come out a beautifu' second.
Congressman Frank Coombs of Cal
ifornia says the land leasing bill has no
show of passage.
"I have not the slightest hes
itancy in recommending Chamber
lain'a Cough HemeJy to all who are
suffering from coughs or cold." cays
l has. IM. Uritnier, r.., a well known
nati'h maker, of Colomlio, Ceylon. "It
has lieen some two years since the Citv
Dispensary first cMled my attention to
this valuable mediciue ami 1 have re
peatedly used it and it his always lieen
beneficial. It has cured me quickly of
all chest colds. It is especially effective
for children and seldom takes more
than one bottle to cure them of hoarse
nesg. I have persuaded many to trv
this valuable medicine, and they are all
as well pleased as myself over the re
sults." For sale by Lee Beall, druggist.
Bucklen'sArnlca Salve.
Has world wide fame for marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for uts. orns,
Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers Tet
ter, alt Hheum. Fever Sores,, happed
Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for
Piles, lure guarantee. Only 25 oents
Lee Beat's.
If one-half of your taxes are not paid
on or before the first Monday in April
(April 7th) there will be ten per cent
penalty and twelvw er cent interest
added. H. K. Dvnlap, Sheriff. If.
It Cure
That the nersonal question a woman
asks herself when she reads of the cure
of womanly diseases by the use oi ur.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Why shouldn't it cure her ?
Ia it a complicated case? Thousands
of such cases have been cured by " Fa
vorite Prescription." Is it a condition
which local doctors have declared m
.,.,oi.u A mono the hundreds ot thou
sands of sick women cured by the use o
Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescription there
are a great many who were pronounced
incurable by local doctors. Wonders
have leeii worked by "Favorite Pre
scription'' in the cure oi rrreguiaruy,
Wnintf drains, inflammation, ulcer a
tion and female weakness. It always
helps. It almost always cures.
Thr yeant K. write. Mr. Joliii t.r.hjra.
of aoiK Plumb fttrwt, (Hmnkford) 'hiUrtrli.lim.
Pa "I hml very ImhI allnck ul tfroy winch
left' me with heart triMitite. anil aUoa very weak
!r,,.m . ".Zl . il.Mt I did not know
what to l with mvell My chillren "'IviMrd
me t lake voiir ' Favorite prerriplion lul I
Ifr IIIHI I www iiih'wi " t i
came to Philadelphia two yeara aifo. and pick
inn up one ol youi litlle Us,k .me .lay l-yaii to
r what ymir medicine had done lor oilier. I
d" urnii i",f lo iry il "y:l -
lie. and today I ru a .tronK. well woman
wrKl"iiK 1'" limud.. Have ismnds
liiict I itarle-f lo u Favorite Prer.plion.'
I)r Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the
ssmplexion and sveclen the breath.
a ,.! Mt
g r ?ne new
H il Firm
i m a v a
.. i ne LaKeview mercantile company..
r M Miller, rrraldrat
V A Mr hart. V r
V L. Mar lilac Mrr A Trraa
1 Lakeview flercantile Co. I
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Detlen a turtle. &rilU. IrM
f eKhi m GeMral Imm W.rk
Elf's Cream Balm
Ewy and pleaaant to
rum. Cutitaiu. bo la
Jurloa. drtis.
it I. quickly arwnrnwi.
Uim Kalief al once.
ipn. v.u- . n. r n
Heaia and Protect lh Membraoa. RMtore. Ih4
HeoMa of Tula and hmelL Larif. o cent, al
Pruirpau or hr mail : 1 rial dim, 10 ema oy man.
Tinker altare riaal fraor
I'navd Mate. Ind Offlr. at IJikevl.w, lr-
eiron. aarrh M. Notice Is hereby riven
that John Partln Jr., has tiled nolle of inteti-
lion to make dual priad U-lore li. II Wardwell,
I. H. 1'oiiiinlK.loner t hl.omre In Httver Lake,
Or.'Knii, mi Saturday, Ibu lMih ly of April,
llloa. on tlnilH-r ciil(re aiMralla No. 1W,
(or the Uil I and o iH ctloii Nn. ft, iu Town-
hlp No. :) H.. Kanife No. IA K.. W. M. II.
name. a. uitneMM-a: '.'. Harris. V. M. liar
riii, T. I. Hiandlcy, t. T. Partln, all of Hnoiinei
iJlkx. Ilrellou. M. n-TTl
ll.Mar.Jli K.K'l-'.
Ijtnd OrHee, Ijik. vli'Mr, On'Koll.f
March IM. IWi. I
Nolle- lit ln-r liy Kiven thai rhe followln-
iihiiih.i M-iin r li. lil. il noMi c ot in. iiit. nii.iu
to in n L o tiiial rix. In Minr of lii. claim,
nlnl Dial laid proof will in- made li-lore the
Ki K'll'-r and Ki c.-lvi r at l.ak.-rlcw, Drexon,
mi pril 'Jl. i'. vi: iicnrirc item, n. r.. ii.
.'.V fur the ' i.f NW' SK'. ol W'. ami
HWit of SK', See. la, In. :w A., H w K. He
iiami'H tin foilowinK wllnceiv to onve hia
c.iiriiiiiiiii. rcidi-iuic upon and ciilllvistlnn of
Haul land, viz: A. W. Hryau, D llryaii, Joe
Payne, Krank Itcid. all of l.akevlew, iin-Knn.
uiar-ll K. M. Bkattain, Kegiatcr.
bailee of MrttUaaenf r Hull A
In the County t'anrt of th HtaU- 4 OreHa,
for tlui louiitv of jk. la the matter of I he
enlate il llarrltiVt Watlera, aVceau'd.
TO. WHOM ir M A V CUNCKKN't Notion I.
hereby alren thai the undcr.iKncd, Artnonl.
irator of the eatate of Harriett Vt altera.
decaaiwd, ha flh-d hia Filial Acrmiot a. of Mid e.tatc. Iu tbe oIUr. ol th.
County Clerk of Lak County, Urei(o, and
Martday, April 1th., IIMHa.
at 10 o'clock a. m. ol aaid day at lh Coon-
lime an"! place for hearitiK uUli-ctlolia to
said Final Account, If any there be, aud for
the acitrncnl thereof.
Uated this Mb day of March, A. P. lliftt.
rmiJ. BR ATI AI.N,
Administrator ol the cntalu of Harriet Walter.,
deceased. n.aria-lU
l aud Office at l.akevlew, Oregon,
March 17. 1WJ2,
Notice U hcrehy (flvcn tbat In compliance
with the iirovLloti. ol the act of Colore., of
June X, 17N. entitled "An act for lh. .ale of
tlmlicr larnl. In tn states of Califonila, Oreron,
Nevada and VVar.hlmrton Territory," a. extend
ed to all I he Puhlle Hand HI ale. by act of Au
gust 4, 1'-', William Harvey of Fal.ley,
county of Lake, Hiate of Oregon, has this day
tt'ed III this ottlcn hi. .worn ktatement No. '4M,
lor the iiurcliam. of the K'j NF.1. HW(i NK'i,
NK'i HK' ol H.-clloit No. 7, 'I'll. 'XI H. K. 17 K.,
and will offer proof to k'iiim thai the land miUKht
i.iuori) valuable lor It. Iluibi r or .tone than
for agricultural iiiriioe., and to e.lahli.h hi.
claim ioald land licfore the Kegl.lcr and K
ccivcrof till, nltlce at iJiki-vlrw. Oregon, ou
Saturday, llu- 'iili d.v ol Mk, He name,
aa v. Itiii'ukim: IV. A. Currier, Jainca Mcediane,
J. V. Mi IiuIihIiI, John Krll. y, all of l',
Oregon, Any and all crMHi claiming ad
verM'ly the above-ileacrllu-d UndHar. reitie.ti.-il
to Hie llu-lr i lniiii. Ill t Ilia ollice ou oi beforc
taid Villi dny ol Mhv, V'i.
maiio-ll V.. A. 11(ATTAN, lluyl.ttr.
TTh ThThfTh New k
oPOU'oU'U'HJ capital U
it m i
Successors to M. C. ROTHE &
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
5. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
kccognled as the
Wagon ami Hn.'gy Ilarnost. Whips, IlohcH, Ileatas, J
Hits, Spurs, Quirts,
G Kopairing of all kinds, by
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Writelfor
estimates on contract work & material
Great Reductioa in
Fine Line of Latest
Billiard and
:ereford Stock Farm
j- 1 m t ,-.aCat
Lit-' t.V J
1 l - F li'"
4.f?.?sZUZ tMt:j) Y.W
if ... ... r-VU-' t
or THK
r M Mlllrr. ! A Krkart
V I. MaflllaB. Rrbt MrliN
WrNffM, miirwi
tlrtrfr II llaaalaa
Itcat Vaquero 5addle
Rosettes, Kte. -if-
competent men. -f- -f- J
Pool Room
Drews Valley. Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
5 Registered Yearling Bulls
I IOO, 125 and lOOeach
LAIDOR ALAMO head of herd