VOL. XMII. LAKKVIKW, LA KK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL. 10, 1902. NO. 11. III! MIDWAY WAN I S Till; I.OCAI. SYSTEM. Mr. (i.itcs Says III Company Will l.vpict to be Trent vtl ur I y ly 1 .oc I IVopk'. , 1 1. . I ..! ' ..I i : I ii in Miir lii-t nr. hi' ! ' i'l .i' ti tl.e ' ' "I' ll I i i . ..Mil i i !. in.'' '.ii hi I In- .. ,1 v ..f ! . . .. ' ii- !.:. '"n'' ;, .,. i .. i .,. .. ! I-; i . mm i.ti in::-M-i'n uij inv I! .ni'l.t- i.iif- ln I 'll!" .1 li'in in. in A-lii ni'l mi l I..ii.i sn w I'" -1 1 ! im Ii.ii f MM. Ill tl.tie. mi" iiimI. i I i J. 1 1 to In in ; V''il' p.-.tpic II. Li loin lulllli.'ilt I'll ttll'l till- III. ill" lli'l ill pi-.ipll' "ViT till :ltr Mil. I I'.illt iM.i.l now tl-iurf !'! I 'li'M'-. We are l.uililiiik' it k' I line, ni'Ci'M-itrilv ,it lii.ivy .-x j ii-i-; it i through spar- nrly settli-d MM"ll. niid We Illllt ile'li.l . in .11 r iff iiiiiiulii lur mi.ii t. We have ii rl-lit In expect geni-nniM treatment inn! conliiil welcome ln.ni your i-ople. We i'liu hi i;tnt,'c mi exchange tlmt will I'luii' ii plume lit III" clliow ui our pa trons ul home, hoiel, (r huMOurs house, through w huh tiny (-mi communicate with anv other u-r ( the Bell phone there or outride. No one else has tli authority to promise or do this in Lake view territory. K any other system gs in we will Ihj barred out. No two .yaWius . can .exist tltare one or th other must keep out. Your people must make the choice between system that rolilitH-lM them willi tliu outside world, and all the ramifications ( dm longest and greatest service in tlio world, or tt miaH Ih'hI affair. An this choi-: uiay effect our con ftnu'tiini in Ihut county no hope to hear of some public expression at once. Peaceably wc go there, Imt we will not light lr hii opportunity to invest money where there ar so many hcu lative chance to take. Yours Truly, II- V. Uatks. SILVCK LAKli HlLliS. Hii.VKii I.akic, On mio m, April 3, l'.KlL': (To tlm l-Mitor) : It in truu a Imd h-ii-ny nlw uyH ri'turiiH, no Ja-ro 1 oniiiu iihmi w ith a It'w ilciiiH, iiftor a ImiiC abfcmi'. iprintf linn coinu ami n'vi-ral Hl.xk iiiuii liavti turnuil tliuir rattle on the dea 'rt. Mr. Vri(lit arrived (runt the desert Sunday, lie rcorta uritHa growing nicely. John Myura la camping on the del rt for hia health, and is engaged in pumping water (or Joe l'orter'i cattle juat to pan away the time, you kuow. MiMaua Vada Bonharo and Isabella Wright two ol Kilver Lake's young la dies, are teaching school this spring, the former in the Johnson district and the latter at Clover Flat. Tom wishes them all success, while Lo extends ayuopathy to Elim and Ram. F. M. Chrismaa bad the misfortune to make a "miallck" while chopping wood, the other day, and struck his right thumb with the ax blade. He aays he is "taking vacation now and somebody else can split wood." Miss Dovie Blair is visiting at Mrs. Maud Small's. M. L. Troth is working (or T. J. I brie. , Mr. and Mrs. Cull Hamilton intend to start for Portland in fe'V days. Little iMhmael and l.ina will stay at Mrs. KiiHick's during the absence of their parents. Ir. Smith left last Monday on a busi ness trip to Portland. Several tA our stockmen have, k'n'i'l rain'lii'ii nil tliu KUinnili iniirli, wIhti-tlu-y i'x rt to lit' w hii iiliilii'liiiH'ii n( day III in i h'Hi. TuM 'I in mil ANNUAL MI:I:MN(1 Ol Mil: I.OCAI. 'JMIOMi COMPANY: Central Sy .slcni lor I .nkcv ic lie ; Suinc liimril of lii d tor it mid a i New .SctriUiry I.Ucti'tl. i i A I Ii." ;nii.'iil iiH'i'liu of f In l.'lUi'j I ', .ui,! 1 1 ,.- . . !, ( ' i ii ; i ii v lii-M lit ! l.'i.i. ii ,-i.ii..!.iv, ' .liiiin ll.niVj , i .. n- .-..,!. .i 'i ......i. i,i of I In- I '.mi- ' I , . I, v , :i i.. t !i;i . I in I,. n Ii i lfi I - 1 j .-. . 'i l.n l.i i l, i' i. V. I.. Mii-illliU, ; 1 .; -iik a ui, .a. I li-rin. 'I In-1 i -.in,.. 1. I ..( .Iii.tI .i-, K. M. I'liri- ! in. iii. I..-.I. Co in, WilliHiii lUrvi y, V. I'. 1 . i I'.i'l iiii'l S. l. CliHii.llt r ru- Ii- i U i l.-'l . Till- '... I IllI'l.TH V'.tl'.l ll llll'.W till' till rrt.. Iff l.l 111. or lill lli'lrlit.-ila.-n-i liw. to i xri i'il 1,1hi fur tin' jiiirM.i of " tiililil.iiiK u I.M iil f v n t -1 1 1 witli ci'iilrul l inlliri' in l.aki-vii'w, nml to nin'liuno ' .i..iii'N an. I kiIi-k ami inaku m-i't-HKiiry ! n-'iiir on tin' liiii. Two ilown plionen i-rii or.lori-.l fur tliu ynU-ui and nllii'm w ill l orili-rtil aa tliu tiiifiiifp" ol tin' lo'al yU'in incrtam-a. Tlie w..rk ol xvttiiiK tliu kiK- out and put tu.K in tliu fyclciii will U'tfin an ihkiii a) HtUlU. The Italian Company The company ol Italian gardeners who have hatd B(ty acres ot fine land from John Iteid at New Pine Creek, Intend to eiH!ue in K''ii'''l ganluning on anexttn rive pcule. The 1'X'nl gur.leners, it in Daiil, are up in arum aitniiiMt the new enler priM' inaugurated by the lore-gu elfinent, as they U-lieve their buniiieHs will l Kcri.iiinly injure.l in conneijuence. However, the Italian eomiiany dincluiin any iuU'iiti. in of injuring the loeal men, and alU'tci' tlmt their buninesa is legiti iniite, ami tl.cy proniKu to con. 1 net it on li-itiuate plans. The iiulii-atioiiM are (uvoralilo fur a merry war when garden truek reaches the market. The Kxnm itier hopes tlmt no man's bitniiiesH will ln serioiifly impaired l.v Uio advent ol the Italian tturileiiers, and thai there will be HHiiu for all. A Vexetable war w iih i"it prieu in pumpkins and lieuns and "sieli" will redound to the benefit of the eniiHUiiiers, but it ia to tie hoed that the cmniietitiou in this line will result in nothing disastrous and that each gardener will receive a fair price for his product and nothing more. Socialists Will Meet The local branch ol a rapidly growing political organization known as the Socialist party will hold a meeting at the court house in Lakeview next Satur day at 1 p. m. for the purpose of per fecting au organisation in this county. The meeting will be addressed by W, O. Moses, a gentleman who' recently came from Njw Zealand, a country where Socialism ia practiced and its results are apparent. Mr. Moses is well qualified to give an interesting discourse on the subject, and invites people of all politi cal faiths to attend the meeting and hear what be has to say. It la understood that the organisers will place a county ticket in the field to be voted for on the second of June Hon. 8. P. Moss is in attendance at the Democratic State Convention held at Portland today, as a delegate from Lake. He also carries with him the proxy of II . C. Fleming, the other delegate. F, Leonard and wife of the X. L. ranch were guests at Hotel Lakeview last Thursday. Mrs. Leonard was formerly Miss Ella Ilollingsworth, who lived in Lakeview. 9 i Vh:4-f t'l . 7 . J 1 KXprouut itoiicncj.M'-viNK's m:st of titk south pole. i K. iJort'in-rrrvhik, tiji Nuwiaii -xphn-r. m hnn Hn-trat-fi mre thnn .Vi niil- rt'"ftr r tlii tuith poli: tluttutitv of Ian jtr'ij'.MH. in uli.i.iv prpH)intr for iuwitoT trip to tlmt iiiyurifit ttMl imtTi P'Mituiiit liicli miMjrt no rintuimnliiia life nd pr(Kl-ici no n-nrft ii.-fi'.iJ t fi ' Ii- vi '. "-S.' kiMi'iluiti Pi..- nu ii'itn p irtnnt lichen. Mr. liurcJtifnsvink will mb.ttily up a in iui -Hi oltl atiip, the NMifh-ra U.'ii. SliAll-ANNUAL 5TATt:Ml3NT OF OUR PUBLIC DEBT Hot Thins: Por Our Demo cratic Friends to Use as a Campaign Document I IT TOLLS THE TRUTH And Puta the Mark of Falsehood on the Daly Vote-Catcher, the "In creased Debt" Bugaboo. The Seuii-Annual Statement of the county oflicers preentd to the taxpay ers of Lake County today by The Ex aminer is the best argument present able to refute the statement of the po liti ul enemies of the Republican county administration who are trying to make the taxpayers believe that Lake county is gradually going deeper and deeper in debt. The leport is a glaring refutation of the statement so ariniduously and iersiHtcnlly circulated all over the county aa a Dr. Daly vote cat her. The figures do not lie. The reRirt is sworn to by the Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer. It is not The Examiner's purpose to mislead the taxpayers by claiming that all the credit for the excellent financial standing of the county is due to the ad ministration of the present County Court, but this paper would have the public know that the present sheriff, backed up and working under the or ders of the County Court of Lake County in the collection of taxes, has made it possible to show this excellent condition of p'iblio affairs at this time. It has been charged, and is still being bruited about, that the County Court, through extravagance of public funds and defective business management, has failed to reduce the public debt, but on the contrary, has continued to run the county deeper and deeper in debt during its incumbency. " The facts do not bear out the statement. ' Wheu Chas. Tonningsen was elected to the County Judgeship the public debt was t09,OG3.00. On the first day ot April, 11)02, the actual indebtedness was H5.tlO4.02, and today it scarcely reaches 143,000. On April 3, three days after the report was made, Treas urer Lee Beall called in county war rants to the amount of $15,147.53, cut ting off further interest on that amount and reducing the debt to about $45,000. The Treasurer's books show that today the indebtedness of Lake county only runs back two years and four months. i ft w f y sz- v . f f i 7" 7 - : 'v. M . The Southern Cross .j aA--. w- And today, also, Lake county warrants are Hi'llmn at par. ! In two years more, under the present conduct of public affairs, Lake county '. should be practically out of debt and w ill be if the wealthy men of Lake county are compelled to pay their just proportions of taxes, the same as the poor man does. There has always been a disposition on the part of the wealthier cIbsmss in this county to evade the law in paying their taxes, but Asaeesor John Blair is determined to use every means at his command to compel the wealthy class to give in their eworu statements in a just and equitable proportion. For this reason it is probable that As sessor Blair's re-election will be warmly con let-led by those who evade their just taxes. There is also considerable comment on the increase in taxes this year, and the blame, if any is merited, is laid at the door of the County Court. It is a well kuow n fact that the State tax has gradually increased, and the Court must make the levy to meet this in crease. In some districts there are special school taxes to be paid, but this cannot be attributed to the County Court. To sum it all op these matters coming betore the people at this time is for cammign thunder to be used by the fellows who are out who want to get in. It is fallacy for any man to make the statement that if Dr. Daly ia elected County Judge he will reduce the taxes. He says he will, and it is repeated by his trusted lieutenants, but the state ment is absurd. It it claimed that be cause he bas been successful in bis own business ha would be equally aa success ful in managing the county business. Managing one'a own private business affairs successfully la accomplished by various methods o( shrewdness and often by deceit. The shrewd man gets the better of bis mora credulous neighbor in business matters. In his private affairs he ia not compelled to publicly acknow ledge his methods of doing business. But, as a conductor of a public business everything must be open and above board there is no cover under which to hide business methods in public affaire. The Examiner believes that the pres ent condition of affairs in Lake county, as shown by the aemi-annual report, will prove gratifying to the taxpayers who have been misled by the "iucreased comity indebtedness" story circulated in the interest of Dr. Paly, and against County Judge Tonningsen and Commia sioner Martin. BRYAN DBflOCRAT WANTS PLATFORH 5o Called Democratic Con tention Failed to do its Duly and is "l'p Against It I" I.;.ki view. On-i.m. April 5. )'M)2 ( I 'o Iii.' Editor; :--Clfvela:rl iMnoc r u'v, 'ioM I'nzitm simI l;x!le IIi-uri:-t. 'l in like c..urii ; J'njmli-tM inor'd ni'l hilvi-r I'fiii'frg t Hiricndi-red. 'Ilinti- the C'.rK'ili.'ti we are brought f.ice t'i (ace wi'.h in tlx? I'.tal contest now on. The pimple Silver men fol low, without A. art or inmpa-p, in the wake of the Lake County l'ai.k. In locking over the Kuftler' ac count of the IKmeratie convention it ia a most in.t ical.le fact that that party, wl.i.;h always prided it.ielf upon its prin ciples, has failed for the firpt time, so far a we know, to ad .pt a platform or en dorse the Kansas City Platform, or any oilier platform. ror years the cry lias been in Late county that the Populists were loyal to the IVmocrats in their fusions, but that Democrats had often Heeled thernselvee by "awapping off" Populists, and the result of the past elections lends color to this statement when viewed by impar tial mind. The so-called Democratic convention ol Lake county, having failed to adopt a platform, or to declare for its principle as announced by the last National con vention which must be the party plat form until another is put forth haa failed to nominate a Democratic ticket ; and unless the candidates declare them selves siLTKK mk.v, and endorse the Na tional platform they are not entitled to -the support of a single Populist, or Sil ver man of any party. Endorsing no platform they represent nobody, and are not entitled to have the names of their candidates placed upon the ticket. No one denies that there are two wings to the Democratic party. The Bryan Democracy is the only or ganization of Democrats that has had a ticket in the field here in Lake county for years. If this party is intended to represent the so-called "Reorganizers" Disorganize) of the party, it has had no previous representation here and it is questionable whether the candidates recently nominated are entitled to be placed on the ticket w ithout it is done by petition. They have only the name of the Dem ocratic party. If they are Democrats why do they refuse to adopt its plat form. If they are Gold 8tandard Dem ocrats, why not vote with the Republi cans, and why bid (or Populist votes? If you have no political principles wby graft on to another party? Verily, verily, the more one turns the situa tion over and examines it the worse it will be (onnd from now on to the day of election. Candidates you will have to . have vote to be elected. The people who will cast those votes have a right to know your political principles. De clare your political principles over your own signatures and place yourself on a candidates' footing. A Bkyan Democrat. W. A. Sherlock returned Sunday from bis sheep range near Christmas lake. Hi lianda will he headed (or the lamb ing grounds and shearing corrals today. Mr. Sherlock says that Springtime is noticeable in the north, that the new grass is several inches high, and the roads are dry aud dusty.