Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 27, 1902, Image 8

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Local & Personal
Coming & Going
Now for the political contest.
Ft t lot v!ilt.-mi,tthoMr.oi:rain.
V . " n i f nrr'vwl i i i ville
Spring planting Get your aeeds at
Sctiminck s.
The W. O. W. ball and supper was a
grand success.,
The spring weather brinies in the fes
tive "drummer" in great numbers
New nerfumes and toilet articles at
Heall's. Everything pure and fresh
Dr. Steiner returned from Paisley last
Thursday and reports Henry Hanan on
the improve again.
J. C. Dodson, the Surprise stockman
has sold his Bid well ranch to James
Kee, at a good figure.
Rev. Smythe preached to large au
alienees Sunday morning and evening at
tfte Methodist church.
Black Jack. Red Rose and 1 epsin
chewing gum at the Monogram, Ahls-
troax Bros.
J. W. Fitiwater was over from Sur
prise Valley last Thursday to attend to
I wid matters ou the West Side.
The Prineville Journal says that Wil
liamson is safe for Congress and will
have a big majority in convention.
During the past week five inches of
aow fell in Lakeview, and the "beauti
ful" piled up high in the mountains.
The planting season is here. Gel
your fresh and best seeds of all kind at
fichmincks. 12 2
Remember the dance and basket sup
per at the MCulley place tomorrow
nijjht. School benefit. Help it oul !
Ike Skillman and Frank Poor of Likely,
Modoc county, were here last week on
their way to Bly after a bunch of horses.
J. S. Field and wife and Miss Minnie
Kohinson returned home last Saturday
nihl from Valh ju, after an absence of
several months.
Take your pick of hats and clothing
:t Mhuiuick's at greatly reduced piices
aluiofet given a ay. 12 2
George Simpson, formerly a resident
of Lake county, was murdered at Al-
Vord, Harney county, a few weeks ago,
lT a nan named Pat Moure.
improvements are constantly being
ilc in the Oregon Hotel. Mr. and
tin. Wikleman are determined to give
their patrons good treatment.
Tomorrow will be Good Friday and
next Sunday will be Easter Sunday. It
Madura occurs that the ladies come out
5e ked wi'h Easter bonnets in March.
John McElhinney received a letter
last week from Al. Heminger, who left
iVtieview with a Klondike party in 1808.
Heminger is doing well in the mines at
WanflixHr, Idaho.
You enjov a good smoke, don't you?
1 ry an "El'Symphonie" at Lee Beall s.
iMiightfull Fragrant I 12-2
3. B. Fisher, the Drews Creek farmer,
viasintownTuetdayon business. Mr,
I tsher says the present conditions, of the
vreathtr and ground are very gratifying
to the farmer
Ham Branuan, woodsman, brought
frou Paisley last week for examina
tion lo prove Lis sanity, wag released.
. '6e unfortunate man was ill and ner
vous" 'r0Ba eP,,,lr Dd hardships.
fcNxLi Works building, Hudspeth
A Cloud piVprietors, was moved by Newt
Jstanley, Bud Uarvey and Clint Linebar
nec last Tuesday from Main street to the
comer lot on Water street, opposite
Bailey & MaBmr.gill's store.
l l at is the date for the pme ura w
jug at the Myogram. Willi every oo
Lefit cash purchase you get a ticket.
T,ie 3 per cent rebate on taxes paid
before March 15th, does not apply to the
Htate taxes paid by the counties. The
Htategets the whole wad. Lane county's
treasurer deducted the 3 per cent from
tl taxea sent to the state treasurer, but
Klamath and Lake counties are to be
connected with the outside world by tel
ephone. Good I But it will lie still bet
ter for that section when it is connected
with the outside world by rail. Saleui
Make your purchases at the Mownjrram
and net a ticket on each ou cent cacti
purcbc.te. Grand pnae drawing on
Aplil 1st.
Full details of the "Captain Racket"
and "Mock Trial" entertainments will
be given in The Examiner next week
Both these plays are side-splitters, and
will wake up things generally. April 7th
and 8th are the dates.
The Supreme Court of Oregon lias ac
cepted the resignation of J. W. Reeves
as deputy clerk and stenographer, and
appoiuled Arthur S. lien son, permanent
ly, to succeed him. The new clerk is a
son of Judge 11. L. Benson of the Cir
cuit court.
Grand prise drawing at Ahlstrom
Bros, next Tuesday evening. Make
what purchases you need at once and
avoid the rush. The pr.aes are band-
some and useful.
Frank Miller, who is serving time in
San Quentin prison for killing Chas.
Saling at Amedee in 1808, again dyed
his hands in blood the other day by
stabbing to death a fellow convict named
Jerry Harris. Miller has probably kill
ed his last man.
Miss Frances Jones returned to Paisley
last Monday, after a visit of several
weeks in Lakeview. Miss Jones is quite
popular here and her friends regret her
departure. Mrs. George V . Johnson
accompanied her to her home at Paisley,
and w ill be her guest for ten days.
F. T. Gunther received a letter from
iiis wife last Sunday which stated that
it was ex i: ted the invalid would be so
recovered by today or tomorrow as to be
able to leave the hospital. Mrs. Gun
ther will remain for some time with
"Grandma" King liefore returning to
Messrs Phelps and Holmes returned
from Burns lant Monday evening. They
made a long stay in Harney and while
there did some theatrical work with
local talent that was highly appreciated.
They will remain here to asit local tal
ent in "Capt. ltacket" and A .mock
Trial," April 7 and 8.
Better make your purchases at Ahl-
stroon Bros. Ietween now and next
Tuesday, April 1st, tor that is the date of
the grand prir.e drawing. Remember
that for every 50 cent each piircliace you
get a ticket which entitle you to a
chance in the drawing.
A. Castel, the popular postmaster at
Klamath Falls, has been nominated by
the Republicans of Klamath county for
Clerk. The postal inspectors give Mr.
Castel the credit for being the most ef
ficient postmaster in Oregon, as no er
ror in his work has ever been made of
record in the head department. This
is a splendid endorsement of the gen
tleman's ability and efficiency, and is a
guarantee that he wilt give Klamath
county most excellent service as County
Clerk. Mr. Cwtel will leave the gov
ernment service at an early date.
The facts of Mrs. Hammond's death
at Salem have just been learned here.
The impression was that the much be
loved woman bad succumbed immedi
ately alter submitting to an operation at
the hands of tho hospital surgeons, bu
such was not the case. The operation I
w as pel formed ou Wednesday aim wie
patient was supposed to be gradually
improving up to the following Monday
morning. However, at : a.m. on
that date the spark of life suddenly
flickered and went out, much to the sur
prise of the hospital physicians and sur
geons. Ho sudden was her death that it
is presumed the shock induced by the
operation affected the heart.
It Is to be hoped that all stockholders
in the Lake County Telephone A Tele
graph Company will attend the annual
meeting at Paisley on Monday, April 7.
Those who cannot attend should be
sure and give their proxies to some one,
to that a full vote may be had on the
business that will coroe before the meet
Ing. The main question that will come
before the meeting is, whether or not
the directors will be allowed to Incur a
further indebtedness in order to build a
telephone system in lakeview. If the
meeting votes to authorise such indebt
ed nes it will bo a step iu advance and
a valuable improvement lo the system;
not only that, but it will be a revenue
producer, as all the business places and
many residences in lakeview will use
the local system. Secretary Snelling
informs The Examiner that durng the
three dullest months of the year, from
iVcember to March, the enterprise as it
now stands paid fl'ft above all expenses.
This being the case it is not dillicult to
figure that with the pnoeed addition
to the system it will become a splendid
paying enterpre. The stockholders
should by all means voe for the further
improvement of the system, for if the
local company fails to put iu phones in
Lakeview the Gates Company will take
advantage of the opportunity and have
a local system here.
We have the very best facilities for
handling, storing and marketing your
wool. Just having completed a $15,000
fire proof brick building iu this ciiy
conclusively proves that we are in trie
business to stay.
It has been proven, lyond the shadow
of a doubt that, where large quantities
of wool are offered, belter prices are
obtainable. This was demonstrated
last season by the Baldwin Laud and
Cattle Company of Hay Creek, Oregon,
and by other concerns iu various sections.
We have three quarters of a million
pouuds of wool now pledged us and upou
the accumulation of 2'KI,000 pounds or
more, we will have well advertised sales.
This will bring purchacers to this mar
ket who have uever been in this held
before, thereby through competitive bid
ding getting U tter prices for wool than
could jMissibly le gotten otherwise.
We will make advances on wools up
to 3-4 of its market value, thus putting
you on a good financial footing w ithout
lessening your chances of receiving
highest prices.
Don't ship your wool loSan Francisco,
or sell to "one man" purchasers, and be
at the mercv of a few sjeculators : but
consign to us and let the wool be sold on
its merits.
We especially invite the wool growers
to an inspection of our plant. Give us
a trial shipment and be convinced of
our assertions.
12-ut Reno, Nevada
A Uxm Teachers' Institute will be
held at the Crane Creek school houBe on
Saturday, April 5, 1902, and the
aiou will open at 10 o'clock a. ni.
10a. in. Paper: Geography lor In
termediate Gradea, by Mim Hose O.
11 a. in. Paper: History (or Ad
vanced Grades, by Mine Pearl Hall.
12 m LuncW.
1 :K) p. in. Paper: Grammar for In
termediate Grades, by C. V. F.axter.
A general invitation is extended to all
who wish to attend.
J. Q. Wiu.its,
County Kup't Schools.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Barr and daugh
ter Mrs. Corwin Vlnyard, who have
made their home in Lakeview lor several
months, will leave for their former home
below New Pine Creek, this wet-k. lur-
iiK their stay here Mrs. Kurr has en
tire! recovered her health, and Mrs
Vinyard has leen greatly benefitted
Onr citizens will' rojjret to hear of the
departure of these excellent people.
Premium Coupons arc
given away free with
every 25c Cash pur
chase you make here,
whether you buy Gro
ceries, Mats, Furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods,
Clothing or Shoes. Ev
ery department offers
inducements to money
savers and the China
ware is Pree.
Dry Goods
There's a good Deal
In our Dry Goods
Department just now,
and some of tho doing
will undoubtedly inter
est yon. Then? i no
reason why you
shouldn't make your
Spring juirchascs now.
Tho Good to 8tiit you
are here.
fTTfity Meat
Door North of
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, btc
LANE c FITZGERALD, Proprietors.
WM. K. BARRY & H. W. J. BARRY, Props.
r$?S Feed stable in Connection
Horses boarded by the day or month
First class turnouts and saddle horses.
Our specialty Is the quick ami safe de
livery of passengers to all oints in
the district.
May and Grain for Sale. fcr
proprietors Harry's Opera
DfllUTQ Regarding the
I uunu
Statement JJ
New business written in
Gross assetks.
Gross surplus "
Total payments to policy
Irin the past ten years, the Equitable has paid L'fl,0J.l.09 in dividends ot
iU policyholders, which largely exceeds the amount paid In dividends by any oth-
ert tympany uurinv me aauia iiiuu.
Don't Guess
At It
but if you are itoing east write as for our
rates and let us tall you about the service and accommodations
offered by the
Illinois Central Railroad. . Through tourist cars
via the
Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and
Don't fail to writa us about your trip as we are iu a position to
give you soiiim valuable information and assistance. 6319 miles
of track over which is operated some of the finest trains in the
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or
T. t . A P. A. Com'l Agt.
142 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
Good Things to Eat
Wo aim to Bell tho
Host obtainable. Tho
x utility of our Grocer
ies are guaranteed
to you.
Our Canned Fruits
and Vegetables arc
the well grown ripe
You buy things good
for you to eat wnen
you buy yuor Grocer
ies hero.
The rigors of winter will
soon bo over.
Pleasant days anead.
Hright things in store for
all. Tho Dost lino of
Clothes wo havo ever
shown. Como and; look
at them. GOO Patterns for
Spring and Summer just
received. Everything mado
to your measuro all tho
time never otherwise
Prices reasonably low.
3' tit's )
Hotel Lakeview J
Omljr placa la LaMavlrw tor
boldlag paMtc atortalamiaU
Forty Second Annual
1901: 24I,z.ujw.uu