Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 27, 1902, Image 3

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llt-Hlxlcr IK' i' y'l lit I" vote.
Miinly Whorlon says he III shhi leave
for Toiiapah.
Mm. t. It. Knblclte, who has leen
m-riniiRly III lor some tiinu pint. It imw
nlilo to Mil iit.
MUs I'oviti HUir has none Silver
Lake to reside, alter attending school In
l.nki-vii'w (or lin past six months.
lroi til at the Palace ml see feorft
himI rent. They treat tlifir patron
right. 1 Hi" billiard table. 2. If
V. H. Parlies, the Hummer Lake
stock until, turn leased tin KUuintli
Mnrnli lor grariiiK' ground for liU -nt t !.
Arthur lli'iimiii, lion of Jude II. 1..
ftaiiHoii, In acting deputy clerk of tin?
hupteiue Court ( Oregon, during the
absence of eputy Clerk !!!.
Wanted Intelligent young men. from
17 to lit years of sice. havm common
x'IkhiI ! iii-ntton , to learn mechanical
trade.' For full Information apply tu
or write to Union Iron Works, 2'."i Mar
ket M., Han Francisco. 2 2m
Mis Kuina Whltmors, of Ilurna, i In
the city looking over the altuation, with
view of locating here in the millinery
and dressmaking business. Prinerille
Thr"l'alare"ia popular a ever.
Whorton A Smith have a hostol friend
and their reaort ia a meeting place.
The I'al.ce haa the reputatihn of dealing
out thi Ut in every thing. The I 'a I nee
billiard room !.a the flneat billiard ami
hkI table in ton. 2 tf
See the card in this issue of the
Kmthern Or(on Marble Company,
Ashland, Orrunn, Thin firm haa the
contract to build a monument for the
a. grave uf Krml Knelling. The monu
ment v ill be a beautilul one, and will lw
paid for by public wWriptinn. It will
le II feet H inches in height.
(let a good, clean, hot bath at Frank
Smith' uliop. When you con e out of
the IihiIi plant you rue If In the chair and
licl it clean sbave, after which try bin Hire
sure duiidruff medicine. M' tl
1 he jK'tition for aix-times-A-week
ninil service between Silver 1-ake aiul
Princville ia Unng signed generally by
the H-oplti of Lakeview. The change
in title mail route will tw of considerable
convenience to our people, as well as to
the people of the north. The petition ia
at the l.akeview poatofflco. Sign U.
You w ill never wish to take another
dose of pilla if you once try (Chamlter
lain'N Stomach A Liver Tablet. They
re easier to take and more pleasant in
effect. They cleaiiHe the stomach and
regulate the liver and bowels, lor
sale by lieall.
V. W. Finley of Ply, writes lr.
Withum in regard to the proposed
wagon roud from lily through to Paisley
via. the Fuller and Walker place. The
lily leople aro very enthusiastic on the
proportion and request the co-operation
of Paisley in the matter. The road
will be a lioneflt to Paisley and should
receive the supHrt of this community.
Paisley I oat,
Thl alvnatara la on arsr box of lb awnulne
Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablet.
ranted V that ew rold la M day
Interesting Notes
(lathered During
The Week and
Stated Hrlcfly
l:or Examiner Readers
I'oii't put it off, but register to-lHy.
hummer l.iike ciiltlemeu will start
their herds to Sican w ithiu a few days.
Mmn Vada Itoiihain of Silver I.ske
will teach the Joblirou dinlrict c hcxtl
nenr Paisley.
No headache, no gnstrilis, follows the
Use of "Jesse Moore" pure whiskey. It
does oiih good. There is no oilier to
tsjiial it. tiet it at Jammerthals.
W. ',. Moss has returned from an ex
tended visit in Heno, Sun Francisco and
For all purMme for which whiskey is
used "Jesse Moore" will serve Itelter
Hum miiv other. Its purity is tinijiii-s-tioinl,
its ii ii 1 1 1 y without a s-er. Call
in at Jummerthuls for it.
Frank (lunther returned Thursday
from Poitland. Mrs. (iunther is re
covering rapidly at the hospital.
Fred C. New by, lute of Iowa, arrived
here last week, ami is visiting his
brother-in-law, J. . lh-ebe at Paisley.
Jim Hill, the railroad magnate, now
admits that he Is back of the F.uri-ka-Kastern
railroad, and says that the
road w ill Ins built.
W. J. Sherlock, the Summer I.ake
woolgrower, haa some Allen A l-afollet
buck that tie claims will average So
(Mtunds of wo'il each.
I'r. Huff, the Quaker iKx tor. rharuel
with practicing medicine without a
license in Klamath Falls, wan tried and
acquitted last week. The Quakers have
gone to Sun Francisco.
Only alxiiit one third of the voters of
I.ake County have registered thus far.
Who are you going to blame if you lose
your vote at the June election? (in the
evening of May lMh
(let your old suit made new. Mrs.
A viriigiiette asks for your patronage in
mending, cleaning and pressing. The
man who keeps his clothing clean and
well pressed alw ays looks neatly dressed.
Mrs. A virngiiette chii keep you looking
nobby, tiive her acall.
When you wake up with a bail taste
in your mouth you miiv know that you
need II dose of ( 'hamhc rhiin's Stomach
A Liver Tablets. They will cleanse
your slomuch, improve your apHtite
sod make you feel like a new man.
They are easy to take, Itciii'- sugar
coaled, and pleasant in effect. For sale
by Ix-e Ileal).
F,d Stewart was in this vicinity buy
ing up horses last week, and went to
1'iivis Creek on last Friday. lie is buy
ing large horses for working purposes
and paying good prices for them. I lei
purchased quite a number around here j
and w ill drive them to Termo this week j
in company w ith a bund of Jus. Iod-:
Hon 'a horses. Cedarvillo Kecord.
Night Waa Her Terror.
"I Would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Apnlegate, of Alex
andria, I nd., "itml could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
if 1 walked n block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but, when all
other medicines failed, three $1.00 bot
tles of Ir. Kings New liscovery wholly
cured me and 1 gained M pounds.
It's absolutely guaranteed to cure
Conghs, ('olds, La Grippe, Bronchitis
and all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Price 50c and 11.00. Tiiul bottles free
at Lee Hcall's drugstore.
At New
tf je v5
White Spreads
. . .
The Place to do.
I lic two frlrmln who kr-p a place
In thn Clljr !y tbe fjika.
Tlifir In vltatilim liili-licrtiif (iiild
Ii, "!( Mbal will you UkeT"
Thry ki-t p sll insnnsr of mlacr,
W bluk'-r, Wlnr and Bi-t-r,
(,uist ridsr -In lai t, most anytblnx
Tb wi'rjr hrart to rhwr.
Ami now my laltr la m arly ttilil;
'Twlxl cbaoee and a sure lbln(,
Jut lak your choice, but my advice Ii,
(iu lo I'oit A Kin.
10 The Kovaa.
A Printer Greatly Surprised.
"I never was ao much surprised in mv
life, aa I waa with the results of using
Chamberlain's Pain lialm," says Iletirj
T. Crook, pressman of the Asheville (N.
C.) (Jatette. "I contrartel a severe
case of rheumatism early last winter by
getting my feet wet. I tried several
things for it without benefit. One day
while looking over the Gazette, I no
ticed that Pain Balm was positively
guaranteed to cure rheumatism, so
Itought a bottle of it and liefore using
two thirds ot it my rheumatism had
taken its flight and I have not had a
rheumatic pain since." Sold by lee
lieall, druggist.
320 Acre Land For Sale.
W i have for sale 320 acres of farming
land, situated on the West Side of
(iooee Lake; l1 miles from timlter;
open range; 50 acres improved; 2X)
acres under fence and material on j
the ground to fence balance ; two good
wells; watering places for stock in field j
all summer; good 2-story residence,'
barn ami outhouses ; garden spot w here j
all kinds of vegetables and melons can
be grow ii proliflcally. Situated 1 mile!
from living stream and 15 miles from I
l.akeview. 8 tf
How'a This?
ii-.. ..rr.. .... ii 1....1 K.ll., I
ward for anv case of Catarrh that can
not tie cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIEKKY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the past 15 years, anil be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carrv out any obligations made
by their tlrm.
Wkst & Thcax, Wholesale Ilruggists,
Toledo, I). Wamhso, Kixnan A Mah
vix, Wholesale Druggists, Tohtlo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly uhii the blood
mihI miii'iiH surfaces of the svstem.
Price 75o. per Itottle. Sold by all drug-:
gists. Xestimonials.
Hull's Family Pills are the bust. 72t
The Examiner is just in receipt of a
lot of the latest and most fashionable
tye for cards, letterheads, billheads
etc. Call at this office for the best
printing. Political cards a sjM-cialty.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Wanta Watch
Pine Creek's
Fleeced Wrappers, Flannelette Gowns,
Flannelette and Eiderdown Dressing Saques
Knit Underwear, Ladies' Waists and Skirts
Ladies' Coats, Capes and Fur Collarettes,
Muslin Underwear, Ladies' Children's and
Misses Rubbers, and Rubber Goods every
kind, Men's Felt Boots and Bootees (new);
c. u. snider
rwwilllCKVini. aUiVfaiy- IlCailf
TRAVELERS 7ttttl34&eg .
F. H. MILLER 5c CO., Prop'rs, F. P. LIQiiT, Man'gr
Put your ad in The Examiner, it brings 8
Full and complete stock of
Everything in tbe line of
Jv!u?SSiA Snider Bui'ding on Water St.
The Oregon has been thor
oughly renovated and re
furnished. Table ser
vico is neat, clean and
the best the market af
fords. Moderate charge
Big Store.
. . .
m m
- - - - r