Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 27, 1902, Image 2

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    lake colnty exaiincr lakuvikw. ckixion, march. 27, iwoi.
fiahc QTmmtu (Psr-untnrc
Putitlihed Every Thuraday
Maaonlc Building
lOite Year. $2.00
Six .Months. 1.00
(Thrc Months, SO
sr.t"K Jl k I mo " in ml I w
One Inch.. f 1 m f.u A i' f iti m
Two ! 'li.- . 1 ii 111 7 iii 1 1 tii IS hi
Thrm I lie In". 1 i ui ii ( In it) lit ml is mi
Vnart r i"o'iriin n iv 9 ii im .v iv1 s.r. rti
Mali i chnnn H. ii . m :: ui 40 m, TiMin
One Column . .. f)W ' Ijium
UAKHVinW, OREGON. nACrl.7 . looj.
One nf I lie leniiiiit tt.innri of lift- is to
have a mini with Ion u liiwkt'r, who
chows tolnuvo, tiiHTa se.Tot in your
I isn't aUiiys tlu early 1'inl that cat
ches the (x.liliciil worm without a con
test. Sometimes the worm turns ami
allows titflit.
When the lit ician wants a thinn
tolil to the other fellow lie enjoins stvreev
anii picks out the rilit man. The riyht
man is alwavs li. Im
0"e ailvant.-iL-e in havinir a hail cnM in
I.ak.view just now is that ymi can't
sm !' Many who are not siuveptihle
to Ms wish they imill catch a jr xxl the pastor w ho ,Iliicialeil, to the cho r
The friemla of M. T. Wnltrrs, the
Htraiht line IVmocrat w ho lias nlwaya
stood upon hit Hilitical nvonl ami
never llirleil with the "Me Issue of
"Iinlt'innitlvtit" or "I'"!'"'''''" nii'l l'o
with Puvid II. 1 1 ill can truthfully say,
"lam a iVino rat" a e lining oim tall
nVutinK on the chances of the ohl IVm-
mTitt for the iioininiitioii for County
Jiiile. They claini that Mr. Walters'
demands uimui the party for imliticul
humus have hcen uuslest in Ine ex
treme, and that he is deserving of iwog
n it 1011 on account of his honesty and
fealty, and his Mraiht IViuocrutic
principles. Mr. Walters was chairman
of the local organisation for n lout? time,
and nas never tie.sci led 1 lie nlil ship in
trying times, when political storms
have riH'lied her and threatened her de
struction on the nrk Ivound coast. All
these things are claimed for the veteran
hy hia friends and nn effort is bring
nude to have the past services roeng
ni.ed and rewarded in the coining IVm-
ocratie count v convention.
g IPhe new ( AAA New
rv II . mmm ixa 11 IJ U Mil If II II
i a Firm yuSossJ C-oita! g
& ..The Lakevievv Mercantile Company.. j&
S Successors to II. C. KOTIII: 6: CO. g)
A little the smoothest thing Kansas
has ever know ii in tie way of a "card
of thanks" recently appealed in aTopvka
paper. "We extend our heartfelt
thanks" said t lie sol row inn family, "to
ont in the head.
I he death of Kx-ttuve rnur John P.
Alt iM, of Illinois'.' there pass,.,) awav u
ma i v'i i at o-n tim. w is in ire talked of
tint tnv other in the country. While
iiovernor of Illinois he pardoned the
anf' '
supervisors of I'lumas county,
' ave petitioned Congress for an
riation of five thousand dollars to
i the necessary expenses a'ready
reiit'ti r to he incurred in the snp
i d care of the I.iili ti;." of that
which saiiK, to the Irieuds who sent
tinners, to the undertaker who so del
icatelv perfoi ined his dad 1 11 i -1 m , to
the friends and relatives who mingled j
their tears with ours alxe the hier."j
Yet, as nearly jierfect as this is, it is con- !
icted w ith a fatal omission. The col-i
ored man who drove the oee-ejed mule
w Inch hauled the cotf'ui ixix aliens of .he
hearse to the cemetery seems to have j
hien entirely forgotten.
LAROI-R and lll:TTI:R
...S I OCK...
V yt MIII'T, Irrnl4-Hl
' A Krhnrl . Y V
X I. NiirllliiK, M.-r A Trra
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
l;ver opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
' THfc
(HtH1 IM'i
V N Mlllrr. 4' A 111 h art
I. MnrllluB. Ilrl.l Hrkrf
I' llrr) lord. ' l
.iiri- II llnubiaa
cou'i'y atllicted with smallpox.
D o.'t say
atte , ! to
I. el
ioi wil
lor "
feiav .
hty i
n t.
you haven't time to
your advert isiiis; nrooeiiv.
. you haven't time to d . anvthii g
Advertising is t!i mot impo. tat.t
bout any business. It is the vital
What (nti does it do you to
!i very Ijest thina or the irreaftst
i. n earlli if people do m.t know
'liter's Ink,
In the House of Commons at Ottowa
the other day a Nova Scotian with less
brains than hioixlthir.s.ine-s used these
words; "If ii i necessary to ti;ht the
Yankee, we will fiyht within twenty-
! four hours, and alter six mouths we w ill
capture their Capital and annex their
con:, try to Cana la." Yes, just so, M r.
Canadian. I'ncle Sam will no doubt
i-huer in his b l when he hears your
awful threat. Our Sam is "awful eiisy
to frihL'ii."
ILakeview flercantile Co.
Southern Oregon
Marble Co.
Ashland, ?
Ofjlfi to Miriir. G-arltf. l-on
Frming mi Ctrntrti Ssear Wo k
Cf Mf If BY HOBM Of Ml klVJS
UB' r I
5. Ahlstrom
tre iiiinors of a revolution in
Tiie Vatican has received c n
new of a serious situation
The Fenians have for some
- been engaged in an active prop
ith the view to organizing for
'I rising. It is said that the
. ill instruct the Irish cleivy to
"-f fn.m the revohnionary Hgita
l mler these conditions Ireland
i Ve free. Could the reliimih
-s he brought together in fine
ii cause there rniiiht be a chance
freedom bat not otherwise-
Bucklen's Arnica ialve.
Mas woildwiile fame for marve.loiiH
ciiren. 1 1 surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
I'.urns, Hoils, Sires, Felons, I'lcer. Tet
ter, alt Hheuiii. Fever Sores,. Chuppeil
ihiiiis, .-Kin r. r ii pi ions ; ifitailir.le lor
i'lerniination of the President to
so-calletl 'merger' of the North-
iric arid the ina! Northern
Iwti.ieM in - ncit her a
;-ipular prejudice against rail
r a desire ban. per large
" enterpri-e - -.however,
if havii & ion tested
ileral judi.-i 'e ciuntry,
i the raiboao- . "guilty of any
of law they may lie punished;
'her hand, if the., are not, a
-lop will be pot to the popu
lea against legitimate corporate
t lies.
Lee I'.
Cure guaranteed.
Only . eitts
If one-half of your taxes aie not paid
on or before the first Monday in April
(April 7th) there will be ten per writ
penalty and twelve per cent interest
added. H. U. Dunlap, Sheriff, if.
Volumes, at times, of womn' liappi
nest or misery. The dull, sunken eye,
with iU dark circles almost surely speaks
of womanly ill-health, and its atv-njdant
suffering. With the dull eye goes usu
ally the sallow, sunken cheek, the lrawn
mouth, the shrunken form the whole
glory of woman's beauty marred hy the
effect of disease.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
the diseases which undermine tlie health
and mar the beauty of women. It estab
lishes regularity, dries weakening drain,
heals inflammation and ulceration, ami
cures female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free, and so obtain the
advice of a specialist upon their disease.
All correspondence is strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
i- iriend of the Kustler has. a happy
ti&y of 'Vetting next" to some of
ak County's stanchest Republi
can'' " and for an editor of an "inde-
(tend. ut" political newspaper he is hay- j. y. pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
ingl '-of fun with himself in telling
the ri-aders how Republican "machine"
(politic work in Lakeview. Of course
there in no Democratic-I'opuliht "ma-
line."or "ring," in, so we
will not have the pleasure of reading
iiOW our palitical opponents du politics,
it U expected that the old "barn
ring" gag that choked the Itustler to
ieatti politically during the last elec
tion would not have been resorted to '
again. The name "ring" should have j
no pleasant sound for our contemporary, (
awith nlraa.irt I aend a few tinea to let you
know lhat I feel much better than for erht
veara befure U'inK your medicine," wriu-a Mra.
l-irrce (leise, of 8jj West Hhila. Street, York, Va.
"Will recomineml lr. I'ierce'a medicine to every
peraon who may inquire aa to whut it ban ilone
for me. I was iroiinieo wun icinmc wunw,
and la-an to think I would never tie well. If I
had continued the treatment presented by my
doctor I don't know what would have Ix-come ol
me. Whi-n your treatment wh commenced my
weixht was 10H ound, at jircwnt it in iv
Have healthy color and my friend aay I look
well. My Ik-sI thiinka to you and my beat
wLslien, too, lor what you have done lor me."
"Favorite Prescription" makes weak
women strong, hick women well. Accept
no substitute for the medicine which
works wonders for weak women.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the clogged system from accumulated
u7 riZ .rnlt)V
Ely's Cream Balm
Gives Relief at etc.
It clrariPri, emithaa and
beala Ike dint-owtt inrin-
and drlvea ) a Cold U A V V IlK K
in the Head uui lr. It lift I fc tll
la alMorla-d. llma and Protects tlio Mi-viriran
Keatorea lha Hei,Mof i aMa and Ntiii-ll. J'ajiaiaa
60e Trial Hr.m Us-; at ItruKirlita r by mall.
liLT llKUTUaULS. M Waxrea blrcct, ht Tark.
IS A 1
jU .1T M I
Timber Bllare final l'roa4
t'nll.'d Kiatia land Clltlre at Ijikevlaw, Hr
rtfon. March 14. Wl. Notice la hereby given
Hint J i in n I'arim Jr . has tiled linilre 1 Hit'-n
lion tu make final pnstf N fore it. H Wantwell.
C. s. l iiionlnfK-r at blmirnri' In Hllver Lake,
OriKon, nn Hatunlay, the l'ih day ol April,
'.ri. on llinbet culture aiilli-allon N IIM,
for the lots I aud !! at-riiou No. :i'. In Trnn
alil. No. li h.. KaliKe Nu. )', K., W.
nan"- an itui-aai a: '., MarrU. V. 31. Hal
ris, I . li siau ll jr. T. F. l'artln, all of summer
Ijiki-. i ir.-K'iii. K. V . IIRttJ'
11-MnrJti Kctaler.
lnd Oil! iv, l-akev lew, (lri-Kin,
March IM. I9w(. I
Nnl'.ce Is lii n by liivcli that Ihe foilovt Iiik
liauii'd aettlir baa tiled notice of lil Intent I" n
to niHke final rool In mipiort of hla claim,
and that snld prool will lie made lore the
Kt'Kimi'r an-! Ki'ifiviT at l-akiub'W, Oreiiou,
on 4 iirll Jl, '.MrjJ, viz: Oi-iirm' Kcld. hi. K. No.
t:,M fur tie' Y'S of NW'4, HK'4 ol MWi. and
W'i ill NKi-4 fee. 1H, Tu. M rt H 0) Ik. Hi'
'laiiii'a the fiillowtiiK witneaM-a to-acove Ills
run' iiiuotia n-aidence upon and cultivation of
said land, jut: A. W. Hryan, I. Hryan, Joe
I'ayne, Krauk Kcld, all ol IjtkeviewsJtreiron.
iiarAMl K. M. HSATTai.N, Kcgiatcr.
Vol lee vrtaettleDiext of rlaaLAmint
lu the '. ixiiity Court of the Htala at Ore ton ,
lor tbu 'anty of Ijike. In the matter of the
ftate of larriett Watlem, dereanvit..
TO VYIKtM IT MAY i:ON:KKN :: Notice la
hereby aiven that the underalwned, Admlnla
irator i- the estate ol Hwrlutl Walters,
li-ieasi ill. baa filed hU Klimll Aecnunt aa
Ail ml initiator of aaid ealate, In the elltee of the
i'omiiIi c:lerk of Lake Couaty,. Origuu, and
Moaday, April Mk, JklMM.
at 10 a'elork a. m. ojt aald day at the Coun
ty JiUKe'a olDce In the Couaty Court House, In
the lawn of lakeview, Lake ((oiinty, tri'Ku,
baa Ken appointed and imdi by lion, t han.
TiinaiiiKx'ii, JmlKe of aald Conn, aa the
tluia- and place for hearing' obicrtlona to
Hald Klual Aeciiunt, If any lluvre and for
thoat'ttli'iiieul thereof,
latuwl IhlaMth day ol March, A. I. Ilr2.
Adaiiiiimrator ol the eitate ol Harriet Watiera,
devuaaeil. inarl.'MO
Land OI1le at Lakeview, Oregon,
March 17.
Notice U hereby given that in eoinpliaiica
with the provision ol the a4 t of Congreaa u4
June a. IM7M, entitled "An act for the aale uf
timber lands in Ihe stati-Hiif California, Orrxi,
Nevada and WbkIi Ink loll Territory," aa extend
ed to all the fubllc Land Hlatea by act ol Au
gimt 4. Ihw.', William Harvey ol I'alaley,
county of bake, Htatn of Oregon, baa thia day
tiled III til ix ofllue li aworu statement No. .1:14,
lor the purchase of the VM NK!-,', H y. Nl-.'.i,
Slt.i HK.U of Kecllon No. 7, 'I p. ; H. K. 17 K.,
and will offer proof toahow lhat the land KiUKht
in moro valuable for lla limber or Mono than
fur agricultural puriioies, and lo cstabllah hla
claim losaid land before the Kegistcr aud He
rein r of thla "Hire at Lakeview, Ori'xou, nil
nalurday, the illli dav of May, VMri. He unnim
aa uitiiesnun: W. A. I'lirrier, Juioi n McHhalm,
J. V. Mclioiiulil, John Kclley, all of faialey,
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming di
versely the above-dwierlbed lainUara reiueated
to tile Ihulr cialuia lu I bin ollicu u or lie lure
aatd 21th day ul May, VMi. k.. M. IUUTTAIV, UvglaU-r.
2 3
AVanufacturer of the
kreognicd as the Hot Vsqucro 5aJdl Q
V;ioii and Bu'V Harness. Whips, IJoln-s, Kcntus, C
Hits, Snrs, Quilts, Fltist'ttfs, Klc. -o- -6- -o- 5
Iipairin of all kimls, ly (iiiifti,nt rnoii. -a- -i- J
Sash, Blinds. Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write.for
estimates on contract work & material
A very large and handsome
assortment of Ladies' and
Gentlemens' Watches, and
complete line of Jewelry.
Hereford tock "ff arm
Drews Va,,ey' reen-
fctKr.FI,'.'-- .-. .;.?ffl - ... ,
. .v . -J
' ' ' ., A
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
15 Registered Yearling Bulls
100, 120 and I GO each
LAIDOR A1AM0 head of herd