Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 27, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 12.
Pull Corp of County Officr are
Nominated, I'reclnct Office
rilled, and New Central
Committee Chosen.
The Republicans of I-ake County met
k . Convention Ut Saturday in I-akeview
for tli iurMof electing four delegates
to the Mate and Congressional Conven
tions, and to make nomination for the
various county offices to le filled at the
..liinii on Monday. June 2d. There
was a good attendance of dulegalea and
the proceedings were carried on liar.
The Convention wa called to order by
H. J. Prose, present county r-omrulaaloner
lid memlier of the county central corn
initio from Tliomaa Creek, who alated
that the flection of a temporary chair
man of the convention waa flrat in order.
(icorge V. Noble of tiooee I-ake, recog
nised aa a ataunch Republican of the old
t(iiard, and a good parliamentarian, waa
elected to the position by acclamation.
I.. I). Frake of South Warner was elect-
d temporary secretary and Eluier C
A ti let Dim assistant.
J. (.'. Conn, delegate from Silver I-ake,
Charles Morris from Goose Luke, and
C. C. Cannon from Cogswell Creek were
elected a committee on Credential,
A rnvMimi taken for the committee to
make it reMirt, and upon reconvening
the ri'Hirt show ing the delegate entitled
hoi-oht of omitti:k on hidkntiaiji.
to scat in the convention wa read ua
"We. your committee on Credential
would reKrt that we have eiamined the
credential submitted to us and find the
following person, entitled to vote in the
JollveilllOll, VIC . I
Silver Lake-James M. Martin C.
Conn, proxy); J. S. Martin (J. C. Conn
proxy) ; J. II. Gowdy (J. C. Conn, proxy)
I. C. Conn
I'aialey-W. K. McCorinack (II. A.
Itratlain, proxy, ; C. 11. Tarker (II. A.
Itrattain, proxy); John Scott, Al. Far
row, II. A. lirattain, C. S. Wilhera.
Crooked Creek S. K. Chandler, C. C.
...r.,...u, i.. r-. r. in. u. vn.nuior,
If....... 1. k- L'.l.. II k 11 I
.....-.,. I.' v
Thouma Creek F. II. Snyder. S. J
Dutton, S. J. I'roee, J. M. Hameraley.
North l.akeview K. C. A hlatrom,
r.. Al. Itruttam, Jatne Maiulley, J. h.
AMiarrey, Oeo. II. Aver. C. 1. Line
barger, W. A. Maasingill, Frneat Ilrowu,
A. F. Tonningaen, C. K. Anderson, (ieo
South Lakeview A. Y. Beach, E. N
jaquisu, i). HcnmincK, ai. A. Mrlplin,
V.. llHlikle. krunk Kui.l
, L .
wu.w , v,;ee.-A. r;. ro, e W.
i 1 y , . ' .
vwr i-uae v line. p. morris, ueorge I
vi V . ,, ,
I 7"' ... ' ' V. ' " WCWBr
Z. vlV w .
,v ir , '"consideration
"w:' iw... ,
t m . i n t-.lL" " ' -
i. uini rrwriitji rrana ivoggera tw. w, l
Wi. .v.. ,i ur iv.. w v , L
It apiiearing to your Committee on
i,...l..n,:..u .1.., 4J 1
v,"',u,"i puuiuier i.aae precinct
in not represented in this convention,
we recommend that J. N. Watson of
Sammer Lake be entitled to cast the
two ballota for Summer Uke precinct.
J. 0. Conn
C K Mokhim
f' n p.vKi.,.,
:.,, n,.rr.,ia.,iiui. P
rPi ...... questious that are before the people.
ihe motion wa. earned that the chair Lnd eIecil4y for ,li8 ,., a J,
npiKimi a committee ol three on Order
of Business, and II. A. lirattain, A. M.
Smith and W. K. Barrv were annointed
a such commit..,.,.
m.i i .i . .i . i , .
Motion carried that the chair appoint
a committee of three on riat.Virni and
Resolution, and J. K. McUarrey, W.
P. Tracy end K. K. Rlnehart er.
aa Ilia committee.
Tim Coinmitlca on Order of Uuainess
mi given tiu to make it report, and
after receiving the leport it wa read
and adopted, a follow
V, your committee epitointed on
Order of Business reectlully aubrnit
the following a the order of buaineaa:
I That the temporary ohVers hrre
U)lore elected le made the permanent
ollicera of ll in meeting.
2 Klertion of four delegate to State
and Congressional Conventions.
3 Notuinatlon of County Coromli
4 Nomination of County Jude.
6 Nomination of hheriff.
o Nomination of Clerk.
7 Nomination of Treasurer.
8 Nomination of Aiwwor.
tt Nomination of rurveyor.
10 Nomination of Coroner.
11 Report of Committee on Reaolu-
tioiia. H. A. Bbattain,
Convention then adjourned to meet
at one. In caucua, and a motion that the
nominee, of the caucua ahould be de
clared the nominee of the convention,
waa adopt!.
The caucu followed out the adopted
Older of Busineaa, and the election of
four delegate to the Stat, and Cong re
aional convention at Roeeburg and
Portland, respectively, waa Drat on the
program. w . A. Alassinglll, Jolin
Scott, E. W. Kollett and K. M. BratUin
were the choice of the caucua, and were
later nominated and elected by accla
mation upon reconvening of the conven
lion at 2 p. in. After concluding th
but-ines of the caucua, adiournmen
waa taken until 2 p. in.
Arrtcasoo sehhio.
When the convention waa called to
order at 2 p. m. Chairman Noble an
"ounced that liominationa for delegates
to the Ktale and Congressional Conven
lions were in order. W. A. Massingill
John Kcolt, K. W. Kollett and E. M
lirattain were nominated in torn and
,.w.Uh1 by acclamation, they being the
caucus nominee
For tomissioner. J. M. Martin, being
the caucua nominee, waa nominated in
the convention by acclamation.
For County Judge, Cha. Tonningsen
wa nominated by acclamation.
For Sheriff, II. K. Dunlap, by accla
Korf!lrW. Wm r.,.n,ur K
' ' -.
hor Treasurer, Geo. W.Johnaon, by
For Assessor John U. Blair, bv ac-
For Surveyor, I. M. Currey.
For Ccroner, F. E. Harris.
The Committee on Resolution and
I'latform, reported aa follow i
To UonorMo Chairln,n &D( Uen
ll'" ' Convention :
v...i. n , ...
ur commute, on Resolution and
Hailorm respectfully submit th. follow
i Prf-clPb. for your
.H resolved by the Republican Party
of Lke County, Oregon, in convention
in' .i ...i .... ,i . i j .
More the untimely death of our
belovml President, William McKinley,
eminent statesman, noWe citixen. and
... - . 1
rattier ol the great issue of Tariff, which
has made our country prosperou. and
our people happy.
, , ,
, "l e ,"dore iiniinietration
1 re"itlent Theodore Kootevelt for its
broadness, liWrality and progressive-
ness, and commeid him for his inde
- nt and manly course upon all
regulute the Trnsta and bring the big
combines to terms in the interest ol the
American people
We heartily endorae the acts of eur
u"itei1 States Senators and Congress-
llH,,r cour80 Uvoa th8 IeJd.ig
questions that directly interebt the people
j of lti Wm, ei.edlly on the kill to
, '"' ""
I - ...4 Ik. llu.lmllLn of A rl.l
I .
I -and
That we believe th. Wat Interest of
the whole people would be autwerved if
the United State Senator were elected
by direct vote of the people, and that we
recommend that our Senators In Con
gress UUir for the pannage of uch a law.
That we heartily indorse the adminis
tration of Hate and County oflHal,
and especially the County tViort of
I-ake Cou ty fur it eariit eflorta to col
lect the laxea and reduce the present
itidehtednea j that the public ha
reaaoo to feel elated over the fact that
under the administration of the present
Couuty Court the county w an ant are
now aellim; at par, and tat there i
every reason to believe that the time ia
not far distant when I-ake county will
be free from debt ; we look forward to a
material reduction in taie in the com
ing year; we realize that the reaaon that
the taxea of Lake county are higher
thi year ia owing to the Stat. Taxea be
ing placed at a higher figure tnan
usual in order to meet the unusually
large State appropriation.
Walt D. Tbacy
J. K. McUabbit
Nominations for Couuty officers being
closed the Chairman then requested the
member ol the various precincts to re
port their nominees for precinct officers
member Central Committee, Justice
of the l'caie, Constable and Road over
Those named are aa follow :
Silver I-ake T. J. Lahrie, committee
man; John H. Martin, justice; Wm.
Johnson, constable ; K. E. Ward, road
Chewaooan -WmMj'ormack, com
mitteeman ; John C. Hanan, road over
Crooked Creek E. E. Rinehart, com
mitteeman ; C. C. Barnum, justice; W
1. lleryford, road overseer.
Thomas Creek 8. J. Prose, commit
teeman; Clias. 8. Loveless justice; W
S. McCulley, coustable; A. N. Stanley
road overseer.
North Lakeview J. E. McOarrey
committeeman jWinslow Bayley, justice;
Ashley Kollett, constable.
bouth Lakeview W. A. Maeaingill,
Cogswell Creek C. C. Cannon, com
mitteeman ; J. K. llamersley justice ; A
E. Follett, road overseer.
Goose Lake G. W. Noble, committee
man; J. D. McCreary, road overseer.
Drews Valley G. II. Newell, com
mitteeman ; road overseer G. II. Ner.H.
South Warner W. F. Lemberger,
committeeman ; J. E. Calderwood, jus
tice; Oakley Clark, road overseer.
North Wa rner W. K. Batty, com
mitteeman; Harry A. Bradley, road-
The convention was then adjourned
and the new central committee met to
arrange for the coming contest.
The convention, considering the situ
ation, made the very best nominations
that could have keen made. It waa the
opinion of the majority that the old Re
publican rule and principle should not
be deviated from that when an officer
serves one term and proves able and
faithful he should, if he desires, be giv
en a second nomination. For this
reason no contest was had on any of the
nominations for county office but one.
Mr. Martin of Silver Lake was the
choice of the convention for County
Commissioner because he had served
only part of a term as appointee, had
made one of the best commissioners
Lake county ever had, and it was
thought by the majority that he de
served a nomination. Mr. William Mc
Corinack of Paisley, one of the old time
Republicans, was nominated for Com
iiiissioner in I'uucue and hta frieuds took
his defeat philosophically and in ex
cellent gra-e. C. W. Ient, one of the
beat men and true; Republicans in
Lake county was also named, and
though he lailed to secure th. noinina
lion, Th. Examiner is sure he is too
good a Republican to care about it. Two
years hence Warner Valley will not
only be entitled to representation, but
will certainly be asked to nam. a man
on the Republican county ticket.
A a whole, the Republican Conven
tion of Lake county for 1902, wa a
harmonious body, and Th. Examiner
iaassuied it can say without fear of con
tradiction that on election day every
Republican in the county will be found
working and voting for the enccess of
the Republican party. The Republi
can are clearly in tLe majority by at
least aeventy-flve to one hundred, and
there is no reaaon why every nominee
on the ticket should net be elected this
Mr. Tongue's colleagues and per
sonal friends in Washington are having
a good deal of fun at that gentleman's
expense over the incident narrated be
low wheh ia claimed to be true:
A few days ago when Governor Taft,
of the Philippines, waa appearing be
fore one of the House committees, Mr.
Tongue heard of his presence in the
committee, and said to a colleague, "I
should like to meet the Governor,"
Representative Mercer, who was an old
acquaintance, took Mr. Tongue out and
presented him, saying, "Governor, this
is Representative Tongue, of Oregon."
"Oh, yes," responded the Governor,
cheerfully. "Your name ia farmiliar to
me. I remember getting a letter from
you once signed with a rubber stamp."
Mr. Tongue seldom signs his letters,
but, instead, a facsmile of his signature
is generally attached with a rubber
The Socialists of Oregon held their
convention in Portland on March 19th,
and nominated the following ticket
For governor R. R. Ryan of Marion
Secretary of state C. W. Barxee of
Wasco County,
State treasurer W. W. Myers of
Clackamas County.
Justice of the supreme court C. P.
Rutherford of Harney County.
Superintendent of public instruction,
attorney general and state printer to
be filled by the state central committee.
Congressman, second district D. T.
Gerdes of Clatsop County.
Among a number of persons tendered
the nomination for governor, who de
clined to run, waa S. 8 Snellof Medford.
The platform adopted ia short but em
braces several declarations well cal
culated to draw public support at this
Tongue Will Appoint Cadets.
A dispatch from Washington says
that Representative Tongue will this
year be called upon to appoint cadets to
both the Naval and Military Academy.
He is making arrangements to have all
candidates for appointment examined
at Salem on or about June 1. Mr.
Tongue announces that he will make
his selections on the basis of the aver
ages made by the candidates in this
competitive examination, which will
probably be conducted by some of the
well-known citizens of Salem. His defi
nite plans will be announced later.
Meanwhile, those who desire particular
information as to qualifications and re
quirements, can secure a full statement
by w riting to Mr. Tongue.
It is understood that Lake county will
have a candidate for cadetship in the
person of Jf mes Maxwell, youngest son
of J. W. Maxwell.
The Ball aod 5upper Last Friday
Evening Waa a Complete 5uc
ceaa la Every Particular.
The much talked of ball by the Wood
men of the World of Lakeview was held
last Friday night and proved to k
everything promised of it the swellect
social affair of the season, and a grand
success in every particular. Over seventy-five
couples were in the grand
march. A large number of Women ol
Woodcraft and Woodmen wearing the
badge of Circle and Camp were in tha
march and a Woodman also carried the
beautiful Camp banner which waa ad
mired by alt present. Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Sherlock led the march and at it
c- nclusion those who wanted to dance
formed in quadrilles, and then the joy
Two round dancee and a square dance
was the order of the evening, and those
who did not indulge in th. maxy whirl
of the waits or schottische bad ample op
portunity to dance to their hearts' con
tent in the quadrille. It was a grand,
night. Just sufficient snow fell in the
early evening to make perambulating
good and keep the shoes and cancins;
floor free from mod and grit.
The Opera House Was beautifully dee
orated with evergreen trees and sprigs,
and flags and bunting, and many were
the favorable comment, on the ap
pearance of the dancing place. The
music by Solace Circle Orchestra, con
sisting of piano, violin, bass viol and
cornet in the hands of Mrs. Bert rand
Blair, L. D. Robinson, George Reid and
A. Y. Bea:b was the best heard ia
Lakeview for many a long day, and waa
one of the features that made the ball a
Many handsome costumes were worai
by the ladies, and it was remarked by
seveial that more pretty dresses were
worn that nigbt than usual at social af
fairs in Lakeview. And not only were
pretty dresses much in evidence, bat
pretty young women were there in num
bers. It was really a very swell af
fair. The banquet room at Masonic ball
was very neatly decorated and the
tables were greatly admired for their
beautiful decorations and tastily placed
viands. Over the center table waa a
rope twined in Circle colors, red, white
and green, from which was suspended a
white dove, an emblem of the order,
and encircling the dove's neck waa a
placard, printed in gilt letters the mot
to : "She Flies With Her Own Wings."
As usual with Woodcraft spreads the
supper was pronounced a grand feast.
which waa greatly enjoyed by all pres
ent. The committees on supper and
decoration are certainly to be compli
mented for their work. The Women of
Woodcraft and wives of Woodmen who
dnnatad thtk ftnniwr mav wall foul nr..,
g I ' J " " w. fr.ww. m
of their efforts to please.
The dance continued until 4 a. m. and
the gene ral verdict is that the Wood
man Hall was a complete Buccea.
Fifty-six tickets were sold.
On page seven of this issue will be
found an article headed "D. of H. En
tertainmentA. 0. U. W." In the in
troduction the types made us say : "The
W. O. W. and Degre of Honor of Lake
view bad a glorious time last Thursday
evening." It will be readily seen that
this ia an error. Instead of "W. O. W."
it should read A. O. U. W. The Exam
iner anticipates no serious cousequencee
as a result of the error, as both orders
are among the best in the world.