Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 20, 1902, Image 8

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Local & Personal
Coming & Going
t ticket for the Woodman hall to
morrow nt(iti t.
Umatilla ami Morrow rem n tit are
nJiJ (or Williamson.
Hwellcst ball of the season tomor.iw
ight. Don't mis it.
A telegram received by L. K
to the effect that the anti-Simon people
were victorious in Marion and Mult
mi-nun counties anil mat tieer won out
in Marion.
II I mw.A W I II .11 I .
v.. ... mm i,. , lllllliroOK, eillplOVI'D
your niagaxmes and novels v nannier ram-nes renp.rt-
ively, were visitors in Lakcvieu Inst Fri-
are steady ami reliable
J. S. Field and family left Yallejo on y They
the 16th inst, enroute home to lakeview. I voung men.
Mim Alice Morris of the Went Side J atsan returned Monday from
i.. : t ..i. Cdn LM....: i. . ..
w .filing mriius in i.kt:new uns 1 i.ini oere ne spent Ul in
Mrs. Nancy Bray, born in Virginia in
IB01, died nt Santa Rosa, Cat, a few
days ago.
Jackson county has granted a fran-
eliise 'or the Ashland Lakeview tele-
phone line.
Wilcos has new candies fresh and
The littie child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank vww-
ter. Mr. Watson brought with him a
well-bred bitch of the Titter Pane
species. She is a fine specimen of r
A rar.i from Rogers, Arkansas, informs
The Kxamincr that John C. Duckworth
arrived there safe and well. Mr. Duck
worth will visit his old home for a time
He says "there is no place like Lake-
Bunting U said to be dangerously ill
with pneumonia.
Dr. Steiner was called to New Pine
Oroek Ust Saturday to see Mrs. Vincent
who is very ill again.
Mis Ks-ie Gupton has returned from
Kommer Lake and w 11 reside in Lake
view for the present.
Mr. and Mrs. Pleasants (nee Maud
Kobnelty were up from Willow Ranch
o a visit last Tuesday.
Kight mining claims in the Tonnpah
mining district of Nevada have been
sold to New York syndicate for f".(MO,.
000. This sale will have the result of
spreading the Tonapah fever over a
large area.
Make your purchases at tli" Monogram
and yet a ticket on each .rX cent chhIi
purchase, lirand prize drawing on
Aplil 1st.
Th Men Talked About Tor County
Offices In Lake County.
Since last week's Issue of The Kmiii-
iner it has len announced that III
Maiiriug is not seeking County Clerk
ship honors on the Democratic ticket,
but would not object to the noiiiiiuition
for Sheriff. Other names mentioned on
the Democratic slate are J. N. Given
and T. It. Waketleld for Sheriff. It is
understood that Wm tiuuther, Itepub
liian, would like to serve a second term
as County Clerk and II. K. Dunlap
...ii .....
wtumi nui olijtH'l lo a seooinl
for Sheriff. Charles Tonningteu, pres
ent County Judk-e, will be a candidate
(or the Kepubli -an nomination to suc
ceed linn-elf, and J. M. Martin, present
County Cominliioncr Irom Silver Ijtke, :
will ask fur a second nomination to that
position from his party. It is also said
that It. Daly has loeu importuned by
his friends to accept the IVmocratic
nomination for County Judge, and that
he has reeatedly said that he would
not enter the contest. However,
it may be "forced upii him." This is
the only forecast that can be made at -this
time. If there are other aspirants j
for lilical honors they are keeping '
very quiet.
Our Premium Coupons whiu. wc e"?
with each 25c cash purclwr
Bring them to us and wc will give you
China ware for them.
A Beautiful Dinner Set Free
1 his Coupon KCTJr""
Nvl 1 ranaftrahla '
A n. I h II! I.r Hxlnmril III
Spring planting Get your seeds
MCDiiiink s.
The Indian arrested in Alturas and
charged with the tnur.ica of a medicine
nan has leeti discharged.
Jo 1'ayne arrived last week from
Lake City, and is spending a few days
with bis Lakeview friends.
Fred Fisher arrived from Summer
Lake Thursday and returned Friday
with a load of farm machinery.
V. K. McCormack was down from
Paisley last Week, having broUttl
djwu tu brother John R. MoCoruiack
April 1st is the date for the prize draw
ing at irve 3imugram. With everv 50
cent each purchai-e j uu get a ticket
uuu i.eeo, prominent tanner am
UKkuian of New Pine Creek, was
business visitor in Lakeview last week
Oo. tkie 11th iiLst. a bodtr of silver ore
vas uncovered in the Wedekind mine
ear Reno thai eays $.J,300 to tlie ton
Dr Steiaer left for Paisley at 4 o'clock
ynateriUf morning to tee Harry Ilanan,
whose condition is rep-rfed unfavorable
A. W. Bryan, the Paisley-Lakeview
(age proprietor and mail contractor,
waa business visitor in Lakeview yes
Mrs. Patu Duke returned last Monday
nijli from Washington, where she
wt.rml months ago to visit with
Mr. and M. fra Bradley arrived last
week, frooi Summer Lake, and spent a
day visiting with Mrs. P.radley's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Basey.
(Irorge Parker, like bona "bull-puncher
from Summit Mill, was in Lakeview
artveral days during the (at week, ming
ling with hia many friends.
Urn. A. Amick ami daughter Eva
eaene np from New Pine Creek last Mon
day to remain a week. Miss Kva is
rider the care of a physician.
F. L. Wright, reprenting the South
ern Oregon Marble Co., Ashland, Or
ejron, was taking orders in Lakeview
this week. The firm is reliable.
Louie Enquist, thu sheepman, ar-j
fived from Rock Creek lant Friday
pigbt. Like all the wxdgrowers be re
ports the flocka doing well, and no loss.
(Jtiaa. A. Moore, the Portland Attorney,
amd eon of Mrs. K. K. Mxreof Lakeview,
left Ashland on the 12lii inst., with his
wife, enroote to ICeno, Nevada, where
they will locate.
Gerlier, the stock buver of
Klamath county, arrived here last
week and went north to buy cattle and
sheep. He will extend his trip to
Prineville and expects to make some
large purchases.
Now, for the big ball tomorrow night.
See the tfrand march at i o'clo.k it will
be impresnH-e. The supper is to be jiv
en by the Women of Woodcraft and
wives of Woodmen, and it will be a
Secial feature.
All stockholders who can should attend
the annual meeting of the Lake County
Telephone A Telegraph Company at
Paisley on Monday, April 7th. Officers
will be ele.:ted and other business of im
(Kirtance transacted.
Rev. C. M. Smythe, of the Methodist
hiirch, preached to a large audience at
New Pine Creek last Sunday morning
and evening. Rev. Smythe will be in
the pulpit in Lakeview next Sunday
morning and evening.
The young friends of Ross Finley
gave him a surprise party last Saturday
night. There were twenty present and
a pood time was had. The affair was
held at the residence of Mrs. J. Q. Wil-
lits. Refreshment were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Mulkey who have
been spending the winter in Napa
county with their sou Jack, w ho is there
for medical treatment, returned last
week. We are fn formed that Jack is
somewhat benefitted by the climate.
Isaac Robnett has returned to Wil-
ow Kancii Irom Oakland where he
passed the winter with his family. Mrs
Robnett and son Daly and daughter
Millie are etill in Oakland. The eon
and daughter are attending school there
and w ill return in May,
Remember tiie dance and basket sup
per at the McCulley place, three miles
north of Lakeview, on Friday evening,
March 28th. for the benefit of the new
school house. Those who do not take
baskets with them will bo charged fl.00.
A grand tinie is assured.
N. Waldo Taylor, brother of Mrs. C.
W. Kmythe, arrived last week from
Staples, Minnesota. He came out to
Ashland on an excursion train, and will
probably locate here. He says many
people are leaving Minnesota for the
Pacific Coast and a goodly numler of
them are locating in this state. Mr.
Taylor was a railroader in Minnesota,
and is also well up In the Art Preserva
The County Court at their last sitting
recorded their findintcs of fact to the ef
fect that the Court is "satmtied" that
extra help is neressary in the Clerk's
olliee during the registration of electois,
and that such extra services are world
per month. 'I he court further linds
that it is "fully tidviscd as to the law in
the premises." The iif.ire-aid electors
will soon have an oppoi lunity to pass
uon these findings of fact, and to de
termine w hether or not it is jut for Un
tax payers to pay this extra "s) per
month in addition to the flsuo per an
num now received by the County
Clerk. Lakeview Ifustler.
Thus does the Rustler open the cam
paign and fire off the first gun of the
season in local politics. The P.xaiuiiic r
hos-s that during the campaign its con
temporary w ill "hew to the line" and
not attempt to be unfair, whatever may
lie its giievances. The Rustler has on
its editorial staff at least one lawyer j
w ho should lie familiar w ilh the 1-aws
of Oregon, IWJ, psge l'.'U, section !'., I
w liich says :
All electors residing in the lown or
iiiroriMjrated city which is the county
seat, and where the county clerk or the
clerk of the county court has his olliee,
shall personally appear in the clerk's
office and comply with the provisions of
this act, in order to register. TlfK
The law gives the court no discretionary
power iu this matter, bnt says the court
SHALL furnish all neeeesary assistance.
You can x;et it piece by piece ct any piece you
want. You pay less for your goods here and we
give you ClilNA WAR I; l;RI;l:. We want to ex
tend our business and guarantee satisfaction.
ity Meat Market
S fir :
Door North of Hotel lakeview
Beef, Pork. Mutton. Sausage, lite.
LAN!- & riTZOI'RALI), Proprietors.
Lakeview Livery f-
WM. K. BARRY cS: H. W. J. BARRY, Props.
Feetl stable in Connection
:::;.:;:; Horses lioardnl liy the day or month
First elass turnouts and saddle horses.
Our specialty is the ijuick and safe de
livery )f passengers to all points iu
the district.
Z May and Grain for Sale.
?jm!n Parry's Opera House tr;;ru:r,:L.n,
PfllHTQ Regarng: the Forty Second Annual
ruHjd Statement I? EQUITABLE LIFE.
New luisincsH written iu 11101: - $245,012,087.00
(iross assets, " . :J3,0:W.720.:-I
(iross surplus " . 7 1 ,7'Jfi,797.(M
Total piiynitMits to policy holdcrH 27, 714, (Si 1.42
Iiurinu the past ten vears. the K.niital1.. .! t-'ft n.'ul 'mi on i .l!.,.l...l
its policyholders, wbirh largely exceeils the amount paid in'tlivideuis by any olh
erjCompany duriiwi the same period.
s ot
LMsolutlon or Co-Partner.hlp.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Smith & Hteiner, physicians and sur
geons, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. Dr. Smith retiring and Ir.
Steiuer continuing the practice of Ins
profession. All those indebted to the
Arm of Smith A Bteiner are respect
fully requested to call and settle their
accounts at theofDce of the undersigned,
at Read's drug store, as the business of
the firm must be closed as soon as pos
sible. Those who have bills against
the firm are also requested to present
them and receive the cash.
F. K. Smith
ice Stkinkk
j F. K. S
i R. K. L
Dated Laktview on March 13, 1902.
Frank Payne is the dapper young clerk
who now presides over the ladies' furish
ing department of J. C. Conn's Silver
Lake store. It is said that business has
increased in that department sinre Mr,
I'ayne took charge.
J. P. Cotton was shot and fatally
wounded at his sawmill near Ashland on
the 11th inst., by I. C. Messenger, who
had the mill rented. They disagreed
over a settlement.
A j0 r. V Mill l -
9 & ft4-VT,
The Examiner Does It
Don't Guess
At It
but if you are Koiug east write us for our
rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations
offered I y the
Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars
via the
Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and
Don't f.iil to write us about your trip as we are in a position to
give you some valuable information and assistance. 6319 miles
of track over which is operated Homo of the finest trains in the
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or
address :
T. F. A P. A. . Cam'l Agt.
U2 Third Street, Portland, Ore.