LAKH COUNTY LXAHINCR, LAKGVlEVV, ORCOON, MARCH 20 1902. CHANCE FOR THH LOCAL YOUTH Jin WILLIAMS Will Accept Challenge of George Dimmit, lllghty Year Old Ijtd of Snlt l-ake City. AIm.iiI fix wi-i-lta Hkfii llii I'ullrn (la unite a i IihIUmi:i (nun (iunryit I'iiMiuirk, mi HO-year oll yuiiili nf Htilt I.akc, 1'luli. to mil Inlk, mil sing, nut run, out wnlk, nny Ml) yen r t I ('liti lulu in I In' v r 1 1 1 - 'I'hie dill fi-ll uinli-r llm kImiii c ii Wlmrlun Smith, ol the I'ulnri' Cluli Kiniiiih, l.itki-vH-w, wlio lit itni'o ni'ci'iti'i I In) rlinlli-ngi ( tint gay Mllll ll'Ktivt' vimtli limn hull Lake, in tin' filling ilig l.lllgllll)Mi (muni in tint I'ull' C I in will-, r"y til which liim rrnclunl mir iiilili-: Wu lii'ii'liv arrt-pt llm rliiillengn ii( (iiMirn I iiininii k, nl Sit 1 1 Ijikt- City, I'lnli, iiIiIimIiihI in llm liaxeilM three winke ng-i "In nny Clirmt mi in the I'mli-d Si.iii-x, ur tin l'.t.lili kingdom tn run, wnlk, mug nr Inlk i r Iwn hniire. We arri-pl Ihi I'lialliMige in la-half of .1 lit Wlllllllll", ! l.ltkl'Vil'M , Oii-gnii, (hk Inn lnirkrriai, mnl would like Id nnike H lift n( We uill ut i m r limn against ii-mgn I iuuniik , or nny ol Iht ! -yi-ar nl'l limn llii Hide "I the K'H-kv M"iititiiiin, to ii'ir, iliiiu'i', ulk, j il in p. In ix , w resile, or lilt . Jim William l eighty vims old next June, uliuuli nix lii't linn' i in tn-H, Mi'llm "lii miiiiiii and In lln "flu ki-ht union" fVi-r iiiiidi' lovi-to a 'ii ll) yiil. Vmikii to ini'i't I in In Itiiiiiniik luill way, ami il In' Iihh 1 1 i i 1 1 i ' V tod i liUrllirn Willi In' run I'Hnlly uft a fit 1 1 . Wry truly, WiinKiov A Smith. I'mI.U'i' ( 'lull I Cm mm, I.iikrvii'H , t Iri'ttoli. Mjtltl W'na IK-r Terror. "I Mlill'd I'lHIU'll lll'lll IV Hll lll'lll lil.'." uriti-c Mi. t'liit". iiliv'u. "I .Mi'X . in 1 r i .i , 1 1 1 1 , "inid roiild Imrdlv k'i'l inn -li'i'i. I had roiifintipi iiu, mi kind tluil if I"! ii I.I.h k I would i' o ijj 1 1 friulillullv nml M'lt IiIhI. IhiI, u lii'ii nil oilier Iliidlrllli'N lalli'il, llil.r INI Im.i Ill-Hill I'r. Kiiiiih Ni'W irnM'iv vt 1 1 1 1 v i'iiri'd mi and 1 yaim-d .'iS ioiiii.In '' Iiu itlin ilnli'ly KHiiiitnlri-d to run' I'oiuli", t ' i 1 1 -, I -ii (ii'ii, llrmirliiiiK nml till Tin. ml nml l.uiiil 'Iriiulilrn. I'rii 'ilr ami Tilal ImiIIIi-n (it'c al l i' IIi'iiH'n ilruu nturi'. Arid Land Acclamation. Tin' Muti' l.nml lioard lum n a In-d a tiual di'cibinu in regard to tin1 form ol i-.Mitrart I Ii nt will la- inaili) with irrinu- Iiiiii riiiiiniiiii'N (or tlm ri'il u in hi ion ol arid IiuhIm. In briid, llm board bait lc cidod tluil it will trivu an uppliiniil a roiitrui't lor tin' riH'laiinition of arid land at a price to bit cutiuiaUil by a civil enKinecr apKiin ted by the Statu Laud Hoard. Tliiu price will lie tho amount iliu llm reclamation company ami tho amount .,r which the company willbavi! a lien upon tlm laud. Tim utate oiiKini'i'r will aUo fix the rate the company may chartt per year (or one ol water by Hettlera uhiii rechiimeil land Applicatioiia to reclaim mora than L''i0,(MH) hitch n( arid land are now on li Iu in tlm Statu Iind (Hike, inont cif it beiiiKin llm I ii'ei IhUch Valley. Strikes A Rich l lrni. "I wuh troubled lor wvcral years with chronic iinliui'Ftiou anil nervous de bility, " w rilea F. J. lireeu, of Lancaa ler, N. II.. "No remedy bellied nm uiv til I bcKun UHiuK Klectru: Hittera, which iliil nm more uood Itian all the nmdi cinea I ever unci I. They have aluo kept my wile In excellent health tor years She nays Klin.triu Hitter are iuat milen did for female troiililen; that tliry are a uraml tomu anil mvliorator for weak run down 'vonmn. No other medicine can take its place in our family. " Try lliem. Only bOc. Satinliictiiin duaran teuil by Leu Heal I. The to Hi n-1 ri'prcM'iitativos, Messrs WoliimraiiH and WenNela, accompanied by Dr. Fredrick Mueller ol the Orange Free Slate called at the White House on the 6th itiHt. as citizens and not in their olliclal capacity us Hoer representatives. President Koonevelt liHtencil attentively to what they had to suy and then in formed them that this Kovermueiit can not nml will not interfere in the strug gle. Chronic Diarrhoea. Mr. C. H. WiiiKlk-ld. of Fair IMay, Mo., who Buffered from chronic dysen tery for thirty-live years, says Cham berlain's Colic, Clioleia and Diarrhoea KiMiiuily did him more (rood than any other medicine he had ever used. For aiilo by I.uo lloull. COUNTY COURT Contiiniinl from pagw fl, iiaraiilin fl 00 I (oil it McIhuinIiI labor tel. nmNllpm UHIlltlllM 3 7ft Walter ItunUter labor sect, smallpox iiiHrniiiiiii 1 2-r H, H. iluiiiHter Ixmrd sect, amallpo l it th it 1 1 ri 'M 00 W. K. Hurry et Hon livery team cut. niiullwii tiarniitine 4 CO Win. Itiihnka house rent tiy order Cormier 2 15 II. Si li in i nek A Son indue. 1 00 II. Iwia, milk furiiiMhed T. A. WiH...tii 4 no It in ordered by i,e Court that the claim of Mrs. M. I.. Ilartlerodn In the emu of 1 11)7 ..Ml and J. II. htark in the hm tn o( flUH.OO hi-, nml the miiiie ire hereby allotted in purl, and warrants I ilr-ii iiion ilm Tri-anuer iu payment tlll'M'iif , UN IllllilW H, to M it : Mr. M. I.. Harllei mle, Imard and iniring mualliMix pHtie nil. . . . 100 00 J. li. Mark luluir on nrrt. smalljiox iiiiiriiiiiiiii 72 00 It iipi'i'iiriiiK to tin' Court frnu llm uiiMiii-nt nf tln County ( lurk on file herein, flnm ing tin tin in I kt ol mall itK'iitiil, ilii munlier and amount of m n r r it 1 1 1 h icKin-'l i iiiiiiiu'iii iii January 7, j unrj ami ending Marrh M, 1002, both in elusive, and lurilu-r, from the alhdavita and M'atpH pri-Huuteil that such ftlkle-uii-nl in true and correct, numberiiiK LW.'i MculpD'aud amounting to the sum ol L'7VI,(XI; It ia therefore ordered that aid x t n i-iiK-ii I be and the ame in here by approved. It in ordered by the Court that war rani" be druwn iiMin the Trean-irer in payment of the following- allowed Com-iiiii-Hi..iier' i-l ii i iii , to wit : J. M. Martin, ColiiuiiHHiuiier sulary, per dieiii ami cai-h advanced .'Ill.K5 S. J. 1'roi.e, Cum. fal and -r diem lll.Hl) Court iidjouriied for the term. ('hah. TiiNMM.miS, ,luil)ii. .1. M. Mahtiv, CiiinmiNHioiii r. S. J. I'iium:, CoitimihHiiiiier. Mow's Thla? We offer tine Hundred jKillam re wiiidior hiiv chm ol I'aliurli that can imt U-cured liv 1 1 1 1 I'h I 'hi n i i Ii Cure. F. J. CI I F.N FY A CO., I'roiiH.. Toledo, O. We, the lliulerMiKiied, have known F. J. Cheney for the pari 15 years, and U lie ve him ier(t-ctly hunuralile in all liuiincnH traiiHactions and tinancially aide to carry out any obligations made by their lirm. Wkht iVTki-ax, Wboli-Hule DniKi"tH, Toledo, 1). Wai.iunu, Kinnan & Mak vin, Whub'-iale DruKists, Toleilo, U. Hall's Catarrh I'ure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood ami mucus surfaces of the ryutem. I'rice 7.rH per Inillle. Sold by all drug-Kist-i. TeNtiinonials. Hall's Family Fills are the best. 72t Anthrax In Klamath County. Goyernor tieer this week received a letter from AlU-rt Walker, a prominent stockman of lily, Klamath county, say ing that many cattle have died in Fort Klamath of Anthrax, that some of the infected bauds of cattle were bought and brought into the Uly neighborhood to winter and some died with the disease there, says the Ashland Tidings. Some of the stockmen in that section rail the disease blackleg, anil Mr. Walker asks that the matter be investigated. Gov ernor (ieer has referred the matter to the state Veterinarian for investigation. Mr. Walker's letter was accompanied by one from Col C. A. Cogswell, who urged action for the protection of Southern Or rgun cattlemen. "olectricTtyT Are you suffering from Rheumatism, Weak back, Nervous trouble, or Gen erally run-down system? Use Electric Kelts and Hatteries. For men and women. Fleet rie Insoles keep the feet warm and prevent catching cold. For booklets and circulars, address, F.lcctric Appliance Co., lOtf. Medford, Oregon. A Printer Greatly Surprised. "I never was so much surprised in mv life, as 1 was with the results of using Chamberlain's l'ain Halm," says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Asheville (N. C.) Gazette. "I contracted a severe case of rheumatism early last winter by gelling my feet wet. I tried several tilings ior n wiinoui nenent. iue uay while looking over the (iuzelte. 1 no ticed that l'ain Halm was positively guaranteed to cure rheumatism, so bought a bottle of it and before using two thirds ol it my rheumatism had taken its flight and I have not had a rheumatic pain since." Sold by Lee lieall, druggist. AVorclat)le Prepnniitonfbr As similating ihcrotxliintinctf u!a ting die Sloinuclis oral l3owc Is of Promotes l)i"3!i'.v.t.C!ifcrritl ncss mv Hi'f-u out. tiir. nnllax OrntMn.Mori'i'.i-tfi iiorKuu-iiil. ' Tvor IlAiu.'irnc. i f.'u,l.f if: '..... .'n .i .'-. ' : ' h.-l: pi:"..l . . : '. 1 1 lion, i , Utirill:,( ':'' 1 " i ncss vuiil I.J -:.rr .:, Fac Su-il:; I.e. i ', NKW VtJiiK. tXACT copy or wrapper. iiliinHuiiM-. PI lil.lMHKKM' KllTK R. Sl'BSi'RIHKRH Wild rAll.TO ItKi KIVKTIIK KXAMINKK r-Kiilnrly. i-itln-r by mall ur eiirrii'r. will einilr Kril Invur by ri-nrtlii Un- Im t l (till efllei- I ullrc. tiiiciMMHMMimmmittx Vernon's New Livery feed & Sale Stable HOB I tl OF C01CT tlOLSE lakevlcw, - - Oregon. Stylish Single ami Double Turnouts. Good Strong Rigs For Traveling Men Ladies and Famil ies will find eafe rigs at this stable. S. J. VERNON, Propr. G. W WISE. General Merchandise, First-Class Hotel, The Plush House, Tonsorial Parlors. Plush, Lake County, Oregon tMMSMMIOMO00 00.MOSMO Mrs. Aviragnetee EXPKRT AT MNDIMPRESSINGGLEIINNG CLOTHING Parlor on Main ritrect, junt north of Fleltl'i Hervbaudiiie Store. Prlcet Moderato nl Hmlifauiion Guar anteed. Cllve me a call. A Prosperous my iii 11 ;s ii j We are glad to note in closing our books for the past year that our bus-in-H8 it. etemhly increasing. At the beginning of this, a new year, we wish to thank our many patrons for their liberal patronage. We wish to reassure you that we will at all times aim to carry none but the beet makes of Implements and Hardware; in fact any goods which belong to our line. We respectfully solicit a continu ance of your patronage, and also witih those who are not yet our pat rons may become such. We will serve you to our mutual advantage. lloyond a doubt we can w ill make it to your advantage to call on us lie fore maki'ig purchaaes in our line. J. E. BERNARD & SON P 111 For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years P ill tmc nmiia company, mcw twnk rpr. T.akeview brewery AYRES & SCHLAGEL, Props. SALOON IN CONNECTION Beer sold Wholesale & Retail Delivered any place in Tow n M m Bias ii I B 1 PIANOS a J. W. Maxwell o Q A ifat rr Ten of the Best Q Vj high grade and k 4 standard makes r H of Pianos g f S240.00 and up ffl Organs 850 up ORGriOrS BLflCrfniTHS AMD W1QON11KER5 Year... Horseshoeing A Specialty Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW-PAISLOY. A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor. Leaves Lnkeview at 6 a. rn. every day but Sunday. J-eturtiiriff, leaves I'airley at 6 :'60 a. in every dity but Sunday. PuMflfrrt' art S j. Hound trip $ $ OFFKB-RjrDOlli A Winnflelil'i, Uki-.lw. Ager JLakeview Stage Line S. L. McNAUGHTON, Proprietci Office, Hotel Llnkville Klamath Falls, Or. Vrt Lakcvlew at 6:30 a. m.; arrlre at Bi In It bourn. Ittb Bly at 6 a. m.; arrlre at Kiar iih fall in b hoiirt. I-ave Klamath falla at 7 a. m.; arrlre at B-lrk In houm. lpave Bswlck at 4 a. m.; arrlre at Aget la 1 houra. Mikea connection with all train at Ager Cal. EasyCoaches Excellent Accommodations Paavngi-r epra au'l fr-iht trirfi aol.ciK-H. All huainra eairuaird to a will lie mpiliU.1. FRANK T, GUNTHER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER LOOKOUT 551 For an) one killing or Meal ing loc helnniring to the South Eastern Oregon luo. Stock Association $500 REWARD Will be given lor the arrtmt and oonvi.-tlon ol anjr per on or peraon, stealing anjr nock belonging to mem bun of thia Aaeoeiatiuo. J. D. COUGrlLIN, J, n. INNES, President. Secretary. Greatest Playground on Earth EVERY NEED EVERY WISH I CAN BE SUITED EVERY PURSE SPECIAL RATES Have been established by the SOUTHER PACIFIC between all parta ol CALIFORNIA and ita rreat number of moe reeorta by which the expenee of a trip la reduced ti a very low and reasonable rata. For example: FROM ALL PARTS OF CALIFORNIA TO THE RESORTS IN THE SHASTA RE GION, lake tahoe and suhround INOS. vosemite, tub bio trees, thb KINGS RIVER COUNTRY. FROn SAN JOAQUIN AND SACRAJIENTO TLLKI im I S TO THE MONTEREY BAY COAST. FRO!! THE SANJOAOUIN VALLEY, ARIZONA Amu i-icw i it: unj TO THE SEASHORE IN SOUTHERN CAL IFORNIA AND THE RESORTS OP NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. For full Information, Inquire of nearest agent of the Southern Pacific visit DR. JORDAN'S omatI tUUSEUU OF AHATOUY1 tail HARKIT ST., MM MUtNCKO . CAL Owswsia Mass a Ssssiiaj Q Thekwa-eMleat)aat Visual la uta War'd. WwrW HflVer etilieiet I Waaiiaeaes, ar aayeaatraea. a4alsesae.alMTelvaairislby I the elaw tveeUJlst ea the PeatAe ' ST ll Osaas, SilitaH ye WBL JMOAH-MIVATl ISIAIIS f 1 & fitu awesi a4 alddte) ' I A Brethaaaleeia yweiafk?tf ( rear. Werruus sad aaslau hxhillkr,!... I keisaer. aexa Jaaa in aa nsestepo- ueaa( alsraaskaraiesa, rrokiwc t llriaailae, eiae. ay a aaasaiMiiM mt 1 resneillea,aarleorate peoee. ttis Deetor ' 1 baa sa arraaaW bla traauaeai taat (T will aet . 1 ealr aird Tmsaedlaie relief, but versaaiient 1 m. I ke Beessr eas aet alalsa to rertsrss t HbuiM. at si wen aeewa to ae a ia- aee , seeare raysltasa aad 11, ere enilaeat ) to bit speolalw-lklaeiaaM ! Mosl ( , SJTPSfIa.ia Ibereagkir ermaieaiea rreaa I Use aratoaa mhhi aae aesoi aurrarr. Trweewa Sited b aa Sxaera, xtwaitwi sir tr msiaitsire). A e,olck : an4 msiMeul 1 eMler Pllea. rieearo asd Ft-lalss.k ' 1 fee. Jerdaaa saeelal aata'ees methods. . ITIir MAW applying to aa wui issslve IT MAM a I tiirnn of I aisi 1 1 klsecniplalnt. We wtU .uaraMM CUSM aa I every ease we fen4ra. 1 r-.nsiiitoiua fRiJt andetrterypnyaaa, Traeuueiil peneaally er by lelwr. writ. a k. raitaoorilT d AiSUSa. afaiLaaraaua U. releases I beak ler meev) Caiierwrito R. WRDAN ft M., I I Market