Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 20, 1902, Image 3

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Tin m li tii nl convention are nut (ur
Mr. Kiln I. in key nt t tn jmhI niilrl.ln tit
Hum recently. No ratine U aaalgiied
for the rah act. Sim formerly Mihr
Win t in-y of Kiixrnn mill In imw tint wife
of Clarence l.tirkry a Harney stockman.
I'rmiiit iiinilii'iil aaaialaneo saved her
from death liy rurtxilic add.
Vimi ill never lull to lnk niioiln-r
iIimi of ill l ynii mire try (Chniiilx-r-IiiIii'n
Mmnarh l.lver Tahleta. They
are eaaier In tnke mnl morn plfaaant in
rffei't. They rim nun tin nloiniti li and
regulate the liver Mini howela. For
dale liy Ihi Ural I.
Tnapah, the new mining region of
Nevada, i dooming, ami new mines arc
Ih-Iiik located rapidly, ami some of them
aro very rnh. ' lie laleat great dia.'overy
ia a tiiriioiM mint, A nam pie of the
alone hint heeii aunt away to Jvaatern
) rl w ho aay ii is the genuine article.
When vim wake up witli a had taate
in your month you may know that you
need a il'i. of t 'liHiiilx-rlain'a Sioiiihi'Ii
.V l iver Tadli'ta. They will rleaiiae
your stomach, improve your appetite
ami make you feel like a new man.
Iliey are eay to take, In-ill augur
roatinl, ami pleaaaul in effect. For aale
by Iteall.
Miaa Maud Italdwin. daughter of (ieo.
T. Italdwin, lliu hardware man, and
Kilitiriau of Klamath Fall, hai returned
home from Aahlaud where nhe IiBH ier
fecled hcraelf in the art of pholouraphy.
Mia Haldwin will oen a atudio at the
Wanted Intelligent young men, from
17 to It) year of axe, having rouimon
ai'hool education, to learn mechanical
trade. For full information aily to
or write to I'nii.n Iron Works, 2.''.' Mar
ket M., Han Francisco. 2-2in
John Anoier came In from the desert
last week, and returned to ramp Satur
day. John drought hii whiskers with
him ; a I no fl'iO worth of coyote and rat
scal which lie presented to Clerk
(inntlier. He rcort his flock of sheep
doing well, and no loai.
The"l'alare"i aa (xipular bh ever.
Whorton Smith have a host of friends
and their resort in a ine-'ling place.
The I'aUcc linn the rcputatihn ol lea 1 1 11 n
out the heat in every thing. The I'uhire !
hilliard riHiiu !.a the lineal hillmrd nud '
umiI tnhle in town, 1! tf j
Ir. K. K. Smith, w ho attended Mrs.)
J. T. Fluke at Kork Creek in a re.cntj
dangerous Illness, rereived a message j
from Mr. Fluke last Thursday to the i
etleet that the patient wan rapidly im-j
proving. Mr. Httke was in a serious
condition from typhoid-pneumonia.
Prop in at the 1'alace and see (ieorge
and rent. They treat their patrons
right. Kino hilliard table. 2. If
A Madeline corresondelit to the I.aH
nen Advocate says that Mr. and Mm.
K. M, Ituasill and Mra. (iotimaz are
thoroughly schooled in making one com
fortahle, and the traveler who goes
Madeline way will And comfort and
good (are at their establishment.
For Infant, and Children.
Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Interesting Notes
(lathered (Hiring
The Week and
Stated IJrlcfly
For Examiner Readers
Now doth the htiay randidate,
With Jollies rli'h and rare,
iet out iimiii the avenue,
And give 'em all hot air,
iet a good, clean, hot hath at Frank
Smith' eln. When you ron e out of
the hutli plant yourwlf in the chair and
gi'l n clean thave, alter w lilrli try hi an re
nure dandruff uiediciue. W tl
I'epiitv StiM'k lni-'(lor Clarkmiti in
moving hIhhiI in the northern part of
the county to watch the varioua haudn
of nheep a they moe in fiom the dencrl.
Some H ah in rcortcd on the denerl and
the Inspector will hpvo to la on the
alert for the next few month.
For lieat huflet, har and Hidlxiard
and 1 1 in medicine cahiueln, "Jenhe
M.Mire" pure rye or htiriKiu whinky
ha no eijuul. Juiiimc rthal.
"When Johnnie Jone and Jennie
Fimt felt young Cii,,id'n dart
They al upnii the ottoman
And nal thin far apart.
Whixky that nuiln, that doe you giMxl,
aidn your ditiention and apMtite, in the
hiire tufl "Jenne Moore" rye or Imur
I miii. Jammerthal.
Hut later on wan heard a Hound
'Twan very like a kim
And lo! upon the ottoman
They natwimew hat likethin."
There in whifky and whinky, hut only
one "Jek Mimre" Wliinky the kind
diM'lor recommend for it purity and
Since January 3d, 30,000 rahhit acalp
have la-en taken In Klamath county. In
two month 700 coyote and cat acalpa
were alno taken. The Klamath Re
publican ay there ate not many aheep
in that county, and "the rvwal ot the
coyote law by the next I-eginlature"
would be Ix-netlt to that county be
raune coyote eat juck rnbhit. In this
county we would much prefer thut a few
lena rabbit be eaten and more coyotes
be killed though we would like to aee
the rabbit exterminated, alno.
The LiiHHen AdviKate learna that the
California & Oregon Telegraph Company
ban contracted with J. Johns of AhIi
Valley for r-awed Mlea for the extennion
of their line from Termo to Alluran,
tliu milking a direct wire to Iikeview,
(Iregou. Theprcccnt line, running from
FoUoiii'h to Adin, via. (iranKhoppt-r Val
ley and Harden Hill will bo abandoned
and taken down. All bueinenH from
Adin, Itieber and vicinity will then go
direct to Alturan. Work on the new
line will be commenced April Int.
C. S. lleneticl, the Chew ancan lumber
man, wan here on hu.nincng taut Thursday.
Mr. iieueflel gays the people of his (lec
tion want a county road into the Little
Chewaucan country, and that the high
way could be built w ithout a greit deal
of exMnae to the county, aa the citizens
would willingly pay a considerable purt
of the expeime in labor. They believe
it ia not anking a great deal of the county,
an many people in the north own home
steads in the Little Chewaucan and
there ia no way of getting there by team
without going through private proper
ties, and meeting with great Inconven
iences.. You
At New Pine Creek's
White Spreads
The Place to Oo.
I have two Irli ndu who keep place
In the fit jr hy the l.l.-,
Their Invlistlon In h-ttcra of Hold
l, "Hnyt, w hat will you Ukr?"
7 In y keep (It niniini-r nl nolace,
W lilnki y, W Iik- ami lli-cr.
i.ixhI ClKurii - In (i't, mom anythliiK
7 ha weary heart to cheer.
Ami now my lal la marly topi;
"Tw in chance ami a aure IIiIiik.
J ii at take your choice, hut my advice la,
iio lo Pout St Klna.
Thk Kovra.
Aanennor litair in doing hoHiiien in the
Silver Ijike aection.
Thin is the season of year when the
County AiHennor receive hi annual
"cttnaing" and realises that bin pathway
in in l strewn with rones.
If you don't want to mixs the good
lime of the seaon don't fail to attend
the grand Woodman ball and supper to
morrow night.
"Woo.mian, spare that tree." The
Woodmen will spare the tree, but they
will spare no pains or trouble in enter
taining their friends royally at the ball
and supper tomorrow evening.
In reading "Around the 1'an With
Uncle Hank," written by Thomas Flem
ing and published by The Nutshell Pub
lishing Co., 1059 Third Avenue New
York, one would wish to have accompan
ied I'ncle Hank in his travels. It is
really the funniest and most humorous
book of the day.
C. W. Dent and J. W. LofTtus came in
from Adel last Thursday to kettle with j
the tax collector and get the 3 er cent
rebate. Mr. I-offtus says the sheep in
the Warner section are all fat and there
has been no loss among flocks but the
natural loss. He says there have been a
large number of coyote scalps taken on
the desert this winter.
John T. Duvis and his associates have
dincovered a mountain of arvenio in a
range 50 miles southeast of Taconia.
This is claimed to be the first important
Ixaly of arsenic ever found in America.
The supply heretofore has come from
I Cornwall. The United States now im
port nearly $1,000,000 worth yearly.
A short time ago a Kentucky girl
horse whipped a dentist for making
"googoo'Yyes at her. .One of the local
editors in the town in writing up the
affair stated that the girl's bosom was
tilled w ith rage. The mischievous print
er put it "rags." They say the editor is
still camping out ou the hill north of
This slfiiatare Is oa every boi of the (enalna
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Taweu
h ramedy that carats roM lat iay
Wanta Watch
Fleeced Wrappers, Flannelette Gowns,
Flannelette and Eiderdown Dressing Saques
Knit Underwear, Ladies' Waists and Skirts
Ladies' Coats, Capes and Fur Collarettes,
Muslin Underwear, Ladies' Children's and
Misses Rubbers, and Rubber Goods every
kind, Men's. Felt Boots and Bootees (new)-.
C. U. SNIDER . . .
UK" fc-
i i. ti i .- -
F. n. MILLER & CO., Prop'rs, F. P. LIGHT, Man'gr
Put vour ad in The
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
J USTR?v iEA llhetim e" Building on Water St.
The Oregon has been thor
oughly renovated and re
furnished. Table ser
vice is neat, clean and
the best the market af
fords. Moderate charge
- - L. F. WINKELMAN - -
Big Store.
-Jl ' III I Lr .7S " JKH.
. .. I
Examiner, it brings 8 m