Em Mtntttett LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAR. 20, 1902. NO. II. VOL. XXIII. it-- THli KOUTE ro lARLKA-IJASTLRN Cl I V LlN UU I ! I'rtK-lor Saya the lilg Road Will Run Through l ake and Harney on to Wclacr, Idaho. tti-o. II. I'nH lor, tin- moving fj.irit with Lord Thurlow In tin- building ( iho Eiireka-F.a.lerii, tn Redding It-ii iluyH ago, ami for tin- flrl Hum gave will tlm lull details of tlio route ami plan n( tlm new road. To a Bui-li-lin repoiter lit mi-l: "Tin. will l.- tin- llii-t linn- I have really given tlm detail (o a iicwpar, ald the .New loik liimiic n r. --lint in terview telegraphed (nun Chicago gave the fitel in general, Iml tlit-y did not toiu Irniii l.or.l TIiiiiIiiw or me. Wo refilled ti wii new r- u ( XT I in-tl llieic. K. II. lUrriinrtii ( tint Southern Pat-illc mid Jninc J Hill til llitt (irt-at North ern an- Intimately eonce rued in the building nl thi Kureka A Ealern Rail road Irmii Kureka, via. Redding, to Wt-int-r, M.iho, a distance til HOD mile. I have winked oh the great iriji--t mi t i-Mxi iik' t y lor a year ami a half. The roiiltiii t lor building tint ruilmud miih lt-t t.i lint Finance Company of New j York, and hy tht-iu has Ut-n sublet to j I Iraki-A Mrnlloli of New Ytirk. The Miilnl it '.'o,tiN),iNK). It iiiuy imt (.out, tint lull amount to build tint road, hutj il w ill rout iit-iir it. All the money in ( i ...i. i - i...... ............ i lll, HIHI wr IIP R ll'l I'Minin ii.fiii wuutiv. Though the fliit'I work baa been carried tin at quietly a to excite liule atU ntion, nvry mllw ul the road ia aurveyed. We mirvcyed Irmii Kureka, to the count, to the Sacramento river, juHt alx.vo Red ding. ( Mi the eiti-t nide u( the river, out through iSurney valley, wo adopt a (till survey minlr by the I'nion Pacific sev-i-rnl year ago. In brief, thin it the rmite : "We run from Kureka a little south of eiiht niroHH UuiiiIhiIiIi and Trinity t'oiiiilit-N. We bi'itr nix miles south nf Weuverville. It is i in jm iumi lilo to pa-ia nearer t hut town, owing o the topo graphy of the country. (X course branch w ill eventually run to Weaver villi. Wo coniu straight through the Shasta divide to Tower House, through old Shasta and straight down Middle creek, near the public road to the Sac ramento river. We cross the river at a Miint near the northern liiuita of Red diii)i. To ko up l'itt river at once ia out of the way, ao we run up North Cow creek to Hatchet creek, liana back of t'arhc rryH, down Iturney creek, throuKh Hurney valley, thence following the gen eral con run of the l'itt river to Fall Kiver Mille, through a corner of Laenen, paat Alturaa, in Modoc, and Lakeview, in Houtberii Oregon, and northeaHterlv through Lake, Harney and Malheur coil u tie to Weltter, on the Oregon and Idaho linn, "From Wuiner there ia a narrow guago lino running 100 miles north. This will be widened to the atandrrd guago and J. J. Hill will build south from the Great Northern to connect with this. From the Fall River Mills a branch line will run to the southeast through Lhhhcii county to Termo, to connect with the Northern California and Oregon to Keno, Nevada, w hich be comes part of our system. "Ono great overwhelming advantage of the Kureka and Eastern Railroad ia that it is a winter route. Our very greatest elevation is 6000 feet, and we will require no Bnowslieda whatever. Very little snow (alls along the route at all. Hatchet Creek pans is the lowest Puhs for a railroad In the whole Hierra Nevhda mountains. The ease with which we can carry on traflic unioj- i h1.'m1 by winter snows will appeal to the entire East. I "The road (nun Kurt-lea t Redding evatioo will lie 4KMJ feel, ami lite heavi- ' ei graito win ie a er cem. lapiaiiii Del.ainar ami I havn lt-tii working with Mr. Harriinan (or lour month, to prevail upon him to build a branch line to Ilully Hill. The Mumta Mineral Hell Railway Coinpimv i" nurveylng (or rt rott.l to Itully Hill. If they build it, j M vl.itil !.( aa l.aeu t if .si t Imim 1 I Vlit fa II t .....' ., .1 ... H..IU ii.iti w ithin Nix month." I Arked whether his company should , but on a line of s'.t-Hiuers from Kureka to the Orient, l'rK-tor said: "We are building a railroad; doublleas the i Nteamer hue will take rait ol ilm-K." ' 1 i " kl-CLAMATION OP ARID TRACTS. Cen(r...m.n Tengu.'. Amndmcnt Accpt.d and Hill Will b UrportMi I'avarabljr. The Waahiugton I'osl of March 2, say. that the House Committee on lr- i quiring upward of 8Q,J looms. The " - " - , i population of the city la aomethlng , by, and get a ni.e bunch of pine timljer. ritfittioii of Arid IjhhIh yesterday or- ( ' , M . . ' ' over loo.imo. . But I found thousands just as foolmh; dered a (avorahle reiort on the bill JJnvor Cotton Is but twenty-seven , , , , , , . .,i.,, ,.r they had waited a little too long. Only drafted by henators and Representa- ynrs of age. He ia a grnduatc of, ' i Ht a ii ford university and for several a (ew years auo Michigan was the cen lives of the Western States, with an! -, i Slm Prnm-lKr-o .i... i i....:. ...... amendment giving each Male and Ter- j ritory the major portion of the irrigii- j tiiui fund derived from its public lauds; sales. The bill has levn In-fore the coiiimittee for some weeks, and has un- ' dergone minor changes, the anieuduient ad. led yesterday being first of real im portance. As oriuanally framed the bill created a general lund Irom proceeds from the sale of public lands in the arid land Slates, the Secretary of the Interior ing given authority to expend this amount in the reclamation of the arid tracts. Chairman Tongue, of the com mittee, has maintained that this giws the Secretary ol the Interior too wide a discretion, and that each State should retain the bulk ol its own public land sales. It was his amendment which prevailed, all the members present vot ing (or it except Mr. New lands, of Nevada, one of the original trainers of the bill. The rejKjrt will lie drafted by Represen tative Mondell, of Wyoming, and will be urged by its friends to early consider ation in the House. MR. TONGUE'S INFLUENCE. It ia a noticable fa-t that the lunger Mr. Tongue retains his seal in the Con gress of the United States the greater becomes his influence. Regarding the bill providing fur the Reclamation of Arid I-arido, Congressman Tongue, who is Chairman of the Committee, has al ways maintained that each state should retain the bulk of its own public land salea, and this opinion met with vigor ous opposition, but Mr. Tongue has won the Committee over to bii way of think ing, and his amendment to the bill to that effect prevailed, Mr. Newlanda of Nevada being the only member to object to the Tongue amendment. Mr. Tongue ia to be given the compliment of a re nomination to Congiess by the people of the First District of Oregon, and the nomination will be made by acclamation. As usual the Republicans of Lake will send a solid delegation for Tongue to the convention at Rosclmrgon April 1st. At a special meeting of the Town Trus tees held last Monday Terry A Stanley was substituted as electrician and en gineer of the electric plant in place of J. A. Anthony. Mr Stanley has pro posed some radical changes for the im provement of the system which will be considered and probably acted ujvon by the Town Council. Mr. Anthony will look after hiw el c trio power at Tine Creek. WAS ELECTED MAYOR OF ILOILO BY FILIPINOS San Francisco Man i teats Native Tor the Place After Hot Con test, by Three Votes. Iloilo. the second eity ( be I'hilip-nirii-M in t-oinmercial aniJ? political Hu ,,,.,,.,. riM.f,itly In ld an election for f. It wtm lir.tltf it tl 1 1 iit 4i Hfll Tt- suited In the t hol.o of an Anierlcnn j over n nntlvo. tin' flrat popuhtr election 11 "tlre MnUil at W1I,',L',I "n1A'"';';- linn bus won at tilt )ll. Aylett It. i-,.m,.m lr ,.f H.m IVimi litfo wna the ' aiii-ceKKful ciiutlldrite, defeating the nn- I nioiitlia will bring the largent immigra , 1 r; I'r;l'b-.te Ybler.ma. by a , U()i tli(, count ,iaB ever exIH.rienm, I vole of 4' I to I . . . ' Hollo Ih the inetropollH of the iHhind of I'n nny. the 11 fill in hI.c of the whole group coiupilHlng the Hilllpplne archi- peliigo. Itla the capital of the provlneo of Iloilo and la about -" nilli a by wn- ter from Manila. Here nre the real- Hem es of the Kvcr,.or. the ' the port and ottier olllclala. I he city contnlna mnchlnc shops, a foundry, hut factory and la the Industrial center for the manufacture of native fabrics, re- ...... - with his futher. ex-Judge Cotton, late president of the California Society of MATOB COTTOJt Ot ILOILO. Pioneers. About two years ago he went to the Philippines to engage in com mercial pursuits with his brother, Stewart W. Cotton, rtiptaln of the Stanford footbnll team of 18U7. The Manila Tlmea devoted considera ble space to a reKirt of the election, which was conducted on American linos, with atreet purudes beaded by bunds of music. A secret fusion of two supposed antagonistic elements was the principal cauae of the defeat of the native candidate. At Last It Is Here. A violentcase of smallpox was reported from the Indian camp south of town last Saturday morning. Dr. Daly, acting county physician, with Dr. Stiner inves tigated the case and decided that the disease was the genuine smallpox. The disease must be in the air, and was pro bably "wafted over from Klamath county." The Examiner is glad to know that toll physicians have at last agreed that smallpox really exists within our county. The patient referred to, an aged squaw, is under Btrict quarantine, as is also every Indian in the infested district. Town Marshal Harvey has orders to shoot any Indian who gets on this side the "dead line," but he will probably not resort to such harsh measures should he have occasion to carry out his orders. The Indians have been vaccinated and are being provided with food by order of the town authorities. It is not likely that the Indians will attempt to come in contact with the people of Lakeview now that they have learned of the fright ful instructions given to the Marshal to shoot any of them that attempt to in vade the healthful precincts of Lakeview. AY 1, 1 -1 MICHIGANDER 0IVB3 SOME GOOD ADVICE Why Sit on the Fence and See Them Go By" to Take up the Bet Timber Claims ? J. II. Messier, formerly of Michigan, now of RoHehurg, contributes the fol lowing on the value of Oregon limler, to Ko,eb,.rK Maimlealer: . '-Why nit on the fence and K-e them 'go by? (iet you ome t.mlr while you ' 7 I c"" ''live your choice. The next two , "ie larger part ol the immigrantb j will be after timber lands. It is onlv a , naUer o( few ,arH y - ' 3 i homentead, all that is, or would j ye your choice, is just gone. I speak from exlfcrience. Only a lew years ago i ' ' e ! " Michigan, I thought any old thing . wouid do, and sat like a bump on a log, J . . . . , ici ui iiitj luiiiurruig uiijumry , lotiay . . . , lhe-v re "l'l'8 Oregon pine to far- lawsy Miehigun. Take my advice and 1 go out and get all the pine lands you j can handle, and in a few years you will ! have money enough and some to loan. The pine in Oregon is good sod it is bound to come out in the near future. I believe a claim of 100 acres, which would lumber 5,000.000 feet, on some river, or near some railroad, will bring at least f-3,000 in two or three years. I have induced 14 Michigan people to come to Oregon, since I came, and have letters that eight more are coming." No truth was ever more opportunely spoken than the above. A few wise people in this county are "taking time by the forelock" in this regard. These jieople have taken good advice, and re alize that the time is short in which to take timber claims under the existing law. Ex-Judge Wilshire, who knows a good thing when he sees it, is confident the old law will soon be changed, and when the change does come it will cost those who desire to take timber s good, round sum. The Examiner, having been advised reliably that the timber act would soon be repealed, lost no time in giving the information to its readers, so they could take advantage of the law before it was too late. There ia yet time but tomorrow it may be too late. nodoc Suspects" Released. It is probable that the lynching cases in Modoc will be dropped as there is no probability of a conviction being had. All of the men arrested for participation in the lynching of Calvin Hall and his sons and Dsn Yantis including Jim Brown who was acquitted have been discharged from custody and re paired to their respective hemes. Those released on Monday were Joe Lcventon, Claud Marcus, O. A. Trowbridge, E. 8. Trowbridge, R. L. Nichols, J. R. Myers, Fred Roberts, and Harry Roberts. Yesterday morning the remaining sus pects were released. They were John Totter, Jim Brown, Isom Fades, Lou Palmanteer, Henry Knox, Wm. Mo Daniels, Claude Brown, A. L. Colburn, Sam Parks, R. E. Leventon and Jerve Kresge. The curtain has dropped on the last act of an awful tragedy and will probably never te raised again. Upon the release of the first eight men they were banqueted. A band of 230 two-year old Klamath steers were sold last week by J. C. Mitchell to A. F. Hunt, at $27 per head. LAST RITES UNDER AUSPICES OF WOODCRAFT Eugene Circle W. of W. Mas Charge of the Funeral of Mrs. John R. Hammond of Paisley. The Eugene Register has the follow ing acconnt of the death and burial of Mrs. J. R. Hammond of 1 aisley : Hammond At fialem, March 10, 1902, Mrs. J. R. Hammond, aged 33 years. The body was brought to Eugene from Salem on yesterday's morning train and taken to Day & Henderson's undertaking parlors. Deceaed was a resident of I'aixley and waf- taken to Salem hospital where an operation was performed, resulting in her death. I)e cased was a niece ni II. D. Edwards, county commissioner, and a step daugh ter of Al Farrow, of Paisley, a brother of C. S. Farrow, of this city. She leaves a husband and two children. She was a member of Women cf Wood craft and the local circle will attetid the funeral which will be held this after noon with interment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Funeral of Mr. J. R. Hammond. The funeral of Mrs. J. R. Ham mond occurred yesterday afternoon, the burial train forming at Day & Hender son's undertaking parlor's. The cer emonies were conducted under the auspices of Eugene Circle No. 16, W. O. W.t deceased Wing a member of Pais ley Circle. The beautiful realistic ser vice of the C rcle was performed at the grave and the remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Mrs. Hammond has relatives buried there. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION". A convention of the Republican party of the First Congressional District of the State of Oregon is hereby called to meet in Roseburg, Oregon, Tuesday, April 1st, 1902, at 1 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of nominating one Representa tive for Congress, and to transact such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. The convention will consist of 171 del egates, apportioned among the several counties of the District as follows, to wit: Benton 7 Clackamas 16 Coos 9 Curry 3 Douglas 14 Jackson 11 Lane 18 Lincoln 4 Linn. '. . . .14 Marion 22 Polk 9 Tillamook 5 Washingtou.. . .12 Yamhill 12 Total 171 Josephine 7 Klamath 4 Lake 4 The same being one delegate at large for each county and one delegate, for every 150 votes or fraction thereof over 75 cast for Presidential Election in November 1900. Delegates or others in attendance on the Convention may secure a rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip on the Southern Pacific and Corvallis A Eastern Railways, by paying full fare to Roseburg and taking a receipt to that effect and having same properly cer tified by the Secretary of the Conven tion. T. W. Harbib, C. B. Winn, Chairman. Secretary. dood Work In Tax Collection. Sheriff Dunlap has made a great cleaning up in tax collections. Up to and including March 15th the amount collected was $31,994.51. The 3 per cent rebate amounted to about (1,000. Taxpayers generally took advantage of the rebate rather than to pay interest and penalty after April 1st. There is now left upon the books uncollected $10, 500. This is an excellent showing. Last Friday, the 14th inet. was the ban ner day for collections, $9,917 having been paid iu.