Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 13, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 10.
'v'ht the Dt-Rree of lienor is Ac-
complishiiiK in a Fraternal
-i Way in Lake view.
? ..-1 ..
' The w idcawake auxilliary of tin' A. .
I? W. lodge lakeview, tli' I Kjurnt of
Honor, luii cpiriled contest cm hiikuiw;
Its memliers to create culli hihhiii in
Degree work mi l to innrim-nt the already
large nif!nlic'i-li!i .if that order. Tim
; menMT8 luive c-Iiommi Hiilc-M, Minn
Lillian Hurru ntptain of tlx one and
) Miss I'oni I.imUiy of Uic- other. The
; purpose of t he- i-oiiti-t. if to w whioh
side will have to provide line banquet
; lor the other .ludi'f- of the conit'Ht
.liave been chosen ami they are to award
credit lor each number of u program
to be given ly theeontcHlantM. Tim Bide
' i awarded tin- most credits will be dec lared
the Winner, mid will he the guest of the
rothor lit the banquet. Nearly every
'tnemhiT iH taking Home part in the pro
'" Hr.wn. l.nHt Thursday evening Captain
C, Lindsay's pelf -irmers gave their pro
gram, mid a general good lime washad.
; On ..Thursday eveninir, March l(th,
- Captain Hurrus' force will render their
program, and then it wid he derided to
whioh fide belongs the victory. Follow--!
ing is the p.oram rendereil hy Captain
Lindsay's side hist Thursday evening:
j' Song The ( Mil Oaken 'nickel, by Screech
i Owl Hub; Cinhore, Spanish Cava-
I ion Charge of the Light Brigade
. J ('. Oliver-
'? DialouMU The ni-ipn ;Mesdnmes J.
? IliirniH, 1.. Vinyard, J. ('. Oliver
I and M iss .Josie Harvey.
; .rfyng Sunshine of Brotherhood, Thos.
' Keir; Knchore Sweet lie lie Mtthone
-: liieoitation Bridget and the MiniHter,
,' Mi-H 1'earl Moss..
" ong - The Old Folks at Home, hy Club ;
. ; Enchore, The Deitchcr's Iog.
l- Dialogue CollcMiuy; J. C. Oliver and
. . Kpi; Miller.
L Instrumental Music Miss l'earl Moss.
; limitation Baby's letter; Miss Mae
; (Snider.
; : Instrnmentai Music Miss Josie Harvey,
1 , ; Clarence Snider and Will Boyd.
(Jhost Cake Walk -The ImpH.
' rng Them Coldeu Slippers, hy the
Club; Knchore, Yankee Doodle.
Ixidgc l'aper Hy A.llieU'r.
Hong Seven Out, by W. H. J)alryinple ;
Knchore, Run, N iirger, Uun.
Itecitation When We Went Cuurtin,'
; by MIhm l,iduiarrett.
Fari-e in Two Aet, " Matrimonial Adver
, .. 4 tiHeiuent," Cat :
Mre. W. UuHHill Aunt Mattie
Mra. J. Arzner Mary Cole
tIora I.indMuy Grandma
-Kmory llartzoy Ujicle Cynn
Clarence Snider ,Jack Cole
v.. Kecitatjo!i W, l. Dalrymple.
iiecitation A Dream, by'fcay EuierHon.
, J'Uaay j.-C. Olivtin.
Hona--Junt an tbe Sun Went Down; by
; theCUjb.
" oK-A Hahdfull OtTurf; by Tboa. K.
: Keir; nchore, Bonnie Jean.
Eieay A. Bielwr.
Oig When Johnnie Comes Marching
Home-; by the club,
Glutting Hong Captain Lilly and tier
'"" Hobo Club; (composed by A. Bieber
? by the Club.
. .Cungressmau Tongue w rites The Ex
aipiner that no bill (or leasing the pub
lift lands Is likely to be reported at this
HtWHion, and that no bill can possibly be
framed into a law that does not look to
" tt? of tho euiall fatovutut acid
home builder, Mr. Tongue assures The
. J:aui'nier that he is on the side -of the
"Mudall bolder in this matter.
Tells of the Doings of the North
End and Promises to Keep
Examiner Readers Posted
Silver Lake, Oregon, March 8 (To the
F.ditor): Tom Thumb desires to nee
Home imt ice of this section in the col
umnH of The Kxaminer, ho he;e's for a
few "incident."
Wind! Wind!! 01 J I'.oreaH has leen
wreaking veneari'T or paying off some
old score on this eommnity for the pant
week. If Santos Iumont and liin flying
machine were in Silver Lake valley they
couldn't keep from flying. And if any
body needs a little more grit to help
him alotig in thiH world he needs hut to
vinit thin place w hen the wind blows at
the speed of a mile a minute.
Ixist, strayed, or stolen One tall,
handHGine young man, from the residence
of F. M. ChriHiiian, of Silver Lake, on
or about March .'id Anyliody w hocanjsive
information as to his present residence
mav communicate with Mr. Chrisuian,
or the nurse, Mr. West, and receive nuit
ahle reward.
I'oni I ion wanted, hy trained nurse,
l.cferenees given if desired. Address
"Cope," Silver Lake, Oregon.
The green grans is growing Call
'round, all 'round", and Sprin is
surely near at hand even if old hoary
Winter does presist in reclining in her
O'ir stockmen are still feeding. The
herds faced quite well this winter.
T. J. Jackson has returned from a
huHiness trip to the Klamath Agency.
He reports finding some deep snow on
his trip through the mountains.
J. S. Martin has rented Mr. Homing's
Buck Crtek ranch, and the former
gentleman will move his family and
household poods to the new home before
Miss Odie Horning, who spent the
whiter with her parents here, will re
turn to Corvallis the latter part of this
G. II. Small, who spent the winter
with his family in the Willamette valley
was seen on our streets the other day.
Mrs. T. C. Hamilton is still confined
to her bed witli a serious illness, but
was improving at last reports.
Loren SStreeter has been suffering from
neuralgia for some time, but is improv
ing under the skillful treatment of Dr.
I know you have lots of patienc, Mr.
Editor, but 1 will not try it too far the
first time. Tom Thumb.
The American Cattle Growers conven
tion at Denver on March Gth adopted
resolutions advocating the enactment,
with some amendments, of the bill now
before Congress which provides for the
leasing of public lands for gracing pur
poses. F. C. Lusk of Chico .was
elected president of the association.
The members of the executive com
inittee for Oregon are John Gilchrist
and William Heryford.
Resolutions were adopted asking
President Koosevelt to susjaand the
work of removing fences from, the pub
lic ramie until action on the leasing bill
is taken. The convention declined to
adopt resolutions regarding the oleo
margarine and the Grosveuur auti
shoddy bill. The convention then ad
journed sine die.
It is stated that .Secretary Hitchcock
of the Iuterior DepartmjAct, is soon to
retire from the President's Cabinet.
Mi mmm
TIih old Liberty bell, by which American liberty was proclaimed to the world from
Indf ien'lnee hall, Phil;td"lpliia, on July 4, 177(5, is now at the Charleston exposition. It
wiu rakc-ii to New Orleans in IKNfi, to the World's fair, Chicago, in 1893, and to the Atlanta
exposition in lH'.l"). The four Philadelphia policemen who accompany the bell as a frnard of
honor are John J. Hobiuson, Gilbert L. Forsy the, William A. Fan-ell and William P. Bruce.
Mrs. John Hammond of Paisley
Dies in a Salem Hospital In-
terment Held at Eugene.
The sad news of tiie death of Mrf.
John Hammond of Paisley was received
in Lakeview by w ire la!-t Monday morn
ing. It was only three weeks aco since
Mrs. Hammond accompanied her hus
band to Lakeview to consult w ith physi
cians Smith and Steiner, and w as advised
to go to an hospital at Salem and submit
to a delicate operation. Soon after re
turning home to Paisley Mr. and Mrs.
Hammond started for Salem, and the
next word received from them was the
sad new s of her death. Dr. Smith re
ceived the message by wire and was told
to advise the relatives and friends at
Paisley of the death. Mrs. Hammond
died at 7 a m on the 10th inst., presum
ably from the shock incident to a
surgical operation, though the telegram
gave no information regarding the
cause of her derth.
Deceased was the daughter of Mrs.
Farrow of Paisley and had numerous
relatives and warm personal friends in
that section. She was also greatly ad
mired by many people in Lakeview
who knew her well. She was a highly
respected, amiable and kind hearted
woman one whose nature was full of
sunshine and happiness, and whose heart
eat in charity and good wilt for all
mankind. lier death is a severe blow
to the loving husband and other relatives
and her place will be difficult to fill in
the hearts and the memory of a host of
loving friends. Many tears will be shed
in Borrow over her intimely death.
The funeral as held at Eugene .yes
terday, and the, remains were placed by
the side of her father and brother in the
cemetery at tha'tplace. Mrs. Hammond
was a charter member of .Paisley Circle,
Woman'ipf Woodcraft, and hers is the
first death' to occur in the Woodcraft
circle of Lake county.
Tore Electric Power.
The County Court has given J. A. An
thony pet mission to construct aud main
tain a line for the transmission of
electricity from the Stat Line at New
Pine Creek along the thoroughfare to
Lakeview. it is understood that Mr.
Anthony has secured the power in Pine
Creek and ii is understood that he w ill
generate electric power lor electric
lights and milling purposes both at New
Pine Creek and Lakeview.
Comes With His Family From
; Hinnesota to Occupy a Local
! Pulpit and Save Souls.
Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Smythe and
little child arrived in Lakeview on the
delayed Western stajje last Saturday
night direct from Staples, Minnesota.
Kev. Smythe has accepted the call to
the Lakeview Methodist Church, and
The Examiner sincerely hoties that the
charge will prove a pleasant one. He
has the appearance of a cultured gen
tleman, and in our brief acquaintance
with him we are led to believe that he
is just the right stamp of man to make
a success and create enthusiasm in re
ligion? circles in Lakeview, w ithout go
ing to extremes. He appears to be an
all-round man, and a jolly good fellow
a preacher who will command the ad
miration of all with whom he cofnes in
contact, and we sincerely hope that the
church people, as well as outsiders, will
contribute liberally toward bis mainten
ance. Lakeview now has two first-class
men of the cloth, in the persons of the
new minister and Rer. 0. W. Hoiloman
of the Baptist church. Leaders of
church circles should see to it that
they are both encouraged to remain
here. There is plenty of work for both
in Lake county. Rev. Smythe has a
charming wife and little daughter, and
upon their arrival her were escorted to
the Methodist, parsonage where every
thing was comfortably arranged before
hand for their reception by the ladies of
the church. The day following his ar
rival Rev. Smythe occupied, the pulpit
in the. tyethodiet church, and again in
the evening. Those who beard him
were well pleased'. lie will be in the
pulpit at New Pine Creek next Sunday
School Benefit Dance.
On the Friday evening' following the
Woodman ball, (March 28th) aecond
dance will be' given at the McCulley
place, thre miles uorth of Lakeview.
It will be a dance 'and basket supper,
and those w ho do not bring a basket
will be charged with the small sum of
$1. It id to be a benefit for the new
school district, and ail who can should
patronize it. There will be uo dis
count on the elegaut supper, ior the
ladies out there know how to please.
Remember the date Friday evening,
March 28th.
Lord Thurlow's Road Will Make
Lakeview'a Hummer, Thinks
the Redding Searchlight, ,
Lord Thurlow has arrived in Redding
from New York, and confirms the report
thpt the Eureka and Eastern' Pail road
will be built, and that work will soon
begin. The contract has been let to
Drake & StraMon of New York and the
finances have been supplied. The sroad
will be built from Eureka, on the (fnast,
to Weiser, Idaho. The Redding Search
light, a newspaper that is never behind
on the n-;v8, says of this big enterprise:
The Humboldt Times, published at
Eureka, does not appear to enthuse to
any inspiring extent over the prospect
for the coming of Lord Thurlow's rail
road, which is to make the port of
Eureka "the rival of San Francisco and
Seattle." But the Times had not then
heard the latest news.
Red Bluff apparently is more inter
ested in the news than was Eureka.
The Red Bluff News a short time ago
was making sport of the English pro
moter and of the enterprise he was pro
moting. The Sentinel, however, prints
in full the Chicago interview with Thur
low, showing that it affects to be no
wiser than the nietropo.ian journals
which first give the interview currency'.
It is unfortunate, of course, that the
road is not headed from Eastern con
nections to the head of river navigation
at Red Bluff. As the California termi
nal of the Great Northern, the Northern
Pacific and the Oregon Short Line, Red
Bluff might become the greatest inland
entrepot of the West. It was once
headquarters for a crew of dining-car
servitors and can now boast of one of
the largest oil ta.iks on the Shasta
Route, so if the promoters of the
Eureka and Eastern are looking for a
city with experience as railroad head
quarters, Red Bluff may yet carry off
the prize.
The Lakeview Examiner, published
in Southeastern Oregon, is alive to tho
meaning of the news, for the Eureka
and Eastern will certainly touch Lake
view before it disappears in the -bunch
grass of Malheur and Harney counties
and on into Idaho. The road will make
Lakeview the metropolis of one of the
richest grazing regions of the West.
Republican Committee fleeting.
At a meeting of the Republican
County Central Committee held in Lake
view last Saturday it was decided to
hold the primaries in the various pre
cincts on . Tuesday, March J8th, the
polls to be open at 1 p. m. It was also
decided to bold the County Convention
on Saturday, March 22d. A resolution
was passed to the 'effect that the voter
of the two Lakeview precincts be priv
ileged to vote at the same polling pla;e
they voted at the election two years ago.
The Republican call appears in an
other column in this issue.
Error Corrected,,. ,
The Examiner unintentionally stated
last week that Judge Benson's opiniou
in the Hough vs. Porter water suit was
in favor of Houh. It should have
stated the McCall vs. Porter case. Tho
Hough vs. Porter case has not been de
cided by the court. The case will come
up for further hearing at the next term
of Circuit Court. The only action taken
in this case by the court was extending
time for the plaintiff, Annie C. Hough,
to tile her amended complaint, to the
19th day of May.