Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 06, 1902, Image 1

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"l 7
NO. V.
..Miss Alice Roosevelt, Daughter of President
i Roosevelt, Christened the New Boat in
j the Presence of a Brilliant Aessmblage
' - - i : -s -
N I W 'ScKk, -cbi nary IVi. In a drizzling ruin and in the presence (if H bril
liant a'-ciulilii-c, amidst cheering ami tl.e muring .f cuunon, tin- German Emper
or's new wImmiihm yu lit Meteor war- launched f r n 1 1 Shooter's Island today.
- ? I'nlike tiie weaM er tlie airantreiiK iitH w ere perfect anil im u toward incident
Oiuire.l il.e in -cu-ion. Tlie I 'reside!, t , Mrs. and Mi-h iloosevelt. Prince 1 lurry and
tin- !i -iiiiii-lied : 1 1 1 ai n.pai ymg them wire enthusiastically cheered on ar
riving :ii the platform Inult jn, t liml. i.f I lie bow of t lie Meteor. Without delay
aftei -i. i i in-- l.:id 1 n exchanged Mi-s Koosevclt stepped forward and taking,
' hold ol a siivei cvcied hut! le rontahiing German chain pagl.e, broke it on the Bide j
-of ine v . er.c uniii) :. ' I ri. tt-n tie e Vete .r." Immciiiat ly she nied a sil- J
. . . . i i i.i i . . i . i . i : t . .. M ..i Tl,..
Vcr aNe aiel -i-wie I :l.- rope which rclc.lM'"! Ilie weignis Honing me mrivin . J oe
v.--Hi'!.wnt uiiir- i illy into tlie water with the American flan breaking out at the.
tullr.ul. A inei ii-an and German national airs were p!ayed and from the scores of
Traf! ci i . 1 :vi ii i titr e.-n i sion ist , came enthusiat ic cheering.
' MiHh lloo-evidt w .re a dret- of naphire hhie velvet, u lurv:e Viluck hat trimmed
with o.-'.ti' li lea' Keif an I a fur muff and hoa.
5 Alii THE
'rwri ri n irvT'lM'Ht '" M,"lul l!"u"ty wh("'8 ",l,,u'H
; I WbLVh i 1 12. IN jure as follows: Sol P.illick, Alturas; Jeff
. Mulkey, lavis C'ueek ; Scott Claspell,
The l.onjj'nnu Tedious Trial of C'edarville ; Theodore I-e, Davis Creek;
Jim" Brown l;or Murder in j Pert Spicer, Steele Swamp; (i. Holmes,
flodoc Ends in AcquitUtl.
Neuilrallof The Kxauiincr subset ib- Meiner l'.acleville ; I!. P. Lyons, Willow
erf wen; informed by "Kxumincr Sup-' Hunch ; Jasper Junes, Alturas.
plemeiit" issued last Thursday morn-
in', of the verdict of the jury in the case Lakeview is Now Included.
of "Jim" Hrown, on trial in Modoc for'
complicity in the lynching at Lookout.
The publishers of this paper endeavored
to get a copy of the supplement into the
hands of every subscriber w ithin reach.
James W. Hrown, the defendant, was
,' on trial for the murder of Martin Wilson
the thirteen-year old boy, who was
lynched with Cfllviu Hall, James Hull,
Frank Hull und Dan Yuntis at Lookout
in May last. Two bullots were taken by
the jury. ( n the second ballot the vote
stood twelve for acquittal. It is stud I
one juror was for conviction, but voted
! blank on the first
I The jury w us i.oinpoHed of some of the
All urns; Harry Wilder, Luke City;
William Smith, llatileville ; Henry
A few weeka up The Examiner an
nounced that u movement was on foot
to form a ruein circuit in Northern
Culi forma und Southern Oregon, and
that w bile Klamath Falls was included
in the proposed circuit, Lakeview and
AltuniH were omitted. It is now an
nounced by the Sun Francisco Hulletin,
Willows Journal, and other (Julifornhi
newspapers that the new racing circuit
bus been formed and that Lakeview and
Alturas are included in the district.
The district w ill cover Shasta, Trinity,
Siskiyou, lel Norte, Modoc, Lassen and
Tehama counties in California and
Jackson, Klamath and Lake counties in
Oregon. It will be a big thing for Lake
viow to have a great crowd of lovers of
the sport and a long string of good
sprinters from the outside to come here.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of the
Luke County Telephone and Telegraph
Co., will be hbld at Paisley, Or., on
April 7, VM'2, at 10 o'clock a. in., at the
Woodman Hall. A resolution will be
introduced to amend the Hy-Laws al
lowing the directors to incur a limited
indebtedness. A full attendance of
stockholders is requested.
-2t V. L. Snki.msk, Sec,
Manley Whorton and M. R. Mart
Will Get Reward for Evidence
That Convicted Ojrlesby.
At laiit the question of povernau'iit
rewnrd tnorifiy for the 'videnr-e that led
to the arreHt and conviction of Huh
O'h-hhy for rubhing the I'niteti States
tnailn, hat been nettled, and the reward
ih to be ji at once. It will be re
membered -hat about a year aj;o last
ChrintmaH, I'.oh ( leyby, driver on the
Lakeview-rainley Mape line, robbed the
mail of which he wac custodian, and
then hurried into l.akeview at break
neck npeed and informed Sheriff lunlap
that he had been held up and robbed.
Suspicion at once attached to Oglefby
and on ChrihtmaH ni):ht, as he was pre
parint; to p to a ball, he was arrested
by i-heri" iMinhip and placed in jail.
A $10 bill whk'h (Vdesby passed at the
store ol Hart & Heach was the tell tale
evidence, as the bill was traced from
the l'aisley postoflice where the num
ber of said bill bad been larefully re
corded by Iteputy I'ostmaster (ieorye
P. Lovet'i'ove. Kitially, after oinjr
through a "sweating" at the hands of
the sleiil lis und local detective atrencv,
)glesby broke dow n and told , the offi
cers where to lind the mail where he
had hidden it under a log on 'the moun
tain side. lie was taken to Portland
for trial, was convicted und was shown
mercy by the court. lie was sentenced
to one year's imprisonment in the pen
intetitiary. Oglesby was released last
fall, and went to Washington.
The Federal ollicials of the Postottice
department vere convinced that there
ward offered by the government should
be equally divided between Manley
Whorton, then Marshal of Lakeview,
and M. K. Hart, at whose store the f 10
bill was passed, and who worked upon
the case from this evidence.
Messrs Whorton and Halt have re
ceived official notification that a United
States money order will be forwarded
to them, in the amount of if 100 each, in
cure of l'ost pinaster Wilcox, as soon as
the Postmaster (ieuerul places his of
ficial "fist" to the orders.
It was expected that the amount
would be in total llioO, and that the re
ward would be f lol) each, but only $200
was allowed.
Sheepmen of Luke county report an
unusually small loss in their tlocks this
winter. There is comparatively no loss at
all as a result of the weather, and were it
not for the depredations, of coyote ami
cougar the flocks would return to the
shearing pens with a full count. It bus
been a good winter on the desert, and
the indications are favorable for good
grazing on the nimmer ranges. Tho
last storm has left a heavy full of snow
in the mountains.
y t&f$J
j Cedarviile Record Says it Won't
! Ray, But the Buliheaded"
; Promoters will Build On.
The Lake view Examiner of last week
contained an account of a new telephone
j line soon to be erected from Ashland,
I Oregon, to Alturas, via. Klamath Falls
j and Lakeview. It is one of those
schemes that look real nice on paper,
but has little merit to recommend it
w hen analyzed, and for that reason we
believe that it will be some years before
the line is built, if ever. In the first
place, it takes money to build and
equip telegraph and telephone lines,
and in building they are supposed to
puss through a country with sufficient
population to guarantee a certain
amount of patronage, or go to a given
point that will yield good returns.
From a business point of view the pro
posed line has neither of the above ad
vantages to recommend its construction.
It would be over 300 miles long and pass
over a country practically without pop
lation in many places, and would
hardly receive patronage sufficient to
pay decent wages to twoopeiators, tosay
nothing of line repairs. As there are
no mills, mines or manufacturing along
the proposed route, one is at a loss to
see where the business is to come from.
Besides, Alturas, Lakeview and Klam
ath Falls already have telegraphic con
nection with the outside world.
11. V. (Jutes, of Hilsboro, Or., is said
to be the promoter of the scheme, and
we venture the assertion that, if the
line is built, he will have considerable
more exjerience and less money than
he now has. Cedarviile Record.
Don't fatigue yourself, neighbor. The
line will be built from Ashland to Lake
view all right, and the material is en
route now from the East. It does take
capital for such enterprises, and the
said capital in this case is at band, and
the line will "go to a given point that
will yield good returns." The Lake
County Telephone iu operation between
Lakeview and Silver Lake, a distance
of one hundred miles, is a complete
success and w ill soon be a dividend pro
ducer. It was built by Lake county
Mr. Gates, the leading spirit in the
new telephone movement, it a thorough
business man, who has built inaoy sue-ci-afful
eiitviptioua of a siuiilar charac
ter iu this state. The Examiner will
make a wager that Lakeview will be
saying "Hello!'' to Af-hland before
next Fall.
Principal McCcrmack Retires.
It is to le resetted that Principal
J. K. McCormack of the Lakeview pub
lic sihool finds it necessary to resign his
position ami leave here owing to failing
health. For some time past Mr. Mc
Cormack has been troubled with weak
lungs, and recently suffered a severe
attack of pneumonia which greatly ag
gravated the disease. He has never
been strong since, and after consulting
with his physicians and the Hoard of
School Directois on Monday evening
last he concluded to retire from his ar
duous duties and seek a restoration of
health in some mild climate. At noon
on Tuesday he bade his pupils fare
well and retired from his labors.
The Hoard of Directors decided to of
fer the principalship to Miss Pearl Hall,
who has been a teacher in our public
s diool for three years, and who has had
ch arge of the Primary department dur
ing the present term. Miss Hall ac
cepted the charge and began her duties
as Principal at once. The Primary de
partment will be un.ier the supervision
DH. VOX lfOI Jt Ul;., THE GtRiiAN Eil
UAStiADOU. of Miss Grace Driver during the re
mainder of the term.
Mr. McCormack left for Paisley yes
terday to pay a brief visit to his rela
tives, and will return here next week,
and then proceed to Phoenix, Arizona,
where he will reside for a time in the
hope that his health will Le restored.
The retiring principal is an able teacher
and the School Hoard as well as the pu
pils of his department, regret that cir
cumstances compel him to give up his